Rapunzel's Tangled Story read a fairy tale online. Brothers Grimm fairy tale "Rapunzel"

It is impossible to answer this question accurately, because different sources give their data. In addition, it is impossible to count the number of words in a language, since it is difficult to determine what exactly is considered a word. For example, the word dog Is it one word or two (a noun denoting the type of animal and the verb “to pursue”)? If we assume that there are two words, then should we take into account the change in the word (for example, dogs- plural noun h. and dogs- verb in present tense)?

Should medical and scientific terms, Latin from the jurisprudence dictionary, French culinary vocabulary, german words scientific style, Japanese words from the field of martial arts? Should Scottish dialect words, as well as teenage slang and abbreviations be included in the calculations?

There are over a million words in English

However, the Global Language Monitor (GLM), which observes and records the spread of English words around the world, manages to count new language education in paper and electronic media mass media, scientific and technical literature, blogs, social networks.

GLM estimates that the English language now has 1 million 4,910 words. Moreover, according to statistical data, a new word in English appears every 98 minutes (14.7 words per day).

Of course, even a native Englishman, let alone a foreigner, cannot overcome the level of 1 million 4,910 words. For those who study English as a foreign language, you need to know from 1500 to 3000 thousand words for everyday communication on various topics. This does not mean that you should stop at this level. Vocabulary needs to be replenished, preferably daily. Every day you need to learn at least five to ten new words, so your vocabulary will always be updated and alive.

Scholars have suggested that Shakespeare used between 20 and 24 thousand words in all of his works, 1,700 of which he coined himself. These neologisms became literary, which is why more than 50 Shakespearean neologisms are still used today.

For example, an adult native English speaker, depending on the level of education and erudition, uses from 10 to 50 thousand in his speech. lexical units. The average Englishman, American, Canadian, etc. know the meaning of about 75 thousand words, but not everyone actively uses them. Finally, in vocabulary An English baby between the ages of one and a half to two years - no more than five dozen lexical units.

Replenish your vocabulary every day, and your speech will be much richer!

Belatedly discovered some old news.

English passed the Million Word mark earlier today, June 10 at 10:22 am GMT
The Global Language Monitor announced today that Web 2.0 has bested Jai Ho, N00b and Slumdog as the 1,000,000 th English word or phrase added to the codex of fourteen hundred-year-old language. Web 2.0 is a technical term meaning the next generation of World Wide Web products and services. It has crossed from technical jargon into far wider circulation in the last six months…

At its current rate, English generates about 14.7 words a day or one every 98 minutes.

These are the fifteen finalists for the one millionth English word, all of which have met the criteria of a minimum of 25,000 citations with the necessary breadth of geographic distribution, and depth of citations.
1,000,000: Web 2.0 - The next generation of web products and services, coming soon to a browser near you.
999,999: Jai Ho! - The Hindi phrase signifying the joy of victory, used as an exclamation, sometimes rendered as “It is accomplished.” Achieved English-language popularity through the multiple Academy Award Winning film, “Slumdog Millionaire”.
999.998: N00b — From the Gamer Community, a neophyte in playing a particular game; used as a disparaging term.
999,997: Slumdog - a formerly disparaging, now often endearing, comment upon those residing in the slums of India.
999,996: Cloud Computing - The ‘cloud’ has been technical jargon for the Internet for many years. It is now passing into more general usage.
999,995: Carbon Neutral - One of the many phrases relating to the effort to stem Climate Change.
999,994: Slow Food — Food other than the fast-food variety hopefully produced locally (locavores).
999,993: Octomom - The media phenomenon relating to the travails of the mother of the octuplets.
999,992: Greenwashing - Re-branding an old, often inferior, product as environmentally friendly.
999,991: Sexting - Sending email (or text messages) with sexual content.
999,990: Shovel Ready - Projects are ready to begin immediately upon the release of federal stimulus funds...

In addition, the 1,000,001 st word is Financial Tsunami - The global financial restructuring that seemingly swept out of nowhere, wiping out trillions of dollars of assets, in a matter of months
Each word was analyzed to determine which depth (number of citations) and breadth (geographic extent of word usage), as well as number of appearances in the global print and electronic media, the Internet, the blogosphere, and social media (such as Twitter and YouTube). The Word with the highest PQI score was considered the 1,000,000th English language word. The Predictive Quantities Indicator (PQI) is used to track and analyze word usage.
Global Language Monitor has been tracking English word creation since 2003. Once it identifies new words (or neologisms) it measures their extent and depth of usage with its PQI technology.


As of October 4, 2009, there are already 1,002,116 words in the English language.

How many words are there in modern Russian?
At what rate does the number of words in it increase?
Is anyone monitoring it?

Bye maximum score- V. Dahl’s dictionary, about 200 thousand words.

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Salad (Rapunzel)

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife, and they really wanted a child. Finally, their dream came true. When the wife was expecting a child, she sometimes looked out of the window at the neighboring garden, where delicious heads of lettuce grew.

But the garden belonged to a witch and no one dared to go there.

After some time, the wife could only think about the salad. She became paler and paler. Finally, the husband became so alarmed that he decided to climb into the garden at night to pick some lettuce. I did it as I intended. My wife ate the salad and immediately wanted more. The husband sneaked into the garden again.

But this time the witch caught him:

How dare you steal my salad! - the old woman creaked.

The frightened husband spoke about his wife's request.

“Take as much salad as you want,” said the witch. - But in return you will give me the baby.

The poor guy had to agree.

As soon as the child was born, and it was a girl, the sorceress took her to her and raised her as her own daughter. She named the girl Salad.

Salad grew up and turned into such a beauty that the witch decided not to show her to anyone.

As soon as the girl turned twelve years old, the witch locked her in high tower in the middle of a dense forest. Visiting the girl, the witch called her:

Salatochka, Salatochka, let your hair down.

Then the girl threw her braid over the window and the witch climbed up it into the tower.

Several years passed, a prince was passing through the forest and heard wonderful singing. It was Saladochka who sang for her pleasure. Admired by her singing, the prince looked in vain for the entrance to the tower.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife; they had wanted to have a child for a long time, but he still didn’t have one; and finally, the wife had hope that the merciful Lord would fulfill her desire.

And they had a small window in their little room; from there they could see a magnificent garden, where many beautiful flowers and all kinds of greenery grew. But the garden was surrounded by a high fence, and no one dared to enter it, since this garden belonged to a certain witch; she had great power, and everyone in the world was afraid of her.

Once the wife stood at the window, looked into the garden and saw a garden bed, and the most beautiful rapunzel growing on it; he looked so fresh and so green that she passionately wanted to taste this rapunzel. This desire in her grew more and more every day, but since she knew that it was impossible for her to get it, she became all thin, turned pale and looked unhappy. The husband got scared and asked:

What do you, my little wife, lack?

“Oh,” she says, “if I don’t get green rapunzel from the garden behind our house and try it, then I have only one thing left to do—to die.”

The husband loved her very much and thought: “If my wife has to die because of this, then I will get Rapunzel for her, no matter what it costs me.”

And so, at dusk, he climbed over the stone fence into the witch’s garden, hastily picked a whole handful of green rapunzel and brought it to his wife.

She immediately made herself a salad from it and ate it greedily. And she liked this salad so much, it seemed so tasty to her that the next day she had a desire three times greater than before. And she could not find peace for herself until her husband agreed to climb into the garden again.

He made his way there at dusk, climbed through the stone fence, but was very frightened when he saw a witch in front of him.

“How dare you climb into my garden,” she said, looking at him angrily, “and steal from me, like a thief, my green Rapunzel?” You will feel bad for this.

“Oh,” he replied, “you will forgive me, because I decided on this out of necessity: my wife saw your green rapunzel from the window and felt such a passion for it that, perhaps, she would have died if she had not tasted it.”

The witch's anger passed a little, and she told him:

If it is true what you say, then I will allow you to collect as many Rapunzels as you wish, but on one condition: you will have to give me the child that will be born to your wife. He will be fine with me, I will take care of him like my own mother.

And out of fear he agreed to everything. When the time came for the wife to give birth and she gave birth to a daughter, the witch immediately appeared, named the child Rapunzel and took him with her.

Rapunzel became the most beautiful girl in the world. When she was twelve years old, the witch locked her in a tower that was in the forest; in that tower there were no doors or stairs, only at the very top there was a small window. When the sorceress wanted to climb the tower, she stood at the bottom and shouted:

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up

Pull your pigtails down.

And Rapunzel had long beautiful hair, thin, as if made from golden yarn. She will hear the voice of the witch, unravel her braids, tie them at the top to the window hook, and her hair will fall as much as twenty arshins down, and then the witch will climb up, clinging to them.

Several years passed, and it happened that the king's son was riding on a horse through the forest where the tower stood.

Suddenly he heard singing, and it was so pleasant that he stopped and began to listen. It was Rapunzel who sang a song in her wonderful voice while passing the time alone. The prince wanted to climb up, and he began to look for the entrance to the tower, but it was impossible to find it. He went home, but the singing sank into his soul so much that he went out into the forest every day and listened to it.

Once he stood behind a tree and saw the witch appear and heard her scream.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up! Get your pigtails down!

Rapunzel pulled her braids down and the witch climbed up to her.

“If this is the ladder that people climb up, then I would like to try my luck one day,” and the next day, when it was already getting dark, the prince rode up to the tower and shouted:
- Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up, put your braids down!

And immediately the hair fell down, and the prince climbed up.

Rapunzel, seeing that a man whom she had never seen had entered her, was at first very frightened. But the prince spoke kindly to her and told her that his heart was so touched by her singing and there was no peace for him anywhere, and so he decided to definitely see her.

Then Rapunzel stopped being afraid, and when he asked her if she agreed to marry him - and he was young and handsome - she thought: “He will love me more than the old woman Frau Gothel,” and she gave her consent and extended her hand to him. She said.

I will willingly go with you, but I don’t know how to get down. When you come to me, take a piece of silk with you every time; I will weave a ladder out of it, and when it is ready, I will go down and you will take me away on your horse.

They agreed that he would come to her in the evenings, since the old woman came during the day. The witch did not notice anything until one day Rapunzel spoke to her and said:

Tell me, Frau Gothel, why is it harder for me to drag you upstairs than the young prince? He rises to me in an instant.

Oh you nasty girl! - the witch shouted. What do I hear? I thought that I hid you from everyone, but you still deceived me! - And in a rage she grabbed Rapunzel’s beautiful hair, wrapped it several times around her left hand, and with her right grabbed the scissors and - chick-chick! - she cut them off, and the wonderful braids lay on the ground.

And the witch was so merciless that she led poor Rapunzel into a remote thicket; and she had to live there in great poverty and grief.

And on the same day that she drove Rapunzel away, in the evening she tied the cut off braids to the window hook and when the prince appeared and shouted:
- Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up,
Get your pigtails down! Then the witch pulled her hair down.

And the prince climbed up, but did not find his beloved Rapunzel there, but saw a witch. She looked at him with her evil, sarcastic gaze.

Yeah! - she shouted mockingly. “You want to take your beloved away, but the beautiful bird is no longer in the nest, and she no longer sings.” The cat carried her away, and she will also scratch your eyes out. You have lost Rapunzel forever, you will never see her again!

The prince was beside himself with grief and jumped out of the tower in despair; he managed to save his life, but the thorny thorns of the bush on which he fell gouged out his eyes. And he wandered blindly through the forest, eating only roots and berries, and all the time he grieved and cried for the beloved wife he had lost.

So he wandered for several years in grief and sadness and finally came into a dense thicket where Rapunzel lived in poverty along with her twin children whom she gave birth to, a boy and a girl.

Suddenly the prince heard someone’s voice; he seemed so familiar to him, and he went to meet him; and when he came closer, Rapunzel recognized him, threw herself on his neck and cried bitterly. But two tears fell into his eyes, and he regained his sight and began to see as before.

And he brought her to his kingdom, where they met him with joy, and they lived for many, many years in happiness and contentment.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife; they had wanted to have a child for a long time, but he still didn’t have one; and finally, the wife had hope that the merciful Lord would fulfill her desire.

And they had a small window in their little room; from there they could see a magnificent garden, where many beautiful flowers and all kinds of greenery grew. But the garden was surrounded by a high fence, and no one dared to enter it, since this garden belonged to a certain witch; she had great power, and everyone in the world was afraid of her.

Once the wife stood at the window, looked into the garden and saw a garden bed, and the most beautiful rapunzel growing on it;

he looked so fresh and so green that she passionately wanted to taste this rapunzel. This desire in her grew more and more every day, but since she knew that it was impossible for her to get it, she became all thin, turned pale and looked unhappy. The husband got scared and asked:

- What do you need, my little wife?

“Oh,” she says, “if I don’t get green rapunzel from the garden behind our house and try it, then I’ll have only one thing left to do - die.”

The husband loved her very much and thought: “If my wife has to die because of this, then I will get Rapunzel for her, no matter what it costs me.”

And so, at dusk, he climbed over the stone fence into the witch’s garden, hastily picked a whole handful of green rapunzel and brought it to his wife.

She immediately made herself a salad from it and ate it greedily. And she liked this salad so much, it seemed so tasty to her that the next day she had a desire three times greater than before. And she could not find peace for herself until her husband agreed to climb into the garden again.

He made his way there at dusk, climbed through the stone fence, but was very frightened when he saw a witch in front of him.

“How dare you climb into my garden,” she said, looking at him angrily, “and steal from me, like a thief, my green Rapunzel?” You will feel bad for this.

“Oh,” he answered, “you will forgive me, because I decided on this out of necessity: my wife saw your green rapunzel from the window and felt such a passion for it that, perhaps, she would have died if she had not tasted it.”

The witch's anger passed a little, and she told him:

If it is true what you say, then I will allow you to collect as many Rapunzels as you wish, but on one condition: you will have to give me the child that will be born to your wife. He will be fine with me, I will take care of him like my own mother.

And out of fear he agreed to everything. When the time came for the wife to give birth and she gave birth to a daughter, the witch immediately appeared, named the child Rapunzel and took him with her.

Rapunzel became the most beautiful girl in the world .

When she was twelve years old, the witch locked her in a tower that was in the forest; in that tower there were no doors or stairs, only at the very top there was a small window.

When the sorceress wanted to climb the tower, she stood at the bottom and shouted:

Pull your pigtails down.

And Rapunzel had long beautiful hair, thin, as if made from golden yarn. She will hear the voice of the witch, unravel her braids, tie them up to the window hook, and her hair will fall as much as twenty arshins down - and then the witch will climb up, clinging to them.

Several years passed, and it happened that the king's son was riding on a horse through the forest where the tower stood.

Suddenly he heard singing, and it was so pleasant that he stopped and began to listen. It was Rapunzel who sang a song in her wonderful voice while passing the time alone. The prince wanted to climb up, and he began to look for the entrance to the tower, but it was impossible to find it. He went home, but the singing sank into his soul so much that he went out into the forest every day and listened to it.

Once he stood behind a tree and saw the witch appear and heard her scream:

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up

Get your pigtails down!

Rapunzel pulled her braids down and the witch climbed up to her.

“If this is the ladder that people climb up, then I would like to try my luck one day,” and the next day, when it was already getting dark, the prince rode up to the tower and shouted:

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up

Get your pigtails down!

And immediately the hair fell down, and the prince climbed up.

Rapunzel, seeing that a man whom she had never seen had entered her, was at first very frightened. But the prince spoke kindly to her and told her that his heart was so touched by her singing and there was no peace for him anywhere, and so he decided to definitely see her.

Then Rapunzel stopped being afraid, and when he asked her if she agreed to marry him - and he was young and handsome - she thought: “He will love me more than the old woman Frau Gothel,” and she gave her consent and extended her hand to him. She said:

I will willingly go with you, but I don’t know how to get down. When you come to me, take a piece of silk with you every time; I will weave a ladder out of it, and when it is ready, I will go down and you will take me away on your horse.

They agreed that he would come to her in the evenings, since the old woman came during the day. The witch did not notice anything until one day Rapunzel spoke to her and said:

Tell me, Frau Gothel, why is it harder for me to drag you upstairs than the young prince? He rises to me in an instant.

- Oh, you nasty girl! - the witch shouted. - What do I hear? I thought that I hid you from everyone, but you still deceived me! - And in a rage she grabbed Rapunzel’s beautiful hair, wrapped it several times around her left hand, and with her right grabbed the scissors and - chick-chick! - she cut them off, and the wonderful braids lay on the ground.

And the witch was so merciless that she led poor Rapunzel into a remote thicket; and she had to live there in great poverty and grief.

And on the same day that she drove Rapunzel away, in the evening she tied the cut off braids to the window hook and when the prince appeared and shouted:

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up

Get your pigtails down! -

Then the witch pulled her hair down.

And the prince climbed up, but did not find his beloved Rapunzel there, but saw a witch. She looked at him with her evil, sarcastic gaze.

Yeah! - she shouted mockingly. - You want to take your beloved away, but the beautiful bird is no longer in the nest, and she no longer sings. The cat carried her away, and she will also scratch your eyes out. You have lost Rapunzel forever, you will never see her again!

The prince was beside himself with grief and jumped out of the tower in despair; he managed to save his life, but the thorny thorns of the bush on which he fell gouged out his eyes. And he wandered blindly through the forest, eating only roots and berries, and all the time he grieved and cried for the beloved wife he had lost.

So he wandered for several years in grief and sadness and finally entered a dense thicket where Rapunzel lived in poverty along with her twin children whom she gave birth to, a boy and a girl.

But two tears fell into his eyes, and he regained his sight and began to see as before. And he brought her to his kingdom, where they met him with joy, and they lived for many, many years in happiness and contentment.

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