Description of hometown in English. Theme "My City"

Topic: My city

I live in Kirov. This is my home town. Kirov (which was known as Vyatka at the beginning of the 20th century) is located in the north-east of Russia, and it is an administrative, economic, educational and cultural center of Kirov region. My town is neither small, nor too big. Its population is slightly less than 500 thousand people.

I live in Kirov. This is my hometown. Kirov (which was known as Vyatka in the early 20th century) is located in the northeast of Russia and is administrative. economic. educational and cultural center of the Kirov region. My city is not small, but not too big either. Its population is just under 500 thousand people.

Of course, Kirov is not an ideal place to live. Most people who come to my town for the first time say that it is grey, dirty and miserable. They get irritated with narrow streets and poor roads quality. And finally, they say that life in such a place should be rather depressing. Certainly, I am well aware of all the problems of my town. And still I think everything is not so bad. Despite all the issues mentioned, Kirov has got some specific features that make me love it. And I want to tell about these features.

Of course, Kirov is not an ideal place to live. Most people who come to my city for the first time say that it is gray, dirty and dull. They are annoyed by narrow streets and poor quality expensive And in the end, they say that life in such a place must be very depressing. Of course, I am well aware of all the problems of my city. And yet I think that not everything is so bad. Despite all the problems mentioned, Kirov has some special features that I love about it. And I want to talk about these features.

Firstly, Kirov is an ancient city. Of course, a lot of new housing developments appear every year here. But most central streets have preserved their historical look. There are many ancient buildings, and each of them has its own individual style and spirit. So, Kirov is not a featureless modern city; it has got its own distinctive personality and soul. I like walking along its narrow streets, especially early in the morning, when. It seems to me that every house has its face and character.

Firstly, Kirov is ancient city. Of course, many new buildings appear here every year. However, most of the central streets have retained their historical appearance. There are many ancient buildings here, and each of them has its own individual style and spirit. Therefore, Kirov is not a faceless modern city; it has personality and soul. I love walking along its narrow streets, especially early morning when there are few people there. And it seems to me that each house here has its own face and character.

Secondly, in my town there are many parks and other green zones. Unlike “concrete jungles” of modern metropolises, Kirov is relatively clean and quiet. Even if you live in the very center of the town, you can reach the nearest park in five-ten minutes. So, there are a lot of places to walk and have a rest here. And, to my mind, this is very important for those who have small children.

Secondly, my city has many parks and other green areas. Unlike the "concrete jungle" modern megacities, Kirov is relatively clean and calm. Even if you live in the heart of the city, you can reach the nearest park in five to ten minutes. There are many places where you can walk and relax. And, in my opinion, this is very important for those who have small children.

Thirdly, I like our people. Though out-of-towners often say that residents of Kirov, are too serious and unwelcoming, it is not so. Maybe they don’t smile at other people too often, but they are kind and sympathetic. In big cities people often become cold and indifferent; they don’t care of anyone except themselves. And here, in my town, you can ask for help a stranger in the street, and, most likely, he will help you.

Thirdly, I like our people. Although visitors often say that the residents of Kirov are too serious and unfriendly, this is not true. They may not smile at other people too often, but they are kind and helpful. In big cities, people often become callous and indifferent; they don't care about anyone but themselves. But here in my city, you can ask a stranger on the street for help, and most likely he will help you.

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Today we will learn how tell about your city in English. This topic may not seem very important, but it is not. In any language, you must, first of all, be able to introduce yourself to others, create a mini-story about your occupation, home and location. The latter is often associated with the city where the speaker has the pleasure of living.

What do you need to know to talk about the city in English?







fire station

fire Department

pet shop

pet Shop






Butcher shop











shoe shop

shoe store



clothes shop

clothing store

hardware store

computer store










petrol station

gas station



car park





vegetable shop





police station

police station






An example of how to talk about a city in English

Let's look at a small example of how you can tell about the city in English.


I live in Moscow and it is an exciting city. This place is full of energy and quite motivating for achieving any goals. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living here. Let's start with the positive points. There are a lot of sights and you may admire them every weekend. The city impresses by its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are a lot of shop centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms, etc. In other words, you have all you might need for a quality life here. However, such life is not cheap. As any other mega polis, Moscow offers a variety of opportunities for development but you need to be active to get at least one of them.

Traffic jams at rush hour is a big problem. Very often people spend more than 1-2 hours to get to work and back home. This also affects the environment. But what to do? We need to choose between a calm place with ideal nature and a busy fast-developing city. I seem to choose the second one and have never regretted.


I live in Moscow and it is an impressive city. This place is filled with energy and it motivates you to achieve any goals. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to living here. Let's start with positive points. There are many attractions and you can admire them every weekend. The city impresses with its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are many shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms and so on. In other words, you have everything you need to live a quality life here. However, such a life is not cheap. Like many other megacities, Moscow offers a variety of development opportunities, but you need to be active to get at least one of them. Back

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    I live in Vishnyovaya street. It is called so because there are many cherry trees there and the y are especially beautiful in spring when they are in blossom.

    My street is very nice and modern. It is not in the city center, it is in the suburbs. There are many houses in my street and the number of them is increasing every year. Also you can see some supermarkets, a filling station, a hotel, several office centers, cafés and bars.

    My school is also located in this street. It is a new modern four-storeyed building that looks very nice. It is not far from my house so it does not take me long to get there.

    There is a small park not far from my house. On warm sunny days you can see mothers with children walking there. Also there are some attractions and my friends and I like to go there very much.

    My parents started living in this street when I was 5 years old. I want to say that I like my street very much and I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

    I live on Vishneva Street. It got its name because large quantity cherry trees growing here, which are especially beautiful during spring flowering.

    My street is very beautiful and modern. It is located not in the city center, but on its outskirts. There are many houses here, and their number is growing every year. In addition, there are several supermarkets, a gas station, a hotel, several office centers, bars and cafes.

    My school is located here. This is a new modern four story building that looks great. It is built near my house, so I don't spend much time getting there.

    There is a small park not far from my house. On warm sunny days, mothers with small children walk there. The park has several attractions and my friends and I really enjoy going there.

    My parents settled on this street when I was 5 years old. And I want to say that I really love my street, and that I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

    My city

    I live and study in Kazan city, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It’s my native city as I was born here. Kazan is located on the left bank of the Volga river and it was founded more than one thousand years ago. So it is a very old place, with rich and fascinating history. The population of my city is multinational and enormous: about one and a half million people. Kazan has changed greatly from the moment when I was born and it has grown much bigger, but still it keeps its own traditions and some strict religious rules. The people of my city are friendly and hospitable, polite and intelligent to my mind.

    The capital of Tatarstan is a city of contrasts: there are quarters of modern high-rise buildings and districts with old historical places; some districts are awfully noisy and crowded, with long traffic jams, the others are very clean and quiet. Our transport system is really busy: we have a railway station, a big river port, an airport, buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains of the Kazan metro which was opened in 2005.

    There are plenty of impressive sights for our guests in the historical center of the city: the Kremlin of the 10 th century, the Millennium bridge, the Kul-Sharif mosque and other beautiful cathedrals and mosques. Kazan has unique museums, able to suit any taste: the Fine Arts museum, the museum of Leo Tolstoy, the National museum of Tatarstan, the museum of Zoology.

    My native city is a recognized sports capital of Russia. It has hosted many important sports events. The International Summer Universiade of 2013 was among them. And in 2018 our city is going to host the FIFA World Cup.

    I feel proud of my birthplace and I am sure that Kazan is the place which is worth visiting at least once in our life. I know that many tourists from abroad come here and they feel enraptured with the local sights.

    I live and study in the city of Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. This is my hometown since I was born here. Kazan is located on the left bank of the Volga River and was founded more than a thousand years ago. Therefore, this is a very old place, with rich and fascinating story. The population of my city is multinational and huge: about 1.5 million people. Kazan has changed a lot since I was born and has become much larger, but still it maintains its traditions and some strict religious rules. The people in my city are friendly and hospitable, polite and smart, in my opinion.

    The capital of Tatarstan is a city of contrasts: there are blocks with modern high-rise buildings and areas with old historical places; some areas are terribly noisy and crowded, with long traffic jams, while others are very clean and quiet. Our transport system is very busy: we have Train Station, a large river port, airport, buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains of the Kazan metro, which was opened in 2005.

    The historic city center is home to many impressive attractions for visitors: the 10th-century Kremlin, the Millennium Bridge, the Kul Sharif Mosque and other beautiful cathedrals and mosques. Kazan has unique museums that can satisfy every taste: the Museum of Fine Arts, the Leo Tolstoy Museum, National Museum Tatarstan, zoological museum.

    My hometown is the recognized sports capital of Russia. He has hosted many important sporting events. The International Summer Universiade 2013 was one of them. And in 2018, our city is going to host participants in the FIFA World Cup.

    I am proud of the place of my birth, and I am sure that Kazan is a place that is worth visiting at least once in your life. I know that many tourists come to us and they are delighted with the local attractions.

    I live and study in Kazan city, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It’s my native city as I was born here. Kazan is located on the left bank of the Volga river and it was founded more than one thousand years ago. So it is a very old place, with rich and fascinating history. The population of my city is multinational and enormous: about one and a half million people. Kazan has changed greatly from the moment when I was born and it has grown much bigger, but still it keeps its own traditions and some strict religious rules. The people of my city are friendly and hospitable, polite and intelligent to my mind.

    The capital of Tatarstan is a city of contrasts: there are quarters of modern high-rise buildings and districts with old historical places; some districts are awfully noisy and crowded, with long traffic jams, the others are very clean and quiet. Our transport system is really busy: we have a railway station, a big river port, an airport, buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains of the Kazan metro which was opened in 2005.

    There are plenty of impressive sights for our guests in the historical center of the city: the Kremlin of the 10th century, the Millennium bridge, the Kul-Sharif mosque and other beautiful cathedrals and mosques. Kazan has unique museums, able to suit any taste: the Fine Arts museum, the museum of Leo Tolstoy, the National museum of Tatarstan, the museum of Zoology.

    My native city is a recognized sports capital of Russia. It has hosted many important sports events. The International Summer Universiade of 2013 was among them. And in 2018 our city is going to host the FIFA World Cup.

    I feel proud of my birthplace and I am sure that Kazan is the place which is worth visiting at least once in our life. I know that many tourists from abroad come here and they feel enraptured with the local sights.


    I live and study in the city of Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. This is my hometown since I was born here. Kazan is located on the left bank of the Volga River and was founded more than a thousand years ago. Therefore, it is a very old place, with a rich and fascinating history. The population of my city is multinational and huge: about 1.5 million people. Kazan has changed a lot since I was born and has become much larger, but still it maintains its traditions and some strict religious rules. The people in my city are friendly and hospitable, polite and smart, in my opinion.

    The capital of Tatarstan is a city of contrasts: there are blocks with modern high-rise buildings and areas with old historical places; some areas are terribly noisy and crowded, with long traffic jams, while others are very clean and quiet. Our transport system is very busy: we have a railway station, a large river port, an airport, buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains of the Kazan metro, which was opened in 2005.

    The historic city center is home to many impressive attractions for visitors: the 10th-century Kremlin, the Millennium Bridge, the Kul Sharif Mosque and other beautiful cathedrals and mosques. Kazan has unique museums that can satisfy every taste: the Museum of Fine Arts, the Leo Tolstoy Museum, the National Museum of Tatarstan, the Zoological Museum.

    My hometown is the recognized sports capital of Russia. He has hosted many important sporting events. The International Summer Universiade 2013 was one of them. And in 2018, our city is going to host participants in the FIFA World Cup.

    I am proud of the place of my birth, and I am sure that Kazan is a place that is worth visiting at least once in your life. I know that many tourists come to us and they are delighted with the local attractions.

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