Who wrote there in the brightness of autumn evenings. “Autumn Evening”, Tyutchev F.I.: analysis of the poem

Tyutchev is one of the great Russians poets of the 19th century century, with a keen sense of beauty surrounding nature. His landscape lyrics occupy a significant place in Russian literature. « Autumn evening" - Tyutchev’s poem, which combines European and Russian traditions, in style and content reminiscent of a classical ode, although its size is much more modest. Fyodor Ivanovich was fond of European romanticism, Heinrich Heine was also his idol, so his works are oriented in this direction.

Contents of the poem “Autumn Evening”

Tyutchev left behind not so many works - about 400 poems, because all his life he was engaged in diplomatic public service, there was practically no free time left for creativity. But absolutely all of his works amaze with their beauty, ease, and accuracy of description of certain phenomena. It is immediately clear that the author loved and understood nature and was a very observant person. Tyutchev wrote “Autumn Evening” in 1830 during a business trip to Munich. The poet was very lonely and sad, and the warm October evening brought back memories of his homeland and set him in a lyrical and romantic mood. This is how the poem “Autumn Evening” appeared.

Tyutchev (analysis shows the fullness of the work with deep philosophical meaning) was not expressed using symbols; this was not accepted in his time. Therefore, the poet does not associate the autumn season with the fading of human beauty, the fading of life, the completion of the cycle that makes people older. Evening twilight among the Symbolists is associated with old age and wisdom, autumn evokes a feeling of melancholy, but Fyodor Ivanovich tried to find something positive and charming in the autumn evening.

Tyutchev simply wanted to describe the landscape that opened before his eyes, to convey his vision of this time of year. The author likes the “brightness of autumn evenings”; dusk falls on the ground, but sadness is illuminated by the last rays of the sun, which touched the tops of the trees and illuminated the foliage. Fyodor Ivanovich compared this to “a gentle smile of withering.” The poet draws a parallel between people and nature, because in humans such a state is called suffering.

The philosophical meaning of the poem “Autumn Evening”

Tyutchev in his work did not make a distinction between living and living things because he considered everything in this world to be interconnected. People very often even unconsciously copy some actions or gestures that they see around them. Autumn time is also identified with a person, associated with his spiritual maturity. At this time, people stock up on knowledge and experience, realize the value of beauty and youth, but cannot boast of a clean look and a fresh face.

Tyutchev wrote “Autumn Evening” with slight sadness about irretrievably gone days, but at the same time with admiration for the perfection of the surrounding world, in which all processes are cyclical. Nature has no failures, autumn brings melancholy with a cold wind tearing off yellow leaves, but winter will come after it, which will cover everything around with a snow-white blanket, then the earth will wake up and be full of lush herbs. A person, going through the next cycle, becomes wiser and learns to enjoy every moment.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a Russian diplomat, not devoid of poetic romanticism and a philosophical worldview. He happened to live during the heyday of Russian literature. And although writing poetry was not Tyutchev’s main craft, he entered literature as a wonderful poet with his own, inimitable style.

Is there a Russian who doesn’t know his famous lines: “You can’t understand Russia with your mind...”? This patriotism, strength and power are inherent in many of the author’s works, even when it comes to love or nature.

The great romantic was born in November 1803. He spent his childhood in Oryol province under the supervision of older relatives. Primary education was obtained at home. Fyodor was drawn to knowledge from childhood; many around him noticed the boy’s extraordinary intelligence.

The training was carried out by a poet-translator named Raich. He told Fedor about the literature of antiquity, as well as Italian culture. By the age of 12, Tyutchev easily translated foreign publications of various writers.

In 1919, the poet decided to continue his studies and entered Moscow University at the faculty dedicated to the development of literature. It is here that he meets many influential people. The young man treats the poems that he puts down on paper from time to time as a hobby.

Two years later he finishes his studies and gets a job at a college foreign affairs. Very soon he receives a new position and goes to Munich as a member diplomatic mission. Tyutchev liked Europe. Here he makes friends with Schelling, as well as Heine, and translates the works of famous German classics into Russian. Here he wrote many works that were later published in Russia.

The main event that could make him famous occurred in 1836. It was at this time that his works were published in the Sovremennik magazine, which belonged to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Fyodor Ivanovich would return from Europe only in 1944. He begins to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow. Ten years later, the writer is appointed to a new position as chairman. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a very significant figure, he is respected and appreciated. He had great feeling humor, and was also an excellent conversationalist.

Analysis of the poem “Autumn Evening”

This work belongs precisely to that period of the poet’s formation, where Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev just began to actively develop. The masterpiece “Autumn Evening” refers to early creativity. The poem was created back in the 30th year of the nineteenth century. At the time of writing, the author was in Russia during his next visit to his homeland.

The work “Autumn Evening” was created in the spirit of an elegant and classic movement for that time - romanticism. The masterpiece is distinguished by its softness and lightness; it stands out significantly among works of landscape poetry. In Fyodor Ivanovich’s poem, the reader does not easily see the autumn evening, which is a certain phenomenon of natural nature. The author describes the relationship between natural nature and human activity. Such features give the lines a special and deep philosophical meaning.

The work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev “Autumn Evening” is a kind of extended metaphor. The poet understands the feeling of the gentle smile of fading autumn time year. He compares it to a deity and describes it in the form of human suffering, being a prototype of morality.

Features of the poem “Autumn Evening”

The classic work by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was created using iambic pentameter. There is a specific cross-rhyme characteristic of the author. The poem refers to short works and includes only twelve lines. All lines are the only complex sentence in the work. It can be read in one breath, like many of Fyodor Ivanovich’s masterpieces. To connect all the details of the plot that surrounds the lyrical hero, the phrase about the gentle smile of fading is used.

Natural nature in the work is described as a multifaceted and constantly changing element. There is a huge variety of colors and sounds here. The author conveyed to the reader as efficiently as possible the almost elusive charming moments associated with twilight in the autumn season. It is at this time that the specific evening sun can completely change the entire face globe. At the same time, the colors become as bright and saturated as possible. This is also interesting in the description of the azure, purple foliage, special shine, as well as the variegation of the trees. The translucent haze is softened with the help of exquisite epithets. For example, fog and lightness.

In the poem “Autumn Evening” the author creates classic painting natural nature in the autumn period of the year. In this, the poet is helped by syntactic condensations, which are able to connect together multiple means that personify artistic expressiveness. It is worth considering the main ones:

» Grace. It is depicted in the words exhaustion and damage.
» Personifications. For example, the languid whisper of autumn leaves.
» Metaphor. There are many such phrases, for example, the ominousness of shine, as well as a fading smile.
» Epithet. Prominent representatives of such means of expression are touching, meekness, bashfulness, and vagueness.

The last point from the above-described list of means of expression in the work “Autumn Evening” is especially developed. Epithets can be different both in structure and in special meaning. It is worth considering the main types that are described in the poem:

» Synthetic. This type includes the ominous brilliance and diversity of nature.
» Colored. Description of the purpleness of the foliage.
» Complex. These are phrases written with a hyphen, for example, sad-orphaned natural nature.
» Contrasting. This is a touching, especially mysterious charm, an ominous radiance, the nebula and silence of the azure, the gusts of the wind and its coldness. These means of expression convey the state of nature, which at that time is transitional, as qualitatively as possible. This is a kind of farewell of the lyrical hero to autumn and anticipation of the frosty season.

Features of natural nature in the verse “Autumn Evening”

The state of nature in the work is presented to the reader with particular sensitivity. In this, Fyodor Ivanovich is helped by the peculiar alliteration used in the lines. It allows you to make the effect of falling or whispering leaves as natural as possible, and also makes you feel the fresh breath of the wind, which is described as a gusty and cold element.

The author in his works uses a specific pantheistic description of landscapes. Natural nature in Fyodor Ivanovich’s work “Autumn Evening” is humanized as much as possible. It's like autumn living creature is able to breathe, feels the space around her, experiences special joy and sadness from certain life moments. Tyutchev perceives autumn as a certain suffering, this is indicated by a painful smile.

The great romantic did not separate the special world of nature from the peculiarities of life common man. There is a special parallel between these images, which is created mainly with the help of a specific epithet, where autumn is described as sad and orphaned. The author focuses on the theme of farewell.

The poem “Autumn Evening” contains the lightest possible sadness of nature, which evokes a premonition of the imminent arrival of the winter season. These sensations are mixed with special joy, because the seasons have their own cycles and after the winter period there will definitely be a revival, which will be full of bright and rich colors.

Tyutchev's poem describes a single moment. The author tried to create a unique impression for the reader, containing special thoughts and sensations, as well as complete infinity associated with his own life's path. The work provides a comparison autumn period years of exceptional spiritual maturity, when a person will gain wisdom. He advises living life wisely and appreciating almost every moment.

(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening"

Fyodor Tyutchev’s poem “Autumn Evening” immerses the reader in an amazing state of contemplation and expectation change is easy anxiety, sadness and hope.

At the beginning of the poem, the author is immersed in lyrical mood. In the first two lines, he notes the beauty, peace and silence of the autumn sunset, filled with quiet mysterious light. The poet is moved by observing the peaceful and, at the same time, fulfilled secret meaning a picture of the withering of day and life.

But, by the third line, the poet’s mood changes. In the sunset light falling on the foliage, in its vibrations from the slight movement of air, he sees hidden threat. The effect of anxiety is achieved through the use of sound writing (ominous shine, variegation, rustling) - the abundance of hissing and whistling sounds creates a sharp, sudden contrast with the first lines, and descriptions of color (shine, variegation, crimson) only add a note of anxiety. The picture, seemingly static, is actually filled internal tension, anxious expectation of something inevitable.

However, in the next two lines the author again describes peace, silence, stillness. The sun has set, and the crimson-orange light is replaced by azure, and the shine last rays The sun is replaced by a light haze of fog. Unconscious anxiety is replaced by a clearer sadness from parting with daylight and summer warmth, which personify life itself. The poet and the nature surrounding him are ready to meekly plunge into winter lethargy.

They are brought out of their submissive, sleepy and motionless state by sudden gusts of cold wind, harbingers of a future harsh winter. But the promise of trials in the future, nevertheless, instills in the author and the reader optimism and hope for the revival of life.

Therefore, the last four lines, which contain the words withering, suffering, exhaustion and damage, do not evoke the sad feelings that are inherent in their meaning. The immutability of natural cycles gives the poet, who feels himself and all humanity one with the natural world, confidence in his own immortality, because autumn withering and winter immobility will certainly follow spring awakening, just like the morning that will certainly come when the night ends.

The poetic size of the text is iambic pentameter with a two-syllable foot and stress on the second syllable. Syntactically, this astronomical poem is one complex sentence. Small in volume, it is full of bright, varied epithets expressing opposite states, capacious images, deep philosophical meaning, and internal movement. A sharp picture is replaced by a blurry one, light is replaced by darkness, anxiety is replaced by peace, silence is replaced by sound and vice versa. The poet's skill is expressed in the way he accommodated such a mass of feelings, thoughts and images into a small volume without overloading the composition. The poem remains light, airy, reads in one breath and leaves light feelings after reading.

In Russian poetry special place occupied by the landscape lyrics of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, who is capable of amazingly accurately conveying the beauty of nature. The poem “Autumn Evening” is a subtle reflection of the fading beauty and peculiar charm of autumn. Brief Analysis“Autumn Evening,” as planned, will help 8th grade students prepare for a literature lesson.

Brief Analysis

History of creation– The poem was written in 1830, during the writer’s stay in Munich.

Theme of the poem– Understanding the unity of nature and man. Comparison of a quiet autumn evening with human life, spiritual maturity, when one acquires the wisdom to appreciate every moment.

Composition– The poem consists of three conventional parts: in the first, the author describes the beauty of the autumn landscape, in the second, he dramatizes the inevitability of changes in nature, in the third, he comes to a philosophical conclusion about the cyclical nature of existence.

Genre– Landscape lyrics.

Poetic size– Iambic pentameter with a two-syllable foot, with cross rhyme.

Metaphors“variegation of trees”, “mysterious charm”.

Epithets- “impetuous, cold”, “crimson”.

Personifications- “a gentle smile of withering”, “a sad orphaned earth”, “languid whisper”.

Inversions- “crimson leaves”, “ cold wind sometimes."

History of creation

Immediately after graduating from Moscow University, Fedor Ivanovich became closely involved in the state diplomatic service and was assigned to Munich. Being wonderful educated person, he was eager to meet the best minds Europe, regularly attended lectures by prominent scientists of his time. However, nostalgia for the homeland made itself felt.

Not being able to talk to anyone abroad on native language, the young diplomat filled this void by writing poetry. Homesickness, which was only intensified by the autumn weather, pushed Tyutchev to write an incredibly lyrical, exciting and slightly melancholic work.


The main theme of the poem is the identification of man and nature, the living and inanimate world, between which Tyutchev always saw unbreakable connection.

Despite the “autumn” mood literary work However, it does not cause a depressive mood. Lyrical hero strives to see beautiful moments even through the prism of general decay: “light rustle”, “mysterious charm”, “lightness of the evenings”.

At this time of year, more than ever, the transience of life, the loss of youth, beauty, and strength are acutely felt. However, winter invariably follows autumn, and then spring, which brings a new rebirth. In nature, everything is cyclical, as well as in human life: sadness will invariably be replaced by joyful and bright days, and the trials of life that you have passed will leave behind invaluable experience that will be useful in the future. The ability to appreciate and enjoy every moment of life, not to succumb to despondency and melancholy - this is true wisdom and main idea which the poet wanted to convey in his work.


The poem “Autumn Evening” is characterized by a harmonious three-part composition. A stanza consisting of twelve lines can be painlessly divided into three quatrains. All of them will harmoniously line up into a single narrative line, in which the light lyricism of a landscape sketch smoothly transitions to deep philosophical understanding.

The first part of the verse presents a general picture of the autumn landscape. The author puts forward a general thesis on which the entire poem is built.

In the second part, the dramatic components of the work come into force, emphasizing the inevitability of the withering of nature.

In the finale it is given philosophical view to changes in nature, in which the writer sees the cyclical nature and inextricable connection of man with the world around him.


The poem “Autumn Evening” is written in the genre landscape lyrics, Where central place dedicated to the beauty of nature.

The work consists of twelve lines, written in iambic pentameter with a two-syllable foot, using cross rhyme. It is noteworthy that the poem is a compound sentence. But, despite such an unusual structure, it is very easy to read, in one breath.

Means of expression

To describe nature in his work, Tyutchev skillfully used various means artistic expression: epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personifications, inversion.

Incredible color and rich imagery of the lines is achieved by using numerous epithets(“impetuous, cold”, “crimson”, “touching, mysterious”) and metaphors(“variegation of trees”, “mysterious charm”).

Thanks to personifications(“a gentle smile of withering”, “sad orphaned earth”, “languid whisper”) nature seems to come to life, acquiring human feelings.

Found in the text and inversions: “crimson leaves”, “cold wind at times”.

The writer compares the “gentle smile of withering” of autumn nature with the “divine modesty of suffering” in man.

Landscape lyrics by F.I. Tyutchev occupies a special place in Russian literature. This poetry will always attract the reader with its unique depth and vivid imagery. The poem “Autumn Evening” is one of these gems.

F.I. Tyutchev wrote the poem “Autumn Evening” in October 1830. The poet was then in Munich as an attache of the diplomatic mission.

It is noteworthy that abroad the young writer had practically no one to talk to in his native language - Russian. Only poetry and communication with his uncle N.A. Khlopov were able to fill this void. Probably, homesickness and the autumn weather inspired Tyutchev with melancholic thoughts, which served as the impetus for the creation of the poem “Autumn Evening.”

Genre, direction and size

IN this poem Tyutchev’s youthful passion for Russian is palpable poetry XIX century. This is manifested in the solemn odic character of the work, in the use bright epithets(touching, sad-orphaned), as well as in the use of partial forms (wind). However, “Autumn Evening” refers to a mature period, when the author was interested in Schelling, Blake and Heine. At this time, Tyutchev formed his special natural-philosophical poetry.

The versification is not particularly inventive: the meter of this work is iambic pentameter, and the rhyme is cross. Tyutchev is original in other ways, in particular in rethinking the genre of landscape lyricism.


The poem has a harmonious three-part composition. A stanza of twelve lines can be divided into quatrains, and they will be gradated in a special line: from a light landscape sketch to a deep philosophical conclusion.

  1. The first part is a landscape sketch. Here the thesis on which the entire work is built is put forward.
  2. In the second part, more dramatic pictures appear, conveying the withering of nature.
  3. The ending of the poem is a philosophical conclusion, where a parallel is drawn between man and the world around him.

Images and symbols

Along with the typical images of autumn (crimson leaves, quiet azure), Tyutchev describes very unusual observations: an ominous shine, a smile of withering.

The lyrical hero of the poem is a thinker. His extraordinary view of the world allows you to see not only the usual scenes of an autumn evening, but also helps to discover something new, projects a reflection on the kinship of nature and man. He sees a gentle smile in the pictures of extinction, and the color of the leaves seems ominous to him.

Themes and mood

Autumn is traditionally associated with old age, followed by death. But, nevertheless, it cannot be argued that the poem is permeated only with depressive tragic motives. The lyrical hero tries to see positive points even through the melancholy mood: the lightness of the evenings, the mysterious charm, the light rustle.

Thus, the main theme of the essay is the confrontation between decay and unbending optimism. The author empathizes with nature, he is not indifferent to its aging, but still the poet does not want to succumb to melancholy and sadness.


"Autumn Evening" is one of bright examples natural philosophical lyrics by F.I. Tyutcheva. The general idea This kind of poem is a discussion about man and nature, comparing them. Tyutchev was aware of human insignificance in comparison with the Universe, and in some cases he urged readers to take an example from the world around them.

In this poem, the main idea is the relationship between the autumn season and “reasonable beings.” They are similar in that they experience a similar feeling, called the “divine modesty of suffering.” It manifests itself in people and the surrounding world in the same way - in a “gentle smile”, only it is shown in different ways: a person - with facial expressions, but in nature the leaves change color, the earth becomes empty, the sky becomes cloudy.

Means of artistic expression

The rich imagery of the work is achieved through the use of numerous means of artistic expression. Most often, the author turns to epithets, sometimes applying two definitions to a noun at once: “Touching, mysterious charm,” “languid, light rustling,” “gusty, cold wind.”

Tyutchev compares the withering of nature with human suffering. There are inversions in the text: crimson leaves, sometimes cold wind.

Personification is a through-line trope of the poem. This technique affects epithets (sad-orphaned, languid), nouns involved in the description natural phenomena(smile, exhaustion). In addition, the “behavior” of the wind is explained by the premonition of “descending storms.” And all the processes occurring in nature in autumn are compared with human aging.

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