Dolgoprudny was cleared of congestion. Andrey Vorobyov launched the opening of traffic along the overpass in Khlebnikovo

Construction of a viaduct is already underway at the Khlebnikovo platform in full swing: customer - State Unitary Enterprise MO UAD "Mosavtodor", general contractor - State Unitary Enterprise MO "MODC", contractors - LLC "Remdorstroy", OJSC DSK "Avtoban", OJSC KhMDS "SU-920". This overpass should become operational in October 2014.

The project of the second viaduct - near the Novodachnaya platform, is currently in the finalization stage, which is being carried out by specialists from the Giprostroymost Institute.

The overpass under construction in Khlebnikov will be able to handle 70-80 thousand cars per day

In the town of Dolgoprudny near Moscow, near the Khlebnikovo station, construction of an overpass - a railway crossing - has begun.

This is the first-born on the Savyolovsky direction railway and the first such large object in the large-scale program of reconstruction and construction of similar crossings planned by the government of the Moscow region.

An overpass is a very troublesome business. We are driving along the construction site that has begun with the head of the construction department of special facilities of the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region, Nikolai Rogov.

“Look, the construction of the overpass itself is half the battle,” explains Nikolai Vasilyevich, an experienced builder who once had the opportunity to build bridges on the BAM. — But there are 70 areas under construction where serious work is already underway preparatory work. Relaying communications takes a lot of time. According to N. Rogov, they have already been erected wastewater treatment plants. They will collect waste water from the roadway, and already purified water will flow into reservoirs. We drive along the New Highway past colossal warehouses and a logistics center serving Sheremetyevo Airport.

Numerous trucks with cargo are sent here.

Imagine the situation in Dolgoprudny. A railway passes through its territory, there are five stations, including Khlebnikovo, Vodniki, Novodachnaya and three crossings. The only road that does not cross the railroad is Likhachevskoe Highway. New and special Dmitrovskoe highway loaded to capacity. The most important thing: every day 128 pairs of electric trains pass through Dolgoprudny. Remember, they recently launched Aeroexpress trains that are so convenient for passengers. But as a result, the barriers at crossings are closed 16 hours a day! Historically, our city consists of northern and southern parts, - said Yuri Tochenov, head of the department of architecture and urban planning of the Dolgoprudny administration. — They are separated by the Moscow Canal and various channels. The only road by which you can get from one microdistrict to another is crossing Dmitrovskoe Highway. But at the same time you need to cross two railway crossings - in Vodniki and here in Khlebnikov. And moving, as you can see, is a headache.

Sometimes it takes an hour to an hour and a half to cover a distance of seven kilometers around the city!

Meanwhile, we are approaching the construction headquarters. I lift my head: the sky is blue, blue, the plane is flying very low - about to land. There is a working environment at the construction site. And while we were driving along the construction site, we stood in a traffic jam for a couple of minutes,” I boast to Yuri Alekseevich. You are very lucky,” he smiles. — It’s about 4 o’clock in the evening. The crossing is closed from 6.30 to 9.30 in the morning and in the evening, starting at about 17.00. What's going on on Friday? Don't forget, it's winter now. And when the summer season begins... Rush hour is simply a collapse. Traffic jams, both sided - from the Dmitrovskoye and Leningradskoye highways - stretch for a kilometer. Therefore, the importance of the overpass being built is difficult to overestimate.

The length of the Khlebnikovsky overpass is two kilometers, the overpass itself, which at an eight-meter height will block railway in the station area - 687 meters. It will be equipped with 4-6 lanes for traffic, in addition, a pedestrian path will be equipped. The highway will be able to carry at least 70-80 thousand cars per day.

The builders will also reconstruct the adjacent roads and build modern system lighting. What has been done now? A temporary road is in operation, said Andrey Dmitriev, the head of the overpass construction. The work has been carried out since November last year, and during this time varying degrees Seven of the sixteen pillars of the overpass have been erected. We are confident that in October 2014 the overpass will accept the first cars.

Direct access to Sheremetyevo Airport from Dmitrovskoe Highway will open. Currently, the design of a similar overpass across the Novodachnaya platform crossing has begun. These two overpasses will provide free passage to Dmitrovka.


Andrey Vorobyov, acting governor of the Moscow region

The overpass across the railway at the Khlebnikovo platform is one of 16 priority crossings. The main problem was contractors' access to the areas and the ability to prepare them for construction. On at the moment All problems have been resolved, and it was possible to reduce the delivery time to October 20, 2014.

The regional government connects with Dolgoprudny high hopes. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Graduates should stay with us.

This requires developed infrastructure and transportation; transport logistics is very important.


There are over 400 railway crossings in the Moscow region, 16 of them are the busiest. It is planned to reconstruct them and build new overpasses, which will cost approximately 76 billion rubles. Thus, work on the overpass in Khlebnikov will cost 6 billion rubles, in Novodachny - 7 billion. This year the construction of the overpass in Kotelniki will be completed. Construction of a crossing will begin in the Stupinsky district, near the Zhilevo station.

For these purposes, 30 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget of the Moscow region in the next three years, including 12 billion in 2013. Funds from private investors will also be attracted.

Lobnya: the future road network November 17th, 2014

The city of Lobnya is part of the so-called northwestern agglomeration cluster of the Moscow region, which also includes Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Skhodnya and several dozen other small settlements.

Perspective scheme construction of Lobnya roads until 2021 (click complete diagram with names)

Due to the lack of alternative routes, it is difficult for Lobnya residents to both leave the city and return to it, especially during rush hour. On the one hand, everything is held by the railway crossing on Rogachevskoe highway, on the other - the narrow Starosheretevskoe highway, and between them main road city ​​- Lenin Street. A bypass roads just no!

In order to somehow improve the situation, in 2014 the city repaired broken railway crossings across the access roads on Lobnenskoye Highway, st. Lenin and Bunin highway.

And Mosavtodor, for the same purpose, implemented two proposals for organizing traffic.

Firstly, at the beginning of 2014, traffic on three driveways in the airport area was made one-way (a project based on our proposal, supplemented by two traffic lights).

Secondly, the traffic light at the intersection of the street. Lenin and Krasnopolyansky Proezd were adjusted, making 4 programs (morning-day-evening-night) instead of 2.


It became

Simply put, we swapped two phases, in the morning we increased the length of the phase for leaving the city, and in the evening - the “half-fan” phase for entering the city straight and to the left on Krasnopolyansky.

All this made it easier for city residents to enter and exit. But this won't last long. After all The peculiarity of Lobnya’s position is that transit through it goes both along and across.“Along” they travel from Moscow and to Moscow along the Rogachevskoye highway, “across” - between the Leningradskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways, since the closest connection is a “small concrete road”. Moreover, Sheremetyevo Airport is located next to Lobnya, the passenger and cargo traffic of which is growing. Well, if you consider that now in the immediate vicinity of Lobnya there is a colossal density road construction(reconstruction of Dmitrovskoye Highway, construction of a toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg, construction of an overpass in Khlebnikovo), we should expect rapid growth in transit through Lobnya already in 2015.

Roads under construction are yellow, roads are being completed in green. Taken from a map of road construction projects in Moscow and the region

What roads does Lobnya need first?

Secondly, the city really needs northern bypass. This new traffic-light-free road is 4-6 lanes wide with an overpass over the railway the paths will pass away from residential buildings and will connect Dmitrovskoe highway with Rogachevskoe and Krasnopolyanskoe highways. Northern bypass Lobny will not only remove a significant part of the transit from residential streets in the north of the city (Lugovaya microdistrict), but will also divert part of the transit from the south of Dmitrovskoye Highway to Rogachevskoye, allowing you to bypass the clogged railway crossing on Batareinaya Street.

What are the prospects for these projects?
The project for the reconstruction of Starosheretevo highway is already ready. The northern bypass of Lobnya is just being designed. Unfortunately, there is no money for construction yet for either project. When exactly they will be found depends on federal center and Moscow region. We can only hope for the best.

Local events
Already now, on Lenin Street in Lobnya, a set of local measures is needed that will ensure maximum street capacity and get rid of bottlenecks. And we have already prepared this package. More about this another time, but for now write what and why needs to be improved on the roads of Lobnya. We will try to work it out and include it in the next package.

On December 25, the opening of working traffic along the overpass in the area of ​​the Khlebnikovo platform in the city of Dolgoprudny took place. This is the first facility built as part of the “Free Move” project of the governor’s “Our Moscow Region” program.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov in live TV channel "360 Moscow Region" gave green light and the first cars drove along the overpass. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Pyotr Ivanov, Head of the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the region Konstantin Lyashkevich, Head of the Dolgoprudny urban district Oleg Troitsky.

"Work traffic around the facility was opened on time. The overpass eliminates the intersection of the highway and railway tracks on the same level. Hundreds of thousands of residents of Dolgoprudny, Khimki and nearby areas were waiting for this, who until now had to stand in traffic jams for hours, waiting for the barrier to open. Already today, along the new, two-lane road from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Sheremetyevo Airport and further to the M10 "Russia" and the recently opened expressway M11, it will be possible to get there unhindered in a matter of minutes,” said Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government Pyotr Ivanov.

The mayor of the city, Oleg Troitsky, speaking at the opening of the overpass, congratulated not only the residents of Dolgoprudny, but also all residents of the northern part of the Moscow region on such a wonderful New Year's gift! Total length The overpass in Khlebnikovo is about 2 km, the road has 2 lanes. The facility is distinguished by a unique design of a metal span, which is 224 meters long and weighs more than 2,700 tons. It goes through highway 7.5 meters wide, two railway tracks and in the future makes it possible to build 2 more railway tracks.

“The opening of the labor movement in Khlebnikovo is the first stage of construction, the second stage is the reconstruction of the adjacent street and road network will begin in 2015. Finally next year it is also planned to open traffic on the overpass in the area of ​​the Novodachnaya platform, the construction of which present moment is in full swing. "Added the head of the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the region, Konstantin Lyashkevich. According to him, the construction of the facility in the area of ​​the Novodachnaya platform should be completed next year.

In addition, in January 2015 it is planned to begin construction of another overpass in the area of ​​the Vodniki crossing. The opening of all three facilities will eliminate the intersection of highways with railway crossings on the same level, thereby increasing the transport accessibility of Dolgoprudny.

Let us remind you that the construction of the overpass in Khlebnikovo began in 2009, but due to the financial crisis, work on it was actually suspended, and resumed at the end of 2012. The customer for the construction was the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region. The general contractor was the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Regional Road Center".

Elena Savitskaya
Press service of the Dolgoprudny city administration

Control over the construction of road facilities in the Moscow region is carried out on a weekly basis. Meetings of construction headquarters are held on site, which make it possible to determine control points for the implementation of projects.

Last weekend, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Pyotr Ivanov and the head of the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region Konstantin Lyashkevich, with the participation of the head of the city of Dolgoprudny Oleg Troitsky, held a meeting of the headquarters for the construction of an overpass across the railway at the Khlebnikovo platform.

The overpass at the Khlebnikovo platform is one of 7 overpasses being built as part of the “Free Moving” project of the governor’s program “Our Moscow Region”, and the first, work on which is at the final stage - labor movement the road is scheduled to be operational by the end of 2014.

The construction site is located in the central part of the Sheremetyevsky district municipality g.o. Dolgoprudny. The purpose of construction is to eliminate the one-level intersection of the New Highway with the railway tracks of the Savyolovsky direction of the Moscow Railway at the Khlebnikovo platform. The turn to Khlebnikovo is the first transport interchange from the side of Dmitrovskoe highway (road federal significance A-104 "Moscow-Dmitrov-Dubna") in the direction and further to the M-10 "Russia" highway.

The existing traffic is characterized by many kilometers of traffic jams during peak hours and weekends. The reasons for congestion are the proximity of Moscow and the Moscow Ring Road with a tendency towards international airport Sheremetyevo, with its cargo terminals and located in close proximity industrial zones city ​​of Lobnya, high intensity of train traffic in the Savelovsky direction, as well as a significant excess normative level loading of the area's road network due to dense development.

“The overpass solves transport problems not only in Dolgoprudny,” emphasized Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Pyotr Ivanov. - “He is part comprehensive solution transport problem this part of the Moscow region, since its commissioning is synchronized with the commissioning of the first section of the Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway 15-58 km in Khimki.”

The overpass in Khlebnikovo is distinguished by a unique design of a metal span, the length of which is 224 meters and weighs more than 2,700 tons. It passes through a 7.5 meter wide highway, two railway tracks and in the future makes it possible to build 2 more railway tracks. The project includes two lanes of traffic in each direction, barrier fences, construction of access roads, installation of noise barriers, LED lighting, arrangement of paths and construction of two staircases for pedestrians. During construction, appropriate engineering and design solutions were used, which today are not used anywhere else in the Moscow region.

"The work is in final stage, the opening of the labor movement is planned for the end of December,” said Pyotr Ivanov. “This is also facilitated by weather conditions- steady temperature regime and the lack of precipitation allow us to lay asphalt and complete work on the overpass ramps.”

At present, the procedure for lowering the span onto the supports has already been completed; all parts of the overpass are at the same level and represent a single object along which road equipment can easily pass from one end of the overpass to the other. “Work continues on the installation of noise barriers, the overpass is being painted, and the installation of lighting is being completed,” said Konstantin Lyashkevich, head of the Main Directorate of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region. - “Work is underway to construct staircases and install drains. To open the working traffic, it remains to finish the overpass ramps - in the coming days, work will begin on laying the top layer of the road surface for the subsequent laying of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete.”

Now in terms of transport, the city of Dolgoprudny is one of the most problematic in the near Moscow region.

Problem one: the city is cut into four “slices”, four transport-isolated clusters. Along it is the busy Savyolovsky railway, and across it is the Moscow Canal. There are only 3 extremely busy and closed roads across the city most of moving time - at the Khlebnikovo, Vodniki and Novodachnaya platforms. There is only one connection through the Moscow Canal - Dmitrovskoe Highway. All this means enormous mileage and unpredictable travel times.

Problem two: access roads to Moscow, Likhachevskoe highway for the western part of the city and Dmitrovskoe highway for the eastern part. Both the highways themselves and their extensions in Moscow have long been unable to cope with the load due to the colossal commute.

It is not surprising that transport accessibility, or rather - inaccessibility, Dolgoprudny successfully and sadly competes with such cities near Moscow as Balashikha, Korolev and Krasnogorsk!

However, there is something that distinguishes Dolgoprudny from the cities mentioned above: practically All the main problems of the city are now being solved. And almost simultaneously in all directions.

Overpasses across the Savyolovskaya railway

Already under construction overpass in Khlebnikovo. The deadline is 2014.

Construction will begin soon overpass near Novodachnaya. The deadline is 2015.

Overpass near Vodnikov It is still awaiting design, with a tentative delivery date scheduled for 2017.

Secondly, in the title of the M-11 highway, an interchange of the Likhachevskoe highway with the M-11 is also being built, as well as an exit from the Likhachevskoe highway to the Korovinskaya interchange! The term is also 2014-2015.

This will give residents of Dolgoprudny direct access to Korovinskoye Highway. By the way, it is now also being reconstructed (with local broadenings).

Video about toll road M-11

But what about Dolgoprudny itself?

Against the background of these problems and their solutions, transport difficulties inside Dolgoprudny may not seem too severe. But nevertheless, the city has problems of capacity, safety, and convenience for motorists, passengers, and pedestrians. And has already prepared a package of proposals to solve them. But there will be a separate post about this.

Write what problems there are on the roads of Dolgoprudny, and your proposals for solving them. We will also try to review and submit them for resolution.

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