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6 Steps to Better Hydration

The importance of hydration.

The importance of hydration is especially well known among athletes. Dehydration of just one percent reduces the results by 5%. But if you're not a professional athlete and need some motivation to stay optimally hydrated, here are a few benefits your body receives when it's hydrated:

The aging process slows down;

Skin condition improves;

Digestion improves;

Relieves discomfort in the back and joints;

Focusing improves.

Here are 6 steps to better hydration.

Water, water, and more water. The first step to better hydration is to ensure you drink sufficient quantity water. It sounds easy, but many people neglect the amount of water they drink and its quality. Most of us need two liters (women) or 3 liters (men) of water daily. Greatest benefit brings a drink of plain water. Stay away from coffee and sodas, as they burden the body and, on the contrary, promote the elimination of water.

Your daily multivitamin. It doesn’t matter even if you have a day off or you go to a club. Still take your daily multivitamin. Besides supplying yourself minerals and vitamins, do not forget to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. You can also make juice from them.

Sound sleep. During sleep, your body has a chance to recover from all daytime stress (work, gym, any discomfort and so on). Be sure to drink large number water throughout the day and before bed so you don't have to wake up for a glass of water.

Let your body work! Load it up! Jogging, gym, dumbbells, beloved sports game– football, tennis, baseball, etc. And no beer and TV - this is not a sport at all. Exercising will help you feel better and help you concentrate better throughout the day. If you have long workouts, take care of yourself and drink water during your workouts. It is enough to train 3 – 5 times a week.

Avoid sweets. Sweets are loaded with calories, fats and carbohydrates. All together, over time, this will lead to a fear of once again looking in the mirror or stepping on the scale. Returning to the topic of hydration, we note that simple hydrocarbons tend to bind water in the body. This will require you to drink more and more, so it's best to avoid sweets.

Control, control and more control. One way to make sure your hydration levels are close to optimal is to simply pay attention to the color of your urine. If it is clear and looks almost like plain water, then your hydration level is close to optimal.

And finally, drink until you feel thirsty. It works just like eating, if you want to stay fit or lose weight, try to eat before you feel hungry.

Structured water has the most beneficial effect on the body. The body is far from indifferent to the fact that it remembers the water that we will use for drinking or for taking water procedures. That’s why simply drinking water has now turned into a problem that needs to be constantly reminded of, recommendations given on how to teach yourself to drink water again? The way we treat water destroys its natural structure. The memory of water suffers from numerous pathogenic influences. And in order for the body to accept drinking water, in order to make you want to drink it, you need to again correct its structural state, influence its memory in such a way that it again carries information favorable to human physiology. This problem is solved successfully, and most importantly in a user-friendly manner, by Proofreaders Functional Status Koltsova.

Water is very susceptible to the influence of external fields; when a container with water is near the FSC, it finds itself in a field (at least this is the Earth’s magnetic field), the polarization of which carries certain information. There is a structuring of water with memorization of the information set contained in the FSC. An understanding of the mechanism of water memory has now been formed. Individual water molecules gather into large associates. Our leading water expert, Dr. biological sciences S.V. Zenin (sometimes even called the Russian Massaru Emotto) theoretically showed that associates consisting of 912 molecules are stable and their lifetime is measured in hours. An associate consisting of 912 molecules is the minimum structural unit, from which more than complex structures. These associates have little of their own magnetic moment, and under the influence external field they change their spatial orientation. It's like huge amount microscopic magnetic needles, similar to those used in compasses. Memorizing information involves changing the order relative position water associates. There is an infinitely large number of options for the relative arrangement of water associates. This fact explains the enormous information capacity of water.

FSC is the first household appliance, which is capable of purposefully influencing the memory of water and its structural state, and absolutely everyone who begins to use it notes a change in attitude towards water. Exactly everything that is said in this and similar articles is happening. The problem of accustoming yourself to drinking sufficient volumes of water is solved by itself, because you get the same water from childhood that you want to drink. We may not realize instinctive reactions organism on the structural state of water. But as soon as the water enters the mouth, they work, and the brain already knows good water is in the mouth or bad. Accordingly, you either want to drink it or you don’t want to drink it. Here, pets unerringly choose FSC-structured water from two bowls.

We need water for life. Without it, the body is able to function for no more than 7 days. And this is not surprising, because, after all, our body is approximately 60% water. It nourishes our cells, helps dissolve food and, when consumed regularly, prevents dehydration. And when it takes the form of urine, it removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Water affects our well-being - fact

Symptoms of dehydration include dryness, bloating, drowsiness and headache. Especially you should not ignore the last signal, since it is headache may be the first sign of dehydration. To prevent it, drink water all day, in small sips.

You should drink when you feel thirsty - a myth

You need to drink throughout the day. Feeling thirsty is another sign of dehydration. Of course, then you need to drink water to make up for its deficiency, but this should have been done much earlier. If you forget to drink water, use an alarm clock or special reminder apps. This way you will maintain a constant level of hydration in your body.

Dehydration can have serious consequences for the body - fact

If we feel thirsty, this means that our body is already 2-3 percent dehydrated. This may not seem like much, but behind these numbers there are problems with concentration and loss of appetite. Dehydration of 10% can already lead to death. It is worth remembering this and not neglecting the signals sent by the body.

Regularly drinking too little water is harmful to the body - fact

If you forget about water and end up drinking too little during the day, your body begins to function worse. This applies primarily to the kidneys, which cannot remove the required amount harmful substances, for example, urea. The retention of toxins in the body can lead, in particular, to inflammation of the bladder.

Excess water is also harmful to the body - fact

Eating too much large volumes water also entails negative consequences. First of all, large amounts of it put a lot of strain on the kidneys, causing them to be unable to cope with filtration. This situation most often concerns athletes who drink a lot of water during and after training, which can result in so-called hypotonic overhydration. Then the sodium level in the body drops, the cells begin to swell, which can even lead to death.

When should we drink more than usual? In case of heat, because then the body becomes easily dehydrated. But this does not mean that you need to pour liters of water into yourself at a time. The principle of gradual absorption of liquid is relevant for any season. About drinking in larger quantities Athletes must remember. But we're talking about only about 2-3 extra glasses of water (depending on the load), and you are also not allowed to drink them right away.

We should drink 2.5 liters of water a day - a myth

This volume should also include other liquids, such as tea, coffee and soups. Research shows that coffee does not dehydrate you if you drink it in moderation. The same rule applies to tea, so the liquid you drink during the day should include warm drinks that we drink throughout the day.

In addition, water is present in various foods: fruits, vegetables (especially in them), and also, for example, in dairy products. If you are still worried that drinking 2 liters a day is difficult for you, then know that you don’t need to worry too much about this if you also extract water from other sources. But be careful! In fact, it is impossible to determine the daily portion of water for everyone at once, because each of us has our own habits and characteristics, for example, some play sports and others do not. Therefore, the amount of water should be adjusted to suit you.

Sparkling water is unhealthy - a myth

In our society, still water is more readily chosen. Meanwhile, thinking that soda is unhealthy is a mistake. Yes, it can be harmful to specific people– those who have digestive problems, who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. On the body healthy person such water does not have a negative effect - on the contrary, it stimulates gastric juices to work, which facilitates digestion.

Water helps you lose weight - fact

Although water does not relieve magically from fatty layers, it cleanses the body of waste and toxins, accelerates the digestion process and intestinal motility, and this is how it affects our appearance.

If you want to start the day right, drink a glass of water with lemon (in winter it can be warm boiled water). This way you will stimulate your body to work, and it will do it much better.

HYDRATION in solutions(Greek, hydor water) - the process of adding water molecules to molecules or ions of a dissolved substance.

The concept of “hydration” refers to water solutions; with other solvents this phenomenon is called solvation (see). The reverse process of hydration or solvation is called dehydration or desolvation, respectively. G. is an important condition dissolution of substances and their stability in solution, in particular the stability of solutions of protein and other biopolymers. G. causes swelling (see) of polymers in aquatic environments, plays a big role in permeability cell membranes, in water-salt metabolism, etc.

Ions are especially prone to gas. Their G. is determined by orientation dipole molecules water in the electric field of the ion, and G. polar nonelectrolytes - their orientation due to the interaction of dipoles and the formation of hydrogen bonds.

The ordered arrangement of solvent molecules around ions or polar groups of atoms in a solute molecule suggests that they form hydration layers or shells. The water molecules in the hydration layer remain chemically almost unchanged. This is how G. differs from other chemicals. interactions in solutions, for example, from hydrolysis (see). However, many physical properties change in the hydration layer. properties of water: steam pressure, permittivity, compressibility, dissolving ability, etc. Hydraulic acid is accompanied by the release of heat and a decrease in the entropy of the solvent due to the ordered arrangement of water molecules in the hydration layer (see Thermodynamics).

The hydration shell is mainly held together by electrostatic forces of attraction, and polar groups can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Those water molecules that are most tightly bound to ions or polar groups in the molecules of the solute are those that are concentrated in the first molecular layer; the binding energy of the molecules of the second layer is much lower; in the third it is already negligible.

As a result of hydrogenation of ions, coordination compounds are often formed. For example, G. ion Cu 2+ in water solutions what happens is that four water molecules are distributed symmetrically around Cu2+, forming flat figure. The hydrated copper ion Cu 2+ -4H 2 O gives the solution a characteristic blue color. The formation of hydrates (solvates) underlies the theory of solutions by D. I. Mendeleev (see Solutions).

The most tightly bound hydrate water can, during the crystallization of a dissolved substance from solutions, enter into the composition of its crystals (crystallization water), forming crystalline hydrates (see), for example. CuSO 4 -5H 2 O, which are essentially complex compounds (see).

Degree G. various ions and molecules is not the same and depends on the size of the particles and the magnitude of their charge. How more charge And smaller sizes ion, i.e. higher specific gravity charge, the more degree D. The L+ ion is more hydrated because its specific charge density is higher than that of K+ ions. Undissociated molecules are also hydrated to one degree or another; their hydration shell appears only around polar groups and therefore may not be continuous.

The concentration of ions in a solution affects their mobility, and the dependence is inversely proportional.

Bibliography: Dumansky A.V. Lyophilicity of dispersed systems, Kyiv, 1960; Jirgensons B. Natural organic macromolecules, trans. from English, M., 1965; Karyakin A.V. and K r and in e scientific center about in and G. A. State of water in organic and inorganic compounds, M., 1973, bibliogr.

A. Pasynsky.

There is such a remarkable fact: after active training of swimmers or water polo players high level, it becomes noticeable in the pool more water than it was before the training. But there is no need to rush to blame athletes for poor upbringing; the matter is completely different. When exercising in water, a person also sweats and loses as much fluid as on land, or even more. In terms of fluid loss, training in water is equivalent to exercising in a hot environment where a person loses a huge amount of water. It is very important to compensate for fluid loss during swimming training, and pool water, unfortunately, is a bad helper in this matter.

What does fluid loss mean for you?

According to European scientists dealing with the problem of dehydration during active training, even a loss of 1% of fluid from body weight significantly reduces the body's performance, reduces endurance and strength. That is, training becomes less effective. Loss of more than 3% fluid from total mass body has harmful consequences for health. This is especially harmful for the heart. In addition, loss of moisture in the body's cells negatively affects protein synthesis, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in muscle mass, strength, endurance and increases the body's recovery time after exercise.

It is not difficult to avoid all these unpleasant consequences, especially if you adhere to certain rules.

An hour and a half before training, you need to consume about 500 ml. water or a sports drink to saturate the body with fluid and prepare it for serious exercise. Don't go for sports drinks; in many cases, water is an excellent option for high-quality hydration during sports. In what situations you should switch from water to sports drinks, we will look at a little later, and now the next simple but necessary point.

During training, you should take every opportunity to drink some water or a sports drink (1-2 small sips). It is desirable if these convenient cases arise regularly with a certain frequency. Convenience and quick access to water are important here. Naturally, bottles with caps are not suitable, since a lot of time is spent on opening and closing. You also can’t leave the bottle open, as splashes from the pool can spoil the water, and besides, it can always be dropped. An excellent choice would be special Proswim.ru invites you to pay attention to bottles from Arena, Speedo and Nike. This ideal option for the pool. They open in a second and close as well. You don't have to worry about something getting in there or the drink spilling from the bottle.

Last but not least important stage hydration of the body occurs after training. It should start as soon as possible after completion physical exercise. The amount of fluid you need to drink after a workout depends on the intensity of the workout, as well as how often you drank during the workout. The more intense and longer the workout, the more fluid you need. On average you need to consume about 500 ml. liquids.

Now let’s consider the question of what to choose, plain water or an isotonic drink? Again, depends on the intensity and length of your training sessions. If the workout lasts more than an hour and a half, it is advisable to use a sports drink. What criteria should you use to choose an isotonic drink? Firstly, it must contain necessary for the body calcium, magnesium and potassium salts, since during training they are washed out with sweat. Secondly, the drink should have enough simple carbohydrates(fructose, glucose) so that it helps the body recover faster. Here are two main requirements. Many drinks also contain vitamins and other various substances. For example, there are isotonic drinks with L-carnitine. This substance during physical activity significantly accelerates the breakdown of fat cells to obtain additional energy. you get more strength and also effectively burn excess fat. It should be noted that usually high-quality isotonic drinks are harmless to health, but there are contraindications for intolerance to some components, so always carefully read the composition of the drink.

Follow the above tips for hydrating your body, and from the first workout you will feel that fatigue comes later, feel much better after training, and recovery takes much less time!

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