Recess games for first-graders. Game to relieve muscle strain

Although lessons for first-graders do not last long, the kids still manage to get tired. And recess is that long-awaited time when you can finally relax and play.

My Styopka has an excellent teacher. On parent meeting she asked us to help her and find games for the children to play during breaks. First-graders still can’t keep themselves busy, they just run around the school corridors, so they need to be organized. This is why there are games at recess.

A long tail
All the guys stand in a circle. The presenter invites everyone to raise up right hand and wave to her.

Then he begins to name different animals, and the players’ task is to raise and wave their hands, but only if the animal has a long tail. If there is no tail or it is short, there is no need to raise your hand.

So, the presenter calls:
Bear (short)
Tiger (long)
Panther (long)
Hare (short)
Horse (long)
Sheep (short)
Pig (short)
Donkey (long)

There are no losers or winners in this game for kids, it's just fun.

All players also stand in a circle. Everyone’s task is to say their name as quickly as possible, but not just like that, but when it’s their turn.

Choose a player to start the game with. He calls his name, followed by the player on the left, and so on in a circle. And you need to speak as quickly as possible.

Have all the players said their names? The game continues, but reverse side. The first player again says his name, followed by the player on the right...

Well, the most difficult option, when names simultaneously begin both on the right and on the right left side. That is, first the first player says his name, followed by the player on the left and the player on the right, then their neighbors... It turns out that the game goes in two directions at once.

Teapot with lump
The game involves 5 people (or several teams, each of which has 5 people).

The roles are distributed between the players:
The teapot - he draws two parallel lines in the air in front of him with his hands. vertical lines
Lid - draws in the air in front of him horizontal line
Shishechka clenches his hand into a fist
Hole – connects the index and thumb so that it turns out to be a circle
Steam – draws puffs of smoke in the air in front of him with his hands

The presenter says the text:
With lid
With a bump
With a hole
Steam comes out of the hole

The presenter pronounces all words quickly. Then says the entire text in reverse order:
Steam is coming from the hole
Hole in the bump
Lump on the lid
Lid on a teapot

The task of each player is to show the required movement in time and not get lost.

Inflatable doll
This game for children is based on one of the martial arts exercises. Its essence is that by alternating tension and relaxation, a short time the body is restored. That is, the guys will feel a surge of strength again after the lesson.

So, the participants of the game are divided into pairs. One is a “pump”, the second is a “doll”.

At the command of the leader, the “pump” begins to inflate the “doll”. That is, he does it with his nose deep breath and, leaning forward, exhale deeply through your mouth, while pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

At first the doll stands relaxed (the back is hunched, the arms hang along the body, the knees are bent). But as soon as the pump begins to pump her, she fills with air: first she straightens her legs, then her arms, then straightens her back and neck. The pump continues to work and the doll is bursting with air, that is, the legs, arms, stomach, neck are gradually tensed...

The doll is about to burst. The pump must notice this moment and, by turning the valve (for example, touching the doll’s hand), releases the air. The doll makes a deep exhalation with the sound “ssss” and gradually relaxes again.

After this, the pump and the doll change roles.

Neanderthal gait
All children stand in a circle and, at the leader’s command, begin to move in one direction. At the same time, the presenter gives the task to depict a gait:

- clown
- old grandmother
- sneaking cat

But most of all, kids are amused by gaits like “mad dog” or “Neanderthal”. I played this game with my son and his friend in the yard. They started making faces and having fun.

I think that if this game is played during recess, after it there should be time to play a quieter game so that the children calm down before the lesson. For example, like this:

I myself loved to play it at school. You just need to find a mate.

Two people stand opposite each other, at a distance of about 1 meter. One closes his eyes (no peeking allowed!), the second begins to slowly extend his hand towards him. When the person with his eyes closed feels like his partner’s hand is about to touch him, he should say: “Stop!” Only now can you open your eyes and check whether he said the word on time.

Paws, legs, tail
In this game for children, the main thing is attention. Before the game starts, the children are explained that every word must be confirmed by action.

For the word “paws” - you need to raise your hand
For the word “legs” - you need to raise your leg
On the word “tail” - turn your back to the driver

All the guys stand in a circle, the leader is in the center. He slowly walks in a circle, then suddenly stops near a player and says:
- paws

- legs


However, the agreed movement must be performed not by the person near whom the leader stopped, but by the players who are standing near him.

So, when the player on the right says “paws,” he should raise his right hand, and the player on the left should raise his left hand

When the word “legs” is said, the player on the right raises his right leg, and the player on the left raises his left

The simplest command is “tail”, because both players on the right and left simply turn their backs to the leader.
The one who gets lost is out of the game.

Hot potato
And again all the children gather in a circle. The leader begins the action with an imaginary object. For example, he pretends to throw hot potatoes from palm to palm. The neighbor on the right picks up this movement, repeats it, and adds something of his own. Further along the chain to the right this movement goes, goes, goes and again reaches the one who started the movement. You are not allowed to talk during the game.

When the movement returns to the first player, he says what he wanted to represent with this movement. Also, other participants tell what they did.

Interestingly, during the game, as a rule, transformation occurs. So, the first one allegedly hands over a hot potato, and the last one - a sock caught from a puddle.

The third crisis in a child’s life after his birth and kindergarten is definitely a school. And so that the child feels comfortable during lessons, recess, while relaxing outside in school yard, the teacher needs to create favorable conditions which will allow not only to develop the child physically, but also mentally. This is facilitated by games, during which the first-grader learns to communicate with peers, navigate space, learn the world, develops dexterity, etc.

A kind of organizational and obligatory moment in the lesson are games conducted by the teacher in the classroom. They not only have a positive effect on the child’s mental development, but also allow children who are not yet fully adapted to school to take a break for rest.
IN methodical piggy bank teachers should provide differentiated and interesting games for first graders.

Games for attention

1. "Mickey Mouse."
Typically, desks in a classroom are arranged in 3 rows. The teacher tells the children that each row is a team. The first group (1st row) should shout “Miki” loudly when the teacher raises his right hand up. The second team (3rd row) shouts “Mouse” if it raises left hand. And the third group ( middle row) should shout “Mouse” loudly if the teacher crosses his arms.
Note. At the beginning of the game, the teacher warns the children that they need to be very careful, as he can deliberately confuse them, for example, raise two hands up at the same time.

2. "Motor".
It’s a unique way to conduct it when the kids are tired and begin to violate discipline in the classroom. Games like these with first-graders in class help them “make some noise” and continue to work in complete silence.
So, the teacher asks the children how the engine in the car works, what sound it makes. The teacher asks the students to imagine that they are one motor, and he is the driver who will regulate it. When the hand – the “lever” – goes up, the motor should work loudly (pronounce the sound “r-r-r”), if it goes down, it works more quietly.

Imagination game

Game "Show the sounds"

The teacher holds cards with pictures of animals, birds, and objects. The teacher shows the class one card at a time. Children must, without naming what is shown in the picture, “say” the word with sound and depict it using facial expressions and gestures. For example, a cat. First-graders say “meow-meow” and show their claws.

Game to relieve muscle strain

Games for first-graders in the classroom should also be comprehensive, especially in writing and mathematics lessons, when fine motor skills and back muscles.
1. "Rain."
This game relieves stress well and is very popular with children. The teacher tells the children to imagine that it is raining. The teacher comments, and the students repeat the movements with him.
- “It started to rain” (children raise their hand in front of them, palm up).
- “First one drop” (hit the palm with one finger of the other hand).
- “Then two drops” (two fingers, etc.).
- “And then it started to rain heavily” (students clap their hands).
— “The rain gradually began to subside. Four drops, three, two, one” (also shown in reverse order).
- “The rain has stopped. The sun is out!” (children raise their hands up).

Game to develop reaction speed

1. “Such different animals.”
First-graders get up from their desks. The game is played on site. The teacher says words (4-5), and the children imitate what he said to them classroom teacher, and the pace of the game gradually increases. For example, “heron” - students stand on one leg, “bunny” - put their hands on the tops of their heads and jump up, “elephant” - stretch one arm forward, like a trunk, etc.
Note. At the beginning of the game, the teacher must demonstrate the movements himself.

Advantages of playing games in the classroom.
These games for first-graders in the classroom allow you to relieve emotional and physical stress in a short period of time and concentrate on the lesson while further work and even help children gradually cope with their complexes.

Games for first graders at recess

Until first-graders have developed a sense of collectivism and organization, the teacher must constantly be close to the students, including during games at recess.
It should be remembered that you should not play too active and active games for first-graders during breaks, since the children may not only get tired due to their inability to correctly distribute the power load, but also become so excited that they simply become restless during the lesson. Therefore, it is more correct to play games for first-graders during recess in a circle, without catch-up, hide-and-seek, etc.

Class unity game

1. "Mixer"
The guys are standing in a circle. The driver is in the center. He says: “Swap places those who have... and names 1 sign (for example, long hair, some wear sneakers, some like cakes, etc.).” At the moment of movement, the driver must take one of the vacant seats. Whoever does not have time to get up on time stands in the center of the circle.
This game allows not only the children, but also the teacher, to learn about each other, and also develops attention and speed of reaction.

2. "Numbers"
This game is similar to the previous one. First-graders count in order, standing in a circle and each remembering their number. Then one of those willing goes to the center and names any 2 numbers (taking into account the calculation), which must change places, and the driver takes one of the places as quickly as possible. Those who did not have time stand in the center and continue the game.

3. "Building"
At the teacher’s command, the class should line up:
- by height,
- according to hair length,
- by eye color, etc.

4. "Rope"
Students, holding onto a rope or jump rope, must use it to build some kind of figure, letter, etc. For example, a circle, the letter “P”, “G”, etc.

Game to identify the leader in a group

1. "Crocodile"
The guys squat, forming a circle. There is also a teacher here who pronounces the word “Crocodile” and at the same time shows the number on his fingers - 1, 2, 5..., i.e. this number will indicate the number of guys who should rise. Everyone gets up at their own discretion.
The teacher carefully observes and draws conclusions for himself: those boys and girls who rose most often are potential leaders in the class. In addition, this game also helps children repeat counting.

Outdoor games for first graders

The schoolyard, as you know, allows not only outdoor games, but also those where loud shouting and noise are not prohibited.

Warm-up games

1. "Thrush"
The class is divided into 2 teams. They stand facing in 2 ranks. Then they repeat the words and movements, pointing at each other:
- “You are a blackbird, I am a blackbird,”
- “You have a nose, I have a nose,”
- “Your cheeks are red, my cheeks are red,”
- “Your lips are scarlet, my lips are scarlet,”
- “We are two friends who love each other!” (hug).

2. “Guess whose voice?”
They choose a driver from among the children, who stands in the center of the circle with eyes closed. The rest of the students, holding hands, dance in a circle and say the words:
- “People gathered in a circle,
We dance, we dance,
How about we say: “skok-skok-skok” (one of the first-graders should say these words. It’s better when the teacher himself silently points to the student). Guess whose voice?!”

Then the child opens his eyes and must guess who said “skok-skok.” He has 3 attempts. If you get it right, they change places; if you don’t guess right, then you remain the driver.

Outdoor games for first-graders are also good because, thanks to the large space, they can play general games, requiring certain actions from children.

Team-story game

1. "Mammoths"
The whole class participates. The teacher distributes roles between first-graders: mammoths (most of the class), rescuer - 1 child, hunters (2-3 pairs) - the two of them should move only holding hands. Their task is to catch the mammoth. To do this, you need to catch the “animal” by forming a ring, holding it with your free hands. After this, the hunters take the prey in this position to a place agreed upon in advance. If the rescuer does not have time to free the mammoth, i.e. touch it with your hand, then this child is eliminated from the game.
The rescuer can only “release” the victim 3 times. If a child falls into the clutches of hunters more than expected, then he also leaves the game.

2. “Help me out!”
Among the students, 1-2 drivers are selected, who must “freeze” all moving children with a touch of their hand. If someone is still frozen, then he must stand still - arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart and loudly shout the following words:
“Hurry up and come running
And you help me out!”
The remaining participants (one of them) can “help him out” if they crawl under the feet of the “frozen” one. Only then can the “saved” person continue the game.

Games with sports equipment

1. “Vegetables and fruits”
The driver throws the ball one by one to the players standing in the same line, naming vegetables and fruits in any order. If it is a vegetable, for example, a potato, you need to catch the ball and sit down, if the fruit is an apple, then you should also catch the ball and then jump.

2. "Fisherman"
The guys stand in a circle, in the center is a first-grader with a jump rope. He spins it clockwise, and everyone else has to jump up so as not to touch the jump rope with their feet. Those who did not have time or hesitated become “caught fish”. Then the driver and the fish change places.

All of the above entertainments, at first glance, seem to be simple fun for children, but they serve as a kind of preparation for the big one. school life. Thanks to game situations The children learn to behave correctly, think logically and become accustomed to sports.

21.09.2011, 12:25

21.09.2011, 12:29

Sign your child up for classes...

21.09.2011, 12:31

Sign your child up for classes...

It’s the other way around; we have little time to sit. 4 times a week extra classes (2 more will need to be fit in somehow), homework (at least a little, but they are assigned), and I also want to go for a walk and watch cartoons. In general, we're all running.

21.09.2011, 12:35


21.09.2011, 12:36

Tell me what you do with your young students at home after school. Previously, we spent more time in the garden and the evening at home somehow flew by quickly - reading, playing, eating and sleeping. And now there’s a lot of time after school, we only go to training twice a week, we don’t have any lessons yet. Let's go for a walk. and we play and still there is a lot of time left, the child is tossing around and doesn’t know what to do.

I'm quietly jealous.:008:

21.09.2011, 12:38

21.09.2011, 12:45

21.09.2011, 12:45

Why are there no clubs at school???? And at home you can do the same things you always did...walk, read, play, eat and sleep :)

If we have time left after the circles (an hour or two), then we read, play Board games. On weekends - museums, theaters. In spring - rollerblades, bicycle. In winter - skates, skis, a slide with a cheesecake. I myself love to ride all this. We are not bored!!!

21.09.2011, 12:47

21.09.2011, 12:50

21.09.2011, 12:59

Sign up somewhere else. For example, chess or drawing. And you will spend your time usefully and make new friends.

I envy you, you live in the Enlightenment. You have a treasure trove of entertainment there. We have nothing on Vaska.

Well, you got excited about the treasure... in fact, it’s difficult for a guy to find something interesting and affordable...

21.09.2011, 13:17

Schools usually have inexpensive and interesting activities. There are all sorts of sports sections, at our school we have karate, athletics, basketball (I don’t know what they do with first-graders:073:) - these are sports.
Also drawing, music, choir, theater, origami... maybe I forgot.
You'll find out, you'll probably find something interesting :)
How lucky are you!!! We also don’t have enough time to do everything our daughter wants. There’s minimal time to just play, we haven’t seen TV at all for 3 weeks (at least something good :)

21.09.2011, 14:58

It's a pity that they didn't really write anything.

I have another baby, and we already go to sports three times a week and have also signed up for origami and modeling. But we still come home at four or six and have the whole evening free.

21.09.2011, 14:59

We would like your problems. My only thoughts are where to get another 5-6 hours a day to do everything with my child that he and I want :))

21.09.2011, 15:01

If we have time left after the clubs (an hour or two), we read and play board games. On weekends - museums, theaters. In spring - rollerblades, bicycle. In winter - skates, skis, a slide with a cheesecake. I myself love to ride all this. We are not bored!!!

We have dancing 4 times a week, swimming pool once a week.

We do all this too! Only theaters and museums in limited quantities due to objective reasons.

Gleb Egorych

21.09.2011, 15:02

21.09.2011, 15:03

Well, you got excited about the treasure... in fact, it’s difficult for a guy to find something interesting and affordable...

I didn’t mean clubs, but entertainment in shopping centers (Grand Canyon, Mega, etc.)

21.09.2011, 15:05

Yes, in this. Indeed, we have no shortage!

But I ask, what to do with a child at home? In the summer there was freedom - on the street all day, but now you can’t go for a walk and for two or three hours you still have to do something at home before going to bed... :020:

21.09.2011, 15:05

We do all this too! Only theaters and museums in limited quantities due to objective reasons.
What board games do you play?

Puzzles, walkers, dominoes, cards (for a fool, for a drunkard) - these are our favorites: love:

21.09.2011, 15:06

So, please write, what are you doing and what else would you like to do? :091: Maybe this will suit us too???

My child is ready to read all day long. But he doesn’t have time due to the workload in clubs and stupidity when doing mathematics... In general, at the age of 7, a child should be able to find something to do on his own... It’s crazy - every evening for 3-4 hours to entertain a child...:010:

21.09.2011, 15:07

I didn’t mean clubs, but entertainment in shopping centers (Grand Canyon, Mega, etc.)

Ah-ah-ah! :009:We have plenty of this goodness! Where else could one get money for such entertainment? Mine would gladly stay there all day...

21.09.2011, 15:08

And we are on extended period!!! When I have classes, I pick them up early, and when I don’t, I can’t get them away at half past six!! It's fun there))

And I feel sorry for leaving him for extended periods. At home you can at least feed him properly and take him for a walk. And once I picked him up at about 16:00, his complexion was pale gray. no mood. Although he himself asked to pick him up later. But sitting in a stuffy classroom all day...

21.09.2011, 15:09

Puzzles, walkers, dominoes, cards (for a fool, for a drunkard) - these are our favorites: love:

We really love large puzzles with small parts (500-1000 pieces each). There are these types of paintings. The two of us sit and put it together, sometimes it takes us 3 days to put together one puzzle.

21.09.2011, 15:12

Ah-ah-ah! :009:We have plenty of this goodness! Where else could one get money for such entertainment? Mine would gladly stay there all day...

21.09.2011, 15:14

We go to Mega almost every week. What kind of entertainment is there? Do you have to paint clay figurines every time? Well, you won’t be running around on the slide all day either! :(

Well, when it’s every day, then of course it gets boring. What about the skating rink?

21.09.2011, 15:14

We really love large puzzles with small parts (500-1000 pieces each). There are these types of paintings. The two of us sit and put it together, sometimes it takes us 3 days to put together one puzzle.

I have a girl, so we play beauty salon. She does my hair and makeup.

Role-playing games- hospital, store, etc.

We can't do any puzzles yet - the little guy crawls, well, only when he's sleeping. Yes, there was a time he loved collecting them.

21.09.2011, 15:18

We can't do any puzzles yet - the little guy crawls, well, only when he's sleeping. Yes, there was a time he loved collecting them.

And he really loves to play in the store.

We, apparently, also play the same games, so we wanted some new flow, inspiration.

I saw a type of game on sale - collecting ship models. airplanes made of wooden parts. I also remembered - we have lotto, also my grandmother’s with wooden barrels. We love to play it too.

21.09.2011, 15:18

Yes, in general, you don’t need to entertain him, but you need to keep him occupied with something, give him an idea, something to do, otherwise he might be stuck on his head for half an evening and toil with stupidity. and then you tell him what can be done and he does it.

It’s crazy to entertain a child every evening for 3-4 hours...:010:
Let him read books... Let him practice writing...
I just thought that I spend little time with him, all the time is spent on petty things. He somehow began to move away from me. So I decided that we needed to establish contact again.

21.09.2011, 15:20

Thanks for the lotto advice. Cool idea! I myself loved to play it as a child.

21.09.2011, 15:20

We go to Mega almost every week. What kind of entertainment is there? Do you have to paint clay figurines every time? Well, you won’t be running around on the slide all day either! :(

21.09.2011, 15:20

Do you do any crafts? Well, you have a girl, it’s easier for you.

21.09.2011, 15:22

And how small is it? Can you think of something to do for the three of us to play? Then the elder will not feel forgotten. This is a problem for many when more attention is paid to the younger ones.

21.09.2011, 15:37

And I feel sorry for leaving him for extended periods. At least at home you can feed him properly and take him for a walk. And once I picked him up at about 16:00, his complexion was pale gray. no mood. Although he himself asked to pick him up later. But sitting in a stuffy classroom all day...

21.09.2011, 15:47

During the after-school period, they must walk for at least an hour. If a child is interested in hanging out with friends, why drag him home?

Yes, it seems they should. The teacher told us too, but so far we have never gone for a walk. We need to ask why.
He, too, was initially inspired to go to after-school care, and he’s not complaining. I leave it for an hour or two.

Well, you are actually heroes! We completed so many different circles!

21.09.2011, 15:49

During the after-school period, they must walk for at least an hour. If a child is interested in hanging out with friends, why drag him home?
My first-grader stayed after school for an after-school program (which also couldn’t be taken away), where they did homework, walked, had lunch, then went to clubs at school from 4 to 6 p.m., and after the after-school program he went to sports from 6 to 8 p.m. sports, I picked him up and brought him home closer to 21, have dinner, check the remote control, read a little and sleep. And so every day. There is no reason for him to go out at home.

If you want specific clubs, here are the ones my child went to: gymnastics, ballroom dancing, choir, computer science, acting, piano, entertaining mathematics, chess, swimming pool, Sunday School. Now he goes to botany, physics, chemistry and sambo. I would also like to practice guitar and karting, but I don’t have time anymore.
On weekends we try to go out into nature, skiing, cheesecake riding, and roller bikes.

PS: The little brother is also available, we can manage somehow.

My eyes widened from such a number of circles. We have dancing 4 times and a swimming pool once a week. Just enough until the weekend. I freed the weekend from all clubs. so that there is time for cultural and entertainment leisure (theaters, museums, roller skates, bikes, etc.). I already wrote above that I myself love rollerblading and biking - thus our daughter’s interests coincide and we are happy with each other.

22.09.2011, 14:19

So, please write, what are you doing and what else would you like to do? :091: Maybe this will suit us too???
1. The child has classes every day. Sometimes 2. Chess, aikido, swimming pool.
2. The child reads a lot. If you start, you can’t tear it off.
3. The child also studies chess at home with his dad (game analysis) and English with me.
4. We really love all sorts of entertaining mathematical problems, puzzles, puzzles.
5. Board games until your knees tremble. All sorts of different ones.
6. Games with younger brother: cities, travel, daughters and mothers:), fantasies, notes, hiding places, Legos, railways etc.
7. Well, my husband and I read aloud a lot.
8. Yes, and second grade already. There are more lessons, but less time :(
9. Roller skates, bicycles, scooters, football, museums, theaters, trips to nature, skating, skiing, cheesecakes, visiting grandmothers, friends’ birthdays, going to football (at Petrovsky) and hockey - there are clearly not enough weekends :)


22.09.2011, 14:49

mugs!!! and a few are better!

Living legend

22.09.2011, 15:13

We go to Mega almost every week.
We go once a week usually, on Saturdays. My youngest (8 years old and 3 years old) trudge from the Ikeevskaya playground, then they are ready to play on the free slides until the evening while I shop at Auchan... And for a snack, a hot dog and ice cream...:008:So for mine it’s great fun...
I have never met people who go to Mega EVERY week. :) I always feel sorry for the kids who collect germs on this site: (I also understand in the USA, in a city in the desert, where there is nothing but shops, but in St. Petersburg? Go to Mega specifically to hang out there??
Mega herself can’t stand it - crowds, noise, yelling at the skating rink into a microphone, fast food, children until recently loved Ikea for its meatballs, but when they were no longer Swedish, but locally produced, they stopped asking to go there.
Instead of Mega, I would hire a qualified teacher to entertain the child at home - all the benefits are greater :).

23.09.2011, 00:16

My first-grader is at school 4 days a week until 15.30 in various clubs + 3 days a week in taekwondo. There is time at home and all that remains is to do homework and play with toys. Does he really like to work out at the sports corner? sometimes he hits the pear, sometimes he just plays on it (pirates, bandits, war, etc., and one of them is my husband and I at work). Now I encourage him to read, first he reads it out loud to me, then I read it to him, if time allows, we change this several times - and it is very useful for the development of reading and speech and time flies by, I hope that he will love reading as well. On weekends, depending on the weather, you can run through museums or take a walk in parks (Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Gatchina)

23.09.2011, 01:52

So, please write, what are you doing and what else would you like to do? :091: Maybe this will suit us too???

And now there are so many interesting things for home creativity: stained glass, clay painting, burning, engravings, etc., if only we had time......we haven’t had time to try so many things yet.
My son wants to do absolutely everything, we just quit hockey (after playing it for 4 years) and realized how many interesting things there are in life: my son immediately signed up for: 1. taekwondo, 2. rock climbing, 3. synthesizer, 4. volleyball, 5. tennis
+ old hobbies remain: 1. chess school, 2. swimming pool in Fitnesshouse, 3. German music.
+ million clubs at school, because They are all free, then my son goes to all of them (origami, art, computer, psychologist)
How you want to just sit and play lotto. I'm waiting for the holidays like manna from heaven, so that my son can just draw or something simple :) And how important it is for children to communicate with each other, but how? after all, everything is on mugs.
By the way, in order to fill this gap and for our children to communicate more with each other, I now organize children’s camps myself for my son, his friends and just for those who find out about us. I specifically find out from my son and his friends what they want and try to make their dreams come true during the holidays, inviting the best counselors, teachers, etc. to play mafia, and lotto, and read books out loud by candlelight, and I will invite them to creative workshops so that they can sculpt on a potter’s wheel, and make pictures out of wool, and a real magician teaches them magic tricks and gives them books. real writer etc., and in the summer I invited them to football coach so that they can play as much football as they want on a professional field. Well, the boys don’t have time for football, no, and this is terrible. I really want to drive foreign language, but there is no time, so we have to invite teachers on shift to teach foreign language games.
In general, I try to make sure that during the holidays they get everything that they don’t have time for during the year, and I make sure to do shifts only for half of the holidays, so that there is time for JUST THAT.
Although you are in 1st grade, I would leave only sports in 1st grade, and the rest of the time creativity, books, board games.

23.09.2011, 12:59

There are a lot now interesting games(look here in OZ, purchases happen often). Here, for example: Available at different tastes and ages, interesting for both children and adults. Of those that we play (child is 8 years old): Set, Cheese Castle with additions, Tortuga, Vampires, Cow 006, Potions (haven't tried it yet), Zooloretto, Monopoly. It’s interesting for both my husband and my son. I want to buy a couple more games in the near future. You can buy a variety of experiment kits: chemistry, physics, electronics, etc. All kinds of constructors. In general, it is important to teach a child to read, then there will be no problems at all. The main thing is to choose the right book. Mine, for example, if he’s interested, he reads voraciously (I read Dirk in 3 days). Well, and interest groups, of course.

23.09.2011, 13:27

I’m also jealous that the child has time to go out 2 times a week, on weekends. I feel like a criminal mother.

23.09.2011, 14:00

My child is ready to read all day long. But he doesn’t have time due to the workload in clubs and stupidity when doing mathematics... In general, at the age of 7, a child should be able to find something to do on his own... It’s crazy - every evening for 3-4 hours to entertain a child...:010:
Let him read books... Let him practice writing...

I agree, for example, I also have a younger one-year-old - I don’t have much time for an older one. So what if suddenly free time- she draws herself, makes all sorts of crafts, and plays with her toys, reads magazines (she doesn’t like books:() Plus, I also give all sorts of additional tasks if they didn’t ask enough (we’re really in 2nd grade, but they don’t ask a lot) examples / Solve problems, do something about logic.
Sign up, for example, for a correspondence club in mathematics - you will solve problems at home, and it will take time and your brain will work ;)

23.09.2011, 17:34

By the way, I also remembered: audiobooks. This is especially true if you can’t force your child to read on his own. For example, my child, who is quite a reader, enjoyed listening to “Treasure Island.” Moreover, I’m not sure that he himself would read it. There are a lot of descriptions, you have to read it, and the language is not very modern, but the plot itself is interesting. So the audiobook was a great success. I can also recommend discs children's publishing house"Elena" - a series of audio encyclopedias by Chevostik. The publishing house is Moscow, but they send cash on delivery to St. Petersburg, last year I ordered a lot for my child at once, I really like it and it’s very educational. Listens several times. This, of course, is not an activity for the whole evening, but it can easily take 40 minutes or an hour.

The center of the world

23.09.2011, 18:00

Starting in October we will have clubs every evening except Mondays. And so, if my daughter spends the whole evening at home, then she does her homework, if there are not enough homework, I give additional tasks on my own, reads, plays games on the phone (I allow 15 minutes a day), chats on the phone with a friend, rages with my younger sister, He does exercises, cleans his room, and goes for a walk. If you have absolutely nothing to do, you’re tired of reading, the weather is bad, then we have a lot of different sets for creativity - cutting, gluing, embroidering, drawing.


If your child misses school due to illness, as soon as he gets better, make up for lost time. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for him to catch up with the rest of the students. After all, according to school curriculum to study new topic 2-3 lessons are given, and this is very little.

Conduct on-site lessons. For example, topics from the outside world can be explored well in a museum or zoo. Literary works will become clearer and closer after the performance in. The mathematics is perfectly illustrated by hiking on large ones.

Video on the topic

For a first-grader, studying at school and doing homework is the first step in adult life. Dolls and cars peacefully wait for their owners at home while they study school science or do their homework. Parents are the first helpers for a first-grader. Proper organization homework will help you quickly get used to school and master all the school wisdom.


Praise your child if he successfully completes tasks. But do not exaggerate successes so as not to create a contrast between a modest teacher’s assessment and an enthusiastic parent’s. The student must have an objective idea of ​​his successes or shortcomings.

Pay attention to knowledge gaps. Try to explain unclear topics in detail using examples. If a first grader does not cope well with school lessons, do extra exercise regularly. Try to go a little ahead - look through the textbooks along with topics that cause difficulty. Keep in touch with your teacher. Find out what Additional tasks can be done to tighten the baby. If a child has difficulty reading, divide the words into syllables (using a pencil) and read in small portions.

Take a break every 30 minutes. Do not turn on the TV during breaks so as not to be distracted and not to ruin your child’s learning mood.

If the child does not immediately manage to master difficult moments- try with him. Practice the musical scale, help him dance or... Stay close. Try to inspire your child by telling him about people who have achieved great success in his hobbies - for example, about Olympic champions. Show your child that with enough effort anything is possible, but do not compare him to his idols so that he does not feel inferior to others.

Never get angry with your child if he fails to achieve success. Let him be independent - at any moment he can give up this hobby, but this must be a serious, deliberate act. Try to redirect your child's attention to opposite view activity, maybe in this matter he will show himself better and find a calling in life.

Tip 4: Where to send your child to paint in St. Petersburg

Every child shows some ability: some dance beautifully, some sing, and some draw. In order for a child to devote his life to what he loves, it is necessary to help him develop his abilities. So, if he dances and sings well, then he can be sent either to a dance group or to singing. And if he draws well, then he should go to art school.


"Drawing school on Vasileostrovskaya." This establishment is located on Uralskaya Street. A project called “Desk” is being carried out here. Its essence: education for children and adults new technology performance in fine arts. Teaching is carried out using individual approach to every student.

Artistic and Aesthetic Lyceum No. 190. Address: Embankment of the Fontanka River. Children from 12 years old study in this educational building. Except practical classes, theory is taught here: teachers from the Lyceum and the Academy of Arts and Industry talk about the history of painting and drawing. Upon completion of training, exhibitions are held, based on the results of which the winning participants enter the Academy.

Children's art studio " Magic wand" It is located in Pushkin House culture. Children 3-4 years old study here. The special atmosphere that reigns here will help the child feel confident and put him in a creative mood. Once every six months, drawing exhibitions are held here.

Urban art school. It is located on Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue. Children who already have drawing skills are accepted here. In addition to classroom instruction, the school has the opportunity to hire a tutor. All subjects here are taught in-depth.

"Chestnut". Location: st. Rubenstein. Classes in the style of “spontaneous painting” are held here, i.e. children paint not only with brushes, but also with their fingers. When coming here, you need to take old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Classes are designed for children from 4 months to 6 years. In addition, work is carried out with parents and teachers. The main emphasis is on special spaces: sensory, visual, Montessori, and so on.

Tip 5: Where to send an active child to play sports

Temperamental and hyperactive children find it difficult to do certain things for a long time and stay in one place. It is because of this feature that they play pranks much more often. To direct the energy of such a baby in the right direction, you can give him to sports section, where mobility will only help him achieve success.


From the age of 7-8 years, a child can practice any type of martial arts: karate, judo, wushu or wrestling. This will promote muscle development and coordination of movements, and teach him to group correctly when falling. In addition, the child will understand how to properly use the enemy’s strength against him. If you are afraid of possible strong blows to the body and head, it is best to take him to the wrestling section. But you should take up boxing at an older age - at 13-14 years old.

The children's basketball section is also suitable for active children. Moreover, the child does not have to be tall, although this will help him when throwing the sword. Small children often move much faster around the court, which is also an advantage in this sport. When selecting children, the coach pays attention not only to height, but also to arm length, leg size, and also takes into account the child’s desire. Basketball develops all muscle groups, helps to stretch the spine and form correct posture. This sport also develops the eye, dexterity and coordination, and has a beneficial effect on analytical skills.

Active children can be enrolled in tennis lessons, which develop reaction, speed, jumping ability, improve vision and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This sport will also teach your child strategy and tactics, without which it is very difficult to win against a worthy opponent. Tennis is considered the least traumatic sport active sports, however, sprains and dislocations still occur. In addition, while playing tennis, the child will have to expose himself to prolonged physical activity.

Hockey is also suitable for active people. It perfectly strengthens the body, has a beneficial effect on the vestibular apparatus, and develops a sense of orientation in space and balance. It also teaches you how to quickly make decisions and interact in a team. This sport is quite dangerous; in addition, for serious success, a child must skate from 3-4 years old.

In addition to this, the child can be sent to the football and volleyball sections, where he will also learn to interact with other children and make quick decisions. Well, boys with a fragile build should join gymnastics.

For mobile best view sport will be figure skating or . They will develop plasticity and grace, and will contribute to the formation of correct posture. However, for serious success, your child will have to study a lot, experiencing serious physical exercise and constantly monitoring one’s weight. You can also take part in ballroom dancing, which helps develop all muscle groups, contributes to the formation of a beautiful figure and self-confidence.

Tip 6: Where to send your child to dance in Moscow

Today, sending a child to dance in Moscow is as prestigious as teaching him music. Most children have a penchant for choreography, which cannot be said about their ear for music. Choose activities in Moscow that will definitely appeal to you little man, not at all difficult. If earlier you had to choose between ballet and folk dances, today there is great amount styles ranging from rap to Latin. Some of this will definitely interest you small child.


If you are eager for your child to know the differences between the terms “batman” and “plie”, you will definitely need to give him choreographic training. It can be found in almost every dance club. In some cases, classical choreographic training is taught in secondary schools and special centers for extracurricular activities. If your goal is for the child to be able to control his body professional level, then he can’t do without rhythm.

The sooner you can send your child to dance, the more chances he has to shine on the big stage in the future. True, to reach this level, the baby will have to devote all his free time to classes. At the same time, you need to remember that ballet requires a lot of patience, dedication and concentration. Not every six-year-old child is able to repeat the same movement for an hour or two in order to bring it to perfection. And if you add here the obligatory strict diet, it becomes clear that ballet is not suitable for everyone.

If the child does not want to, then he can be sent to sports dances, which include stretching exercises and choreographic elements of ballet. Such dances are based on the study of Latin American and European styles. True, such dances have one drawback, which is the expensive costumes that not every family can afford.


Benefits of tutoring from first grade

Currently time is running a tendency to make classes in schools more difficult. However, not every first grader is ready for high requirements modern educational system. Tutors can help with his progress. They can explain the subject in a more accessible way than teachers or parents; give interesting task; ask more often than the teacher. Lessons with a tutor have fewer distractions than in a classroom or at home.

It’s worth hiring a tutor if:

The child has no additional clubs and sections.
No luck with the first teacher.
Parents want their child to develop in a certain direction.
Parents do not have the time or desire to work with the child themselves.
A first-grader is behind in many subjects.
The child goes to school with increased requirements.
Parents and children have problems with time management and/or self-organization.
Parents want to give their child knowledge in English, but they themselves do not own it.
Most children in the class are far ahead of the child in development.
The child missed a large number of activities (for example, due to illness)

Disadvantages of tutoring from first grade

You shouldn’t exhaust your child with extra workload just like that. Adults may think that a child can do a lot - both in a sports club and in music school, and in general education, and even at home, let him study. It should be borne in mind that children get tired much faster than adults.

At the same time, tutoring is not mandatory, but a desirable phenomenon, therefore it can be abandoned. It's worth doing this if:

The child copes independently with the school curriculum.
Parents want to find contact with their child.
Parents want total control over the educational process.
The child has little free time due to the presence of additional clubs and sections.
Parents want to teach their child to study independently.

In addition, you need to think about high cost tutoring services and whether it is worth spending so much money and effort on tutoring a child. It is quite possible that he can cope with school activities independently or with little parental participation.

Video on the topic


  • Useful forum about tutors for first graders
  • Tutor since first grade. Pros and cons.

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