Is it difficult to be a moral person? Is it easy to be moral?

“I was a beast, but I became a man” - this is what the saint said about the changes in himself some time after receiving Holy Baptism prince equal to the apostles Vladimir. These words of his did not become self-praise or boasting, but in to a greater extent probably even joyful surprise how just one movement of the soul, one step towards God, albeit through doubt, search and long reflection, can change not only life, everyday life, the attitude towards oneself and others, but also the person himself. Total. Forever

You can become a person only by truly realizing how priceless and important the life of each of us is to God. You can become a person by seeing a person in another. And not just a person, but also his human dignity. But this skill must be learned, learned seriously, without distinguishing people according to the only ones we understand. subjective criteria. All of us, regardless of origin, gender, social status, characters, positions and salaries, are actually very similar in the most important thing: we are born and we die. Yes, between these two points, we are very different, we go our own way, unlike anyone else, but in the most important and mysterious moments of life we ​​are not at all different from each other. These two important days the calendar depends entirely on God. And what will happen between them and the years allotted to us largely depends on us. And here it is obvious that the life given to us must still be something more than an ordinary line between dates on a monument. How to do this?

The world is dominated by a consumerist attitude towards everything and, alas, towards everyone. This means that the person himself often sees and evaluates another solely in the light of material usefulness or uselessness. A person becomes profitable, he is important as long as he has connections, means, and the ability to influence. Sometimes they also don’t see and don’t want to see a person behind youth and beauty, looking at him as a wrapper. And many suffer from this, but the scary thing is that there are those who successfully use it. And everywhere there is only a call to take, find, buy, eat... Earn to spend? And then earn money again? What if it is not possible to earn as much as you would like to spend? A loan, and already work for it... And then the person slowly disappears. First as part of society. No money, lost my home, drank myself to death. Where is he? No, not in the trash, but just beyond our attention and interest. But this is a man whose most important dignity no one took away. And he won’t take it away, because he is dear and important to God. This is its main advantage. That's why it's so sad that we haven't noticed him. But meetings with such people are sent to us precisely so that we do not forget about this. No one will ever give any guarantee that extreme need will not visit us. Is this the kind of insight we want?

The truth of Christ revealed to Prince Vladimir the truth about his old life. The truth about how many people were not noticed; about what was obtained by sword and force; about what lust and greed, anger and cruelty led to. The prince's life, overwhelmed by passions and instincts, was deprived human dignity. And under the influence of God’s grace, he gained the ability to see everything unsightly in himself and repent, change his life. And this is a very important step on the path to becoming a person.

It is very scary to lose the person in yourself. This loss is irreparable. Christianity teaches that the key to preserving humanity is the ability to think not about oneself. Better yet, don't think about yourself. Even in the smallest everyday situations, which, unfortunately, we rarely succeed. Christianity teaches sacrificial love, that is, such love for your neighbor when you forget about yourself for the sake of another. Prince Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, learned all this when the teachings of Christ became the main measure of his life.

In today's world, we are increasingly seeing a movement opposite to that which the Holy Baptist of Rus' spoke about - a movement from man to beast. And this movement does not surprise anyone, and, what is especially sad, it does not frighten anyone at all. Maybe because we are increasingly used to noticing people only in the mirror?

Many people talk about this, sound the alarm bell, but sometimes they don’t see what to cling to, what to look for salvation from this disastrous movement, which way to rush away from the edge of this abyss. And the path has long been indicated - by Christ, and the truth of this path is attested by a host of saints, whose example each of us is called to imitate.

Moreover, Christianity also teaches that a person must constantly develop his virtues, that is, the most important desire of a Christian is not just to become good person in the generally accepted sense, but to regain the image and likeness of God. Christ took upon himself human nature, as it were, appropriated it to Himself, so that through Him this nature would receive the ability to return the image of God lost by Adam. Christ opened this path for everyone. Prince Vladimir made a civilizational choice, as they say now, for our country. But whether to follow this path, whether to rise to the rank of man and from man to the image of God - the choice is ours.

Mini-essay on the topic “IS IT HARD TO BE A MORAL PERSON”


The kingdom of peace, kindness and mutual understanding will come only in a society of highly moral people. The concept of morality includes rules of behavior, spiritual and spiritual qualities, necessary for a person in society, as well as compliance with these rules. The ability to live with other people is determined by morality, that is, norms of behavior, certain actions designed to express respect, goodwill and attention to a person. A moral person knows how to express attention by external means, understandable to everyone. He takes care of his own appearance, neatness and cleanliness, remembers that sloppiness, negligence and inattention to oneself is a form of disrespect for other people, disregard for their opinions; listens patiently to the speaker without interrupting him and showing interest in his words; will not allow the dignity of a person to be humiliated by his words or actions; uses generally accepted forms of requesting a service and expresses gratitude for it himself

What is morality? On the one hand, it is very difficult philosophical question, requiring serious thought. On the other hand, we can usually quite clearly determine whether a person acted morally or not. Well, let's speculate. If we dig deep, we will understand that from time immemorial the source of morality has been scriptures. In Christianity, it was the ten commandments of Christ that determined the moral code of man. Why do I speak in the past tense? Probably because there are not so many believers now, religion no longer permeates all spheres human existence, as before. In addition, as culture and humanity develop, new moral and ethical standards appear in society. But what is morality? Perhaps it should be understood as the spiritual qualities of a person, which are based on high ideals of goodness, duty, honor, justice and are manifested in relation to other people and nature. Morality is how the person himself evaluates his actions and behavior from the point of view of good. But everyone understands good in their own way. What is good for one is completely unacceptable for another. And where is the truth? I think morality lies precisely in seeing your actions not only as acceptable, but also as good for society. Immoral behavior makes a person promiscuous, ethically ugly and unworthy. Is it possible to talk about the actions of children from a moral point of view? I’m afraid not, because the concept of “good” at a tender age is very vague, a child is simply not interested in analyzing his behavior and looking at it from the angle of some obscure morality. Children's actions are determined by a single criterion - “like”, “dislike”. And it is absolutely not a fact that, as a child grows up, he will acquire moral traits. Here a lot depends on upbringing and environment. Parents and schools become the first teachers of morality for children. I don't think morality can't be learned. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary. A person learns all his life, and we're talking about not only about broadening one’s horizons, but also about self-education, changing priorities, and mastering new values.

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What is the spiritual guideline that guides us when making any decision, thinking about the right thing to do? Why can we easily justify some actions, while we consider others immoral? It's hard to give precise definition morality, since this concept is very broad. It is also unclear why it is needed, what it should be, because a person determines for himself what is acceptable for him, and what he will never be able to step over and considers immoral. A person has to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world, adjust his character and disposition to a certain framework of laws
society. A person can commit bad deeds and not repent at all, because he does not consider himself immoral, does not see or think about what he is doing.

How can he remain moral in our world, when society dictates “different rules of the game?” We all see how outdated the concept of a traditional family is, young people no longer treat veterans and the older generation with due respect, they have lost interest in the history of their country... many more examples can be given. Of course, what was not accepted by society before is now considered quite normal and a person cannot change his views and principles at lightning speed; he remains faithful to most of them until the end of his life. Hence the eternal ideological struggle between generations - what one takes for granted, another considers unacceptable. Maybe a person is used to feeling impunity for an immoral life? Under any conditions, a person must remain a person, and having lost morality, we risk becoming worse than an animal, because even with reason and speech, a person sometimes commits terrible deeds, contrary to all accepted norms. One's own conscience and desire to change can become starting point to the life we ​​dream of. We must not forget about other people; their interests must be taken into account.

Let people not be brought up correctly, but constantly point out their shortcomings, hit them moral feelings with your freedom, and they will perceive it as licentiousness, it’s not worth it. Is it easy to become moral? What is moral and what is not can be very difficult to determine. Probably, this question can only be answered by understanding yourself and defining your goals in life. I use golden rule morality, which sounds like this: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” I do not call obscene or immoral what goes beyond my usual framework of understanding morality, I try not to be aggressive and not to label others. Do my decisions and actions lead to happiness, are there any benefits from them? If yes, then that means I'm on on the right track and I should work on myself further, so that
become even better. And if I remain dissatisfied with the outcome of my actions, then I wonder: do my actions correspond to my beliefs, where did I go wrong? For me, the concept of morality is not limited to norms of behavior in society, moral
Property is a state of mind, and there should be no immorality in the soul. Need to educate
yourself, developing best qualities your character, and not put up with shortcomings, hiding them
under the guise of his understanding of morality.

Is it difficult to be human?

And who is this person?

Registration number 0074195 issued for the work:

Is it difficult to be human?

And who is this person?

You know. It’s quite difficult for me to answer this question for you. Probably not. Or maybe yes. None of us can say with certainty that he is human. Yes, not in the biological sense. And morally and ethically. I can't even say this about myself. Because I'm not sure. You see, if we speak from the position of moral and intellectual self-sufficiency. Then maybe I'm human. Yes, I'm good at understanding people. I can speak beautifully. I can understand others. Maybe even give some good advice. But does this give me the right to call myself a human being? Well, I don't know. I have a good job. Favorite, I would even say. I know how to work and earn money. I can teach others, explore the world. Help them with this. But am I human? Don't know. Strange question you asked me. You can do this. Why is it that every time I talk to you, you puzzle me? You give me food for thought. In order for me to appreciate myself and others. And most importantly, I understood why it was. For many years I have looked at you and thought, maybe you are the person. The one I should be like. Or at least become approximately like you. May be. I constantly think about many things. And now, at your suggestion, I began to think about Man. I wonder if I serve cripples and homeless people on the street, am I good son, and a faithful brother. A good husband and a real father. Am I human? Is this enough? Is it enough to believe in God and do good deeds? Don't know. I have a hard time believing this. A person, in my opinion, is a huge, even gigantic personality, which combines many qualities: the ability to love, understand, forgive, become, be, be able to. Be able to cry and laugh, be strong and weak. Be honest and a bit of a liar. To be right and somewhere wrong. Make mistakes and admit them, and be able to correct them. The main thing is that you just be yourself. With all the weaknesses and strengths. Just yourself, you know?

I'm not sure I answered your question. But I thought about it. And I began to look more at people and at myself. Seen from the outside, I would say so. But from the outside it’s clearer. What do you think, am I human? You are silent... Well, yes. And I'll keep quiet. And I'll think about it some more.

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