How to properly structure your day and follow through. How to “correctly” celebrate your birthday

Benjamin Franklin was the son of a soap maker, but thanks to self-organization and discipline he succeeded in many areas: politics, diplomacy, science, journalism. He is one of the founding fathers of the United States of America - he participated in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the country's constitution.

Franklin's portrait appears on the $100 bill, even though he was never president of the United States. He is credited with the authorship of such catch phrases, as in “Time is money” and “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

  • "Frogs" Everyone has boring tasks that are constantly put off until later. These unpleasant things accumulate and put psychological pressure on you. But if you start every morning with “eating a frog,” that is, first of all, perform some uninteresting task, and then move on to the rest, then gradually things will come into order.
  • "Anchors." These are material bindings (music, color, movement) associated with a certain emotional state. “Anchors” are necessary in order to tune in to solving a particular problem. For example, you can train yourself to work with mail under classical music, and whenever you are too lazy to unload the inbox, you will only need to turn on Mozart or Beethoven to catch the desired psychological wave.
  • "Elephant steak." How bigger task(write a dissertation, learn foreign language and so on) and the tighter the deadline, the more difficult it is to start implementing it. It’s the scale that frightens us: it’s not clear where to start, whether we have enough strength. Such tasks are called “elephants”. The only way“eat an elephant” - cook “steaks” from it, that is, break a big task into several small ones.

It is noteworthy that Gleb Arkhangelsky great attention devotes not only to the rationalization of work processes, but also to relaxation (the full title of his bestseller is “Time Drive: How to Manage Your Life and Work”). He is convinced that without have a nice rest, which includes healthy sleep And physical activity, it is impossible to be productive.


Plan your every day. Todoist, Wunderlist, TickTick and other similar programs and services will help you with this. Break complex large-scale tasks into simple small ones. In the morning, do the most unpleasant work so that in the remaining time you can do only what you like. Develop triggers that will help you cope with laziness, and remember to include rest in your schedule.

Francesco Cirillo method

You may not be familiar with the name Francesco Cirillo, but you've probably heard of Pomodoro. Cirillo is the creator of this famous time management technique. At one time, Francesco had problems with his studies: the young man could not concentrate and was distracted all the time. A simple kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato came to the rescue.


At the beginning of the day, make a list of tasks and complete them, measuring time “tomatoes”. If you get distracted within 25 minutes, put a ’ symbol next to the task. If the time has expired, but the task has not yet been completed, put a + and dedicate the next “pomodoro” to it. During a five-minute break, completely switch from work to rest: walk, listen to music, drink coffee.

So, here are five basic time management systems with which you can organize your day. You can study them in more detail and become an apologist for one of the methods, or you can develop your own by combining various techniques and technology.

GTD - an alternative to time management

David Allen, creator of the GTD technique, is one of the most famous theorists personal effectiveness. His book, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, was named by Time Magazine best business book decades.

The term Getting Things Done is well-known, and many people mistakenly equate it with time management. But even Allen himself calls GTD “a technique for increasing personal effectiveness».

Here's how an expert on the subject explained the difference between time management and GTD.

This is not time management. It is impossible to manage time. Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. It's not the amount of time that matters, but what you fill it with. You need to be able to process large flows of incoming information, determine what actions are needed to achieve goals, and, of course, act. That's exactly what GTD is about. This is a certain way of thinking and living. GTD is also about the state of flow and reducing psychological stress.

Vyacheslav Sukhomlinov

Are you ready to argue? Welcome to the comments. What do you think is more important in GTD - time management or personal efficiency? Also tell us what techniques help you organize your day.


Diets and healthy eating 05.01.2014

Dear readers, today on the blog I propose to talk about the benefits of fasting days for our body. I think many of us, after a permanent New Year's feast, felt all the “charms” of overeating. After all, for the long-awaited holiday, everyone tried not only to show off their culinary skills, but also to satisfy their gastronomic cravings. To be honest, we probably ate a lot, with gusto, without denying ourselves anything. In the end - New Year, as they say, once a year.

But after everything is allowed, “Go for a walk, just go for a walk!” the fed stomach begins to rebel. He is echoed by a suddenly awakened conscience, the remorse of which pushes us to step on the scales and think about how to cope with the consequences of mayonnaise abundance and high-calorie variety. And even if you haven’t found any significant weight gain, after such a “table marathon” rest digestive system definitely needed. This is where we remember the fasting days and gather our strength in order to carry out this very unloading.

We are still a strange people. First, we lose weight for the holidays, some events, beach season, then we let everything take its course and then think again: “What can we do to be in shape?” I suggest that you still apply all our wisdom, think about many things and start with at least a system of fasting days.

This is not only a kind of program for the transition from “overeating” to a normal regime. Taking such breaks from time to time is very useful in normal system nutrition. And there are several reasons for this:

Fasting days. Benefit.

Fasting days - five reasons to try

  1. Give your body a break from constantly eating too much food. It happens that we simply don’t need some of what we eat. And, unfortunately, aimless snacking, “eating” problems and overeating “for company” happen quite often, almost becoming a tradition. So the body definitely needs a little shake-up. How often to do it is up to you, based on your lifestyle, needs and, of course, health status.
  2. With the help of fasting days, we get rid of toxins and toxins - the consequences of feasts that have long been “staying” in the body, which have turned into absolutely unnecessary ballast.
  3. If your current diet does not bring the expected results, try fasting days as an additional stimulation of metabolism. Perhaps such a “time out” will serve as an impetus for launching a “weight loss program.” Or it will definitely save you from just one extra kilogram.
  4. Train your willpower. In an effort to tidy up our “form,” we also work on its “content,” restructuring our consciousness to new level. Realizing that food restriction is a positive experience, we learn to manage our desires, which means we program ourselves to achieve new useful goals.
  5. Fasting days can become a “reboot program” for our entire nutrition system. Having tried a short-term course of beneficial abstinence on ourselves, we may well switch completely to the system proper nutrition on permanent basis. You look, and the desire to indiscriminately swallow everything in a row will disappear without a trace.

Forward! To unload! How to prepare mentally?

Fasting days. How to carry them out correctly.

Don't rush to get rid of the holiday dinner "leftovers" that are still filling the shelves in your refrigerator. There are two options:

1. or gradually eat up everything uneaten ( keyword- “gradually”, that is, restraining your impulses to deal with the fur coat and Olivier as quickly as possible). This option is suitable for those who are not confident in their willpower and are afraid to “break down”, having not yet destroyed “temptations” at hand.

2. Or finally close the topic of this very refrigerator for yourself, setting a clear goal: “Hold on!” Despite the fact that your household may not support your initiative. This path is within the reach of those who have sufficient willpower. Or you are completely fed up with gastronomic abundance, and the memory of a piece of chocolate pie only causes a feeling of heaviness in your stomach.

3. It will be great if we take care of our health and use oxygen cocktails. There's so much useful stuff at the bottom. These magical bubbles work wonders. We can eat the air without experiencing the pangs of hunger and remembering the smoked foods and aromas of baking. The foam of the cocktail will simply eliminate our hunger. Equipment for preparing oxygen cocktails can be purchased

How to properly arrange fasting days?

But one decision to practice fasting days is not enough. It is also important to know about the rules for conducting them.

  • It is better to schedule fasting days during busy periods. This way, your thoughts will be far from food, and there will simply be no time to run for a sandwich. If you are “unloading” in your usual home conditions, stock up on low-fat kefir. In moments intense desire It will help you to eat something.
  • However, it’s also too much to burden yourself physical activity It's also not worth it. That is, it is better to postpone strength training in the gym, and even just fitness classes. Do not overload your body, which is already actively working on such days.
  • If you really want some additional procedures (which, by the way, can become a distraction), you can go to the bathhouse or have a massage. This will have a beneficial effect on cleansing the body. And walk more in the fresh air.
  • Speaking of additional cleansing, do not under any circumstances resort to laxatives or diuretics. Such forced stimulation will only harm the body and put extra stress on the kidneys. Do not interfere with the natural unloading process.
  • For proper operation do not forget to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. Moreover most you need to drink it in the first half of the day. To prevent bile stagnation in the liver, drink a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. vegetable oil. During the day, you can replace one cup of tea with a decoction of choleretic herbs or simply drink rose hips. Read about how to brew it correctly.

Another piece of advice for those planning to arrange a fasting day for themselves - at the end of the scheduled period, you should not “reward” your efforts by again embarking on all the gastronomic hardships. The body does not need such stress at all, and achieved result will be leveled.

As for the amount of food that can be consumed during one fasting day, it varies depending on your weight and the energy you plan to expend during that day. But in any case, do not eat more than two kilograms of vegetables and fruits and more than 600 g of protein products (meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products).

How often do you spend fasting days without harm to your health?

If we talk about the systematicity of fasting days, then most often they practice one fasting per week. If you plan to use fasting days as a fight against overweight– you can do them twice a week.

Fasting days. Contraindications.

But fasting days are not for everyone. So, before you decide to go on a gastronomic shakeup, discuss this prospect with your doctor. In particular, doctors do not recommend following such a system to pregnant or lactating women. You should not practice them if you have any health problems - chronic diseases or even just feeling unwell. Moreover, fasting days are prohibited for people who have problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as those who suffer from type 1 diabetes.

To eat or not to eat? What, exactly, should we do?

Effective fasting days.

The blog has an excellent step-by-step, detailed detox diet from one of the best nutritionists Rimma Moisenko. You can watch it.

And I also suggest watching an excellent video that describes an express method for unloading the body after the New Year holidays.

Fasting days after the New Year holidays.

I plan to offer you several types of fasting days in the following articles of our new series. Can you imagine, in addition to the traditionally known kefir and apple ones, there are meat and even chocolate fasting days! I hope you find it interesting and learn enough for yourself useful information, and perhaps try the practice of unloading.

Fasting day of health. Example.

Now, as an example, I’ll give you a health fasting day. You can use it once or twice a month to periodically get rid of toxins. The entire diet consists of fruits and vegetables, which are the best way to relieve our body.
It is better to start unloading in the evening, having dinner with vegetarian soup. All meals should be taken after 2-3 hours.

In the morning: on an empty stomach, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Next - 150 ml of any vegetable juice, diluted (1:1) mineral water and one tomato.
Breakfast: vegetable salad, vegetarian soup, choleretic herbal tea.
Lunch: stewed vegetables (you can add a few drops of vegetable oil, but better with water), a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice
Afternoon snack: cucumber and tomato salad, you can add pickled mushrooms (up to 100 g), green tea
Dinner: vegetarian soup.

For breakfast next day It's better to eat stewed vegetables.

Protein fasting day.

And the following “recipe” for a protein fasting day is quite acceptable for maintaining normal weight. You can practice once a week. Moreover, the diet is organized in such a way that you definitely won’t feel hungry.

Breakfast: let's start, as in the previous example, with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Next is a portion of a protein shake (these are sold in stores sports nutrition, but you can make it yourself: a glass of milk, a banana and 100 g of cottage cheese - mix everything with a blender or by hand), 100 g of boiled or baked veal, coffee without milk and sugar.

Lunch (four hours later): glass mineral water, up to 200 g of boiled beef with tomato or herbs, a glass of green tea
Afternoon snack (four hours later): up to 200 g of boiled chicken breasts (without skin), Chinese cabbage salad, a glass of mineral water and a cup of choleretic tea.
Dinner (four hours later): up to 200 g of beans in tomato, a glass of tomato juice.

Here are some examples to get you started. In the near future I will introduce you to other options for fasting days. Perhaps you will find the best method for yourself, and perhaps suggest your own in the comments - long tried and tested.

My sincere gift for today will be a funny cartoon Pig and cookies .
On the one hand, it’s funny and amusing, but on the other hand, it’s a little sad... Sometimes we just don’t notice such similar situations ourselves.

I wish you all wisdom, harmony and health. I think it’s a good idea for all of us to periodically spend fasting days for the benefit of our health.

see also


    12 Feb 2015 at 14:30






















12 days after your birthday is great time to form new or correct unwanted events in your life. This is the time when it is recommended to start working on your changes. How to spend these days correctly?


Pay attention to all 12 days after your birthday. Because they show the upcoming events of this year that are trying to burst into your life. And also each of the 12 days characterizes all 12 months after the date of birth.

If your birthday is in August, then 1 day will metaphorically describe the month in which you were born, which is August. Day 2 will indicate significant events in September, day 3 will indicate events in October, and so on.

Carefully monitor your life during this period. What happens every day? Signs from above will definitely come to you, which will give answers to many questions. Let's look at how to properly spend the days after your birthday.

1 day. Personality

The first day in this cycle is your birthday. This is the time of expression of a person as an individual. During this period, you need to think and take care of yourself.

What do we have to do:

  • imagine yourself in the future as the person you want to become;
  • understand how you want to express yourself in life;
  • treat yourself with gifts, useful procedures or trips;
  • write 12 wishes for your loved one.

Day 2. Finance

The second day after your birthday is responsible for your material side and prosperity in the future. next year. It is on this day that you can work with any limiting beliefs that prevent you from earning a lot.

What to do:

  • work with your abundance beliefs;
  • give someone a gift or send money to charity;
  • watch your diet: don’t overeat or go on a diet;
  • cannot be given or borrowed.

Day 3. Relationships

In the first days after your birthday, you need to pay attention to the people around you. On the 3rd day after your birthday, you need to be careful in communicating with loved ones, colleagues and friends. There should be no quarrels, claims or omissions.

What can be done:

  • make peace with someone who is in a quarrel;
  • improve relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues;
  • have a romantic dinner or date with your loved one;
  • attend courses, webinars, seminars, etc.;
  • wash, repair or purchase a car;
  • travel short distances.

Day 4 House

How to spend the 12 days after your birthday correctly? We need to remember the purpose of the days and try to plug holes in those areas where life is still sagging.

The 4th day after your birthday is associated with your home, family and Family. Watch what happens to you on this day? Maybe some family item will reveal many secrets to you.

What is advisable to do:

  • dedicate this day entirely to your family;
  • have a family dinner;
  • if possible, it is advisable to visit the Motherland or places of childhood;
  • look at the family album;
  • you can visit departed relatives in the cemetery;
  • do general cleaning or cosmetic repairs in the apartment;
  • buy decorative elements for your home.

Day 5 Self-expression

Life after your birthday on day 5 should be in full swing. This is a real day of relaxation and rest. Anything that relaxes you and brings you joy will do here:

  • spa, yoga, fitness;
  • massage;
  • out-of-town trips;
  • travel to warm countries;
  • creative self-expression;
  • pursuing a hobby;
  • any favorite entertainment;
  • and also a good day for conceiving children.

Day 6 Work and health

On this day you should pay attention to 2 things: work and health. Are you overtired at work? Are you working hard? Are you a real workaholic? Stop and think a little: are you doing your true business?

What you can do:

  • ask your boss for a bonus;
  • draw up a business plan for your project;
  • visit spas and beauty salons;
  • cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Day 7 External world

Well, a week has passed since my birthday. On this day you should observe your relationship with outside world. How do you show yourself in society? Do you have enemies and ill-wishers? The day is also good for establishing relationships with a partner or for finding one.

What can be done:

  • on this day it is advisable to be socially active;
  • attend a concert, exhibition, any event;
  • treat your colleagues to a cake just because;
  • arrange a romantic evening with your loved one;

Day 8 Dying away of the old

The 12 days after your birthday lay the foundation for your entire next year. If on the 8th day after your birthday something breaks, collapses, some connections are broken, someone breaks up - then so be it.

It is on this day that you can part with bad men, change your worldview, throw away old things, pay off all debts and pay off loans. If your business is not going well, then on this day you can reconsider your plans and change them radically.

Day 9 Learning and Spirituality

The 9th day after your birthday is directly related to your education. This period also covers issues of religiosity and philosophy. This is a spiritual time for each of us.

  • read lectures, notes;
  • on this day you may be lucky in exams;
  • meditate;
  • plan your trips for the year;
  • turn to your guardian angels for support.

Day 10 Glory and honors

Day 10 is the day when you can and should think about your career and your success. A true day of glory where you can imagine yourself on the highest pedestal that you deserve.

What you can do:

  • set career goals;
  • draw up business plans for projects;
  • submit a resume for a new job;
  • do rituals for success.

Day 11 Birth of a new one

Day 11 is tied to creative energy. During this period, all female sexuality is perfectly revealed.

  • engage in creativity or a favorite hobby;
  • women to reveal their sexuality: take care of themselves, buy cosmetics or a new dress;
  • communicate more with friends;
  • train your luck;
  • improve your space and the world around you.

Day 12 Results

On this day we need to take stock. This period is especially important for a person. Observe what events are happening today? If everything goes smoothly and calmly, it means that you spent the 12 days after your birthday correctly and are moving in the right direction.

On day 12 it is better to be alone.

But if on this day minor troubles begin to happen to you, then just think: maybe you turned onto some other path? And today the Universe is giving you signs that it’s time to change your life.

Time management is an important part of your success. How many times have you encountered a situation where you are doing things all day and there is no result? I will tell you how to change this situation and constantly replenish your electronic account through proper planning of your working day.

What planning your day will give you:

  • You will get rid of the chaos around you and in your head;
  • Less worry and stress, since you will know when and by what time you need to achieve the task assigned to you;
  • You will be able to more easily evaluate the effectiveness of your day;
  • Unload your head by writing out all the tasks in a planner;
  • You will get more done, since a planned day always goes more efficiently than an unplanned one.

How to plan a day or basic planning rules

The first rule is to make a plan for the next day every evening.

How to plan your day correctly? Plan your day in blocks, without writing them down in detail. But at the same time, leave notes on what needs to be done and when. To make it clear to you, I have outlined tomorrow for myself:

  • 1 hour – morning block (hygiene, breakfast, exercises)
  • 3 hours – work
  • 1 hour – lunch
  • 3 hours – work
  • 2 hours – offline activities, sports, walk + second lunch
  • 2 hours – work
  • 1 hour – dinner
  • 2-3 hours – rest (hobbies, walks)
  • 6-8 hours sleep

Every day I know how many hours I have for work and other things. So I tell myself: “Thank you for these 8 hours that will help me get closer to my goal. I will do everything to make them as productive and efficient as possible.” After that I start my business.

When I wrote this message, I thought about the following. Surely someone thinks that there is no point in bothering so much, you can just do your job. Yes, I don't argue. But for you it will be a hassle only the first time, then it will be a convenient automatic action. You will complete them without thinking, without racking your brain “how to plan my work day, because I have a big project!” The most important thing is that with the help of plans you will achieve your goals much faster than before.

If you think that everything is fine with you and you are satisfied with everything, then that’s great. Have you thought about how to become even more successful and richer? If you think about it now, several come to mind good ideas. But you don’t implement them, because they are only in plans, in your head. And in my 8 working hours I will implement my ideas and bring them to life. It is due to this that I achieved financial solvency, and also give advice on how to plan things correctly.

Second rule: do only what makes you happy

If you do something that doesn't bring you pleasure, you will most likely give up on your business. Let me give you an example. I cannot write texts on a topic that is not my own. Since I spend a lot of time on articles for my blog, and the remaining time is very valuable to me.

I love creating and promoting Internet projects, as well as teaching this business. So I found several people who write to me significant amount articles. For this I pay them the amount that I can earn during this time from my favorite business. This is a beneficial exchange for both parties, such transactions are called “win-win”. Both sides benefit.

The third rule is to distribute tasks by importance.

How to plan your day correctly? Distribute tasks by importance. When drawing up a business plan, I divide all the work into 4 groups:

  1. Important and urgent matters
  2. Urgent but not important matters
  3. Things to do
  4. Not important or urgent matters

The fourth rule - plan your vacation

How to plan your working day correctly? Be rested and prepared for it. Once a week I plan a rest day. On this day I do what I would like to do on weekdays, but could not. Since this would not affect the approach of my goal in any way.

On this day you should rest for the week ahead, but don’t overdo it, because you have to work the next day.

Fifth rule - catch your ideas

I also recommend that you keep a notebook of ideas that should always be at hand. Interesting ideas sometimes overtake us very unexpectedly. As soon as some interesting thought pops into your head, try to write it down, otherwise you may forget about it later. And it doesn’t matter where you are - you should have a notepad at hand!

The next day, when you write a business plan, look at the idea notebook and take an idea from there to implement.

"Present day life is not in vain!" How often do you tell yourself this phrase? Would you like to be more often satisfied with the results of your day? How to organize your day so that you have time to do the necessary things, do not overload yourself with tedious things, and do not go into the stage of chronic fatigue?

Rule one: Refuse the urgent, giving preference to the important

There are important affairs, on the decisions of which our future, development prospects, and goal achievement depend. And there are urgent matters, in which we get bogged down head over heels. This is especially noticeable at work. Does it ever happen to you that you feel like a squirrel in a wheel all day, but at the end of the day you don’t see any results? Correct, because you solve those cases that do not have a specific final result. We call them urgent.

Oddly enough, they are always easier do, it is basically something mechanical that does not require the application of the mind, but does require an investment of time and energy. And there are things that seem difficult to us at first glance, because they need to be thought through, a decision made, and a strategy for implementation developed. But it is the solution of these cases that brings us results. Therefore, in order not to fill your day with useless waste of energy and time, train yourself to spend more time important matters, those that really have a result for you personally. What about “urgent”? Learn to say “no” to them, because most of them seem urgent and urgent only at first glance. When you learn to sort your tasks in this way, consider that the efficiency of your day has increased at least twice.

Rule two: Set the correct order of things to do

The same goes for the order execution any work. Energy accumulates when we rest and is used up when we... There is an exception to this rule. If we do work that is interesting to us, then inspiration from work charges us with energy and strength better than passive rest. And then “on recharge” you will be able to do a lot of other work, even the least favorite. So start your day with creative work, with the one that you like, with the one that gives you a “second wind”. Firstly, with fresh energy and a free mind, you will be able to do the work that is really important to you and get results. And secondly, with your sails raised, you can then move mountains in all routine and urgent matters.

Rule three: Learn to motivate yourself

Motivation- the strongest thing. Before doing anything, ask yourself the question: “Why do I need this? What will I get in the end?” If the work is “important”, then the answer will be easy to find, and motivation will appear by itself. “I need to do this job because this way I can earn extra money.” There is work that does not bring direct benefits, but has indirect benefits. Well, for example, the need to clean the apartment. Important? It seems that there is no benefit, the dust will still accumulate again in a week.

The most correct approach will find motivation for the unloved, but necessary work. Stop breathing dust and feel comfortable in a clean apartment - this is also motivation. Or go from the opposite: “I can’t clean it up, and then I’ll sit in the dirt like a pig.” Any business should have some benefit. Look for her. Perhaps you will earn a plus for your image, or help your mother, thereby earning her gratitude, or simply feel noble and smart person, while increasing own self-esteem. If you have motivation, everything gets done much faster and better. Don't find motivation? Then perhaps this matter is completely useless for you? Do not do it. Good way get rid of unnecessary things, thereby unloading your schedule.

Rule four: Realistically assess your capabilities

You, of course, superhero, have identified things that are important to you, found motivation, built your daily schedule correctly, and are ready for achievements. But with such combat training, do not forget that there are only 24 hours in a day, and you only have two hands and one head. Don't overestimate yourself, don't undertake to do more than you are capable of. Then you won't be disappointed.

After all, what is often is happening: we planned a carriage and a small cart of tasks for ourselves, but only completed a fifth of them due to limited time and overrated capabilities. As a result, disappointment comes, loss of strength, and abandonment of plans, even the most promising ones: “I still can’t get anything done!” Set yourself feasible tasks. And don’t forget to start the day with “important” (productive) tasks, because then you will be able to see the result at the end of the day, even if you only managed to complete one task.

Rule five: Rest should be an integral part of an effective day.

Good and complete rest- this is the key to high productivity the next day. Therefore, do not neglect rest, set aside time for it. The right plan his day should include clearly designated hours for rest and entertainment. This is how the body is designed, that positive emotions he needs, otherwise, as a result of their absence, depression occurs, chronic fatigue, efficiency decreases, and all that jazz.

Clearly allocate time for emotional rest. “War is war, but lunch is on schedule!” - take this motto for yourself and at exactly seven o’clock go to the gym, or bowling with friends. And be sure to have at least one day off a week so that you can spend time relaxing and not “pulling up your tails” at work or doing household chores. When you learn to clearly plan your rest time, your productivity will increase. After all, if vacation looms on the horizon, this is a very powerful incentive to quickly complete all your tasks.

Efficiency every day depends, of course, on ourselves. Don’t be lazy to organize yourself, then you won’t be afraid to look back on a day well lived.

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