Seven steps to the Moon: an overview of significant altitudes and orbits. What interest does Russia have here?

Selection free programs and resources to help you learn new languages.

The service allows you to choose your daily load (from 5 to 20 minutes) and assess your level of preparation. After which you can begin classes in accordance with your level of knowledge.

Exercises include test tasks(choice the right word, for example) and translation from foreign language to native and back. At first simple sentences, as you study - more and more complex. The exercises also involve listening, as words and sentences are spoken out. There is no emphasis on grammar, but after each lesson there is a short grammar reference.

You can study Spanish, German, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.

On topic:

Books based on the Ilya Frank method are adapted for language learning. This is a great option for those who already have a base. If you like to read literature in the original, but don’t want to be distracted by the dictionary every minute, then books on this method are what you need.

Each paragraph is repeated twice. The first time - with translation and analysis of new grammatical structures or new words, and the second time - without prompts, in its original form. This way you internalize the language on a subconscious level.

When learning a foreign language, constant enrichment plays a huge role. vocabulary. The Memrise app does just that. The method of spaced repetition helps you better master the material, when at certain intervals you are asked to repeat already learned words in order to finally consolidate them in memory. It uses a simple and clear visualization: each theme is a flower that you must periodically water in order for it to grow.

For those who have already mastered the basics of language practice, Lang-8 offers a wonderful approach in its simplicity. The user writes a text in the target language, after which a native speaker of the target language takes over the text and makes the necessary corrections (or not, if you managed not to make a single mistake).

You can use several lessons in one language for free. The currency of the site is “berries”, which users, just like in LinguaLeo, receive for completed tasks. Busuu also provides courses and exercises with monthly or annual subscriptions.

LinguaLeo is Russian product, the number of users among residents of Russia and the CIS countries has already exceeded 6 million people. The character of the site is the lion cub Leo, who gives you tasks, and by completing them you earn meatballs for him. No, no, this site is not for children. It's just nice to get meatballs, and once Leo is full, you can call it a day of exploring English language was productive. Meatballs can also be used to receive certain bonuses and access to certain sections of the site.

One of the most effective, in our opinion, resources. You just read the news and practice the language. Each news is written for three levels of language proficiency. In addition, there is a video of the same news that will help you get used to English speech. In our personal rating, this resource is in first place.

There are a great many websites and applications for learning languages. We have given here only a small part. But you need to remember that you cannot learn to speak without speaking, just sitting in front of a computer screen. Therefore, the main thing is to talk, practice and not be afraid to make mistakes.

> > > Orbit of the Moon

Moon orbit– rotation of the satellite around the Earth. Study apogee, perigee and eccentricity, distance to the planet, lunar cycles and phases with photos and how the orbit will change.

People have always looked with delight at the neighboring satellite, which seems something divine due to its brightness. The moon rotates in orbit around the Earth since its creation, so the first people also observed it. Curiosity and evolution led to computing and our ability to notice patterns of behavior.

For example, the axis of rotation of the Moon coincides with the orbital one. Essentially, the satellite is located in a gravitational block, that is, we always look at one side (this is how the idea of ​​the mysterious back side Moon). Due to its elliptical path, the celestial body periodically appears larger or smaller.

Orbital parameters of the Moon

The average lunar eccentricity is 0.0549, which means the Moon does not orbit the Earth in a perfect circle. The average distance from the Moon to the Earth is 384,748 km. But it can vary from 364397 km to 406748 km.

It brings about change angular velocity and observed size. In phase full moon and at the perihelion position (closest) we see it 10% larger and 30% brighter than at the apogee (maximum distance).

The average inclination of the orbit relative to the ecliptic plane is 5.155°. The sidereal and axial periods coincide - 27.3 days. This is called synchronous rotation. That is why “ dark side” which we simply don’t see.

The Earth also orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits the Earth in 29.53 days. This is a synodic period that undergoes phases.

Lunar orbit cycle

The lunar cycle gives rise to the phases of the moon - an apparent change appearance celestial body in the sky due to changes in the amount of illumination. When the star, planet and satellite line up, the angle between the Moon and the Sun is 0 degrees.

During this period, the lunar side turned towards the Sun receives the maximum rays, and the side facing us is dark. Next comes the passage and the angle increases. After the New Moon, objects are separated by 90 degrees, and we already see a different picture. In the diagram below you can study in detail how the lunar phases are formed.

If they are located in opposite sides, then the angle is 180 degrees. The lunar month lasts 28 days, during which the satellite “grows” and “wanes.”

At a quarter, the Moon is less than half full and growing. Next comes the transition beyond half, and it fades away. We meet the last quarter, where the other side of the disk is already illuminated.

The future of lunar orbit

We already know that the satellite is gradually moving away in orbit from the planet (1-2 cm per year). And this affects the fact that with each century our day becomes 1/500th of a second longer. That is, approximately 620 million years ago, the Earth could boast of only 21 hours.

Now the day covers 24 hours, but the Moon does not stop trying to escape. We are used to having a companion and it is sad to lose such a partner. But the relationships between objects change. I just wonder how this will affect us.

ADELAIDE (Australia), September 27 – RIA Novosti. The Russian and US space agencies agreed to create a new space station Deep Space Gateway in orbit of the Moon, said the head of Roscosmos Igor Komarov at International Congress Astronautics - 2017, which takes place in Australia.

China, India, as well as other BRICS countries can take part in the project.

“We agreed that we will jointly participate in the project to create a new international lunar station, Deep Space Gateway. At the first stage, we will build the orbital part with the further prospect of using proven technologies on the surface of the Moon and subsequently Mars. The launch of the first modules is possible in 2024-2026 years," Komarov said.

Russia's contribution

According to the head of Roscosmos, the parties have already discussed a possible contribution to the creation new station. Thus, Russia can create from one to three modules and standards for a unified docking mechanism for all ships that will arrive at the Deep Space Gateway, and also proposes to use the super-heavy class launch vehicle currently being created to launch structures into lunar orbit.

Roscosmos director for manned programs Sergei Krikalev added that Russia could also develop a habitable module.

The specific technological and financial contribution of all participants in the creation of the Deep Space Gateway will be discussed at the next stage of negotiations, Komarov noted. According to him, a joint statement of intentions to work on the lunar station project has now been signed, but the agreement itself requires serious elaboration already at state level. In this regard, the Federal space program for 2016-2025.

"We hope to present an interesting and important program, we will prove its necessity and provide financing. We have understanding and hope to partially find external sources funding for this program. But at the same time, the main task is government funding,” said the general director of Roscosmos.

The need for unification

Komarov noted that at least five world space agencies are working on creating their own ships and systems, therefore, in order to avoid problems in matters of technical interaction in the future, some of the standards must be unified.

Some key standards, in particular the docking station, will be formed on the basis Russian developments, he added.

“Taking into account the number of dockings that we have carried out and the experience that we have, Russia has no equal in this area. Therefore, this standard will be as close as possible to the Russian one. Also, based on Russian developments, a standard for life support systems will be developed,” he said head of Roscosmos.

Krikalev, for his part, explained that the docking standards will contain uniform requirements to the dimensions of the parts of the docking unit.

“The most developed option is a gateway module; the dimensions of the elements of the residential module can also be unified. As for the carriers, new elements can be launched both on the American SLS carriers and on the Russian Proton or Angara,” he said.

The creation of the Deep Space Gateway will open up new opportunities for the use of power Russian industry, and the developments of RSC Energia can play a serious role here, Komarov concluded.

The heads of the Russian and US space agencies agreed to create a new space station in lunar orbit.

“We agreed that we will jointly participate in the project to create a new international lunar station, Deep Space Gateway. At the first stage, we will build the orbital part with the further prospect of using proven technologies on the surface of the Moon and subsequently Mars. The launch of the first modules is possible in 2024-2026 year", - told Head of Roscosmos Igor Komarov

Russia will create up to three modules and standards for a unified docking mechanism for the space station.
“In addition, Russia intends to use the new super-heavy class launch vehicle currently being created to launch structures into lunar orbit,” noted head of Roscosmos.

As Sergei Krikalev, director of Roscosmos for manned programs, noted for his part, in addition to the airlock module, Russia can develop a residential module for the new station.

The label plays a huge role. Moreover, judging by the above statements, Russia will almost completely create the station, and even design and build super-heavy ships for delivering cargo. And the United States itself will not create anything worthwhile in this project except problems. It would be more reliable with BRICS.

It seems that Americans trying to get ahead of the curve into the Russian-Chinese alliance.

The US sank the first space station USSR, and then, on the sly of creating a second one, she included herself there, without actually participating in it... But now in American films they talk about Russia as a country of Papuans, which is not capable of not only going into space, but even swimming in a puddle... and all this despite the fact that the United States is actually incapable of “conquering” outer space without Russian help...

And in general, why do the Americans need some kind of station in orbit of the Moon if they have very successful program Apollo, with new technologies, repeating it is a hundred times cheaper and easier, and you can immediately build a lunar base. Really...

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