How do you spell “what?” or “chtoli”? Emotional coloring of speech.

“How to force yourself to stop eating too much?”- this question may seem unusual. However, this is precisely what concerns many overweight women (moreover, the wording of the question may be more categorical, for example, “How to stop eating?”).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recent years There is an increase in the number of people suffering from obesity. The causes of this disease may be different, but in many cases it is caused by the usual overeating. Instead of eating food when a person is hungry, he eats for any other “reason” - he couldn’t pass by delicious-smelling baked goods, he ate a hamburger out of boredom, ice cream for stress, a chocolate bar for depression (if you’re interested, he has one)… And Women have another “excuse” for overeating, which they use once a month - PMS (only sometimes it drags on a lot).

How to pacify the unreasonable desire to eat something tasty, not to satisfy hunger, but simply for the sake of pleasure? Or just not eat “extra”?

What you will need to cope with this scourge:

  • Willpower
  • Small plates
  • Useful habits

Rules for moderate nutrition

1. All day long drink plain water. It will fill your stomach and you will feel full much faster.

2. Include nutritious dishes in your menu, but not those that simply contain a lot of calories. Eat less fatty, sweet foods, give up fast food/processed foods. No matter how trivial it may sound, the rule really works. Instead of dense, high-calorie foods, choose dishes that are large quantities contain plant fibers and proteins. This way you will quickly feel that your stomach is full.

As for sweet tooth, this is a separate and very important conversation. For many sweet tooths this real problem. Read, let's cope together!

3. Stop eating as soon as you feel first signs of satiety. Observe yourself to identify the “signals” that your body gives when your stomach is full (usually, this is an incipient heaviness in the stomach and dulling of food receptors - food seems less appetizing to a well-fed person than to a hungry person). As soon as you recognize them, throw away everything remaining on the plate and leave the table.

4. Start doing something if you eat from boredom. For example, instead of eating a packet of chips in front of the TV, make an appointment with a friend, visit or just go for a walk to the nearest park. Any active actions will distract you from the false feeling of hunger.

5. And if what drives you to the refrigerator is not boredom, but... stress or worry? It will help to realize that food will not solve the problem. Cake is not an option, it will do you absolutely no good. Create a habit or ritual that will help you relax. For example, when you can’t find a place for yourself, do something that you haven’t been able to find time for for a long time - do wellness treatments, make a mask, arrange an aromatherapy session, take a relaxing bath (by the way, here you can combine business with pleasure: for example, a bath with baking soda not only calms you down, but also promotes weight loss).

As an option, you can try to engage your hands in a “knead” or do a self-massage with a special anti-stress ring sold in a pharmacy.

6. One more effective way protect yourself from the temptation to eat too much - eliminate these temptations. Don’t keep a lot of “tasty” things in the refrigerator. After all, even just the sight of some tasty treats can easily negate all your willpower. At the same point, the rule: do not go to the store hungry, so as not to buy too much.

7. Eat more often, but in smaller portions. This too truism for everyone who is losing weight. But for some reason, from knowledge to compliance with this rule there is a whole abyss. Small - and healthy! - Snacks will keep you energized throughout the day. Whereas a hearty lunch can lead to drowsiness, and then also require “continuation of the banquet.”

Choose the breaks between meals individually to suit your body. As a rule, this is 2-3 hours.

8. Reduce portion sizes. A peculiar trick: the brain will “think” that you ate a regular steak, but in fact you cooked it 30-50 grams smaller.

9. Start food diary, in which you keep track of what you eat. This will help you evaluate your menu and find those places where your nutrition is far from rational. Based on the results of the analysis of the records, carry out “work on mistakes.”

Does it seem like there are too many rules and prohibitions? But, believe me, I feel great, cheerful and good mood The benefits that a healthy diet will give you are worth it! Start following the rules right now and the results will not keep you waiting.

It can also be useful to find like-minded people. Understand that this problem is not only yours. Create or join a motivational group on VKontakte or Facebook, make a public promise on social networks and publish reports on its compliance: others will be interested in following your “marathon,” and you yourself will receive an additional incentive not to open the refrigerator again.

A book on how to start eating healthy and not overeat

And once again about motivation. So, in theory, I know everything, I can recite all the rules by heart, but an invisible switch goes off in my head and I go get a cookie and coffee. When I catch myself doing this several times in a couple of days, I understand that it’s time to pick up a book. In my case, this is the “guide” of the same name “How to eat less. We overcome food addiction» Gillian Riley (you can buy it on the MYTH publishing website, in the Labyrinth, in Ozone).

I don’t know how it works for others, but it works great for me: it charges me with enthusiasm, fills me with patience, awakens awareness(namely, awareness helps us discern the triggers that provoke excessive calorie consumption). See if it can help you take control of your eating habits. True, for me reading only works from paper, in electronic form I tried to read it - it’s not at all the same.

Good luck! You are on the right track!

Linguistic disputes often affect seemingly established and familiar words. More and more people are paying attention to literacy, working on themselves, and this is good news. “Eat” or “eat” - how to say it correctly, in what situations is it appropriate to use it, and is it worth correcting others if they use the wrong version of the word, in your opinion? Philologists have already given explanations, but people continue to argue out of inertia, or defending personal views.

You can eat, or you can eat

Is there any fundamental difference between these words? By by and large, this is “eat food”, “eat”. IN semantic meaning These are absolutely equal words, why do some people get so indignant when they hear an option that, in their opinion, is not suitable? So should I eat or eat, how should I speak correctly so as not to irritate anyone or look funny?

Perhaps the secret lies in the area of ​​application of each single word. If we eat, this is an everyday and even routine process, not representing anything extraordinary. But when children are called to the table, they usually use “eat.” It can be assumed that we are talking about a kind of diminutive version of the more mundane “is.”

Stylistic synonyms

These words refer to stylistic synonyms and are not completely interchangeable. Despite the absolutely identical semantic content, it’s worth figuring out whether to eat or not? and in what situations?

The peculiarity of stylistic synonyms is that they are used to emotionally color an expression in different cases. For example, everyone famous expression“Meal is served” may sound overly solemn or even pretentious, but it is an appropriate use case of this word. If two businessmen, getting ready for lunch, say, “Let’s go and eat,” it sounds strange and hurts the ear. But the same phrase addressed to to a small child, fits most organically into the situation.

Is it correct to say “eat”?

“Beautiful butterfly, eat the jam.” A quotation from Chukovsky’s “Tsokotukha Fly” perfectly illustrates the situation in which the word is used absolutely correctly. To eat or to eat, which is the correct way to say? If we are talking about inviting guests to the table, then it would be appropriate to offer to eat, and not to eat, and, of course, not to eat.

Traditionally, a circle of persons is outlined in relation to whom it is not forbidden to use this word. Guests can eat, including restaurant guests, children and women. Men cannot eat, and this may even seem like discrimination. But only small children or people who want to emphasize their weakness, immaturity and trepidation can say about themselves “I eat.”

What is more correct to say, “let’s go eat” or “let’s go eat”? If you are saying this to a small child, then you can use the first option, but if the conversation is with an adult, then the second. If you have patronizing and even paternal (or maternal) feelings towards your interlocutor, then using the phrase “let’s go eat” is stylistically and emotionally justified, but be prepared for the fact that this may offend your counterpart.

Is it rough or natural?

The objections that are usually heard from fans of the word “eat” usually lie in the supposed rudeness and mundaneness of the word “eat”. Does it really sound that rude?

The process of eating has many names. varying degrees expressiveness, among them there are both rude and frankly slang expressions. What is the correct way to eat or eat? But you can still eat, chop, grunt, chew, trample, slurp, slurp, swallow, eat. And all these synonyms differ only in the degree of expression and stylistic appropriateness. So “there is” is the most neutral of the options.

Food and dishes

Perhaps the crux of the matter lies not in the eaters themselves, but in what is on the plate? In fact, how does food differ from food? Both are food. However, a plate of buckwheat with a cutlet is, rather, food, but a delicacy served special occasion Dear guests, rather, a meal. Of course, this division is somewhat outdated; now the borrowed foreign word“delicacy”, it has firmly taken the place of “food” on festive tables, covered with a snow-white starched tablecloth.

Even at the beginning of the last century, some hundred years ago, it was food that was served on the tables, and this included not only dishes, but also drinks. It’s unlikely that anyone thought about the correct way to eat or eat. However, after the revolution in October 1917, war was declared on everything noble and bourgeois. So under the Bolsheviks, people stopped eating and began to eat more prosaically.

Have some tea

Now it’s quite funny to hear that someone was offered tea, coffee, or even vodka. “I had a glass of vodka” - this is how they said that they drank the strong drink with visible pleasure and even, perhaps, with gusto. It can be assumed that a stylistically similar word is “to feast on”, to eat or drink with pleasure.

When discussing whether to speak, “eat” or “eat”, one can easily forget that many words in our vocabulary have retained some imprint of time. For example, the recently sensational news that coffee can now be considered a neuter noun has given rise to heated linguistic battles.

Emotional coloring of speech

The main complaint about the word “eat” is that it often colors the context with obsequious and some kind of servile overtones. In most cases, this is inappropriate, but there are options when, for the sake of emotional emphasis, you can make less sacrifices. In the debate about whether to speak, “eat” or “eat”, it is completely missed important nuance. With the help of the lexicon, a person unconsciously draws his psychological portrait, signals to others how he should be perceived.

Men, in order to emphasize their masculinity, try to exclude vocabulary all diminutive words are “lisping”, unworthy of a real warrior. And then how will the stern Viking, hunter and generally patriarch eat? Only children and light airy ladies eat, whose diet consists only of candied petals and honeydew. It is easy to understand that women who consider the word “is” too rude and somehow physiological, strive, with the help of the lexicon, to construct a certain mental image of an ideal representative of the fair half of humanity, namely a beautiful butterfly who can eat jam with a thin silver spoon.

Nevertheless, even in the last century, the phrase “I eat” from the lips of an adult was considered funny and inappropriate. Since this word indicates respect towards guests, it turns out that the speaker expresses respect towards himself.

However, if in verbal speech emotional coloring can be given only by intonation and facial expressions, without resorting to stylistic synonyms, then it is deprived of such an opportunity.

Text intonation and literary devices

IN fiction style requires close attention, especially if you need to emphasize the characteristics of the character. When figuring out how to speak, “eat” or “eat” correctly, many forget that in addition to verbal speech, there are other ways of transmitting information. Even in a letter, wanting to convey a caring intonation, it would be appropriate to ask not how the recipient eats, but whether he eats well. Of course, you shouldn’t ask such a question to your boss or business partner, but it’s quite possible to ask a friend, even if she is a stern and emancipated woman.

On the pages work of art Using the word “eat” you can form an intonation that will sound in the reader’s head. This helps show the character more clearly. If the hero offers to eat, then it is unlikely that he will be perceived as a kind, courteous and helpful person.

“Eat” or “eat”, how to say and write correctly - depends on your goals and stylistic coloring information message transmitted in writing or verbally. This is where the key to understanding the appropriateness of choosing synonyms lies.

or something or something or something

Together or separately?

In the Russian language, according to the rules of spelling, the word “or what” is always written and in all cases separately - or what? .

Pronouncing this phrase in one breath creates the illusion that you need to write it together. However, this is not true. To figure out how to spell correctly this expression, you need to understand what parts of speech it consists of. We see that the composition includes the pronoun “ What" and particle " whether».

Based on this, we conclude that it is no longer possible to write these two words together, since these are different parts of speech.

Therefore, according to the rules of spelling of the Russian language, this expression must be written separately - or what?.


Having figured out what parts of speech this expression consists of, we find the rule for how particles with other parts of speech are written. In Russian there is separate rule writing different particles with other words. It says that the particle “whether”, as well as “would”, “zhe” with pronouns and other parts of speech is written separately. Therefore, it is also impossible to put a hyphen in this phrase.

Particles should be written through a hyphen: this, either, either, something (For example: somehow, somehow, something etc.). Word " or what?"is always and under all circumstances written separately. In a sentence, such an expression must be separated by commas. Therefore, it should be remembered that correct optionor what? .


  • Man, don't push, you, or what? , don’t you see, I also get off at this stop.
  • Svetlana, maybe we should go have lunch at a cafe, or what? ?
  • “Or maybe I should confess everything to her, or what? ?”, Sergei thought to himself.
  • Andrey, since your car broke down, ask Nikolai to give you a ride home, he’s sorry, or what? ?
  • Olga, let’s switch to “you” with you, or what? , otherwise it’s somehow even inconvenient.

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