Prey to incapacitate Dal. Prey

From now on, just take it for granted that every next location will be littered with enemies: both Dahl’s combat robots and Typhons. There is no particular point in fighting them at this stage - no one will let you explore the environment at your own pace.

Dahl himself is in the Life Support department, and, more specifically, in the oxygen flow control room. In order to prevent him from causing even more chaos than he has already done, we strongly recommend that you take the mercenary out of action as soon as possible. If you also saved Dr. Igwe, this action will also have far-reaching consequences, which we will talk about a little later.

In the meantime, it is necessary to find Dahl himself. Take the main elevator to, you guessed it, the Life Support department and, after going down the stairs in the foyer, turn right. You will be taken to the atmosphere control room. The oxygen flow control room you need is located at right hand from the entrance, up the stairs. There are several ways to get there:

  • break (see screenshot above) the small window next to the stairs and crawl through the resulting hole;
  • crack the code panel next to the door - you will need the fourth level of the corresponding skill;

  • use the service hatch (see screenshot above) next to the fan control point - to reach it you will have to use a gypsum gun.

To neutralize Dahl, simply use a stun gun on him " Stunner" or skill " Electrostatic explosion" You can even temporarily pump out oxygen from the entire atmosphere control room (to do this, repair the fans and initiate disinfection at the terminal in the air filtration control room opposite).

After some time (if Dahl survived), Dr. Igwe will contact you and invite you to the neuromod implantation room on the second floor of the Neuromod Department. Follow Igwe's instructions and run on terminal necessary procedures– now the heroes have a qualified shuttle pilot at their disposal.


Where to get it: the quest is taken at the fitness center. Go to the marked window in the pool room and knock on it to speak with Danielle Shaw. She will ask you to kill the pretend cook.

Meeting with Danielle Shaw in the fitness center of the residential section.

The next time you will receive a message from her will be when you are in the data storage and download the drawing of Morgan's activator key from the computer.

To complete the quest, go to your office in the Talos 1 lobby and view email. There should be a letter “Morgan, read it!”

Important letter.

From it you will learn that Will Mitchell is an impostor - one of the volunteers. Follow the neuromod department and go upstairs. Go to the volunteer cabins where there was no light before. Use the terminal directly opposite the door, behind the counter, and select a volunteer with the required number for tracking. The number is visible in the description of the quest “Daniella Shaw” if you read the letter.

Only after you activate the beacon, go to the location “Talos Bridge-1”, go down the gravity lift and go into the capsule on the far left. There are two options - either you disarm the grenade and the fake Will Mitchell will die from natural death, or let it explode.

Caught red-handed!


Where to get it: when you need to get into the cargo bay through the hull of Talos-1, Dr. Igwe will contact you.

Dayo Igwe contacts you near the entrance to the cargo bay.

Fly to the container located not far from the entrance to the cargo bay and look at its number - 2312. Fly up to the cargo bay door to be contacted by Sarah Elazar. The control panel for cargo containers will become available. Fly up to it and enter number 2312, then select docking of the container. Then open it. Once inside, simply talk to Igwe to complete the quest and receive 2 Neuromods.


Where to get it: at the bottom of the cargo bay where the survivors' camp is located, talk to Kevin Hag.

He will ask you to find his wife Nicole. Head to the residential section and use the terminal to track Nicole's location. She will be in the guest room in the directors' suite. Kill the phantom and search to find a wedding ring.

Search of Nicole Hague's body in the Talos 1 lobby.

Since I did this in advance, I immediately gave the ring to Kevin and completed the quest.


Where to get it: automatically when meeting Sarah Elazar in the cargo hold.

You will have the option of not completing this task if you decide to simply hack the door leading to Cargo Bay B. Otherwise, turn on the power at the indicated marker, find the blueprint outside Talos 1 and install it in total 3 working turrets in front of the door to the next part of the cargo bay. Kevin Hague and Darcy Maddox are always standing at the right door.

The first turret is already here - just repair it. Nearby, find the terminal - the access code on Magill’s corpse, which was written about in the article on exploring the cargo compartment. Using the terminal, open the cells and find the second turret in one of them. The third turret is located behind the main gate of this part. Drag and fix. Another one, by the way, can be found in one of the containers near the airlocks of the cargo compartment (you got here through one such airlock). Once all three turrets are in the blue zone, the quest will complete and you will receive an access code.


Where to get it: listen to Tobias Frost's transcript, which you will find in the ventilation, behind the restroom in the life support compartment.

The corpse of Tobias Frost.

Follow the marker to the water treatment plant and immediately turn on the electricity on the right. Go up the stairs on the left and go through the room with two terminals. Follow the stairs even higher, jump onto the equipment under the ceiling and use the blue pipe on the other side to get closer to the back door. Jump over to the broken platform and enter the desired room.

A platform to jump onto.

Load the capsule into the device. The task is completed. Why was all this? Try drinking water from any fountain!


Where to get it: after reading one of the letters on the terminal in the security office in the life support compartment.

Wait until you find yourself at the power plant. Go to the room with the reactor. Here, according to the plot, you need to go down to the very bottom. But as soon as you find yourself in a large room, go along the balcony to the right. You will run into a grate, behind which you can see a hole in the wall. Go down a little lower using the propulsion system, where there will be a blue door that can be opened.

Now you need to go up this elevator shaft. Ideally, you can use the skills of the typhons, but if they are not there, then use the GIPS cannon to create a path to the top. By the way, you can enable tracking of Jeanne Foret in the security terminal.

The corpse of Jeanne Foret.

When you go upstairs and go through the ventilation, kill the phantom and mimic, and then search the corpse of Jeanne Foret. You will find the key card for the air filtration control room.

Go back to the life support compartment and go to the desired room. Open it with the key to complete the task and collect the reward.

SIDE QUEST “Sobering-up center”

Where to get it: the quest is taken after listening to Emily Carter's transcript in the room with escape capsules in the life support compartment.

Go to the water treatment plant (you can optionally activate the tracking of Price Broadway) and turn on the electricity on the remote control just outside the front door, near the corpse of Raya Leiruat. Climb the stairs on the left and enter the room at the top left. There are two terminals here. The password for the first one is in a note hidden in a container right next to it, on the left. Enter the terminal (you can hack it - “Hack-I”) and activate the only function available here. This is very important to do!

After this, go down to the waste workshop on the gravity lift and activate the “Eel Collection”. Eels and the corpse of Price Broadway will fall out of the device.

Broadway Price's Corpse.

The quest is completed.


Where to get it: Automatically, provided you saved Dr. Igwe.

After Dr. Igwe (if you saved him) gets to Morgan's office, then go to the residential section. When you are there, Igwe will automatically contact you and ask for a favor. This is how the quest begins.

Just go to Igwe's cabin and approach the pianist's painting. Through the inventory (Data - audio diaries) turn on Leitner's music. At the end of the loss, the safe will open. Take Gustav Leitner out of it with a connectom and take it to Igva, who will be in your office in the Talos-1 lobby. The quest is completed.

The right picture on the wall.


Where to get it: provided that you saved Ekaterina Ilyishina (they brought medicine). Talk to her once she reaches Morgan Yu's office.

If you helped Catherine and saved her life by getting the medicine, she will soon inform you that she has reached the office. Visit her in your office in the Talos 1 lobby and talk to her several times. She will eventually tell you about her father and ask for help. This is how the task begins.

Follow the data warehouse through the arboretum (elevator) and go to the second tier. Enter the terminal room and enter the password. Listen to the recording. You will have two options:

– Delete entry. Catherine will think that you didn't find anything.

– Move file. The file will move to the terminal in Morgan's office.

The required terminal.

In the second case, go back to your office in the Talos 1 lobby. Talk to Catherine a few times until she says something like “I can’t believe you managed to find...”. Only after this a second entry will appear on the terminal in the utilities. Turn it on and listen to it together. Catherine, naturally, will not be delighted. The quest is completed.


Where to get it: automatically when Dahl appears (after 1-2 minutes).

When, according to the plot, you try to download data after exploring the Coral nodes into Alex’s computer, Dahl will appear on Talos-1. To prevent him from tracking you, go to the data warehouse and go up to the terminal upstairs in Danielle Shaw's office. In the left terminal, enter the number of your bracelet - 0913. Confirm that you want to deactivate it. The quest is completed.


Where to get it: automatically after Dahl appears, when you need to destroy the Technique.

At the same time, Luther Glass will contact you and ask for help - he is locked in the emergency room, surrounded by aliens. Go there and kill all the fighting robots. If you don’t understand, Luther Glass has been dead for a long time, and his voice was imitated by one of the robots. It was a trap. Therefore, you can completely ignore the quest.


Where to get it: automatically a few minutes after Dal appears (Igwe will contact you).

When this task appears, then when Dahl appears, after a while Dr. Igwe will contact you and say that he needs to be neutralized. Go to the Talos 1 lobby and go up to Morgan's office. Talk to Igwe. Now complete the quest below, but do not kill, but neutralize Dahl (the method is described in the quest “Dahl’s Ultimatum”).

When you do this, Dr. Igwe will contact you after a while. Go to the neuromod department and follow the marker to the laboratory. Confirm the removal of the Neuromods by completing a number of other necessary operations.

This option opens the way for you to a different ending to the game.


Where to get it: automatically after the task related to the murder of Technician Dahl is activated.

When you get out after searching Dahl's shuttle, the villain will contact you and give you an ultimatum. Soon the people in the cargo hold will run out of air. You need to return it. Follow the airlock to the power plant and from there move to the life support compartment. To neutralize Dahl, you can proceed as follows:

- When you go to big hall with air filtration rooms and huge fans, then go around it so that you are at the opposite wall from front door. There is a woman's corpse here and there is a terminal. Using the terminal, turn off the fans. Go down to them and pull out the pipe from one of the fans. Go back upstairs.

– Now go not to the room where the distance is located, but to the room opposite. There is a terminal near the window through which you can clearly see Dahl. The terminal has a disinfection function. Activate it. Oxygen will disappear for a while and Dahl will lose consciousness. Mission completed without killing Dahl!

We neutralize Dahl.

Run to the room where Dahl is and return the part to the dashboard. Either repair this one, or create a new one at the fabricator - you could find the blueprint on the corpse of Max Weigel-Goetz in this location. The quest is completed.

To get into the room with Dahl, you can act in several ways. The first is to pick the lock (Hacking-IV), the most difficult. The second way is to go around the room and below, where the broken bridge is located, find a protective hatch on the wall. But to get to the hatch, you will have to drag two large loads and place them on top of each other - “Lift-II”.

Security hatch leading to the room with Dahl.

The third option is to break a window around the corner from the door. But the gap is too small, so to get inside through the window you cannot do without the skills of the Typhons.

Country: Germany
Dates of life: 03/27/1916 - 11/25/1985
Rank: Colonel (Oberst)
Air unit: JG3, JG300 Luftwaffe
Combat sorties: 678
Air victories: 129
Awards: Iron Cross 2nd class (das Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse), Iron Cross 1st class (das Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse), Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuz), Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuz mit Eichenlaub), German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold).

Born on March 27, 1916 in the town of Lug, 21 km east of Pirmasens, Germany. Military career Walter Dahl started on November 1, 1935 in infantry regiment. On January 18, 1938, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. In the spring of that year he transferred to the Luftwaffe and, after completing his training, he himself served in flight school as an instructor. 10/01/1940 Dahl received the rank of chief lieutenant.

In May 1941 he was sent to I1./JG3. Early in the morning On June 22, during the first combat mission on Eastern Front Dahl scored his first victory by shooting down an I-15bis near Lvov, Ukraine. However, his Bf-109E also received several hits in the engine and made an emergency landing. Once in position Soviet troops, Dahl managed to avoid capture and returned to his group a day later. On July 24 he was awarded Iron Cross 2nd class, and on September 14, after 10 victories, - Iron Cross 1st class. By October 15, he had shot down 17 aircraft: five SB-2s, three each Yak-1 and I-15bis, two DB-3s, one each I-153, I-16, Po-2 and R-5.

At the end of November, II./JG3 was first recalled to Germany, and then on January 10, 1942 it was transferred to Sicily. On April 2, Dahl achieved his 18th victory by shooting down a British Hurricane over the island of Malta.

In May of the same year, the group returned to the Eastern Front. In August 1942, Oberleutnant Dahl took up the post of adjutant of JG3. In the summer and autumn he shot down 25 planes in battles around Stalingrad. On 03/01/1943 he was awarded the title of Hauptmann, and on April 16, after 50 victories, he was awarded German Cross in Gold. In total, Dahl scored 77 victories in battles on the Eastern Front, including shooting down 34 Il-2s.

In May he was recalled to Berlin to the headquarters of the inspector of fighter aviation, Major General Galland. However, already on July 20 he was appointed commander of III./JG3 and returned to the front again. Since August, his group operated as part of the Reich air defense. On September 6, Dahl won his first victory over Western Europe, shooting down a B-17. On 01/01/1944 he was awarded the rank of major, and then on March 11 he was awarded Knight's Cross, to which he was introduced after another 64 victories.

On May 20, Major Dahl first led the fighter squadron special purpose(Jagdgeschwaderz.b.V), and then on June 27 - JG300. On September 13, during an attack by a B-17 formation, he rammed one bomber, while his FW-190A-8/R8 lost its propeller, and Dahl had to bail out.

On November 1, he received the rank of Oberst-Lieutenant. Soon after this, he entered into a bitter dispute with Goering about further tactics against groups of four-engine bombers, after which he was removed from command of the squadron and continued to fly with JG300 as an ordinary pilot. But this episode had no effect great influence for his future career. On January 26, 1945, Dahl was appointed inspector of Luftwaffe fighter aircraft, and on February 1 he was awarded Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves(Nr.725). In the spring, flying the Me-262 jet, he shot down five aircraft, including two B-17s and two P-47s (March 27). On April 26, Dal, north of Augsburg, shot down a P-5 ID - it was his 129th and last victory. On April 30 he received the rank of Oberst.

In total, Dahl flew 678 combat missions during World War II, and among the aircraft he shot down were 23 B-17s, seven B-24s, eight P-51s and 34 Il-2s.

Died November 25, 1985

Sources that were used in preparing material about the famous World War II pilot Walter Dahl:

  • Zefirov M.V. Who is who. Speed. - M.: AST - 2010


Several endings, but some of them, while seemingly individual, may have general consequences. One way or another, they all depend on what actions you take at the end of the game and throughout the story. The fate of the Typhons, the crew, and the entire Talos 1 will rest on your shoulders. Main character(-inya) will be able to either save himself (figuratively speaking), or destroy the station, and in different ways besides. There are also variant endings and achievements/trophies that require special conditions.

Below we will look at everything in detail and figure out what endings there are, what conditions are necessary and much more. There are also possibilities to save the team or not, whether to take them out on a shuttle, etc.

The material is large, so again you will have to break it into parts. This material contains two more and a different epilogue, a few words about Dahl’s shuttle and more. In total, we counted eight endings.

All solutions and eight endings of Prey 2017 part 2

During this ending you can get the achievement/trophy “Push the Fat Guy”, for which you just need to kill Alex, for example with a pistol shot.

Ending 4 Destruction of Talos 1 and escape

During Ending 3, there is an option not only for the hero to sacrifice, but also to escape - and there are two of them.

Ending 4a Destruction of Talos 1 and Escape (capsule)

During the 8-minute timer, you can travel to the top of the Arboretum and Alex's escape pod. It doesn’t matter whether you completed the task “Who are you, December” or not, the key card to the capsule is located in the “Residential Section” in Alex’s room. Use Alex's computer to pull a bridge to it and then head to the capsule and leave the station. That is, if you thought about it during ending 1 and decided to play some more, now is the time to use the capsule.

Ending 4b Destruction of Talos-1 and Escape (shuttle+crew)

After activating Talos-1 Self-Destruction, Walter Dahl will contact you and will inform you that he is ready to wait for you for evacuation. You will have 50 seconds to run from the Arboretum to the main elevator and go to Talos Hall 1 and then to the Shuttle Bay.. There will be enemies around you, so be careful and try to run away, time is running out.

If you saved the crew, then Aaron Ingram, Sarah Elazar, Doctor Igwe, Ekaterina Ilyushina (English version Mikhaila Ilyushin) will be waiting for you on the shuttle. You can even chat with each of them. Search the shuttle's hold using the key card that you were able to steal from Dahl. There will be neuromods and resources there.

When you are ready to take off, go to the cockpit and sit in the empty seat on the right next to Dahl. After this, the shuttle will leave the station and Talos 1 will complete its story.

Ending 4c Destroy Talos 1 and Escape (uncrewed shuttle)

This option is considered if you have killed all the crew members and no one will meet you on the shuttle except Dahl himself.

At the same time, there are some moments in the sequence of destruction of the crew . This option gives Awkward Ride Home achievement/trophy.

  1. Kill all living people that you come across until you complete the exploration of the Data Storage compartment.
  2. Save the life of Dr. Igwe in the Cargo Bay.
  3. Continue killing people until the station reboots.
  4. After a message from Igwe that he is in your office, go to Cargo compartment and kill everyone there.
  5. Continue the game until Dahl arrives.
  6. Complete the Missing Persons mission to earn the Missing Persons achievement/trophy. Total 265 people. The most convenient way is to use the security computer, which provides a list of all employees by station compartment. You choose one person - find, choose the next - go to the point and so on. We will not provide a list; it is freely available in the game.
  7. Make sure all the people are dead except Dahl, Alex and Igwe.
  8. Go to the Arboretum and at the moment when Dahl wants to kill Alex, prevent it, but do not kill Dahl.
  9. Complete "Incapacitate Dahl."
  10. Kill Dr. Igwe.
  11. Continue through the story and choose to destroy Talos-1.
  12. After activating the timer, head to Dahl's shuttle.
  13. Make sure that there is no one there except Dahl, otherwise you will have to load early saves and look for more survivors.


No matter what you choose at the end of the game, Morgan Yu will awaken in secret place surrounded by Alex and four cameramen. All of them will speak in the voices of Sarah Elazar, Dayo Igwe, Ekaterina Ilyushina, Danielle Shaw. They will do some retrospective on your entire game. How many and whom did you save, used the abilities of the Typhons and which neuromods, destroyed Talos-1 or saved them, what you did with Daniel and much more.

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