The angle of inclination of the earth's axis is equal. The tilt of the sun's rotation axis may be explained by the influence of an undiscovered planet in the solar system.

The topic of shifting the Earth's rotation axis has been discussed on the Internet for several years now - since the time when some people who had been living in the same place for a long time began to note that the Sun rises and sets in a different place from where it always was during the corresponding period. When people try to discuss this phenomenon, crowds of trolls and ordinary brainless people howling at them always appear, starting to talk about refraction-diffraction and so on. However, let's look at the facts.

Alaska is home to a tribe of local aboriginals who call themselves Inuk or Inuit. The words “raw meat eater” sound like “Eskimo” in their language, which gave another name to the tribe. Living in the far north and not having newfangled satellite devices, the Inuit have been carefully observing the Sun and stars for centuries, and have their own immutable calendars of all seasonal phenomena. But since the beginning of the 2000s, these calendars have been greatly shaken, which the elders even tried to inform NASA about.

Effect of Earth's tilt and motion around the Sun

According to their observations, the Sun rises and sets in the WRONG WHERE and WRONG WHEN. The Inuit, who have some knowledge of conventional astronomy, suggested that since the Earth is round and rotates, then the axis of rotation must have changed if the Sun does not rise above the hill over which it has risen for centuries on that day. Enlightened adepts from NASA laughed at the ignorant Indian guys and hushed up the topic. However.

People who lived in one place for a long time, decades, began to notice that the Sun now sets and rises in a completely different place from where it rose and set 20 or 40 years ago. A natural question arises - why?

Let's turn to scientific information regarding the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis:

The angle of inclination of the Earth's axis relative to the ecliptic plane is 23.5 degrees. This caused the change of seasons on Earth, as a result of rotation around the Sun.

Imagine that the Sun is in the center of a rotating gramophone record. All planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun, like the tracks of a gramophone record. Now imagine that each planet is a spinning top, the top and bottom points of which coincide with the angle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By measuring the angle of inclination between the poles and the orbit in which the Earth moves around the Sun, you will get exactly that 23.5 degrees.

Graphic representation of the Earth's tilt

At one point earth's orbit, North Pole The Earth faces the Sun. At this time, summer begins in the northern hemisphere. 6 months later, when the Earth is at opposite side its orbit, the North Pole points away from the Sun, and winter sets in, and southern hemisphere On the contrary, summer is coming.

With a periodicity of 41 thousand years, the angle of inclination earth's axis varies from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. The direction of the earth's axis also changes with a period of 26 thousand years. During this cycle, the poles change places every 13 thousand years.

All planets in the solar system have certain angle axis tilt. Mars has an inclination angle very similar to Earth's and is 25.2 degrees, while Uranus has an inclination angle of 97.8 degrees.

Great, science describes everything to us in detail, but these data have not changed for decades, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis changes. The sun rises and sets in a completely different place, and in addition, global climate change may not be associated with the notorious human impact on nature, but with a change in the tilt of the Earth, as a result of which the climate has changed, moreover, all natural anomalies point precisely to this factor.

Why is this happening? The answer suggests itself - some kind of huge cosmic body, entered the solar system and has a powerful gravitational influence on our planet, it is so strong that it has already changed the Earth’s axis of rotation.

Scientists cannot help but know, they cannot help but record such changes in the tilt of the earth’s axis, but for some reason they are in no hurry to change the information, correct the data on the angle of inclination, and are certainly not in a hurry to explain why all this is happening.

The changes are noticed by many people who write about it, but science is silent. Popular informal radio host in the US, Hal Turner, recently raised this topic on his show and described his observations in detail.

Here's what he said:

"The sun is setting much further north than before. I live in North Bergen, NJ 07047. My house is located on a western slope, 212 feet above sea level. I moved here in 1991, live on the third floor, with a balcony facing west For many years I enjoyed beautiful sunsets from this balcony, and at the beginning of the summer of 2017, I unexpectedly noticed that the Sun was setting in a completely different place than before.

It used to set in the west, but now it sets in the northwest. Moreover, it has shifted so much that if earlier I watched the sunset looking straight ahead, now, in order to see the sunset, I am forced to turn my head to the right.

I am not a scientist or an academician, but I have lived here for 26 years and I see that the Sun sets in a completely different place from where it used to be. The only reasonable explanation for this fact is that the Earth has changed the angle of inclination of its axis. Why is NASA praying, why is everyone world scientists don’t notice or don’t want to notice it?”

Influence of Planet X (Nibiru)?

According to ancient Sumerian texts and recent research into modern scientists appearance Planet X in the Solar System will change the tilt of the Earth’s axis, which will cause global climate change, and as this planet approaches the Earth, this will lead to large-scale natural disasters- tsunami and others natural phenomena, which are likely to destroy life on our planet.

Judging by the fact that billionaires, governments and other rulers of the world are preparing reliable shelters for themselves, creating “arks” for storing seeds and cultural heritage human civilization, they know about the approaching global catastrophe

Perhaps that is why they began to actively develop space programs NASA, Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin), whose goal is to resettle a select few to other planets and create colonies there.

Nibiru, also known as Planet X, is considered a planet whose orbit at perihelion crosses the Solar System between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600-4000 years. The Sumerians left a description of this planet which says that highly developed people live on it. intelligent beings- Anunnaki.

Not so long ago, just a few years ago, scientists called information about Planet X a myth and pseudoscience, and then these same people who laughed at Nibiru themselves announced the discovery of Planet X. Maybe it’s time to openly tell people about the real reasons global change climate and about planet X, also tell. Maybe the time has already come?

Barry Setterfield is well known among creation theorists for his research into the slowing of light (see Booklet No. 42). He recently summarized the unpublished findings of the late G.F. Dodwell, an internationally renowned and highly respected scientific world Australian astronomer. As a result, Setterfield came to conclusions that were as stunning as the idea of ​​​​decreasing the speed of light. This booklet offers you brief overview the main issues considered in his work.

It is generally accepted that the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis (ecliptic declination) fluctuates between 22 and 24.5 degrees due to the attraction of the Moon, Sun and planets acting on the Earth's equatorial bulge. This tilt angle changes very slowly, with a period of about 40,000 years. Mathematical analysis the change in slope was done by Stockwell, whose formula was later refined by Newcomb.

George Dodwell was the chief astronomer South Australia from 1909 to 1952. He was a leading specialist international level and, in addition, he was an excellent mathematician. In the mid-1930s, he became interested in the question of ecliptic declination and eventually collected sixty-six records of ancient observations of the movement of the Sun, going back more than 4,000 years. These data were obtained predominantly using the same measurement method.

Ancient gnomons

If you measure the angles at which the shadow is cast from a vertical pole (gnomon) at noon of the longest and most short day per year, half the sum (arithmetic mean) of these values ​​will be equal to geographical latitude observer, and half the difference is the angle of inclination of the earth's axis.

Reportedly written sources, gnomons have been used throughout the history of world civilization - from ancient egypt and China to antiquity and the Middle Ages. These instruments were installed with great care, and the position of the shadow was recorded just as carefully - with an accuracy of five arc minutes. In each case, the calculated latitude value proves the high accuracy of the recorded readings, but the axis tilt angle differs markedly from the theoretically expected value.

Dodwell plotted the change in the recorded slope value over time and compared the result with what Newcomb's formula suggested. The discovered discrepancy suggested that around 2500 BC. something happened that cannot be explained within the framework of phenomena observed today.

Subtracting theoretical value the angle of inclination obtained using Newcome's formula, from the observed value, Dodwell obtained the curve shown in Fig. 3. He discovered that it was a logarithmic sine wave tending to an asymptote (vertical position) around 2345 BC. A logarithmic sine wave is mathematical expression, describing the behavior of a gyroscope (for example, a spinning Earth) that has been suddenly deflected from its position, and now returns to its normal rotation mode.

Dodwell thought about the causes and consequences of such sudden change axis tilt. Over time, after reading Professor McReady Price's book The Global Catastrophe Hypothesis, he came to the conclusion that this change is directly related to The Flood, after all, 2345 BC. - the approximate date of the Flood according to biblical chronology!

A detailed examination of Dodwell's research and experiments to test the accuracy of gnomons showed that his work was carried out with amazing care and absolutely flawlessly. This was to be expected from an astronomer who could not afford negligence: if his statements turned out to be false, his reputation in the scientific world would collapse irrevocably!

Dodwell's conclusions find a very unexpected confirmation, while simultaneously solving three interesting problems.

1. Egyptian temples

The Egyptians, when worshiping the Sun, built long temples precisely oriented to the sunrise or sunset of the longest day of the year (that is, when the Sun is in its northernmost position). One of the largest and most famous temples is the Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: a structure more than half a kilometer long, the long corridor of which was illuminated by the sun only one day a year.

As the years pass sun rays they stopped running along the axis of the building, and the entrance had to be moved to the south; these days the sun again does not reach the depths of the temple. According to Newcomb's formula, the maximum possible tilt of the earth's axis is 24.5 degrees, but the orientation of the temple corresponds to a tilt of 25.2 degrees - an angle that the axis tilt theoretically should not reach at all.

A study of other sun- or star-oriented temples in Egypt and other parts of the world yielded similar results.

Plotting the data obtained at Karnak on his graph, Dodwell arranged them according to the value of the angle of inclination. This leads to an earlier dating of the building than what archaeologists tend to believe. Nevertheless, the time of completion and repair corresponds to the abbreviated Egyptian chronology of Courville (1) and Velikovsky (2).

2. Stonehenge

Archaeologists and historians date this structure to approximately 350 BC. Astronomers, having studied the orientation of this structure, dated it, using Newcome's formula, to approximately 1900 BC. However, according to Dodwell's schedule, the location of Stonehenge corresponds to its archaeological age, i.e. OK. 350 BC

3. Eudox

Eudoxus was a Greek astronomer who lived around 350 BC. and wrote a poem about the location of the stars. Modern astronomers note that the position of the stars described by Eudoxus could not have taken place during the poet’s lifetime - it corresponds (according to Newcome’s formula) to approximately 1950 BC. But on Dodwell’s chart, this location exactly corresponds to 350 BC, which is confirmed by the observations of Eudoxus.

Dodwell noted the deviation of the data in one direction or another from a logarithmic sinusoid. Mathematical analysis showed that reverse movement axis to the standard Newcomb line was accompanied by "collateral" deviations until the axis reached in 1850 A.D. position corresponding to the predictions of the theory (see graph in Fig. 3).

If you spin a top, then as it slows down, its axis will begin to describe circles in the direction opposite movement top. This effect is called axis precession. The Earth must complete a complete precessional cycle in approximately 25,500 years. Since the tilt of the axis determines the angle between north and southern position celestial body, precession affects the time of its ascent or setting, i.e. to the observed latitude.

However, some ancient astronomers wrote that “the latitude of the star increased for 640 years, by one degree in 80 years; then suddenly it began to decrease, and decreased for another 640 years, and then increased again...”. They noted that this last change occurred in 158 BC.

Biblical events

All this information is gleaned directly from scientific works Dodwell. However, Barry Setterfield finds a very interesting connection between these astronomical phenomena and some events described in the Bible.

He points out that the superposition of two oscillations can periodically have a temporary, significant effect on the observed motion of the celestial sphere, and this is exactly what happened whenever unusual events occurred. astronomical phenomena mentioned in the Bible. Moreover, during such periods of stress in earth's crust must be especially large, causing earthquakes, which are also mentioned in the Bible.

In order for the tilt of the Earth's axis to reach a level of about 26 degrees and only then return to an angle of approximately 22.5 degrees, the Earth, according to Dodwell's calculations, would have to be hit by an object with a diameter of about eighty kilometers. As a result of such an impact, a crater with a size of 13 - 16 thousand kilometers in diameter should have formed, surrounded by a ring volcanic activity. This blow was supposed to cause the Flood. Dodwell suggests that the blow hit the center Pacific Ocean, and showed how the location mountain ranges The lands confirm this conclusion.

All information given here is taken from written materials and audio recordings of Barry Setterfield's lectures.

People who lived in one place for a long time, decades, began to notice that the Sun now sets and rises in a completely different place from where it rose and set 20 or 40 years ago. A natural question arises - why?

Let's turn to scientific information regarding the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis:

The angle of inclination of the Earth's axis relative to the ecliptic plane is 23.5 degrees. This caused the change of seasons on Earth, as a result of rotation around the Sun.

Effect of Earth's tilt and motion around the Sun

Imagine that the Sun is in the center of a rotating gramophone record. All planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun, like the tracks of a gramophone record. Now imagine that each planet is a spinning top, the top and bottom points of which coincide with the angle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By measuring the angle of inclination between the poles and the orbit in which the Earth moves around the Sun, you will get exactly that 23.5 degrees.

Graphic representation of the Earth's tilt

At one point in the Earth's orbit, the Earth's North Pole faces the Sun. At this time, summer begins in the northern hemisphere. 6 months later, when the Earth is on the opposite side of its orbit, the North Pole points away from the Sun, and winter sets in, while summer begins in the southern hemisphere.

With a periodicity of 41 thousand years, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis changes from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. The direction of the earth's axis also changes with a period of 26 thousand years. During this cycle, the poles change places every 13 thousand years.

All planets of the solar system have a certain angle of inclination of their axis. Mars has an inclination angle very similar to Earth's and is 25.2 degrees, while Uranus has an inclination angle of 97.8 degrees.

Great, science describes everything to us in detail, but these data have not changed for decades, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis changes. The sun rises and sets in a completely different place, and in addition, global climate change may not be associated with the notorious human impact on nature, but with a change in the tilt of the Earth, as a result of which the climate has changed, moreover, all natural anomalies point precisely to this factor.

Why is this happening? The answer suggests itself - some huge cosmic body has entered the Solar System and is exerting a powerful gravitational influence on our planet, it is so strong that it has already changed the Earth’s axis of rotation.

Scientists cannot help but know, they cannot help but record such changes in the tilt of the earth’s axis, but for some reason they are in no hurry to change the information, correct the data on the angle of inclination, and are certainly not in a hurry to explain why all this is happening.

The changes are noticed by many people who write about it, but science is silent. Popular informal radio host in the US, Hal Turner, recently raised this topic on his show and described his observations in detail.

Here's what he said:

"The sun is setting much further north than before. I live in North Bergen, NJ 07047. My house is located on a western slope, 212 feet above sea level. I moved here in 1991, live on the third floor, with a balcony facing west For many years I enjoyed beautiful sunsets from this balcony, and at the beginning of the summer of 2017, I unexpectedly noticed that the Sun was setting in a completely different place than before.

It used to set in the west, but now it sets in the northwest. Moreover, it has shifted so much that if earlier I watched the sunset looking straight ahead, now, in order to see the sunset, I am forced to turn my head to the right.

I am not a scientist or an academician, but I have lived here for 26 years and I see that the Sun sets in a completely different place from where it used to be. The only reasonable explanation for this fact is that the Earth has changed the angle of inclination of its axis. Why does NASA pray, why don’t all the scientists in the world notice or don’t want to notice this?”

Influence of Planet X (Nibiru)?

According to ancient Sumerian texts and recent research by modern scientists, the appearance of Planet X in the Solar System will change the tilt of the Earth's axis, which will cause global climate change, and as this planet approaches the Earth, this will lead to large-scale natural disasters - tsunamis and other natural phenomena that will most likely destroy life on our planet.

Judging by the fact that billionaires, governments and other rulers of the world are preparing reliable shelters for themselves, creating “arks” for storing seeds and the cultural heritage of human civilization, they know about the approaching global catastrophe

Perhaps this is why the space programs of NASA, Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin) began to actively develop, the goal of which is to resettle a select few to other planets and create colonies there.

Nibiru, also known as Planet X, is considered a planet whose orbit at perihelion crosses the Solar System between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600-4000 years. The Sumerians left a description of this planet which says that highly developed intelligent beings live on it - the Anunnaki.

Not so long ago, just a few years ago, scientists called information about Planet X a myth and pseudoscience, and then these same people who laughed at Nibiru themselves announced the discovery of Planet X. Maybe it’s time to openly tell people about the real causes of global climate change and tell us about planet X too. Maybe the time has already come?

Even at school, we are taught the following picture of the world. Earth is a spherical planet moving in space around a star called the Sun. The earth rotates around its axis. This axis is inclined to the ecliptic plane at an angle of 23.44 degrees. This tilt ensures the change of seasons. The tilt of the Earth itself was supposedly formed because a certain celestial body hit our planet. Every student knows this information.

Scientists also dance from them in their scientific constructions. No one checks the correctness of such statements. But I checked it. And it turned out that everything that was instilled in us at school is sick nonsense, in which there is not a grain of truth.

So, let's start with the impact of a celestial body. Let's not argue that we must first prove that space exists. After all, this concept itself initially did not mean interstellar space at all. Cosmos was the personal name of the Earth in Greek, and it denoted the order and beauty of our “planet”.

It is impossible to prove the existence of space today, because so far humanity does not even have an understanding that such a thing could exist. But a blow to the Earth by some celestial body we can see from experience. The same astronauts, who were in zero gravity, more than once demonstrated experiments with a gyroscope, hitting it with a hammer. After the impact, the gyroscope axis never changed its direction.

Land in official version- this is a gyroscope. No blow can change the axis of such a rotating body. Thus, we must look for another explanation for the change in soybean slope. If, of course, such a change ever took place. Let us remember that scientists tell us that the change in the tilt of the axis supposedly took place many millions of years ago. But this is an outright lie.

Let's remember the school course in orienteering. South is in the direction of the summer solstice point, north is in the direction of the point winter solstice. The east is in the direction of the spring equinox, and the west is in the direction of the autumn equinox. These directions are reflected in the calendar. And here we find the answer to the so-called tilt of the earth's axis.

There is a well-known and publicly available geographical map. It is dated 1452. That is, the time when the Julian calendar was used throughout the earth, and almost one and a half hundred years remained before the invention of the Gregorian calendar. So on this map the direction to the East corresponds to the date March 1st. This calendar is superimposed directly on the map, so no other interpretation is required. It's very simple.

That is, in the 15th century, the direction to the East, that is, on the day of the vernal equinox, fell exactly on March 1. And these days, the day of the vernal equinox has been shifted to the date March 22. All other dates of equinoxes and solstices are similarly shifted. It feels like the calendar has turned 22 days, and now the equinoxes and solstices occur 22 days later. That is, according to physicists, the tilt of the Earth’s axis happened in the 15th century? It was at this time that a certain cosmic body allegedly hit the Earth! But historians have not recorded this. And we understand that such an explanation for the change in the tilt of the Earth’s axis is outright nonsense.

But let's go back to 22 days. The calendar is late by this number of days in our time, and in the 18th and 19th centuries these days fell on the night from the 23rd to the 24th. We know about this not only from the astronomical tables of those centuries, but also from traditional holidays. Kupalo was celebrated from June 23 to 24, Karachun - from December 23 to 24, Komoeditsa - from March 23 to 24. That is, the real calendar shift took place not by 22 days but by 23.5 days. And this figure surprisingly coincides with the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis.

I will not talk about the precession of the Earth’s axis, since it is also a fiction. I’ll tell you right away why these 23.5 days of calendar shift appeared. During the use of the Julian calendar, the Earth was the center of the world, and the Sun revolved around it. People perceived the Sun as a mechanism for keeping time. The fact that this is so allows us to understand the same Bible, which says that God created the Moon and the Sun not for illumination, but for keeping time. Sundials were built on the movement of the Sun. Their design was very different from that of modern watches. And in the same way, the Julian calendar was different from the Gregorian calendar.

In modern watches, the dial is round, the point where the hand is attached is in the center of the dial, and the numbers themselves are evenly spaced around the circumference. This is the same model of the Gregorian calendar. IN Julian calendar The dial was formed in a different way - like a sundial. The arrow attachment point was located on a circle, and the working area was 270 degrees. That is, not full circle, and three quarters of a circle.

These 270 degrees were called day and were divided into 12 parts. Each was called an “hour,” that is, a part. There was an average of 22.5 degrees per hour. In the Julian calendar, night was not taken into account, since there was no star in the sky. The quarter circle was simply not used. When Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian one, the new reckoning of time began to use the entire circle, so the unused quarter of the time circle was simply arithmetically added to angular value Julian hour.

It turned out that approximately 23 days were added to each season. Therefore, the calendar shifted to this value. None of the Earth's axis tilted anywhere. In reality the axis sundial shifted from the periphery to the center. This was perceived as axis tilt. And as a result, the calendar began to be late by 23 days.

Another mystery of the Earth has been solved...

Andrey Tyunyaev,

editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President"

The earth's axis of our planet in the northern vector is directed to the point where the second magnitude star, called Polaris, is located in the tail part

This star outlines on the celestial sphere a small circle with a radius of about 50 minutes of arc.

In ancient times they knew about the tilt of the earth's axis

A very long time ago, in the 2nd century BC. e., the astronomer Hipparchus discovered that this point is movable on starry sky and slowly moves towards the movement of the Sun.

He calculated the speed of this movement at 1° per century. This discovery received the name This is the move ahead, or the anticipation of the equinox. Exact value This movement, constant precession, is equal to 50 seconds per year. Based on this, a complete cycle along the ecliptic will be approximately 26,000 years.

Precision is important for science

Let's return to the question of the pole. Determining its exact position among the stars is one of most important tasks astrometry, which deals with measuring arcs and angles on the celestial sphere in order to determine the planets, own movements and distances to the stars, as well as solving problems of practical astronomy important for geography, geodesy and navigation.

You can find the position of the celestial pole using a photograph. Imagine a long-focus photographic camera, in the form of an astrograph, aimed motionlessly at the sky area near the pole. In such a photograph, each star will describe a more or less long arc of a circle with a single common center, which will be the celestial pole - the point where the rotation of the earth’s axis is directed.

A little about the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis

Plane celestial equator, being perpendicular to the earth's axis, also changes its position, which causes the movement of the points of intersection of the equator with the ecliptic. In turn, the attraction of the Moon's equatorial displacement tends to rotate the Earth so that its equatorial plane intersects the Moon. But in in this case these forces act not on but on the masses that form the equatorial swelling of its ellipsoidal figure.

Let's imagine a ball inscribed in the earth's ellipsoid, which it touches at the poles. Such a ball is attracted by the Moon and the Sun by forces directed towards its center. For this reason, the earth's axis remains unchanged. This attraction acting on the equatorial bulge tends to rotate the Earth so that the equator and the object attracting it coincide, thereby creating an overturning moment.

During the year, the Sun moves away from the equator twice to ± 23.5°, and the distance of the Moon from the equator during the month reaches almost ± 28.5°.

Children's toy top reveals a little secret

If the Earth did not rotate, then it would tend to tilt, as if nodding, so that the equator would always follow the Sun and Moon.

True, due to the enormous mass and inertia of the Earth, such fluctuations would be very insignificant, since at such quick shift directions the Earth would not have time to react. We are well familiar with this phenomenon from the example of a children's top. tries to overturn the top, but the centripetal force protects it from falling. As a result, the axis moves, describing a conical shape. And the faster the movement, the narrower the figure. The earth's axis behaves in exactly the same way. This is a certain guarantee of its stable position in space.

The angle of the Earth's axis affects climate

The Earth moves around the Sun in an orbit that is almost similar to a circle. Observing the speed of stars located near the ecliptic shows that at any moment we are approaching some stars and moving away from those opposite them in the sky at a speed of 29.5 kilometers per hour. The change of seasons is a result of this. There is an inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane and is about 66.5 degrees.

Due to its small elliptical orbit, the planet is somewhat closer to the Sun in January than in July, but the difference in distance is not significant. Therefore, the effect on the heat received from our star is hardly noticeable.

Scientists believe that the earth's axis is an unstable parameter of our planet. As studies show, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis relative to the plane of its orbit was different in the past and changed periodically. According to the legends that have come down to us about the death of Phaethon, in Plato’s descriptions there is a mention of a shift in the axis to this terrible time at 28°. This catastrophe took place more than ten thousand years ago.

Let's imagine a little and change the angle of the Earth's inclination

The current angle of the earth's axis relative to the orbital plane is 66.5° and ensures less sharp temperature fluctuations between winter and summer. For example, if this angle was about 45°, what would happen at the latitude of Moscow (55.5°)? In May, the sun, under such conditions, will reach its zenith (90°) and shift to 100° (55.5°+45°=100.5°).

With such intense movement of the Sun, the spring period would pass much faster, and in May it would reach its peak temperature, as at the equator at the maximum solstice. Then it would weaken slightly, since the sun, passing the zenith, would go a little further. Then it returned back, passing the zenith again. For two months, in July and May, there would be unbearable heat, about 45-50 degrees Celsius.

Now let's consider what would happen in winter, for example, in Moscow? After passing the second zenith, our star would drop in December to 10 degrees (55.5°-45°=10.5°) above the horizon. That is, as December approached, the sun would come out more short term than now, rising low above the horizon. During this period, the sun would shine for 1-2 hours a day. Under such conditions, night temperatures will drop below -50 degrees Celsius.

Every version of evolution has a right to life

As we see, for the climate on the planet it is important at what angle the earth’s axis is. This is a fundamental phenomenon in the mildness of the climate and living conditions. Although, perhaps, under different conditions on the planet, evolution would have taken a slightly different path, creating new species of animals. And life would continue to exist in its other diversity, and perhaps there would be a place for a “different” person in it.

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