Beautiful short lines about love for your beloved. Lines about love

I am writing to you about love,
Save my message
And in days of sadness and longing,
Read it again!

After all, in these lines I say,
How much, how devotedly I love you,
How I can’t live without you
That I give you my life.

What a wonderful person you are
I will never stop loving you,
I dedicate all my dreams to you,
I want to live all my days with you.

I always want to walk with you,
And kiss me tenderly on the cheek,
To give you care,
Spend all my time with you!

What is love? Answer immediately!
Desires, joy, laughter, sadness...
When, without looking at the weather,
Let's run to our loved ones
Be it May or... February!

We give happiness to our loved ones
Always ready from the heart
And we sincerely thank you,
When your dream comes true...
May it be an unpleasant day
When not everything is so smooth and easy,
We'll miss it like a shadow
And we can't be stopped by
Everything will be fine!

What is love?!
High feeling texts?
Or maybe just a clouding of reason?
The eternal question -
Like white light - endless...
And the point is to know -
The trait of love is already sweet.

We live days and nights
Seconds, months, years
Who is where - who is in Africa, who is in Sochi,
And it doesn't depend on
Where someone lives, where they grew up, it doesn’t matter...
After all, everyone loves -
All ages are submissive to love!
In it, as in war, all means are good...
Well, if you like,
To love someone and to be loved in return,
Then don’t be silent, and say it from the heart
About your feelings in a unique way!

What is love?...
Probably, for everyone - their own,
Something completely native...
For them - one thing,
For us it's different...

So there's no need to find out
There is no need to look for the meaning of words!
Why should we be experts?
Let's just love!

I love the night...
After all, only in a dream
Are you coming to me
And in the morning the dream goes away
I'm sad, I'm sad
And the days are full of worries
And there's no time to mope
But in the evenings... Ah, dreams...
I want to be with you
I love the night...
After all, only in a dream
Are you coming to me
Thanks to the stars and the moon,
What do they remember about me...

I give you my soul, you give me love,
We'll play this game again
You are my love, I am your tenderness,
This is how we will spend our eternity together!

I love you, you love me too,
In this you and I are somewhat similar,
I'll tell you one secret,
I love you very, very much!

I can breathe easily with you,
And everything is said.
And if I look into your heart,
Then only I will find you in it.

A simple word is “love”
It was invented for us
And for some reason I want
You should tell it now.

I love you, you are the meaning of life,
And I can’t sleep at night without you,
I always miss you
And I won't give you to anyone.

You are my joy, I know that for sure,
And without you life is not interesting,
And sometimes I dream about you,
I ask you to dream about me at night.

Better yet, become my happiness
And give your eternity,
With you we will forget about all the bad weather,
With you I will survive everything.

I love you more every day,
And I thank fate for you,
I don’t know how I lived before you,
Life was boring for me.

Well, now it makes sense,
And this is not flattery at all,
You are my tenderness, you are my love,
You mean so much to me!

To love is to be different from everyone else!
To love is to be sometimes crazy,
To be crazy, crazy,
And not be closed at heart!

To love is to have two halves,
Hearts blazing with fire,
And build a palace of love
Like from a fairy tale picture.

To love and illuminate the whole world
With your shining smile.
Forgive all troubles and mistakes,
What does a person do!

To love and not to cause pain
To the one you see in your dreams
And never offend.
And even if you offend
Atone for the guilt now!

To love means not to notice
All the little troubles of life,
And no matter how much anxiety there is,
Loving does not mean leaving!

So what does it mean to love?
So forget about everyone else!
And never change
Love! Love! Just love!

Waking up in the morning, thinking about you,
And remembering my wonderful dream,
Your whole soul is irrevocable,
I give you my love.

And in addition I attach loyalty to it,
Also tenderness, understanding, warmth,
I want to meet my eternity with you,
With you I want it to be like in the movies.

In a movie in which there is a cozy house,
There are children, laughter and a strong family,
Where outside the window there is a swing, a courtyard,
Where I love you so much.

Where in the morning I make you coffee,
I kiss you tenderly on the cheek before going to bed,
Where there will be a sea near the house,
Where we will live a life of love.

I want to talk about love again,
I'm afraid of losing you
You are a ray of hope for me
With all my heart I love you.

I value you very much,
And I can't do it without you,
Your soul is only given to you,
I glow with happiness with you!

Love has bound us forever,
Fate brought us together for happiness!
You are my favorite person
You are my precious diamond!

Let our feelings day after day
They will become stronger!
Let's go the same way
To dissolve in happiness together!

Everyone who visits my blog often knows my name. Both poetry and much more help me fill up, give me mood, inspiration, and an unusual state inside.

It all starts with Love... Let's listen to how the poets sang it different centuries. After all, Love is what gives our lives meaning, special light and warmth, gives hope, saves, and elevates us above everyday life. The very concept of “” is so broad. This is not only love for our soul mate, our beloved and ourselves. dear person, this is also love for our children, our loved ones, for everything we do and touch. Give love and warmth to your loved ones - that’s what I want to wish each of you every time.

I invite you to read poems about love. And here, of course, we will hear more words of confession about love in a narrower topic, about Love between a man and a woman, about the bright feeling that has been sung throughout time. We will see light, and rejoicing, and a sea of ​​storms and experiences, and sadness, and sometimes despair. Different, different shades of love in poetry.

In this article I have collected just some beautiful poems about love. And then, I hope, you yourself will remember your favorite, most cherished lines. Let's re-read them together, experience them, experience them...

“Whatever the question, the answer is one - love.”

Wayne Dyer

Poems by our classics about love

And we will start, of course, with the classics of the genre, with our classics. Yes, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also had immortal “I loved you”, “I remember wonderful moment", the blues "What's in your name" and many other heartfelt lines. But let's remember these lines:

No, I don't value rebellious pleasure
Sensual delight, madness, frenzy,
With the lamentations and cries of the young bacchante,
When, writhing in my arms like a snake,
With a rush of ardent caresses and the ulcer of kisses
She is hastening the moment of the last tremors!

Oh, how sweeter you are, my humble girl!
Oh, how painfully happy I am with you,
When, bending over for long prayers,
You indulge yourself tenderly to me without rapture,
Shy and cold, to my delight
You barely respond, you don’t listen to anything
And then you become more and more animated -
And you finally share my flame in captivity!

But how laconically and strongly the no longer young Pushkin spoke about one of his hobbies.

You and you

Empty "You" with a hearty "you"
She, having mentioned, replaced,
And all the happy dreams
It aroused the soul of the lover.
I stand before her thoughtfully;
There is no strength to take your eyes off her;
And I tell her: “How sweet you are!”
And I think: “How I love you!”

Afanasy Fet adds fiery colors to his beautiful poems about love with barely restrained passion.

What happiness: both the night and we are alone!
The river is like a mirror and all sparkles with stars;
And there...throw your head back and take a look:
What depth and purity is above us!

Oh, call me crazy! Name it
Whatever you want; at this moment my mind is weakening
And in my heart I feel such a surge of love,
That I can’t be silent, I won’t, I can’t!

I'm sick, I'm in love; but, suffering and loving -
Oh listen! oh understand! - I don’t hide my passion,
And I want to say that I love you -
You, you alone, I love and wish!

But often passion burns out, burning us to the bottom. What remains is the ashes of disappointment, which Fyodor Tyutchev perhaps said best of all:

0, how murderously we love,

We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

How long ago, proud of my victory,
You said: she is mine...
A year has not passed, ask and find out,
What was left of her?

Where did the roses go?
The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?
Everything was scorched, tears burned out
With its flammable moisture.

Do you remember, when you met,
At the first fatal meeting,
Her magical gaze and speech,
And baby-like laughter?

So what now? And where is all this?
And how long was the dream?
Alas, like northern summer,
He was a passing guest!

Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her
And undeserved shame
She laid down her life!

A life of renunciation, a life of suffering!
In her soul's depths
She was left with memories...
But they also changed.

And on earth she felt wild,
The charm is gone...
The crowd surged and trampled into the mud
What bloomed in her soul.

And what about the long torment?
How did she manage to save the ashes?
Pain, the evil pain of bitterness,
Pain without joy and without tears!

0, how murderously we love!
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dearer to our hearts!..

Mikhail Lermontov echoes him, seeing only minor notes in this feeling. So the classics are sad... They cannot share the joy of their beloved’s fun and the depth of their melancholy...


I'm sad because I love you
And I know: your blooming youth
The insidious persecution will not spare rumors.
For every bright day or sweet moment
You will pay fate with tears and melancholy.
I'm sad... because you're having fun.

But Kondraty Ryleev turns into lyrical hero, overflowing with a sense of one’s own imperfection and self-denial, magnanimous admiration for the greatness of the female Ideal. Here are his beautiful poems about love:

I don't want your love

I don't want your love
I cannot appropriate it;
I can't answer her
My soul is not worth yours.

Your soul is always full
Some wonderful feelings
You are alien to my stormy feelings,
Alien to my harsh opinions.

Do you forgive your enemies -
I'm not familiar with this tender feeling
And to my offenders
I cry with inevitable revenge.

Only temporarily do I seem weak,
I control the movements of the soul
Not a Christian and not a slave,
I don't know how to forgive insults.

It's not your love that I need,
I need other activities:
One war makes me happy,
Some are fighting alarms.

Love doesn't come to mind:
Alas! my homeland is suffering, -
The soul is in the excitement of heavy thoughts
Now he longs for freedom.

The great W. Shakespeare reconciles romantics and realists, cynics and dreamers.

Sonnet No. 130

Her eyes are not like stars
You can't call your mouth coral,
The open skin of the shoulders is not snow-white,
And a strand curls like black wire.

With damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can't compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet's delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it,
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how the goddesses walk,
But the darling steps on the ground.

And yet she will hardly yield to those
Who was slandered in comparisons of magnificent people.

Feelings at the turn of eras

Pessimists of turning points are again trying to exaggerate. Like Sergei Yesenin, for example: “Foolish heart, don’t beat!” “We are all deceived by happiness.” Although, even through these muddy layers, real, deep, universally wise lyrical lines break through. For example, like these beautiful poems about love:

A blue fire swept around

A blue fire began to sweep,
Forgotten relatives.

For the first time I refuse to make a scandal...

I was all like a neglected garden,
He was averse to women and potions.
I stopped liking drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Gentle gait, light waist,
If you knew with a persistent heart,
How can a bully love?
How he knows how to be submissive.

I would forget the taverns forever
And I would have given up writing poetry.
Just touch your hand subtly
And your hair is the color of autumn.

I would follow you forever
Whether in your own or in someone else’s...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.

What do poets from Soviet poetry tell us about love? Let's start by reading the lines from Yulia Drunina. Just listen, there is power, tenderness, and vastness here...

You are nearby

You are nearby, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

Thank you for these lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you, my dear,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

You are nearby, but you could
You won't be able to meet each other at all...
My only one, thank you
For being in the world!

And this is her contemporary and like-minded person Rimma Kazakova. Really, very expressively, subtly? Although, on the surface, it’s so simple:

Perhaps we need to love more subtly,
Perhaps you can love more.
And I love - how I live - unevenly:
sometimes too small, sometimes too huge,
in a barely audible whisper - or loudly,
forever, firmly - or brittlely.

I love selflessly, stubbornly, truly, -
both discreetly and openly.
I love both helplessly and confidently.
Just as it was planned.
Just as ordered.

I love how I fight and how I play!
I love you as if I’m about to lose you...
Day by day it gets steeper and thicker,
everything present and everything to come.
It could probably be simpler and smoother.
But I am like this. Love me the same way.

Bella Akhmadullina solves a pressing issue in her own way and cuts the Gordian knot of tangled relationships:

Don't give me much time

Don't give me too much time
Don't ask me questions.
With kind and faithful eyes
Don't touch my hand.

Don't walk through puddles in the spring,
Following my trail.
I know it won't work again
Nothing from this meeting.

You think I'm out of pride
I go, I’m not friends with you?
I'm not out of pride - out of sorrow
So I keep my head straight.

And she is! Not random, but from a beam...

It’s time to despair, right? To ask a legitimate question: does she exist, this most immaculate, pure, who is not betrayed, is not trampled, lives forever? Veronica Tushnova is with us. Her words sound so feminine and at the same time assertive, and her words sound so wise. This is not just a poetic remark, but a prophecy...

They tell me: there is no such love.
They tell me: live like everyone else!
You want too much, there are no such people.
In vain you are only fooling yourself and others!
They say: you're sad in vain,
Don't eat or sleep in vain, don't be stupid!
You'll give in anyway,
It’s better to give in now!
...And she is. Eat. Eat.
And she is here, here, here,
A chick lives in my warm heart,
Lead flows in my veins, burning hot.
She is the light in my eyes,
She is the salt in my tears,
My sight, my hearing, my formidable strength,
My sun, my mountains, my seas!
From oblivion - protection, from lies and disbelief - armor...
If she doesn't exist, I won't exist!
...And they tell me: there is no such love.
They tell me: live like everyone else!
And I don't soul anyone
I won't let it go out.
And I live like everyone else
Someday they will live!

And then I want to introduce you to the poems of Boris Zakhoder. He is known to us by " bad advice"for our children. But please listen to this paradoxical but absolutely useful advice, really, it's worth it! Here it is man's word to the theme of poems about love...

There is no such thing as unhappy love.
It may be bitter, difficult,
Unresponsive and reckless
Can be deadly.

But love is never unhappy
Even if she kills.
Anyone who doesn't understand this
AND happy love not worth it...

Irena Bulanova approached the theme of love in a very original way. She undertook to explore the phenomenon of “coincidence” of meetings of two loving hearts. And I found a great poetic move, in my opinion, simply brilliant! A chance meeting is a sign from above, from the’s so subtle, beautiful and gracefully soulful.

And the gods laughed...

And the Gods laughed all morning and evening -
They were amused by the phrase: “A chance meeting”...
They laughed heartily, right up to tears:
Naive people! They just gave you a chance!
There are few coincidences, even more so happy ones!
You can wait your whole life, sacredly believing in luck...
And it was not at all by chance that we bumped into you,
and what will happen to you - believe me - is not a secret...
“Chance meeting” in a crowded crowd...
among hundreds of people... -
a real miracle!
This happens in life sometimes... by chance:
“chance meeting”… - sign
from above - from the beam...
The routes and times and days coincided...
not at all by chance
they collided.
I wish I could understand all this more... so that in future
Take care of your loved ones... like your apple!

And here are the lines from Elena Danilchenko. Another approach. Chopped phrases, almost “Mayakovsky” structure.

And you forget - and it will become easier.
And you forgive - and there will be a Holiday.
And you strive and you will succeed...
Don't be stingy - and you will be rewarded!
And it will be returned to you - rewarded...
Believe me, and they will believe you!
Start yourself - things will start coming around!
And you LOVE! And it will count for you!

Next we read simple lines from Larisa Miller. I love this poetess. Larisa is a Muscovite, graduated from college foreign languages. She teaches English, as well as musical gymnastics according to the system of the Russian dancer L.N. Alekseeva. Such a unique personality.

God sent us here to love,
To catch your breath close.
God sent us here to fall in love
To the forests that will soon become bare,
Out of reach of heaven
Flying across me
Withered leaf on a motley background,
In your eyes, in your palms.

And the main thing is that we love
Relatives and friends so that they catch
Their every look and every breath.
Not a change of eras
It’s important, but the way we stroke the hand
Dear, how we get along with family.

And Maria Petrov, a witness (and “accomplice”!) of the last turbulent century, does not skimp on her words, turning to her lover not just with a request, but with heartache:

Give me a date
in this world.
Give me a date
in the twentieth century.
It's hard for me to breathe without your love.
Remember me, look around, call me!
Give me a date
in that southern city.
Where the winds drove
along the surrounding hills.
Where the sea captivated
seven-color wave,
Where the heart didn't know
unrequited love...
...Get me a date
at least for a moment,
In a crowded square,
under the autumn storm.
It’s hard for me to breathe, I pray for salvation...
At least in my last hour of death
Make an appointment for me with blue eyes.

And do you know whose blue eyes they were? A. Fadeev, whom Maria Petrov loved.

Male epilogue to the topic

Do you have the impression that there are very few beautiful poems about love by men? Of course this is not true. Yes, they often do not express their feelings so openly and emotionally. But many of their messages to the world and to you and I deserve great respect. Like this magical, but very realistic fairy tale by Yuri Egorov:

A fairy tale for two

She was afraid of heights and did not look down,
Its dim rays did not break the darkness.
She dreamed of love. What a funny whim -
Having become invisible to others, to shine only for one...

And it was winter on Earth, the crystal forest was ringing...
With a sad smile at the window, a tired sorcerer
He smoked and wrote fairy tales about little princesses,
And these fairy tales (sometimes) came true for people.

It wasn't just that he was alone... He didn't expect anything,
And the pain of barely healed wounds echoed in my heart -
I didn't want to upset them. He knew for sure
What's in stupid fairy tales there is no truth. And that love is a deception.

Noticing the first star, he whispered to her: “Hello,
Do you shine only for me, heavenly firefly?
And I was terribly surprised to hear “Yes” in response -
“A candle for you,” whispered a trembling voice from heaven.

She was afraid of heights... He didn't want to love...
Everyone has their own destiny and their own stupid fear.
And, it seems, there is nothing to dream about, and nothing to share -
Only the reflection of rays in thoughtful eyes.

The clouds covered it, and he went to bed,
At the same time, the light went out both in the sky and in the window.
That night he dreamed that he could fly...
She learned to fall down in her non-fearful dream...

And in the morning everything went wrong - he began to feel sad about her.
And, as luck would have it, the fine day turned blue,
But he looked into the blinding world, trying to discern:
Is the miracle light floating above your head now?..

Do you see the light of her love, sad Minstrel?
You realized that all your life you wrote only for her alone.
How long the winter lasted here, and then April came,
When you pricked your heart on a golden ray.

Now she's scared without you. You didn't know this?
It was lit only because you exist in the world.
She was always yours, no matter who you lost,
Without noticing this look from heavenly heights...

But life is wise in its own way, its essence is unchanged -
Love is like a fairy tale for two and nothing can cancel it.
Don't forbid your heart to wait for someday,
Find someone who wants to shine a star...

And Yuri Schmidt chose a different genre, the genre of dialogue, where he decided to find out what it is, love?

Dialogue about love

“Tell me what love is?
Explain to me the meaning of the word.
There are a lot of poems about love,
Why do they write again and again?

"Because love is the country
Where the power is not intellect, but in feelings,
There's always spring outside the window,
And love in that country is an art.”

“Why then, tell me,
They say: “Love brings suffering.”
That love only ruins life,
Dulls your attention."

“Because love is fire.
It either burns or warms the heart.
She can cause pain
But he can also melt the ice.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier to live smoothly,
Without love you will live with dignity.
Without love you can eat and drink,
My soul is calmer without her.”

“We were born not just to live,
May you not become a poet of love,
We were born to suffer, to love,
The meaning of life, my friend, lies only in this.”

Nikolai Aseev created this short masterpiece, which continues to excite the minds and hearts of representatives for decades different generations. It seems that his words sound like an alarm bell, the lines of poetry both enlighten and cleanse us.

A special world of love poems from Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov

And now, my dear readers, I invite you to plunge into the special world of poetry from Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov, grandson of Nicholas I, cousin of Nicholas II. And he always signed his works with the initials “K.R.”

There was no secret about the pseudonym: the poems were preceded by portraits and articles, and the author was awarded the title of honorary academician for his writings Imperial Academy Sciences (which he himself headed as president for 20 years).

There was a prince and literary critic, playwright, actor, talented musician - wrote romances based on the poems of V. Hugo, A.K. Tolstoy, A. Maykov... Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov published his poems under the initials K.R., because To act as a professional poet, actor or musician was “out of rank” for one of the members of the reigning house.

We honor the rare, sincere and very beautiful poems about Love from Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov.

Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna

I look at you, admiring you every hour:
You are so inexpressibly beautiful!
Oh, true, under such a beautiful appearance
Such a beautiful soul!

Some kind of meekness and innermost sadness
There is depth in your eyes;
Like an angel, you are quiet, pure and perfect;
‎Like a woman, shy and tender.

May there be nothing on earth among the evils and much sorrow
Your purity will not be tarnished,
And everyone who sees you will glorify God,
Who created such beauty!

Oh, this night is so wonderfully good!
She languishes and enchants us again...
Oh, speak: or there will be no words,
To express everything that your soul is full of?

You can't control yourself on a night like this,
My heart is ready to burst out of my chest!…
No, shut up: what can our word do?
Before such unspeakable beauty?

In my life I have known many women,
I read a lot of smart books,
And now I'm married to the stars,
And now I have become almost an old man.

It's time to write my books yourself
About love, roads, about fate -
Experience heavy chains
The manuscript will lie on the table...

Stars from the depths of the night
They look at us intently
And shines in the dark
The bright light of cold eyes.
Stars love the dark
Black velvet curtains,
Stars love heights
To fall down more effectively.

He looks indifferently from above,
And he calls, and beckons.

Rumors for a star are fog.
Light is her calling.
Shines for millions of years
Remembers everything and knows everything.
And while the star is burning,
And while she lives,
The motley round dance of the planets
He carries her in his arms.

Ice fountain of sparkling splashes.
You should not believe that he is only yours.
He looks indifferently from above,
And he calls, and beckons.

A dazzling mirage
A dream where you want to fly.
You can only love the stars
Believe them, dream about them.
Stars like to give
People have their own beautiful light.
The stars above see everything,
But they don't care about us.

Ice fountain of sparkling splashes.
You should not believe that he is only yours.
He looks indifferently from above,
And he calls, and beckons.

Oh, don’t forget life’s eyes
Cheerful, with a little trick
In them the light of love is not for show,
And God is the quiet half

And he feels everything slowly,
And quietly breathes on your skin
And he admits without breathing -
After all, we probably don't look alike

And makes you look deeper
And learn love habits
Such cunning eyes
There are master keys to every heart

Lovingly we shed light on souls
His eyes laugh a lot -
They will always find an answer for you,
After all, God will show everyone the way

I want to come back again
Into your happiness past
There was family, love!
There are a lot of good things in it!

I can't come to terms with it
I live in hope
That my melancholy will pass
Everything will be as before!

I will hear the words again
Warm and tender!
My soul will come to life
My happiness, where are you?

Hear me, dear!
My pain, my longing
Open the door to happiness for me!
I'll go into it!

Clouds in the sky. Coldness in the soul.
The wind tears the dress to the sides.
I'm moving further north already.
Crows fly after me.

A flock of black harbingers of trouble
It follows me and doesn't lag behind.
And the sunlight had already disappeared.
I'm afraid to move forward.

The rain hits your face mercilessly.
Every step only causes pain.
I inhale the smell of wet grass greedily.
This path is destined for me.

Ahead is the unknown, behind is emptiness.
My strength is already running out.
I know that only darkness awaits me there.
Vile life in the cold.

The autumn day will cover you with cool melancholy..
I'll close my eyes to the whisper of the leaves,
And in the sleep of September I leave raindrops on the window...
I slowly draw a black and white fairy tale of this day.
Oh, I wish I could wash away the traces of that unfulfilled dream,
Become a free bird and feel the wing of a cloud,
Touch a star and stay for a century,
The fallen tear of the last breath...

Never be afraid to love!
With Love you will know Happiness again!
Adversity and trouble will go away,
The long bad weather will disappear!

Only with her will the dawn please
And the Sun will laugh brightly,
And the stars will send greetings.
It will be hot in frost and cold!

And despite the cold,
Spring will awaken in the Soul itself
Kindness will spread its wings
And it will respond with a feeling of Happiness!

With her you will forget about sadness,
Your eyes will shine with delight
There will be no regrets about the days gone by;-
They bless you

For joy and ringing laughter,
Self-fulfillment for good things!
A stunning success!
Beautiful expression of feelings!

Love works wonders! She inspires, inspires, makes us do unimaginable things, makes us so happy that we are ready to move mountains and take a star out of the sky. And also dedicate poems to your one or only one.

We offer you very beautiful poems about love: short, long, funny and sad to tears, with deep meaning and humorous declarations of love. Read, choose, dedicate love poems to your loved ones!

A beautiful poem about love to tears

It’s not customary to shout about love...
Love for you has no boundaries!..
My heart will shatter into pieces,
If you give me an answer to my question,
And the soul will soar into the sky like a bird!

Do you love me? How much?
Whisper into the pillow, I will hear!
Give me a silent sign -
And don’t doubt it, I’ll see everything!

It's not customary to shout about love,
Silence until tears... And it’s so offensive,
That you can’t give me the answer!
In the darkness without stars it is not visible...

I'll wrap myself in sadness,
And again I’ll set up the soul’s radar,
So that I can hear your answer!
Hands are starting, I won’t hide it...

I don't sleep this blue night.
Really?!.. I hear your answer!
You whispered with your heart: “I love you!”
And it just blows your mind away with happiness!

Very beautiful poems about love for a man

I love you, my dear and dear!
I'm going crazy with happiness to be with you...
I'm glad that you are destined
Given to me with great love!

I put you on a pedestal
We simply cannot have it any other way.
After all, you are my God and you are my ideal,
And there is no man dearer to me than you!

Your words sound like a wonderful song,
When you talk to me about love.
I'm happy that you and I are together,
We cherish all our tender feelings!

Sensual poem about a woman's love for a man

Why do I love you? Don't know…
I love you for the twinkle in my eyes,
Because I always dream with you
And I smile, I laugh sincerely!

I love you for your tenderness and affection,
I love your care for me...
That I found myself in a fairy tale with you,
And I don’t want to get out of it!

I love you for so many things, I can’t list them all,
You are simply the best on Earth!
And, as you know, they love not for something,
But simply in spite of everything and everyone!

Short poems about love for a girl

I want to become your husband

Duchess? Queen?
No, Ecumenical Queen!
Graceful as a panther
It's impossible not to fall in love!

You are slim, bright, beautiful
And smarter than all my girlfriends.
I have loved you for a long time.
How I want to become your husband!

When we met

When we met you
Then the wind caressed our hair,
And the surf sang to us so softly,
But my heart was fluttering...

Stronger than the gentle waves of the sea
My love suddenly played out.
I dream, dear, that you
Stayed with me forever!

Short funny poem about love

To my favorite coquette

Sweetheart, beautiful
Coquette girl!
You are my beloved,
Sweet candy!

Poem declaration of love to a man

Take a step towards me

I love you, regardless
For all the empty promises,
Not counting various grievances,
Forgetting about the misunderstanding.

I want a small step
You did it towards me, my dear.
I want that in these lines
All problems could melt away.

A short poem for a beloved man

Forget about the bad for the evening

Forget, dear, for one evening,
About all the bad things, about reproaches,
So that at least this meeting can take place
You and I have no quarrels!

A sweet poem with a declaration of love to her husband from a young wife

I love you to tears

Gently, passionately and to the point of tears
I love you, my husband!
Know that this is all serious
I’m telling you today.

Will never be separated
We have different adversities.
Know that we will always be
A first-class pair!

Very beautiful poem about love

How much people have said about love -
About the passion that burns the flesh to the ground...
About the tenderness that wakes you up in the morning...
About the fear of gaining, but... losing.

How many, how infinitely many,
Those words that everyone is tired of repeating.
But how little heart there is between the lines,
Which, alas, not everyone understands.

Only that love we can call a feeling
What doesn't burn like a fire in the night,
It is not suddenly measured by the depth of madness.
Love is a heartfelt conversation

When you don't need words, you don't need colors,
There is no need for any useless things.
Love of the soul - company without masks -
Without promises, oaths, love arrows.

Love poem for your boyfriend

I'm lucky to have you!

My beautiful, my desired,
So cute, long-awaited!
How lucky I am to have you,
I won't hide my love
And I’m ready to scream about her,
After all, there is nothing else like it in the world!

Love poem for a woman

You know how hard it can be
Talk about your feelings in detail.
I have been very lucky in my life with you,
I’m ready to shout about this even publicly.
Love changes a person's soul,
My soul belongs to you alone.
I will love you until the end of time,
You will always be that guiding star,
What shines brightly in the sky on a dark night,
And shows the traveler the right path,
There is no place for ellipsis in our destiny,
There are only three words: “I love you”!
You know, for me you are just a miracle,
And with trepidation I catch your heavenly gaze.
Remember, it’s very difficult for me without you,
Don't forget how much I love you!

A heartfelt poem about love for a beloved man

Without you I fade away

Acquaintance, meetings, partings
And lonely dreams.
And now it's time for confession
That, my dear, is how dear you are to me.

When you leave for a long time,
I'm fading like a flower.
When you call, I rise again,
Your voice is a breath of life to me.

When the time comes to meet,
The pain of separation goes away.
With your presence you heal
Me, beloved, again and again!

A beautiful poem about love for a man from a woman

To the best man in the world

What could be more beautiful in the world,
What is this mature love
To you, my dear, gentle, powerful?
You stir up blood with your gaze.

You command respect
The way he managed to walk his path.
And in every moment we live
You strive to find joy.

Sometimes I wake up and don’t believe it,
That fate brought you and me together.
What if I opened the wrong doors,
What would happen now then?

She probably managed to beg
I am with the Almighty for you,
After all, I really wanted
Find out what it’s like to live lovingly?

Know that you are the best man in the world:
And romantic and smart,
Handsome, caring. There's no reason
So as not to fall in love again and again!

A poem about love for a woman with deep meaning

Through headache yesterday's binge
And lacerated wounds, frozen sadness,
Finding no peace in the silence of the night,
I'm going into the unknown.

A bloody stain of the moon on the sky
Has eclipsed the light of the star I have chosen.
I remember the shine - to the point of pain and to the groan -
From the sweet eyes of a tear falling into the snow.

Where am I going? I don't know myself yet.
What am I looking for? It's not easy to answer.
Perhaps I don’t have what I dream about?
Perhaps there is, but very far away?

The earth is round, I return unwillingly
To the inviting warmth of the fireplace fire.
And, thank God, I didn’t die in an open field:
Your love always protects me!

Sad beautiful poem about love

Love and sadness are intertwined forever,
To torture the spirit of lovers.
The torment of the heart is endless,
You can’t calm them down with a gentle word.

Sleepless night from suspicions,
Long separation is bitter.
Sadness of the soul
A song and a hand do not heal.

And the heart cannot find peace
Captivated by all-seeing love.
And the fatal temptation
Bubbling in young blood.

The best poem about love

What is love?

What is love? The great sage will not tell you.
It's cold and hot, it's eternal life breathing,
This is joy and pain, this is a bitter memory,
This is a fairy tale that, alas, is coming to an end.

What is love? This is a stronghold of eternal illusions.
This is a pier of sadness, this is a storehouse of happy moments,
This is a book of thoughts, torments, intrigues, compliments,
An endless union of silence and spiritual worries.

Touching poem about love

The magical power of love

In this world of grief and troubles
What will help you come to terms with your fate?
It's very easy to find the answer:
A life filled with love.

There are no easy roads
Everyone will face sadness and pain.
There will be a lot of worries and worries,
It is easier to survive them with love.

Two destinies will meet,
Hearts will beat in unison.
Only wings of tender love
They help you fly to the skies.

A dear person will smile,
And the soul will come to life from happiness.
Love settled in her forever,
This is the only way our heart sings.

May love always be there,
It will become a huge part of life.
Any ordinary moment with her
Filled with true happiness.

She can handle all the obstacles,
Opens any door.
Just open your soul quickly
And fill your heart with love.

Short poem about love

Do you remember they teased us: “Tili-dough”...
We laughed at the joke. But then I didn’t know that my heart would become tight
Without you, my dear. You are my world, my breath, anticipation of tomorrow.
I am not in love (this is only for a while) but I LOVE you - I completely love you.

Poem declaration of love to a guy

Hear me

Of course, I am not Tatyana, and you are not Onegin.
But I'm looking for words in the same way,
To confess, to get through,
That I can’t imagine life without you.
That with your name I fall asleep,
I'm looking for a meeting, but I can't say:
That I only dream of being with you,
Because I love you madly.

Poem declaration of love to a girl

I was silent for a long time, but I couldn’t do it anymore

Like the universe you are for me, unknown space, fabulous day,
I admire you and catch your eye - a fleeting shadow.
The velvet of the eyelashes burns, beckoning, the lips are a delight in the slyness of the gentle.
Do you love? Don't you like it? I love you. You are my crystal and delicate flower.

Poem declaration of love to a guy

I’m embarrassed to say every time,
That the feeling was unearthly,
Everything sang in my soul in the spring
And I only see us as a couple.
I want you to look with passion
In my eyes, and every hour
Love grew stronger in us
And we knew happiness together.

A poem from a girl for a guy about feelings and love

Your eyes, your smile
They stole my peace a long time ago
And the violin plays for the soul -
I want it to be like in the movies!
To come closer to me,
He took the palm in his hands.
I will see love in my eyes.
I want you to kiss.

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