A new year has passed in the world. New Year in countries around the world: how the holiday is celebrated in different parts of the world. Vietnam. New Year floats on the back of a carp

Within one year in the world within different religions and different peoples New Year meet on different days.

  • January 1 The New Year officially begins in most countries around the world.
  • January 14 When is the Old New Year celebrated in Russia? , countsbeginning of the year in Greece. This is the day of St. Basil, who was once famous for his kindness and special love for children.
  • On the first new moon after January 21(V different years it will be met between January 21 and February 20), which is followed by countries such as China, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, etc.
  • On the first day of the holy month of Muharram V Islamic countries New Year begins according to the Hijri (starting from July 16, 622 according to the Gregoran calendar, each subsequent Hijri New Year comes 11 days earlier than the previous one). The 1st Mukharam is not included in the list of Islamic holidays and, accordingly, in most Muslim countries, the New Year is not celebrated as a holiday in the secular sense. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the move of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.
  • February 24 Indian New Year holiday Holi. (In India, New Year is celebrated several times on different days).
  • March 10 The people of Kashmir begin to celebrate the New Year in India and continue to celebrate it until the end of the New Year celebrations in all Indian states.
  • On the night of March 21-22 New Year comes to countries living according to Persian calendar: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan. March 22 is called “Navruz” - the first day of the New Year.
  • March 26 New Year comes in Indian state Andhra Pradesh.
  • On the first day of the waxing moon of the month of Chaitra according to the Hindu calendar (late March - early April according to Gregorian), the Indian New Year Gudi Padwa is celebrated.
  • From 12 to 17 April New Year is celebrated in Burma. It falls on the hottest and hottest days there. The exact day of the celebration is announced by the Ministry of Culture by a special decree, and the celebrations last three days.
  • April 13Celebrating Thai New Year Songkran. On the same day, residents of West Bengal celebrate the New Year in India.
  • April 14 New Year comes to Laos. This is the eve of the long-awaited rainy season. On the same day, Hindus from the state of Tamil Nadu celebrate the arrival of the New Year, and this day coincides with the official onset of spring.
  • July 16 New Year is celebrated by some Mayan tribes in Mexico.
  • 1st and 2nd of the month of Tishri (usually in September Gregorian) New Year is celebrated in Israel where it is called.
  • September 11(most often) comes the Ethiopian New Year, which marks the end of the rainy season in Ethiopia.
  • October 7 New Year holidays are coming to Gambia and Indonesia. For local residents, this is a special date - you can put on your best clothes, preen yourself, ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses and enter the New Year with a clear conscience.
  • Night from October 31 to November 1, known in Catholic countries as "Halloween" considered the beginning of the New Year Celtic peoples , and they call it “Samhain”. This date is especially important in Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man, where the descendants of the ancient Celts still live and maintain centuries-old customs.
  • November 18 one year gives way to another in the territory Hawaiian Islands, Oceania and Yemen. In these regions, the New Year is celebrated later than everyone else, when other countries are already preparing to celebrate the next year.

Sources of information:

However, this is the largest concentration of colorful and interesting traditions and customs in New Year's Eve also absent in Europe. Denmark - here is the sweet Kransekage. This is a multi-tiered cake decorated with children's flags. Another tradition for Denmark on New Year's Eve is breaking thresholds and plates. This is done to have many friends next year.

Bulgaria. Three minutes of New Year's kisses

Germany - According to the Germans, piglets are a symbol of good luck. That's why chocolate pigs and marzipans are changed on New Year's Eve. Some households even prepare them at home. Another German New Year's Eve tradition is jam jars, often flavored with liqueur.

  • abc-people.com - how many years are in the New Year, etc.;
  • cheb.ru
  • astrologica.ru - how many New Years are there in a year;
  • pozdravleniya.biz - how many New Years are there in the year;

New Year's holiday Almost all nations have it. This is not just a time milestone, but also a kind of “ blank slate", the beginning of a new life, liberation from the troubles and problems of the past year. At the same time, there are significant differences in the date, traditions, and intensity of the celebration. So, how do we celebrate the New Year in different countries?

Greece - The Greeks believe that hanging a bow on their front door symbolizes reincarnation in the new year. Some families also adhere to the habit of waking up on January 1st, the parent to caress small children with an onion head on their forehead. Finland - predict that their New Year in this country will melt the lead of the candles and then pour cold water. The resulting form shows what the New Year's owner expects.

Ireland. In this country unmarried women put a bucket of mistletoe under their pillows, hoping that the New Year will bring them love and luck. Locals It is also believed that the year is known to what kind of person you are going to introduce at home. The tall, dark-haired man was lucky, and red-haired woman in trouble.

Some facts from history

  • Among the cuneiform tablets of Babylon, one was found telling about the celebration of the New Year. The record was created in the 4th century BC.
  • Julius Caesar regulated the change of years in 46 BC, ordering it to be celebrated on January 1.
  • Later, half a millennium later, Pope Gregory VIII ordered the date to be moved up, and now the Gregorian and Julian calendars differ by 13 days.
  • Majority eastern peoples celebrates the New Year in the spring, rejoicing in the awakening of nature from winter sleep.

The history of the holiday in our country began thanks to Emperor Peter the Great. By his decree, he ordered to celebrate the Julian New Year. True, since Christmas was on December 25, the New Year in Russia became one of the holy days and was included in the context of general winter Christian celebrations. Only after the 1917 revolution did the holiday become a full-fledged holiday.

Spain. Just at midnight on January 1, the Spaniards ate 12 grapes for good luck and the number of months in the year. Numerous times in Spain on New Year's Day there were also competitions for the fastest consumption of grape seeds. Wales - Just seconds before the New Year, Wales opens the back door of the house and then closes it. This symbolizes the expulsion of the old year and bad luck. Immediately after the New Year, they open the door again to invite goodness, luck and prosperity into their homes.

In the Mayan prediction of the world, it will begin winter solstice. In Poland this will happen exactly at 12. The closer to December 21, the more talk about the certainty of some and others cannot be destroyed. The stream supposedly predicted by the Mayan end of the world appears in almost every case. As it turns out, even some weather forecasts include. read more.

Most Russian Christmas traditions have carried over to the secular New Year. The Christmas tree, gifts, Santa Claus - all this is borrowed from pre-revolutionary celebrations. Today our unchanging traditions are tangerines, the President’s speech and the chiming clock at midnight, family gatherings and gifts.

One of funny traditions for the New Year in Russia, which people love - write cherished wish on a piece of paper. Then you need to set it on fire while the clock is ringing, throw the ashes into a glass with the chosen drink and drink it.

The end of the world is not at all near. At least according to an expert who is re-reading a Mayan script that contains the date. The scientist claims that this means a transition to a new era, and not the end of humanity, as some scientists have so far suggested. read more.

At this point the Sun will reach its minimum declination and this will cause our star to rise during the day in Warsaw, around noon, less than 16 degrees above the horizon. On this day the sun will rise by 43 and it will drop by 25, so the day will last only 7 hours and 42 minutes - the shortest of the year!

New Year in Russia, as elsewhere in the world, is an ancient and beautiful holiday. The tasks and expectations of this night are to drive away evil forces, attract good ones, say goodbye to grievances and make wishes on next year. In general, the New Year in Russia can be safely called the favorite holiday of both children and adults.

Chinese New Year

The largest country in the world celebrates the New Year on the night of the first new moon, which most often occurs at the end of January - beginning of February. The holiday does not have a strictly fixed date. However, there is a symbol - a blooming but unblooming peach branch. In general, the New Year for the Chinese is a symbol of awakening.

This year's winter solstice is associated with the "end of the world", but in the past it signified the beginning - the birth of the Sun. Every day from the solstice became longer, the light won and, therefore, life. IN Ancient Rome The winter solstice was associated with Saturnalia, a celebration of reconciliation and equality. This time trade was suspended and the slaves celebrated free of charge.

In Persia at that time the birth of Mithras, the deity of the sun and light, was celebrated. The Germans, in turn, celebrated July. According to Old Norse, the term meant "circle". The solstice was the end of a cycle. On the other hand, the Slavs believed that December 21 was the first day of the year. Since the solstice, this light has triumphed over darkness. He began to arrive this day and leave the night. This day brought hope, joy and optimism, because Svarog - the sun god - began to regain control of the world again. The old cycle was closing, old year left, and a new one began - a new Sun appeared.

In ancient times, every beggar in China could come to any family table and eat what he wanted. If the owners closed their doors on New Year's Day, all the neighbors turned away from them with contempt.

The main sign of the holiday is a sea of ​​lights in the night sky. Every city or village is illuminated with fireworks. The Chinese enjoy exploding firecrackers, as they are believed to ward off evil spirits. Figurines symbolizing happiness, luck and wealth are bought in huge quantities. They are given to family and friends and kept as a keepsake. Houses are necessarily decorated with flowers, each of which carries deep meaning. For example, daffodils are important in the family for a strong and friendly marriage.

Maya also put a 12 at the end. However, the descendants of the Indians emphasize that this date is similar to the beginning of pre-Christian cultures, the end of the cycle. The calendar is shaped like a circle and therefore infinity, so there can be no talk of the end of the world. The New Year's holiday holds the record for the oldest.

New Year's Day in Denmark, people are accustomed to breaking dishes at their neighbors' doors. There are more superstitions in Mexico: luggage removal for have a nice trip next year and hanging some sheep figures on the door for prosperity. Mexicans also celebrate the New Year with the spirits of the dead.

Of particular interest is the money tree that the Chinese create with their own hands. It is a sprig of cypress inserted into a persimmon tree, which rests on a bed of boiled rice, garnished with fruit. Coins must be hung on the branch.

The days of the New Year's celebration conclude with the Lantern Festival, which all Chinese try to attend.

Bullets and round dishes seem to be the choice of Filipinos on for many years. They think they will prosper because the rounds attract coins. Also, throwing coins at midnight means a bountiful increase in income. More familiar is the American custom of sharing a passionate kiss with a lover at midnight, which is believed to erase unpleasant memories about the past, paving the way for a love-filled future.

Brazilians celebrate the New Year with very colorful intimate lingerie. We usually wear bright reds and yellows in hopes of attracting good luck and a possible partner. Desires for wealth and love are expressed through underwear. On Paulista Boulevard there are midnight outdoor lights. In such a holiday, fireworks are New Year's mouthpieces.


As in China, in this eastern country The holiday celebrated does not take place on December 31st. It falls on early spring, and here they place peach tree branches on the table.

An interesting tradition comes from the ancient belief that the New Year arrives on a carp. The Vietnamese buy live fish and ceremonially release them into a lake or river. Houses are decorated with tangerine trees with tiny fruits.

Hungary. You need to whistle for the New Year

Tourists from all over the world gather to watch the amazing show. Here is the custom of eating 12 figs on the night of the year, which symbolizes 12 wishes for next year. At the Imperial Salon in Austria, the tradition of the Habsburg ball was preserved. At midnight the Blue Danube sounds and Strauss's Lilac always settles down. Participants in the ceremony have pork meat, a sign of good luck. And the tables are decorated with chocolate pigs. Children pour molten lead into a bathtub and a clairvoyant reads the shapes of the lead. If the metal forms a sphere, it means that the New Year brings happiness and prosperity, if it takes the shape of an anchor, it means that people will need help to overcome difficulties.

Japanese celebration

Speaking about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, one cannot fail to mention the country rising sun. The Japanese celebrate the New Year on the same day as us, and this event lasts three days. The rooms of the house are decorated not with spruce, but with a composition of kadomatsu flowers, the center of which is a pine branch. It symbolizes one of the most important categories for a Japanese resident – ​​longevity.

In Greece, a special bread called “Vasilopita” is served for the New Year. It hides a penny when it is placed in the oven. The bread is cut at the stroke of midnight, and whoever wins the prize will have good luck next year. Here the New Year is dedicated to Saint Basil, proclaimed for his kindness. Children place their shoes in the fireplace on New Year's Eve to receive gifts from the saint.

In Spain there is a tradition of eating 12 grapes in the middle of New Year's Eve. Every month next month. Depending on how sweet it is, the month will be: Better or more difficult. For brides, New Year's is an opportunity to squeeze the engagement ring into a cup of champagne and collide.

On New Year's Day, you should definitely, at least for a short time, return to your native place and visit the temple. The celebrated holiday was not in vain if 108 bell strikes were heard over the city or village. According to legend, they relieve the same number of human worries. Liberation from problems should be accompanied by laughter, because the New Year is a cheerful holiday.

India. New Year - holiday of lights

In Russia, a drink of vodka, lemon juice and tap water is called "dirty water" and drunk to stop bad luck. Russians are accustomed to opening doors and windows so that the New Year can enter the house. In Naples, Italy, the New Year is celebrated with a special custom, which is to throw old objects out of the window, symbols of the past year. Thus, furniture, vessels, clothing, etc. They reach the street, to the misfortune of the garbage collectors, who must go through the night to clean up. On New Year's Eve, called "Capodanno", Italians are accustomed to wearing special dishes that are said to bring wealth and abundance.

Celebration in Thailand

Residents of this warm country celebrate the beginning of the year twice. The first time, as in other countries, is January 1. The day before, they come to pray at Buddhist temples, and in the morning they give gifts and do charity work.

In India, New Year is celebrated differently depending on the region. In West Bengal, people decorate flowers which they color red, pink, purple or white. Women wear yellow clothes, color of spring. In south India, mothers invest in children's clothes, flowers and gifts. On New Year's morning, children must close their eyes until they are given a gift box. In Central India, orange flags decorate all buildings on New Year's Day.

In Vietnam, New Year is called "Tet Nguyen Dan" or simply "Tet". The Vietnamese believe that God lives in every home, and on New Year's Day he goes to heaven. There he says how good or bad each family member was in the past year. God travels behind the carp, so the Vietnamese are used to buying live carp on New Year's Eve, which makes it even worse.

The national holiday - Songkran - takes place on April 13 - 15. These days, passers-by on the streets are doused with water, and this is considered a good sign, because the life-giving moisture washes away both illnesses and misfortunes. You can also tie a colored rope around the wrist of any passerby. You can’t remove it yourself; you have to wait until it breaks on its own.

Smearing the neck and face with clay is an ancient New Year's custom that protects against attacks by evil spirits.

In Japan, people spend the whole week preparing for the New Year. The house must be cleaned very well to prevent any bad spirits. All debts must be paid and, above all, all disputes and mistakes forgiven. For the Japanese, the New Year, called "Oshogatsu", is one of the most important holidays and a symbol of renewal. Misunderstanding and hostility are forgotten. On December 31st, at midnight, families go to the nearest temple to share the sake and witness the 108 strokes of the gong, announcing the transition to the new year. On January 1, children receive otoshidams - small gifts with money.


Since many ancient and new cultures have converged within this country, the New Year is celebrated here eight times. One of the most common is Gudi Padwa. Indians eat the bitter leaves of the neem neem tree and believe that they cleanse the body of present and future diseases.

New Year in Muslim countries

Syria and Algeria, Bahrain and Morocco, Pakistan and Sudan, and even African Tanzania celebrate Muharram - the first month of Muslim lunar calendar. By this date, they sprout grains as a symbol of a new and happy life.

Jewish celebration

Rosh Hashanah is the day of divine judgment of a person depending on his actions in the past year. Jews dedicate this day to repentance and prayer. During the meal, they symbolically dip apples in honey, hoping that next year will be sweet.


Christian traditions European countries They are very similar, but they also have interesting national customs. New Year is celebrated after Christmas. Sometimes the event also includes ancient modified pagan rituals.


Although most regions celebrate the New Year on January 1, there are small quantity French territories, which do this on December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas.

Père Noël quietly sneaks up to the children on a festive night if they are obedient. The old man leaves gifts in stockings hanging over the fireplace. However, another old man comes to the harmful children - the unkind Pere Fouétard. He leaves them without gifts.

Bush de Noel is a holiday log. It is divided into chips and stored until next year, to be burned later. Ashes are kept in linen and are believed to protect against troubles and misfortunes.

The French bake a cake in which they hide beans. The one who gets this surprise can give tasks to everyone else on this special night.


New Year in Britain gave us the tradition of presenting beautiful cards with good wishes friends and family. At home here, as in other countries Western Europe, decorated with mistletoe. Lovers are instructed to kiss under its branches for long and happy years in harmony and tenderness. This must be done at the time when the New Year's bells ring at midnight. An interesting custom is to wrap them in blankets until 12 o'clock at night so that the sound is practically inaudible.

The British let out the old year by opening the back door and let in the new year at the front door.


Temperamental residents of the Apennine Peninsula throw old things out the windows before the New Year - irons, tables, chairs, teapots, believing that then new ones will take their place. Grapes and lentils are required on the table - symbols of longevity, fertility, and wealth.


Here on a festive night everyone blows whistles and walks around with rattles. According to legend, this drives away evil spirits and devils.


Residents of Suomi love to tell fortunes using wax figurines. To do this, they melt a candle, drop it into cold water and take out the resulting intricately shaped pieces of wax. Finns are trying to see their future in them.


When going on a visit, people take nougat with them in a basket. By midnight, everyone gathers in the square, where they need to eat 12 grapes before the clock strikes. Even on New Year's Eve, the Spaniards play forfeits, which result in fictitious marriages that last until the morning. The “husband” and “wife” must act like real people.

In general, it is not so important when (summer or winter) and how exactly the residents of a particular country celebrate the New Year. The most important thing is that the components of the celebration are fun, fireworks and happiness!

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