Protecting an elementary school student's portfolio. Portfolio types and structure

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Portfolio of a student of 2 “A” class of school No. 1003 in Moscow Egor Molotov Authors: Yulia Nikolaevna Khrabrova – class teacher, Egor Vadimovich Molotov – student of 2 “A” class. 2013

Hello, it’s me – Egor Molotov. With the help of my portfolio I want to tell everyone about my achievements, hobbies, life goals and much more.

On September 1, 2012, I went to first grade. I made 27 new acquaintances. These are my classmates

And this is my class teacher - Yulia Nikolaevna.

In progress different tasks, participating in a collective interesting work, I made some of my closest friends.

Kaynarov Fakhriddin Nikolenko Andrey Tarlev Tudor Maduntseva Linda

Communicating with them every day, I realized: in order to have many friends, you need to be more attentive to them, give in and be able to negotiate.

My favorite subjects: the world around us, physical education, fine arts, technology.

Despite the fact that among my favorite subjects there is no Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, I have on them good results. Full name of the student Mat. 22.10. Mat. 4.12. Mat. 25.12. Russian language 22.10. Russian language 28.11. Russian language 25.12. Molotov Egor Vadimovich 90 84 86 90 77 90 Percentage of completed tasks in verification work in Russian language and mathematics Number of words read per minute

During my studies, I took part in many competitions, olympiads, holiday concerts, and excursions. On holidays I read poetry and I like to do it. I also like tea drinking and disco!!!

I like to go on excursions and then find out on my own or with the help of my parents additional information from the encyclopedia and the Internet. This excursion is dedicated to the War of 1812.

I like to participate in research work Project “Creation and research of a balance toy and a spinning toy” Project “Wintering birds of the school yard”

Here is my first diploma. I became a laureate of the district competition “World of My Hobbies”.

I also have a certificate for participating in school competitions

Works that I'm proud of.

This award is for achievements in creative competitions of all-Russian significance.

I have two diplomas as a winner of a quiz and an Olympiad.

And now I’m already in 2nd grade. My goals for the future: study “good” and “excellent”; achieve success in your creativity.

Wishes of my friends Teacher: “Egor, be more confident in yourself, you don’t need to be afraid of mistakes.” Classmates: “Egor, study only for straight A’s!”

Thank you for your attention!!!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Regulations on the portfolio of a primary school student

Regulations on the student's portfolio at the School of Art: the goals and objectives of the portfolio, the structure of the portfolio, evaluation of results....

Possible design option for a primary school student’s portfolio

An approximate version will tell you which sections of the portfolio should reveal the child as a versatile personality....

Portfolio is a promising form of display individual achievements student: it is a set of documents demonstrating a set of certified or non-certified individual achievements, allows you to take into account the results achieved in various types of activities (educational, creative, sports) and is the basis for determining the educational rating of a graduate primary school.

Portfolio is not only modern effective form assessments, but also an effective means for solving a number of important pedagogical tasks allowing:

  • maintain high learning motivation schoolchildren;
  • encourage their activity and independence, expand opportunities for learning and self-education;
  • develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (including self-evaluative) activities of students;
  • develop the ability to learn: set goals, plan and organize your own educational activities.

A portfolio, thanks to its features, can become important element internal cumulative assessment systems for achieving planned results primary education: subject, meta-subject and personal. However, using a portfolio for these purposes is only possible if a number of conditions are met.

The first of the most important conditions is the need to include in the portfolio materials that give an idea of ​​the degree of achievement educational institution, teachers studying the following main results of primary education:

  • formation of subject and universal methods actions, as well as a support system of knowledge that ensures the possibility of continuing education in primary school;
  • nurturing the ability to learn – the ability to self-organize in order to solve educational tasks;
  • individual progress in key areas personal development– emotional, cognitive, self-regulation.

To date, there are no clear requirements for the types of portfolio, the structure of the portfolio and its materials according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO.

Despite this statement, the “Portfolio” should contain systematized materials for observing the process of formation of universal learning actions in students. Assessment of a student's educational achievements is based on second generation standards. The portfolio may also contain materials for students to carry out self-diagnosis in the field of development self, which contributes to the formation of the foundations of self-knowledge and self-education, and the development of personal culture.

Special attention is given to the organization collaboration teachers and parents on the formation of junior schoolchildren positive emotional attitude towards the surrounding world.

When using portfolio technology, it should be borne in mind that it is not the teachers, but the children themselves who should formulate a portfolio of individual achievements.

Portfolios in primary schools are educational in nature and are intended to develop student control and assessment independence.

What materials can be stored in a portfolio folder?

1. Samples of children's works– formal and creative, performed during mandatory training sessions in all subjects studied, as well as during optional training sessions attended by students, implemented within the framework of educational program school (both its general education component and additional education programs). Materials are a mandatory component of the portfolio starting diagnostics, intermediate and final standardized works on individual subjects. The remaining works should be selected so that their totality demonstrates increasing success, volume and depth of knowledge, achievement of more high levels formed educational actions.

2. Systematized observation materials behind the process of mastering universal educational actions ( score sheets, materials and observation sheets, etc.) kept by teachers primary classes(acting both as a subject teacher and as class teacher), other subject teachers, school psychologist, organizer educational work and others direct participants educational process.

3. Materials characterizing student achievements in extracurricular (school and extracurricular) and leisure activities. Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of individual components of the portfolio and the portfolio as a whole are carried out from the standpoint of achieving the planned results and taking into account the main results of primary education established by the requirements of the standard.

The portfolio itself is filled out by students in class, classroom hours, classes reserved for extracurricular activities, Houses. Portfolio is not a textbook and has a structure that involves systematic work throughout academic year.

The structure of an elementary school student’s portfolio according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The portfolio may consist of the following sections:

    Front page portfolio contains basic information (last name, first name, patronymic of the student, educational institution, Class).

    “Meet me, it’s me” section- this is the beginning of working with a portfolio, where the child gets an idea of ​​what a portfolio is, how and why it needs to be maintained. This section may have a topic “My family. Under the roof of my house. My ancestry. My relatives on my mom/dad side.”

    This theme is designed for parents and children to work together. It is necessary to plan this work in advance; it is advisable to first prepare both parents and children for working with this topic. To do this, you can spend one or two class hours, a joint collective creative activity “Parents + Children” or parent meeting with the participation of children.

    Portfolio section "my school" This section may include topics on health conservation. This includes concepts such as: daily routine, exercise, information about healthy eating, as well as safety rules.

    "My class" section V this section Topics covered: “Laws school life" and "Traditions of my class."

    "My" section academic achievements» - the largest section, because it is due to the main components of the educational process (academic subjects presented in the invariant part baseline plan) ensuring the achievement of meta-subject results. The main object for assessing these results is the formation of a number of regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal actions, i.e. such mental actions students who are aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity.

    The pages of this section will help the teacher develop the following skills in children:

    • accept and save learning goal and task;
    • plan your own activities in accordance with the task;
    • look for means to implement it.

    Working with this section goes all academic year in lessons, class hours, extracurricular activities by subject.

    "My achievements" section In this section, it is recommended to note when and in what event the student took part. To assess a student's achievements, it is not necessary to look at all the work in the folder. The information in this section can tell you about the student’s activity.

    Section “my design and research work” design and research activities in primary school allows the teacher not only to form, but also to develop the universal learning activities. This section can describe the student’s participation and projects and research.

    Section “suggestions and reviews” In this section, wishes of the teacher, parents, classmates and their feedback on the student’s portfolio can be left.

Essay on protecting a portfolio (then learn it by heart). Please note that all points and sections must be interconnected!!! No sudden transitions!!! Try not to use repetitions.

The portfolio consists of sections:

First section "My World" includes information that is interesting and important for the child.

    "About myself" – information about the child’s first and last name. The child also indicates his date of birth. Write 2-3 sentences about yourself, you can say the meaning of your first name, last name, date of birth.

    "My Family" – here you can talk about each family member, about common hobbies, about favorite family holidays. Write 2-3 sentences about family, indicating full name and patronymic of family members, you can also indicate (who has) labor dynasties.

    "My city" – a story about hometown oh him interesting places, about the origin of the street where the child lives. Write 2-3 sentences about the city: name, favorite landmark, street where you live.

    "My hobbies" short story about what the child is interested in, what clubs and sections he attends. Write 2-3 sentences about the circle, why he chose his name, in which circles he was previously involved, whether he has any awards. If you don’t attend clubs outside of school, you can write about additional school clubs.

    "My school" – a story about the school, teachers, and your favorite lessons based on the principle “I like... because...”. Write 2-3 sentences about the school according to the sample above in this paragraph, indicating the name of our school, our building No. 2 - the initial link.

Second section "My studies." This section contains final grades in basic subjects curriculum, results of participation in subject Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences. Write 2-3 sentences about the results of participation in the Olympiads, whether there are any certificates, indicate which ones (if many, then the most significant). Write about your performance (if performance is low, then say that the child is trying very hard to learn).

Third section "My social life." In this section, the child talks about his assignments, responsibilities at school, and his help around the house. Reviews from parents about their child’s help to family members can also be posted here. Write 1-2 sentences about your school responsibilities (these responsibilities are listed in cool corner), and housework duties may not be indicated, but it is better to indicate.

Fourth section "My creativity." In this section the child places his creative works: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If a child is proud of some voluminous craft, he places a photo of it. Write 2-3 sentences about your participation in school projects, arts and crafts competitions, you can describe the most memorable one (but to have a photo)

Fifth section "My impressions." In this section, the child puts his feedback from excursions, visits to the theater, etc. Write 2-3 sentences about any most memorable excursion. We can say that during the training more than 20 educational excursions and 10 general developmental excursions were attended.

Sixth section "My achievements." Here are placed diplomas, certificates, diplomas, thank you letters, confirming participation (results of participation) in school, municipal, regional, All-Russian competitions, Olympiads, competitions, conferences, projects, etc.; Write 2-3 sentences about your merits, showing them in your portfolio. If there is one, you can talk about an award that the child is very proud of.

Seventh section “Self-assessment of my activities for the year.” In this section, the child sums up the year. Write 2-3 sentences about your successes over the entire period of study, indicating difficult moments, as well as progress in learning.

You can submit your essays for checking, even in electronic form by mail: 2008olya2008@ mail. ru? Or by uploading ru to your page in your diary. After testing, learn by heart and get your portfolio in order!

, Working with parents

At the end of the school year, first-graders in groups defend their portfolios and talk about the most significant moments in school life. The best ones defend themselves at the parent meeting.

"And now the most solemn moment. Throughout the academic year there was a competition called “My Portfolio”. The winners of this competition are K. Roman and G. Elizaveta. Today they present their portfolio for defense in front of a group of children and parents.

Protection 1

Hello, my name is Elizaveta Gubskaya.

I am a student of 1st "A" class. I want to tell you a little about myself and my hobbies.

My hobbies are modeling and drawing. That’s why my portfolio contains a lot of interesting and bright drawings for the works I’ve read.

Together with moms and dads, we have a great time on Health Days and various holidays: “Our grandparents are the best in the world,” “Initiation into high school students,” “Farewell to the ABC.”

I try, together with everyone, to make school life exciting and interesting. I am a participant in the show research work.

I like to be on duty and help my classmates with everything. I feel responsible for my academic achievements.

You can find out more about my school life, my hobbies, events, and the results of my work in my portfolio. Thank you for your attention!

3protection 2

Hello! My name is Kravtsov Roman.

I am a student of 1st grade. I want to talk about myself and my hobby. My portfolio is filled with interesting, bright drawings for the works I read and crafts from technology lessons.

Mom, grandma are happy, dad is happy with me,
And I myself like it in our bright school.
I put aside fairy tales,
I'm looking for new words in books.....
And my classmates know everything

Four times a week I attend the Chess club. Sh Akhmaty is my hobby. In my portfolio in the “My Achievements” section I have 2 certificates of which I am proud. This is the 3rd place and the first place in the city. I received a 1st class medal.

I'll just beat you!
The whole class is not my rival
I won’t be left behind anywhere:
Neither in study nor in work.

I chose hobby groups “Logic” and “Young Researcher”. I am a participant in the review of research works “A Tablet Called Chess.” In the “My World” section, I wrote that you have to love what you do. Success comes to those who are purposeful, responsible and hardworking.

Thank you for your attention.

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