Schedule for learning English on your own. Personal language learning plan: an A to Z guide

How to learn English without abandoning the idea after a month of intensive study? How realistic is it to learn English on your own?

Just one or two hours of daily self-study a day will show in just six months excellent result. Are you on own experience You will understand that learning English is not such a problem. The main task is to create an action plan and stick to it religiously, without missing a single day of classes.

Action plan:

Get ready to allocate 1-2 hours to study English daily (this is the bare minimum, ideally it would be 3-4 hours).

It is necessary to draw up short plan, which will include four daily 15-minute sessions.

No matter how busy you are with work, everyday life and other chores, even the busiest person can afford 1-2 hours a day for English classes.

1 Complex workout

Let's practice listening, reading. We are working on pronunciation.

Using the site

On the website we choose one of 140 independent lessons(free lessons).
All lessons are not only interesting, but also educational!

Having chosen a lesson, try to understand by ear what the author is talking about without reading the text. If English is still poorly understood by ear, you can choose a slow speed of perception, and listen to the same file a second time at a fast speed.
After listening, read the article, translate everything unclear words and expressions. Listen to the same lesson again - now your understanding should be 100%.
It is advisable to take the same lesson for 2-3 days.
If you want to practice your pronunciation, listen to a slow-motion file, read along with the speaker, imitating his intonation as much as possible.

To practice writing, you can rewrite a sentence from this lesson from memory, having read it a couple of times. Thus, the skill of correctly “assembling” a proposal brick by brick is formed. Without memorizing the rules of grammar, you will develop the skill of correctly expressing your thoughts in English.

2 Practice reading

For reading practice, ordinary textbooks are not always suitable /too boring/, and books in English are still difficult to understand.
IN in this case Books in English, adapted for ESOL students, are ideal (there is a special stand for this literature in bookstores and libraries).

Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, even Chekhov in an adapted form in English will captivate you with the plot, and due to the simplicity of the phrases, you will forget what language you are reading in. You will devour books one by one.

3 Learn grammar

To improve your grammar and not waste a lot of time poking through tedious textbooks, use 15-30 minutes a day of this very useful resource

The site is easy to navigate; you can choose lessons by difficulty level, topic, and teacher.

4 Listening again

Be sure to watch a short excerpt of your favorite TV series once a day
(Friends, Alf - who likes what) in English.

If English is not yet available entry level– watch the episode in Russian first, immediately switch to English (while everything is fresh in your memory) and watch the same episode again (preferably without subtitles).
Thus, day after day, the skill of understanding everyday everyday speech will be formed.

It’s not difficult for each of us to allocate four short breaks to study English!
In addition to watching movies, listen to various podcasts in English.

From personal recommendation - A. J. Hoge And

How to stay motivated?

To ensure that the motivation to learn English does not leave you, you must follow three rules:

- Choose only simple and easy-to-understand material to study. On initial stage Don't force yourself to watch TV news.
Don't develop an inferiority complex in yourself.

- Choose only interesting and educational material.
If you are interested in sports, read, listen, watch materials about your favorite sport. Do you like to travel? Go deeper into this topic in English.

- Look up to the children.
When learning English, do not try to speak as quickly as possible, do not force this process.
The first six months during the study foreign language try to remain silent. Focus initially on listening and reading
Spend approximately 80% of your time practicing listening and reading, and only 20% of your time speaking and writing.
Having just reached Advanced level, change the proportion in the opposite direction.

And don't miss a day!

Learning English is more than possible! Remember, every missed day sets you back 2 days.
Even if you can’t devote 1 hour a day to English, set aside at least 15 minutes to read a book or watch a TV series.

This article will focus on plans and steps that language learners need to take.

Of course, if you are studying in, the teachers will take on a lot, testing you and preparing a detailed study of a foreign language.

But if you decide to study independently or additionally, then you will need an accurate plan, with the help of which the most difficult goal can be presented as a sequence of achievable tasks. The experience of polyglots shows that with each new language the learning process becomes more interesting and clearer, so start planning right now.

Have you ever thought about where you will apply new language, how does it differ from other languages ​​and what is its culture like? For example, what associations does it evoke in you? Are you thinking about a trip to Rome, are you mentally traveling to sunny Venice or traveling through the magnificent Puglia? Perhaps you love croissants for breakfast with a cup of cappuccino, adore pasta with seafood and love various sauces? What do you think of when you speak Italian? Do you remember Marcello Mastroianni or Hugo Tognazzi? Perhaps Raoul Bova is the sexiest actor for you? Once you find your emotions associated with a language, it will be easier to start learning it.

The next step is to define your goals. Answer the following questions:

  • Why are you learning a language?
  • Are you going to apply your knowledge in practice?
  • Do you want to work abroad?
  • Strive to communicate on general topics?
  • Do you want to master it?

To achieve each goal, you will need certain actions: to communicate on general topics you will need grammar and basic vocabulary, to master business vocabulary you will need standard vocabulary, after which you can move on to and learn how to use them correctly in speech and correspondence. This path can be quite difficult to follow on your own, so do not hesitate to ask your teacher for advice.

Remember that to develop all skills, you need to pay attention to all aspects of the language: grammar, writing, colloquial speech, comprehension, vocabulary, reading and pronunciation.

It is important to understand that the learning process may be different if you started the language from scratch or continued to study it. If you want to consolidate the acquired knowledge and remember the material, you can practice vocabulary on special sites and study with a teacher for regular speaking practice. Learning a language from scratch requires much more serious tasks: mastering phonetics and reading rules, understanding grammar and composing sentences, working on pronunciation and constantly expanding your vocabulary.

Decide for yourself the order of topics you will study. Do you want to go on a trip? Then your topics will be the airport, cafes and restaurants, taxis, ATMs, shopping, etc.

Don't forget about active work: It’s better to practice every day for 10-15 minutes than once a week for 1.5 hours.

Don’t be afraid to dream and make plans, but don’t forget to put everything into practice as soon as possible so as not to “burn out.” Don't live in illusions, learn languages ​​today!

Today, many people are wondering about the possibility of learning English without the help of a tutor. And this desire, without any doubt, can be realized if we focus on theoretical as well as practical aspects.

There is nothing difficult in learning English on your own, but only theoretically, because in practice everything happens differently. To increase practical techniques for learning a language on your own, we offer a six-month course.

A set of literature for learning English

Let's first decide on a set of literature, without which it is difficult to learn the basics of English:

  • grammar reference book,
  • word dictionary,
  • phrasebook,
  • applications to expand vocabulary.

Before you start studying, you need to find suitable material. Many people make the mistake of spending precious time learning techniques rather than mastering the language. On at the moment Publishing houses sell interesting and colorful manuals, each of them good in their own way. Focus on own goals. Ask yourself, what materials would you like to learn the language from?

Subdivide plan self-study English language into stages. So.

First two months

The first few months require full dedication to master the English language. It is during this period of time that you get used to the need to learn the language and build a certain system. That is, these months are the time for laying out the foundation.

Now it is important to listen and delve into everything that is in English, that is, songs, books, conversations. However, at the initial stage of language acquisition, you should not neglect classes with. He is the one who will help you delve into the world of English.

An important point is to increase your vocabulary: you need to study at least 15-20 words every day. To understand and conduct dialogue in English, you should know about 3000 words. If you study at least 15-20 words every day for six months, your vocabulary will expand to the required level.

During this period, it is necessary to study a foreign language for several hours a day.

Third-fourth months

This is the stage of knowledge development. By the third month, you will be familiar with more than 900 words and will be able to speak English on certain topics.

It's time to find a like-minded person who, like you, is learning English. For these purposes, we recommend registering in different communities. In principle, this can be done at the initial stage of learning, because learning a language with a colleague is much more interesting and productive.

During the third and fourth months of study, it is important to improve your skills by devoting several hours to lessons every day.

Fifth-sixth months

By this period, you should have completely mastered the language, and now practice and more practice are important for you! Talk more with your friends, watch movies and shows in English.

Continue to devote several hours to English every day.

And so English self-study plan helped me achieve my goal! All that remains is to improve your own knowledge.

If you decide to learn English on your own, then the very first thing you need to do is prepare a plan. We decided to help you with this by providing at least approximate algorithm and explaining what needs to be done and when. Our rough plan designed for 6 months, but, again, some will cope faster, others will need more time. In any case, you will already have something to build on.

Before moving on to the plan, you need to decide on a set of tools that will help you learn English on your own:

  • grammar reference book (the thinner the better);
  • dictionary (the most convenient, of course, are online dictionaries);
  • study guide (to suit your taste);
  • phrasebook;
  • aids for language learning (for example).

Choose educational materials based on your level of knowledge and don’t be lazy to spend a lot of time on this part.

Plan for self-study English:

1 - 2 month

The first two months are the most difficult and important for those learning English. You build a system, develop the habit of learning the language.

The main thing here is to surround yourself with English: books, songs, communication.

Of particular note is the expansion of vocabulary; Every day you need to learn 15 new words (for example with). To communicate fluently in English, you need to know approximately 2500 - 3000 words. By studying 15 words every day, in six months you will expand your vocabulary to the desired level.

During this time, you should devote at least 2 hours a day to learning the language.

3 - 4 month

This is where you will start to get the first results. Consistency will be achieved easier and more comfortable. If you did everything correctly, you will already know about 900 words and will be able to carry on conversations on certain topics. Find yourself a conversation partner (live or on Skype), a native speaker, this practice is simply necessary.

You also need to devote at least 2 hours a day to studying, but already practicing and developing speaking and listening skills. Start reading simple books in English, highlighting unfamiliar words. Also force yourself to think in English. Every time you think about something, mentally translate all thoughts into English.

5 - 6 month

By this time, you should already speak English well. Now practice and only practice: with friends, colleagues, partners. TV shows, films and books (more complex ones) in English will also help.

Stock up on a few films in English. And don’t worry about not understanding something while watching. Understanding speech from a film is much more difficult than understanding the speech of a real interlocutor.

Continue to devote 2 hours to the language every day (at this stage, it will be especially easy).

If you continue in the same spirit, you will very soon be able to fluently carry on any conversation in English, the main thing is not to reduce your practice.

How to learn English without abandoning the idea after a month of intensive study? How realistic is it to learn English on your own?

Just one or two hours of daily self-study per day will show excellent results in just six months. You will understand from your own experience that learning English is not such a problem. The main task is to create an action plan and stick to it religiously, without missing a single day of classes.

Action plan:

Get ready to allocate 1-2 hours to study English daily (this is the bare minimum, ideally it would be 3-4 hours).

You need to create a short plan that includes four daily 15-minute sessions.

No matter how busy you are with work, everyday life and other chores, even the busiest person can afford 1-2 hours a day for English classes.

1 Complex workout

Let's practice listening, reading. We are working on pronunciation.

Using the site

On the website we choose one of 140 independent lessons (free lessons).
All lessons are not only interesting, but also educational!

Having chosen a lesson, try to understand by ear what the author is talking about without reading the text. If English is still poorly understood by ear, you can choose a slow speed of perception, and listen to the same file a second time at a fast speed.
After listening, read the article, translate all unclear words and expressions. Listen to the same lesson again - now your understanding should be 100%.
It is advisable to take the same lesson for 2-3 days.
If you want to practice your pronunciation, listen to a slow-motion file, read along with the speaker, imitating his intonation as much as possible.

To practice writing, you can rewrite a sentence from this lesson from memory, rereading it a couple of times. Thus, the skill of correctly “assembling” a proposal brick by brick is formed. Without memorizing the rules of grammar, you will develop the skill of correctly expressing your thoughts in English.

2 Practice reading

For reading practice, ordinary textbooks are not always suitable /too boring/, and books in English are still difficult to understand.
In this case, books in English, adapted for ESOL students, are ideal (there is a special stand for this literature in bookstores and libraries).

Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, even Chekhov in an adapted form in English will captivate you with the plot, and due to the simplicity of the phrases, you will forget what language you are reading in. You will devour books one by one.

3 Learn grammar

To improve your grammar and not waste a lot of time poking through tedious textbooks, use 15-30 minutes a day of this very useful resource

The site is easy to navigate; you can choose lessons by difficulty level, topic, and teacher.

4 Listening again

Be sure to watch a short excerpt of your favorite TV series once a day
(Friends, Alf - who likes what) in English.

If English is still at an elementary level, watch the episode in Russian first, immediately switch to English (while everything is fresh in your memory) and watch the same episode again (preferably without subtitles).
Thus, day after day, the skill of understanding everyday everyday speech will be formed.

It’s not difficult for each of us to allocate four short breaks to study English!
In addition to watching movies, listen to various podcasts in English.

From personal recommendation - A. J. Hoge And

How to stay motivated?

To ensure that the motivation to learn English does not leave you, you must follow three rules:

- Choose only simple and easy-to-understand material to study. At the initial stage, do not force yourself to watch television news.
Don't develop an inferiority complex in yourself.

- Choose only interesting and educational material.
If you are interested in sports, read, listen, watch materials about your favorite sport. Do you like to travel? Go deeper into this topic in English.

- Look up to the children.
When learning English, do not try to speak as quickly as possible, do not force this process.
For the first six months while learning a foreign language, try to remain silent. Focus initially on listening and reading
Spend approximately 80% of your time practicing listening and reading, and only 20% of your time speaking and writing.
Only after reaching the Advanced level do we change the proportion in the opposite direction.

And don't miss a day!

Learning English is more than possible! Remember, every missed day sets you back 2 days.
Even if you can’t devote 1 hour a day to English, set aside at least 15 minutes to read a book or watch a TV series.

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