How to communicate with low people. Causes of low self-esteem

Communication with difficult people certainly represents difficult task, but that shouldn't stop you from trying. In fact, breaking through these people's barriers can be rewarding if you really want it!

Find out how to deal with difficult people with the 5 tips below:

1. Smile more

Don't expect difficult people to break the ice first. This is your territory. One of the most simple ways to do this is in a smile.

A smile conveys a feeling of friendliness and openness. Even if this person is not ready to dive into the conversation, then at least convince him that you do not mean anything bad.

2. Don't rush to conclusions

Difficult people are not very pleasant to talk to because it takes time to get to know them. As in famous proverb: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”!

You will never know how much you have in common with another person until you get to know each other. Who knows? It just might be another person in your area or office who shares your passion for the same hobby!

3. Talk about safe topics

When dealing with difficult people, start with something proven. Choose safe themes, about the weather, about cars and so on. Otherwise, talking about politics, for example, can lead your conversation to at least a dead end.

4. Don't take words to heart

A harsh word or two does not always mean that the person wants to humiliate you. When dealing with difficult people, keep in mind that what they say doesn't always mean what they say.

5. Speak in your territory

It is easier for a person to communicate and avoid problems when he is on his own territory. This doesn't mean you have to take the person home with you. This only means that you must choose the place where you

How often do we think that it would be very nice if we could make an impression on people from the first contact, somehow influence them. But this does not always work out, if at all. We can start digging into ourselves, looking for dozens of reasons why people don’t think about us the way we would like, and the first impression we make leaves much to be desired. And, oddly enough, we will find these reasons. But is it worth engaging in scrupulous self-analysis, because the reason may lie in the simplest thing - in our voice.

Almost everyone today has heard at least once in their life that having a deeper voice is much better than being the owner of a thin, squeaky voice. Fact is fact, but why? Not many people know the answer to this question, let alone how to even lower their voice, if necessary.

Why do you need a low voice?

Typically, a person who has in a low voice, at the level of intuition, is perceived by people around him as someone who has authority, is self-confident, self-sufficient, and is able to stand up for himself and loved ones. A low voice is a sign of self-control and poise, as well as advance or opponent's sympathy and trust.

The image presented, as well as the sound of a low voice, are always very effective: they work great, for example, when you need to impress a member of the opposite sex, or when you need to quickly win over potential business partners and make them listen to you and trust what you say.

There are also frequent situations when the day before important speech in public, a conversation with superiors or negotiations, a person understands that his voice, as they say now, is “inaudible”, or every now and then it wheezes, twitches, trembles, etc. This is not good, because a high-pitched squeaking voice in no way corresponds to the image of a confident person, a leader and someone who should be listened to and respected. This is another reason why you should learn how to control your vocal cords.

And it is even possible that you are not at all aware that your voice, which seems most pleasant and velvety to you, actually sounds completely different from what you imagine. This can be established by, for example, audio recording. Every person has different perceptions, and some may think that their voice sounds lower in the recording, while others may think that their voice is higher. However, both of these sounds are a clear representation of your voice.

The process of voice formation and perception is quite complex. And, for example, professional and speech therapist Nelson Vaughan explains it as follows: when a person listens to his voice, he perceives it only through his ears. Sound waves that spread inside him, he hears through the liquid that fills him internal organs. But sound propagates through air differently than in dense tissue or liquid. And this difference is correlated with almost the entire spectrum of tones perceived by a person. For this reason, people do not hear what we can hear.

And, ultimately, the topic of lowering your voice will be useful to everyone who stutters, no matter: always or during times of stress. Professor and doctor medical sciences I. A. Sikorsky says about this that slow speech in a low voice serves as a preventative against stuttering, and can give to the talking person tone of self-control, authority and importance.

From all of the above, we can conclude that lowering the voice is extremely useful and effective for almost any person who does not have a deep voice. But how can we lower our voice?

To do this, you need to resort to the following exercises.

Exercises to lower your voice

When talking about exercises to lower the voice, it should be explained that the lower the larynx is, the lower the voice becomes. The striated muscles located in the front of the neck are responsible for the movement of the larynx. And these muscles are quite easy to learn to control with the help of certain exercises. The main condition here is persistence and regularity.

Exercise "Bass Head"

If you pay attention, for example, to a person singing in a bass voice, you will notice that his head is raised high, but at the same time is slightly tilted, as if he is trying to hold some object with his chin or is playing a violin that is visible only to himself. This position engages those muscle groups that pull the larynx in the “down” direction.

Try to do the same, always remembering that the larynx should be directed downward. This rotation, together with its lower position, will lower your voice as much as possible.

Exercise "Yawn"

To perform this exercise, you need to feel the larynx and make a yawn, trying to feel how the larynx descends. This exercise affects every vocal organ: tongue, larynx, soft palate and pharynx.

Exercise “Blast wave”

The exercise begins with a growl on the lowest note. Gradually it should develop into the highest note you can hit, and then in the same way you need to descend again to the highest note. low note, which you took at the beginning.

There should be several such approaches. Having warmed up like this, you will immediately feel that your voice has appeared anew, its sound has become more expressive and brighter, and it has become easier to speak.

Exercise with the sound “I”

Take the starting position: standing or sitting. Do a downward tilt of your head so that your chin is tucked toward your chest, as in “Bass Head,” and then make the lowest “I” sound. After this, slowly raise your head up as far as it will go, trying to fix the pitch of the sound.

At first, keeping the “I” sound fixed will be problematic, and its pitch will gradually increase as the head rises upward. This is an indication that your ligaments are tight and your larynx is shortening. Perform the exercise several times a day until the pitch of the sound becomes even in any position of the head. Achieving such a result can be considered complete withdrawal spasm of the vocal cords.

These exercises should be enough, but I would like to give a few more important tips.

Tip one: try to control the pace of your speech as often as possible. Remember that the faster your speech, the more tense you will be. vocal cords, which means the voice is higher. A person's voice is often compared to a vinyl record - when you slow down its rotation with your hand, the sound becomes lower. And if you deliberately lower your voice tone, your speech will become at least 10% slower.

Tip two: scientists have proven that inhaling through the nose helps lower the voice, because. the flow of air that passes through the nasal passages neutralizes reflexive emotional stress. However, the correct rotation of the larynx and its low position are preserved. So, inhale through your nose.

Tip three: a low voice is very closely related to correct posture. If you are trying to lower your voice, you will simply have to work with your spine - your posture should be straight, but not tense. And here's another thing: from correct position The activity of the brain also depends on the spine - this was confirmed using an electroencephalogram. It has been noted that people who have correct posture and a low, deep voice not only create the appearance of their self-sufficiency and confidence - this is exactly how they are in life.

Tip four: everything is banal here - ! Strangely, the voice of a well-rested person is lower. The trick here is that sleep relaxes the vocal apparatus, thereby providing all the benefits of a low voice. That's it!

But don’t think that people with high-pitched voices are somehow worse than others. In reality, everything can be different: just as a person with a low voice can experience self-doubt, so a person with a high voice can amaze with their confidence and strength. The voice isn't as important as the substance, isn't it? However, no one has yet canceled subconscious perception.

Remember that you need to develop comprehensively: grow as a person, learn new things, develop self-confidence and, of course, learn to manage yourself, including your vocal cords.

Tall and short people are everywhere, they have to face a lot of difficulties in life that people of normal height do not notice.

Real “giants” more often suffer from pain in the legs and back; in addition, they have a number of other serious health problems (dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, etc.). In such cases, doctors usually recommend avoiding any heavy physical activity.

By the way, you can see it in a previously published post. There you will also see a photo of Robert Pershing Wadlow, who is officially the most tall man in the world with a height of 272 cm, his arm span is 288 cm, and his weight is approximately 223 kg. There is an opinion that Fyodor Makhnov was still 13 centimeters taller than Robert. The height of the giant peasant from Belarus was 2 meters 85 cm. Since this fact was not officially recorded, plus many people doubted the giant’s height; the title and record were recognized for Wadlow.

Interesting facts: Kets are recognized as a people with average, but at the same time the smallest height (indigenous inhabitants of Siberia, live on the banks greatest river Yenisei). They have an average height of 1 meter 40 cm, and those with a height of about 155 cm are considered tall.

In China, back in 1936, they discovered a village where 800 people lived; the men and women there were about 1 meter 20 cm tall.

The shortest people in the history of mankind are the people of the Onge tribe, living in Indian Ocean on the Andaman Islands. On at the moment this nationality is small in number (about a hundred people, it is not known exactly). They claim that their extinction was influenced by alcohol; they began to abuse this drug heavily.

The short people of the Mbuti tribe are called "people with a fist." Mbuti women are around 120-130cm tall and men around 140cm.

In 1970, a tribe of dwarfs was found on the border of Brazil and Peru; its representatives were no higher than 1 meter 5 cm.

African continent became the home of the Sari tribe, men with an average height of 1 meter 82 cm. In another tribe, Tutsi (tall ethnic group), the height of all men is approximately the same 1 meter 85 cm.

So low and tall people were always here, depending on your luck. On European continent Swedes, Norwegians, Scots, Danes and Montenegrins are tall.

Below are 36 photos of tall and short people from around the world.

The voice has great importance in the work of a seller. Probably, many would like to have a bewitching low voice. Some lucky people got such a voice from nature. But this does not mean that the voice cannot be changed. Perhaps many have heard the story about Demosthenes, who had huge problems with speech since childhood. But due to long and hard training, he became one of the famous speakers ancient Greece. Today we will talk about what a chest voice is and how to train it.

A little history

Scientists have not yet reached a consensus on the origin of human speech. Archaeological finds indicate that people who lived during the Early Paleolithic period already had a developed vocal apparatus, but whether they communicated with each other using words is unknown.

It is quite possible that our primitive ancestors had enough to communicate sound signals– using your voice you could sound an alarm, ask for help, express anger or joy. And even today, despite tens of thousands of years separating us from people who lived in prehistory, we can communicate with each other without using words. Of course, such communication will be very limited, but even in this way we can convey information and make sure that we are heard.

Voice Characteristics

The human voice has 8 characteristics. These are intonation, diction, resonance, pitch, tone, rhythm, volume and timbre. Each of these characteristics is very important, since each of them directly affects the sound of the voice and how other people perceive it. But the biggest impact on people is timbre.

Voice timbre plays a huge role in communication; it allows you to more clearly express emotions and impressions. Anyone can change the timbre of their voice. Sometimes this happens involuntarily, but in most cases people consciously change their voice coloring. For example, when trying to draw attention to something important, most people speak in a lower tone. This type of voice is called a chest voice; it is somewhat lower than the normal timbre of a person, since the lower vocal cords are involved, and the chest is used as a resonator. The chest voice sounds soft, rich, without sharp sound changes.

What is chest voice

The human vocal apparatus makes it possible to produce sounds of different frequencies due to the presence of head and chest resonators. Head resonators produce clear, punchy sounds with high frequency. Chest resonator reproduces low sounds, so any person, trying to gently convince his interlocutor of something, automatically begins to speak with low intonation.

Speak in a chesty voice Anyone can do it - to make sure of this, just put your hand to your chest and say a few words using the lower ligaments. Rib cage will begin to vibrate noticeably - these are the low vibrations give the voice a very recognizable intonation.

Can you use your voice to achieve your goals?

The advantages of a chest voice are obvious - such a timbre sounds more friendly, which means it contributes to more constructive communication. This feature of the chest voice is often used for their own purposes. politicians, company executives, sales managers, psychologists, speakers - that is, those people for whom voice is one of the tools for influencing specific person or to a mass audience.

In business and sales, voice intonation sometimes has crucial, especially if a serious deal is being concluded and you need to look as convincing as possible. In this case, it makes sense to switch to a lower sound. No one wants to speak in a raised voice - too high a voice timbre indicates uncertainty and a tendency to conflict. A chest voice, on the contrary, speaks of friendliness, reliability and the desire to establish good mutually beneficial relationships.

How to speak in a chest voice

To learn to speak in a chest voice, you must first find the most suitable timbre. Too low an intonation will not allow you to give your words the proper coloring. Simply put, the vocal cords simply cannot cope with too low sounds and the sound will turn out to be very quiet. Even if a person by nature has a very high voice, this does not mean that he will never be able to add soft and smooth overtones to his timbre. You should not strive to imitate the intonations of professional speakers or announcers - their convincing manner of speaking and velvety voice is not so much the fruit of hard training as an innate quality.

To speak with a chest voice, you need to “speak with your body” and not “speak with your head.” The head resonators need to be used to a minimum so that sharp and abrupt sounds do not slip into the intonation. You should try to make the lower ligaments vibrate smoothly, producing a soft, rolling sound. The smoother the vibration, the better the chest voice will sound.

To prevent your voice from sounding hoarse or tense, you need to be moderately relaxed - in no case should you tense up. The absence of stiffness in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and chest will make speech smoother and more pleasant to hear.

Voice timbre and smile

People who have achieved success in business understand the importance of friendly communication. When there is mutual sympathy, it is much easier to achieve mutual understanding. When communicating, people not only talk, they also use facial expressions and gestures. A smile is one of the gestures that speaks of friendliness and willingness to make contact.

We see a smile and immediately interpret it as a sign of joy, fun or friendly attention. But you can also hear a smile. When a smiling person speaks, the timbre of his voice subtly changes, but those around him unmistakably recognize this intonation. Combined with a deep voice, a smile can work wonders.

How to train your chest voice

Any person can speak in a deep chest voice. And if you don’t have a goal to perform on stage, then you can train your chest voice very quickly. It is important to understand that every person has an individual voice timbre from birth and cannot be changed. But trained cords are capable of producing more intelligible sounds, so it is always possible to give your timbre the desired richness and velvety.

When starting training, you need to remember that the chest voice is the voice of the body and this resource must be used 100%. The most important rule is to breathe with your stomach at the moment when the lower ligaments are involved. It is also important that low sounds come out freely - speaking in a chest voice while gritting your teeth will not work. This means that you need to try to allow low frequencies to leave the larynx freely. To do this, it is not at all necessary to open your mouth wide, as opera singers do - it is enough just to speak naturally and not clamp down.

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