Spelling zs. Find the odd one in each group of words

written with the letter z before vowels and before voiced consonants (b, v, g, d, zh, z, l, m, n, r) and with the letter s before voiceless consonants (k, p, s, t, f, x , c, h, w, sh). For example: voiceless - classless, excitement - recollection, run up - uplift, expel - spoil, bring down - descend, distribute - waste, excessive - squanderer.
  1. In the prefix raz- (ras-) - roz- (ros-) you write without emphasis;; a, under the accent - o. For example: distribute - distributed.
  2. The prefix s- is written both before voiceless and voiced consonants. For example: hide - run away, push - do.
Exercise 158. Fill in the missing letters.
No...voice, no...baby, no...tasty, no...paid, no...selfish, no...merciful, no...road, no...ceremonious, no. ..characteristic, serene...rebellious, be...moral, be...intelligent, sinless, be...vital, be...numbered, be...noisy, resigned, be...ultimate, white...leafy.
Exercise 159. Form words with the following prefixes:
cart war- (obstruct, glorify, give, demand, be proud, praise, become, burn);
from is- (live, chill, dry, wither, pour, scratch,
times dis- (think, call, prick, flog, ask, bloom,
scratch, move).
Exercise 160. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.
1. As this lamp pales before the clear entrance of the dawn, so false wisdom flickers and smolders before the immortal sun of the mind (P.). 2. In a crowded street, you can hear two or three people talking to each other a mile away (Gonch.). 3. Spring has come, everything has become green, blossomed, blossomed (Ax.). 4. The pre-dawn wind has blown, and the crimson sun is quietly floating in... (T.). 5. ...Ilyusha’s pursed lips did not move, ...the raised eyebrows did not ... move (T.). 6. The ferret didn’t tell everything, he himself asked me about a lot (T.). 7. I mercilessly drove the exhausted horse (L.). 8. Looking at the stars, Hadji Murat read that it was already past midnight (L. T.). 9. No...- no endless reeds stretched all the way to the mountains (L.T.). 10. Even in a dream strong man seems un...protective and un...helpful (M.G.). I. The flame wavered, trembled, as if silently talking about something (M. G.). 12. Occasionally they... fell into the gap Sun rays, in...a summer-like blue patch of sky was puffing (Shol.). 13. On good terms...the cook was friends with the dark-skinned pitcher (I.O.).
  1. The sensible and serious sailor patiently listened to all the stories about life (N.O.). 15. Alexey’s hand ran over whatman paper, drawing a long outline with a pencil (Already).
Reference. The difference in spellings calculation - calculate is due to the rule: before - even one s is written (except for the word uncountable), before - chit two s.
Exercise 161. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters; put emphasis.
R...play, r...play, r...write-off, r...write-off, r...lower, r...descent, r...collapse, r...collapse, r. ..search, r...search, r...tell, r...tale, r...list, r...list, r...sprinkle, r...sprinkle.
Exercise 162. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters; Highlight the roots in the words below.
No...any, NOW...SHY, develop, ...do, ...giving, ...dacha, ...doba, ...despicable, ...to die, not visible ni...gi, so...give, ...make friends, ra...be friends, ...burn, ...health, ...reap, ra...reap, ...double, ra ...to double, ...to live.


It's about about consoles from- (is-), without- (bes-), times- (ras-), through- (resur-), up- (all-), bottom- (nis-), through- (through-). It is believed that with the letters Z and S we have different spellings of the same prefixes. In fact: IZ and IS have the same meaning: outward movement. And since there is one meaning, then there is one prefix.

At the end of the prefix it is written Z, if the root or next prefix begins with vowel or voiced consonant. Before voiceless consonant is written WITH. The easiest formula to remember is: deaf with deaf, voiced with voiced. Although this formulation is a little incorrect with scientific point terms are used, but it is easy to remember and convenient to use when writing.

The variability of consonants in these prefixes is determined by pronunciation. Before voiceless consonants, [S] is pronounced and written WITH, and before voiced consonants and vowels [З] is pronounced and written Z. The sound at the end of the prefix is ​​deafened or voiced under the influence of neighboring consonants or vowels.

The rule cannot be used if you do not know which letters represent voiceless consonants and which represent voiced consonants. Many people believe that the letter C stands for ringing sound. Indeed, it sounds louder than other voiceless consonants, but is considered voiceless. Repeat this material.

voiced b V G d and h th l m n R
deaf P f To T w With X ts h sch


cloudless (before a vowel);

useless (before deaf);

ruthless (before voiced);

Unpack (before deaf)

crush (before the voiced);

and Scratch (in front of a deaf person);

Product (before the voiced);

ignite (in front of a deaf person);

vozdelat (before voiced);

to fall down (in front of a deaf person);

to overthrow (before the voiced);

Remember the spelling of words that are often misspelled:


and Disappear

and from under your brows

and Below







and get scratched

When and why did the rule arise?

But Lomonosov wrote “it seems to me,” leaving native speakers freedom of choice, and besides, he himself did not always adhere to the put forward principle. Therefore, almost until the end of the 19th century, the rule was advisory in nature and people wrote prefixes without any rules, as they heard, “at will.” And the tradition of writing S in cases of deafening and Z in cases of voicing of consonants developed by itself. But when developing the first spelling rules, 19th century philologists introduced a restriction: "The prefixes without- and through- are always written through s: careless, immeasurable, extra-band. The remaining prefixes (raz-, iz-, voz- and others) are retained s before s and voiced consonants, and before deaf ones they are taken with: story, uprising, forbid, get rid of, question, proceed, raise up." As you can see, it has become much more difficult to remember in which prefixes and in what cases it is necessary to write Z. It was necessary to write not as one hears, but differently. In this version, the rule did not last long. The Russian language reform of 1918 greatly simplified it.

Regarding the spelling of the prefix without- (without-) disputes have not stopped for almost a hundred years, since the reform. It was then that it was customary to write this prefix based on phonetic principle(voiceless with voiceless, voiced with voiced). Before the reform there was only one option - without. The remaining prefixes ending in Z and S, by that time in most cases it had already been customary to write them the way we write them now.

The controversy was caused by the coincidence of the prefix imp- and the noun demon. Opponents of the reform believe that demons have been introduced into the language, which will certainly destroy Orthodoxy, and possibly the entire Russian people.

During the same reform, the spelling of the prefix through- (through-) also changed. Before the reform there was only one variant of the prefix and the word too it was written like this: "too much".

The rule acquired legal force, like all other rules of Russian spelling, in 1956. In the set of rules it sounds like this: " In prefixes without-, voz-, vz-, iz-, niz-, raz-, roz-, through- (through-) before voiceless k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, sch written with instead of z, for example: useless, educate, plow, bite, overthrow, scatter, painting, striped, but: tasteless, mediocre, take a nap, excite, deliver, etc.” And it is this formulation that can be used in appeals.

What to pay attention to

  • There is no single prefix in Russian Z, there is only the prefix C, which is written Always equally before voiced and voiceless consonants. Made, Escaped, Moved, Raked. Let's consider a couple of wordsWITH beat - raZbeat(in the first word there is a prefix WITH, in the second the prefix ends in Z, since the root begins with a voiced consonant).
  • In words Building, Here, Health, no Zgi(not visible) letter Z is part of the root. These words are not exceptions and have nothing to do with this rule at all, but it is better to remember them so as not to confuse them when writing with words with prefixes.
  • Pay attention to the spelling of words in which double consonants з or s occur at the junction of the prefix and the root. If the root begins with Z or S, at the junction of the prefix and the root it is written ZZ or SS.
  • The prefix may not be at the beginning of the word. Here are examples. In a word Miro WHO vision console WHO ended up in front of the second root. This does not prevent the rule regarding prefixes from being applied. It never ceases to be a prefix. Thus arises double letter Z in the middle of a word (voz - prefix, zren - root). Re-Deal. Some people write in this word Z, believing that perez- this is a prefix and the choice of letter is influenced by the voiced D. But such a prefix does not exist. This word has two prefixes: per and C.
  • A consonant sound can be deafened or voiced not in the prefix, but in the root, and, of course, the rule regarding prefixes does not affect the choice of letter in any way. For example, in words close, inferior Z is part of the root, so before the voiceless K and Sh we still write Z. You can make a mistake in fishing close-sitting having accepted near for the console. It is obvious that the root seed. Butnear is not a prefix. This is the first root. See more details Spelling of consonants in the root of a word
  • Foreign consoles dis- And dis- are always written the same way, the adjacent letter does not affect the choice of Z or S: disbalance, disharmonious, disqualification, diSgraphia, disinfection. Foreign language prefixes and combinations DEZ(DE)-, DIS(S)-, EKZ(EX)- end with - Z only before vowels: deactivation, disassociation, disjunction, exalted - BUT! decapitalization, devaluation, dysbiosis, discrimination, experiment

E.A. Makovey, Russian language teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Adygeisk,
A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling of prefixes

Console, prefix (from lat. praefixus“attached in front”) is the part of the word before the root. In Russian words, there can be from 1 to 3 prefixes before the root: tremble, join, open. Most Russian prefixes coincide in form and partly in meaning with prepositions (bezdorozhny - without a road, verbal - from the verb, from below, from under the forehead - from under the forehead), particles (not appearing - not to appear). Among the prefixes of the Russian language there are a number of borrowed ones: A in the meaning of “not”, anti - “against”, archi - “very”, counter - “against”, pan - “all”, sub - “under”, trans - “through” and etc.

2.1. Spelling of immutable prefixes
Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable, i.e. Regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written uniformly. The spelling of such prefixes should be remembered. For a list of unchangeable prefixes, see the table:

called out, stop, sediment, go numb

get there, get there, guess

belief, courtyard, cut, rely

boil, gap, trick, grow

IN special significance: (meaning of kinship) great-grandmother, proto-language

attack, cover, overtake

wonder, prisoner, pick up, hammer


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, sharpen, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, move aside, open


trim, grind, wipe, go around

V- (VO-)

to your heart's content, to sew in, to cling to, to involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, distortion

C- (CO-)

get lost
give up
make friends
bend over

There is no prefix in the words:
no way
and cognates.

2.2. Spelling of prefixes in ...z - ...s
In the Russian language there are prefixes in which letters alternate Z And WITH :

In..click; along the...walking; ..do; burn..burn.

The choice of consonant is carried out according to the following rule:

2.3. Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Words starting with pre- And at-, have in Russian different origins.
Some came from Latin. In such words the Latin prefix prae- became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, bonus, claim, applicant, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language borrowed and latin words with a root starting with at (priority, privilege, private).
Others are of Old Slavonic origin. They are characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-, which is often included in modern root(obstacle, resign, advantage, wonderful). In the language, these words retain their bookish character.
Finally, many words with pre- And at- are actually of Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to draw up a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, what is proposed below spelling rule suitable mainly for words in which the meaning of the prefix is ​​clearly guessed.

Let's remember some cases:

give shape, shine
bride's dowry
chapel of the temple
close the window
arrive at the train
hold the door open with a stick
lean your head to your shoulder
bow at the door
look after the orphan
get down to business
impregnable bastion
visiting doctor
make an effort
downplay (reduce a little)
put a chair
stick to
inapplicable technique
tolerate difficulties
pester with questions
to be present at the meeting

betray a friend, dreams
old legend
limit of patience
successor manager
the continuity of generations
misconception, vicissitudes of fate
bring ideas to life
be on vacation
bicker over trifles
bow your head in respect,
adamant person, old age,
bow to talent
despise cowards
break the law
has enduring significance
immutable law
downplay (reduce significantly)
repose (die)
stumbling block
an indispensable condition
undergo hardships, changes
unceasing, unceasing

2.4. Spelling of vowels in the prefixes NE- and NI- in
indefinite and negative pronouns,
pronominal negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to words of other parts of speech if they are formed from negative pronouns and adverbs: idleness, insignificant, worthless, worthless, draw.

2.5. Spelling of consonants at the junction of prefix and root.

Re + skaz = retelling (-s-)
ras + skaz = story (-ss-)
race + quarrel = quarrel (-ss-)

Remember:calculation (calc + even), but: calculate (calc + count);
uncountable (bes + s + even).

In words to tear apart, to tear apart, to ruin one 3 is written.


In prefixes ending in z, - without-, vz-, iz-, niz-, raz-, through-, through-, the consonant is written before vowels and voiced consonants, but is replaced by the letter s before voiceless ones (k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch), for example: harmless, ruthless - silent; collect, beat - plow; take effect, excite - perceive; find, publish - scratch; to overthrow - to fall; to swagger, to destroy - to split; search, rest - dissolution. At the same time, at the junction of the prefix and the root, the consonants s or s can be doubled: view - re-creation, provoke - tell, through the grain - cheresedelnik, etc.


1. In the words low, low and near, it is written z, since below and near are not prefixes.

2. The spelling of the words calculation, calculate - calculate, count, etc. is regulated special rule: s is written before the root -chet-, se - before the root -chit-. In the words razevat, razvorit, the final consonant of the prefix has dropped out, so they are written with one z.

Exercise 131. Form new words from these words using prefixes.

a) Without-/without-: poor extreme, heartfelt, painful, shaped, vital, valuable;

b) vz-/vs-: think, throw, heave, break, climb, blow, throw, kick;

c) voz-/revo-: vision, triumph, do, nourish, click, rotate, connect, title;

d) from-/is-: hell, spend, torture, drive, cut, scoop, dry, run, follow, flog; e) bottom-/nis-: lead, send, rush, let, walk;

f) open/open: let, cover, beat, drink, lead, blow, give, even, read;

g) over-, through-/over-, over-: measured, stripe, over-the-top.

Exercise 132. Rewrite the words, underline the prefixes and explain their spelling. Pay special attention to cases of doubling of consonants at the junction of prefix and root.

Helpless, selfless, restless, thoughtless, continuous, defenseless, beg, stir up, stand up, cock, excite, lift up, chant, praise, be proud, speckled, torn out, carry, freeze, dry up, overthrow, overthrow, flare up, judge, scold, dispel, dispel, calculation, pay off, blossom, dawn.

Exercise 133. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. One thing is important - to revive, to set in motion the untouched layer of those personal impressions of existence that lies in the soul of everyone and usually... rots fruitlessly. (Gorky) 2. Tanya looked at the other faces and saw that many were smiling and sobbing at the same time, looking at the passing cadets. (Sim.) 3. If in a week I don’t hear that I’ve gone to the front myself, keep in mind, I’ll help you get it booked. (Sim.) 4. Viktor Sidorovich, even without Kaplin’s parting words, sat at the plenum with an iron-clad internal attitude: not to give in to pressure, but to make a commitment, and... based on real opportunities. (Alex.) 5. Burning with a thirst for revenge, the guest now behaved more than quietly and modestly. (Alex.) 6. The blade entered the board easily and silently, like in butter. (Rec.) 7, Nikolai squinted from the bright midday light and laughed - to express this pleasant feeling, in order to ... frighten the surrounding silence. (Rec.) 8. Nikolai has met such strange guys more than once here in the North. They seem to be dudes, but they seem to work no worse than others. And they climb into the taiga without fear - to probe the ground there... by digging. And they feed the mosquitoes in the swamps - and... groundwater follows. And nothing, they don’t complain. They just sing homemade songs, which either make the girls blush or cry... (Rec.)

Spelling of prefixes ending with the letters Z and S

1. In prefixes ending in Z and S, the spelling of the final consonant depends on the pronunciation: before voiceless consonants they pronounce [s] and write “s”, and before voiced consonants and vowels they pronounce [z] and write “z”.
Consider examples:
In the same way as the prefix RAZ-(RAS-), the spelling of the prefixes IZ- (IS-), WHO- (VOS-), Bez- (BES-), NIZ- (NIS-), VZ- (VS-) is checked. , WHO- (WOS-), etc.

2. Please note: the prefix C- belongs to the group of prefixes that are always written the same way; it does not change depending on the sounds that come after it.
Compare: S-DO, S-THROW.

3. In addition, you need to remember that the words HERE, HERE, BUILDING, HEALTH, HELLO always begin with the letter “Z”.


1. In the middle of the forest, in a cleared and cultivated clearing, stood the lonely estate of Khorya. (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)
2. The door swung open completely silently, and the young beautiful woman in a white apron and lace headdress she appeared before the dog and the master. (M. A. Bulgakov, “Heart of a Dog”)
3. The officer, intoxicated by the wine, the game and the laughter of his comrades, considered himself severely offended and, in a rage, grabbed a copper shandal from the table and launched it at Silvio... (A.S. Pushkin, “Shot”)
4. I grabbed the papers and quickly took them away, fearing that the staff captain would not repent. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Hero of Our Time”)
5. Try to look at the lightning when, having cut through coal-black clouds, it unbearably trembles with a whole flood of shine. (N.V. Gogol, “Rome”)
6. Returning to the living room, the three of them sat down: the old men remembered the old times and anecdotes of their service, and Alexey was thinking about what role he should play in the presence of Lisa. (A.S. Pushkin, “The Young Lady-Peasant”)
7. The centurion sat almost motionless in his little room; the same reliable sadness that he had met before on his face remained in him to this day. (N.V. Gogol, “Viy”)
8. Crossing himself and muttering something, a sad little man flew by, without a hat, with a completely insane face, and a scratched bald head and in completely wet pants. (M. A. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”)
9. ... How unspeakably magnificent and clear the day becomes when the light finally triumphs and last waves of warmed fog, they either roll and spread themselves like tablecloths, then curl and disappear in the blue, gently shining heights... (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)
10. We sat down at the table; the owner was extremely in spirit, and soon his gaiety became general; the corks were popping every minute, the glasses were foaming and hissing incessantly, and with all possible zeal we wished the departing Bon Voyage and every good thing. (A. S. Pushkin, “Shot”)
11. He stopped short and again stared at me with the same wide eyes and with the same long, convulsive, meaninglessly questioning smile, expanding more and more. (F. M. Dostoevsky, “Teenager”)
12. The sight of his crumbling yard, the greatly changed sight of a wizened and strangely quiet, slightly crazy mother, did not make any impression on him. (I. A. Bunin, “Merry Yard”)
13. Curiosity began to bother me, and I hoped that the punch would solve the language of my old acquaintance. (A. S. Pushkin, “The Station Agent”)
14. The whole day the undertaker rode from Razgulay to the Nikitsky Gate and back; By evening he had settled everything and went home on foot, dismissing his driver. (A. S. Pushkin, “The Undertaker”)
15. As soon as the countess leaves, her people will probably disperse, the doorman will remain in the entryway, but he usually goes to his closet. (A. S. Pushkin, “The Queen of Spades”)
16. Elena was alone and therefore could not control herself and talked either in a low voice or silently, barely moving her lips... (M. A. Bulgakov, “The White Guard”)
17. Someone’s eyes, black, black, and moles on the right cheek, matte, dimly flickered in the sleepy darkness. (M. A. Bulgakov, “The White Guard”)
18. Many residents of St. Petersburg, who spent their childhood in a different climate, are subject to the strange influence of the cheap sky. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
19. What were his intentions, fears and hopes, only God knows, but, apparently, he was ready to take a decisive step, to give a new direction to his life. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
20. Finally, the door opened, and he slowly walked up the wide stairs. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
21. The office alone can sometimes reveal household secrets, but the office is as impenetrable to outside visitors as the heart... (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
22. It’s strange, Pechorin thought, getting into the sleigh, there was a time when I read on her face all the movements of thought as erroneously as my own manuscript, but now I don’t understand her, I don’t understand her at all. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
23. These _ Denmark, which at first glance only surprise you as everything great, over time _ become invaluable to you, when you remember that _ our enlightenment developed and grew here... (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya")
24. A forester was fussing about a chopped tree on the ground; he held the thief under him and twisted his hands behind his back with a sash. (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)
25. With one turn, Biryuk yanked the man’s sash from his elbows, grabbed him by the collar, pulled his hat over his eyes, opened the door and pushed him out. (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)

The exercise was prepared by N.V. Solovyova and B.A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

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