Clothes influence a person's life. The influence of clothing on relationships between people and attitudes towards oneself

Nevostrueva Khristina Andreevna

The problems of expressing personality in clothing and the influence of clothing on a person are probably the most interesting of the problems studied by psychology.

The relevance of our work is due to the fact that the issue of appearance in modern schools requires immediate decision, because the form determines the content of a particular activity.

IN Soviet era children went to school in a uniform and there was good discipline in classes of 40 people. During perestroika school uniform was abolished and since then the children have been going to school in casual clothing (not always satisfactory for the work environment) and in the classroom discipline is lame.

Problem: Modern youth, for the most part, dress without thinking about the fact that their manner of dressing is reflected in their behavior, manner of speaking and thinking.

I chose human behavior as the object of study.

When I started the research, I set myself the goal of studying the impact appearance a person by his behavior.



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The influence of appearance on human behavior Nevostrueva Khristina Andreevna MAOU Secondary School No. 11 9 B grade Head Yagofarova Elizaveta Antonovna Technology teacher I category

If people are different in their goals of life, in their inner content, then this difference will certainly be reflected in their appearance, and their appearance will be different. L. N. Tolstoy

Problem: modern youth, for the most part, dress without thinking about the fact that their manner of dressing is reflected in their behavior, manner of speaking and thinking. Purpose: to study the influence of a person’s appearance on his behavior. Hypothesis: if you change a person’s image, his behavior will change.

Objectives: Explore different points of view on the topic; Explore psychological characteristics students aged 11-12 years; Identify the influence of a single style on behavior using observation and survey methods; Formulate arguments that can convince schoolchildren of the importance of school uniforms.

“image” means a purposefully formed image designed to have an emotional and psychological impact

Can you tell a lot or a little about a person by his clothes and manner of dressing? It turns out that we can make a conclusion: about his gender and age; about nationality and place of residence; about profession and place of work; O social status; about financial situation and taste; about needs; about character; about temperament; about aspirations and fears.

Sturm und Drang period Trash Kawaii hipsters

What is your attitude towards a uniform school uniform? Is it necessary?

Do students in classes where there is no uniform dress nicely?

Does it affect appearance on student behavior and performance?

Well, that's all. What do you think?

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“Clothing is needed only to cover the body”, “it is not clothes that make a man”, “it is not the cassock that makes a monk” and so on and so forth. Italian psychotherapist Gennaro Romagnoli 1 agrees with this point of view. However, he clarifies that clothes are still part of us. “We all know that one way or another our appearance, its appropriateness and relevance to the situation can help us achieve our goals. True, it is usually believed that this happens due to the impression that we were able to make on others. But some researchers rightly wonder whether clothing influences the behavior of the person who chooses it.”

Experiment conducted in 2012 Northwestern University(Northwestern University) is proof of this. All participants were given exactly the same task and exactly the same white coats and were divided into two groups: the first was told that this was a medical uniform, and the second was told that these were artists’ work clothes. Those who were convinced that they were wearing a doctor's coat approached the task more carefully and carefully. This means that our clothes matter - not only to others, but also to ourselves. And that you should dress not how you feel, but how you would like to feel. What makes you feel attractive? Seductive? How about convincing? The clothing you choose is a message not only to others, but also to yourself. This must be used.

The book was published that same year clinical psychologist Jennifer Baumgartner's "You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Say About You" 2 where she writes, for example, that common friendly advice to go shopping or just dress up in response to our complaint about a bad day , a failed interview or a breakup with a partner is not at all meaningless: “When you dress a certain way, it also promotes internal changes. We all notice something similar when we do makeup, for example, and even actors admit how much a character's costume helps them get into character. All this works in everyday life.”

If we talk about the influence of clothing not on adults, but on children and adolescents, then most studies are devoted to the problem of school and student uniforms. There is a lot of debate around this topic: is wearing the same clothes good or bad? Does it help create some kind of equality among students? Or does it interfere with the self-expression of each of them? Is it true that uniform contributes to academic success? It must be said that scientists have not yet agreed. For example, David L. Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore, having studied data from 5,000 American sophomores 2, did not see a direct connection between mandatory wearing of a uniform and student attendance, academic performance and behavior. Moreover, according to their research, students who were not required to wear a uniform performed better on standardized tests. But Virginia Draa from State University Youngstown State University thinks otherwise: after analyzing data from 64 schools in Ohio from 1994 to 2002 and talking with the leadership of these educational institutions, she concluded that school uniforms have a positive effect on discipline and grades.

When choosing a costume, adults also still think about evaluation from other people. Because clothing is also one of the indicators of economic and social status. Dr. Baumgartner cites the American television series “Real Housewives” as an example: “Just look at how obsessed they are with money, with designers, with labels... Clothes and accessories are their way of defining their place in the system.” coordinates and their weapons against others. This is their opportunity to prove their superiority over others.”

For those who, for one reason or another, do not pursue the outfits of famous couturiers, but want to look decent, Jennifer Baumgartner recommends turning to a win-win option - the classics. Pumps, a blazer and, yes, a little black dress. “Here history has already done all the work for you. Over the years, such clothing has already proven its worth. It serves many functions and is suitable for people of all ages and body types. The classic has become a classic precisely because this style has already been tested by time and “works” always – no matter who you are.”

1 On his blog

2 “You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You” (Da Capo Lifelong Books, 2012).

It is known that the color of clothes affects us, our emotions and relationships. Do you know why you like a certain color? The answer may surprise you...

So why do you like a certain color? This is due to your experience. Perhaps if you had a favorite toy as a child pink color, or when your mom had good mood, she wore a pink blouse, then this color is your favorite.

Most people associate colors with common things - blue sky, green forest etc. This is why the perception of color and reaction to it is similar in many people. And as a result, clothing can influence people's emotions and attitudes.


A red outfit will give you self-confidence and attract the attention of others, because... it symbolizes energy. Whether this attention will be what is needed is another question. This color has a huge number of associations. The color red also symbolizes power and strength.

When choosing a dress in this color, remember that the combination of red and black is famous classic. And white or beige will balance the image and make it calmer.


As the opposite of red blue has its advantages, for example, it lowers blood pressure. If you're having a hard day or have a first date, feel free to try on clothes blue shades. This will help you create a great first impression and put your interlocutor at ease. Blue clothes are also good for interviews, as they symbolize reliability and efficiency.
If the shade of blue is very dark, then an excellent option is to soften it with pastel or light colors.


Green is the color of nature. It has a calming effect and helps you concentrate. The color is rich in shades and suits any skin type. If you want to focus on green, neutral accessories will do.


This is a bright, sunny, optimistic color. It is associated with the intellect and with a person who is clear-thinking, reasonable and capable of making decisions. However, like red, it must be chosen correctly for your skin type. If you are not sure that the shade will suit you, then you can combine the look with yellow accessories or a skirt so that the color does not appear on the face.


If you want to come across as a confident person, for example in an interview, wear clothes purple. It can give a young face a more mature look. Also, this color will refresh even the most everyday look. Goes great with pastel colors.


A color that is “slimming” and suits almost everyone. Black can evoke two different emotions: sadness or that we are very elegant today. Black color is also considered sophisticated and chic. For black color to help you feel great, just one shading detail or ornament is enough.


This is because it can inspire us, calm us, or make us feel a certain way (such as stimulating or suppressing appetite). So, if you are going to an interview or meeting with a client, think about what colors you want your clothes to be.

How does its color affect our emotions and the way others perceive us? How to use it? Let's look further.


Do you know why you like a certain color? The answer may surprise you - it has nothing to do with the pseudo-psychology of “tell me what color you like and I’ll tell you who you are.” The color you like is related to your experience. So if you had a yellow teddy bear as a child, your mother wore a yellow blouse pleasant moments It's likely that yellow is one of your favorite colors.

Since most of us associate certain colors of life with generally accepted pleasant things (with cloudless blue sky, the greenery of nature, forests), the perception of color and the reaction to it is similar for many people. As a result, clothing can affect the psyche - emotions and relationships. So, for example, a person wearing a red blouse would be seen by most people as energetic, dynamic and a bit aggressive (as well as attractive).


  • The man in black seems more serious. It is also the color of power and authoritarianism. Black in the culture means evil or sadness. People dressed in black are perceived as if they are not susceptible to manipulation.
  • Red is good if you want to attract attention. People in red appear assertive. This color is also associated with aggression. In the case of women, red is insidious: men see girls in red as more attractive; but in case business conversation red works against them: it scares away and creates the impression of unprofessionalism. However, this color works well when you are giving a speech in front of large audience– she will probably notice you, and you will seem more energetic. People in red are also seen as fast and full of life(you can create this impression if you are naturally phlegmatic).
  • Dark blue color is suitable for business meetings and interviews. It is neutral and appeals to many people, although it may be seen as too conservative. In negotiations, it can give the impression that a person wearing dark blue is a little inclined to give in.
  • Green gives a feeling of emotional stability and naturalness. People wearing green seem friendlier and more open.
  • Gray and beige colors allow you to blend into the background if you don't want to attract attention (and don't want people to pay attention to what you're saying, for example).



  • choose rich but subtle colors (pastel, cream, burgundy, light gray)
  • avoid bright and acidic colors

Seem like a professional in your field -

  • choose muted and traditional colors - dark blue, gray, steel
  • buy high quality clothes

Attract attention -

  • use bright colors– bright green, yellow, orange
  • in a business suit, combine them with “professional” colors - for example, by wearing a shirt of this tone under a suit
  • Wear bright colors to give the impression of being energetic and creative in creative and innovative industries


  • use neutral colors and cold tones (they make you want to limit contact with such a person)


  • choose strong and unusual colors (purple, deep purple, bright green).


  • use pastel colors and soft shades of green
  • choose colors close to nature, associated with peace and tranquility


  • Bright and warm colors will suit you: peach, bright yellow, delicate orange
  • avoid dark colors, as they can scare away
  • do not use “edgy” colors (especially red) – they are a symbol of aggression and struggle


  • use red not as the main element of clothing, but, for example, as an addition to it
  • use cold ones dark colors to create distance

It is worth remembering that the color of clothing affects not only those around us, but also ourselves. How you feel in it affects how other people perceive you. By the way, by how others dress, what colors they prefer, one can judge their character.

“How clothing style affects a person’s life.”

IN modern world More and more attention is paid to the style and image of a person. When applying for a job, business meeting, on a romantic date, the first thing that attracts us to a person is their appearance. "We are what we wear". This statement is not without meaning. Every item in our wardrobe, the color, style, and accessories we choose carry information about us and can tell us much more than we ourselves.

Have you thought about what you wear?

How do others perceive you through your style?

Are you really like this?

Of course ours internal state influences what clothes we choose. Many obstacles may arise in personal life, career growth and other areas, if a woman neglects her appearance. We can be the most talented and incredibly wonderful, but no one will know about it. Beautiful clothes that fit your body perfectly, give you confidence and make you feel great. positive emotions. In addition, others feel it, and this is where the image of a successful person begins to form! To the harmonious beautiful people They are always attracted to success in their career and personal life, they are always noticeable for their achievements and interest in everything new.

In just 30 seconds, a first impression is formed that cannot be repeated!

Someone is born with an innate sense of style and harmony - for them there are no problems how to create a harmonious image and express themselves through clothes. But there are most people for whom the ability to dress beautifully is complex process. IN in this case everything can be learned. Knowing what a harmonious image is based on, you can create your own style, which will tell you about you as interesting, creative personality, a professional in her field, and will emphasize your feminine attractiveness!

How to create your own style?

Many people believe that a “stylish woman” is one who dresses in expensive boutiques and wears the latest collections of fashion designers. In reality, this is not entirely true.

Personal style is something more than fashion, trends, etc. It's you! Individual style- these are manifestations of our inner world, character, habits, lifestyle that we show through clothes, makeup, etc. Since we are all different, our style is not repeated. Having your own style means being yourself, and sometimes this requires courage and a lot of effort. There are four main styles, which are based on a person’s psychotypes: classical, romantic, natural, dramatic. Each of these styles has its own character traits and clothing preferences. The more you reveal yourself as a person, the better you will be able to develop your own style.

Color is a manifestation of emotions...

We all know about the great influence of color in our lives. Color has the same huge impact on how others perceive us. Depending on the situation, the color of clothing can quickly either attract or repel the interlocutor. Each of us is born with our own natural color type, which is based on our eye, hair and skin color. Knowing it, you can easily add new colors to your color palette, choose those colors that suit you best and, depending on the situation, will work for you.


I often hear that many women are not happy with their figure and therefore do not pay enough attention when choosing styles. The social imposition of body standards “90-60-90” has great influence on the consciousness of our women, but we should not forget that our men do not love us for this. Of course, you shouldn’t push yourself too hard and overly exhaust yourself with diets. Knowing the characteristics of your figure, what type it is, you will understand what maximum your body can give. The main thing is to love yourself as you are now. Knowing your body type will allow you to understand how to use clothing to correct flaws and highlight your strengths.

“Fashion goes away, style remains”...

These golden words of Coco Chanel clearly indicate how to approach fashion. Fashion is just a tool in creating a style, the main task of which is to emphasize the relevance of your image. No more! Fashion is expensive, style is not. A nicely dressed person does not always mean expensive! Believe me simple thing, which suits you in color, style and goes well with all the elements of the ensemble, will bring more harmony to your image than one expensive thing that does not emphasize anything other than its brand. Don’t chase fashion, be true to yourself, and then in any situation you will look unique.....

As for the image...

Image- this is what we create depending on the situation and the impression we want to make on others. At work the image of a strict leader, with a man - the image of a romantic, feminine, sexy, at home - soft and natural. Very often, we drive ourselves into one image, from which we either don’t know how to get out or sometimes don’t want to, not realizing how this can affect other areas of our life. It is unlikely that a man will like a strict leader next to him if he wants to see you as feminine and attractive. And don't be surprised if you don't advance in your career if you prefer a sporty, casual style instead of a businesslike one. Creating the right images is also a skill that can also be learned.

So what is a harmonious image?

  • First of all, it is harmony with oneself, understanding oneself as a Personality.
  • Combinations of clothing colors with your natural coloring, the ability to control color.
  • Feeling yourself, combining clothes with your body type.
  • Match your image with the situation, your status and age.

Stylish man- this is a person who knows how to say what he wants about himself with the help of clothes and at the same time look internally and externally harmonious.

I wish you success in exciting process knowing yourself and creating your own style, and don’t forget,

that style is not an addition, but a way of life!

Be beautiful and harmonious!


Lonchakova Olga – Your image stylist.

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