Lifestyle comparison. Definition of lifestyle

Lifestyle is, first of all, the way people live. IN various societies in its own way social essence it is not the same. Its concept includes a specific way of life of people, which includes all complex system relationships between them both in the production process and in the social and cultural spheres. At the same time, it is an expression of all social norms of behavior, based on certain rules, customs, national habits, reflecting the material and spiritual needs of people.

Lifestyle- the concept is voluminous and multidimensional. Lifestyle - what is it? This is both everyday work and social activity each of us. But this is both everyday life and the sphere of leisure, various forms of recreation and entertainment. At the same time, the way of life is also characterized by the way of thinking of a person, his social circle, behavior at home or in society.

Of primary importance in the way of life of people is the method of production of material goods and their distribution. It is these two pillars that primarily determine the basic essence of people’s way of life, their “lifestyle”.

The way of life of people, thus, reflects, first of all, the degree of satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs, the forms of communication between them, taking into account social features society. The social structure of society determines the conditions of work, life and culture and, in general, their way of life.

Among all these lifestyle features special meaning has a standard of living on which people's well-being depends. The standard of living is not only the size of the salary, real income per capita, allowing to a certain extent consume a certain amount of food and industrial goods, but at the same time this is the degree of accessibility of education, healthcare, physical education and sports and others cultural values at favorable conditions labor and provision of normal housing.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout his life, a person remains useful to society, since all the experience accumulated by humanity is passed on to more and more generations.

After the Second World War, the World Health Organization (WHO) was created. The collective mind of scientists from many countries formulated the concept of health in the WHO charter. It states: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” IN this definition the concept of “social well-being” was correctly introduced, without which it is truly impossible to create conditions for preserving the health of all people in society. This has been convincingly proven by the history of healthcare development, which has created maximum opportunities for providing medical care to the population.

All this indicates that the time has come when natural, biological and social problems associated with preserving the health of the people have merged into a dialectical unity, which ensures a solution to the problem of the comprehensive development of each person.

It is generally accepted that people’s well-being is directly proportional to the moral improvement of the individual and his spiritual health. The truth of this point is that better human well-being actually comes from great opportunities for its comprehensive development. However, greater availability of material goods does not always guarantee rational use them in the name of a healthy lifestyle.

And one of the main values ​​that a person has is - free time. Each working person has 1100 - 1500 hours at his disposal annually. Of this amount, 1/6 is regular vacation, 1/3 is free time after work, 1/2 is weekends at the end of the week.

Work and rest are inextricably linked in a single process of human life, and regular and systematic work requires the same regular and systematic rest. Outstanding Russian physiologist Academician N.E. Vvedensky figuratively said at the end of the 19th century that a person gets tired and exhausted not because he works a lot, but because he does not know how to rest.

Facts show that even today not everyone has learned how to properly use their free time and relax wisely and profitably. And it is necessary to learn this art. Because proper rest means high labor productivity, good mood, because people’s personal time is not only their own business, because the good health of every worker is an asset, because health is the true beauty of a person.


Lifestyle- a collective concept that covers manifestations of the material, social and spiritual existence of people. This is a general sociological category that integrates all the laws, principles and norms in accordance with which people of a given society live in given time.
With all the differences that exist in O.Zh. individuals, classes, social groups and nations with their special customs, traditions and mental makeup, are historically formed common features O.zh. of a given socio-economic system, with its inherent division of labor, exchange and distribution of the produced product, and the dominant ideology. All this, taken together, forms the empirical existence of people, characterized by a certain measure of freedom and happiness, pleasure and satisfaction with life.
Such a “universality” of being, including a certain spectrum human values And constitutes a historically specific O.Zh. of people. The entire history of mankind represents a successive change different forms life manifestations of people, many modifications of O.Zh. Each of them was unique as a special step human development. In the existing O.Zh. The culture of society is always included and interconnected with all its aspects, joining which is a certain way of becoming a personality, developing a person’s generic powers.
In O.zh. reflects the totality of typical types of life activity of an individual, social group or society in unity with living conditions (work, life, social activities). O.zh. is formed under the influence of natural, socio-economic and cultural conditions and is realized in the process of socially transformative and sociocultural (creative) activities of people.
O.zh. - a concept that characterizes a habitual way of everyday life and culture of behavior. Cultural aspect this concept allows us to distinguish in it what relates to culture human relations, and what about O.Zh. The culture of human relations is examined using the example of an entire cultural era, cultural history ethnos or nation, is recreated based on literary and other monuments, and thus is revealed as sociocultural dynamics, embodied in the life of the current generation and can influence the lives of future generations. In turn, O.zh. - this is a statement of the life activity of this generation, time slice of everyday, material and practical activities modern people.
The characteristic features inherent in all spheres of culture are characteristic features O.zh. - this is a historically established set of individuals characteristic of these individuals social communities, ethnicities, cultural features.


Healthy lifestyle

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Lifestyle- a concept used in social and medical sciences to characterize conditions and features Everyday life people in a given society.
Famous valeologist Yu.P. Lisitsyn includes in the concept of lifestyle important factor activity, considering it in three aspects:
- intellectual and physical activity;
- labor and non-labor activity;
- social, cultural (educational) activity, everyday activities.
Most Western scholars define lifestyle as a broad category that includes customized forms behavior, activity and realization of one’s capabilities in work, everyday life and cultural habits characteristic of one or another socio-economic structure.
The components of lifestyle are: human labor activity; social, psycho-intellectual and motor activity; activities aimed at transforming nature, society and oneself; ways to satisfy material and spiritual needs; forms of people's participation in socio-political activities; cognitive activity at the level of theoretical, empirical, oriented and practical knowledge; medical and pedagogical activities aimed at the physical and spiritual development of a person; habits, routine, rhythm, pace of life, features of work and leisure; communication and everyday relationships.
IN historical aspect ideas about a healthy lifestyle begin to take shape for the first time in the East. So, in ancient india for the 6th century BC e. The Vedas formulate the basic principles of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One of them stable equilibrium psyche.
From point of view social sciences determined by the essential features and characteristics of a certain socio-economic formation. So, for example, they talk about the bourgeois way of life, about the socialist way of life. Within this formation, in turn, the features of the lifestyle of a particular class, social stratum, urban and rural population. Everyone existing in society social differences- between classes and social strata, between city and countryside, between people of mental and physical labor, between skilled and unskilled workers - are reflected in their way of life. This gives grounds to talk about different types (or subtypes) of lifestyle.
The way of life covers all essential spheres of human activity: labor, its forms social organization, everyday life, forms of people’s use of their free time, their participation in political and public life, forms of satisfying their material and spiritual needs, norms and rules of behavior included in everyday practice. Therefore, lifestyle is affected not only economic relations, but also the socio-political system, culture and worldview of people. In turn, people's lifestyles have a decisive influence on their way of thinking.
Lifestyle is a sociological category, richer compared to economic category"standard of living", which is expressed mainly in quantitative indicators. These usually include the level of wages and average income per capita, the level of prices for consumer goods, average consumption rates per capita, etc. Lifestyle includes, along with quantitative and quality characteristics conditions and forms of human life.
The concept of "lifestyle" is replaced by some bourgeois sociologists with the concept of "", which is considered as an object individual choice man, According to the American sociologist A. Tofler, the century of scientific and technological revolution is characterized by an increasing diversity of “lifestyles.” “Therefore, a foreigner who now finds himself in the American, English, Japanese or Swedish society of our days must choose not from four or five basic class styles of life, but from literally hundreds of different possibilities.” The psychology of people in a socialist society is characterized by social optimism, resulting from the confidence of all in their future, the mutual care of society for each person and each person for society, the feeling of being the owner of the country.

Sources used
1. Toffler A., ​​The Future shook, L., 1970.
2. Big Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978
4. Big Medical Encyclopedia. 1956-1964

By way of life, the majority understands a stable way of human life that has developed in certain socio-ecological conditions, manifested in the norms of communication, behavior, and way of thinking.

Philosophers interpret lifestyle through a category that covers the totality of typical types of life activity of an individual, a social group and society as a whole, which are considered in unity with living conditions. On individual level human life activity is expressed by the concept of “individual lifestyle”, within which labor activity is distinguished, public sphere, the sphere of family and everyday relations and leisure (Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary, 1983). Consequently, the way of life embodies the dialectic of the relationship between the social and the individual. On this basis, the internal “value self-determination” of the individual occurs.

Sociologists expand the concept of individual lifestyle due to the value-semantic component of activity, life experience personality, behavioral stereotypes (Sociological Dictionary, 1992). According to the Russian psychologist K.A. Albukhanova-Slavskaya’s individual lifestyle includes a subsystem of stable components of activity - organization of personal time, favorite activities, habits, behavioral stereotypes. In the holistic phenomenon “way of life,” the author identifies subjective, personally determined (ideal) and objectively manifested (activity) components.

According to valeologist E.N. Weiner, the concept of lifestyle should be defined as a person’s way of life, which he adheres to in everyday life due to social, cultural, material and professional circumstances. In such a definition, the cultural aspect should especially be highlighted, which emphasizes that the way of life is not identical to living conditions, which only mediate and condition the way of life by material and intangible factors. Culture, in the context of the issue under consideration, means that a person, due to the knowledge and life attitudes he has acquired, chooses his own way of life, taking into account its conditions.

Essential in ensuring a lifestyle acquires a personal component, which involves establishing a lifestyle depending on the hereditary typological characteristics of a person, hereditary or acquired diseases or disorders of the state of his regulatory-adaptive systems or immunity, the level of valeological education of life goals, available socio-economic conditions . Individual targeting of lifestyle should be considered logical, which should include the above factors, as well as environmental, regional, etc. as initial premises.

Consequently, lifestyle is a biosocial category that integrates the idea of ​​a certain type of human life activity and is characterized by his work activity, everyday life, the form of satisfying material and spiritual needs, and the rules of individual and social behavior.

Yu.P. Lisitsin includes four categories of lifestyle: economic - standard of living, sociological - quality of life, socio-psychological - lifestyle and socio-economic - way of life. With the first two categories being equal, people’s health primarily depends on the style and way of life, which to a large extent conditioned by historical traditions fixed in the minds of people.

The twentieth century gave people electricity, radio, television, modern transport and many other benefits. Medicine has saved man from a number of infectious diseases, given him various ways and means of treating diseases. However, this century has brought a decrease in volume motor activity human, increased neuropsychic and other types of stress, chemical pollution external and internal environment and others negative phenomena, Related scientific and technological progress. Less often they pay attention to significant changes in the style and way of life itself.

Thousands of generations of our ancestors lived and worked in close communication with nature, synchronously with natural rhythms. We got up in the morning and fell asleep in the evening dawn. Each season had its own work spirit, its own mode of life. Now people live in the rhythm of the production cycle, the same at any time of the year.

Lifestyle modern man characterized by hypokinesia and physical inactivity, overeating, information overload, psycho-emotional overstrain, abuse medicines etc., which ultimately leads to the development of the so-called diseases of civilization. The diseases of modern man are caused primarily by his lifestyle and everyday behavior.

An 85% increase in average life expectancy is associated not with advances in medicine, but with improved living and working conditions and the rationalization of the population's lifestyle.

Lifestyle individual represents a set of elements that are socially typical and individually unique in behavior, communication and way of thinking. Lifestyle gradations: transformative activity aimed at changing nature, society and man himself; ways to satisfy material and spiritual needs; forms of people's participation in socio-political activities; cognitive activity at the level of theoretical, empirical and value-oriented knowledge; communication activity, including communication between people in society and its subsystems; medical and pedagogical activities aimed at the physical and spiritual development of a person.

Consequently, a way of life can be interpreted as a way of satisfying people's needs within the framework of existing natural and social restrictions.

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of “healthy lifestyle”.

More on the topic Defining a lifestyle:


Lifestyle is one of the most important biosocial categories that integrate ideas about a certain type (type) of human life. It is characterized by the features of a person’s daily life, covering his work activity, everyday life, forms of use of free time, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, participation in public life, norms and rules of behavior.

Lifestyle is one of the criteria of social progress; it is the “face” of a person. It has now been proven that of the sum of all factors that determine human health, 50-55% is due to lifestyle. In turn, the main factors that determine a person’s lifestyle include:

Level general culture a person and his education;

Material living conditions;

Gender, age and constitutional characteristics of a person;

Health status;

Character ecological environment a habitat;

Features of work activity (profession);

Peculiarities family relations and family education;

Human habits;

Opportunities to satisfy biological and social needs.

When analyzing lifestyle, the features of a person’s professional, social, socio-cultural and everyday activities are usually considered. The main features include social, labor

and physical activity. In other words, the main thing in a person’s lifestyle is

how he (or a social group) lives, what are the main ways and forms of life activity, its direction. It should be borne in mind that each of the social groups has its own differences in lifestyle, its own values, attitudes, standards of behavior, etc. The lifestyle, determined to a large extent by socio-economic conditions, depends on the motives of the activities of a particular person, characteristics of his psyche, state of health and functional capabilities of the body. This, in particular, explains the real variety of lifestyle options for different people.

A person's lifestyle includes three categories: standard of living, quality of life and lifestyle.

The standard of living is the degree to which material, cultural, and spiritual needs are satisfied (mainly an economic category).

Quality of life characterizes comfort in meeting human needs (primarily a sociological category).

Lifestyle is a behavioral feature of a person’s life, i.e. a certain standard to which the psychology and psychophysiology of the individual (socio-psychological category) adapts.

Assessing the role of each of these categories in the formation of health, it should be noted that with equal opportunities for the first two (level and quality), bearing public character, human health largely depends on lifestyle, which is largely personalized and determined by historical and national traditions and personal inclinations.

During the life of each person, material and spiritual needs must be satisfied, and his behavior will be aimed at realizing these needs. Each person, with the same this moment In any society, the level of needs has its own individual way of satisfying them, so people’s behavior is different and it depends to a large extent on upbringing.

The concept of “healthy lifestyle” is a concentrated expression of the relationship between lifestyle and human health. A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to a person’s performance of professional, social and household functions in conditions that are optimal for health and development. It expresses a certain orientation of the individual’s activities in the direction of strengthening and developing personal (individual) and public health. Health in its essence should be the primary need of a person, but satisfying this need, bringing it to optimal result is complex, unique, often contradictory, indirect in nature and does not always lead to the desired result. This situation is due to a number of circumstances, and primarily due to the fact that:

In our country, the population has not yet developed a sufficiently positive motivation to take good care of their health;

It is human nature to be slow to realize feedback(both negative and positive effects on the human body);

Health in society, primarily due to low culture, has not yet taken first place in the hierarchy of human needs.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that vital role nurturing in every member of society an attitude towards health as one of the main human values, as well as the need to develop the basic provisions and conditions of a healthy lifestyle, the methodology for their implementation, inculcation and development

people. There are two main ways to achieve this goal. The first is the education of every person, starting from childhood, in preschool, school institutions, colleges, universities, etc.

D. The second is self-education of the individual (create yourself!). Naturally, to achieve a healthy lifestyle it is necessary to combine both ways.

A healthy lifestyle is associated with the personal and motivational embodiment by individuals of their social, psychological, physical capabilities and abilities. It is important to keep in mind that for a healthy lifestyle it is not enough to focus efforts only on overcoming risk factors for various diseases, combating alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, conflict relationships (although this is also of great health importance), and it is important to highlight and develop all those diverse trends that “work” for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and are contained in the most different sides human life.

The basis of a healthy lifestyle is the choice of lifestyle made by the person himself regarding how to live. This choice largely depends on the constitutional characteristics of the individual. A person's lifestyle must correspond to his constitution.

The human constitution is the genetic potential of the organism, a product of heredity and environment, realizing the hereditary potential; it is the constitution of a person that determines the basic laws of his individual life. The constitution is always individual: there are as many ways of life as there are people. The real constitution of a person is made up of a set of components. Let's list the main ones.

Reflexive constitution - genetic memory(heredity), epigenetic memory (embryonic development), immune memory (about past diseases), neural memory (memory recorded by neurons).

The hepotypic constitution is a “hereditary passport” (genomic characteristic, human chromosomal system), which determines the regenerative abilities of our morphology.

Phenotypic constitution is the traditional (and sometimes the only) idea of ​​a person’s constitution based on the hereditary structure of his musculoskeletal and fatty habitus.

The immune constitution is a globulin defense system, which is based on the mechanism of antigen-antibody bonds that determine the nature and intensity of immunological reactions.

Neuronal constitution is a state of neurological reactivity that determines the basic principles of learning and knowledge acquisition; it is the basic basis of emotions and volitional processes that determine our health and our neurological symptoms.

Psychological constitution determines psychological type personality, its character and temperament.

Lymphohematological constitution is the characteristics of lymph flow and blood type that carry the genomic, constitutional character and determining the intensity of metabolism and energy of the body.

The hormonal-sexual constitution characterizes an essential point in all behavioral reactions person. Sexual behavior is determined by the interaction of certain brain structures with sex hormones (androgens in male sexual behavior and estrogens in female sexual behavior).

The energy-acupuncture constitution is the specificity of the system of so-called energy channel connections in the body.

A systematic idea of ​​the human constitution provides an integral characteristic that underlies human life. A healthy lifestyle is living according to the laws of your constitution. Loss of health is a kind of retribution for living contrary to one’s constitution.

The basic principles of a healthy lifestyle include:

Social: lifestyle should be aesthetic, moral and strong-willed;

Biological: lifestyle should be age-appropriate, energetically secure, strengthening and rhythmic.

It is quite obvious that the implementation of these principles is refracted through the prism of socio-economic activities and the formation of appropriate models of human behavior.

It is absolutely clear that maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves:

Striving for physical perfection;

Achieving spiritual and mental harmony in life;

Providing adequate nutrition;

Elimination of self-destructive behavior from life (tobacco smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, physical inactivity, etc.);

Compliance with personal hygiene rules; hardening the body and cleansing it, etc.

Speaking about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, we should pay attention to the experience of our ancestors. For example, special interest presents Tibetan "Recipe" eternal youth and health." Let us present its main provisions.

A healthy lifestyle is of such global importance that it helps a person prolong life itself. At least once, everyone has thought about the amount of harm that their body takes on. It's a shame, isn't it? Then put aside your laziness and get to work!

A healthy lifestyle is a set of rules aimed at improving the psychological and physical condition the body and its productive work.

Ancient people did not know the peculiarities of hygiene, proper nutrition or optimal quantity physical activity. This contributed to a decrease in population and a colossal number of sick people.

Over time, the concept of a healthy lifestyle has become ingrained in the hearts of citizens. The desire to live as long as possible, to see grandchildren and have sufficient health to have time to look after them - great motivation to create the basis for a healthy lifestyle.

World Health Organization opinion on healthy lifestyles

Health is not just the absence of physical defects and diseases, but also the totality of social, physical and mental well-being. Supporting health and a healthy lifestyle, WHO declared April 7 as Health Day, since it was on this day in 1948, according to the WHO Charter, that the first interpretation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle appeared, which has not changed to this day.

The organization conducts research into health-related behavior of individuals. Based on the results obtained, 10 main recommendations were identified.

  1. By consuming breast milk for a baby under 6 months of age, the risk of developing most non-communicable diseases is automatically reduced.
  2. Required healthy sleep in conjunction with the work and rest regime.
  3. An annual blood test, an ECG, a visit to a therapist, and blood pressure monitoring are required.
  4. Minimum consumption of alcoholic beverages. Live beer or red wine are allowed in moderation.
  5. Quitting tobacco products.
  6. Regular exercise.
  7. Use iodized salt instead of sodium salt.
  8. Replace easily digestible carbohydrates (buns, pies) with nuts, fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  9. Eliminate margarine and animal fat from the diet. Use flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil or grape seed oil.
  10. To calculate ideal body weight, use the following formulas:
    • for women: (Height in cm - 100) X 0.85 = ideal weight;
    • for men: (Height in cm - 100) X 0.9 = ideal weight.

Basics of healthy lifestyle

The basics of a healthy lifestyle include factors that help create a healthy body and a stable psyche. Today, many pathological diseases are known that are caused by environment. This creates a need to strengthen the body. Where do we start?

Proper nutrition involves avoiding unhealthy foods (flour, sweet, fatty, etc.) and replacing them with fruits, vegetables, berries, and cereals. The condition of the skin depends on the quality of nutrition, internal organs, muscles and tissues. Drinking 2-3 liters of water per day will speed up metabolism, slow down skin aging, and prevent dehydration.

  • create a diet plan;
  • do not overeat;
  • replace harmful foods with healthy ones.

Currently, physical inertia is urgent problem society. Lack of muscle activity is currently fraught with health problems. According to WHO research, physical inertia leads to death in 6% of cases.

Regular exercise:

  • prevent the development of depression and psycho-emotional disorders;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes;
  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • increase the strength of bone tissue;
  • allow you to monitor your weight;
  • improve the immune system.

Maintaining a daily routine

From birth it is worth accustoming the body to a specific routine. Initially, parents must guide the child, then the process must be controlled independently. Under a certain person An individual daily routine is selected. Following simple rules and by accustoming the body to a consistent schedule, you can get rid of many problems.

  1. Dream. Allows you to bring the body back to normal. Average duration Sleep for an adult is 8 hours.
  2. Eating at a time. Regular eating eliminates the possibility of weight gain. The body gets used to eating at strictly designated hours. If you deprive him of this privilege, malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs are guaranteed. For the first 21 days, you can make a nutrition plan - have breakfast with cereals, in small portions. A habit will develop, and the stomach will work like a clock.
  3. Taking care of the body. Physical activity during the day is necessary, especially if there is no opportunity to move during the rest of the day (sedentary work).

By following the rules for the correct regime, you “risk” acquiring a good mood, directing the body to solve more complex mental and physical tasks and motivating loved ones with your example.

Rejection of bad habits

Abuse of alcohol or smoking is addictive. In addition, alcohol-containing products are prohibited for nulliparous girls - alcohol “kills” eggs, and the likelihood of remaining childless increases significantly. Tobacco provokes cancer.

Refusal bad habits Gives fortitude and helps to avoid unwanted health problems.

Strengthening the body

This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. How to determine that the body is not strengthened enough?

The person is concerned about:

  • frequent colds;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • headache;
  • skin rashes.

If such signs are present, it is recommended to consult a doctor for qualified help. He will prescribe immuno-strengthening drugs and a course of treatment. If you don’t want to take pills, you should ask your doctor’s advice about home methods. To strengthen the immune system, the diet often includes:

  • Bay leaf;
  • horseradish;
  • shrimps;
  • fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins A, C and E;
  • dry red wine

Many people pour water to improve their well-being and strengthen their body. cold water, up to winter swimming. Parents with early years accustom their child to such a procedure in order to protect him from infectious diseases.

Human mental health as one of the factors of healthy lifestyle

Mental health is about the individual's response to influences outside world. The environment has an aggressive effect on state of mind person. Experiences and stress bring diseases to the body and mental disorders. To protect yourself from suffering, disease prevention is used.

According to WHO, mental health is appropriate behavior human interaction with the environment. It includes 3 main factors.

  1. No mental disorders.
  2. Stress resistance.
  3. Adequate self-esteem.

Be happy with yourself - this is the basis mental health. At frequent depression, mood swings, consult a psychotherapist.

He will prescribe the necessary medications and offer rational treatment.

Followers of a healthy lifestyle have a number of advantages:

  • bad mood is a rare occurrence;
  • infectious diseases are not able to attack the powerful immunity of the “healthy lifestyle”;
  • chronic diseases recede into the background, fading away or manifesting themselves less actively;
  • psychological state at a stable level;
  • the functioning of the body proceeds without interruption;
  • spending time becomes more productive.


Having analyzed in detail what a healthy lifestyle is, you should also understand that the main task citizen - taking care of yourself and others. A healthy lifestyle also means a strong character. All people plan to live a long time, do not want to get sick or see their children sick. But not everyone makes a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

The reason is the absence proper motivation and banal laziness. It's better to sit on the couch with chips than to walk for half an hour. This opinion is shared by the majority of citizens of our country. You should consult a doctor only when the pain is no longer unbearable.

Think about your health, give your body healthy lifestyle habits. And rest assured, your body will reward you with good health and absence of illness.

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