Video lesson “Writing words-names of masculine and feminine objects based on a hissing sound. Lesson on the topic "writing words - masculine and feminine objects with a hissing sound"

Candidate philological sciences N. ESKOVA.

In the book “A Word about Words,” which appeared in the mid-50s, Lev Uspensky expressed the idea that linguists would be very useful in a dictionary in which words were alphabetized not by initial, but by final letters. Since childhood I remember a “problem”: how many purely Russian (not coming from other languages) nouns ending in zo? I immediately remember: belly, iron, and what else? Advice notes and arioso come to mind, but they are borrowed. If there were such a dictionary, it would be immediately possible to give a comprehensive answer to this extremely important question.

But not only to satisfy idle curiosity we need a dictionary that arranges words in alphabetical order last letters. In such a dictionary, for example, words with the same suffix appear to be “collected” without any effort on the part of the researcher. And in many other cases, linguists have to compare the final elements of a word.

Lev Uspensky thought that he was presenting “a completely unprecedented proposal.” In fact, such dictionaries, which were called “reverse”, already existed then. But not for the Russian language. For example, in Leipzig in 1904 a reverse dictionary for the Latin language was published.

The name "reverse dictionary" is conditional. In fact, the order of words in this kind of publications is usual - “straight” alphabetical, only the alphabetical arrangement is established based on the letters at the end of the word, starting with the last one. This is what the beginning of the letter A looks like in such a dictionary:


Another small snippet:


сх "imnik" mo 3a
over "omnic" mo 3a
pilgrim mo 3a
diploma "omnic" mo 3a
skr "omnik mo 3a
"atomic mo 3a

Letters mo mean: masculine, animate, index 3a the type of stress is indicated (always based).

That is, for ease of use, the words are aligned not to the left, but to the right.

The author of “A Word about Words” appealed to enthusiasts, and they responded: the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences began receiving letters from those wishing to compile such a dictionary. Their enthusiasm remained unclaimed, and the first reverse dictionaries of the Russian language were made... by the Germans. One of them, the dictionary of H. H. Bielfeldt (H. H. Bielfeldt. Rucklaufiges Worterbuch der russischen Spracht der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1958) was published in the GDR. Russian linguists used it for a good decade and a half, until in 1974 the large “Reverse Dictionary of the Russian Language” with 125 thousand words was published. It contains much more information, than the dictionary of H. Bielfeldt, since it is not limited to only translating the direct alphabet into the “reverse” one. This dictionary is a reverse word index to the four explanatory dictionaries: “large” academic (B), Ushakov’s dictionary (U), Ozhegov’s dictionary (O), “small” academic (M). Using these indexes, you can immediately find out about each word and in which dictionaries it is found. Most words say: BOOM. These are the most important, necessary, common words, the absence of which is difficult to imagine even in a relatively short one-volume dictionary (such as O). You can even introduce the following “working” characteristic of the word: “Well, it’s BOOM!” means that the word has existed in the Russian language for a long time, that it is common, necessary, necessary.

"Reverse" is also Grammar dictionary Russian language by A. A. Zaliznyak. It contains completely different indices for each word: with their help, grammatical information is communicated. And God himself ordered this dictionary to be made “reverse”: thanks to this arrangement, words with the same grammatical properties appear next to each other.

Here's a little "quiz".

Which letter starts with the most words in any “direct” - explanatory or spelling - dictionary of the Russian language? You can easily guess: with the letter P. And it’s not difficult to understand why: in Russian, many prefixes begin with P (pere-, before-, po-, under-, sub-, after-, pra-, pre-, pre-, pre-, pri-, pro-, anti-) Verbs are formed in abundance with some of these prefixes. In the 17-volume dictionary, P accounts for three volumes! "Entertainers" in holiday homes often invite vacationers to compete in writing stories in which all words begin with the same letter. And usually it is the letter P.

And which letter contains the most words in the “reverse” dictionary? You can also guess: the one with which not a single word begins, namely b - " soft sign"! And also not at all mysterious: after all, the overwhelming majority ends with this letter irreflexive verbs(only a few end not in TY, but in TI (as, for example, to lead, carry).

And one more letter in the “reverse” dictionary turns out to have a lot of words, unlike the “direct” one. This letter is Y. Words begin with it only as an exception. But then all adjectives and most participles end with it.

P.S. And there are no longer native Russian nouns. To the borrowed advice notes and arioso, you can only add peso (there is also a peso option).


words-names of objects

masculine and female

with a hissing sound base

Subject: Writing words-names of masculine and feminine objects

with a hissing sound base

Target: introduce students to a new spelling, show the connection between the final

letters of the word base in sibilant with the gender of this word, teach children

draw the right conclusion about the work b , learn to differentiate words with a base into hissing by gender, consolidate skills in working with reverse dictionary for solutions practical problems, develop phonemic awareness, spelling vigilance; form the foundations gender education

Equipment : Textbook “Russian Language” Part I, textbook “Russian Language” Part 2, reverse dictionary, subject pictures, signs with words, support tables.

During the classes

I . Organizing time

Preparing to write. (preparing fingers, correct position notebooks, correct posture)

P. Repetition.

1. Determine the stem of the word:

coat painting forest

- Let's check. What needs to be done to correctly determine the ending?

(change the form of the word: there is a coat - there is no coat, there is a picture - there is no picture, there is a forest - there is no forest)

What word never ends? Why? (The unchangeable word is coat)

Which word null ending?

What kind of words are the names of objects?

How to determine the gender of words-objects?

2. Selection related words

Why do you need a soft sign in a word? fox ?

Find the root.

How are roots written in words with the same root?

Write down words with the same root.

Sh. Work on new material.

1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Read the title of our lesson topic in teaching #1 on page 152.

(Writing words-names of masculine and feminine objects using a hissing sound)

2. Preparatory work for perception new topic

What sounds will we pay attention to today?

(Hissing sounds)

- Name these sounds.

Let's mark them in writing.

([g], [w], [h"], [sch"])

What two groups are sounds divided into?

([zh], [w] – always hard,

[h"], [sch"] - always soft)

Do you think these sounds need a soft sign?

(There were the following answers: Not necessary, because the sounds are hardb can't soften soft sounds it's not needed either.)

Remember, why do you need a soft sign?

(children's answers and examples)

Let's conclude:

(1. To soften consonants: examples

2. To separate consonant and vowel sounds: examples)

1. OZIM b

2. LIS b AND

3. ?

Can we make a third conclusion? ( No)

Or maybe today we will learn another secret of the Russian language.

Let's check our statement.

3. Exercises in hearing hissing sounds at the end of words:

Attention task: you need to hear a hissing sound at the end of a word and clap. Be careful.

(mouse, ray, reed, gouache, daughter, miracle, walrus, beetle, borscht, lie, speech, pike, checkers, finish.)

4. Working with a reverse dictionary

Find exercise #117. Read the assignment.

(ex. No. 117 – Open the Reverse Dictionary starting with the letterh . Are there any words-names of objects whose BASE ends in–h , feminine and neuter words)

- There are words feminine and masculine? (No, only M.R.)

Let us mean that the first column will contain masculine words ( m.r.)

Where will we work? ? (In the Reverse Dictionary?)

To which letter do we open the reverse dictionary? (For the letter b )

Will it be at the beginning, middle or end of the dictionary?

Read the words on h .

Name the words. What kind of words are all these?

Write down one word for the hissing sound.

Open the dictionary starting with the letter Z. Determine what type of all the words-objects?

Write down one word.

Write down one word from the dictionary starting with the letters Ch and Sh.

Did you see a soft sign here? So, what can we conclude?

Conclusion: masculine words ending in hissing sounds are written without b.

Cross out b.

Let's return to the Reverse Dictionary. Find words on b , and then on LIF.

Name the words. What kind are they? (female)

Let's denote that in the second column there will be words of the feminine gender.

Let's write down one word each for CH, SH, SHCH.

What conclusion can we draw about the spelling of feminine words?

Conclusion: feminine words ending in hissing sounds are written with b.

M.r. Zh.r. b

cloak thing

floor rye

lily of the valley night

doctor help

Conclusion: feminine words ending in sibilants are written with b

(The children explained this: the feminine gender needs help, but the masculine gender does not, “they are men”, “they themselves must help others”).

Getting to know the inference in the student - p.156






J.r. .





What is it needed for b in words?

1. LYNX b

2. IN b YUGA

3. MOUSE b

Were we right when we said that a soft sign should not be written at the end of words with a hissing sound? (Wrong)

What secret about the soft sign have you learned? ( In some words a soft sign is written)

Why do we need a soft sign in these words?

(The children themselves concluded:The soft sign shows that these are words-names of feminine objects )

5. Exercises in the distribution of words with a sibilant stem by gender

1. Competition game

Divide the words into two baskets. (boy - m.b., girl - f.b.).

Let's see who gets the most pictures.

Who was the winner? (Sl ova m.r.)

Let's continue the competition, only now with words. (cards)

Who was the winner?

How good it is that representatives of the masculine gender most take on the work themselves. I think that representatives of the female race, including our girls, will only be happy about this.

6. Exercises in correct spelling words

a) Writing from memory

The cold spring makes noise all night in the ravine.

Think about how to write words with a hissing sound as a base. Check with your neighbor.

What key are we talking about?(about the spring)

What meaning does this word have?

Are these words called this by chance or not by chance?(By chance, they have no similarities)

Is it one word with multiple meanings or different words?

(different words)

How will they be written in the Explanatory Dictionary?)(Twice)

Let's check it in the dictionary.

(In the Explanatory Dictionary it is written twice, which means that it is two different words

Key 1 – a metal product for unlocking and locking a lock.

Key 2 - spring (spring) gushing out of the ground.)

Write down the sentence from memory.

b) Independent work

I option - exercise No. 120 (glu [ w ], Mar [ w ], kama [ w ], bro [ w ], su [ w ], erala [ w ], fini [ w ])

II option exercise No. 121 (ve [ sch" ], glue [ sch" ], ovo [ sch" ], boron [ sch" ], help [ sch" ], mo [ sch" ], le [ sch" ], comrades [ sch" ])

If you have any difficulties, consult a dictionary.

Checking assignments.

Make up sentences

V. Homework– page 154, ex. 123,

VI. Lesson summary

What new secret did you learn about the soft sign today?

How are words-names of masculine and feminine objects written with a hissing sound?

§ 1 Determination of the gender of words in Russian

Words-names of objects in Russian can belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter. How do we determine the gender of words denoting the name of an object? The words commanded by the word HE are masculine. And if the word is controlled by the word SHE - feminine. There are words-names of objects that are commanded by the word IT - these are words of the neuter gender.

§ 2 Features of writing the names of objects with a hissing base

In the lesson we will learn about the peculiarities of writing words-names of masculine and feminine objects with a hissing stem. The Reverse Dictionary will help us with this.

Let us remember that we include the sounds [h,], [sch], [zh], [sh] as hissing sounds. Let's find in the dictionary words ending with the letter H: trumpeter, rich man, tractor, circus performer, weaver. All words are masculine, because they are commanded by the word HE.

Let's open the Reverse Dictionary on -b, on -CH. Let's choose a few words-names of objects: oven, speech, flow, daughter, trifle. Words are controlled by the word SHE, which means that the words are feminine. Why are words written with b at the end, because the sound [h,] is always soft?! Let's compare the pronunciation of feminine and masculine words: trumpeter, stove. The pronunciation of the final consonant in these words is no different. IN in this case work b is different: it shows that all words are names of objects of the feminine gender.

Consequently, masculine words whose stem ends in a hissing sound are written without b, while feminine words are written with b.

Let's open the Reverse Dictionary starting with the letter - Ш. Let's make an assumption about what kind of words the words may belong to. So, if the stem ends in sibilant without -b, then these are masculine words. Let's write down five words: hut, ladle, finish, march, minced meat. Let's check: HE is the hut, HE is the ladle, HE is the finish, HE is the march, HE is the minced meat. Our assumption was confirmed; the words belong to the masculine gender, since they are led by the word OH and there is no soft sign after the hissing word.

Let's open the Reverse Dictionary on - b, on - Шь. What kind of words are all the names of objects with the stem ending in - Шь? Female. Let's check: SHE is gouache, brooch, wilderness, ink, mouse.

What conclusion can be drawn? b after a hissing word at the base indicates that the words-names of objects are feminine; the absence of b indicates the masculine gender of words-names of objects.

Is it possible, without opening the Reverse Dictionary, to draw a conclusion about the spelling of words whose stems end in -ZH and -ZH, -SH and -SHCH? Yes, you can. How are masculine words written? Masculine words with bases ending in - Ж and - Ш are written without b. For example: luggage, landscape, raincoat, bream. How are feminine words written? Feminine words with a hissing stem are written with -b, for example: youth, lie, thing, help.

List of used literature:

  1. Russian language: 2nd grade: Textbook: in 3 hours / N.A. Churakova; edited by M.L. Kalenchuk. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2012. – Part 1.
  2. Russian language: 2nd grade. Methodical manual/M.L. Kalenchuk, O.V. Malakhovskaya, N.A. Churakova – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2012.

Images used:

During the classes

1. Organizational moment, with a psychological attitude.

We smiled at each other.
Hands to the side,
Hands up.
May this lesson bring you success.

2. Rules for writing.

I'll open my notebook,
I'll put it in a corner.
I, friends, will not hide from you:
I hold my pen like this.
I'll sit straight, I won't bend,
I'll get to work.

Let's write down the number and type of work.

3. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

Today, guys, we will continue to learn to discover new knowledge. . Open the textbook. Formulate what we will talk about during the lesson, the topic of the lesson.

What do you know about the words that represent the name of an object?

How do we determine the gender of words denoting the name of objects?

What kind of hissing sounds do we know?

Give examples of words - names of objects, based on a hissing sound.

Pay attention to the board, you see pictures that are exactly the same as those in your textbook.

Think about what task you can offer for them?

(Find words - names of objects with a base on a soft sign, determine the gender. Hedgehog - m.r., hut - m.r., reed - m.r., lily of the valley - m.r., mouse - zh.r., night - f.r., oven - f.r.)

Look at the record of the words you named?

What did you notice? (The soft sign is not always written)

What goal will each of you set for yourself during the lesson?


I propose to investigate the reasons for the different spelling of words - names of objects, with a sibilant base.

Does anyone have any suggestions for starting the research? What assumptions can be made about the spelling of words-names of objects m.r. and f.r. with base to sizzling? (Children's answers)

4. Work on new material.

Observation of words - names of objects m.r. and zh.r., the stem of which ends in – CH and - CH.

How will we check where we can go? (To the textbook)

The textbook invites us to open a reverse dictionary starting with the letter - CH, and see if there are any feminine words among the words - names of objects whose stem ends in - CH? Neuter words? What kind of words are all these? Write down any five.

(Open a reverse dictionary starting with the letter - b, find words - names of objects whose stem ends in - CH. Write down five words. What did you notice? What kind of all these words?)

What conclusion can you draw about work b? (b denotes the softness of the final consonant; b shows that all words are names of feminine objects). Consult each other.

What conclusion can you draw about the spelling of masculine and feminine words whose stem ends in – CH or CH? Which hypothesis has been confirmed? Tell your seatmate. Who will voice their findings?

5. Physical education minute.

I will say the names of masculine and feminine objects with a hissing sound at the end. If I say a feminine word, you jump and clap your head, if you hear a masculine word, you squat.

Hedgehog, bream, stove, thing, comrade, quiet, violinist, rye, youth, luggage.

6. Work in a notebook.

Your suggestions next job(exercise no. 118).

What is the purpose of this exercise?

What two groups do you think words-names of objects can be divided into? (M.B. and F.B.)

Write it down correctly.

Who had difficulty completing this task?

Peer review.

What conclusion can you draw about the spelling of words-names of objects with stems in – CH and – CH?

7. Observation of words - names of objects m.r. and zh.r., the stem of which ends in – Ш and – Шь.

We researched words - names of objects with bases on – H and – CH, tested hypotheses, and made a conclusion.

What other hissing sounds do you know?

Do you think this rule for writing a soft sign is suitable for words - names of objects, with stems in -Ш and -Шь and Ж and -жь? Make a guess.

How can we test our hypothesis? (Let's look at the reverse dictionary)

To avoid wasting time, I suggest that girls check the spelling of words - names of objects, with stems in -Ш and -Шь, and for boys - words - names of objects, with stems in -ZH and -ZH.

We work in pairs. Share your results with each other. Whose pair can make a conclusion, signal with a raised hand. (Listen to conclusions about the spelling of words m.r. and zh.r., the stem of which ends in – Ш and -Шь and Ж and -ь)

How can you practice writing words - names of objects, with stems starting from -Ш and -Шь and Ж and -жж in a notebook. Offer a task. (We write down in two columns 3 words each starting with -Ш and -Шь and 3 words each with Zh and -ZH)

Can you formulate a writing rule yourself based on your research? (children's answers)

Based on your reasoning, we will try to create an algorithm for writing words-names of objects with a hissing stem.

Who can tell the rule about writing words - names of objects, with a sibilant as the base?

See if there is a rule in the textbook. Compare your conclusions with the rule in the textbook.

9. Consolidation. Working with synonyms (orally).

What task can you suggest with these words? (If the children do not name, then the teacher pronounces his task: choose a synonym for each word, the word is the name of an object with a hissing stem. Darkness is night, calm is quiet, doctor is a doctor, support is help)

10. Work on cards in pairs (to consolidate a new topic).

The cards on the table are of three colors: on the red card the task is more difficult at “5”, on the yellow card the task is easier at “4”, on the blue card the task is easy at “3”. We work in pairs.

11. Reflection. Lesson summary.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you, so that science is not night, darkness for you, and the light of knowledge illuminates your path, let's use the stars that are in your envelopes (they are of different colors). Pick up the appropriate star:

1. If the lesson was interesting and easy, take yellow (the brightest).

2. If sometimes there were difficulties, doubts - pink.

3. If you don’t understand the topic – blue.

(Children show stars.)

Look. How many yellow stars are there?

Tell me what you learned in class today?

Praise your neighbor for his work in class.

I am very glad that this lesson was interesting and informative for you.

Thanks everyone for your work! Good luck!

In the book “A Word about Words,” which appeared in the mid-50s, Lev Uspensky expressed the idea that linguists would be very useful in a dictionary in which words were alphabetized not by initial, but by final letters. Since childhood I remember a “problem”: how many purely Russian (not coming from other languages) nouns ending in zo? I immediately remember: belly, iron, and what else? Advice notes and arioso come to mind, but they are borrowed. If there were such a dictionary, it would be immediately possible to give a comprehensive answer to this extremely important question.

But not only to satisfy idle curiosity, a dictionary is needed that arranges words in alphabetical order of the last letters. In such a dictionary, for example, words with the same suffix appear to be “collected” without any effort on the part of the researcher. And in many other cases, linguists have to compare the final elements of a word.

Lev Uspensky thought that he was presenting “a completely unprecedented proposal.” In fact, such dictionaries, which were called “reverse”, already existed then. But not for the Russian language. For example, in Leipzig in 1904 a reverse dictionary for the Latin language was published.

The name "reverse dictionary" is conditional. In fact, the order of words in this kind of publications is usual - “straight” alphabetical, only the alphabetical arrangement is established based on the letters at the end of the word, starting with the last one. This is what the beginning of the letter A looks like in such a dictionary:


Another small snippet:


skh "imnik mo 3a
nad "omnik mo 3a
fell "omnik mo 3a
diploma "omnik mo 3a
skr "omnik mo 3a
"atomic mo 3a

The letters mo mean: masculine, animate, the index 3a indicates the type of stress (always based).

That is, for ease of use, the words are aligned not to the left, but to the right.

The author of “A Word about Words” appealed to enthusiasts, and they responded: the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences began receiving letters from those wishing to compile such a dictionary. Their enthusiasm remained unclaimed, and the first reverse dictionaries of the Russian language were made... by the Germans. One of them, the dictionary of H. H. Bielfeldt (H. H. Bielfeldt. Rucklaufiges Worterbuch der russischen Spracht der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1958) was published in the GDR. Russian linguists used it for a good decade and a half, until the large “Reverse Dictionary of the Russian Language” with 125 thousand words was published in 1974. It contains much more information than H. Bielfeldt's dictionary, since it is not limited to only translating the direct alphabet into the “reverse” one. This dictionary is a reverse word index to four explanatory dictionaries: the “large” academic dictionary (B), the Ushakov dictionary (U), the Ozhegov dictionary (O), and the “small” academic (M). Using these indexes, you can immediately find out about each word and in which dictionaries it is found. Most words say: BOOM. These are the most important, necessary, commonly used words, the absence of which is difficult to imagine even in a relatively short one-volume dictionary (such as O). You can even introduce the following “working” characteristic of the word: “Well, it’s BOOM!” means that the word has existed in the Russian language for a long time, that it is common, necessary, necessary.

The Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language by A. A. Zaliznyak is also “reverse”. It contains completely different indices for each word: with their help, grammatical information is communicated. And God himself ordered this dictionary to be made “reverse”: thanks to this arrangement, words with the same grammatical properties appear next to each other.

Here's a little "quiz".

Which letter starts with the most words in any “direct” - explanatory or spelling - dictionary of the Russian language? You can easily guess: with the letter P. And it’s not difficult to understand why: in Russian, many prefixes begin with P (pere-, before-, po-, under-, sub-, after-, pra-, pre-, pre-, pre-, pri-, pro-, anti-) Verbs are formed in abundance with some of these prefixes. In the 17-volume dictionary, P accounts for three volumes! "Entertainers" in holiday homes often invite vacationers to compete in writing stories in which all words begin with the same letter. And usually it is the letter P.

And which letter contains the most words in the “reverse” dictionary? You can also guess: the one with which not a single word begins, namely b - “soft sign”! And it’s also not at all mysterious: after all, the vast majority of non-reflexive verbs end with this letter (only a few end not in TY, but in TI (such as, for example, lead, carry).

And one more letter in the “reverse” dictionary turns out to have a lot of words, unlike the “direct” one. This letter is Y. Words begin with it only as an exception. But then all adjectives and most participles end with it.

P.S. And there are no longer native Russian nouns. To the borrowed advice notes and arioso, you can only add peso (there is also a peso option).

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