Status the best is yet to come. Statuses about how everything will be fine

I did revolutionary discovery, - it is not hope that dies last, but expectation.

We all expect something from life... For us, everything is in the future and the past. And that’s why everything around us is complicated because we don’t live in the present.

With this, waiting and believing is not so simple. Sometimes, while you wait, you see that faith has ended. And when faith was formed again, expectations were already at the very bottom.

Sometimes you get more tired from waiting for a break than from the work itself.

Love grows from waiting for a long time and quickly fades away, quickly receiving its reward.

It's easier to open the veins in your ass than to wait for a change.

The wind blows your hair, you look into the distance, and there is only one thought in your head: “Where are you, my soulmate?!”

THE WORST feeling is the feeling of EXPECTATION that something is going to happen...

The main thing is that waiting is only a segment of our life, and not our entire life.

Don't expect the world to look bright unless you take off your sunglasses.

He who waits for luck never knows whether he will have dinner today.

Well, my girl... Well, why are you crying... Well, why are you sobbing, dear, so excitedly... You thought I was a real macho... Yes, no... I'm just a drunken idiot... b!

Having come to my senses... I doubted whether he loved? Finally, I was able to look at the situation from the outside. Reason has triumphed. Hooray!!!

Don't kill the last Hope.

I’m getting closer and closer to the sea... there’s still a little bit left))))

Time flies quickly when you're looking forward to something!

Expectation happy days Sometimes things are much better than these very days.

At that moment, when you least expect it, a new door opens before you.

Fulfilling your duty is something you expect from others, but something you never do yourself.

Waiting is worse than the unknown...

Waiting goes in cycles and the hero-deliverer from this state is your own mind.

This world will never be the way we would like it to be...

You are the angel that someone is waiting for today.

Romantic women wait for a prince on a white horse, practical women wait for a businessman on a black Mercedes, but realistic women don’t wait, they find them themselves...

You can only wait for the lady of your heart, and then no more than five minutes.

You don’t love, but you are waiting for my love. You are looking for the truth, but you yourself are a lie.

Who will give me such an amount that will make me happy?

Give me hope - write.

I've put so much aside for a rainy day that I'm looking forward to it!!!

Do you know what the meaning of the reproach is: “it’s difficult with you.” You have not lived up to my royal expectations for you.

The longer the separation, the greater the happiness of the meeting.

It’s no longer 20, but still, as in childhood, waiting for a miracle...

“I know how to wait,” he said this so often, but I didn’t understand the meaning. Now I also know how to wait, the loneliness of the soul teaches endless patience...

Expectation is a powerful attraction... Expect what you want and don't expect what you don't want.

How hard it is to feign indifference, not to show that you are waiting... But I’m strong, I can handle it! The main thing is to hold out for at least a week...

It's so painful to listen to this silence. You’re just silent, and I’m waiting for something...

Darling, call me, I will answer right away, I won’t show off, I promise!!!

Still, it’s probably good to know that where the light is on, someone can sit and think about you.

All we do is wait. That summer, then New Year...then happiness...

In anticipation, character grows stronger, hope weakens, and love dies...

Having exhausted our empty expectations, we see real prospects that we never dreamed of...

How longer wait pleasure, the brighter it is!!!

My big ears are waiting for tender and affectionate words...))))))

We can wait calmly only when we have nothing left to expect.

Waiting only intensifies the desire.

We all expect something from life, but we get something we don’t expect.

“The right expectation exceeds all expectations.”

The longer you wait, the more likely, what you are waiting for is not there.

Sometimes we wait for those who will NOT come...

All the changes for the better that you have been waiting for for so long have long been lying somewhere deep in your thoughts.

When you wait, nothing happens.

I don't expect anything from tomorrow. But if something does happen, I will believe in a miracle!

As a rule, expectations lead to disappointments!

The expected may not happen, but the unpredictable will definitely happen!

Blessed are those who expect nothing, for they will not be disappointed.

We only have to wait for those who come.

There was a knock on the door. Not the ones she was expecting...

I would call, but you don’t wait... I would write, but you won’t answer...

How little we need to become the happiest person in the world - “LOVE”, which you have been waiting for so long!!! I am the happiest!!! I heard!!!

I can be alone if I have someone to wait for...

It’s very scary to wait for something... it’s scary when there’s nothing to wait for...

If people just waited, women wouldn't give birth!))

He who knows how to wait always gets more.

Time - amazing phenomenon. There is so little of it when you are late and so much when you are waiting...

You will never accomplish anything if you wait for perfect conditions.

The one who waits tensely gets a minute that lasts an eternity)))

We are always waiting for something - tired of waiting for one thing, we switch to another. But the worst thing is when there is nothing to wait for!

If someone sent you, it means... they are waiting for you somewhere!

Everything in our life comes in due time. You just have to learn to wait!

Don't wait for flax to sprout if you haven't planted the seeds.

Since I know that you will come, I can wait for you as long as I like.

If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would only produce geniuses.

Often the anticipation is much more pleasant than the ending)))

I read Your messages with a smile... I fall asleep with a smile after talking with You... Waiting for You is very difficult, but it’s worth it...

Well, a new season called “waiting for spring” has arrived!

If you don’t demand from a woman, she can give much more than you expect.

There is only one thing worse than waiting: when there is nothing left to wait for.

Statuses about waiting

If you are sad and your mood is not improving, and your loved one simply comes up to you and hugs you with the words: “Everything will be fine, I’m with you” - this is true happiness. If his smile and warm words make you feel better, cherish this person.

Happiness will come... It will only timidly knock and quietly cross the threshold. And with his arrival everything will get better.

For some, happiness is when there is no time to take care of the farm in the VKontakte application, because you still need to have time to respond to numerous messages.

Happiness cannot come tomorrow; it does not know about yesterday. It does not look into the future and does not return to the past. It can only come now, only at this moment, so it is so important not to miss it.

Best status:
Your soul becomes lighter when you see someone’s smile, but you can’t describe the feeling when a smile is meant for you.

How good it is to wake up early in the morning out of habit, but a little later realize that you don’t need to get up early today, and, wrapped up warmly, continue to sleep. What happiness!

For happiness, one thing is enough, but something different every day.

There will be happiness, I believe... it will be... just a little more and everything will be fine...

Happiness is when you don’t have time to water the garden at the “Farm” because you are bombarded with messages =)

Happiness is when you have Bad mood, he will come up, hug you and say: “Everything will be fine.” And then he smiles, and your soul becomes warmer.

Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present...and that is not a day, but a moment.

What a joy it is to wake up and, without opening your eyes, understand that you don’t need to go anywhere, calmly roll over to the other side and fall asleep again.

Today I was brushing my teeth and touched a glass with toothbrushes and a razor, but I caught it all) isn’t this a little happiness..)

Just because you're different from others doesn't mean you're worse

I want to cry. Cry with happiness!

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.

It's nice to see a person smile with happiness. It’s doubly nice when you are the reason for his smile.

Most happy man, this is the one who, having got into the past, would not change anything there.

You must be able to be happy every moment, and not wait for happiness to come someday later. What if today is actually the best thing that was, is and will be in your life...

Happy eyes give away...

Happy eyes give away...

To be happy you need only one thing, just something new every day.

He is happiness... that's all... I love him... even if not in catchphrases... I just love him... even if from a distance...

It's complicated in places, but it doesn't need anything else.

Happiness is when they say good things about you, and you are still alive.

And sometimes you really want to cuddle up to your loved one when it’s so bad, cuddle just so she can say “Everything will be fine!” Let this phrase bring more tears, but then everything will definitely be fine, only because there is someone to cuddle with

Love is best diet, the best cosmetics, the best antidepressant, the best sedative and tonic... In general, everything... in one bottle.

Life is constantly changing for the better, for some reason bypassing the good.

The most better days that were remembered. May they be repeated in my life! And the worst will forever remain in the past.

What's the worst thing in life? The worst thing in life is knowing that you can be better than you are and not doing anything to actually become better.

You have to accept life as it comes to you, but try to take the best from it.

Let's live in such a way that even the undertaker mourns our death.

Err on life path, in spite of all adversity, I believe in the best that awaits me ahead)

He who knows how to wait always gets the best.

What's best for you turns out to be best for everyone.

I don’t strive to be the best, but I strive to be myself! I’m not looking for a person whom I will love all my life, he will still find me! I just live, I feel, I catch the most best moments my simple life. I am sincerely happy and wish everyone happiness!!!

Oh, don’t make it better for me, I’m already fine!

The life of people devoted only to pleasure without reason and without morality has no value.

A Russian person does not want to do or think anything on an empty stomach, but on a full stomach he cannot.

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered.

The best in us comes from nature, the worst comes from the lack of the best.

May everything always be better than the day when everything was better than ever!

He always gets the best! And this time he got me!

Life is such an unpredictable thing... so you can’t lose hope for the best... never...

Changes for the better in life appear literally before our eyes. Like tears.

We are drawn to those people next to whom we reveal our best sides without feeling pressure on weak points...

When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery!

The one who is able to tame his heart will submit to the whole world.

"The highest wisdom is to know yourself."

Don't get smart, it's stupid!! And when they become clever not with their own thoughts, but with quotes from the Internet and at the same time they are not on topic)) Isn’t that stupid???

I would like, of course, to believe in the best. But there is such competition in this faith that it is better not to interfere.

While the clock strikes twelve, we make wishes and make a solemn promise to change our lives for the better.

All the best, of course, is ahead... But for some reason I’m drawn to look back...

If you are lost with the choice of direction in life, go TOWARDS THE BEST.

Mutual understanding is the understanding that we are all different, and not trying to make the other person better!

With all my heart I love only one life and, truly, most of all when I hate it!

If you were born without wings, don't stop them from growing.

Offense - very convenient way manipulation. Whoever was offended first is right.

Everything that happens is for the better, to make life more interesting and happier.

You listen to modern and then old songs and think: The best songs have already been sung!

It's better to be safe than sorry...

I don’t care what others say about me, because he calls me the best!

You can always learn from others what is best for you to do. People are kind and will always tell you how it will be better... better for them... How it will be better for you, you must determine for yourself.

In life... sometimes... the best gain is a loss...

Love is the desire to live.

If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings.

“What enlivens a conversation most of all is not the mind, but mutual trust."

There is good - you can do without the best, there is the best - you can without the good.

All the best is bought only at the price of great suffering...

The wind of happiness brings tears of joy...

The best aphorisms, quotes about the best things in life
You may forget my number, but you will never forget me... and somehow, remembering me again, you will understand that you have lost the best thing in your life...

Fell in love again. Again at my husband. Again in his own. Damn, it turns out he is the best!

Give the world the best that is in you... and the best that is in the world will return to you!

There are no accidents in fate; man creates rather than meets his destiny.

It's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Most of all, people are interested in what does not concern them at all.

Expect only good things. Anticipate the beautiful. Discover new things. Get the best...

There is no reason to be sad, Tomorrow everything will be better than yesterday...

Give the world the best you have, and the best will flow back to you.

Fate plays with you, comes up with new challenges. You don’t always cope successfully, you stumble and fall, but then you get up and go again, not knowing where or why, believing in the best...

Every moment is unique... and therefore the best!

Sometimes life brings you together with people from the past. So that we can be convinced once again that thank God that nothing happened then)))

We live in an era when the distance from the wildest fantasies to completely real reality is shrinking with incredible speed.

True love is reflected in misfortune. Like a light, it shines brighter the darker the darkness of the night.

Trust is like an eraser. With each mistake it becomes smaller and smaller.

All the best can be found without leaving yourself, but to do this you need to stop and stop running from yourself.

And I’m afraid of change: it’s especially scary when it’s for the better. You quickly get used to it, involuntarily. And then, as a rule, you have to get out of the habit - sooner or later, painfully.

Humor is a great power!
Nothing brings people together like a good, harmless laugh!!!

No... it’s still hard to feel like the best... but, damn it, it’s so nice

A reasonable person never becomes discouraged over the worst, he understands that it could have been worse!

I was afraid, resisted, cried... And after the divorce, life incredibly quickly began to change for the better))). Yes... sometimes you have to be dragged to heaven by the scruff of the neck)))))))

You must put your life in such conditions that work is necessary. Without work there cannot be a pure and joyful life.

Happiness is good health And bad memory.

Whatever happens, pretend that this is exactly what you wanted.

May every minute be happy and warmed by warm words! A bright, fabulously beautiful life, just like in the kindest, brightest dreams! Let peace, comfort, harmony reign in the house, successes will not keep you waiting in business, and all the best, beautiful things that were in your most joyful dreams will be met!

Be the best in what you do and be yourself in what you live!

And I was never good. I was the best.

The most best place- here, most best time- now, the most best people- those nearby!

Everything that is done is for the better. it means the best is inevitable.

A loving person does not change his beloved, but makes her the best in the whole world.

Leave me, old lady - I'm sad...

An aphorism is a heavenly thought that illuminates us on the way to hell!

I sincerely believe that it is possible to become better than others, but first, the main thing is not to be worse!

I don’t need much - the best is enough...

There is nothing more constant than the expectation of change for the better.

While someone decides how it will be better for me... I cannot feel safe.

If God wants to make you happy, then he leads you along the most difficult road, because there are no easy paths to happiness.

The best aphorisms, quotes about the best things in life
Respect the current hour and today!.. Respect every single minute, for it will die and will never happen again...

Experience allows us to make mistakes much more confidently.

Oh my God! Deliver us from sins and give us strength to commit new ones!!!

Among all worst qualities, selfishness is the best...

It’s good to be with those with whom you feel good, and even better with those who make you better.

And although we feel a little sorry for the past, the best is certainly yet to come!

While we were killing ourselves for the sake of a future BEAUTIFUL LIFE, we could simply be GOOD...

Love is a reward received without merit.

If you want life to smile at you, first smile at life yourself.

The best compliment I got from my ex was that he blushed three times when he spoke to me!

Don’t wish harm on each other, it will come back to you one day. And a wish for love will turn into happiness for you. Don’t wish tears on anyone, you’ll choke on them yourself. Wish you health seriously and you yourself will wake up healthy. Don't wish your enemies all the troubles, they will find them themselves. Wish them a life of 100 years. Never rush words!

Time overestimates everything!

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