What does it mean to be a responsible person? Social studies. Let's figure out what's going on here

The usual story. The strategy meeting is coming to an end. There are a number of initiatives that need to be implemented by the end of the quarter. Everyone agrees with the work plan and each of those present says that he will contribute to its implementation. However, when the quarter comes to an end, it turns out that only a small fraction of what was planned has been accomplished. And the point is not that the employees are bad, and not that they worked carelessly. The problem was that none of them actually felt personal responsibility. Are you familiar with this situation?

People often find it difficult to differentiate between overall responsibility and individual responsibility. The difference is simple. Many people may be responsible for facilitating a task or initiative. However, personal responsibility rests with one person, whose work will be evaluated upon completion of the project.

People with high level individual responsibility is extremely difficult to find, since it comes from within, and is not assigned to a person by superiors, you yourself must decide that you accept and bear it. Here are eight habits that people who are unafraid of individual responsibility make part of their everyday life.

1. They accept responsibility. When responsibility is forced upon people, they often try to get rid of it or openly resist it. People with developed individual responsibility willingly accept it and actively take on the implementation of the tasks assigned to them. They make sure that once an initiative has been entrusted to them, no one else has to worry about carrying it out.

2. They don't make excuses. An objective debriefing is useful after the project is completed, and not during its implementation. If “here and now” something goes wrong, you should not look for those to blame. This a waste time and energy. We need to look for a way out of this situation.

People with high personal responsibility do not try to justify their own mistakes or inactions, and do not look for scapegoats. They also do not try to come out clean, citing external influences. Instead, they conduct rigorous analysis and solve problems as they arise.

3. They meet deadlines. What is the use of completing tasks if the result of the work was expected much earlier and has become practically useless? People with high individual responsibility recognize that every project has time value and that punctuality is a necessary condition achieving the goal. The trust that others have in them is based, among other things, on their efficiency and desire not to waste a single minute of time, be it their own or someone else's.

4. They are the masters of their own destiny. Every project has problems. However, proper planning coupled with positive and pragmatic approach able to overcome virtually any obstacle. The psychology of the victim is alien to a person with developed sense individual responsibility. He does not expect scrutiny or control from others, but instead works proactively and conscientiously with the team to complete the project as quickly as possible.

5. They control their feelings. During execution important project emotional stress sometimes it goes off scale. People with high individual responsibility know that negative emotions may harm productivity. They don't lose control of their feelings and don't let unfortunate setbacks or emotional colleagues get in the way of completing their tasks. They decisively attack each problem, targeting its root cause, and do not allow an atmosphere of uncertainty and uncertainty to arise.

6. They manage expectations. Uncertainty leads to inaction. People with high personal responsibility are clearly aware of what needs to be done and when. They think through the project carefully and provide you with a plan you can rely on. If an issue arises, they evaluate it, resolve it, and proactively reach out to all stakeholders to ensure everyone is aware of and agrees to the corrected outcome.

7. They interact with others. Few significant tasks can be accomplished by one person. People with developed personal responsibility are excellent at using the resources available to them. They maximize the potential of all the people at their disposal, attracting them, stimulating them to work productively and empowering them, thanks to which they make a significant contribution to the final result.

Responsibility for oneself and one’s destiny is the most important principle of thinking and the quality of a strong, successful person. Its essence is “When said and done.” Responsibility is the basis for achieving any goal, the basis for building any normal relationships and contracts.

Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s destiny is an indicator of a person’s maturation, this is the beginning of his conscious life, the ability to give his word and keep it, fulfilling his obligations.

What is Self-Responsibility?

Self-responsibility is:

  1. First of all, responsibility for your development, personal growth (formation of personal qualities, getting rid of problems and shortcomings) and professional education.
  2. Search, setting and achievement. Aimlessness is the first indicator of irresponsibility.
  3. Responsibility for your manifestations, behavior, words, etc., so that all manifestations are worthy.
  4. Responsibility for your own physical body and for health.

Responsibility for your destiny is:

  1. Responsibility for achieving your life goals, for achieving success and happiness.
  2. Responsibility for the happiness, well-being and safety of all those who are dear to you (this is also part of the responsibility for your destiny).
  3. Responsibility for creating the necessary situations according to fate, for eliminating problems that arise in life and helping loved ones (who are within your area of ​​responsibility).

The value of the quality is “Responsibility”. What is her strength?

The ability to take responsibility and fulfill it is one of the main decision-making criteria when moving a person upward in his career. This is always the basis of leadership and the growth of a leader, as well as the basis of personal growth: a person’s sphere of responsibility grows and expands - the person himself grows, as a person and as a leader, his sphere of influence, his power, his significance in society grows, and his possibilities.

How less people takes responsibility, the less he fulfills his obligations, the less his significance, capabilities, real strength etc., the less he can do in life.

The cowardly and weak are afraid of responsibility and achieve nothing, often remaining losers all their lives.

Strong and courageous, or those who want to become so, take responsibility, do not run away from it or hide, but do exactly the opposite - use opportunities and take responsibility, expand their capabilities, thereby increasing their influence on situations, on your life and the lives of other people.

As a principle and quality of success – it unites all components “I want-I-can-do”. Even super talented and smart man, if he does not have the quality of “responsibility,” most often, he achieves nothing in life, loses the trust and support of people, and loses faith in himself due to the fact that he does not fulfill his promises and obligations, losing his face and reputation. Such people, if they do not reveal the quality of “responsibility,” become uninteresting losers.

How is responsibility implemented?

The ability to make appropriate commitments - to oneself and to others, and in the best possible way keep your word to yourself and others.

Can you promise yourself something because it really matters to you and follow through on it?

  1. Do you keep your promises to other people?
  2. How much are you reliable person? Reliable for yourself and from the point of view of other people?
  3. Do you have long-term life Goals?
  4. Are you regularly investing in your personal and professional growth?
  5. Do you strive to take care of yourself, your health and those close to you?

Positive answers to these questions confirm that you are a responsible person! If the answers are “No,” you have something to work on.

This creates the basis for self-respect and the respect of other people, for their recognition and trust. “Yes, he is a reliable person, you can trust him; if he promises, he delivers”.

But responsibility always involves certain consequences. and even punishment. If a person takes responsibility and does everything right, he receives rewards, prizes according to fate in the form of certain benefits and opportunities. If a person took responsibility, but implemented it poorly, or did not fulfill his obligations at all, punishment for irresponsibility follows, as a rule, immediately or almost immediately (dismissal, losses, destruction of relationships, loss of trust from people, monetary losses, etc. .).

One of the serious karmic punishments for not taking responsibility for yourself and your destiny is confusion of thoughts and even madness.

How to become a responsible person?

1. First of all, do personal growth– start attending trainings, courses and webinars on personal development, read books famous people and coaches (Brian Tracy, others). Constantly invest in your personal growth.

2. Train your responsibility! Practice on yourself and on others: take on simple obligations and try to fulfill them on time and accurately, start respecting yourself for this. To make it easier, write down your promises to yourself, and your promises to other people in workbook. Mark all completed obligations in it. Next, move on to more significant and serious matters and obligations.

The point is that you must be confident in yourself that if you give your word, you will certainly keep it.

3. Constantly work with yours life goals. How to work correctly with your goals -.

4. Learn to control yourself and manage all your manifestations. Self-control and Self-Control are a direct indicator of your responsibility for yourself, in what state you live. You don't care about yourself, or you always try to be “fine.”

5. Responsibility involves calculation (to take on this or that business or not), taking on obligations (responsibility for a business, achieving a goal, etc.), an agreement ( given word– verbally or on paper) and fulfillment of obligations (search for solutions, impeccability, timeliness, etc.). All these components must work without failure.

Class hour “What does it mean to be responsible person» in 8B grade

Class teacher Ekaterina Vladimirovna Orlova


Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Target: promote the development of a sense of responsibility in schoolchildren, promote the formation in children of the ability to analyze their actions and character traits, cultivate respect, tolerance for the people around them, the formation communicative competence, development of ingenuity, logical thinking.


- develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions and generalizations based on different points of view;

To develop the ability for collective reasoning, a culture of communication and speech;

Develop the ability to conduct dialogue, the ability to defend your point of view.






Progress hour of communication

I. Statement of the topic and purpose of the hour of fellowship.

Good afternoon, I'm glad to see you all together. Shake your neighbor's hands as is done throughout the civilized world before serious work as a friendly gesture.

Today we will spend class hour on a topic that was proposed at our previous meeting. As a topic, I would like to propose a statement by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

To be human means to feel responsible to people .

How do you understand this statement? (statements from the guys)

II. Introduction to the topic

When you were little, your actions were largely dictated by those who cared for you. You ate, when your parents gave you food, you went where they led you, i.e. you were completely dependent on your parents. Now you have matured, acquired the necessary skills, gradually becoming more independent, you have the responsibility to go to school and do homework. Soon you will become adults and will be fully responsible for yourself and others.

How you learn to make choices today will determine your ability to act responsibly.

approach life in the future.

I want to bring to your attention a story.

What do you think answered the loser? successful person? (children's statements)

“It’s clear,” answered the successful man, “you are primarily inclined to blame circumstances for your failures, so you do not strive to improve yourself.” And until you learn to take responsibility for your actions upon yourself, instead of shifting it to others, you will remain a failure.

III. Main part

Your statements turned out to be almost the same as the successful person answered.

But no less difficult for a person is the ability to keep his word. No wonder in one Russian proverb: “If you don’t give your word, be strong, but if you give your word, hold on»
And how many cases when you easily promise me to do something to each other? And the day comes... and it turns out that nothing is being done.

Now I will offer you several situations

1 Situation: On Health Day, the guys in the class agree on who will be on the team, who is responsible for filming, and who is in charge of other things. On the appointed day, out of 21 students, 16 come, it is unknown what the rest are doing (and this is a school day), and the guys even had to call the team members by phone. Why do you think this happened? For what reason did the class end up on last place? (children's statements).

How can you call the actions of the guys who let the others down?

2 Situation: A group of students must go to certain time for profile tests. The children were warned about the start time of the tests by the head teacher and class teacher. They listened to everyone calmly, promised to come, but only half of the guys came at the appointed time, the rest, who remained at home, did not consider it necessary to answer to the class teacher on phone call. Why do you think?

How can you characterize such an act? (children's statements).

3 Situation: A month in advance, the students agreed that on a certain day they would go bowling as a class. The day before, 4 people were warned that they would not be able to go, for a number of different serious reasons. The others remained silent. At the appointed time, it turned out that 11 out of 21 people came to bowling. What character trait do you think this action speaks of?

How can you call this act? (statements).

- What is responsibility? When does this feeling occur? ( Responsibility - this is the responsibility to be responsible for one’s actions and actions.)

What character qualities are characteristic of a responsible person? Words written on the board , which denote different character traits of a person. Leave only those that are characteristic of a responsible person.

(honesty, courage, cowardice, insincerity, sociability and isolation, kindness and hostility, attentiveness and indifference, hard work and laziness, fear of difficulties, activity.)

How does a fish behave in a river stream? ? (swims with the current and against the current, i.e. actively)

What happens to a log floating on the surface? (Answers)

In what case can the same thing happen to a fish as to a log (Answers)

You can live the years of your childhood and youth actively, like a “fish,” or passively, like a “log.” Fish living in the river are able to swim both with the current and against it.

If she stops moving, she will be carried away by the current.

But sailing in the opposite side, the fish can overcome the force of the current and even reach the upper reaches of the river. The log has no choice: it will eventually end up wherever the flow takes it.

Let's ask ourselves: are we creating our own future or are we floating with the flow, like a log in a river?

Do you think you are going with the flow or creating your future, can anyone honestly and responsibly say that? (Children's statements).

IV. Lesson summary.

What does each of you need to become responsible person? (Learn to take responsibility for your actions).

Serious attitude to life begins with conscious decision take responsibility. We make this decision more than once; we make it many times throughout our lives.

Responsible person - this is the one who controls himself and his behavior. Therefore, each of you must learn to accept responsibility for your actions, actions, and behavior. If you don’t learn this, then your life will change according to the will of other people.

Every action is based on responsibility or irresponsible attitude to the current situation. Our well-being, relationships with others, and sometimes even human life depend on our actions.

V. Reflection

In front of you are multi-colored emoticons. Choose the emoticon that matches your attitude towards our conversation if:

1. I believe that the topic is important to me. There's a lot to think about. - Green

2. I will think about it, but not today...someday...maybe... Yellow

3. Everything we talked about is just empty words. They don't matter. I just wasted my time. Red

Thanks for the work!

To whom and for what is a person responsible? In front of loved ones, in front of your children and parents, and also in front of yourself. It is important to understand why we bear the burden of responsibility. For our attitude towards people, for our lack of faith in our own children, for our lack of faith in ourselves, for our deeds - completed and unfulfilled, and of course for the actions we commit. And there is also responsibility for words and thoughts. To be responsible is to realize that, no matter how pretentious it may sound, you are the creator of your life and remember that life goes this way and not otherwise, no one is to blame. Today we will give you 10 tips on how to become a more responsible person.

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Photo gallery: 10 tips on how to become a more responsible person

Human life is a series of events that entail responsibility. Getting married is an important step in everyone's life. We take responsibility for our other half and for our future life together. If a family breaks up without living even a year, then it is absolutely clear that the couple did not accept this event in life as a responsibility. Without mutual responsibility and understanding, even with great love, the family longboat will crash on the rocks of life.

1. A child was born in the family. This joyful event entails the need to realize the enormous responsibility that falls on the shoulders of parents. Especially at an early age, children, like sponges, absorb everything that surrounds them. Success in parenting is personal positive example behavior. If the father treats his mother with tenderness and care, then the son, observing from the very early age for the behavior of the father, will treat the mother in the same way, and then his soul mate.

2. Responsibility for oneself - understanding what we are responsible for and what we are not responsible for. It is important to be able to communicate with people, refuse or accept a refusal in such a way as not to break off relationships and not offend - it’s difficult, but you need to strive for this. Because this is a manifestation of responsible behavior.

3. You can become a more responsible person if you realize that we make decisions on our own and will be responsible for the consequences ourselves. Quite often, parents, in an effort to protect their children from the dangers of life, prevent the development of strength that will help them cope with the problems of life. Children grow up without faith in themselves. As adults, it will be difficult for them to be responsible people.

4.As long as we believe that life situation If our failures come from someone outside, then we have no desire to change ourselves. Therefore, to change the current situation in life that does not suit you, work on yourself and take responsibility for your destiny into your own hands. We must remember that being responsible for everything at once means not being responsible for anything.

5. Becoming a more responsible person will allow you to take responsibility for everything in your life and fate is always in yours own hands. And we must always remember that if you shift responsibility to others, you will not be able to learn anything yourself.

6. You must finally make a firm decision to take responsibility for your life. Responsibility for all the white and black stripes in your destiny. Every morning, out loud, say this statement to yourself until you accept it as truth. Your faith in it as truth will bring it to life.

7. Responsible person - free man, and in order not to depend on circumstances, include a sufficiently large space in your area of ​​responsibility. The space with which you come into contact, where you live, is mandatory. The better you understand space, the less problems get it from him. Before traveling to a country unknown to you, study all the intricacies of local life, find out the history and then your trip will go perfectly.

8. A happy person will be able to give happiness to his children and this is precisely his responsibility for their destiny. Your health is in your hands. Take responsibility for your body, take care of it, love it and soon you will notice positive changes.

9. Getting rid of fears, especially about everything new, will help you become a more responsible person. Be honest, do not be afraid of new things, because the saying is true - the more honest a person is, the more responsible he is.

10.You took responsibility for your life, and this does not mean that you wished bad things on yourself. There is no need to lynch yourself for failures - it is absolutely useless. Just take responsibility for your circumstances - and remember, you control them. You can change everything that doesn't suit you. Don't lose your right to choose, change your attitude towards what is happening.

We hope that 10 tips on how to become a more responsible person will help you!

CLASS HOUR “What does it mean to be responsible”

Target: Nurturing responsible behavior


1.to promote the development of a sense of responsibility in schoolchildren;

2.to promote in children the ability to analyze their actions and character traits, predict the consequences of their actions:

3. convince students that a person who knows how to take responsibility for his actions is worthy of respect.


1. Org. moment.

2.Emotional mood.

(We form a circle of joy, holding hands while standing at our desks)

Hello, everyone who came to us today.

Hello everyone who believes in kindness.

Hello, everyone who, sparing no effort,

Shares his happiness.

I ask you guys to turn to face each other, hold hands and convey your warmth around the circle to all your classmates. It will multiply several times and return to you with warmth, tenderness, good mood. We sit down at our desks.

3.Work on the topic.

Let's talk

Human society is divided into children and adults.

Tell me, what is the difference between adults and children?

(children answer that adults have more responsibility for children, they are responsible for raising children, they educated people, wise and experienced, they have more rights, adults try to ensure that children have a happy childhood).

Do you consider your childhood happy?

(The children confirm that they are happy that they live in such a house, they are taken care of here, they are loved here, they are educated, dressed beautifully, fed deliciously, there are activities for their interests, there is a lot in orphanage guests who are not indifferent to children...), i.e. Adults, caring for children, are responsible for their actions.

- “I am responsible for my actions.” How do you understand these words? (Everyone can speak on the topic, depending on how he understands it).

A ) I(emphasis on this word) and no one else.

b) Emphasis on the word I answer(meaning, I think, I make a decision, I act as I thought about it and I am responsible for my actions).

c) For their and no one else's.

d) I answer for actions, it means I consciously make a choice, I understand what will happen as a result, what will be the consequences of my actions.

The answer - the answer - is responsibility.

Today we will talk about responsibility, find out what it means to be responsible? More and more often you hear from adults "BE MORE RESPONSIBLE! By being responsible, you definitely build character.

What is responsibility anyway?

Responsibility- this means doing your duty, doing your actions, thinking before doing anything, trying to do everything as best as possible.

Responsibility -responsibility and willingness to be responsible for committed actions, actions and their consequences.

Now I will ask you to remember an incident from your life when you entered responsible and irresponsible...

On the board there is an exhibition of drawings “My good deed”

    Tell me about a time when you acted responsibly from your point of view.

    What feelings did you experience?

    Match this feeling with the color.

(assume the same only with opposite situation)

What conclusion can you draw about your responsible actions?


By showing responsibility, we receive gratitude, gifts, the world seems light and bright.

What conclusion can be drawn about irresponsibility?


- when we behave irresponsibly, we cause censure, punishment, the world appears in dark colors.

Well done! Everyone completed the task, which means they took the task seriously responsibly.

4. Game for attention(Children stand in a circle or near their desks.)

I will name some actions. If I name what it means to fulfill one's duties, you clap your hands and say "responsibility", if I name a bad act, you sit down and say nothing.

Clean up your home or school (+)

Blame others for your actions (-)

Finish your work first and then play. (+)

You continue to work even if the work is very difficult. (+)

You leave things in a mess for others to clean up after you (-)

First you think, and then you act. (+)

Ignore the ringing bell for class and play (-)

Raise your hand if you want to ask or answer (+)

Don’t clear the table or wash the dishes, mom will do everything herself (-)

Be attentive and active in class (+)


5. Definition of the SECRET OF LIFE

You may have noticed that the selection may vary depending on different situations.

There are actions that we have already developed so much in our lives that we don’t even notice that we are always doing the right thing:

2) say “thank you” and “please”, etc.

This has become our habit, brought up since childhood.

But even these good deeds constantly manifest themselves in each of us, if we want it, if we are responsible for them. This is a manifestation of good will. But do we always use this choice correctly?

Today we started a difficult conversation about how to do the right thing, why you should always, in any situation, think through your decisions and not rush into doing things, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful or ashamed of your choice.

Let's analyze what can ultimately happen in our everyday life if we are guided by the principle: “I want and I can,” “I don’t want, but I have to.”

I want and I can.” (finish the word)

1) I want to study “excellently” - ... I will learn;

2) I want to help my mother - .... I'll clean the room;

4) I want to be healthy –…. I will be tempered;

5) I want to be strong –…. I will play sports;

6) I want to learn how to weave from beads –…. I will attend the circle;

7) I want to become a respected person - ... do right choice their actions

"I don't want to, but I have to" - speaking on behalf of parents.

Dima's dad is a driver.

I work as a bus driver. I have to get up early every morning and go to work. Sometimes I really want to sleep, but I understand perfectly well that if I don’t go to work or am late, then... What do you think will happen then?

Alena's mother is a doctor.

I work as an ambulance doctor. I have to work not only during the day, but also at night. Our team goes to the patients as soon as a call is received. We know that we need to hurry in order to quickly help the patient. What do you think would happen if we said we didn’t want to go?

Summing up.

Well done! You worked actively, completed the task, which means you are doing everything responsibly.


And now the guys will present to your attention a skit

ALINA: Mom, can I go to the skating rink with the girls?

MOTHER: No, Alina! I don’t allow you to go to the skating rink with your girlfriends today.

ALINA: Mom, don't you trust me?

MOTHER: You're right, Alina. I don't trust you. Why? Think for yourself, Alina. Think about it. (Mom leaves, shaking her head).

ALINA(to herself). What does she mean? I am 10 years old. I'm her daughter. She must trust me.

Do you remember last week I missed school without good reason, and told the teacher that she was sick. If a person can lie, then he can do other things. Where was your honesty?

CONSCIENCE-VOICE 3: Hey Alina! It's me, your conscience! Since you have started to remember, then remember how you keep your promises. How many times have you promised to tidy up your room and just shoved everything under your bed? And everything would have been fine if your mother hadn’t found a family of mice settling in there.

How many times have you promised to return from a walk on time, and each time you were late by two time zones? Where is your accuracy and perseverance?

CONSCIENCE-VOICE 4: Hey Alina! It's me, your conscience! What happened to your responsibility. When you went to your friend's and left your three-year-old brother unattended, and you promised to play with him while your mother was not at home. Where is your responsibility? Where is your reliability and thoughtfulness?

ALINA: Well, okay, okay, that's enough. Maybe, however, I was not always honest, decent, responsible, reliable. Nobody is perfect. WITH today I will begin to be worthy of my mother's trust. I will do well and not do poorly!


What do you think? Will Alina manage to be worthy of her mother's trust?

What should she do for this?

When might this happen?

Be responsible for your actions before your conscience and other people

Well done, you prepared this task responsibly.

7. Working with pictures “How to avoid trouble” No. 1,2,3 (didactic game)

The guys call dangerous situations, which the children in the pictures got into.

What conclusion can be drawn?

"A person who canbe responsible for your actions - worthy of respect."

Be accountable to yourself for your actions

8. Table of increasing responsibility

Over the years, a person’s responsibility does not decrease, but only grows

Responsibility to yourself

Responsibility to conscience and other people
Responsibility before the law, the state

9. Couples of your own composition about responsible behavior (read aloud by yourself)

Glushchenko V

1. If you throw away a piece of paper, put it away,

school yard don't litter!

2. I water the flowers so that they don’t wilt in the pots!

Kuznetsov D

1.Done the job, then play

Always help mom around the house!

2. Threw a piece of paper - put it away,

Set an example for others!

Kharlanova L

1. Correct mistakes yourself and help your neighbor!

2. Always complete a difficult task and get to work!

3.Don't quit your job

If you started it!

4. Put yourself in order, and then go for a walk!

Sklyarova L.

1. Correct your own mistakes and don’t make others!

2. Always do a difficult task, don’t make mistakes and don’t get discouraged.

3. Done the job, then play and walk safely

4. Don’t tear off the school desk, don’t draw, but wipe it!

Derevyanchenko Ya.

1. Help with great willingness,

Don't quit your job!

Lozovaya A.

1.If mom is sick,

Everything around you is upside down,

Let's get down to business

The house cannot live without you.

Sidorkina K.

1. Correct mistakes yourself

Write it down and finish reading it.

2. Put yourself in order

Remove and wash.

10. Happiness is hail

14 people display the parts of the rainbow on the board (or draw) with the rules

Creating a cluster. The song “The Road of Good” is playing

R (red) Don't let anyone down.

A (orange) Observe the rules of behavior.

D (yellow) Be able to take responsibility for your own affairs and actions.

U (green) Perform duties well.

G (blue) To be reliable, efficient.

A (blue) Keep what you promise.

(violet) Don’t wait for reminders or checks.

Well done! Everyone completed the task, which means they embraced the game responsibly.

What would happen if the student whose red and green pencils refused to hang up his stripe.

(It wouldn't have been a rainbow)

What would a student do?


A sun is attached above the rainbow (1 student), on which is written: “Responsibility Rules.”

Be able to take responsibility for your actions... What does this mean?

(read the liability rules)

Additionally attach clouds (3 students):

1.Apply the experience of others in your life.

2. Understand that thoughtless actions can cause harm to me and others.

3.Understand that bad habits one must constantly fight, since the bad is instilled quickly, and the good only through an effort of will.

Look at our board.

We can call the sun, rainbow and clouds the “Happinessgram”, because when you help others, do good to people, then your soul becomes warm and joyful.


Our secret is the heart, which will tell you what to do, what choice to make in this or that case, because I think you understand that before you commit any action, you need to think carefully about its consequences.

And if you finally decide to do something good, then do everything with your soul, with with a pure heart. And now I remembered the words of S.Ya. Marshak

Let every day

And every hour

He'll get you something new.

May your mind be good,

And the heart will be smart.

Circle “From Heart to Heart” (show with movements “to you” - at your neighbor, “to me” - at yourself with your hand, “everywhere” - around yourself)

Peace, peace, peace everywhere,

Peace in you, peace in me!

Light, light, light everywhere.

Light in you, light in me!

Love, love, love everywhere

Love in you, love in me!

(hearts of responsibility to distribute)

When you do something, open your hearts to better actions and ask yourself the questions that are written on your hearts with responsibility: WHAT? FOR WHAT? HOW?

11. Summary of the lesson. (2 students read a poem)

Be responsible

Anyone really needs it.

It is very important

At school and at home.

And in your life

Without him - nowhere.

I forgot that I am responsible -

There will be trouble.

Do you remember, my friend,

This important secret.

The result of our conversation will be not only our the right words, but also business. Let folk wisdom“Measure twice and cut once” will be your constant guideline.

12. Reflection.

Sit comfortably, relax.

Close your eyes and mentally continue the phrase:

“Today’s conversation helped me understand that...”

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