When mutual trust is established. Jack of all trades

It leads to the death of thousands of companies every year. To better understand the characteristics of a good strategy, it is convenient to consider its opposite - a bad strategy.

A bad strategy is not the result of a lack of a good strategy. Bad strategies are the result of specific mistakes, misconceptions and miscalculations of management. If you learn to recognize the manifestations of bad strategy, you will be much better able to assess the situation, influence the course of events and develop good strategies.

Knowing its symptoms will help you detect a bad strategy: pay attention to the presence of at least one of the four main signs.

  • "Water". Essentially, idle talk imitating strategic concepts and reasoning. Usually, newfangled terms are used, overly pompous and abstruse, and frankly esoteric ideas that are understandable only to the “chosen few” - all this nonsense is intended to create the illusion of a highly intellectual approach.
  • Failure to identify and solve problems. A bad strategy can neither recognize nor address the problem. But if you can't identify the problem, you'll never be able to evaluate the strategy and improve it.
  • When strategy is replaced by goal. Many bad strategies are merely declarations of what is desired rather than plans for overcoming obstacles to achieving it.
  • Poor strategic sub-goals. A strategic goal is set by the leader as a means to achieve a specific result. Strategic goals are bad if they don't solve critical issues or completely unattainable.


“Water” I mean superficial judgments and common thoughts, clothed in stock phrases, generously seasoned with fashionable terms - dummies. With the help of "water" they are easily imitated lore, deep thoughts and thorough analysis. As simple example How “water” informs strategy formulation, I will quote a phrase from an internal memorandum of one large bank serving small clients: “Our fundamental strategy is a strategy of customer-oriented intermediation.” Beautiful word"mediation" in in this case means that the bank accepts deposits from some clients and issues loans to others. In other words, it does what any bank should do. And the fashionable phrase “customer-oriented” may suggest that our bank, ahead of its competitors, offers depositors and borrowers more favorable conditions or better service. However, an analysis of its products and operating methods did not reveal any particular differences from other banks. The conclusion is simple: “customer-oriented mediation” is pure water. Shake off the gloss of prettiness and pomposity and what remains is a useless statement of a banal fact: “The fundamental strategy of our bank is to be a bank.”

The criterion of true competence and the ability to penetrate into the essence of a subject has always been the ability to explain simply and clearly even the most difficult question. Distinctive feature We consider mediocrity and bad strategy to be excessive complexity, streams of “water” masking the lack of meaning.

Failure to identify and solve problems

Strategy is both a long way to overcome difficulties, and a way to deal with them, and a solution complex task, and a specific reaction to the problem. Therefore, it is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to assess the quality of a strategy if the problem is not identified. Until you determine the quality of a strategy, you can neither reject a bad one nor improve a good strategy.

When, for example, a leader believes key problem low efficiency, it initially lays the foundation for a bad strategy. Low efficiency is the result. And the main problems are the reasons for low efficiency. When a leader does not offer any framework to explain past underperformance, he may not have a good strategy.

If you are unable to identify and analyze your problems, then you do not have a strategy. You only have a vague goal, budget, or list of desired results.

Many strategy authors do not identify the main obstacles that stand in the way of an organization's success or describe methods for overcoming them. Listening and reading such documents, you constantly come across the same phenomenon: the people who compiled them completely lack strategic thinking. But there is an abundance of pompous speech, lofty feelings and strong intentions to spend generously so that somehow things get better.

When strategy is replaced by goal

Most corporate strategic plans are nothing more than a three-year or even five-year rolling budget supplemented by market share projections. By calling such a document a strategic plan, managers create false expectations among employees: everyone believes that the very fact of drawing it up will somehow magically lead to the development of a coherent strategy.

If you really want to, such documents can also be called a strategic plan, but they are by no means a strategy, since they cannot provide you with the main thing that the management of any organization needs - the necessary way to improve efficiency. To achieve this the most important goal, leaders need to identify the key barriers to progress and, with the information, develop a coherent approach to overcoming them. To do this, the company may need to create new product, find new approaches to distribution or change organizational structure. It may be necessary to carefully consider the potential consequences of changes in environment, technologies, tastes and preferences of clients, legislative framework, resource prices, competitor behavior. And it is the leader who must decide which of these paths is the most promising, and find a way to mobilize the knowledge, resources and energy of the organization to achieve the desired goal. It's important to note that new opportunities, challenges, and changes do not arrive and occur synchronously, nor are they packaged into a convenient annual package. Therefore, the need to develop a new strategy arises in a company not once a year, but when necessity dictates.

Bad strategic subgoals

If you are a middle manager, your supervisor sets your goals. If you are lucky enough to work for a progressive, enlightened company, the manager will discuss them with you first. In any of these situations, it is quite natural to view strategy as a set of measures aimed at achieving specific goals. But to transfer this way of thinking to highest level management would be a big mistake.

When you hold the position of CEO, president of a company, or other highest position, you have more power and fewer restrictions. Effective leader at this level will never pursue random goals; he first decide for what general purposes his organization needs, and only after that will he develop subgoals for its divisions. Essentially, the key strength of any strategy is the set of strategic subgoals it sets out. And one of the main tasks of a manager is to achieve conditions under which it is not someone else who points him to goals, but when he himself becomes the architect of the overall goal and subgoals of the company.

Obviously, you already understand that in order to clearly distinguish between these concepts, it is useful to use the word “goal” to denote general values, and the word “subgoal” for specific goals of the next level. Broad, general "goals" often work like rules in football - prohibiting or excluding many techniques and actions, without specifying what can and should be done.

A long "To Do" list, often called a "strategy", is not. This is just a list of necessary things to do. Such lists are usually developed at planning meetings where wide circle stakeholders contribute the most different offers regarding the development prospects of the organization. Instead of focusing on a few important points, the group collects all the suggestions made during the day and puts them together into a "strategic plan." And then, as a symbol of absolute chaos, the word “long-term” is added to this name - and then it becomes clear to everyone that it is not necessary to implement any of the points of this plan immediately.

A bad strategy is empty, superficial and complete internal contradictions, it doesn't define main problem and does not offer ways to solve it.

Recognize in an ordinary person bad things are not easy. How come it’s not a bad person, but just a hard day? And in general, do bad people exist? Maybe it's all about our perverted understanding of things?

We leave the right to decide for each individual reader, we ourselves only take on the eternally thankless task of warning.

Mother is sacred

Someday listen to the object you are studying talking on the phone with his mother. You don’t even need to listen particularly closely to the words, listen to the intonations. Record hysterical screams, rudeness and similar things. Rest assured: one day you will have a chance to hear them addressed to you. Unless, of course, you stop communication earlier.


We are, of course, talking about close friends with whom you have known for many years. You are interested in those who avoid giving gifts in every possible way. It doesn’t matter how - whether by missing a holiday party “due to illness,” “forgetting,” or something else. This is not at all about the cost of what is given (in the most stressful times, you can build almost anything from improvised means), we are talking about a pathological inability to give. People who are unable to give are obviously excluded from the category of good people. At least until they learn this skill.

Who's to blame

Most quick way understand who is in front of you - count the number of people to blame in the stories he tells you. Ex-girlfriend was she a bastard? Parents offended, spoiled nervous system? Did your friends set you up at the most difficult moment?

If in 90% of cases everyone is to blame except him, and in the remaining 10% - circumstances, you can safely begin to count the moments remaining until a wonderful situation in which you will be to blame.

Inconsistencies in the testimony

There is nothing more beautiful than a person with convictions. It’s only strange when these beliefs arise exclusively at “convenient” moments and on “necessary” occasions. Analyze the sequence of actions of a person with “convictions” for a discrepancy between words and deeds. And feel free to stop believing if the first disagrees with the second at the first inconvenient occasion.

Materialism is humanism

You can as zealously as you like mock the pseudoscientific concepts that brightly made-up older women use (“energy”, for example), but you still have to admit the obvious: sometimes people make you feel bad. Pay attention to which people make you feel especially bad. And then think about why this is so.

Have you visited a psychologist and have the feeling that your time and money were wasted? It’s not too late to turn back and find a real specialist in the field of healing human souls.

We turn to a psychologist in different situations: difficulties in personal life, difficulties with career, presence of addiction, psychological trauma, a feeling that “something has gone wrong.” Eat wide range problems, some seem easier, others more difficult. Professional psychological assistance important in all of the above situations. It is important to timely assess the quality of the psychotherapist’s work and refuse his help if you feel something is wrong.

Ignore subjective emotions

You can make a first impression about a person in 10 seconds. One psychologist will seem too gloomy and taciturn to you, another - talkative and unceremonious. Some will remind you of your best friend, while others will remind you of your ex young man. All these factors are important because they allow you to make a judgment about the person you met for the first time. Please remember that opinions based on analysis appearance and manners are subjective.

It is important to pay attention to all the details of the image, but they should not be made paramount. Remember that you can be deceived even if the psychotherapist seems like an empathetic soul with the best professional skills on earth. For now, everything just seems to you.

Why didn't you like the psychologist?

If you feel like a psychologist positive emotions does not cause, ask yourself the question: why? Maybe he is bringing you closer to solving a protracted problem or saying something not entirely pleasant, but revealing the truth? Often clients who are subconsciously afraid of changes are late for sessions, find reasons to cancel them and begin to get irritated at the sight of a psychologist. If antipathy towards a psychologist is resistance prompted by your unconscious feeling, admit it and continue to work on yourself.

Check whether the psychologist complies with the code of ethics

Code professional ethics familiar to every specialist in the field of psychology. What is included in this code? First of all, compliance with ethical standards. When you sign up for a consultation with a psychologist, you hope that he will solve your problems, and you are ready to entrust him with some of the facts of your own biography, which are not always unpleasant. You trust (or try to trust) and understand that your closeness will slow down the search the right decision. In this role, the psychologist has a lot of power. It is important that he does not use it to an extent exceeding the permissible limit.

A psychologist should not manipulate you, persuade you to this or that behavior, or increase own self-esteem at your expense, insist on personal meetings outside the office (of a friendly, and even more so sexual nature), ask to advertise it or invite your friends and relatives to it.

Does it answer your questions?

To find out, ask them. What should you ask a psychologist? About his plans for further meetings and the method of psychotherapy. The professional will tell you (or answer questions) about which school they belong to and how often they plan to meet with you. He will clear up the fog about his chosen method: in meetings you can simply talk or work with tools (sand, paints, pencils). The psychologist will answer the question of whether he belongs to any community and calmly talk about his education and practice. If a specialist hides information about himself, you should be wary and find out the reason for this behavior.

How does he create a trusting atmosphere?

If you observe familiarity, pretentiousness, or stilted behavior while establishing a professional relationship, be on guard. You must not be a friend, an associate, or an object sexual interest therapist. He should not call you at home or make appointments outside of his professional office. Also, the psychologist should not increase self-worth in your eyes through the use of complex scientific vocabulary.

Trust must be established through punctuality, skillful communication, goodwill, listening, accepting your doubts, and being willing to get to the bottom of the problem. A professional will help you find contradictions in your behavior and skillfully use them to explain that these patterns are not always useful - they can be replaced with more effective ones.

How accurately does the psychologist follow the general rules?

Payment, place, time and duration of meetings are agreed upon in advance. It is important that you are received in a comfortable office, and not in your own room, and especially not in your home. Meetings in a cafe or at fresh air should alert you immediately. Payment ranges from $20-200 per session. In the capital, you can find exceptions regarding media psychologists known in wide circles.

The duration of the meeting should be no less than 40 minutes and no more than 1.5 hours. A true professional rarely suggests a certain number of sessions: he looks at the results and only then determines whether it makes sense to continue therapy. Try not to fall for the bait of deceivers offering a “course of 10 sessions.” Most likely, you are just a profitable client, and in front of you is a charlatan.

Good friends, as you know, are worth more than gold. This is especially well known to those who were once unlucky and who know first-hand what it’s like to have a bad girlfriend.

She can betray you at any moment, regularly becomes a source of problems, is a hypocrite and reveals your secrets to strangers? I suggest you familiarize yourself with typical signs bad friends, to stay away from them.

When to be wary

1. If you can't rely on her

A friend who ruins your plans with enviable regularity and lets you down can hardly be considered good. It’s worth getting rid of such a friendship, and the sooner the better, before it does much harm. However, do not think that all people are the same and that no one can be trusted. Communicate more, and perhaps soon you will have a truly true friend.

2. If she gossips about you

One of my classmates really liked to discuss our other mutual friends (naturally, in an unkind way) when they were not around. At the same time, when communicating with them personally, she was always very nice and friendly. Therefore, I couldn’t shake the feeling that behind my back she was saying a lot of bad things – already about me. In principle, this is how it turned out. Fortunately, I figured it out before I had time to tell him something really important and personal. So, if a person loves gossip, it is better to immediately limit communication with him.

3. If she flirts with your ex.

A friend who strives for a relationship with your ex-boyfriend, thereby humiliating you, is also far from a good friend.

4. If she manipulates you

A girl who constantly forces you to do what she wants, to go where she wants and spend time in ways that are interesting only to her, also simply cannot be a true friend.

5. If she doesn't support you

Another a clear sign A bad friend is that she only calls you if she feels bad. When you need help, her phone number turns out to be unreachable, or she doesn’t have time for you.

6. If she's lying

Perhaps your friend is telling lies not to you, but, for example, to her parents, teachers, or other mutual acquaintances. But be prepared that she will lie to you too if it benefits her.

7. If she hurts you

Suppose you found the perfect dream job, and a friend said that this was not your merit at all, but that you were just lucky - this is a sign of obvious envy. A true friend will not do this, but on the contrary, she will only rejoice at your successes.
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The peel is the first impression of you. This is what everyone knows about you, from the barista who sold you coffee this morning to an unfamiliar colleague at work. How do you know what it tastes like to you? It's not difficult. Remember whether you are polite to waiters, salespeople, and taxi drivers. Do people like you when they first meet you? Would your unfamiliar colleagues call you friendly? If you confidently answer “yes” to all these questions, then rest assured, your skin tastes quite good.

Now let's dig deeper. Pulp. Friends, family, those who know you well, everyone deals with it. Do you gossip often? Do you judge people? Don't stand up for your loved ones? Are you cowardly? Do you rejoice at your friends' failures? Do you like to talk only about yourself? Can't keep secrets? Don't pay back your debts? Don't mind telling a lie from time to time? If yes, then your pulp, alas, is no good.

Now we have reached the core. You reveal it only to those closest to you, but some people don’t show it to anyone at all. Test yourself: imagine that there is a button next to you that you can press, and then your cherished dream will come true. True, about 1000 random people in the world will die at the same time. But no one will ever know that you pressed it. Will you press? If your answer is yes, your core is hopelessly damaged.

If you divide a person into skin, pulp and core, and each of these three parts is called “bad” or “good,” you get eight types of people. Let's figure out what these types are (going from peel to core).


Saints to the core, who do not lose faith even in notorious villains. Most often they make friends among the “bad-good-good”.

Advantages: Without such people we would definitely be lost, and if we need to trust someone, then only them, they will not let us down.

Flaws: With their arrival, the fun goes away, because what is fun is not always right.


When you first meet them, they make a terrible impression, but dig a little deeper and you will discover their beautiful nature. inner world. People of the “good-good-good” series like to hang out with these people.

Advantages: They hate hypocrisy and cowardice, they are extremely principled. People respect them and often choose them as their leaders.

Flaws: Some of them are no strangers to star fever, because inside they are so wonderful, despite the outer shell.


At the first meeting they seem charming, but their friends, most of them the same “good-bad-good”, know that this is far from the case. “Good-bad-good” people often suffer from low self-esteem.

Advantages: It’s always fun to be with them, and in general their communication skills are at the highest level.

Flaws: They can be hypocritical and cowardly, but, in general, they are harmless.


The list of those they have wronged is long, but their friends will always defend them fiercely. And they are friends mostly with people like them, either with “good-bad-good”, or with completely “bad” people.

Advantages: Of course, they can be very unpleasant, but they have a good heart.

Flaws: They can be very unpleasant.


Such people are very dangerous, first you like them, gain your trust and even love, and then mercilessly break your hearts. They often agree with “good-good-good”, and then very painfully diverge from them.

Advantages: Of course they are main goal- only their own success, but while they are moving towards this goal, they manage to do something good, such people often go into politics.

Flaws: They are manipulators and hurt those closest to them the most.


This type of people is very rare. They are often deluded into thinking that their core is actually good.

Advantages: They often become successful in the criminal business. A bad skin produces the necessary intimidating effect, good flesh helps to establish contacts, and a bad core allows you to go over your head to your own goal.

Flaws: They are really very bad.


Everyone has fun with such a person, but only everyone knows that basically he is complete trash.

Advantages: Great candidates for Desperate Housewives.

Flaws: The most hypocritical of all those presented.


Here he is, a classic villain in all his glory. They do not understand people with a good heart and despise bad people trying to seem good.

Advantages: They are not hypocrites, they are who they are, they make excellent stand-up comedians, and also mafia leaders.

Flaws: Here, I think, everything is clear.

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