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Recently, in domestic in general educational institutions All-Russian competitions are successfully held testing work(VPR). The technique allows you to assess the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in a certain subject, the quality of work of teachers, and also to make comparative analysis general level preparedness of students in various educational institutions.

The result of this process is decisions on the need for advanced training teaching staff, rendering methodological assistance educational institution, identifying " weak points» in the knowledge of students.

In 2016, the program covered 95% secondary schools countries, about 3 million children were involved in solving control exercises.

All-Russian testing work is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated January 27, 2017 No. 69 “On monitoring the quality of education.”

Every year, some adjustments and changes are made to the inspection regulations, thanks to which the procedure for monitoring and auditing the quality of education in domestic schools is marked by receipt best results. The test program depends on what grade the child is in.

4th grade

For students in this segment for the upcoming academic year 2018, preparation of all-Russian test papers for the following courses is provided:

  • the world around us;
  • mathematics;
  • Russian language - control in this discipline will be carried out in 2 stages: children will write a dictation and complete tasks in the form of tests.

The 2018 VPR for children studying in grade 4 is key point when moving from entry level V high school. During training at junior school Only a few teachers are involved with children, including important role plays class teacher. During this time, the first teacher must thoroughly prepare schoolchildren for successful studies in subsequent years, and such inspections provide an excellent opportunity on the eve of the upcoming transition to undergo an assessment of acquired knowledge, identify possible gaps and, if necessary, have time to catch up.

Also, one of the main goals when performing knowledge tests for junior students is the task psychological preparation children for this kind of exams, which will be held in the near future (GIA).

5th grade

Sergei Kravtsov, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, in the spring of 2017 announced the conduct of history checks in the 2017-2018 school year for students in grades 5 and 11. In the spring of 2018, sixth graders will join them. Carrying out verification test assignments in this discipline is regularly scheduled for the next 2018-2019 academic year.

In April-May 2017, students at a fairly high level have already passed a history knowledge test.

It should also be noted that on June 30, 2017, Order No. 624 was approved, which provides for the implementation of a knowledge audit for students in grades 2 and 5 in the subject “Russian language”.

Spring 2018 prepares for 5th grade students organization of VPR in the following main disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • story;
  • biology.

Skill control by state language will be held twice (October 2017, April 2018); in history, knowledge testing will take place as usual. It is noteworthy that in 2017, students will write a test on October 5 - on this day, World Teachers' Day is celebrated in Russia.

11th grade

It is known that in 2018, graduates of 11th grades will be required to undergo graduate training in the following areas:

  • biology;
  • geography;
  • foreign language;
  • story;
  • chemistry;
  • physics.

The dates for test assignments for graduates will be approved by Rosobrnadzor later in a separate regulatory document.

IMPORTANT! Each school individually, depending on its curriculum has the right to independently choose when the all-Russian test in geography will be carried out (at 10 or 11), since the study of the geography course ends in the 10th grade of a general education institution.

Scandalous results of the project for 2017

In the spring of this year, almost 40,000 Russian schools were involved in the program, with about three million students. The results obtained were processed and analyzed by the relevant services, the results in the form of statistical data were sent to Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science. As a result of the inspection, it was discovered that children from regular schools received higher scores than children from gymnasiums. Such data were questioned and teachers began to be suspected of deliberately inflating scores. After studying the information received, the press service of Rosobrnadzor transferred the said report, indicating the register of schools in which biased results were found, to the regions for further processing and taking action locally.

Mathematics and Russian language (4th, 5th grade)

A review of the results showed unreliability and distortion of information in some individual educational institutions. For example, there are schools whose VPR results are significantly higher than average regional level, although the institution itself is not a gymnasium or educational organization with a narrow specialization in specified subjects, and also do not have high grades.

Quests difficult level the children were helped to decide by their teachers - the commission came to this conclusion after analyzing the average percentage of exercises completed separately for each student.

History (5th, 11th grade)

Testing knowledge in this discipline shows children’s good orientation in historical events and localities (countries) where they took place, as well as general sufficient awareness of individual eras, dynasties, and unions.

However, Rosobrnadzor has identified some negative points in studying the subject in educational institutions of the country:

  • low awareness of students about the history of their region and some historical figures;
  • low level of skill in establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between historical events;
  • inability to work with various kinds sources of historical information.

Based on the results of the audit, more than 500 teachers from different educational institutions countries have already been able to improve their skills.

IMPORTANT! When conducting pedagogical councils in August, on the eve of the new school year, the results and analysis of the VPR will necessarily be reviewed in every school in the country. Measures will definitely be taken to obtain an objective final test of knowledge in the future and improve quality national education generally.

VPR schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year

IMPORTANT! According to the provided schedule of all-Russian tests for the next academic year, tenth-graders will have to write tests on one day (October 18, 2017) in two disciplines - biology and chemistry. The project regulations will be approved at the level of the educational institution on the principle of one subject - one student.

The passions for the Unified State Exam had not yet subsided when a new educational “beast” of VPR appeared, causing yet another academic stress. In previous years, only a test was taken new system, but VPR in 2018-2019 academic year will cover all schools in full. It's just another educational event aimed at monitoring knowledge and learning common mistakes, but so far little is known about him, which scares both the students themselves and their parents.

Functions and features of VPR

The emergence of All-Russian testing works is associated with increased control over the quality of education. Students themselves and their parents must understand that this is not only an assessment of students’ knowledge, but also an audit of the quality of teachers’ work. Incorrect teaching is easily revealed when there is a large percentage of “low” grades and a small number of confident A’s.

Domestic schools were not very happy with the innovation - this is an unnecessary hassle for the teachers and children themselves. At the same time, the same USE and OGE were more aimed at assessing students’ knowledge over several years, so it was not possible to identify an incompetent teacher. Students change schools, new teachers come, so it was impossible to get a clean overview of the quality of work over several years.

The introduction of VPR will, in most cases, make it possible to know for sure that a particular teacher in a particular school is not coping well with his duties. At the same time, the principle of standardization of requirements for the level of tasks and demonstrated knowledge will be observed. Based on the data obtained, methodologists will be able to analyze the quality of not only the teacher’s activities, but also specific educational programs. Additionally, based on these results, the timing of updating teaching methods and various modernizations in this area will be predicted. It is analysis for subsequent development that is the main thing VLOOKUP function, not control over children and schools. The latter is also implied, but not as the main task.

Subjects covered for different classes

It is especially important to pass the VPR for 4th grade students. In fact, this is also necessary for the parents themselves - based on the test results, one can see obvious gaps in the child’s knowledge that need to be eliminated before the student moves to secondary education.

Subject sections were only initially conditionally selective. Now some subjects have become mandatory with a subsequent “addition” of disciplines. At the same time, the list is gradually expanding both in favor of the “range” of tested disciplines and in relation to the number compulsory subjects. While in total number Subjects for the middle level include 6 disciplines, but schools are not required to conduct tests on all of them. At the same time, if you correctly convey the meaning and conditions carrying out VPR to students, they will perceive what is happening more calmly. In essence, VPRs are the same as control tests, although they may also have poorly studied topics.

The latter is due to the difference in the programs used - some topics have already been covered in some schools, while others will study them later. In particular, this does not particularly help students, but it makes it possible to change more correctly school literature and educational methods. At the same time, there are also psychological advantages - from the very beginning of training, children get used to strict regulations exam papers, which in the future will protect them from excessive stress during passing the Unified State Exam and GIA-9.

In addition, the increase in the volume of VPR is gradual:

  1. Russian language in 2nd grade.
  2. A choice of 1-2 subjects (the world around us, Russian language, mathematics) in 4th grade.
  3. Compulsory Russian in 5th grade, optionally history, mathematics, biology.
  4. In the 6th grade, Russian is compulsory, history, geography, biology, social studies, and mathematics are optional.

For high school students more disciplines. By default it is assumed good knowledge Russian language and mathematics for grades 10-11, so there is no cut-off for these subjects. But there is geography, chemistry, physics, biology and foreign languages. It is also planned to introduce similar tests in astronomy.

VPR regulations and assessment system

From 2019, conducting educational training will become mandatory for all Russian schools. Therefore, the management of educational institutions must comply with the rules of work. One of the important ones is a single day for conducting the VPR in different schools. The work schedule is approved centrally and must be followed.

In this case, the time limit for writing work must be observed:

  1. Primary school students - 45 minutes.
  2. Middle school students - 60 minutes.
  3. Students in high school - 90 minutes.

In addition, the educational institution is obliged to comply with the requirements of all tests- schoolchildren should be deprived of the opportunity to copy from each other and peek into textbooks. These are standard requirements for all testing and independent work.

So far, there is no exact data on the specific dates of the VPR for various subjects not yet for 2019. However, you can focus on the schedule of previous years. Previously, the deadlines for some subjects were as follows:

  1. Grades 2 and 5 take Russian in October.
  2. Two stages of passing the Russian language for 4 grades take place in April.
  3. In March and April, 5th graders take mathematics, biology or history, as well as the Russian language again.
  4. Students in grades 6 begin taking the test at the end of the year, in April-May.
  5. Graduates take the VPR in March and April.

All schools will receive information about specific testing dates in advance. It is important for heads of educational institutions not to be afraid of conducting them - VPRs are designed to help directors identify “ weak link"in the teaching staff. In general, the entire inspection system is aimed at improving the quality of education, so school leaders themselves should support such initiatives.

Test work evaluation system

There is conflicting information regarding the use of the results obtained - some say that the grade for the CD may have an impact on the certificate or annual mark, others say the opposite. In fact, the VPR should not have a decisive influence, but in general can be used as a routine test of knowledge with subsequent grading total weight marks. At the same time, for grades 11, an educational institution has the right to use its own criteria for assessing scores based on the results of the educational program in the 2018-2019 academic year; for grades 4 and 5, it is worth adhering to the system recommended by Rosobrnadzor.

For example, we can consider the system of converting points into grades for grades 4 and 5. Moreover, it is important not to forget that this is still a recommended type of translation, but not mandatory. In rare cases, it is possible to slightly change the score distribution.

In fact, the idea of ​​control sections through all-Russian verification work is potentially a step towards more quality level education. VPR in the 2018-2019 academic year may not be a huge event in educational environment, but this is precisely what forces teachers, first of all, to pay attention to the quality of children’s mastery of the taught material. This will contribute to more high level knowledge. If parents correctly explain to their children that they should not be afraid of CDF, then this will not become stressful for them, and at the same time will prepare them for future serious exams.

In connection with the beginning of a new school period, many schoolchildren, as well as their parents, are wondering about possible changes in the conduct of the All-Russian Test Work (VPR). The relevance of questions about test work and new items in schedules cannot be subject to any doubt. It is best to be prepared for all the details of the schedule in advance.

Many young residents of the Russian Federation often ask a question related to the need to conduct All-Russian testing in educational institutions. It would not be amiss to recall the fact that with the help of VPR, control is carried out educational level schoolchildren on the territory of our state.

To date, official data suggests that this year more than 98 percent of Russian schools took part in the VPR. However, according to official statements from the Ministry of Education and Science, in the new academic year All-Russian testing will be held in absolutely all educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In connection with this fact, many students show their dissatisfaction associated with increased control over students. This is due to the fact that each new test becomes a cause of stress for the student and his parents. Despite the ambiguous attitude of students and parents to this method of testing students’ knowledge, conducting a test is not subject to discussion and, in any case, such tests will take place. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the number of items that specialists want to submit for control may be increased.

Arguing in favor of holding this method knowledge testing, representatives of regulatory authorities say that with the help of this measure it is possible to immediately analyze the preparatory level of each of the students in the territory different regions Russia. In addition, with the help of VPR, the state manages to standardize most of the requirements for all educational Russian establishments. It is also worth remembering that with the help of All-Russian verification work it is possible to detect weaknesses V educational program followed by making the necessary amendments and adjustments to the curriculum for the next year.

Based on the facts obtained, we can safely talk about the importance of All-Russian testing not only for students, but also for the administrative staff of the school, since in the near future the government of the Russian Federation may introduce rating system educational institutions, which will be based on the results obtained after the VPR.

The main innovation this year is the expansion of the classes participating in the All-Russian testing work. Based on the information officially provided, seventh and eighth grade students will also take part in the process of writing a VPR. In addition, according to officially presented data, we can say that the testing schedule for fourth grade students this year will be flexible. That is, each educational institution can form its own own schedule to conduct All-Russian testing for fourth grade students.

The latest innovations are that the results obtained after conducting the VPR will be sent to educational institutions and there they will be entered into individual card every student. Using this method, teachers will be able to identify aspects that need to be worked on individually for each student in an educational institution.

All-Russian testing will again be held in all schools in Russia in the period from 2018 to 2019. At present, a final schedule for testing students' knowledge has not been drawn up. However, experts have prepared a list of months in which test papers should be written. In addition, State Duma deputies plan to conduct tests for grades 7 and 8 in 2019.

Currently unknown exact dates carrying out VPR in Russian schools. However, according to preliminary data, experts compiled an approximate list of deadlines for carrying out verification work. Students in grades 2 and 5 will take the VPR exam at the end of October 2018. Students in grades 4 are required to write a test in the Russian language at the end of April 2019. VLOOKUP for of this class will take place in 2 stages. First, students will write a dictation in the Russian language, and then take a test.

5th grade students take the VPR in March 2019. 6th grade students take their tests in mid-May of the new year. 10th grade students write test papers mainly in the fall, around mid-October 2018. Graduation classes take these tests between March and April 2019, before the EGE exam.

Features of the VPR in 2018-2019

Relatively recently, the Russian government introduced a program of All-Russian testing in schools. The first wave of testing took place 2 years ago, which covered about 3 million students. In 2019, deputies State Duma The Russian Federation plans to test about 100% of schools across the country. Based on the results of the check, a rating of the most promising schools, and the level of knowledge of students and the professionalism of teachers will also be assessed.

Parents of students graduating classes express their indignation at the conduct of All-Russian testing, since this program takes place before the EGE exam. Currently, Department of Education officials allow schools to conduct discretionary testing between grades, but experts predict changes may be introduced in 2019.

Last year there was a scandal with 5th grade students. The fact is that the tickets that were issued at the All-Russian test did not correspond to the training program. The questions were posed for subsequent years of education. Representatives of Rosobrnadzor said that schoolchildren are taught from books that the school chooses independently. In other words, schools highest accreditation were able to cope with testing due to a properly selected program.

Students in grade 2 are required to take an exam in the Russian language. In 4th grade, schoolchildren must show their knowledge of mathematics, the Russian language and a subject called the world around them. VPR in 5th grade will cover biology, Russian language, mathematics and history. In 6th grade, in addition to the previously listed subjects, such subjects as social studies and geography will be added. In 10th grade, students are required to write test papers in chemistry and biology. Graduation class students will write CDs in biology, history, chemistry, physics, geography and foreign language. Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation plan to introduce additional exam in astronomy.

Key points of the VPR in 2018-2019

According to the established regulations for conducting All-Russian testing in 2018-2019, all schools are required to conduct testing in accordance with the testing schedule. The main list and dates of the VPR will be displayed on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 4th grade students will write test papers throughout the entire lesson. For 5th grade students, 1 hour of writing time is allocated. Graduate schoolchildren will write a VPR for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Employees school institutions are also obliged to provide a worthy place for writing All-Russian test papers. Teachers are also required to ensure that students do not use any improvised means during tests. If violations are detected, the student risks receiving 0 points for writing a VLOOKUP, and the teacher will be fined if he hides information.

Deputies of the State Duma of Russia plan to introduce the VPR exam for 7th and 8th grade students in 2019. A test schedule and a list of items will be drawn up for them separately. Also, with the onset of the new year, the school gets the right to independently choose the work schedule for students junior classes. Complete package written works will be sent individually to each educational institution.

7 million Russian schoolchildren will write in 2019 All-Russian Test Work (VPR) - test work on different subjects. At 4, 5 and 6 VPR classes this academic year will be compulsory, in the rest they are carried out by decision of the school.

VPR is the most widespread assessment procedure in the education system: since their introduction in 2015, Russian schoolchildren have written more than 33 million test papers. In 2018 year VPR conducted by 40.5 thousand schools from all regions of Russia.The director told RIA Novosti what conclusions were drawn based on such large-scale material. Federal Institute assessment of the quality of education Sergey Stanchenko.

“Keep your finger on the pulse”: after 4th grade it only gets worse

‒ Sergey Vladimirovich, what is VPR? Who needs them and why?

‒ For understanding, I would refer to the ancient Soviet practice administrative work- ministerial, regional, final and others. There have always been a lot of tests. In recent years, the problem of the variety of programs, textbooks and teaching aids has led to the fact that in Russian schools they teach the material very differently and interpret the requirements of state educational standards, written in a very generalized form. In addition, the results of national studies of the quality of education (NIQE) record a drop in the level of preparation of schoolchildren after the 4th grade. Between 5th and 9th grades passes long period time. Children begin to grow up, some of them, for many reasons, lose motivation, “their eyes look outside,” and psychological maturation occurs.

Everyone understands that primary school is a very difficult period for children, when it is necessary to “keep abreast” not only of the school itself, but of the state. It should offer uniform measures of the quality of education. All testing works have a unified system for constructing options and common approaches in the formulation of tasks. At the same time, they are very modern, set the emphasis for the development of the Federal State Educational Standard, and follow global educational trends.

Now these works contain many practice-oriented tasks. We try to turn the assessment towards understanding real results teaching children, their successful socialization as citizens of the country, because the most important basic things in history and social studies are taught from grades 5 to 9; by the senior grades they are only enriched with academic details.

‒ What are the most valuable conclusions you draw from analyzing the results of the VPR? How do schools deal with these findings? And do they work?

‒ Unlike others assessment procedures(Unified State Exam, State Examination, etc.), the school itself checks the VPR: the children wrote, the teachers gathered, sat down and discussed all the mistakes, successes, and gaps within their team. This is the important part systematic work teachers, and standardized work is a colossal material for them. Then the results in the form of points “rise” to all levels - municipal, regional, federal. We analyze them. Let me make a reservation right away that there are no organizational conclusions from the category “ bad school" or " good school“No one does and no one is going to do.

We are only recording global trends. They are not related to subject teaching, but to to a greater extent With common features for different items.

For example, now we see the same trend as in NIKO: after the 4th grade, schoolchildren’s results drop sharply.

Of course, this is influenced by the features adolescence fifth graders, sixth graders and seventh graders. But the task of pedagogy is precisely to stop problems and centrally help the school cope with them.

Problem area: “foreign language” from 5th to 8th grades"

‒ What other trends do you catch? specific items? Is it possible to trust these conclusions, given the fact that not all schools honestly assign grades for CDF?

- Yes, many schools hide their results, and I don’t understand why they waste their time. On large sample the problems of “sinking” topics are always visible. All materials are open, everything is visible from the all-Russian picture. Now under special control the situation with a foreign language, which in 2022 will become mandatory for graduates taking the Unified State Exam. To prepare for this innovation, “ road map", within the framework of which, in the spring of this year, a VPR in a foreign language was conducted for the first time in grade 11, in next year In the spring, the CVD will take place in the 7th grade. Two years ago we held national survey on this subject. The picture is similar everywhere - preparation in a foreign language falls catastrophically from grade 5 to grade 8. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of the organization of teaching this particular subject, the division of schoolchildren into language subgroups.

‒ In April 2019 years will pass NIKO in physical education. What do you intend to find out?

Physical culture, health and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in the international educational community are considered one of the key requirements for graduates of the future. What is the teaching practice? Classes on the street or in the hall, outdoor exercises or theoretical ones? How do children understand principles? healthy image life?

We need to examine more thoroughly the subjects that don't pass the test. Unified State Examination form. The picture there is absolutely incomprehensible. For example, we conducted a study on life safety and found that the program is not very well organized: it begins in grades 7-8, while maximum benefit from taking this course I would be in grades 5-6.

“Mark it!”

Lately Many experts advocate grade-free education because they believe that any grade is stressful for the child. In your opinion, doesn’t taking tests weaken the psyche of Russian schoolchildren?

- I completely disagree with such experts. A mark is motivation. The first year when we introduced the VPR, Rosobrnadzor recommended not to mark the results of the work. You can't imagine how many indignant letters we received from schools! The children wrote the work, they want to know what they got for it. There must be an assessment. A man who prepares for the future adult life, should at least sometimes leave your comfort zone and plunge yourself into a state of stress. You have to learn and create, and do routine work, pass tests - all this is an integral part of learning.

‒ It is known that some teachers teach VPR. How to deal with this?

‒ I wouldn’t throw around the term “trained.” This can be a completely healthy and very beneficial process called “final repetition.” You can't go anywhere without this. The main thing is that this does not turn into repeated study of identical tasks from the demo version. Teachers need to clearly understand the difference between coaching and control repetition of the material covered.

‒ What can you advise the parents of seven million Russian schoolchildren who will have to write the All-Russian test papers?

- I would advise parents, firstly, not to worry, secondly, not to worry, thirdly, not to worry. The main advice after these three is to take an interest in your children’s studies, and not to slow down after primary school.

International studies show that in elementary school We have the most involved parents in their children’s education; they help their children do their homework the most.

Then, unfortunately, we record a sharp decline in interest from both children and parents. Many children from grades 5 to 7 lose their base and the ability to apply more complex knowledge. They will also help you track this VPR results. In this light, it is useful for parents to be interested in the results and in general school life your child until graduation.

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