About wasting free time and leaving fitna! Masking true needs. hours - myth or reality

The senses are very important to all of us. A person’s sense of smell can make the world’s perception much brighter.

The role of the olfactory organ

The organ of smell is the nose, which serves us so that we can enjoy wonderful smells and aromas. It also warns us about various kinds of dangers (fire, gas leakage). A good sense of smell is very important for any person, since without it it is impossible to perceive the world 100%. So, with a poor sense of smell, life can become gray and dull, devoid of all colors.

The organ of smell is a tool for obtaining information; it helps a person to understand the world. It is known that children whose perception of smells is impaired cannot develop properly and lag behind their peers. The human olfactory organ is closely related to the taste organ. A very small loss of the ability to subtly sense and distinguish smells negates the pleasure of the most delicious food. And people often choose their surroundings by smell. Probably no one will be able to communicate with a person for a long time if his aroma is not very pleasant.

The olfactory organ, helping us to perceive odors, is able to create mood and influence well-being. For example, cinnamon and mint scents can increase alertness and reduce irritability, while coffee and lemon scents can help promote clear thinking. The human olfactory organ has the ability to distinguish up to 10,000 aromas. This wealth given to us by nature must be treasured. None of the people wants to stop smelling flowers, herbs, forests, and the sea.

What is the sense of smell?

The ability to distinguish and perceive various odors of substances that are in environment, is the sense of smell. Recognition of odors usually provokes the emergence of various emotions. In this sense, the sense of smell often becomes more important than, for example, good hearing or excellent vision. The impact of various aromatic substances on the olfactory organ can excite the human nervous system. This, in turn, leads to changes in functions different organs and systems of the whole body.

Organ structure

The organ of smell is the nose, which perceives appropriate stimuli dissolved in the air. The process of smell consists of:

  • olfactory mucosa;
  • olfactory filament;
  • olfactory bulb;
  • olfactory tract;
  • cerebral cortex.

The olfactory nerve and receptor cells are responsible for the perception of odors. They are located on the olfactory epithelium, which is located on the mucous membrane of the upper posterior part of the nasal cavity, in the area of ​​the nasal septum and the upper nasal passage. In humans, the olfactory epithelium covers an area of ​​about 4 cm2.

All signals from the receptor cells of the nose (of which there are up to 10 million) enter the brain through nerve fibers. There the idea of ​​the nature of the smell is formed or its recognition occurs.

In humans, there are olfactory and trigeminal nerves, to the endings of which odor receptors are attached. Nerve cells have two types of processes. The short ones, called dendrites, are rod-shaped, each containing 10-15 olfactory cilia. Others, the central processes (axons), are much thinner, forming thin nerves that resemble threads. These very threads penetrate into the cranial cavity, using for this purpose the holes in the plate of the ethmoid bone of the nose, and then join the olfactory bulb, which passes into the olfactory tract. The bulb lies at the base of the skull and forms a special lobe of the brain.

The visceral brain system, or limbic system, includes the cortical zones of the olfactory analyzer. These same systems are responsible for the regulation of innate activity - search, food, defensive, sexual, emotional. The visceral brain is also involved in maintaining homeostasis, regulating vegetative functions, formation of motivational behavior and emotions, organization of memory.


The olfactory organ is capable of influencing the thresholds of color perception, taste, hearing, and excitability of the vestibular apparatus. It is known that if a person’s sense of smell sharply decreases, then the pace of his thinking slows down. The structure of the olfactory organ is special; it distinguishes it from other senses. All structures of the olfactory analyzer take an important part in organizing emotions, behavioral reactions, memory processes, autonomic-visceral regulation, and regulation of the activity of other areas of the cerebral cortex.

There are substances that have a pungent odor (ammonia, vinegar essence). They are capable of exerting both an olfactory effect and an irritation on the sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve. This explains the specificity of the formation of odor sensations. Respiration rate, pulse, and blood pressure can reflexively change under the influence of olfactory stimuli.

Organ sensitivity

The acuity of smell can be judged by the fact that a person is able to clearly perceive, for example, the smell of 0.0000000005 parts of a gram of rose oil or musk, approximately 4.35 parts of a gram of mercaptan gas. If the air contains even 0.00000002 g per 1 cm 3 of hydrogen sulfide gas, then it is clearly noticeable to us.

There are smells that have great strength and durability and can even be stored for 6-7 thousand years. An example of this is the smells that were felt by the people who participated in the excavations Egyptian pyramids. We can say that our nose is capable of detecting various impurities of odorous substances in very small quantities in the inhaled air, which cannot be measured even with the help of chemical research. It has been proven that the acuity of smell depends on the time of day (smells are better sensed after sleep) and the physiological state of a person. The sense of smell is more acute when a person is hungry and during spring and summer.

The human olfactory organ is capable of distinguishing no more than several thousand different shades of odors. In this we are very far behind animals. Dogs, for example, can recognize about 500 thousand odors.

Smell and emotions

Conducted brain studies indicate that from the olfactory brain, in the process of evolution, the forebrain hemispheres gradually formed, which are responsible for higher nervous activity. Odor is the primary source and mode of transmission various information among creatures in living nature. In addition, for all animals and for primitive man the organ of smell is necessary for finding food, a sexual partner, warning of danger or marking a habitat.

For a person living in modern world, the main method of transmitting information becomes verbal, which was able to supplant all others that arose earlier. Odor is known to have a powerful effect on emotional sphere, as well as processes associated with it. This influence often occurs at the subconscious level. This experience in a person's life is not always positive. For example, manifestations of diseases in the form of psychosomatic diseases are recorded.

Great importance of smell

The functions of the olfactory organ are numerous in the life of all living beings, as it is able to warn of the danger of poisoning poisonous gases, which can enter the body through the lungs. It is also possible to control the quality of food consumed using smell, which protects against the entry of decomposed and poor-quality products into the gastrointestinal tract.


As a conclusion we can say that close connection long-term memory, emotions and smell suggests that smell is a powerful means of influencing the entire human body and his worldview as a whole.

Olfaction is a human sense that gives him the ability to sense different smells. It allows you to perceive more than 10 thousand different aromas, which can improve your appetite, lift your mood, and allow you to recognize danger in time. The importance of the nose, as the most important organ of smell, cannot be underestimated. But, unfortunately, we remember about it only when it is affected by infections, when severe congestion does not allow us to enjoy our favorite aromas. Below we will look at what biological role sense of smell, how to maintain and improve it.

What role does the sense of smell play in our lives?

Smell, touch and other senses are a kind of tools that allow us to receive information from the outside and understand the world around us. Without them, life will not be so colorful and interesting, and the sense of smell, impaired since childhood, can, moreover, seriously distort general idea about the world.

The sense of smell is especially important in alerting us to danger., to create a mood and influence other senses. For example, the smell of baked goods immediately increases appetite, the sour smell of lemon provokes increased work salivary glands, and the sound of the sea surf calms our nerves and puts us in a complacent mood.

Smell is an important sense

In general, scent recognition is one of the higher functions our work nervous system, its impulses trigger the work of other organs and systems of our body, which leads to the appearance of certain emotions.

Having lost the ability to recognize smells, a person becomes irritable and angry, because this is equivalent to loss of vision or hearing and, accordingly, can lead to deep depression. Below we will look at how this sensory system works and what needs to be done to prevent its dysfunction.

How our sense of smell works

The nose is rightfully considered the main organ of smell. One of its functions is the perception of stimuli hovering around us. It will not be possible without the presence and normal functioning of such organs as:

  • The mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  • Olfactory bulb and filaments;
  • Cerebral cortex;
  • Olfactory nerves;
  • Receptor cells.

The place where the olfactory receptors are located is at the intersection of the upper nasal meatus and the nasal septum at the back of the nasal region. It is covered by the olfactory epithelium, which occupies an area of ​​4 sq. cm. These receptors ensure the transmission of all received signals to the brain, which are recognized in its cortex.

Olfactory receptors are closely related to the processes of the trigeminal and olfactory nerves, namely:

  • With dendrites that look like rods, framed by olfactory cilia;
  • With axons, which in appearance are very similar to threads.

Axons are considered central processes nerve cells. They penetrate through the cells of the ethmoid bone, which is located in the nasal cavity, into the skull in order to join the olfactory bulb located at its base. It amounts to separate part brain.

Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of where the olfactory organ is located.

Initially, the function of receiving a signal of a particular odor is taken over by the nose and the receptors located in it, but the recognition of odors is carried out by our brain, or rather a separate part of its cortex, called the visceral brain, where the olfactory analyzers are located, regulating food, emotional, defensive and any friend innate human activity.

Its other functions include regulation of hemostasis, support of vegetation, as well as ensuring the normal development of emotions, memory and volitional behavior in children.

Since the nose is the human olfactory organ, it means its functions include regulating the pace of thinking, since all components of its odor analyzer are involved, and in behavioral response on this or that event, both in the process of memorization, and in arousal and in other activity emanating from the cerebral cortex. During the formation of a sense of smell in the brain, a person’s breathing and pulse quicken, and their blood pressure rises.

The normal sensitivity of the nose distinguishes a couple of thousand shades of different odors, while the animal's sense of smell distinguishes more than a hundred thousand of them. But at the same time, the acuity of smell directly depends on what physiological form a person is in and at what time of day his analyzers are checked. It has been scientifically proven that people's sense of smell appears acute after waking up and when they are hungry.

Causes of deterioration of sense of smell

We have already found out what the sense of smell and touch are; now let’s move on to how to eliminate a possible decrease in the severity of these necessary sense organs throughout our lives.

The sense of smell is developed in humans from birth. Moreover, it is believed that an infant under one year old more information perceives with the help of this particular sense organ. But after a year, the baby’s nose significantly loses its sensitivity., since other organs are involved in processing information - vision, hearing, speech, etc.

According to data medical research A person's sense of smell slowly but steadily declines throughout his life. And the reason for this is the irreversible atrophy of their receptors.

Elderly people hear the smells around them much worse than their grandchildren. However, this decrease is physiological, that is, the norm.

Loss of smell

But sometimes this feeling sharply decreases for reasons independent of age, which most often are diseases localized where the organ of smell is located. Namely:

  • In the presence of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • For seasonal allergies that affect many senses;
  • For polyps and other neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  • For dental problems;
  • When taking certain medications;
  • With vitamin deficiency;
  • In case of intoxication of the body;
  • After an acute course of viral hepatitis.

In addition, they reduce the functionality of receptors and some serious illnesses, including those associated with disorders of the brain and central nervous system (Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, etc.).

Ways to improve your sense of smell

Normal blood supply to the olfactory organ allows one to prolong the life of its receptors, which are responsible for preserving this sense in humans. However, its atrophy occurs when it is used little or not at all. This feeling needs to be trained constantly, especially at the first “bells” indicating its decline.

  • Workout;
  • Special exercises;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Taking vitamins;
  • Maintaining the right image life;
  • Timely treatment of allergies and ENT diseases;
  • Create a favorable living environment for yourself.

A good workout is a visit to a perfume store or a herb and spice store. The smell of fresh baked goods, herbs, and essential oils develops the sense of smell well.

Another way to improve your sense of smell would be to train it by including generously seasoned aromatic dishes in your diet. The smell of freshly brewed coffee develops and stimulates the receptors well. A saucer with coffee beans should always be in your kitchen - this will not only stimulate your appetite, but will also save you from bad mood in the morning.

It is important to constantly train your sense of smell

Regarding physical exercise, then these include daily facial exercises, which will improve blood circulation in the nasal area and warming it up with a blue lamp. Physiotherapeutic procedures will consist of rinsing the nose with a warm solution sea ​​salt. Olfactory hygiene will consist of eliminating possible congestion in the nasal passages.

It is believed that a decrease in the functions of olfactory receptors occurs with hypo- and vitamin deficiency, and also with a lack of zinc in the body. That is why you need to enrich your diet with red meat, lentils, spinach, nuts and other foods containing this useful mineral. Do not forget about regular intake of vitamin preparations and food additives. In addition, it is recommended to healthy image life, try not to stay in stuffy rooms with dry air for too long, catch colds less often and promptly eliminate all inflammatory processes in the nose.

A purposeless life is a primitive existence, unworthy reasonable person! Develop yourself, follow the recommendations of psychologists, find your goal!

I have always been amazed by the existence of half-humans, half-plants who lead an absolutely worthless lifestyle.

They follow the lead of primitive instincts: to eat, sleep, drink, are content with little and, it seems, have no life purpose at all.

They do not strive for anything, they do not want to develop themselves.

Sometimes I even wonder: why do they even live?

Aimless life- it's just terrible.

It's not even life in full meaning this word.

This is a primitive existence, unworthy of a reasonable person!

The aimless life of my aunt's neighbors

My aunt lives in the private sector.

To the right of her live comrades who love to drink, but to the left there is a seemingly normal, at first glance, average family: a couple in their 60s and their adult unmarried son.

They live, like many others, they don’t create any special problems, like the same alcoholics on the right, they seem to be quiet, but here they are – the brightest illustration of the material “ aimless life", here's just a classic example.

The three of them huddle in two rooms; for 30 years, none of the neighbors have seen them commit any renovation work, they still haven’t even installed water into the house.

Their 40-year-old son never got married, moreover, no one even saw him accompanied by a girl.

They don’t read books, there’s nothing to talk to them about, but they watch TV: mostly stupidly humorous series that are very educational and good for the brain, like “The Bukins.”

Sometimes it seems to me that they are not people at all.

So, robots created by someone by mistake that are burdened by their existence.

Yes, even the drunkards who live to the right of the aunt have some goals in life: find money, get drunk, beat each other's faces in the face. 🙂

Why do people lead aimless lives?

Do you know what unites people who do not live, but exist?

They don’t even realize the primitiveness of their existence.

If I decided to talk to my aunt’s neighbors and tell them about what they have - aimless life, they would be surprised, offended, but they wouldn’t believe it.

The main reasons for this human behavior are:

    Failure to understand that a person is given one life, and he simply has no right to waste it.

    There will be no rehearsals!

    There will be no spare lives, as in computer games Oh!

    Therefore, you need to live in such a way as to have time to enjoy this world, see as much as possible, and learn different things.

    You need to live in such a way as not to lament your departure to another world and the heap of wasted opportunities.


    To accept even the simplest life decision it takes courage. The bigger the choice, the more courageous you must be.

    Cowards do not want to take responsibility even for their own life, let alone someone else’s, and therefore resemble a hermit crab that never comes out of its shell into the light of day.

    He seems to be living, but the only thing he does in his life is cowardly hide in the house, because he is afraid of failures, pain, criticism, yes - everything in the world.

    If a person has been instilled with the idea since childhood that he is insignificant and cannot achieve anything, then sooner or later he will definitely believe it and grow up to be a worthless philistine who drags out a miserable life. aimless life.

    Lack of life qualities important for the winner.

    Yes, not everyone is born great scientists, generals, politicians, writers, etc.

    There are many boys and girls who find it quite difficult to study.

    But if they and their parents made more efforts, set goals for themselves and worked with all their might to achieve them, then there would be much fewer losers on our planet.

    Behind any success there is 10% of personal qualities given by nature, 10% of luck and 80% of colossal work, perseverance and desire for self-development.

    Inability to set goals life goals and achieve their implementation.

    To master this skill, read as much as possible. psychological literature, recommendations from successful people.

How to avoid an aimless life?

The sooner you realize that you are eking out a miserable existence instead of living a bright full life, the better.

It is much easier for young people to change their lives than for old people, so you should not delay in assessing yourself and your existence.

Count how many goals you have set for yourself over the past year.

If it’s less than 10, then it’s time to change something in your aimless life!

You can avoid the mistakes of people who waste their lives if:

    You won't miss the signals that the stars send you.

    People simply don’t see that promising opportunities come along at every turn, preferring to whine: “I’m unlucky.”

    You are invited to an interview at a new company, but you seem to be happy with your old job?

    Attend the interview anyway, listen to what the new employer offers you.

    What if this is the chance you've been waiting for so long.

    Let love into your life.

    Love your family, your soulmate, what you do, life, in the end.

    People who know how to love always have something to set goals for and achieve them.

    Don't be afraid to change something in your life if you no longer feel happy.

    You can’t stay stuck in one job for decades if it doesn’t bring you money or pleasure.

    You can't live with a person you don't love just because you have to.

    It is fear that kills our chances of happiness and success.

    Set specific goals for yourself.

    A trip to Italy, a new car, the position of head of a department, renovation of an apartment, studying abroad - these are goals that can be achieved if you put in the right amount of effort.

    But a star from the sky or an overseas prince right now are childhood dreams.

    Planning your life.

    To-do lists for every day, a collage of wishes, a plan for the year will help you identify your goals.

    Do not create banal lists, but outline the time for achieving a particular goal, intermediate stages of its implementation, important components of success, etc.

The question remains: how to find your purpose in life?

Follow a simple exercise from Alexander Kuskov

and understand what you really want.

Forward! 😉

From aimless life many people suffer, but due to their own stupidity, laziness, and cowardice, they do not want to change.

Don’t repeat their mistakes, because no one will return your lost time!

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Question: Assalamu Alaykum brothers! Help me for the sake of Allah! How to leave such fitnah for life as films, music, communication on the Internet, different communication in chats, playing games on computers and in general everything where you can waste time and never come back to it? Maybe there are some brothers who had such problems, who did not know how to value their time, but then changed into better side, I ask everyone who knows to recommend how I can leave this all behind! Jizakallah1ukhairan to everyone! Assalamu Alaikum!

Answer: Wa alaikum salaam uarahmatu-llah.

This problem is not only your dear brother, but also many Muslims. And this is an important topic both for us and for our children!

Your question needs some clarification. There is such a waste of time that is a sin, and in particular we're talking about about someone who wastes his time simply committing sin. And the problem is in this case It will not be a waste of time, but a sin committed at this time! But there is such a waste of time, which is spent on something fundamentally permitted, such as a person playing sports, playing something, etc., but here it will be condemned that he spends his time excessively on such things, which is never enough for a Muslim. After all, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Many people are deprived of two graces: health and free time” al-Bukhari 6412.

From Ibn Mas'ud, Abu Barza al-Aslami and Mu'adh ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with them) it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The feet of the servant of Allah on the Day of Judgment will not move until he is asked about five things: about his life, how he spent it; about his youth, how he used it; about his property, how he acquired it and what he spent it on; and what did he do from what he knew! at-Tirmidhi 2416, 2417, Abu Ya'la 2/254, al-Bayhaqi 2/286. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam at-Tirmizi, Hafiz al-Munziri and Sheikh al-Albani. See “al-Silsila al-sahiha” 946.
These hadiths indicate that "time" takes important place in Islam, and it is impossible to waste it, and especially in committing sins!

Now back to your question. For example, not all the things you mentioned are the same in a waste of time. Let's say music - it in itself is a sin, whether you spend your free time on it or not, since there are direct and reliable hadiths on the prohibition of music!

Also communication in chats with strangers, in particular on forbidden topics. This is also prohibited!

As for watching films, this cannot be basically called a permitted pastime, since even if there is no direct text prohibiting this, the impermissibility and condemnation of this is clear from many indirect indications, such as the presence in them of music, half-naked girls, often the words kufr, shirk etc.

As for computer games, you should look at the games themselves and the player, since not everything is simple here. The position of the games varies depending on the state of the player and the game itself. There are games that are basically forbidden, like games with naked girls, like games in which you have to kill Muslims, destroy mosques, etc., like games in which shirk and kufr, witchcraft, games containing scenarios like a war between gods etc. There is no doubt that these are haram games!

But even if the games are devoid of everything forbidden and it is easy to remove the accompaniment of music, but the person playing is so drawn out, as some brothers playing con-strike in the salons skipped prayer times or, after playing all night long, even slept through Friday prayers, then this too will be forbidden for such people! Sheikh Ibrahim Ruhaili also advised not to accustom children to these games. Indeed, these games really zombify even adults, not to mention small children!

But still, the issue of completely banning games for children is complex, since there were examples when parents forbade their children to play games, and they stole money from them and went to computer stores to play there. This is not good. Already better at home under the control of parents than there, it is not clear with whom, and it is not clear into what.

Unfortunately, it is difficult in our time to get rid of such distracting, entertaining and spoiling things, especially when all this is all around us.

But there are other ways out, when these games contribute to children’s good studies, memorization of surahs of the Koran, etc., when this is controlled by parents and should be used in moderation.

As for the basis in games in which there is nothing forbidden, then this is permissibility, if there is no harm to the player, does not distract from Sharia duties and does not waste a lot of time on it, as Sheikh Sa’d al-Shasri spoke about in his famous book“al-Musabaqat wa ahkamukha fi-shshar’iya al-Islamiya” 232

Everything mentioned in the matter of wasting time on something that is not fundamentally prohibited comes back to the position of fun and entertainment in Islam. Scientists disagreed on this issue, some said that this is permissible for which there is neither punishment nor sin. Others considered it condemnable, and some even leaned towards prohibition, relying on the hadith: “Any thing with which a Muslim entertains himself is “batil”, except for three things: archery, training a horse and playing with his wife.” Ahmad 4/144, at-Tirmidhi 1637.

The word "batyl" means: lie, meaninglessness.

There is controversy regarding the authenticity of this hadith, as many imams considered it weak. However, there is another reliable hadith, but in a slightly different wording: “Any thing in which there is no remembrance of Allah is (nonsense), an oversight or amusement. There are four exceptions to this: when a man amuses himself with his wife, trains his horse, practices shooting, and learns to swim.” an-Nasai in “Ishrat an-nisa” 2/74, at-Tabarani in “al-Kabir” 1/89. The hadith is authentic. See “al-Silsila al-sahiha” No. 315.

Secondly, even if the previous hadith were reliable, the word “batyl” does not indicate a prohibition, just as it does not indicate a prohibition and a hadith: "is (nonsense), an oversight or amusement."

Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called the remaining things “batyl” in contrast to those mentioned, and not for the reason that everything else is prohibited!” See Fathul-Bari 11/102.

Imam Abu Bakr ibn al-'Arabi said: “The words: “Any thing with which a Muslim entertains himself is a “batyl”” do not indicate the forbiddenness of everything else. The meaning of this is that other things (besides the one mentioned) are devoid of reward, since they are all just worldly things that have nothing to do with ahyra.” See “Aridatul-Ahuazi” 7/136.

Imam al-Ghazali said regarding this hadith: “The word “batyl” does not indicate a prohibition, but indicates a lack of benefit!” See al-Ihya 5/166.

Having quoted these words of al-Ghazali, Imam al-Shaukani said: “This is the correct answer, because that which has no benefit is from the lawful section (mubah).” See “Nailul-autar” 14/527.

Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “An authentic hadith says: “Any thing with which a Muslim entertains himself is a battle, except for three things: archery, training a horse and playing with his wife.” Batyl is an act that has no benefit. And in this there is a relief for the souls of people who cannot be patient with what is of no benefit. And similar things happen during periods such as holidays, weddings, when someone who was absent returns, etc.” See al-Istiqama 1/131.

Sheikhul-Islam also said: “Whatever helps you to enjoy jihad or nikah is true. As for what doesn’t help this, it’s a battle that has no benefit! However, if there is no obvious harm in it, then it does not become prohibited and similar things are not prohibited! But what is done can be blameworthy, since it can distract from the required pleasure.” See al-Istiqama 1/277.

Imam Badruddin al-Aini said: “Whatever does not distract from obedience to Allah is permissible, and this is the opinion of the scholars of Hejaz. Didn’t you see how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) allowed two slave girls to sing in the house of ‘Aisha during the holiday, or how he allowed ‘Aisha to watch the Ethiopians play with spears in the mosque?!” See “‘Umdatul-kari” 15/405.

Thus, brother, it is not so easy to completely control the waste of time. However, one should start first by leaving the forbidden in the first place, since the one who tries to leave everything at once: the forbidden and the blameworthy and even the permitted, usually leaves nothing even of the forbidden, and returns to it again.

Brother, do something useful and something in which you have a great interest in the matter of religion, because if you have ardor and desire for something, then direct it towards what is permitted, aligning the correct intention to receive a reward. For example, to memorizing surahs or hadiths, or compiling something from the available materials about religion for oneself in the form of notes, like some of our brothers who compile collections on topics from all the hadiths that are translated into Russian. Believe me, brother, if you get carried away by something like that, you simply won’t have the time or desire left for what you asked about.

But if you still want to get distracted and relax, then try first of all to use entertainment and relaxation, as Sheikh-ul-Islam says, in any of the things mentioned in the hadith, such as having fun with your wife. After all, what could be better than fun with your wife in this temporary and short world?!

Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Take advantage of five things before five others happen: take advantage of your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, free time before employment, and with your life before death!” al-Hakim 4/341, Ibn Abu Shayba 34319, al-Qada'i 1/145. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Hakim, Imam al-Zahabi, Hafiz al-‘Iraqi, Imam al-Suyuty and Sheikh al-Albani. See “Sahih al-Targib” 3355, “Sahih al-Jami’” 1077.

We mere mortals are reminded from time to time how important a full 8-hour sleep is for the body. At the same time, the experience of some representatives of our species, whose name in our minds is associated with certain achievements, often indicates the opposite. Many of these people became and remain famous and successful by devoting minimal time to sleep. One of bright examples- the currently living, charismatic Donald Trump, who sleeps no more than 3-4 hours a day. And, according to the presidential candidate, who ignites with his energy, this distribution of time gives him a tangible advantage over his competitors.

Sleep is a waste of time - Thomas Edison was deeply convinced, preferring to take short naps several times during the day throughout the conscious part of his life. The same opinion and routine, albeit several centuries earlier, was held by Leonardo da Vinci, who fell into the so-called. “polymorphic” 20-minute sleep 6 times a day. Nikola Tesla sacrificed his utmost for sleep busy schedule no more than 2 hours, starting from midnight.

Winston Churchill made it a habit to sleep in addition to a few hours at night during the day. To this end, he ordered his beloved bed to be transported to the Houses of Parliament, which did not prevent him from subsequently leading his country to victory in the Battle of Britain and becoming known as one of the greatest diplomats of all time.

In the context of the above, we bring to your attention an interesting selection - an infographic consisting of 12 facts about how and how much some historical personalities, including the listed persons, spent and continue to spend on sleep.

8 hours - myth or reality?

According to average statistics, most of us spend total about 24 years old. Is this a lot or a little? And how to find that one golden mean, which will allow everyone to get out of sleep maximum benefit? Let's at least try to get closer to answering these questions by analyzing how harmful sleep deprivation or oversleeping is, and what happens to our brain when there is chronically insufficient time for sleep.

One of the recognized authorities in scientific world, who devoted decades to studying the phenomenon of sleep, professor of psychiatry Daniel Kripke, based not only on own opinion, but also states on convincing facts: “People who sleep 6.5 to 7.5 hours a day live longer. They are more productive and happier. But excessive sleep may well be harmful to health. And you can feel exhausted after sleeping for 8.5 hours, and perfectly rested after sleeping for 5.”

“... No matter how much each of us would like, there are no uniform recommendations, alas, and cannot be... - continues the professor... - Rather, to some approximation, we can talk about developing an individual schedule. Everyone should experiment and reduce sleep time, for starters , up to 7.5 hours, listen to your feelings and feel how such a difference affects the quality of life. If you sleep soundly for 6 hours at night and feel great during the day, you are lucky, and you most likely do not need it. cut something else."

The habit of imitating Edison or Margaret Thatcher and forcibly reducing sleep time to 4 hours a day cannot obviously be considered a plus for most of us, of course, if these 4 hours are not your personal, tested and confirmed by years of practice, a healthy physiological minimum that allows you to feel after waking up you feel fresh and cheerful, and during the day you have time to do a lot of things.

Here it is necessary place the accents correctly: a person who has slept for 4 hours can really concentrate on what is happening and perceive reality just as adequately as someone who has slept for 7-8 hours. And this fact has been confirmed repeatedly special tests and exercises. The trap is that a person who systematically and artificially limits his minimum sleep limit loses the ability to concentrate when solving even the simplest everyday tasks much faster than a person who strictly adheres to his natural biological schedule.

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