How to draw seasons


The first option is an image of a standard circle of seasons, which is often asked to be drawn in natural history classes at school. Draw a circle and divide it into four sectors. Each sector will depict a small landscape or simply a natural phenomenon associated with a particular time of year. Let winter be drawn in the upper right sector - the cycle of seasons traditionally begins with it. You can depict a snowy forest, snowdrifts, or just a few snowflakes. The next, lower right sector is spring. Icicles, swollen buds on the branches and, of course, the sun. The lower left corner is summer: bright colors, flowers, birds, ripe berries - that’s what you can fill this sector with. The last sector is autumn with its orange-red colors, rains and fallen leaves.

By the way, no matter how strange it may sound, the cycle of the seasons does not have to be drawn in the form of a circle. If the sectors are square, nothing bad will happen. Such a circle can be designed in a very original way, as, for example, in the illustration. The same object is divided into four sectors, each of which has its own season. Children will surely enjoy this task.

Draw the same landscape, but in different seasons. Landscape options will differ in color scheme and other details. The four pictures can also be enclosed in a circle of seasons, or they can be placed side by side, as in the illustrations.

It is very interesting to depict the seasons using techniques common in children's art. Autumn is all about leaf prints. Apply paint to the autumn leaf, attach it to the paper, press tightly and remove. To make a snowflake, cut out a flower from an old oilcloth openwork tablecloth and make prints with blue paint. Another interesting technique is painting over wax marks. Use a candle to paint the areas you want to leave white, such as clouds or snowdrifts, and paint the rest with watercolors. Summer can also be depicted using leaf prints - by painting with watercolors on wet paper. There are many techniques, their combination will create a wonderful collage.

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