Tolstoy, in the midst of a noisy ball, accidentally created the story of his creation. In the midst of a noisy ball, a random analysis of a poem

The poem is dedicated to Sophia Miller, a married lady whom Count Tolstoy met at one of the balls. In the lines of the work, the author tried to convey his sensations and feelings experienced when this woman appeared in his life. Later it became known to the gossips of St. Petersburg about love story The 33-year-old count and this woman, despite having a husband.

The main theme of the poem

The poem opens up an atmosphere for the reader noisy ball. Among a large crowd, the author draws the image of a woman who keeps herself apart and conceals some kind of mystery that intrigues lyrical hero. The poet was delighted with the beauty and thoughtful, romantic appearance of his new acquaintance, and this is what he talks about further in the lines of the poem.

The work emphasizes the idealized lover, and the striking combination of sadness in her eyes and a cheerful, joyful voice. The author did not yet know at that time that the woman was actually hiding some of her shameful actions that took place in the past, therefore he tends to paint a romantic and gentle, idealized pure and bright image.

Moreover, it is in this poem that the Count writes his first declaration of love for Sophia, and the work ends with the confession. The author puts an end to his words about love for a beautiful new acquaintance, noting that this meeting was a turning point in his life.

Structural analysis of the poem

To describe the girl, the poet uses many different epithets, which can be attributed to the classic notes characteristic of expressing the feeling of falling in love in the first days of meeting the object of passion: “wonderful”, “sad”, “slim figure”, “thoughtful appearance”, “in my the heart sounds." The author also shares that he falls asleep with thoughts of his beloved, and opens up about his feelings associated with the memories of the girl.

The work consists of 5 quatrains, which use the most common cross rhyme form. To emphasize the image, many contrasts are used, in the contrast of which the author demonstrates how strong feelings this meeting caused him.

It should be noted that at the ball the poet saw Sophia only in a mask, precisely because great attention in the poem he devotes attention to the expression of her eyes and incredible laughter and voice. This fact left a certain imprint on the work. The poem belongs to the classical love lyrics, and contains, rather, not some factual information about the plot and characters, but deep emotional experiences of the poet himself!


The lyric poem became important in the fate of Count Tolstoy himself. Despite the fact that he soon learned the story of the seduction of a girl by a famous womanizer, and the death of her brother after that in a duel with her offender, the count did not give up his confessions. Soon he had the opportunity to talk with Sophia, and learned that she was trying to get a divorce from her husband. This fact gave him hope for happiness, and then he vowed to wait as long as necessary, handing over a poem with a confession to his beloved.

After 7 years, the couple finally got married, and they lived happily for 20 years. Sophia continued to be his muse, inspiring the poet to new works. We can say that the verse is fateful, and has great value while studying the biography of Count Tolstoy!

/ / / Analysis of Tolstoy’s poem “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...”

At the age of 33, Alexei Tolstoy meets a beautiful woman, Sophia Miller. The first acquaintance takes place at a social ball. And throughout the evening, Tolstoy did not take his eyes off the charming lady. She didn't touch him that much appearance, how much internal education and erudition.

At that time, the woman was married, so the author could not speak openly about her feelings. He writes the poem “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...”, in which he describes all the seething emotions.

Tolstoy considered a certain difference in his chosen one that distinguished her from secular society. She was above everything that was going on around her. The poet was simply captivated by the mysterious look with which Sophia Miller outlined the man’s appearance. There was a certain note of sadness and sadness in this look. However, the woman’s ringing and joyful voice took all the attention. Therefore, not everyone was given the opportunity to see the wonders of the inner world of this lovely lady.

In his poetic work, Tolstoy writes that the image of his beloved is always in his imagination, in his thoughts. But her married status did not allow the author to directly and publicly declare the emotions boiling inside.

Soon, the meeting between Alexey and Sophia took place again. And now, without losing the opportunity, the poet expressed everything that was in his heart. He presented his beloved with a poem he had written. A romance began between them, which lasted for seven years.

For so long and painfully, Sophia tried to get a divorce in order to break the joyless bonds of marriage. The relationship between Miller and Tolstoy caused a storm of emotions and outrage in secular circles. The woman’s behavior was unthinkable, unacceptable for a representative of the elite of society. However, this opinion did not prevent the lovers from going through the path of trials and uniting their lives, forming them into a strong marriage union, which lasted about twenty years.

Sophia Miller became for Tolstoy not only his beloved and faithful wife. She was his muse, inspiration for creativity and writing new literary works.

A.K. Tolstoy is a famous Russian poet who in his work more than once touched upon the theme of love and passionate longing. His lyrics are rich and multifaceted, and his poems are known for their sensuality and romance. In this article you can read an analysis of the poem “Among a noisy ball, by chance.”

History of the creation of the work

Alexei Tolstoy was never a ladies' man or a ladies' man, but he was involved in one compromising relationship. He meets Sophia Miller at a social reception and falls madly in love with her.

Moreover, the poet was primarily struck not by beauty, but by the brilliant mind and erudition of the lady. Unfortunately, Sophia turns out to be the wife of an officer. A short acquaintance with an extraordinary lady leads to the rapid writing of the poem “Among the Noisy Ball.” In it, Tolstoy conveys his impressions of meeting Sophia Miller. The woman’s behavior caught his eye: at the ball she behaved separately, as if she was above the bustle of the world, and her face bore the imprint of sadness. Perhaps this is a trace of an unhappy marriage? At that time, the poet did not know about the carefully preserved shameful secret. In her youth, Sophia was in love with Prince Vyazemsky and was seduced by him, but the womanizer married a richer girl. Sophia's brother challenges the offender to a duel and dies. And Sophia carries this burden in her heart all her life. An analysis of the poem “Among a noisy ball, by chance” cannot be compiled without these facts. Indeed, at the moment of writing it, the poet idealizes Sophia.

Theme of the poem

The work undoubtedly belongs to love lyrics. It can be called one of the best in the works of A.K. Tolstoy. In it he fully reveals his soul. All lines are laced in a bright way the chosen one, the purity of the moment of their meeting, the deep feelings that the poet experienced at the fatal ball.

Poetry researchers notice the similarity of this poem with some other works of Russian poets. An analysis of A. Tolstoy’s poem “Among the Noisy Ball” allows us to see this. Tolstoy’s verse is especially similar to Pushkin’s “I remember wonderful moment" Their theme is the same - at the ball the hero sees a charming stranger and falls madly in love. There is even an obvious overlap in the lines. A parallel can be drawn with M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “From Under the Mysterious, Cold Half Mask.”

“In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance”, A. Tolstoy: composition of the poem

The composition of the work is simple: it consists of two semantic parts. At first they may seem disjointed, but this is far from the case. There is a fairly strong connection between the parts of the verse. In the first part of the poem, the reader sees a ball and feels the poet’s feelings at this social event. The first impression of the lyrical hero from his beloved lady is also described here.

The second part of the work takes the reader from the noisy ball deep into the hero’s thoughts. We see him mental anguish, experiences and insights. The turning point Tolstoy transfers his life into “Among a noisy ball, by chance.” Analysis of the poem allows us to look into its inner world. Tolstoy does not hide his feelings, he opens his heart to his readers.

By the way, in the composition of the verse you can identify the plot. She is connected with past life lyrical hero. The past, like the present, is described vaguely.

Expressive means used by the author

The hero of the work is presented by the author with different sides, while using a fairly simple syllable and expressive means. The contrasts are most clearly presented here. Using contrasts, the author shows the depth of the hero’s feelings. To emphasize the peculiarity of his chosen one, A. Tolstoy uses contradictory phrases such as “sad laughter”, “anxiety of worldly vanity”. Emphasizes the lyricism and soulfulness of the work and its melodious, smooth sound. Analysis of the poem “Among a noisy ball, by chance” reveals the use of cross rhyme here. It gives the poem an organic sound.

Imagery of the work

The imagery of the verse cannot be called original and original, but Tolstoy so skillfully uses artistic media expressiveness so that it does not catch the eye. The author uses in his lines complex sentences, they emphasize the depth of his thoughts. Analysis of the poem “Among a noisy ball, by chance” reveals main image works - the image of Sophia Miller (naturally, not named here). Her image is full of concretization.
It is real - without the bright details inherent in romantic images. Special attention The author pays attention to the eyes and laughter of the mysterious beloved. At the ball, he did not see her face, noticing only the look under the mask.

Fate turned out to be favorable to the heroes, they met again. Sophia Miller admitted that she does not love her husband and dreams of a divorce. Then Tolstoy handed her the manuscript “In the middle of a noisy ball, by chance.” Analysis of the poem made it possible to understand what feelings captivated the poet’s soul. Being in the forbidden love relationships seven years later, Tolstoy and Miller still get married.

Analysis of the poem Amidst the noisy ball by chance


1. History of creation


3.Main theme



6. Expressive means

7.Main idea

1. History of creation. The work was written by A.K. Tolstoy under the impression of a meeting at a ball with S.A. Miller. The poet and writer, unlike most of his fellow writers, was not an amorous person constantly striving for new novels. Sophia Miller really made a very big impression on Tolstoy, and in to a greater extent not by beauty, but by his erudition. For a respectable and highly moral poet, a huge obstacle was that Sophia was married. However, she told Tolstoy that she was unhappy in her marriage and had already for a long time trying to get a divorce from her husband. As a sign of assurance of his feelings, the poet presented Sophia with a poem written almost immediately after the meeting.

2. Genre. The genre of the poem is love lyrics and represents the author’s address to his beloved.

3. Main theme works - a description of the impression that Sophia made on Tolstoy. It is characteristic that in this description it is not some elements of bodily beauty (“slim figure”) that predominate, but the sound of a woman’s voice and laughter. The noble poet is delighted by Sophia’s sad look, hiding some secret. He admits that he cannot forget the “ringing laughter” of his beloved, which still resounds in his heart.

4. Composition. The poem can be divided into two main parts. The introductory (first two stanzas) part is a description of the meeting and lasting impression, produced by Sophia as a poet. The third stanza represents a smooth transition from the past to the present. Final part(fourth and fifth stanzas) - the state in which the poet is now, constantly reliving the moments of his first meeting with his future lover. The poet does not speak directly about love for married woman to a decisive explanation, softening the confession with the expression “it seems that I love you.”

5. Size. The work is written in amphibrachium trimeter with cross rhyme, which gives it a special sublime rhythm and musicality. Subsequently, the words of the poem were set to music.

6. Expressive means are not numerous, but were used by Tolstoy with great skill, and fit organically into the poem. The poet uses the necessary modest epithets (“thoughtful”, “sad”, “ringing”). A vivid comparison is applied only in relation to the voice (as “the ringing of a pipe” and “the playing wave of the sea”). The inversion gives the work special solemnity and expressiveness (“slim figure,” “lonely hours,” “I love”).

7. Main idea poems are the author’s careful and chaste declaration of love. The poet tries to assess the strength of his feeling and the possibility of it further development. A.K. Tolstoy belonged to the romantic poets old school. He never allowed himself to make rude or frank statements, treating love as the highest spiritual feeling of a person. The feeling of love that arose in Tolstoy could not become a passing hobby. He was not mistaken in his assessment. Sophia Miller became his life partner and creative muse for life.

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Russian poet and writer Alexey Tolstoy He was not a rake or a womanizer, but at the age of 33 he still compromised himself with an affair with the married Sofia Alekseevna Miller. He met her at one of the social events and was struck not so much by the woman’s beauty as by her brilliant erudition. According to eyewitnesses, Sophia Miller knew perfectly 14 foreign languages, was interested not only in music, painting and literature, but also natural sciences. However, at that time, only a select few could appreciate her talents, one of whom was Alexei Tolstoy.

Almost immediately after meeting this extraordinary woman, the poet wrote a poem in which he tried to convey the impressions of his first meeting with the one who would later become his wife. The author was immediately struck by the fact that Sophia Miller was above the bustle of society and kept herself apart, while a certain imprint of mystery lay on her face. “Only the eyes looked sad, and the voice sounded so wonderful,” notes the poet.

The acquaintance with Sophia Miller was brief - she was introduced to Tolstoy, who subsequently watched the woman all evening and caught himself thinking that he was fascinated by her. “I liked your thin figure and your whole thoughtful appearance,” the poet later wrote. However, what impressed him most was the contrast between the sadness in the eyes and the childish joy in the ringing voice. Then he did not yet know that his chosen one was keeping a shameful and sad secret, which cost the life of her brother, Pyotr Bakhmetyev. As a teenager, Sophia Miller fell in love with the experienced womanizer Prince Vyazemsky, who took the opportunity to seduce the girl, but soon successfully married a wealthier person. As a result, Sophia’s brother challenged the offender to a duel, during which he died. All these details personal life Alexei Tolstoy would have to find out his beloved much later, and at the time of creating the poem “In the middle of a noisy ball, by chance...” he idealizes his chosen one, noting that he dreams of her both in his sleep and in reality. However, the fact that Sophia Miller is a married lady serves as a serious obstacle to the romance. Therefore, Alexey Tolstoy trusts his secret thoughts and desires only to poetry: “I don’t know whether I love you, but it seems to me that I do!”

Fate decreed that soon after the memorable ball, Miller and Tolstoy had a chance to meet again. It was then that an explanation occurred between them, which gave the poet hope for reciprocity. Sophia Miller admitted that she family life things didn’t work out, and she’s been trying to get a divorce from her husband for several years now. In turn, Alexei Tolstoy assured his chosen one that he was ready to wait for her all his life. At the same time, he handed her the poem “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...” as a sign of the sincerity of his feelings and the seriousness of his intentions.

Sofia Miller and Alexei Tolstoy were lovers for 7 long years, which caused a lot of gossip in high society. When the poet’s chosen one managed to get the long-awaited divorce, Tolstoy’s mother declared that such a shameful and unequal marriage would not happen. Moreover, the old countess very skillfully weaved intrigues against a woman whom she considered unworthy of her son. However, everything turned out to be in vain, since by that time Sophia Miller had become for Alexei Tolstoy not only the closest person, but also his muse. And 7 years after they met, the couple still got married, which caused huge amount gossip in society, which, however, could not overshadow the happiness of the newlyweds. Their marriage lasted almost 20 years and became the brightest period in Tolstoy’s life and work.

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