Migratory birds: names for children, description, list. Photos of migratory birds with names for children

When environmental or food conditions change, many birds fly to warmer climes. This may also be due to the characteristics of their reproduction. These living creatures have a high level of mobility, which is not available to other birds. The article will look at photos of migratory birds with names for children, after studying which, the child will begin to clearly distinguish between the types of living creatures and independently determine which of them fly to warm countries for the winter and which prefer cold climates.

This article indicates a variety of migratory routes for children and the description will serve as an excellent opportunity to set a starting point for a child’s development in the environmental field of knowledge. Thanks to this, from a very young age a person will be able to lay the foundations of a new science in his mind.

Famous Names for Children of Different Ages

So, only those that fly to warm regions in the winter should be classified as migratory birds. The fact is that these creatures are warm-blooded (41 degrees is their average body temperature). Therefore, they can easily maintain active positions in winter. But the problem is that not all of them are able to get food in the cold season, because the cover of the earth’s surfaces freezes, and the inhabitants of the sky need to eat a lot, since the energy they expend significantly exceeds the level that is allowed in the warm season. This is the reason for saying goodbye to the Motherland and flying to countries with a warm climate.

Representatives of the group considered include: swallow, lapwing, lark, robin, oriole, wood pipit, redstart, black-headed warbler and many others. In addition to migratory birds, there are also sedentary (remain to winter in their native lands) and nomadic (migrate depending on the severity of the season) inhabitants of the sky. Below will be described in detail and presented photos of migratory birds with names for children.

In what order do birds fly away?

It should be noted that the birds leave their native lands gradually. It has been established in society that the very first to open their wings are migratory birds (names for children are presented below), which feed on insects (insectivores). It is important to note that such creatures tend to sing very well.

In the process of many years of research, it was noted that migratory birds (names for children; see the list of birds below), such as the swift and swallow, become the initial link in the opening of the season of farewell to their native lands. Then they fly away to southern countries (for example, swans). And this is not surprising, because all bodies of water, without exception, are covered with ice immediately after sub-zero temperatures become appropriate. The next one to fly away is the crane (this happens at the beginning of the first autumn month), followed by the rook.

The final link in this list are geese and ducks (the latter leave the region later than everyone else). There are many cases where ducks preferred not to fly to southern countries, but to stay in their native places. But this phenomenon occurs only if their home or pond does not freeze. Therefore, it is popular among people that it is ducks who carry frost and winter on their tails.

Fundamental differences between migratory and nomadic birds

Migratory birds (names for children (middle group): rook, swan, duck, nightingale, lark and others) are examined in great detail. All that remains is to draw a line of difference between them and nomadic living beings. So, migratory birds will in any case prefer to leave their homeland with the onset of cold weather, regardless of various circumstances. They have flight at the genetic level, so it is impossible to contradict nature in this case.

Migratory birds (names for children) are capercaillie, pika, woodpecker, hazel grouse, black grouse, crossbill, jay, titmouse and many others.

Nomadic birds themselves determine whether to fly to southern countries or not. This decision depends on the weather conditions in your native area. If the winter promises to be warm, then jackdaws, siskins, shuras, bullfinches, nuthatches and other representatives of the group in question will happily stay in their homeland for the winter. And if they feel the severity of the approaching season, they will undoubtedly fly away to warmer climes (for example, a sparrow will most likely remain in its territory if its place of residence is the European part of Russia; in the case of Central Asia, it will fly to distant India) .

Flight principles of the birds in question

Thanks to the development of science, a considerable amount of information has been collected about bird migrations. In this section, you should find out how birds navigate and how flocks are formed during the flight.

For absolute navigation of the creatures in question during long-distance flights, guidance by the earth's magnetic field takes place. That is, a starling can return from southern countries to its homeland only by understanding the direction of the north magnetic pole; in addition, it is able to easily determine its location, as well as the direction necessary for returning.

The formation of a flock occurs in a very interesting way, since the dynamics of its light and dark elements play a central role in this process. The fact is that birds thus maintain a certain level of density necessary to collect the necessary information from their neighbors through signs and actions developed at the genetic level.

Migratory birds. Names for children. Rook as the most famous inhabitant of the sky of this group

Of the huge variety of migratory birds, the rook occupies a special place. That is why people call him the harbinger of winter. This inhabitant of the sky arrives in mid-March, and leaves their native land only in late autumn (late October or early November).

An interesting feature of rooks is the ability to imitate human speech, and this is one of the reasons why they are so revered in society. The length of an adult bird is approximately 45 centimeters, but its weight varies from 310 to 490 grams. Visually, the rook resembles a crow, but its difference is in the relative slenderness and surface of the feathers, which are endowed not only with a black color, but also with a purple tint.

The bird's beak is very thin, but at the same time straight. This arrangement allows them to freely obtain food from all sorts of places (for example, they can easily afford to get food from underground). Rooks are not at all picky about their diet; they eat earthworms, rodents, and so on.

As for the benefit to society that the birds in question bring, it is undoubtedly great, because rooks are active eaters of flora pests. These include caterpillars, bedbugs, rodents and others. And this is another reason why people are crazy about rooks.

Swallow as one of the most common migratory birds

Most likely, in the absence of evidence, no one would have thought that such a small and fragile bird could cover enormous distances. But this is true; in addition, the swallow carries out the presented process twice a year. Although it should be noted that the flight poses a huge danger for it, which is why the swallow often does not reach its destination (the entire flock may die). As a rule, this situation happens in unfavorable weather conditions.

The bird in question looks truly impeccable, because its elongated wings and clear tail cut do their job. It is important to note that the swallow is a perfect inhabitant of the sky, because this bird is rarely seen on earth. The interesting thing is that during the flight she can sleep, eat and even mate.

The species diversity of swallows is very wide: in nature there are about 120 species. These inhabitants of the sky quickly get used to new conditions, which is why they can be found everywhere except Australia and Antarctica. Swallows feed exclusively on insects, taking them out from under the ground or finding them in the bark of trees.

The nightingale and the nature of its life activity

As can be seen from the article, all migratory birds (names for children can be found as you read) have fundamental differences. The last candidate for consideration is the nightingale, popularly known as a magnificent singer.

Why does the nightingale sing? The fact is that directly during this process the bird completely forgets about all the dangers that threaten it. She simply lowers her wings and enjoys her art (it would be great if a person could get a similar result from singing!).

In winter, this inhabitant of the sky flies towards North Africa, and returns back in the spring. As a rule, in mid-April there is already an opportunity to observe the nightingale, because it is at this time that the first insects appear - and the bird can feed fully. The nightingale weighs very little, only 25 grams, and its color is very dark with a brownish-gray tint. That is why the bird looks miniature, and one cannot even believe that it is capable of long-distance flights.

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