How to arrange your day. Planning: how to organize your day to get everything done


Diets and healthy eating 05.01.2014

Dear readers, today on the blog I propose to talk about the benefits of fasting days for our body. I think many of us, after a permanent New Year's feast, felt all the “charms” of overeating. After all, for the long-awaited holiday, everyone tried not only to show off their culinary skills, but also to satisfy their gastronomic cravings. To be honest, we probably ate a lot, with gusto, without denying ourselves anything. In the end - New Year, as they say, once a year.

But after everything is allowed, “Go for a walk, just go for a walk!” the fed stomach begins to rebel. He is echoed by a suddenly awakened conscience, the remorse of which pushes us to step on the scales and think about how to cope with the consequences of mayonnaise abundance and high-calorie variety. And even if you haven’t found any significant weight gain, after such a “table marathon” rest digestive system definitely needed. This is where we remember the fasting days and gather our strength in order to carry out this very unloading.

We are still a strange people. First, we lose weight for the holidays, some events, beach season, then we let everything take its course and then think again: “What can we do to be in shape?” I suggest that you still apply all our wisdom, think about many things and start with at least a system of fasting days.

This is not only a kind of program for the transition from “overeating” to a normal regime. Taking such breaks from time to time is very useful in normal system nutrition. And there are several reasons for this:

Fasting days. Benefit.

Fasting days - five reasons to try

  1. Give your body a break from constantly eating too much food. It happens that we simply don’t need some of what we eat. And, unfortunately, aimless snacking, “eating” problems and overeating “for company” happen quite often, almost becoming a tradition. So the body definitely needs a little shake-up. How often to do it is up to you, based on your lifestyle, needs and, of course, health status.
  2. With the help of fasting days, we get rid of toxins and toxins - the consequences of feasts that have long been “staying” in the body, which have turned into absolutely unnecessary ballast.
  3. If your diet does not bring the expected results, try fasting days as an additional stimulation of metabolism. Perhaps such a “time out” will serve as an impetus for launching a “weight loss program.” Or it will definitely save you from just one extra kilogram.
  4. Train your willpower. In an effort to tidy up our “form,” we also work on its “content,” restructuring our consciousness to new level. Realizing that food restriction is a positive experience, we learn to manage our desires, which means we program ourselves to achieve new useful goals.
  5. Fasting days can become a “reboot program” for our entire nutrition system. Having tried a short-term course of beneficial abstinence on ourselves, we may well switch completely to the system proper nutrition on on an ongoing basis. You look, and the desire to indiscriminately swallow everything in a row will disappear without a trace.

Forward! To unload! How to prepare mentally?

Fasting days. How to carry them out correctly.

Don't rush to get rid of the holiday dinner "leftovers" that are still filling the shelves in your refrigerator. There are two options:

1. or gradually eat everything uneaten ( keyword- “gradually”, that is, restraining your impulses to deal with the fur coat and Olivier as quickly as possible). This option is suitable for those who are not confident in their willpower and are afraid to “break down”, having not yet destroyed “temptations” at hand.

2. Or finally close the topic of this very refrigerator for yourself, setting a clear goal: “Hold on!” Despite the fact that your household may not support your initiative. This path is within the reach of those who have sufficient willpower. Or you are completely fed up with gastronomic abundance, and the memory of a piece of chocolate pie only causes a feeling of heaviness in your stomach.

3. It will be great if we take care of our health and use oxygen cocktails. There's so much useful stuff at the bottom. These magical bubbles work wonders. We can eat the air without experiencing the pangs of hunger and remembering the smoked foods and aromas of baking. The foam of the cocktail will simply eliminate our hunger. Equipment for preparing oxygen cocktails can be purchased

How to properly arrange fasting days?

But one decision to practice fasting days is not enough. It is also important to know about the rules for conducting them.

  • It is better to schedule fasting days during busy periods. This way, your thoughts will be far from food, and there will simply be no time to run for a sandwich. If you are “unloading” in your usual home conditions, stock up on low-fat kefir. In moments intense desire It will help you to eat something.
  • However, it’s also too much to burden yourself physical activity It's also not worth it. That is, it is better to postpone strength training in the gym, and even just fitness classes. Do not overload your body, which is already actively working on such days.
  • If you really want some additional procedures (which, by the way, can become a distraction), you can go to the bathhouse or have a massage. This will have a beneficial effect on cleansing the body. And walk more in the fresh air.
  • Speaking of additional cleansing, do not under any circumstances resort to laxatives or diuretics. Such forced stimulation will only harm the body and put extra stress on the kidneys. Do not interfere with the natural unloading process.
  • For proper operation do not forget to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. Moreover most of you need to drink it in the first half of the day. To prevent bile stagnation in the liver, drink a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. vegetable oil. During the day, you can replace one cup of tea with a decoction of choleretic herbs or simply drink rose hips. Read about how to brew it correctly.

Another piece of advice for those planning to arrange a fasting day for themselves - at the end of the scheduled period, you should not “reward” your efforts by again embarking on all the gastronomic hardships. The body does not need such stress at all, and achieved result will be leveled.

As for the amount of food that can be consumed during one fasting day, it varies depending on your weight and the energy you plan to expend that day. But in any case, do not eat more than two kilograms of vegetables and fruits and more than 600 g of protein products (meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products).

How often do you spend fasting days without harm to your health?

If we talk about the systematicity of fasting days, then most often they practice one fasting per week. If you plan to use fasting days as a way to combat overweight– you can do them twice a week.

Fasting days. Contraindications.

But fasting days are not for everyone. So, before you decide on a gastronomic shake-up, discuss this prospect with your doctor. In particular, doctors do not recommend following such a system to pregnant or lactating women. You should not practice them if you have any health problems - chronic diseases or even just feeling unwell. Moreover, fasting days are prohibited for people who have problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as those who suffer from type 1 diabetes.

To eat or not to eat? What, exactly, should we do?

Effective fasting days.

The blog has an excellent step-by-step, detailed detox diet from one of the best nutritionists, Rimma Moisenko. You can watch it.

And I also suggest watching an excellent video that describes an express method for unloading the body after the New Year holidays.

Fasting days after the New Year holidays.

I plan to offer you several types of fasting days in the following articles of our new series. Can you imagine, in addition to the traditionally known kefir and apple ones, there are meat and even chocolate fasting days! I hope you find it interesting and learn enough for yourself useful information, and perhaps try the practice of unloading.

Fasting day of health. Example.

Now, as an example, I’ll give you a health fasting day. You can use it once or twice a month to periodically get rid of toxins. The entire diet consists of fruits and vegetables, which are the best way to relieve our body.
It is better to start unloading in the evening, having dinner with vegetarian soup. All meals should be taken after 2-3 hours.

In the morning: on an empty stomach, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Next - 150 ml of any vegetable juice, diluted (1:1) mineral water and one tomato.
Breakfast: vegetable salad, vegetarian soup, choleretic herbal tea.
Lunch: stewed vegetables (you can add a few drops of vegetable oil, but better with water), a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice
Afternoon snack: cucumber and tomato salad, you can add pickled mushrooms (up to 100 g), green tea
Dinner: vegetarian soup.

For breakfast next day It's better to eat stewed vegetables.

Protein fasting day.

And the following “recipe” for a protein fasting day is quite acceptable for maintaining normal weight. You can practice once a week. Moreover, the diet is organized in such a way that you definitely won’t feel hungry.

Breakfast: let's start, as in the previous example, with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Next is a portion of a protein shake (these are sold in stores sports nutrition, but you can make it yourself: a glass of milk, a banana and 100 g of cottage cheese - mix everything with a blender or by hand), 100 g of boiled or baked veal, coffee without milk and sugar.

Lunch (four hours later): glass mineral water, up to 200 g of boiled beef with tomato or herbs, a glass of green tea
Afternoon snack (four hours later): up to 200 g of boiled chicken breasts (without skin), Chinese cabbage salad, a glass of mineral water and a cup of choleretic tea.
Dinner (four hours later): up to 200 g of beans in tomato, a glass of tomato juice.

Here are some examples to get you started. In the near future I will introduce you to other options for fasting days. Perhaps you will find the best method for yourself, and perhaps suggest your own in the comments - long tried and tested.

My sincere gift for today will be a funny cartoon Pig and cookies .
On the one hand, it’s funny and amusing, but on the other hand, it’s a little sad... Sometimes we just don’t notice such similar situations ourselves.

I wish you all wisdom, harmony and health. I think it’s a good idea for all of us to periodically spend fasting days for the benefit of our health.

See also


    12 Feb 2015 at 14:30






















Many people really want to organize their day correctly, but this does not always work out. In the morning we plan to do a lot of things, but in the end sometimes we simply don’t have enough time or energy. How to properly organize everything that you have planned, and even with benefit.

List of tasks

Before you get started, write a list of tasks for the day in the morning. It will help you stay organized and not forget everything that needs to be done during the day.

The two most important things

Write down the top two things you need to do for the day first on your list. It’s best to do them first, and then do small things that won’t take up so much of your energy.

Do things on time

It happens that you need to get things done before a certain time. Don’t put it off until later, do it right now, because something might interfere with you later.

Complete only one task at a time

When you are doing something important, you are completely focused on it. You should not be distracted by another task, as you may ruin everything and have to start over.

Remove everything unnecessary

Remove all distractions from your work area. This will help you concentrate faster.


Look for ways to do one thing or another as quickly as possible, so that there is time left for other tasks.

Create a daily planning program

There are programs on the Internet that will help you plan your day, and most importantly, it will remind you of what needs to be done at one time or another. You will receive notifications by email or messages on your phone.

Daily routine

Pay attention to your daily routine. Which things take up a lot of your time, and which are completely unnecessary. Try to remove unnecessary habits that take away your strength and your precious time.


It is important that where you work there is always order. All things and tools must be in their places. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of time searching for them.

Positive attitude

Not everyone can organize their life in one day, but you shouldn’t be upset. With every next day, with positive mood you will succeed.

Let others do it

It is very difficult to do a lot of work on your own, so you can shift some of your worries to your colleagues or your family.

Bright colors

To make your work more interesting and faster, add to your to-do list various colors. Circle and write the main things to do bright colors, A small tasks dimmer.

Main goal

It is very important that a person has a goal, what he is striving for, so decide what you want.

Completion deadlines

When you have a goal, it is now important to set a deadline for its completion, otherwise you can strive all your life and never achieve what you want.

Make yourself happy

After you complete an important task, be sure to reward yourself. Take a few days off, celebrate with family or friends, or treat yourself to some gift. Positive emotions very useful for a person and contribute to new strengths and achievements that you will strive for.

How to plan your day correctly to get everything done? What rules should you follow to avoid stress and feelings of dissatisfaction? In this article, you will learn what you need to do to increase your productivity and efficiency.

If you are often late, create blockages at work, forget about important events and are nervous that you don’t have time to do a lot of things, then this article is for you. Where to start to learn how to properly plan your time?

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  1. Keep a diary. Don’t start your day until you write down your plans for the next day in the morning, or even better, in the evening. Making a to-do list is a necessary activity in order to understand what needs to be done and get everything done.
  2. Set reminders for meetings and events on your mobile phone.
  3. If you work on a computer, create a separate document with a to-do list.

How to make a to-do list correctly?

  • A to-do list needs to be written every day, preferably in the evening.
  • Write no more than 7 priority things on your list. It’s not worth it anymore, because it’s impossible to do more in one day.
  • Write down all points in detail. For example: go to a store and buy everything you need according to the list. Write down the list of items you need on a separate piece of paper. Then going to the store will take you much less time.
  • You should put on your to-do list approximate time, which you will need to perform this or that action.
  • The to-do list should always be visible. If you are a young mother who is constantly tugged at by children and the list gets lost, then write several copies.
  • Write a to-do list for the week ahead, this will help you understand which things are particularly urgent and which can wait.

Basic rules on how to plan your day to get everything done

  1. In order to properly plan your day and manage everything, it is very important to train yourself to wake up early. It doesn't matter whether you need to go to work or not. Organize a normal sleep schedule. To feel energetic, you need to sleep 8 hours a day. Therefore, think about what time you need to go to bed so that you can get up early and still get enough sleep.
  2. It is very important to listen to your biological clock . You know better what time you feel full of energy and energy to get a lot done quickly. If you feel energized in the evening, plan your day so that you have important things to do in the evening. The rest of the time, do less important things, set aside time for rest, self-development, meeting with friends, etc.
  3. It is very important to prioritize when planning your day. . First you need to do those things that are the most significant in their priority, and only then proceed to the secondary ones. Never put off important things until later. Otherwise, you will think about them all day and be distracted by your thoughts.
  4. Don't waste a lot of energy and time on things that will bring you little results. . Cost of time and end result must be comparable.
  5. When planning your time, you must think about everything possible options to make your life easier . For example, if cleaning the house takes a lot of time, consider hiring a housekeeper. Or throw away long-needed things, put everything in boxes, and organize it. Then cleaning will take less time.
  6. When doing things, analyze what factors most often distract you and take up your time . Perhaps you are often distracted by social networks, talking on the phone, or thoughts about other things. Very often they play a role psychological factors, for example, fear of not being able to complete the work on time, fear of taking on difficult task, laziness.

What to avoid to keep up with everything

  1. Don't waste time watching TV. You can watch any news or film on the Internet without advertising. This will save you time.
  2. Limit your time in social networks, forums and games . This a waste time.
  3. Try to get rid of bad habits . Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on smoking breaks? This not only takes away your time, but also your health. Bad habits are not compatible with success.
  4. Learn to overcome laziness, lack of composure and unpunctuality. Set reminders on your phone and an alarm in advance so you don't be late. Set a time limit for completing all tasks.

David Allen advises getting organized workplace, acquire all the necessary stationery. Also, keep a file cabinet, create a corresponding folder for each case. Allen also advises writing 4 to-do lists:

  • Make a list of things that need to be done in the near future.
  • Add projects that require an integrated approach to a separate list.
  • Separately, make a list of projects that, for one reason or another, cannot yet be completed.
  • The "someday" list.

To complete work tasks faster, you need to complete similar tasks in a row. The brain gets used to a certain type of work and copes faster each time.

If you have a very difficult task or project, you need to divide it into stages. Then the task becomes more understandable and feasible to complete. Use the principle of “small steps”.

Learn to say “no”, don’t do the work for others, don’t become a tool to achieve other people’s goals.

All successful businessmen, plan the most important things in the first half of the day. You can’t put off until later what is your priority. As they say: “You’ve done the job, walk boldly.”

It is very easy to learn how to complete all tasks on time. Most people create their own problems and obstacles in their lives. You just need to put in a little effort and just start planning your life. You must understand that a tired and unhealthy person cannot work productively and live his life fully.

Therefore, it is necessary:

  1. Get enough sleep .
  2. Eat right. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  3. Exercising improves immunity , give a boost of energy and have a beneficial effect on brain activity. Memory and concentration improve, and neuronal cells renew faster.
  4. Stick to your to-do list . Write it for every day, for a week and for a year.
  5. Don't be distracted by unnecessary things , useless communication. Don't do the work for others.
  6. When planning your day, do not take on more responsibilities than you can handle. . Adequately evaluate your time and energy.
  7. Keep your home and work place tidy . Every thing should have its place, and every task should have its time. When you stay organized, you spend much less time getting things done. Let order and systematization of things become your habit.
  8. Optimize your work . Try to simplify any task as much as possible and reduce the time it takes to complete it.
  9. Use it modern technology . Even at home, a multicooker, microwave, or electric meat grinder will save you a lot of time on cooking.
  10. Always reward yourself for any success . If you dealt with it on time important matter, allow yourself to rest for 15 minutes and eat something sweet or look into your classmates for 10 minutes.
  11. Don't strive for the ideal, it doesn't exist. If you obsess over doing everything better, you'll end up stalling and driving yourself into hysterics.
  12. Don't accumulate unfinished tasks. Whatever you planned to do today, do it!
  13. Never be afraid to ask for help or distribute certain tasks among employees.

In addition to making a to-do list, there are some other effective techniques planning, which are widely used in time management. This is a time management technique that includes rules and principles that help a person properly organize his time and achieve maximum efficiency in any activity.

Basic planning techniques

  1. Pareto's rule or the “80 to 20” principle. Only 20% of your thoughts, conversations and actions lead to 80% of your results. And 80% of other actions lead to 20% results. Therefore, do not try to do everything at once, but do initially those things that will bring you maximum results.
  2. Timing method is that you need to write down all your time, what and where you spend it. Analyzing these records will show you what activities you should stop doing, what distracts you, and what processes you need to speed up.
  3. ABC planning is that you need to distribute things by letter by degree of importance. Category A cases are the most important. They make up 15% of all cases and bring 65% of the results. B – important matters, which make up 20% of all matters and bring 20% ​​of the results. Category C are matters of the least importance, they make up 65% and give a result of 15%.

If you want to learn how to properly plan your day, to be the master of your life, it doesn’t take much. Just have the desire to learn it, put in some effort and start working on yourself. You just have to get into the habit of planning your life, writing a to-do list for every day, developing responsibility, perseverance, and punctuality. Learning to plan properly is one of the ways of self-improvement that can radically change your life for the better. You will learn to set priorities, identify core values, set goals and achieve them within a clearly defined time frame.

so that there is enough time for everything

We so often don't have enough time. Actions needed not started or postponed, and now our desired result is postponed to an indefinite future.

Do you know that “spinning like a squirrel in a wheel” is pleasant only for a squirrel! So How that's right organize your day to get everything done?

  • Who gets up early...

It is important to wake up on time. Such ruthless discipline helps to wisely buy time for the coming day. Because if you get up for lunch, then no rules or to-do lists in your diary will help. The routine will be disrupted and valuable minutes will be wasted.

  • Do the essentials first.

Make a list of priority issues – and start from the top ! This may not be the easiest thing, but it is the most useful!

Plan all your tasks for the next day and for approximately the entire week, be sure to write them down in your diary; determine approximately how much time each task will require; think about whether you can combine some things (for example: on the way from work, you can stop by for groceries, so that later you don’t have to go for them on purpose; if you’re going to public transport or you are stuck in a traffic jam, or waiting in line, try to read the newspaper, find out about the news, listen to the radio); what is more important, what can be done first (right now); set the execution sequence.

  • Be sure to complete even part of it.

Can't bring yourself to complete the task today? Do at least a little!
So you look at your list and think:

But somehow I don’t really want to do difficult things and solve difficult problems. I'll think about it later.

But if you put it off until later every day, then problems can turn into huge troubles.

Organize Can day and in another way: for example, you teach foreign language: Make it a rule to learn at least 30 new words throughout the day. Gradually and in small portions they will be better remembered. It's the same with little things. Although they do not seem so important, the day comes when everything falls into one heap and it will be impossible to clear it away. If you are one of the people for whom learning is still a light, then it is clear that after work you need to pore over your textbooks. Don't leave everything to the last minute. This syndrome eternal student does not lead to anything good, because as you know: “sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind.”

Part - today, part - tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow and finish what may have been dragging on for several months.

  • No is the most important word.

Learn to say "No" » something you don't really care about or need. Learn to give up things that are useless to you - this will free up a lot of time and mental strength.

  • Get rid of "thieves of your time"

ICQ, forums, dating sites, “contacts” and “classmates” simply consume tons of time that could be spent on business. It’s not for nothing that in many workplaces all kinds of ICQ-Vaska are prohibited. But sometimes you just want to chat!

The TV, no less than the computer, steals our time. Interesting programs are addictive, and you can watch series endlessly! As a result - Homework stands, and we sit at the screen, worrying about the fate of the next heroine...
Dedicate to socializing and TV special time– let’s say half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. If you don’t fit into this framework and want to sit longer, set yourself an alarm clock

  • Once a week - rest

And again - rest! Once a week, arrange for yourself great holiday– set aside time to do something special, be it a trip to nature, chatting with friends, playing computer games or having sex. With such a rest, you certainly won’t feel like life is passing you by while you’re sorting out your home/office chores.
Have a fulfilling, joyful and effective day!

Nowadays, many people complain about lack of time. People do not have enough time to visit theaters, go to the gym, meet friends, communicate with loved ones, and so on.

A person will be surprised if he learns that he has plenty of time, but it should be used wisely.

How to organize your day correctly

The first thing a person should start with is to analyze his life, namely, what he does during the day. After analysis, he will see that he devotes a lot of time to TV series, communicates with friends too often, or spends all his evenings shopping. Every person will find a useless activity that steals his time. Once a temporary “vampire” has been found, try to fight it in every possible way; planning your daily activities will help you with this.

To organize your day correctly, be sure to keep a diary or, in as a last resort, a notepad where you will write down your plans.

Planning your day should start from the evening of the previous day, otherwise you will not succeed.

So, you sit down in the evening and write down on a piece of paper all the things you plan to do in the near future. After that, you break things down into categories: mandatory, for health and self-improvement, for pleasure, and so on.

When the mandatory things are separated, proceed to the category of self-development and health (gym, attending courses, learning to drive a car, etc.)

If you are just starting your day planning, then one day will not be enough for you and many things will not be included in the list, but do not despair, this is only the first step to success. The main thing is to start.

Perhaps the first or second day you will do only obligatory tasks, and this will tire you, but believe me, if you show discipline and carry out the planned tasks, then soon you will have time for self-improvement and health, and then to activities that bring pleasure.

Over time, you will find that you have enough time to complete obligatory tasks and for further self-improvement and health maintenance, and there will also be a lot of time left for communicating with friends, loved ones, trips to nature, and so on.

Here simple rules on the question of how to organize your day correctly.

Don't forget, find a temporary "vampire", exclude it from your to-do list and you will have plenty of time for many pleasant things

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