Musical and literary works about nature. Works of Russian composers, writers and poets about nature

Works about nature are an element without which it is difficult to imagine music and literature. From time immemorial, the unique beauties of the planet have served as a source of inspiration for outstanding writers and composers and were sung by them in immortal works. There are stories, poems, and musical compositions that allow you to recharge yourself with the energy of living nature, literally without leaving your own home. Examples of the best of them are given in this article.

Prishvin and his works about nature

Russian literature is rich in stories, novellas, and poems that are an ode to our native land. A striking example of a person who is particularly good at writing about nature is Mikhail Prishvin. It's no wonder he earned a reputation as its singer. The writer in his works encourages readers to establish a relationship with her and treat her with love.

An example of his work about nature is “The Pantry of the Sun” - a story that is one of the author’s best creations. The writer in it shows how deep the connection is between people and the world that surrounds them. The descriptions are so good that the reader seems to see with his own eyes the groaning trees, the gloomy swamp, the ripe cranberries.

Tyutchev's creativity

Tyutchev is a great Russian poet, in whose work a huge place is devoted to the beauties of the surrounding world. His works about nature emphasize its diversity, dynamism, and diversity. By describing various phenomena, the author conveys the process of life. Of course, he also has a call to take responsibility for the planet, addressed to all readers.

Tyutchev especially loved the theme of night - the time when the world plunges into darkness. An example is the poem “A curtain fell on the world of day.” A poet in his works can call the night holy or emphasize its chaotic nature - it depends on his mood. The description of the sunbeam, which “perched on the bed”, in his work “Yesterday” is also beautiful.

Pushkin's lyrics

When listing works about the nature of Russian writers, one cannot fail to mention the work of the great Pushkin, for whom she remained a source of inspiration throughout his life. It is enough to recall his poem “Winter Morning” to conjure up the features of this time of year. The author, apparently in an excellent mood, talks about how beautiful the dawn is at this time of year.

A completely different mood is conveyed by his “Winter Evening,” which is included in the compulsory school curriculum. In it, Pushkin describes a snowstorm in a slightly gloomy and frightening manner, comparing it to a raging beast, and the oppressive sensations it evokes in him.

Many works about nature by Russian writers are dedicated to autumn. Pushkin, who values ​​this time of year above all else, is no exception, despite the fact that in his famous work “Autumn” the poet calls it a “dull time,” however, immediately refuting this description with the phrase “the charm of the eyes.”

Bunin's works

Ivan Bunin’s childhood, as is known from his biography, passed in a small village located in the Oryol province. It is not surprising that even as a child the writer learned to appreciate the delights of nature. His creation “Leaf Fall” is considered one of the best. The author allows readers to smell the trees (pine, oak), see the “painted tower” painted in bright colors, and hear the sounds of foliage. Bunin perfectly shows the characteristic autumn nostalgia for the past summer.

Bunin's works about Russian nature are simply a treasure trove of colorful sketches. The most popular of them is “Antonov apples”. The reader will be able to feel the fruity aroma, feel the atmosphere of August with its warm rains, and breathe in the morning freshness. Many of his other creations are permeated with love for Russian nature: “River”, “Evening”, “Sunset”. And in almost every one of them there is a call to readers to appreciate what they have.

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