Is it possible to write it off on the Unified State Exam? Schoolchildren told how to cheat on the Unified State Exam

Every spring, officials from Rosobrnadzor report on measures to combat cheating in unified state exams. Either they will install video cameras or jammers mobile phones installed, then seven degrees of protection will be introduced. But sometimes all these attempts still don’t work – in fact, you can even write them off for the Unified State Exam.

Horror stories from teachers

Frighten new and terrible exam They started us in the eighth and ninth grades, so that the poor students would not study until the eleventh grade and then would not disgrace the school with their low results. And these horror stories bore fruit - approximately half of the students ran away from the Unified State Exam to technical schools and colleges, and among those who were frightened were shock students and excellent students. And to those who remained, they repeated tirelessly: “On the table you will only have a passport and a pen, you will hand over your phones, there are 15 people in the audience from different schools. You sit staggered, watched over by two teachers who don't know the subject you're taking. They escort you to the toilet. If you cheat, they’ll catch you, then you’ll only come back in a year.” The arguments are convincing, and the thought of writing off would not have arisen if not for those who graduated a year or two ago. “You’ll remember an assignment that you don’t know, go to the toilet and write it off, it’s business...” - an acquaintance who graduated from school a couple of years ago advised me. But I still relied only on myself, although I took cheat sheets for Russian and literature, but this is so, just in case.

Is the risk worth it?

During the exam itself, I was often approached strangers from neighboring desks with a request to tell them some question. And I didn’t refuse - I solved three math tasks dictated in a whisper for one guy, while one of the observers filled out reports and the second read a book. And it’s true, it’s difficult to watch every move of fifteen people for four hours without getting tired. And I myself sometimes used my neighbor’s tips. In principle, any student can, without leaving the point conducting the Unified State Exam, write a kind of denunciation against a friend. But who will do this? It is not customary to turn in your own people, even strangers.

But they usually peed in the toilet. When leaving the classroom, the student turns in all his drafts and assignment forms, having written in advance on his hand or memorized the information he needs to find. Entering the toilet, he takes his phone out of his pocket and looks for the information he needs. The inspectors can only knock on the door and hurry the dealer, but they often themselves understand that the student is using the time allotted in the toilet for other purposes. “He’s been copying something for a long time,” one of the attendants quietly remarked and hurried the schoolboy, who was in the toilet, by menacingly knocking on the door.

But you can’t pass the whole exam like that, you can earn a couple of points, which, however, can sometimes become decisive, but still all these local cheating big role they don’t play, and if you don’t know the subject at all, then in any case you won’t be able to pass it. That's what I thought until a certain time.

By last word technology

Sometimes I saw strange people, as it seemed to me: one of my neighbors talked to himself for four hours - I didn’t see any headphones on him, and no one would sit in them, it was too noticeable. Therefore, I did not suspect anything until the words “Grey, where are you? Grey!" It turned out that he had a micro-earphone.

The device, which was originally intended for special services and was necessary where it was necessary to receive sound information unnoticed by others, is gradually penetrating the masses. The miracle of technology can be ordered on the Internet, it costs about two thousand rubles.

The earphone itself is inserted into auricle and is not visible to others. A highly sensitive microphone is hidden under the shirt, with the help of which the student dictates his assignments to a friend sitting at home with a smart head and fast Internet. If this device is used correctly by a student, it is almost impossible to catch it, and many teachers are unlikely to know about this method of cheating.

And this method works - several people at my school used it, and those who barely managed to get from a C to a D passed the exam on the same level as the drummers. Of course, even this way you won’t get a hundred points, but it’s quite enough to cross the threshold of passing the exam and study at a university.

In the near future, it is planned to install communication jammers at Unified State Examination points, which will make it impossible to use mobile phones, and this innovation is, in fact, the only means of combating micro-earphones.

Published based on materials from AiF

It immediately became overgrown with many horror stories and legends: it is impossible to write off the Unified State Exam, every movement of the student will be strictly monitored, the observers will be from among teachers unfamiliar with the subject, etc.

As practice has shown, over the past ten years small years old, United State Exam Most students pass successfully: some work hard for a long time to achieve results, others, no less persistently, look for ways to cheat. If we put aside the moral side of this issue, then cheating on the Unified State Exam clearly develops such qualities as resourcefulness and intelligence. But this applies to those students who independently came up with original way, prepared the material (cheat sheets) and most importantly, no one noticed them! Most prefer to use proven methods or the capabilities provided by modern technology.

How to write off on the Unified State Exam using a mobile phone

This method is the most popular. Two phones are taken to the exam at once: one is handed in at the entrance so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion among observers, the other must be carried unnoticed in your pocket. Further, by choice: you can photograph the task, type and send SMS, go online and look for similar problems, ask someone you know to solve it, etc. There are always people on the Internet who want to help a graduate, sometimes for free, more often for a small amount of money. After you receive an SMS with ready-made answers, you need to go to the toilet and write everything down on paper - it doesn’t take much time. You can copy directly from your phone, but, as a rule, this attracts attention.

How to cheat on the Unified State Exam using a headset

Small headphones and a microphone hidden in the folds of clothing allow you to read out assignments directly in the classroom and receive ready-made answers. The method is not bad, but it requires patience - if the student mutters something under his breath all the time, observers will begin to pay attention to him more often.

How to write off on the Unified State Exam in the traditional way

Paper crib sheets are gradually being replaced by different electronic devices, but some graduates continue to use them. It’s not difficult to hide them: you can put them in socks, a bra, or just put them in your pocket. Many students stick small pieces of paper on pens, chocolates, blank passport pages, etc. Using cheat sheets is more difficult: you need some skill, so it’s best to go to the toilet and look for the answer there. You won’t be able to pass the exam with 100 points this way, but you can get a positive mark. Cheat sheets will be useful even for an excellent student in order to spy on solutions to tasks whose correctness there are doubts.

How to write off the Unified State Exam using a calculator

Modern programmable calculators, despite their outward appearance, have a memory of 2 million characters and the ability to store formulas and pictures. The advantage of this method is that teachers will not be able to notice anything. But it’s better not to take a calculator to the exam in humanitarian subjects.

Most effective method- write everything off from your own head, then no one will notice anything!

Final exams are the most important time for a student. The number of points scored on the Unified State Exam determines whether he will enter a university. And what? better result examination tests, the more likely the child is to pass budget department. For parents, this period is also marked by great worries and worries. Every year the fee for receiving higher education, so many families are afraid of not being able to afford training on a commercial basis. For this reason, the issue of cheating faces graduates more than ever.

Some people rely on the opportunity to use a cheat sheet or gadgets during the exam in the hope of catching up on what they didn’t study at home, because for some, even a couple of points can be decisive when entering a university. Others are simply afraid of losing their certificate, because if a student fails the exam in Russian language and mathematics, he will not receive a document indicating graduation from school.

However, every year the control system for the Unified State Exam becomes stricter, and there are fewer and fewer loopholes for cheating.

Almost three years ago, exam sites were equipped with video surveillance systems. With their help, you can not only easily identify schoolchildren who cheat, but also, in the event of a controversial situation, review camera recordings and punish violators. Carrying a phone or other portable device into the classroom has also become almost impossible: before the exam, every student passes through metal detectors. The latest “cut off oxygen” for graduates was the installation of “jammers” - special devices that suppress cellular signals.

But, despite all the obstacles, schoolchildren are still figuring out how to cheat on the Unified State Exam. Not only control methods are evolving, but also the skills of graduates.

Rambler/Family talked to eleventh-graders from previous years and found out how they passed their first Unified State Exam and whether they managed to deceive the system. Of course, we encourage everyone to be honest, and this material is more likely to assess how the system works and to eliminate remaining shortcomings. By for obvious reasons our heroes wished to remain incognito.

1st year student, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University

“Any state secondary school or state educational institution teaches its children about the same thing. As my classmates said, “school teaches life.” I'm not sure how true this is, but copying, making "spurs", discreetly suggesting, hiding unfinished homework educational institutions “teach” everyone. And these skills awaken before the Unified State Exam, because many schoolchildren are still shaking from these three ominous letters.

I have always associated the Unified State Exam with the only chance to successfully enroll. The teachers constantly insisted that you couldn’t cheat on the exam and that you had to use only your knowledge. I can honestly say: no. Among those taught school life There have been enough people who have taken the risk, but the results have been mixed. Four years ago, a friend of mine had her exam result canceled right in the classroom because they noticed a phone in her hands, and there were no cameras then. Two years ago, another friend of mine carried into wide leg a history textbook taped to her leg and successfully used it in the toilet. A year ago, I decided that success does not depend on the system, but on the skill of the tester. It turned out that this is indeed the case.

The literature exam is considered one of the most difficult, so, as a rule, no more than two or three people from a class in ordinary schools take it. For lazy students, it seems like a disaster, because you need to read, as it seemed then, a huge list of literature, remember quotes, names of heroes, writers, titles of works. Therefore, having mastered most of list, I decided to play it safe and wrote a cheat sheet in the smallest text on two A4 pages.

Not to say that my head was empty, there are just a lot of things that are easily forgotten, especially in stressful situation. I taped both legs with these life-saving sheets on the morning of the exam. Everything was there: pieces of text with which you can reproduce quotes, names of characters, titles of poems and other necessary information.

Use any by the necessary means You can just in the toilet stall, there are never cameras there. And so it happened: my notes helped me in half of the tasks. The main thing is to write everything by hand so that you know where everything is, and in general write down only what is really needed. During the exam, everyone is under such stress that you can easily get confused and not find anything on your own cheat sheet.

After successful first exam, I decided to go further - and took English phone. Since all students are searched for phones before entering the classroom (they pass a metal detector past all pockets), I hid it in my sneaker. If we talk about little things, it is better to wear shoes with soft soles, otherwise the phone may simply break when walking. I also used it in the toilet and only to check a couple of words in the dictionary, which, in principle, I already knew. I had my phone with me just for reassurance.

For these exams I received 78 and 90 points, as expected, and as a result I successfully entered Moscow State University. This might not have happened, because on my own in literature I did not remember either the necessary quotes or the names of the characters for the essay, for which I could have received ten points less.

I also heard stories when graduates from other cities took micro-earphones with them and used them to communicate with tutors in toilet stalls. I don't know how true this is. But, based on my experience, I can say that it makes sense to bring something to the Unified State Exam only if you are in principle ready for the exam, but due to elementary stress you feel that you might forget the most important things.

Cheat sheets or a telephone can only help if you use them as quickly and discreetly as possible and, of course, outside the classroom. But no textbook will help someone who is absolutely not ready for the exam.”

“Let me start with the fact that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Every graduate knows in advance that at every exam he will have to go through security, then look and smile at the camera and be constantly in the zone of someone’s visibility. If he is accused of cheating, he is suspended, it is his own fault. This sounded like a death sentence to us, which we undoubtedly feared, but at the same time it stimulated us to seriously prepare for the exam.

In fact, the improved current system is not entirely ideal. There are ways to cheat the rules a little - our eternal cheat sheets. There is a lot of room for creativity here. Print or write, paper or cardboard, put in a sleeve or in a pocket - everyone can do anything here. The main thing is to use right time, V safe place and neatly. Although in any case, having cheat sheets with you adds anxiety and distracts you from passing.

Our Russian language teacher always warned us to go through all the control points with a “cool head.” This advice helped me a lot during the Olympiads and the exams themselves: I managed to pass both high scores.

Personally, I carried cheat sheets for one single exam - English, but I never used them, although there was an opportunity. But I was able to compare two states: when you are afraid that you will be caught cheating, and when you concentrate and calmly just do your job. So, work is more productive and calmer if your conscience and pockets are clean.

In general, I had a very good level of preparation, so I evaluate the Unified State Exam from the point of view of an excellent student, for whom, it seems to me, it is easier to pass the exam without cheat sheets. As for those who find it difficult, they will probably be more comfortable with a safety net. However, a “cool head” turns out to be even more necessary here.”

“The most unpleasant thing was going through special frames. Security guards with metal detectors check every person. Even if the zipper beeps, you will be stripped completely, not down to your panties, of course, but you will definitely have to turn your pockets inside out. I was wearing a jacket with a zipper, and when I began to pass, the device in the guard’s hand instantly responded. It was awkward because I had to prove that I didn’t have a mobile phone with me. Already in the auditorium itself, the observers gave instructions that the use of any gadgets or cheat sheets is strictly prohibited, and in case of violation, immediate removal from the exam follows. This was not news to me, since the teachers constantly told us about strict rules.

What can we say, when new system there's not much to write off. Cameras, jammers - the only way to hide from them is in the toilet, and then not for long. At the school where I took the exam, they allowed me to stay in it for a maximum of two minutes, then the people seeing me off started knocking on the booth and asking if everything was okay.

Until the very end, the student remains in complete ignorance of what tasks will be included in the CMMs (testing and measuring materials). It is very difficult and ineffective to prepare for something in advance, wasting time on writing spurs that may not be useful in the exam itself. I only had handwritten math cheat sheets because it’s impossible to remember all the formulas.

For the social studies exam, I wrote out some quotes from the constitution for myself, because the teachers said that knowledge of it would definitely be useful in the exam. By the way, they didn’t help me significantly. I just looked at them to make sure I answered correctly.

When you go to the Unified State Exam, you need to prepare for everything. You can fail an exam not only due to ignorance. There can be many reasons: I got caught cheating, I got a bad option. In my case it was more ridiculous. While listening to English language Outside the window, workers began laying asphalt. Is it possible to hear something, and even on foreign language, to the sound of rattling cars? This is how the guys undeservedly lose their points.”

Of course, schoolchildren always find the most extreme and sophisticated options to successfully pass examination tests. However, attempts to cheat on the Unified State Exam often end unfavorably for students. Only for last year Rosobrnadzor canceled about a thousand works of schoolchildren for using cheat sheets and mobile phones. Rambler/Family spoke with school psychologist and found out how you can successfully pass the exam and get high scores without resorting to cheating and other tricks.

“The Unified State Exam (and any other exam in general) is really quite severe stress for a child. How to deal with this? Firstly, before the exam, the student must have good physical condition. It’s understandable if the child didn’t get enough sleep and came to the Unified State Exam after sleepless night, probability of passing examination test is significantly reduced. Parents can further aggravate the child’s condition with their overthinking and excessive demands. “Either five or don’t come back” is a phrase that can break a child and make him more nervous during the exam.

I always give instructions to my children before the exam. This applies not only to a certain regime of preparation for the test, but also to the regime of sleep, rest and nutrition. It is a well-known fact, for example, that great content protein in foods has an unfavorable effect on nervous system. It is advisable to abstain from such foods during the period passing the Unified State Exam. I also recommend doing some exercises, particularly breathing exercises. IN in some cases this helps children cope with stress and nervousness. Some schoolchildren tend to believe in omens. I don't see anything reprehensible in this. Some take a small talisman with them to the exam, others wear a “lucky” T-shirt. Why not, if the child feels calmer this way?

Of course, the exam is a kind of arms race. Parents also chase high scores, because the better the result, the more likely go to university on a budget. However, the task of parents is to clearly distinguish that exams are one thing, and the life and fate of the child is another. In the end, not everything is 100% up to the child. There are many random circumstances that may not work in his favor. It is important to remember that failing an exam is not the end of the world. Even if the child passed low scores, this does not mean that life is over and everything is lost. There are always backup options: he has the opportunity to take the Unified State Examination next year or go for paid training.

The best support for a schoolchild is if parents simply show their child that they love him. For a child this is a difficult path, his first difficult test. During my work at school, I noticed that those children whose parents said: “Yes, this is important for us” pass the exam easily and simply. But no matter what result you get, we will understand everything, we are always with you. The main thing is to believe in your strength.”

As you know, you can successfully pass an exam in two ways: memorize everything there is on the subject, or arm yourself with a cheat sheet. There is a third option, but it is not entirely legal, so you should not resort to it. The closer the day of passing the Unified State Exam, the more often a saving thought creeps into your head: “Maybe it will still be possible to write it off?!”

In this year of the Unified State Exam will be held for the 16th time, and the student screening system will become more stringent than before. For example, even watches will be confiscated during the upcoming exam, because smart models into which you can insert a memory card have received widespread among schoolchildren.

How will you be tested on the Unified State Exam?

The probability of being written off on the Unified State Examination is less than 10%. The risk of being caught in the act of a crime is much higher, and control methods are being improved every year.

  • At the entrance you will have to go through a metal detector. This is necessary to identify smuggled smartphones. Particularly advanced students wrap their phone in several layers of foil or take iPhones with them, but this method does not work.
  • If you somehow managed to smuggle the phone in, it is unlikely to work. On the day of the exam, all radio signals are muffled by special equipment.
  • During the exam, a video recording of what is happening is continuously recorded from several points. The file is stored for several months. All attempts to use the “spur” will be recorded.
  • Those who took the Unified State Exam boast that they went to the toilet to spy on the correct answer. Let's not argue, maybe this will be enough to deal with one issue. But there are some nuances here: constantly running to the toilet will, at a minimum, raise serious suspicions, and the spur needs to be smuggled in somehow. By the way, the booths are regularly checked by observers.
  • Do not forget that unfamiliar teachers will be vigilantly watching you. An experienced teacher's eye will notice any attempt to use a hint, no matter how cunning and inventive you are.

Something about super spies

Microphones and pens with hidden camera They helped out high school students for several years, but there was no luck here either. Pens have long disappeared from the public market, they are very difficult to find, and micro-earphones can cause serious harm to health. There were cases when the earpiece could not be removed without the help of a doctor, and the student was completely deaf. Whether high scores on the Unified State Exam are worth such a sacrifice is up to you to decide.

Demand creates supply

About scammers selling answers to Unified State Exam assignments, they report in the news every year, but their tenacity is enviable. Every spring, tempting advertisements appear: “I will sell the answers to the Unified State Exam”; they ask for a small amount, and the seller introduces himself as “an employee of the Ministry of Education.” In the vast majority of cases, these are answers to last year’s assignments or answers taken, as they say, out of thin air. You are being deceived twice. You are losing money, time and the opportunity to enter your desired university this year.

Why are any cheat sheets ultimately useless?

  1. Fear of exposure increases anxiety tenfold and significantly reduces attentiveness, reaction speed, and ability to concentrate.
  2. Increased nervousness will give you away one way or another.
  3. The probability that you will be able to use the hint is less than 10%, which is too low.
  4. Searching for spy gadgets, buying answers, and finally creating paper spurs will require much more time, effort, nerves and money than additional classes by subject.

How to make the perfect cheat sheet

The best kind of cheating is taking answers from your own head. The benefits of using the perfect cheat sheet speak for themselves.

  • Firstly, the cheat sheet can be safely carried anywhere; neither vigilant teachers nor equipment will detect it.
  • Secondly, you definitely won’t lose it, its battery won’t run out, and its signal won’t be jammed.
  • Thirdly, an ordinary spur will only help when solving a test, with an ideal cheat sheet you and written part do a great job and give an excellent verbal response.
  • Fourthly, if suddenly you do fail the Unified State Exam, you will be able to get out of this situation with dignity, and not with a stigma, and calmly retake the exam when you are better prepared.
  • Fifthly, you can use the perfect cheat sheet as many times as you like, the knowledge will stay with you forever!

The only negative: creating the perfect cheat sheet will require some effort and spend some time, but the feeling of self-confidence, excellent results and high scores are priceless!

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