Intellectual Olympiad in psychology individual championship questions. Experiment “Delayed reaction”

Psychology Week at our school is becoming a tradition. This is one of the ways to show students the diversity of this amazing, interesting, educational science that is necessary for each of us. Forms and methods that can be used school psychologist, are so diverse that sometimes you face a serious choice of what exactly to use. I want everything at once. Last year, during Psychology Week, various psychological games and trainings at different levels of education. This year I decided to hold an intellectual Olympiad among schoolchildren in grades 2-11. The tasks are very varied: word games, finding mathematical patterns, logical problems and selections, identifying analogies, defining general concepts, classification, etc.

A reasonable question arises: why the Olympics? You can simply take tests that study intelligence (Eysenck, Amthauer) and carry out diagnostics, and based on the results obtained, build your own direction of activity. This is all true. But in my case, there are a number of reasons why I decided to go a non-traditional route:

The diagnostics carried out to study the motivation to learn among school students showed that the desire and desire to learn among many students leaves much to be desired. Simply put, our children are not interested in lessons, there is no cognitive interest. This means that in order to successfully teach children new knowledge and skills, you must first arouse in them motivation, interest in this new thing, desire and desire to master it, i.e. before teaching WHAT and HOW, you need to arouse the student’s interest and desire to find out WHY and WHERE, as well as why I need this;

Completing assignments will allow students to look at subject disciplines in a new way;

Holding the Olympics will make it possible to influence intellectual development schoolchildren and awaken interest and desire to develop their abilities;

And most importantly, participation in the intellectual Olympiad gives each participant the opportunity to test their knowledge and abilities.

As mentioned above, all tasks are fundamentally different from those that children perform in class, and this is precisely what the main emphasis is on.

TARGET : promote the development of students' cognitive interest.

TASKS: Activating students' thinking about the role of knowledge in their own lives

  • Formation and development of a sense of success
  • Formation and development educational motivation
  • Raising a competitive personality
  • The school intellectual Olympiad is that form extracurricular activities, which will help influence personal development, namely: by participating, the student shows a desire for self-realization; he develops planning and control skills; he has to show systematic, creative and critical thinking.

    Conducting an intellectual Olympiad gives every student the opportunity to:

    • demonstrate the general educational skills they have acquired;
    • manifest intellectual abilities;
    • reveal the versatility of your interests;
    • develop a semantic conjecture;
    • enrich vocabulary;
    • develop logical thinking;
    • awaken interest in solving non-standard problems and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.


    1. Preparation of assignments for students (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4).
    2. Preparation of answers, solutions and forms.
    3. Drawing up a work schedule.
    4. Explanation of the rules of the Olympiad.
    5. Written assignments by students.
    6. Checking completed tasks.
    7. Summing up.
    8. School-wide coverage of results.
    9. Discuss solutions with students.

    All interested students in grades 2-11 can take part in the intellectual Olympiad.


    Each student must sit at a separate desk. There should be no strangers in the classroom.

    It is necessary to instruct children about the rules for preparing work. Then distribute sheets with competition tasks.

    If during the competition one of the participants wants to temporarily leave the audience, then he must put his sheet of assignments on the jury table.

    When completing an assignment, you are allowed to use a draft.

    The participants' works are checked by members of the jury.

    Based on the results of the Olympiad, the winners are determined: in the individual championship within the class, as well as the winners among the competing classes. Creative tasks are assessed separately. Successful completion of tasks does not require knowledge beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

    Olympics in Psychology. School stage. 10-11 grade

    1. TO How is the term “psychology” literally translated?

    a) the science of mentally ill people;

    b) science of the soul;

    c) the science of mental disorders;

    d) science of man.

    2. .TO What branch of psychology does this definition apply to?A branch of psychology that deals with human behavior in a group, how a person perceives others, communicates, and influences others.

    A) general psychology;

    b) social psychology;

    c) clinical psychology;

    d) psychological counseling.

    3. the most powerful emotional reaction called:

    a) apathy;

    b) aggression;

    c) affect;

    d) shame;

    d) joy;

    e) all answers are correct.

    4. Which of the following methods is not used in psychology?

    a) testing

    b) herbal medicine method

    c) conversation

    G) experimental method

    d) all answers are correct.

    5. Stress is associated with:

    a) with progressive depletion of the body’s resources;

    b) with an unexpected and acute situation;

    c) with everyone’s ability to take risks;

    d) all answers are correct


    1. b)

    2. b)

    3. c)

    4. b)

    5. a)

    6. “Golden Fund of Psychology”

    Establish the relationship:

    A) Hippocrates

    2. Organizer of the first experimental psychological laboratory.

    B) C. Darwin

    B) I. P. Pavlov

    4. Father of psychoanalysis.

    D) W. Wundt

    5. Creator of the doctrine of temperaments.

    D) S. Freud

    1. B

    2. G

    3. B

    4. D

    5. A

    7. Determine what from the list listed can be classified as abilities, what cannot be, and why:

    - ability to walk upright;
    - the ability to present your thoughts and feelings in visual images;
    - ability to recognize odors;

    - ability to volitional regulation carrying out;
    - the ability to accurately perceive color shades;
    - ability to speak;
    - ability to play the organ;
    - ability to quick counting in the mind;
    - ability to speak languages; ability to write poetry;
    - oratory skills;
    - pedagogical abilities;
    - ability to cook;
    - ability to synthesize figurative material;
    - ability to work; ability to reflect;
    - ability to communicate using language;
    - ability for self-development.
    the ability to recognize smells, the ability to accurately perceive color shades, the ability to play the organ, the ability to speak languages, the ability to write poetry, oratory abilities, teaching abilities.

    8. Select from the following list of characteristics those that make a group a group and explain why:

    trust, territoriality, mutual sympathy, acceptance, intragroup conflict, leader power, sense of “we”, thirst for security, inferiority complex, empathy, common goal, communication, joint activities, groupthink, avoidance of loneliness, joint activity, common room, fear, common motivation, dependence, experience of belonging to a group, tendency to obey, common moral values.

    Assessment criteria for assignment 82.

    4 points – 11 correct answers;

    3 points – 9 correct answers;

    2 points – 6 correct answers;

    1 point – 3 correct answers;

    0 points – task not completed.

    Correct answers: trust, territoriality, acceptance, sense of "We", empathy, common goal, joint activity, groupthink, common motivation, feeling of belonging to a group, shared moral values.

    9. Below are the expressions folk wisdom, reflecting some facts, phenomena of the mental (psychological) life of people. Try to divide them into the following groups:

    About knowledge and mind;
    - about feelings;
    - about voluntary self-regulation;
    - about self-knowledge;
    - about building interpersonal relationships.

    Seven do not wait for one thing; there is safety in numbers; Without knowing grief, you will not know joy; Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, your own on the ridge; like father like son; fear has big eyes; if you love to ride, you also love to carry sleighs; in someone else’s eye you see a speck, but in your own you don’t even notice a log; do not look in the village, but look within yourself; don’t rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds; where there is love and advice, there is no grief; everyone has their own truth.


    The task is assessed according to five-point system:

    0 points – task not completed;

    1 point – 3 proverbs are ordered correctly;

    2 points – 6 proverbs are ordered correctly;

    3 points – 9 proverbs are ordered correctly;

    4 points – 12 proverbs are ordered correctly.

    Correct answers:

    About knowledge and mind -everyone has their own truth ;

    Feelings - fear has big eyes; Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, your own on the ridge; Without knowing grief, you will not know joy;

    About voluntary self-regulation –don’t rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds; if you love to ride, you also love to carry sleighs;

    About self-knowledge -do not look in the village, but look within yourself; in someone else’s eye you see a speck, but in your own you don’t even notice a log; The apple doesn't fall far from the tree;

    About building interpersonal relationships -where there is love and advice, there is no grief; seven do not wait for one thing; there is safety in numbers

    10. Theoretical information . In psychology, there are traditionally four types of human temperament. Below are descriptions of these types:

    Choleric . Characterized by a high level mental activity, energy of action, sharpness, swiftness, force of movements, their fast pace, impetuosity. Choleric is prone to sudden changes mood, quick-tempered, impatient, prone to emotional breakdowns. Conflicted.

    Sanguine . It is characterized by high mental activity, efficiency, swiftness and vivacity of movements, variety and richness of facial expressions, and fast speech. Sanguine people tend to frequent changes impressions, easily and quickly respond to surrounding events, and are sociable. Emotions - mostly positive - arise quickly and quickly change.

    Phlegmatic person . Type of temperament characterized by low level mental activity, slowness, inexpressiveness of facial expressions. He does not easily switch from one type of activity to another and has difficulty adapting to new environment. A phlegmatic person has a calm, even mood. Feelings and moods are usually constant.

    Melancholic. It is characterized by a low level of mental activity, slowness of movements, restraint of facial expressions and speech, and rapid fatigue. It is distinguished by its high emotional sensitivity to the events happening to him, usually accompanied increased anxiety, depth and stability of emotions when they are weak external manifestation, and negative emotions predominate.

    Question : What types of temperament do the following famous characters have: Winnie - Pooh, Eeyore, Owl?


    A) Winnie – fluff____ sanguine

    B) Donkey Eeyore______ melancholic

    B) Owl__________ phlegmatic person

      Experiment “Delayed reaction”

    It is believed that one of the sources creating essential conditions for the formation of intellectual behavior in animals is the increasing complexity of perception and greater strength of memory. This fact was observed in detail in experiments with so-called delayed reactions. The animal was placed on a leash, and before its eyes, bait was placed in the box. After some time, the animal was released: if the trace was preserved in its memory, it ran to the box; if not, no action followed.

    Question: What is the duration of preservation of figurative memory traces for each of the listed animals?

    1) monkey a) up to 10 minutes

    2) rat b) up to 10 – 20 seconds

    3) dog c) up to 16 – 48 hours


    1)___ c) up to 16 – 48 hours _ ____

    2)___ b) up to 10 – 20 seconds____

    3)____ a) up to 10 minutes_____

      The Lost Letter Experiment

    First part . The researcher drops the letter in different areas of the city. The letter contains an address and a stamp.

    Question: What was the reaction of most people passing on the street?

    b) destroyed the letter;

    c) ignored the letter;

    d) all answers are incorrect.

    Second part . The researchers left a letter with postal address and a stamp on the floor in the entrance.

    Question: What was the reaction from most people?

    a) sent a letter by mail;

    b) destroyed the letter;

    c) ignored the letter;

    d) put the letter in the addressee's mailbox;

    d) all answers are incorrect.


    The first part is the correct answer________c)

    The second part is the correct answer________d)

      Experiment: “Civil responsibility.”

    An experiment was conducted in New York: smoke leaked from under the door of a building.

    Question: In which case was the highest percentage of calls to the fire department about this issue? 75%?

    a) when one person passed by;

    b) when 3 people saw the smoke;

    c) when smoke was noticed by a small group of up to 8 people;

    d) when more than 8 people noticed the smoke.


    The correct answer is a

      "Psychological Controversy".

    In the task below you are presented with the famous scientific concept. You need to evaluate it. You need to justify your point of view.

    Scientist Abraham Maslow listed the basic human needs in a certain hierarchy. Was created " Maslow's pyramid».

    Maslow's pyramid is the patterns of human needs, which in the most general view look like this:

      The foundation of the hierarchy is physiological needs: hunger, thirst, need for sleep and others (fhisiological needs).

      The next level of the hierarchy is (need for safety) the need for safety and security.

      The third stage (need for group) – the need for good attitude, to be loved, to belong to a group.

      The last stage (respect) is the need for respect and approval.

    Needs are satisfied in the order in which they are presented in the pyramid - from lowest to highest. Needs more higher order cannot manifest themselves until the lower ones are satisfied. Satisfaction of all needs leads a person to the top of the pyramid - complete self-realization.

    Exercise: Do you agree with the American scientist? What do you think main drawback Maslow's theories?

      Comment on the following statement about psychology. Is it possible to agree with him?

    and why?

    The only source of knowledge mental processes there is introspection.

    16. Comment on the following lines. Which metaphorical image, in your opinion, is more consistent with the credo? professional psychologist and why?

    1. I will solve someone else’s trouble with my hands (Russian proverb).

    2. Power without its abuse loses its attractiveness (P. Valery)

    3. Be able to catch the imp by the tail, and he will reveal to you where the devil is hiding (Chinese proverb).
    4. Having known oneself, no one will remain who he is (T. Mann)

      Complete the old parable. Give an explanation for the described phenomenon.

    "Where are you going?" - asked the wanderer, having met the Plague. “I’m going to Baghdad. I need to kill five thousand people there.” A few days later the same man met Chuma again. “You said that you would kill five thousand, but you killed fifty,” he reproached her. “No,” the Plague objected, “I only killed five. The rest died from....."

      Imagine the following situation: remarks made against you (at your team or a person close to you) that are not true are made against you. Formulate several refutation options, differing in the degree of categoricalness and argumentation, and arrange them in increasing severity.

      When in life can we say: “I understand this person”? What is “understanding” of another? How does it manifest itself? Give examples of your relationship with your parents (or close friends) from the point of view of “understanding - misunderstanding.”


    Criteria for assessing assignments 14-19

    Each task is graded on a five-point system:

    0 points – no answer;

    1 point – schematic, superficial presentation of the answer;

    2 points – incomplete completion of the task, significant inaccuracies were made in completing the task;

    3 points – answer based on knowledge everyday psychology, is not sufficiently reasoned, there are some inaccuracies in completing the task;

    4 points – correct disclosure of the content of the question, creativity to complete the task, conscious use of psychological and pedagogical terms and concepts, reliance on knowledge school disciplines, the answer is scientifically reasoned and logical.

    And we invite you to Day open doors Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov April 17, 2016 at 12:00. Come and don't miss out unique opportunity Find out all the information you are interested in about the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, ask all the questions that concern you!

    Dear participants the final stage of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren in psychology!

    On Friday, March 4, 2016 from 14:00 to 15:00 at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Mokhovaya St., 11, building 9; see diagram) there will be a display of works by participants in the final stage of the Olympiad. You must have a passport or other identification document with you. Reception and consideration of appeal applications will take place on the same day after the exhibition of works.

    Dear participants of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren in psychology!

    Lists of winners and prize-winners of the qualifying (correspondence) stage are posted on the Lomonosov Olympiad website at:

    Registration schedule for participants in the Moscow Olympiad:

    Attention non-resident participants! The organizing committee’s ability to accommodate Olympiad participants in MSU dormitories is limited. Only a student participant can apply for accommodation in a dormitory. Accommodation of parents and accompanying persons is not provided. Please be prepared for absence situations free seats, for which we ask you to first consider other accommodation options in Moscow during your participation in the Olympiad. The hostel is provided only for the period from February 13, 2016 to 9:00 February 14, 2016, after which you must leave the hostel. To check in, you must have the following documents: an identity document and a referral issued at the time of registration by the organizer of the Olympiad.

    The Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren in psychology will take place in Moscow February 14 (Sunday) 2016, in the Lomonosovsky educational building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills (Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 1, see diagram) starts at 10:00. Meeting of participants at 9:00.

    Organizing Committee of the Lomonosov Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Psychology in Moscow:

    Dear participants!

    The technical scores of the qualifying stage are published on the Olympiad website in the section “Results of the 2015/2016 academic year”.

    We remind you that the participant has the right to submit a written application to the appeal commission (appeal) for his technical score in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for filing and considering appeals. The appeal form is located in the “Psychology” section. Pay attention to the appeal samples. Appeals sent in violation of the Regulations will not be considered.

    Dear schoolchildren!

    On December 7 at 00:00 (Moscow time) the tasks of the second round of the qualifying stage of the Olympiad for high school will open (and the tasks of the qualifying stage for junior classes) in psychology. The tour ends on December 10 at 23:59. Each of you has no more than 24 hours to complete the tasks.

    We wish you success!

    Dear schoolchildren!

    On November 19 at 00:00 (Moscow time) the tasks of the first round of the qualifying stage of the Olympiad for high schools (and the tasks of the qualifying stage for junior classes) in psychology opened. Tour ends November 22 at 11:59 p.m. Each of you has no more than 24 hours to complete the tasks.

    We wish you success!

    Dear schoolchildren!

    The official website of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren is located at (aka

    On the official website of the Olympiad you can familiarize yourself with the Regulations on the Olympiad and the Regulations of the Olympiad. Please read these documents carefully as they contain significant changes from last year.

    Registration for the Olympiad opens on November 2. To register, you must fill out the registration form, attaching a scanned copy of your consent to the processing of personal data. The registration form is located on the page Be careful when filling out the form fields: it will be impossible to change them after registration, and if they do not correspond to the real data, you will be denied registration on final stage. If you have problems with registration, you can contact technical group at the address [email protected].

    We wish you success in the Olympics!

    Dear schoolchildren and their teachers! The organizing committee of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren, with the support of the Moscow Department of Education, invites you to the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov at lectures and consultations on various subjects.

    During the period from October 26 to November 16, 2015, you will be able to get acquainted with the specifics of the Olympiad in each subject, with the organizing faculty, visit the buildings of Moscow University, and communicate with professors and teachers. The staff of the methodological commission will analyze the most interesting tasks past years, and the jury representatives will talk about the most common mistakes which schoolchildren admit when performing them. You will also be advised what sources you can use when preparing for the Olympiad and when deciding olympiad assignments. Each participant in the lecture will be able to ask questions or get advice on the Olympiad issues that interest him.

    We ask that you register for the lecture. This can be done on the website of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren at the link: There you can also view the full schedule of lectures and consultations and receive other valuable information about them.

    Please note that registration for the first lecture-consultations (to be held on October 26) closes at 12:00 on October 23.

    We are waiting for you at Moscow University!

    Olympiad tasks in psychology and pedagogy

    for students from 9th to 11th grade

    (municipal level)

    You have 3 hours to complete all tasks.

    Block A - theoretical level

    Choose the correct answer.

    Task 1. The term "psychology" in scientific circulation entered:

    A) R. Descartes

    B) G. Leibniz

    B) H. Wolf

    D) Aristotle

    Task 2. The development of the human body is called:

    A) ontogeny

    B) phylogeny

    B) sociogenesis

    D) anthropogenesis

    Task 3. Highest form mental reflection, characteristic only of man, integrating all other forms of reflection, is called:

    B) reflex

    B) consciousness

    D) emotions

    Task 4.

    Match by indicating the correct answer with an arrow:


    A) high level development of human abilities, ensuring the achievement of outstanding success in a particular type of activity

    2. giftedness

    b) individually – psychological characteristics personalities that are a condition for the successful implementation of a particular activity.

    3. inclinations

    c) focus on activity, an internally motivated attitude towards any activity.

    d) a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, determines a person’s capabilities and achievements exclusively high results in one or more activities.

    Task 5. Based on psychological manifestations determine the type of temperament different people. Write your answer in the 2nd column.

    Task 6. Determine which cognitive process the following statements are typical for:

    A process that gives a reflection of the subject as a whole____________________ A cognitive process that allows you to store information_________________ Cognitive processes, characteristic only for humans___________________________

    Task 7. Choose the correct answer.

    The subject of pedagogy as a science is:

    1) Power

    2) Proper physical care

    3) Raised by a mother

    Task 10. The leading factor in personality development is:

    1) heredity

    4) education

    Give reasons for your point of view.

    Task 11. Lecture is:

    1. Method of presenting the basics of knowledge.

    2. Demonstration of knowledge

    3. Systematization and generalization of the studied material

    Task 12. What is training?

    1. Organization of independent study work

    2. The process of active interaction between the teacher and the student

    3. Transfer of knowledge to prepare for life.

    Task 13. There is an ancient parable about a wheelbarrow:

    “Three people are carrying heavy wheelbarrows with stones. A passerby asks everyone a question: “What are you doing? The first one replies: “Here, I’m driving this damn car.” The second said: “I earn my bread.” The third said: “I’m building a city.”

    Justify from a psychological point of view why the answers are so different.

    Task 14. Imagine that you are a psychologist at school and a student was brought to you who met new friends and began to smoke and drink alcoholic drinks. You need to talk to him about the current situation and convince him that a new addiction is harmful to a person’s health and psyche. Give an example of your conversation with a student. Which psychological techniques and methods you can use in this conversation?

    Task 15. After conflict situation You:

    a) think about what conflict can teach you;

    b) consult with friends;

    c) do not allow yourself to be confused;

    d) you will constantly feel discomfort from the consequences of a conflict situation;

    e) you will avoid communicating with people you dislike;

    f) choose any other behavioral strategies (indicate which ones).

    Explain why you chose this behavior strategy.

    Task 16. Read the phrase and determine which of the concepts suggested below corresponds to the meaning of this phrase. Justify your choice.

    “Whoever has reached the heights... must assume in advance that the majority will be against him.”

    Block B

    From the position of a teacher, solve the following conflict pedagogical situations.

    Situation 1. ... During a break, a 10th grade student poured alcohol from a spirit lamp and drank it. A chemistry teacher came to class and saw an empty alcohol lamp...

    Situation 2.... A biology teacher came to class in the 9th grade. A poster prepared on the topic “Photosynthesis” was hung upside down. Everyone was waiting for the teacher's reaction...

    Situation 3.... Student N., systematically did not fulfill homework in the subject, I studied poorly. When the teacher gave a grade of “2” in his diary, he usually stated: “Well, give it!” Somehow, during the next survey, the student again answered with a bad mark. Teacher…

    Situation 4.... The class was writing a test in mathematics. Having received the notebook and seeing that the teacher gave a bad grade, the student tore the notebook in front of everyone and in the presence of the teacher. The teacher calmly continues the lesson for a while, not paying attention to what happened. Then….

    Block G– creative task

    Write a mini-essay on one of the suggested topics.

    Task 1.“How do you see the image of a teacher in 10 years?”

    Task 2.“If I became the Minister of Education...”

    Cover letter

    managers municipal Olympiad in pedagogy and psychology for students of 9-11 grades.

    Dear leaders! All completed student work municipal stage The Olympiads are sent to the regional commission until December 15, 2013. Address: 677000, Yakutsk, Lenin Avenue 3, room 301, room. ps. Sc., head Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Chairman of the regional jury.

    Phone for inquiries: 89241705457

    The Faculty of Consultative and Clinical Psychology annually conducts

    Open Olympics in psychology for high school students.

    Time of the Olympics:

    April 2019

    REGULATIONSb open olympiad schoolchildren in psychology

    1. General provisions

    1.1. These Regulations on the Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Psychology (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad) determine the procedure for its conduct, organizational and methodological support and determination of winners and prize-winners.

    1.2. The main goals of the Olympics are:

    − identification and development in students educational institutions, mastering general education programs secondary (full) general education, creativity and interest in independent studies outside of general education programs;

    − creation necessary conditions to support gifted children, the formation of direct contacts between students who show interest in studying psychology;

    − dissemination and popularization of knowledge about psychology among young people;

    − vocational guidance for young people in the early stages of personality formation.

    1.3. The organizer of the Olympiad is the Faculty of Advisory and clinical psychology Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (hereinafter PC MGPPU).

    1.4. Persons mastering general education programs of secondary (complete) general education take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis. There is no fee for participation in the Olympics.

    1.5. The working language for the Olympics is state language Russian Federation− Russian language.

    2. Procedure for holding the Olympics

    2.1. The dates for the stages of the Olympiad are determined annually and published on the official website of the PC MSUPE;

    2.2. The Olympics are held in full-time. When conducting an in-person tour, sites provided by MSUPE are used. Information on the date of the full-time stage of the Olympics is determined no later than a month before it research.

    3. Summing up the results of the Olympics

    3.1. The verification and evaluation of works is organized by the Olympic Jury. The jury is responsible for the quality and objectivity of the evaluation of work, the timeliness of providing results in accordance with the deadlines for evaluating the work;

    3.2. A appeals based on the points scored by participants are not carried out;

    3.3. Participants of the Olympiad who have registered and come to the event are sent an electronic form of the Participant Certificate;

    3.4. Responses from Olympiad participants who received highly appreciated The jury may be published on the Olympiad page on the MSUPE PC website indicating the name of the participant who sent the answer, or anonymously, according to the choice of the Olympiad participant;

    3.5. The winners of the Olympics are awarded certificates and valuable prizes;

    3.6. Olympic participants who scored greatest number points at all stages of the Olympics, are Olympic medalists and are awarded Olympic medalist certificates and memorable gifts.


    III Open Olympiad in Psychology 2015

    Correspondence tour 2015


    IV Open Olympiad in Psychology 2016

    Faculty of "Consultative and Clinical Psychology"

    Correspondence tour 2016

    Correspondence round tasks and best answers

    In-person tour 2016


    V Open Olympiad in Psychology 2017

    Faculty of "Consultative and Clinical Psychology"

    Correspondence tour 2017

    Correspondence round tasks and best answers


    VI Open Olympiad in Psychology 2018

    Faculty of "Consultative and Clinical Psychology"

    In-person tour 2018

    In-person tour tasks and best answers

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