Means do not turn off target. Solving the Downloading error problem

Sometimes Vkontakte users experience difficulties logging into their personal page Why often from a phone or laptop? This may be due to either Internet connection problems or blocking access to the website. This applies to both access from a PC and access from mobile applications VK for iOS and Android.

If you created an account for the first time and completed the process, you may have problems logging in.

Sometimes there are server interruptions, during which the social network may become unavailable. Rest assured, they are trying to rectify the situation as soon as possible. On at the moment Most likely, VKontakte’s functionality has been restored.

It often happens that a login problem can be solved on the user's side, but there are times when this does not bring results, because... social itself The VKontakte network sometimes “lies”.

It is safe to assume that almost every one of you is a registered user of a well-known social network"VKontakte". And if it’s impossible to access any website, then most likely you won’t be able to log into VK. Most often, this problem is encountered by an inexperienced user who is not worried about the security of his PC and has picked up viruses on the Internet. If for some reason you cannot access the website of a popular social network. networks, the following recommendations will be extremely useful.

So, here is a list of problems that prevent you from logging into the site:

  1. At the very beginning, make sure that you have access to the network and that your Internet connection settings are correct. To do this, just try going to any website, or Skype, or ICQ. If you succeed, then there is no problem with Internet access.
  2. Your personal page has been frozen. This happens for the following reasons: there was a violation of the site rules, a page was hacked. Is being decided this question quite simple. You just need to confirm your account by indicating your last name and the code sent to your mobile phone.
  3. The password is incorrect. If, when entering the site, you get the response “incorrect or incorrect password,” it means that either you really made a mistake (CapsLock is probably enabled), or the page was hacked by attackers and the data was changed. In this case, find the phrase “Forgot your password?” under the password entry window, click on it and simply follow the further instructions.
  4. Check whether your browser has Internet access and whether the network and your PC are protected by a proxy server or firewall.
  5. The most unpleasant thing is when it is impossible to “log in” to VKontakte only from your own computer, while such a problem does not exist when logging in from a phone or another PC. There will be a different solution here. Most likely, you have picked up viruses, so you will need to purchase an antivirus (download or buy), install it, scan your computer for malware and, ultimately, reboot it.

If this procedure does not help, the steps are as follows:

  • go to “My Computer”;
  • Local drive C: ;
  • "Windows" folder;
  • then the “System32” folder;
  • folder "drivers" and "etc";
  • look for the “hosts” file and open it using notepad.

After this, look to see if there are lines in the file with the names of the sites,, etc. If we find it, we delete it! Just do not touch lines that begin with the # symbol. We save all changes in the document.

In addition to this procedure, it is also recommended to go to Windows search and Start. In the search, type the phrase “vkontakte.exe”. If the specified phrase produces results, then immediately delete what you found. It also wouldn’t hurt to uninstall all other unofficial contact programs. Then just restart your computer and enjoy your success!

Remember, in order not to fall for the tricks of ill-wishers, visit 18+ sites less often, monitor the operation of your antivirus, do not rush to install dubious programs, including for contacts, and also bypass other little-known sites and links, especially if they are in the folder "Spam".

Quite often people wonder why they don’t make contact; the reasons can be different. This article will describe the most common reasons why the VKontakte website does not open. Methods for solving this problem will also be described.

To begin with, I would like to clarify one interesting question, which you might have encountered:

Why, strictly speaking, are we talking specifically about contact, after all, there are millions of sites, why exactly this?!

Everything is very simple, because this site is very popular. In fact, absolutely any site can take the place of VKontakte.

Why can't I get in touch?

As mentioned above, the reasons may be different. Below are five of the most popular reasons for the inaccessibility of VKontakte.

1) The site is down. No one is immune from this, including VKontakte, even Yandex somehow fell and lay there for several hours :)! Since this problem is of a technical nature, and it does not depend on you in any way, you can only wait until the server is up. To be fair, it should be noted that this happens quite rarely.

2) Access to the site has been blocked by the local system administrator. This is true if you are at work or in an educational institution. Naturally, management is interested in you doing business and not communicating on social networks. If the site was blocked in the usual way (for example, using the hosts file), then you can bypass such protection. But if you get caught, it is very likely that you will have problems, it all depends on the degree of severity of your superiors.

3) Your VKontakte account has been blocked. It's about about real blocking by the site administration. If you think that your account was blocked by mistake, then all you can do is write letters to support and hope for a miracle.

4) Your account was hacked and your password was changed. Try to recover your password; if you succeed, immediately change it to a more secure one.

5) You have become a victim of a virus. This is the most common reason.

If you are asked to send an SMS, then this is one hundred percent the activity of a malicious program. Under no circumstances should you send any SMS; they will simply withdraw money from your account and the problem will remain unresolved.

Attackers who distribute this kind of malware usually have two goals:

  • Theft of data such as: login – password.
  • Withdrawing money from your account.

What to do if you don’t make contact

Here we will describe the solution to the problem that was indicated in the fifth paragraph, that is, which is associated with the activity of malware.

Beware, phishing page! As a rule, this is exactly how scammers act: they slip you a phishing page, which in its interface is like two peas in a pod like the original one. However, if you are vigilant and look at the address bar of your browser, you will notice that this is not the site that it claims to be.

Always look at what is displayed in the address bar of your browser, develop such a habit! If this real contact, you will see something like the following (see screenshot).

You probably already know that the VKontakte website has “moved” to the com zone, and now it is available at a new address. Instead of the long “vkontakte”, now you just need to type vk. It will now be almost impossible to make a typo when typing a website address. The old links will still work, they will just redirect you to the new address. You can read this contact message for yourself; it is located on the official website.

If it doesn’t make contact, do the following:

1) The first step is to find and destroy the malware. To do this, use a good anti-virus system and scan your computer completely. Remember what programs you are in lately installed, it is quite possible that one of them is malware.

2) Most likely your hosts file has been modified by a virus, you need to put it in order. A whole article was written about the hosts file on this site, so I won’t repeat it, but just give a link to it. The article is called: “, from it you will learn where the hosts file is located, how to edit it, and how to save the changes made.

If you have not previously made any changes to this file, then there should be only one entry “ localhost”, the rest can be safely deleted. There are really two important points here:

A) If a line is preceded by a hash symbol (#), then such a line is considered a comment and is not taken into account. That is, lines that begin with a hash do not need to be deleted.

b) Some programs make their changes to the hosts file, for example, Denver does this during its operation.

3) If the above steps do not work, try resetting the DNS cache. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R”, enter “cmd”, and click Ok. A command prompt will open, type “ipconfig /flushdns” and press Enter.


Fraudsters hone their skills every day and come up with something new all the time, so it may happen that the advice given in this article will not bring the desired result. In fact, this is an absolutely normal situation, let’s take an antivirus for example, everyone knows by what principle it is replenished with new databases. Appears first new virus, and only then does a means of fighting against it appear. That is, scammers are always one step ahead, that’s how our world works.

But if you are vigilant, the risk is reduced to a minimum; essentially, basic things are required of you, these are:

  • Availability of an anti-virus system with up-to-date databases (plus a firewall).
  • Do not click on dubious links.
  • Do not browse “dubious” sites.
  • Do not install dubious programs.
  • Learn to recognize phishing sites.
  • Golden rule: Do not enter your phone number anywhere, and especially do not send SMS to an unknown location!

It would seem that these are very banal rules, all that remains is to learn to follow them!

P.S. If you have something to say (for example, you have your own successful experience with the problem of getting into contact), then share it with us, write about it in the comments.

VKontakte is the most popular Internet resource in the Russian Federation (at the time of writing). This means that it is visited daily by millions of users who generate billions of requests. This is a huge load that requires appropriate equipment and specialists. VK has both. However, users periodically complain that the social network site is inaccessible to them or does not load. Looking ahead a little, let's say that the problem most often lies on the user's side. However, first things first.

VKontakte really doesn't work

When loading VK you can get something like this error:

Or something like this:

This does not mean that VK is inaccessible, but there is no need to discount this possibility.

To check whether VK is really not working, first, try accessing the site from your smartphone or tablet. You need to visit the site with mobile device, since in case of problems it will show the availability or unavailability of a resource, unlike a computer (below you will understand why).

Secondly, you can go to the news section and look for information about the unavailability of VK. If the site is truly unavailable, information about this immediately appears on online news resources.

In addition, there may be problems with a particular server, so try reloading the page several times.

In general, VKontakte “crashes” very rarely.

Problems with the provider

This option is unlikely, but still possible. Thus, there are several known cases when the VKontakte website was unavailable due to problems with the provider, and some other resources were also unavailable.

You can find out this only by calling your provider's technical support.

VK is blocked

IN in this case it is implied that VK is blocked by the network you are currently using. For example, schools have Wi-Fi networks with limited access, that is, you won’t be able to access some resources using them. It is possible that VKontakte is on the block list and you will not be able to access it from a smartphone using this network.

If you are using a computer, the resource may also be blocked. We've already talked about this.

Viruses and malware

Alternatively, access to VK is blocked by a virus or malware. For example, if you installed some software recently, it is quite possible that it is the source of the problem. What can be done?

First of all, use the antivirus installed on your computer, remembering to update the database. After this, we strongly recommend downloading the Cureit utility! from Dr. Web. It is distributed free of charge. Just download it and run it, it will automatically check the files and possibly find the malicious one among them. By the way, such a program that blocks a social network site may be a program created to work with VK. Be careful when downloading unfamiliar applications and installing them on your computer.

You can also try adding VKontakte to the firewall exception list, if one is installed.

If this does not help, you can try to roll back the system to an earlier point when logging into VK was available. However, all files that you have downloaded up to this time will not be deleted. The main thing is that you create a restore point at an earlier point in time.

Check out the hosts file

Hosts is a text file containing a database of domain names and used when translating them into network addresses of hosts, while a request to this file has priority over access to DNS servers.

Speaking in simple language, using this file the user can block access to the site. In addition, when accessing certain web resources, the user can be redirected to completely different sites. The latter is often used by attackers.

What's the point? You calmly surf the Internet, and after some time you cannot get into VK. Perhaps the problem is a Trojan that changes data in the hosts file without the owner’s knowledge. When opening VKontakte, the user is redirected to another site, which completely copies VK. This was done either in order to gain access to the user’s page, since he enters his data on the scammers’ website, or in order to receive funds from him - after entering his login and password, the user receives a message that he supposedly must confirm his profile by sending an SMS to a short number . Only SMS messages are paid. This is the cunning method scammers use.

After a scam site is removed from hosting, for example due to a complaint, it stops loading. The user is trying to open this site, which no longer exists. Accordingly, the site does not open. Only the user does not know that he is trying to open not VKontakte, but a scam site.

In general, be that as it may, the user needs to open the hosts file and see what is written in it. It is located at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\, where C is the drive letter where Windows is installed.

If under the word localhost you see entries like ip - VK address, you need to delete them and save the file:

If the file is not saved, open Notepad as administrator, as shown in the screenshot:

Delete the specified entries and save the file.

Ask your questions using comments.

One of the most popular and often blocked social networks is VKontakte. If we compare all the questions from users on the network about why there is no access to the social network, approximately 70% of requests relate to VK. There can be many reasons for lack of access, from system faults to network problems. It’s worth starting with the last error; you need to check your Internet access. It is also worth eliminating the risk of an accidental system bug; to do this, you need to restart the computer. In other cases, you will have to follow the instructions described below.

There are about 6 key reasons for blocking, but each of them deserves a separate description.

No access to Contact when logging in from phone

If at some point you lose access to your own page on your smartphone, the cause may be a browser glitch. Malfunctions of web browsers on phones are common, so it’s worth downloading a different browser and trying to open the application through it. Many users recommend Yandex Browser with built-in VPN.

It also makes sense to do:

  1. rebooting the smartphone;
  2. update operating system phone and installed browser. You can check for updates for your web browser in the Settings section of the Component Updates page;
  3. clearing the browser cache. This can be done through the Clear History utility inside the web browser or through the phone settings. In the second case, you should go to the “All applications” tab in the settings, select the installed browser, click on the “Clear” button, and then click “Clear cache”;
  4. login to the site via full version site. Usually there is an automatic redirection to mobile version. You need to switch to the desktop version of the social network;
  5. deleting and reinstalling the browser;
  6. switching to another Internet connection. If you are using a Wi-Fi network, you should turn on your mobile Internet and try to log into the site again.

Local access blocking

If you do not have access to Contact and some other sites, local, corporate or state system there is a blocking.

Now about each blocking in turn:

  • local, that is, installed on the current system. This could be a parental control application or a modified hosts file. In the first case, you will have to contact the person who has access to the parental control application. In the second case, you can follow the link C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, open the file with Notepad and delete entries where it appears in the URL -;
  • corporate. It is often installed on computers in schools, universities and large offices. In most cases, it is possible to bypass the blocking, but the system administrator may find out about this. It is possible to open the site via VPN. The result may be a reprimand;
  • state - the site is blocked for all residents in the country. The blocking is bypassed through VPN app or expansion.

Blocking for spam

VKontakte owners can also block access to a personal page. VK administrators often freeze or block a profile for spam and other violations of the rules for using the service. Blocks are usually temporary. For the first cases of freezing, restoration is available immediately after confirming access via SMS. The more warnings, the longer you have to wait until your account can be unblocked.

To avoid being included in the blocked list, you cannot send huge amount messages of the same type. Also, you should not constantly change IP addresses, this can also lead to freezing.

Technical work on the server

You can find out about work from VK by error 404, 403 or the “Server not found” notification. The average user cannot do anything, but the problem does not lie in the computer, which is good news. You'll just have to wait until the technical work is completed and the site will work again.

The easiest way to understand whether technical work is really causing the blockage is to ask your friends. If no one can log into the site (from one region), VK is simply undergoing maintenance. Usually it does not take much time (1-2 hours).

Incorrect time or date

A simple and very common problem is that the time or date is incorrectly set on the PC. Some VK scripts are time-bound and to avoid problems, the service requires setting the exact time.

How to restore the correct time:

  1. Click on “Date and Time” in the “Control Panel”;
  2. go to the “Internet time” tab, and then to the “Change settings” button;
  3. Click on the active element “Update now”.

OS infections with viruses

The virus could also damage system files or the browser, making it impossible to load VK. Getting rid of an infection is relatively simple; just run a system scan with at least one antivirus. To do this, it is better to download a third-party utility rather than an installed antivirus. The best free utilities are Dr.Web And Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Maybe this will be enough to treat your computer.

What should I do to log into a social network?

In addition to the methods already listed to solve the problem, you can try a couple more methods.

Page recovery

If a page is frozen or blocked, in most cases it is quite easy to restore it. Just log into your profile, send an SMS to restore the page and enter the received code. It may not be possible to do this right away. VK may impose a block for several days.

Search and neutralize virus-infected files

In addition to automatically searching for and removing viruses through an antivirus, you often have to restore damaged files. Typically, malware corrupts the hosts file.

How to restore hosts:

  1. go to the path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc;
  2. right-click on the file and select “Open with” notepad;
  3. remove all entries of the form localhost, where instead of localhost there is the URL

Important! The required file may be hidden; to see it you need to change the display settings in the system. On Windows 10, being in any folder, click on the “View” tab, then “Options”. Then you should go to the “View” page and set the “Show hidden files” option.

How to avoid problems with blocking and viruses?

In 95% of cases, viruses penetrate the system due to user negligence. It is strictly not recommended to download programs from dubious sites, as well as use them. If you ignore this recommendation, a virus will soon appear in the system. If the system is already infected, it is urgent to “treat” it.

The problem may occur on different stages authorization in .

Its most common manifestation is the appearance after entering a password of a notification that the user has chosen the wrong login-password pair.

This is due to the fact that you forgot your login/password or that the page was hacked and the password was changed.

Another common option is VKontakte system failures.

With them, no matter how much you enter the correct data, some problems on the site will not allow you to log into your account - the page may refresh, the button may not be pressed, etc.

This indicates a system failure that cannot be corrected.


The user cannot access his own page on the social network for one of several reasons:

Of course, there may be other reasons for the problem, but most often problems arise precisely because of this.


Depending on the cause of the problem, you need to act in one way or another.

Although the user cannot always do anything about the reason for restricting access.

Login recovery

The simplest problem is the lack of access due to the selection of an incorrect login-password pair.

In this case, you can restore access to the site yourself without contacting VKontakte Support Service.

To do this, follow the algorithm:

  • Try to access the site from a device from which you are constantly logged into the site - if there is access from the device, then the problem is not in the VKontakte service, but in your account;
  • You can try to change your account password from this page, but you will still have to provide your old password to change it, so this method not suitable;
  • But it helps when you need to find out your login– if you are authorized in your account, then go to the Settings section (Hover over your name in the upper left corner of the site and select Settings in the drop-down menu);

  • A page with basic account information will open - necessary information located on the General tab (it opens by default);
  • Scroll down the page and find the Phone number and E-mail;
  • The contact information you entered during registration is listed here, but some of the characters in the data are covered with asterisks;
  • There is no way to see them, however, the first and last visible numbers may remind you of any contacts you provided to register on the site;

  • To log into the site, you can use either a phone number or an email address.

If you were able to remember your login in this way, then proceed to recovering your account password.

Password recovery

To recover lost or forgotten password the network has a separate service.

How to use this service is described below:

  • If you select an incorrect login-password pair, the service displays a corresponding notification on a separate page;
  • Please note that the login form is case sensitive and keyboard layout sensitive. Check if you are entering the password in the correct language and case, and if so, proceed to step 3;
  • At the very bottom of the main window of the page, under the colored buttons, find the link Forgot your password and can’t log in? And click on it;

  • An additional window will open in which the system will prompt you to enter the phone number to which the page is linked;
  • Do this and click on the Continue button;

  • A page will open with a field for entering a recovery code;
  • This short code will be sent to you at the phone number to which the page is linked - it has limited time action, so introduce it as soon as possible;
  • Click the Continue button;
  • If the code is entered correctly, a form will open for you to enter a new password twice; if it is incorrect, you will have several more attempts;
  • Save your new password and log in to the site using it and the phone number specified during recovery;
  • The situation is more complicated if you do not remember which phone number the page is linked to or it is not linked to it at all;
  • In this case, after clicking the password recovery request button, on the updated page, find the link My page is not linked to a phone number;

  • A page will open with an input field that requires you to enter any information you used to access the site − phone number or email ;

  • Enter your email and click Next;
  • Enter the verification code in the pop-up window to prove that you are real person;
  • On the next page that opens, indicate the last name that you use in your account on the site;

  • Click Next;
  • A page will appear and a question will appear - is this the page to which you want to restore access, select Yes or No, respectively;

  • If you select Go Back, you will be taken back to the input page additional information for recovery, where you can try other credentials that match your page;
  • When you click the blue Yes, this is the right page button, a pop-up window will appear informing you that a password recovery link has been sent to your email address;
  • Follow the link and in the page that opens, enter the new password twice.

Recovering from insufficient data

When you have almost no data or you don't use telephone number, to which the account was linked, it is much more difficult to restore access, but it is possible.

  • Go to the page with the online authorization form;
  • Click on the Forgot your password?
  • A page for entering information for recovery will open - at the very bottom of the main window, find the link intended for use in case of loss of access to the device;

  • Click on the Next button;
  • The following window will open in which you must enter as much information as you know about the account you are using - the application is sent to Help Desk. And then it is considered real people, therefore you need to convincingly prove that you are the owner of the page;

  • Click the Submit Application button;
  • Enter your email address for communication– your application will be accepted for consideration, and as soon as the consideration is completed, the result will be sent to you by email;
  • If you find the wrong page to which you want to restore access, click on the link in the appropriate field on the right top corner main window;

In most cases, the VKontakte Support Service meets users halfway and restores access to the page even if there is minimum quantity data.

However, the human factor plays a big role. And if your “evidence” does not seem very convincing to a particular employee, he will have the right to refuse access to the page.

Therefore, it is better not to lose passwords and logins.

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