Funny stories about the letter u. The letter yu and the sounds it represents

Purpose of the lesson: learning the letter U, developing reading skills, developing speech skills, improving phonemic hearing, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter U, correct pronunciation sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Y in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Jung's Skirt Jupiter Yurta

  1. Yura is the name of a boy. Julia is a girl's name.
  2. Repeat: YURA, YULIA.
  3. How many syllables are in the word YURA? JULIA?
  4. What's the first syllable?
  5. How many letters are in this syllable?

The letter Y is a vowel letter. Remember this please.

Look at the letter Y. Write it in the air, and now in your notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

Spinning on one leg.
Carefree, cheerful.
Dancer in a colorful skirt
Musical... (spinning top).

Pigs love the letter Y:
Without it you can’t say... (oink).

Tale about the letter Y

The camel Bulbul really wanted everything to be like that of people.

Mother! I also want to sleep in a cradle.
- Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? - asked the camel.
“No, he’s so soft...” Bulbul was happy.
“Mom, I also want to play with the top,” he said the next time.
- Is the bell on your neck worse? - asked the camel.
- No, he's so funny! - Bulbul was happy.
“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.
- Are the thorns we eat worse? - asked the camel.
- No, they are so sweet! - Bulbul laughed.
“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.
- But do as many tulips grow in a yurt as in our steppe? - asked the camel.
- Of course not! - Bulbul laughed.
- And it will never grow up.

Riddles for children starting with the letter Y

While I'm spinning, I'm not pushing,
I'm circling and buzzing,
I'm buzzing and circling.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,
And I'm not lazy
Spin around even all day long.

Spins on a sharp leg,
It buzzes like a bug.
If he wants, he can gallop a little,
If he wants, he will lie on his side.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter U

Young people think about the future, and old people think about the past.
If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

Tongue twisters

Yula near Yulka
Spins and sings.
Yulia and Yura
He won't let me sleep.

Yulka was nimble.
Sit still Yulka
I couldn't for a minute.

Poems about the letter Y for children

Yula is huddling under a bush,
The spinning top is spinning like a spinning top.
But still, notice
Yula is such a bird.
Whose gentle, thin voice
Clean as a violin and tall.
(A. Pudval)

Praise to young Julia,
Fast, nimble, like a top.
And in June and July
Yulia will rest in the south.
(V. Berestov)

Yura just sat down on the chair,
Legs dangling
And fell asleep.
Yura is very tired -
Yula all day
(F. Bobylev)

On the way, in an unknown land,
The compass is our best friend.
One capital letter Yu
South is marked on it.
We're flying above the clouds
South by compass.
To the seashore, to Southern Crimea,
Where there are no blizzards in winter.
(S. Marshak)

I sewed a skirt for a doll,
I'll cut a new jacket.
The doll tells me: “Mom!”
So, I sew for my daughter.
(G. Vieru)

I frankly admit:
There is no beast
Starting with the letter Y.
This is the southern someone there.
I came up with it myself!
(B. Zakhoder)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases vocabulary preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections arise in the brain, and your general ability to learning.

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Presentation of Student 1st grade “A” GBOU Secondary School No. 49 Yusipova Amira

The letter Yu is the 32nd letter of the modern Russian alphabet. It came from the Cyrillic alphabet. “U” looks stable - it won’t roll away, the circle is firmly fastened to the stick. To prevent O from rolling away, I will nail it firmly to the post. Oh, look, what happened: It turned out to be the letter Y!

And the words that begin with it are noble: Jupiter, for example. After all, what is this huge planet! And it’s amazing how good she is! Yes, a lot of other good things start with “U”! According to Pavel Globa, the letter “U” is associated with humor. This letter brings curiosity. Those with names starting with this letter turn everything into a joke.

Youth - what a wonderful time! Yu g, by the way, is also good - fruits, sun, vitamin D.

Once upon a time there lived a beast starting with the letter Y. He was cleaning his face. Hippopotamus - with the letter B, A rooster - with the letter P. Crocodile with the letter K, And a boar with the letter K. Platypus - with the letter U! What kind of animal begins with the letter Y? Does he have a long tail? - Yes. - He has huge growth? - No. - Does he have thick fur? - Yes. - Does he have hooves? - No. - Are the beast’s teeth sharp? - Yes. - I'm afraid of him then. Funny poems

And this beast is not scary at all. It's just our cat. - Why is it on “Y”? - Call my cat Yulka!

Spinning on one leg, carefree, cheerful. A dancer in a colorful skirt, Musical... (spinster). I gra "Say the word." A boar went out for a walk, stood and fell into a puddle - a break. I’m happy with myself: – Oink-oink-oink, It’s good that I’m without... (pants).

Little Yulka, you are a neat little thing. Yulka loves yumbrikas and plays with cubes. Yulka-Yulenka-yula, Yulka was nimble. Yulka couldn’t sit still for a minute. Tongue twisters

Find words starting with the letter

This is women's clothing, Ladies have hope for it: Covers, like a fur coat, Not short if... (skirt) Summer - hot time, The kids are going to the sea! There's a cheerful knock under the wheels The train is moving to... (south) I'm spinning, spinning And I'm not too lazy to spin even all day long! (yula) Riddles

Well, remember what words starting with the letter Y were?!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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A project is one of the forms of a system-activity approach. The "Fun ABC" project is a joint project of parents and students....

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A project is one of the forms of the system-activity approach. Project: "Fun ABC" - a joint project of parents and students." It helps to make literacy lessons more interesting and intensive....

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter A."

The "Fun ABC" project makes it possible to make literacy lessons more interesting and effective. After all, students act as teachers. The project is a joint creativity of parents and children....

In this lesson you will learn about the letter Yu and the sounds it stands for, learn the functions of the letter Yu in words, learn to write the capital and small letters Yu, and complete interesting tasks.

This lesson starts with talking about the letter, and not about the sound, as usual, because in Russian there is only six vowel sounds which you already know well. But "vowel" letters - ten.

If you say the letter out loud Yu, then you can hear that it consists of two sounds - [yu]. The first sound is very short - [th]- this is a consonant, voiced, always soft sound. [y]- the second sound, it is a vowel. So the sounds [yy] written with a letter Yu.

Today in class we will be helped Yura And Julia(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Julia and Yura ()

Before they show you the first letters of their names, they want to see if you can say the first sounds of their names in words.

Complete the task. Pronounce words from pictures and choose the one where the sounds we need are found [yy].

This - bindweed (Fig. 3).

Rice. 4. Nasturtium ()

And this is - nasturtium (Fig. 4).

Sound [yy] heard in the word "bindweed".

This - jacket (Fig. 5).

And this is - skirt (Fig. 6).

Sound [yy] heard in the word "skirt".

This - chum (Fig. 7).

And this is - yurt (Fig. 8).

Sound [yy] heard in the word "yurt".

So you heard those sounds [yy] can be pronounced at the beginning of words and in their middle.

Let's find out how these sounds are heard after vowels. Listen to the lullaby (Fig. 9) and count how many sounds [yy] you will hear.

Don't lie on the edge:
The little gray top will come
And he will drag you behind the barrel.

Rice. 9. Lullaby ()

In this lullaby song four sounds are clearly audible [yy].

Yura and Yulia decided to play a game called "Let's talk to the letter Y".

Yura will ask questions, and Yulia will answer. And you help by looking at the pictures.
What's your favorite toy?

Yu la (Fig. 10)

What planet do you know?

Yu Peter (Fig. 11)

What do you want to become?

Yu ngoy (Fig. 12)

What bird do you know?

Yu rock (Fig. 13)

What plant do you like?

They differ only in size.

To ABOUT didn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is...a letter Yu (Fig. 16) .

Rice. 16. Letter Yu()

Read the rhymes and find out what the letter looks like Yu.

In the arena the tamer -

Lord of the formidable tigers.

He's like a letter Yu, with ring

I boldly faced the tigers(Fig. 17) .

Rice. 17. Tiger Tamer

The whole letter is bent Yu,

He holds his wand.

This is what it looks like -

An old woman with a stick.

If you haven't eaten the bagel,

If he's still with you,

That's one good thing

It will come in handy now.

Let's play with him a little.

On the side is a fork,

Nearby is a spoon.

Write it down in your notebook -

This letter is a letter Yu.

And also at the letter Yu there is a similarity with the number 10 (Fig. 18).

Letter Yu Help everyone on their hike:

On the way, in an unknown land,

For us, a compass is the best arc.

One capital letter Yu

South is marked on it(Fig. 19) .

To better remember the letter, mold it from plasticine or lay it out from any materials. Draw a funny picture from a letter Yu and make an exhibition of drawings.

Writer Viktor Khmelnitsky advises taking a closer look at the letter Yu:

Take a closer look at the letter Yu and you will probably notice that it consists of two letters: N And ABOUT.

True, it’s a letter for mom ABOUT - Yu more similar, but dad is also a letter N- can easily find his features and dashes(Fig. 20) !

Rice. 20. Letters N And ABOUT ()




Read the syllables with I :

"Who? - asked the letter I, -

Are you ready to replace me?

The letter answered Yu:

“If necessary, I’ll replace it!”

Read the syllables with yu:

Have you noticed that consonants before vowels I And Yu read softly. This means that the letter has a second job Yu same as the letter I, - show softness of consonants, after which they are written. In such cases, vowels I And Yu denote not two sounds, but one. Read:

N ora

L una

L ampa

G r bonds

N Jurassic

L love

L hole

T r yuk

The hard consonants in these words are highlighted green, and soft ones - blue.

Consider written letters Yu and compare them with printed ones (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Written and block letters Yuyu ()

Let's learn to write a capital letter Yu. It has two elements. It resembles written letters N And ABOUT(Fig. 22).

Rice. 22. Capitalization Yu ()

Let's start writing a letter Yu, like a letter N, from the middle of the additional line. We write a small smooth line, deviating slightly to the right. Then we lower the straight inclined line, not reaching the bottom line of the working line, make a rounding to the left, touching it. We draw a smooth line upward, deviating to the right, crossing the top line of the working line. We stop. We begin to write an oval without interruption. We draw the semi-oval line down, turn to the right, touching the bottom line of the working line. Raise the line up, round the line to the left at the level of the first element. Lower it down and close the oval.


  • the letter is very wide, the oval looks like a circle.

Try writing the letter in your notebook yourself. Remember to position your notebook correctly. Hold the pen correctly with three fingers. Keep your back straight and don't lean too far over your notebook.

Let's write a small letter yu. It has three elements. She looks like small letters n And O(Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Writing a small letter yu ()

We begin to write the letter on the top line of the working line. From top to bottom to the bottom line of the working line we write an inclined straight line. We return along a straight line up to its middle, make a small loop or turn with a point and draw a smooth line to the right (like a sagging rope). We begin to write an oval. We draw a semi-oval line to the right to the bottom line of the working line, touching it, raise the line up. We round to the left, touching the top line of the working line. Lower it down and close the oval.

Try writing this letter in the air. Write it down reverse side hands on the palm.

Consider possible errors writing letters yu:

  • the letter is very wide.

Try writing the letter in your notebook yourself.

We will connect capital and small letters using an additional stick that needs to be written the right size, depending on the connection (lower or upper). Small letter yu top connection may be written as a curved line at the top. Try to write the connecting letters yourself Yu And yu with other letters.

Today in class you learned about the vowel letter Yu, which is in the penultimate place in the alphabet, 32. There are very few words in our language that begin with this letter. The main job of this letter is to indicate the softness of the consonants that are written before it. You already know the three vowel letters that show the softness of the consonants. This - AND, I And Yu. Remember their work.


1. Practice writing the letter Yu. Write your own printed and written letters Yuyu(big and small).

2. Find words in which the letter Yu denotes the softness of a consonant.

D yu on, yu la, yu mor, r yu shi, yu burden, t yu l, yu mouth, t yu lpan.

3. Help the cabin boy find flags with correctly written letters Yu.


1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012

3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook, 2014

3. Festival pedagogical ideas"Open lesson" ()

Good day, my dear readers!

I continue the column, learning letters and today is a vowel letter "U". Practical material the one I selected will help your child remember the letter “U” faster, your child will not only remember the letter, but will also learn to distinguish the sound [yu] in words.

Invite your child to listen to G. Yudin’s fairy tale “The Little Camel Bul-Bul” and remember words with the sound [yu]


The camel Bulbul really wanted to have everything like people do.

- Mother! I also want to sleep in a cradle.

– Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? – asked the camel.

“No, he’s so soft...” Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to play with the top,” he said the next time.

- Is the bell on your neck worse? – asked the camel.

- No, he's so funny! – Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.

– Are the thorns we eat worse? – asked the camel.

- No, they are so sweet! – Bulbul laughed.

“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.

– But do as many tulips grow in a yurt as in our steppe? – asked the camel.

- Of course not! – Bulbul laughed. - And it will never grow up.

Letter "U"

Funny poems

Young sailed on the ship, Young led the ship to the ground.

Young man steered the ship skillfully,

And he looked forward boldly.

Yurka rolls a snowball.

A blizzard swirls outside the window.

I don’t recognize Yura...

With a lump he is like a letter Yu.

V. Stepanov

Yura is carrying a tasty cargo -

Wonderful watermelon.

In the arena the tamer -

Lord of the formidable tigers.

He's like a letter Yu, with ring

He boldly faced the tigers.

V. Stepnov

Yura just sat down on the chair,

He dangled his legs and fell asleep.

Yura is very tired -

I was spinning like a top all day long.

F. Bobylev

* * *To ABOUT didn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is... a letter Yu.

A. Shibaev

I sewed a skirt for a doll,

I'll cut a new jacket.

The doll tells me: “Mom!”

So, I sew for my daughter.

Piggies love the letter Yu:

Without it you can’t say: “Oink!”

On the way, in an unknown land

The compass is our best friend.

One capital letter Yu

South is marked on it.

We're flying above the clouds

South by compass.

To the seashore, to southern Crimea,

Where there are no blizzards in winter.

I recognize my spinning top,

When I look at the letter Yu.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Young men think about the future, and old men think about the past.

2. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.

Tongue twisters


Game "Who is attentive?"

1. Name the same sounds in words: cabin boy, south, skirt, yunnat, nimble, yurt.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [ yu] in the words: apple, Christmas tree, Edik, Elena, Julia, humor, street, pit.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Come up with as many words as possible that start with the letter "u".
(Yula, skirt, youth etc.)

Game “Say the Word.”

Game "Find the word".

1. Lesenka. 2. T h o w n a b u c k a.

yu – – yu – –

yu – – – yu – – –

yu – – – – yu – – – –

yu – – – – – yu – – – – –

Possible option answer: Possible answer:

south, yula, cabin boy, yunnat. people, Duchess, budget,


Game "Transforming words - magic chain."

1. Replace one letter in the words: bite, cap, hole, onion, lettuce, scream.

Answer: beak, boat, Nyura, hatch, salute, hook.

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