Practical material on sound automation f. Practical material on sound automation F


1. Articulation of sound.

2. Sound production.

Sound F

Articulation of sound

Sound production

Repeat the syllables.

Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Sound in the middle of a word:

Sound at the end of a word:

Repeat the sentences.

Repeat the tongue twisters.

Pif has a guest - Paf.

Fanya has a sweatshirt.

Puff has a guest - Pif.

Petya has shoes.

The fleet is sailing to native land,

A flag on every ship.

Repeat the riddle.

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck,

And he eats leaves -

Leaves from trees. (Giraffe)

This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you,

And will be born

The players shoot accurately

Learn a poem.

Look! Look!

That's the flag Mitya has!

Who gave the flag?

Game "Give me a word."

Holiday, holiday at the gates.

Who will go to meet him?

Me and my faithful friend -

Who scored a goal today?

When I played... (football).

It's almost evening, look -

The lights came on... (the lights).

Game "Finish the sentence."

Game "One-Many".

Retell the story.

Sound F

Articulation of sound

Sound production

Repeat the syllables.

Fya - fya - fya Fya - fe - fyu - fi Af - oof - ugh

Fe - fe - fe Fya - fi - fyu - fe If - ef - yuf

Fyu - fyu -fyu Fyo - fyu - fya - fi Yaf - if - ef

Fi - fi - fi Fi - fya - fe - fyo Ef - yaf - if

Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Fima, dates, finca, ficus, fillet, Filka, eagle owl, film, film library, Filat, finale, violet, branch, fixation, figure, firm; hairdryer, fairy, Fedya, Fenya, fetish, farm, February.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Ottoman, kefir, decanter, sapphire, scarf; cafe, buffet, candy, briefcase, potato, truffle; chauffeur; mattress.

Sound at the end of a word:

Judith, carrots (ugh).

Repeat the sentences.

Fedya has a decanter. Filya drinks kefir. Feni has ficus and violets. Filya eats candy. There are carrots by the decanter (ugh). The buffet is full of sweets. Feni has a hairdryer. Fima has a film about a fairy. Filat works on a farm. Fedya has a company, Filya is in a cafe. An eagle owl sits on a branch. Fedya made it to the end of the film. Fenya bought dates. The driver forgot his briefcase. Fedya, bring the potatoes. There is a cafe next to the company.

Repeat the tongue twisters.

Fimka has a guest - Filka. Filka has a guest - Fimka. Philip was stuck to the stove.

Repeat the riddles.

I carry a new house in my hand,

The house door is locked.

The residents here are made of paper

All terribly important. (Briefcase)

What they dug out of the ground,

Fried, boiled?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they praise you? (Potato)

The red maiden sits in prison,

And the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)

It sleeps during the day, flies at night, and scares passers-by. (Owl)

Learn poems.

Fedya went to the buffet for candy -

The fact is that there will be no sweets in the buffet. (V. Lunin)

Gave shoes to the elephant

He took one shoe.

And he said: “We need something wider,

And not two, but all four!” (S. Marshak)

Game "Make a proposal".

An adult calls support words, invites the child to make sentences using these words. Candy - buffet Driver

Fedya - violets Fairy - slipper

Tree - eagle owl Shop - dates

Game "One - Many".

An adult names an object in singular, and the child is in the plural. Ficus - (ficus)

farm - (farms) Violet - (violets)

ottoman - (ottomans) Owl - (eagle owls)

buffet - (buffets) Figure - (figures)

decanter - (decanters)

Game "Be careful".

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound Фь that appear in it.

Fenya loves flowers very much. She has ficus and violets growing at home. Fenya waters them every day and loosens the soil. The girl is helped by her little brother Fedya. Well done boys.

Repeat the syllables.

Fa-fya Fa-fa-fya-fya Fu-fu-fu

Fo - fe Fa - fya - fa - fya Fyu - fu - fyu

Fy - fi Fya - fa - fya - fa Fy - fi - fy

Fu-fu Fya-fya-fa-fa Fi-fy-fy

Repeat the words.

Fomka – Fimka

Shape - truss

Focus - ficus

Form - company

Fugue - fig

Furor - Fuhrer

Background – hair dryer

Pound - feint

Repeat the sentences.

Fimka carries a crowbar. Fedya showed a trick. The Count is drinking coffee. There is a uniform on the sofa. Fili has a torch. Fenya has beans. Frosya and Fedya drink kefir. Foma has candy. Feni has a red sundress. Filat wears a uniform. Foma works as a driver. The driver wiped the headlights of the car. Fedya is talking on the phone. Filat has a dog, Pythagoras. Frosya planted ficuses and violets. Fedya is watching football. Foma bought potatoes. Fenya is standing by the fountain. Foma drew an eagle owl.

Repeat the phrases.

Fe - fe - fe - my uncle lives in Ufa. Fy - fi - fy - don’t get to Ufa. Fa-fya-fa - we have a big harp. Fu - fu - fu - we bought a sofa.

Repeat the tongue twisters.

Fomka has a guest - Fimka, Fimka has a guest - Fomka. Fanya has a sweatshirt. Fedya has shoes. Fedot has a bassoon. Fima has myths. At the cafe - Foma. Foma has coffee.

Repeat the riddles.

I make thin dishes,

Gently white and sonorous

They have been burning since ancient times.

Calling myself...(Porcelain)

Learn a poem.

Gray eagle owl, old eagle owl,

And the eyes burn like headlights.

Eagle owl - jump, eagle owl - leap,

Filinenku gave a flag.

Little Owl is glad, glad

Two lanterns are burning. (G. Satir)

Game "Hard - Soft"

The child has blue and green cards in front of him. If the words spoken by an adult contain solid sound F, the child picks up the blue card. If soft sound Fb - green card.

Fedya, driver, factory, sweatshirt, ficus, porcelain, farm, scarf, count, decanter.

Game "Make sentences"

The adult invites the child to make sentences based on the following reference words: Foma - farm, Fenya - camera, Fedya - telephone, Fedya - focus

10. Retell the story.

One day Fedya and dad went to the circus. Gymnasts, trainers, and fakirs performed there. But Fedya liked the magician most of all. A magician used a handkerchief to transform a ficus into a violet, a telephone into a tape recorder, and beans into dates. Fedya could not understand how this was happening. “This must be magic,” the boy thought. “When I grow up, I will also become a magician and work in the circus.”

Sound B

Articulation of sound

See sound F. The difference is that with sound B the vocal folds are closed, vibrate, and a voice is added. Vibration of the larynx and chin is felt.

Sound production

It is based on the sound F with the addition of a voice, the presence of which the child feels by touching the speech therapist’s hand to the chest, larynx or chin. When pronouncing sound B, you should not allow yourself to bite your lower lip. It should be slightly turned outward and approach the upper incisors.

Repeat the sentences.

Here are Vova and Vasya. Vasya bought cotton wool. The owl drinks water. Vova’s mittens got wet. The owl was sitting on a cart. The leader flew ahead of the pack. The cow has a big head. Vanya dropped the waffles into the grass. A wolf howled near the willow tree. Vanya is carrying a vase. Valya is eating plums. Vova goes to the factory. rang out strong sound. The grandson and granddaughter had a delicious meal at grandma's. Ivan has great power. Valya took an oath. There is foliage below.

Repeat the phrases.

Va - you - va - here is the tall grass. You - va - you - even over your head.

Repeat the proverbs.

Everything has its time. Every thing has its place. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest. Lots of water - lots of grass.

Repeat the tongue twisters.

The spinning duck dived and surfaced, surfaced and dived.

In the winter cold everyone is young. Delicious halva - praise to the master.

Repeat the riddles.

In calm weather

We are nowhere to be found.

The wind will blow -

We run on the water. (Waves)

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

Rye is earing in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy,

It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant. (Cornflower)

Who is cold in winter

Wandering in the forest angry, hungry? (Wolf)

Learn a poem.

The spring air is fresh and clean.

The first leaf is turning green.

The earth is visible in the thawed patches.

Streams run around, ringing.

Game "Give me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest words that are appropriate in meaning at the end of each poem.

The dirty one always comes to the rescue... (water).

Tick-tweet, don't be shy!

I'm experienced... (sparrow).

The color is greyish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person. This is... (crow).

Game “Name it kindly.”

The adult invites the child to affectionately name the following objects:

Vase - (vase) plum - (cream)

Water - (water) plant - (factory)

Carriage - (trailer) sofa - (sofa)

Willow - (willow) head - (little head)

Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story, then retell it.

A forest grows near the river. There are tall spruce and pine trees in the forest. There's a hole here. Ivan and Valya are standing at the hole. Valya looked into the hole. There were fox cubs there. The guys wanted to play with the fox cubs, but didn’t have time. A fox appeared near the hole; it was time to go home.

Sound V

Repeat the syllables.

Vya - vya - vya Vya - vyo - vu - vi

Vu - vu - vu Be - vu - vi - vu

Be - ve - ve Be - ve - vi - vu

Wee-wee-wee Wee-wee-wee-wee

Vyo - vyo - vyo Vyu - vya - vi - vyo

Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Elm, knit, knits, dried; view, wine, wine, vit, Vitya, visible, Viking, knight, visit, business card, squeal, see, fork; century, Vienna, weight, whole, scales, spring, news, fun, willow, faith, fan, wind, evening, willow, verst, heather; springs, oars, buckets.

Sound in the middle of a word:

To impose, to get stuck, to tie, knotted, lanky; Vovik, new, newbie, I’ll see, blade of grass; canopy, hang, story, conscience, hang, curtain, curtains, lead away, trees; carpet, screwdriver.

Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words:

Listen, listen; all, all, all, all; svya, svi; jingling Hear, clearly, listen, below, penetrate; all, everyone, everything, universe, inhabit, everything, all, everywhere, everywhere; tie, tied, bundle, twist, whistle, whistle, pig, pig, pipe; tinkle; rug, village

Repeat the sentences.

I will see Vovik soon. In spring the trees come to life. Vovik carries a screwdriver. The wind shakes the branch. Grandma is knitting a rug. The entire village is visible below. The newcomer saw the whole class. A pipe whistles below. Vovik is new to the class. We hung the curtains. Birds have built a nest on a tree. Vitya carries buckets. The trees sway from the wind. You whistle to the whole village. Vitya ties his shoelaces.

Repeat the proverbs.

The proverb will never break. Every thing has its place. Live and learn.

Repeat the riddles.

Laughing Egorka

I started cleaning.

I started dancing around the room,

I looked around - the floor was clean. (Broom)

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming.

When does this happen? (Spring)

Prowls across the field,

Sings and whistles

Breaks trees

Bends to the ground. (Wind)

I am a hunchbacked beast

And the guys like me. (Camel)

Learn a poem.

The wind came from above,

Broke a tree branch.

He blew for a long time and grumbled angrily

And the trees kept shaking.

Game "Give me a word."

Soars up without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian... (helicopter).

In front of the house on Sadovaya

We boarded a new trolleybus.

From an open window

All of Sadovaya... (visible).

Game “Make sentences”.

The adult names supporting words and invites the child to make sentences using them.

Vitya - screwdriver Class - beginner

Vera - carpet Vera - knitting

Wind - trees Vitya - buckets

Game "One - Many".

An adult names an object in the singular, a child - in the plural.

Willow - (willows) visit - (visits)

Fork - (forks) screwdriver - (screwdrivers)

Bucket - (buckets) beginner - (beginners)

Evening - (evening) blade of grass - (blades of grass)

Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Vera and Venya have many different toys. Venya often plays with a helicopter. He picks up the helicopter and runs around the room with it. Vera loves to play with her little owlet. She feeds the little owlet and goes for walks with him. The boys love their toys.

Repeat the syllables.

Va - vya You - vi Vu - vu Vo - vyo

Vya - va Vi - you Vyu - woo Vyo - vo

Va - vya - va Vi - you - vi Vu - vu - vu Vyo - in - vyo

Vya - va - vya You - vy - you Vu - vu - vu V - vo - v

Repeat the words.

Cotton wool - Vitya Otter - buckets Vys - hang

Yours - cherry Slava - Slavik Divan - girl

Watch - whirlwind Grass - blade of grass Won - Vienna

Important - knits Vase - visa Cart - weight

Volcano - fork Howl - see Vors - mile

Repeat the sentences.

Vitya and Vanya are friends. Vera is sitting on the sofa. Vovik is new to the class. The grandson's name is Vitya. Vera goes to Lithuania. The wind howls outside the window. Valya hung up the curtains. The owl saw the prey. Vanya heard a whistle. The willow has green foliage. Vera combed her hair. Vitya loves halva. Beautiful music sounded all evening. Vitya works at a factory. Vasya and Vera are traveling in this carriage. In the evening the water in the river is cold. Vera bought waffles. Valya saw a beautiful fan. Vanya is reading a story. Valya is knitting a sweater.

Repeat the phrases.

Va-vya-va - yellow foliage. You - see - you - the cows are coming. Be - ve - ve - let's give Vova some paint. Be - ve - ve - let's clap Savva. You - you - you - the plums are ripe.

Repeat the tongue twisters.

The fidgety wind tore

Gates are like turntables.

Grumpy raven was stealing

Yesterday's cheesecakes.

Sparrow doctors saved,

They brought him into the helicopter:

The helicopter turned its propellers,

Disturbed the grass with flowers.

Repeat the riddles.

I'll wrap it up, I'll wrap it up,

I'll fly to the skies. (Helicopter)

A warm wave splashes

The banks are made of cast iron.

Guess, remember:

What kind of sea is there in the room. (Bath)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better. (Bicycle)

Learn poems.

Vanya loves to swim

In the white sea - in the bath.

It's just a shame:

The shore is not visible.

Visibility is gone

Soap got into my eye... (A. Shlygina)

A wolf-wolf rides into the field

On your bike.

He overtook today

A sparrow and two crows,

Only the wind is a breeze

There was no way I could overtake it. (G. Satir)

Game "Hard - Soft".

There are blue and green squares in front of the child. If the words spoken by the adult contain a hard sound B, then the child picks up a blue square. If the sound is soft, it is a green square.

Water, Vitya, wind, wave, cornflower, helicopter, wine, Vanya, Seva, fork, diver, showcase, dumpling, sparrow.

Game “Make sentences”.

The adult asks the child to make sentences based on the following reference words:

Vanya - Vika's bike - plums

Vitya - halva Vitya - oath

Seva - carpet Vera - wave

Retell the story.

The adult asks the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

In the summer, Vika and Vanya were with their parents at sea. The guys really enjoyed relaxing and sunbathing. But most of all they loved to play in the water. When a wave rolled onto the shore, Vika and Vanya took hands and jumped up: who is taller? I didn’t want to go ashore at all. How fun it was at sea!

Differentiation of sounds V - F

After the sounds V and F have been introduced and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse the deaf and voiced pronunciation options.

Repeat the syllables.

Wa - fa By - fu - woo - fu Wa - wo - woo - you

Fa-wa Wa-fa-wa-fa Fa-fo-fu-fy

Va-va-fa You-fy-you-fy Woo-wo-va-you

Fa-wa-wa Wo-fo-wo-fo Fu-fo-fa-fy

Repeat the words.

Vanya – Fanya Vilka - Filka

Venya - Fenya Moisture - flask

Cotton wool - veil Plums - Scythians

Vase - Grass phase - graphs

Owl - sofa Manes - vultures

Pack, waffles, alphabet, favorite, February, autograph, patronage, forward, drift.

Repeat the sentences.

The doll has a veil made of cotton wool. An owl is sitting on the sofa. Filka eats with a fork. Vanya bought jam and fruit. Valya shows tricks. Valya is a magician. Valya has a ficus. Vova has violets. Fenya has cornflowers. Vova goes to the factory. Vova knows the letters of the alphabet. Valya is embroidering an apron. Vanya unwrapped the candy. Violets are blooming in the garden. Fedya carries a carafe of water. A sparrow flew into the room through the window. Mom knitted a warm scarf for her daughter. Valya washes the forks. Vova saw vultures. There is an owl on the sofa.

Repeat the phrases.

Fa-va-fa is our new sofa. Fa - fa - va - the owl is flying. Fy - you - you - there is no grass. You - you - fy - the graphs are coming

Repeat the tongue twisters.

Our Filat is never to blame. Fimka is visiting Vovka, Vovka is visiting Fimka.

Game "Say the opposite".

An adult names words with the sound V. The child is asked to replace the sound V with the sound F and say the resulting word. Cotton wool - (veil) screw - (feint)

Vase - (phase) owl - (sofa)

Vas - (front) Venya - (Fenya)

Game “Make sentences”.

The adult invites the child to make sentences based on the following reference words:

Vova - flag Ivan - football

Valya - scarf Vasya - factory

Vasya - camera Vitya - focus

Retell the story.

An adult invites the child to listen short story and then retell it.

Vanya and Fedya love horses. Boys go to sports school where they learn to ride horses. Everyone has their own horse. Vanya’s horse’s name is Filka, Fedya’s is Veterok. Fedya combs Veterka’s mane and braids it. Vanya washes Filke’s sides and wipes his back after training. Well done guys, they take good care of their horses!


Speech is one of essential functions person. In progress speech development higher mental processes, ability to conceptual thinking. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for development various forms activities. To develop a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes free communication child with peers and adults.

Deficiencies in sound pronunciation significantly distort a child’s speech. The child may have omissions, substitutions, and deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child’s speech difficult to understand for others and limits the child’s speech activity.

Correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation is one of the most important tasks teacher The child must learn to pronounce all sounds correctly native language. IN Lately There are more and more children who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonorants, but more simple sounds, such as D, T, N, F, V, etc.

Structure of the manual Work on each sound includes 3 sections:

1. Articulation of sound.

2. Sound production.

3. Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

Automation of any sound should begin with syllables. Only when the child learns to correctly pronounce sounds in syllables can he move on to words and sentences. When working with words, it is necessary to practice the sound in different positions: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word; in words with a combination of consonants. 2

On final stages automation of sound, children are offered pure sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, games. Speak pure sayings and proverbs at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. Tongue twisters should be pronounced slowly at first, clearly articulating the sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can pronounce the tongue twister accurately can you repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, encourage children not only to guess them, but also to repeat them, since the text of the riddles contains an automated sound. It is advisable to learn poems. This helps not only to consolidate sound, but also to develop memory. Read stories to your child calmly and expressively so that he can remember and retell them. Play games emotionally, encouraging the child’s correct answers.

When sounds that are similar in pronunciation are automated, it is necessary to carry out work to differentiate them. Differentiation of sounds should begin with syllables, gradually moving on to words, sentences, poems, etc.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, educators speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Sound F

Articulation of sound

The lower lip is close to the edges of the upper incisors, there is a narrow gap in the middle for the passage of air, the upper lip is slightly raised. The upper incisors are visible, the lower incisors are covered by the lower lip. The position of the tongue depends on the next vowel sound. The soft palate is raised, the vocal folds are open, air jet absent-minded.

Sound production

Method 1: by imitation. When pronouncing a sound, the speech therapist draws the child’s attention to the position of his lips. The child sees how he pulls himself up underlip to the upper incisors, and the upper one rises.

Method 2: if the child cannot immediately place his lips in the proper position, you need to invite him to blow, bringing the upper and lower lips closer together. At this moment the speech therapist raises his finger upper lip child, then the lower lip will reflexively rise to the upper incisors. The sound will be F.

Method 3: the speech therapist lifts the child’s lower lip with two fingers to the upper incisors, using this technique until the child has strengthened the skill of independently pulling the lower lip upward.

Practical material on sound automation F

Repeat the syllables.

Fa - fa - fa Fa - fo - fu - fy Yf - yf - yf

Fo - fo - fo Fo - fo - fa - fo Af - af - af

Fu-fu-fu Fo-fa-fu-fu Of-of-of

Phew - ph - ph Fu - ph - ph - fa Phew - ph - ph

Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Fact, veil, fauna, style, beans, phase, pheasant, torch, headlight, fakir, factor, farce, minced meat, factory; snort, snort; background, photo, Thomas, fund, fountain, focus, lantern, form; fu, fugue, pound, poundik, land mine, football, wagon, van, wine glass.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Sofa, drying oil, harp, count, Pythagoras, sundress, layman; sofas, reefs, harps; gramophone, telephone, pathos, tape recorder, reform, props; typhoon, embarrassment.

Sound at the end of a word:

Bang, bang, myth, boa constrictor(ph), closet, lion(ph), sleeve(ph), scarf, vulture, count, photographer, cliff(ph), rush(ph), giraffe.

Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words:

Fta, ft; fla, flo, flu; fra, fro, frou, fra; ft, ft. Jacket, caftan, lifts, sweaters; flag, bottle, flagship, pennant, flannel; navy, phlox, naval; tailcoat, frau, franc, transom, phrase, figure; front, Frosya; fruit, fruity, numbers.

Repeat the sentences.

The fakir showed a trick. The Count carries a torch. The lights are on in the factory. Foma puts the scarf in the closet. Funtik snorts. The sundress has a good style. Pif and Paf are photographers. Thomas has a flag. The Count put on a tailcoat. Thomas has fruit. Frosya has a flag. Frosya has a flannel jacket. Foma has a caftan, Frosya has a beautiful jacket. Foma bought a phone.

Repeat the tongue twisters.

Pif has a guest - Paf.

Fanya has a sweatshirt.

Puff has a guest - Pif.

Petya has shoes.

The fleet is sailing to its native land,

A flag on every ship.

Repeat the riddle.

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck,

And he eats leaves -

Leaves from trees. (Giraffe)

This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you,

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (Camera)

The players shoot accurately

They kick me. (Soccer ball)

Learn a poem.

Look! Look!

That's the flag Mitya has!

Who gave the flag?

Mitya made it himself. (O. Vysotskaya)

Game "Give me a word."

Holiday, holiday at the gates.

Who will go to meet him?

Me and my faithful friend -

Red, small... (flag).

Who scored a goal today?

When I played... (football).

It's almost evening, look -

The lights came on... (the lights).

Game "Finish the sentence."

At the holiday, the boy is holding... (flag).

Mom tied a scarf around her daughter’s neck.

In the evening the cars have lights on... (headlights).

Every person has a first name and... (surname).

The circus often shows... (tricks).

Game "One-Many".

An adult names an object in the singular, and a child in the plural. Pheasant - (pheasants) Van - (vans)

Torch - (torches) Telephone - (phones)

Focus - (tricks) Sundress - (sundresses)

Fountain - (fountains) Count - (counts)

Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Foma, Afonya and Frol went for a walk. Foma and Afonya began to play football. Frol did not want to play football. He approached the stream and began to launch the boats. There were three ships in the flotilla. Every ship had a flag. The ships were so beautiful. Foma and Afona really liked Frol’s play, and the guys also began to launch ships.

Sound F

Articulation of sound

See the sound F. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Fb, the lower lip is less tense.

Sound production

By imitation. Best in the syllable FI. Gradually, the sound I is pronounced more briefly and dullly, the sound Fb is obtained;

"Bite your lower lip." "Fence on the lower lip."

3. Introducing the sounds [f], [f] (p. 3).

Now I will show you a trick that I once saw at the circus.

The speech therapist takes a thin glass and puts beads, a chain, or a ribbon into it. He puts the glass on his palm and covers it with a handkerchief. At this time, he quietly turns the glass upside down. Then from below, as if through a glass bottom, through his fingers he takes out beads, a chain, a ribbon. Then shows the empty glass in its original position.

- Did you like the trick? What do you call an artist who performs magic tricks? Look at the magician in the left top corner pages. The magician quickly pulled out of his hat
go hedgehog. The hedgehog snorts: F-f-f!


4. Characteristics of sounds [f], [f].

- Make a sound [f] ([f]), observing articulation in the mirror.

Children analyze the pronunciation of sounds according to the scheme. The lower lip covers the lower teeth. The upper lip is slightly raised. The upper teeth are placed on the lower lip. The air stream encounters an obstacle. The voice doesn't work.

Tell me, what sounds are these? What features does Yupik show? Why?

5. Exercise in pronunciation of sounds [f], [f].

- The hedgehog snorts a) drawn out: f ________________;

b) intermittently: f-f-f...

- Listen to the hedgehog's song and say the same:

fa-fo-fu-fy- fi fa - fa - fa fa- fa-fa fa-fa-fa

Look at the picture “The Magician”. What tricks does the magician perform?

The speech therapist explains: a tailcoat is a formal men's jacket; A torch is a portable lamp with a blazing fire.

Listen to the poem:

The magician is dressed in a tailcoat,

The torch turned into a bouquet,

The fairy will jump out of there

Is it a trick or a miracle?

Yup'ik practices clear pronunciation of sounds [f]-[fъ] in the words of the poem. Say this poem clearly too.

6. Differentiation of sounds [f] - [f].

a) Isolation of sounds [f], [f] from the composition of the word.

Based on the picture “Magician”, name the words with sound [f]([f]). (Flag, shoes, torch, tailcoat, scarf, lantern, fountain, magician; owl, candy, napkin, violets.) In what
of which sound [f] ([f]) stands at the beginning of a word (in the middle of a word, at the end of a word)?

b) Game “Signalers”.

focus film snorts phone

date buffet fruit cabinet

purple fantasize

7. Physical exercise.

a) Finger gymnastics.

“Transformation” of finger figures: “fish” - “2 flags” - “gate” - “steamer” - “eagle owl” - “hedgehog”.

b) Imitation of movements. "Hedgehog"

8. Sound analysis.

- Look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. The magician thought of a word for each of them. Guess the words and “encrypt” them using chips.

a) "Fruit". One child names the sounds in a word in order. For each sound, children show the corresponding chip

b) "Apron". Find the scheme of this word among the three proposed schemes.

c) "Sarafan". Sound analysis is carried out through the game “Live Sounds”.

d) "Owl". Children make a diagram of the word on individual diagrams.

9. Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Guess what's in the Black Box?

The speech therapist demonstrates the “Black Box”, which contains a camera and other items.

This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you.

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.


The camera helps to capture you and me, events in life, so that we can remember them later. What two words make up the word camera? What other compound words are formed from the word photo?

Children name the words, and the speech therapist takes these objects out of the “Black Box” (photography, film, photo album, photo paper, flash).

10. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did you encounter today? What new words did you learn?

LESSON No. 104

Subject: letters F, f.

Target: consolidate sounds [f], [f]; introduce them to their graphic designation; practice in sound-letter analysis; develop reading skills; develop visual perception.

Equipment: box of letters, “scattered” letters, picture “violet”, album 3.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Put the words together. Add the word I say to the photo. Which compound word will it work?

photo + camera=___

film album card

paper reporter laboratory

gun flash lamp

exhibition photo model

2. Repetition of the characteristics of the sounds [f], [fъ].

- What is the first sound in these words? Tell us about the sounds [f1, [fъ].

3. Introducing letters (p. 4).

- Look at the letters F f in a blue frame. Are these letters similar? How many elements does a letter have? F? What are these elements?

Read the letters. See how the letter F is built using your hands. Build it the same way. Look in the upper left corner.

The fountain stands like a water palm,

Depicting the letter F.

“Write” the letter F on the fountain with your finger. Find the letter F in the drawn objects. Which house does the letter live in? F? Why?

4. Sound-letter analysis.

Make up a word. Take last letter from the word scarf. Take the first letter from the word spruce. Take the stressed vowel from the word lighthouse. Read the composed word.

Who is Fairy? (Got it by the sorceress.) The Wise Owl helped the Fairy do good deeds for people. Make up a word owl. Birds with bright plumage - pheasants - were walking in the Fairy's garden. Make up a word pheasants. The fairy was very fond of flowers - violets. Make up a word violets.

You will find out what grew in the Fairy’s garden by collecting a word from the “scattered” letters: T, S, F, K, U, R? Make up a word fruits.

5. Physical exercise.

6. Reading.

a) Reading syllables.

Find the Fairy on the book page. The Fairy waved her blue sleeve - syllables with sound appeared [f]. Read them. Which sound [f] in these syllables? Think of words with these syllables.

The Fairy waved her green sleeve - syllables with sound appeared [ugh]. Read them. Which sound [ugh] in these syllables? Think of words with these syllables.

b) Reading words.

The fairy gave a task: read the words and say how the words in each column are similar.

Children read words. Explain how they are similar: 1st column - two-syllable words, with emphasis on the first syllable, starting with the letter F, etc.

7. Puzzles “giraffe”, “eagle owl”, “pheasant”.

The evil sorceress bewitched the Fairy animals. Tell the Fairy how to disenchant them.

8. Summary of the lesson. Game "Auction"

And now the auction

He will sum it up.

Who are the words with sounds [f], [f]

Everyone calls more,

He receives the award.

The winner is awarded a “violet” from the Fairy.

- What letter did we meet today? What sounds does it represent?

LESSON No. 105

Subject: letters F, f(fixing).

Target: consolidate sounds [f], [f] and the letters F, f; develop the skill of writing and reading syllables, words and sentences with letters F, f; practice agreeing nouns and adjectives and composing deformed sentences; develop thinking.

Equipment: dice, gates, balls, notebooks, pens, cards with words for working with deformed sentences, album 3.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

“Gymnastics for the mind” (to sounds [f], [f]).

Men's dress jacket. (Frac.)

Man performing magic tricks. (Magician.)

Portable lamp with blazing fire. (Torch.)

Headdress with a visor. (Cap.)

Apples, pears, oranges are... (Fruits.)

Every person has a name and... (Surname.)

If you mix red and blue paints, what color will you get? (Violet.)

Flower purple. (Violet.)

Triangle, circle, square - these are geometric... (Figures.)

The beginning of the relay is the start, and the end is... (Finish.)

Night-bird. (Owl.)

Good sorceress. (Fairy.)

2. Reinforcing the sounds [f], [f].

a) - Guess the name sports game with a ball of six letters: (Football.) Roll the dice. He will show me which letter of the account I should open.

What is the first sound in the word football? Tell us about the sounds [f], [f].

Now you will play football. Two teams play football. One is called "Torch" and the other is called "Fortune" (luck). Here are two gates. For the correct answer, the team receives the ball. The team that scores the most goals wins.

b) Game “Be careful”

Football players have precise and quick reactions. Rest your head in your hands and close your eyes. The "Torch" team raises its head if it hears a sound in a word [f], and the Fortuna team is the sound [ugh].

football players penalty point

relay race poster

t-shirt physical education

finish form

The speech therapist evaluates the work of the teams and places the balls in the goal.

2. Letter.

a) Writing letters.

The children's notebooks show gates. After the speech therapist explains the letters F, f, the children write the letters in their notebooks.

- “Put” four in the big gate capital letters F, and in small letters - four small letters f.

b) Writing the words in the crossword puzzle “Football field”.

The crossword puzzle is placed in the children's notebooks. The speech therapist reads the questions.


1. Palm fruit. (Date fruit.)

2. Announcement of the competition. (Poster.)

1. The football players are wearing sportswear... (Form.)

3. An item of women's clothing. (Sweater.)

c) Letter of offer"

The proposal fell apart.

The speech therapist shows cards with sentence words. Children make up the sentence “Fedya is going to football” and write it down in their notebook. The speech therapist evaluates the children's answers, writing and puts balls into the goal.


Speech is one of the most important human functions. In the process of speech development, higher mental processes and the ability for conceptual thinking are formed. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. To raise a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the child’s free communication with peers and adults.

Deficiencies in sound pronunciation significantly distort a child’s speech. The child may have omissions, substitutions, and deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child’s speech difficult to understand for others and limits the child’s speech activity.

Correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation is one of the most important tasks of a teacher. The child must learn to correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language. Recently, there are more and more children who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonorous sounds, but also simpler sounds, such as D, T, N, F, V, etc.

Structure of the manual Work on each sound includes 3 sections:

1. Articulation of sound.

2. Sound production.

3. Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

Automation of any sound should begin with syllables. Only when the child learns to correctly pronounce sounds in syllables can he move on to words and sentences. When working with words, it is necessary to practice the sound in different positions: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word; in words with a combination of consonants. 2

At the final stages of sound automation, children are offered pure sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, and games. Speak pure sayings and proverbs at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. Tongue twisters should be pronounced slowly at first, clearly articulating the sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can pronounce the tongue twister accurately can you repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, encourage children not only to guess them, but also to repeat them, since the text of the riddles contains an automated sound. It is advisable to learn poems. This helps not only to consolidate sound, but also to develop memory. Read stories to your child calmly and expressively so that he can remember and retell them. Play games emotionally, encouraging the child’s correct answers.

When sounds that are similar in pronunciation are automated, it is necessary to carry out work to differentiate them. Differentiation of sounds should begin with syllables, gradually moving on to words, sentences, poems, etc.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, teachers of speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Sound F

Articulation of sound

The lower lip is close to the edges of the upper incisors, there is a narrow gap in the middle for the passage of air, the upper lip is slightly raised. The upper incisors are visible, the lower incisors are covered by the lower lip. The position of the tongue depends on the next vowel sound. The soft palate is raised, the vocal folds are open, the air stream is scattered.

Sound production

Method 1: by imitation. When pronouncing a sound, the speech therapist draws the child’s attention to the position of his lips. The child sees how the lower lip is pulled towards the upper incisors, and the upper one rises.

Method 2: if the child cannot immediately place his lips in the proper position, you need to invite him to blow, bringing the upper and lower lips closer together. At this moment, the speech therapist lifts the child’s upper lip with his finger, then the lower lip reflexively rises to the upper incisors. The sound will be F.

Method 3: the speech therapist lifts the child’s lower lip with two fingers to the upper incisors, using this technique until the child has strengthened the skill of independently pulling the lower lip upward.

Practical material on sound automation F

1. Repeat the syllables. Fa - fa - fa Fa - fo - fu - fy Yf - yf - yf

Fo - fo - fo Fo - fo - fa - fo Af - af - af

Fu-fu-fu Fo-fafufa Of-of-of

Phew - ph - ph Fu - ph - ph - fa Phew - ph - ph

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Fact, veil, fauna, style, beans, phase, pheasant, torch, headlight, fakir, factor, farce, minced meat, factory; snort, snort; background, photo, Thomas, fund, fountain, focus, lantern, form; fu, fugue, pound, poundik, land mine, football, wagon, van, wine glass.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Sofa, drying oil, harp, count, Pythagoras, sundress, layman; sofas, reefs, harps; gramophone, telephone, pathos, tape recorder, reform, props; typhoon, embarrassment.

Sound at the end of a word:

Bang, bang, myth, boa constrictor(ph), closet, lion(ph), sleeve(ph), scarf, vulture, count, photographer, cliff(ph), rush(ph), giraffe.

Fta, ft; fla, flo, flu; fra, fro, frou, fra; ft, ft. Jacket, caftan, lifts, sweaters; flag, bottle, flagship, pennant, flannel; navy, phlox, naval; tailcoat, frau, franc, transom, phrase, figure; front, Frosya; fruit, fruity, numbers.

3. Repeat the sentences.

The fakir showed a trick. The Count carries a torch. The lights are on in the factory. Foma puts the scarf in the closet. Funtik snorts. The sundress has a good style. Pif and Paf are photographers. Thomas has a flag. The Count put on a tailcoat. Thomas has fruit. Frosya has a flag. Frosya has a flannel jacket. Foma has a caftan, Frosya has a beautiful jacket. Foma bought a phone.

4. Repeat the tongue twisters.

Pif has a guest - Paf. Fanya has a sweatshirt. Puff has a guest - Pif. Petya has shoes.

The fleet is sailing to its native land,

A flag on every ship.

5. Repeat the riddle.

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck,

And he eats leaves -

Leaves from trees.

This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you,

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.


The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet.

(Soccer ball)

6. Learn a poem.

Look! Look!

That's the flag Mitya has!

Who gave the flag?

Mitya made it himself.

(O. Vysotskaya)

7. Game “Give me a word.”

The adult invites the child to listen to the poem and suggest the right words at the end.

Holiday, holiday at the gates.

Who will go to meet him?

Me and my faithful friend -

Red, small... (flag).

Who scored a goal today?

When I played... (football).

It's almost evening, look -

The lights came on... (the lights).

8. Game "Finish the sentence."

The adult invites the child to listen carefully to the sentence and finish it independently, choosing a word that matches the meaning.

At the holiday, the boy is holding... (flag).

Mom tied a scarf around her daughter’s neck.

In the evening the cars have lights on... (headlights).

Every person has a first name and... (surname).

The circus often shows... (tricks).

9. Game "One-many".

An adult names an object in the singular, and a child in the plural. Pheasant - (pheasants) Van - (vans)

Torch - (torches) Telephone - (phones)

Focus - (tricks) Sundress - (sundresses)

Fountain - (fountains) Count - (counts)

10. Retell the story.

Foma, Afonya and Frol went for a walk. Foma and Afonya began to play football. Frol did not want to play football. He approached the stream and began to launch the boats. There were three ships in the flotilla. Every ship had a flag. The ships were so beautiful. Foma and Afona really liked Frol’s play, and the guys also began to launch ships.

Sound F

Articulation of sound

See the sound F. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Fb, the lower lip is less tense.

Sound production

By imitation. Best in the syllable FI. Gradually, the sound I is pronounced more briefly and dullly, the sound Fb is obtained;

Practical material on sound automation Fb

1. Repeat the syllables. Fya - fya - fya Fya - fe - fyu - fi Af - of - uf

Fe - fe - fe Fya - fi - fyu - fe If - ef - yuf

Fu - fu - fi fu - fi - fi - fi - fi Yaf - if - fi

Fi - fi - fi Fi - fya - fe - fyo Ef - yaf - if

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Fima, dates, finca, ficus, fillet, Filka, eagle owl, film, film library, Filat, finale, violet, branch, fixation, figure, firm; hairdryer, fairy, Fedya, Fenya, fetish, farm, February.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Ottoman, kefir, decanter, sapphire, scarf; cafe, buffet, candy, briefcase, potato, truffle; chauffeur; mattress.

Sound at the end of a word:

Judith, carrots (ugh).

3. Repeat the sentences.

Fedya has a decanter. Filya drinks kefir. Feni has ficus and violets. Filya eats candy. There are carrots by the decanter (ugh). The buffet is full of sweets. Feni has a hairdryer. Fima has a film about a fairy. Filat works on a farm. Fedya has a company, Filya is in a cafe. An eagle owl sits on a branch. Fedya made it to the end of the film. Fenya bought dates. The driver forgot his briefcase. Fedya, bring the potatoes. There is a cafe next to the company.

4. Repeat the tongue twisters.

Fimka has a guest - Filka. Filka has a guest - Fimka. Philip was stuck to the stove.

5. Repeat the riddles.

I carry a new house in my hand,

The house door is locked.

The residents here are made of paper

All terribly important.


What they dug out of the ground,

Fried, boiled?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they praise you?


The red maiden sits in prison,

And the braid is on the street.


It sleeps during the day, flies at night, and scares passers-by. (Owl)

6. Learn poems.

Fedya went to the buffet for candy -

It is a fact that there will be no sweets in the buffet.

(V. Lunin)

Gave shoes to the elephant

He took one shoe.

And he said: “We need something wider,

And not two, but all four!”

(S. Marshak)

7. Game “Make a sentence”.

The adult names supporting words and invites the child to make sentences using these words. Candy - buffet

Fedya - violets Fairy - slipper

Tree - eagle owl Shop - dates

8. Game “One - many”.

An adult names an object in the singular, and a child in the plural. Ficus - (ficus)

farm - (farms) Violet - (violets)

ottoman - (ottomans) Owl - (eagle owls)

buffet - (buffets) Figure - (figures)

decanter - (decanters)

9. Game "Be careful."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound Фь that appear in it.

Fenya loves flowers very much. She has ficus and violets growing at home. Fenya waters them every day and loosens the soil. The girl is helped by her little brother Fedya. Well done boys.

Differentiation of sounds Ф – Фь

After the sounds Ф, Фь have been introduced and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse the hard and soft variants of pronunciation.

Practical material on differentiating the sounds F - Fь

1. Repeat the syllables.

Fa-fya Fa-fa-fya-fya Fu-fu-fu

Fo - fe Fa - fya - fa - fya Fyu - fu - fyu

Fy - fi Fya - fa - fya - fa Fy - fi - fy

Fu-fu Fya-fya-fa-fa Fi-fy-fy

2. Repeat the words. Fomka - Fimka Form - farm

Focus - ficus Form - firm

Fugue - fig Furor - Fuhrer

Background - hairdryer Pound - feint

3. Repeat the sentences.

Fimka carries a crowbar. Fedya showed a trick. The Count is drinking coffee. There is a uniform on the sofa. Fili has a torch. Fenya has beans. Frosya and Fedya drink kefir. Foma has candy. Feni has a red sundress. Filat wears a uniform. Foma works as a driver. The driver wiped the headlights of the car. Fedya is talking on the phone. Filat has a dog, Pythagoras. Frosya planted ficuses and violets. Fedya is watching football. Foma bought potatoes. Fenya is standing by the fountain. Foma drew an eagle owl.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Fe - fe - fe - my uncle lives in Ufa. Fy - fi - fy - don’t get to Ufa. Fa-fya-fa - we have a big harp. Fu - fu - fu - we bought a sofa.

5. Repeat the tongue twisters.

Fomka has a guest - Fimka, Fimka has a guest - Fomka. Fanya has a sweatshirt. Fedya has shoes. Fedot has a bassoon. Fima has myths. At the cafe - Foma. Foma has coffee.

6. Repeat the riddles.

I make thin dishes,

Gently white and sonorous

They have been burning since ancient times.

I call myself...

Lives in the forest,

Hoots like a robber.

People are afraid of him

And he is afraid of people.

7. Learn a poem.

Gray eagle owl, old eagle owl,

And the eyes burn like headlights.

Eagle owl - jump, eagle owl - leap,

Filinenku gave a flag.

Little Owl is glad, glad

Two flashlights are on.

(G. Satir)

8. Game “Hard - Soft”

The child has blue and green cards in front of him. If the words spoken by the adult contain a hard F sound, the child raises a blue card. If the sound is soft - green card.

Fedya, driver, factory, sweatshirt, ficus, porcelain, farm, scarf, count, decanter.

9. Game “Make sentences”

The adult invites the child to make sentences based on the following reference words: Foma - farm Fenya - camera

Fedya - phone Fedya - focus

10. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

One day Fedya and dad went to the circus. Gymnasts, trainers, and fakirs performed there. But Fedya liked the magician most of all. A magician used a handkerchief to transform a ficus into a violet, a telephone into a tape recorder, and beans into dates. Fedya could not understand how this was happening. “This must be magic,” the boy thought. “When I grow up, I will also become a magician and work in the circus.”

Sound B

Articulation of sound

See sound F. The difference is that with sound B the vocal folds are closed, vibrate, and a voice is added. Vibration of the larynx and chin is felt.

Sound production

It is based on the sound F with the addition of a voice, the presence of which the child feels by touching the speech therapist’s hand to the chest, larynx or chin. When pronouncing sound B, you should not allow yourself to bite your lower lip. It should be slightly turned outward and approach the upper incisors.

Practical material on audio automation B

1. Repeat the syllables: Va - in - wu - you You - you - you

You-wa-wo-woo Wa-wa-wa

Wo-you-wo-woo Wo-wo-wo

By - in - va - you By - woo - woo

2. Repeat the words:

Sound at the beginning of a word:

You, yours, cotton wool, Vanya, carriage, bath, watch, cotton wool, Vasya, vase, Valya, waffles, cooking, mitten; you, howl, height, pasture, challenge, departure, release, choice; here, there, cart, water, leader, wolf, roach; university, veil, volcano.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Ivan, Vova, sofa, forge, owl, Savva, poke, invite, head, plum, glory, halva, head, cow, grass, pick; willows, fetters, manes; brood, factory, fun, export, take out, import, start, cart, glow.

Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words:

Vpa, vka, vku; vnu, tva, tvy; I'm calling, I'm calling; vla, vlo; I lie, I lie, I turn it on, I turn it on. To fall; taste, tasty; grandson, granddaughter; Lithuania, oath, foliage, roach, razor, oaths; call, title; sound, sound, sound, sonorous; moisture, power, attachment; lie, enemy, doctor, liar, liar, lying; contribution, insert, inclusion.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Here are Vova and Vasya. Vasya bought cotton wool. The owl drinks water. Vova’s mittens got wet. The owl was sitting on a cart. The leader flew ahead of the pack. The cow has a big head. Vanya dropped the waffles into the grass. A wolf howled near the willow tree. Vanya is carrying a vase. Valya eats plums. Vova goes to the factory. There was a loud sound. The grandson and granddaughter had a delicious meal at grandma's. Ivan has great power. Valya took an oath. There is foliage below.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Va - you - va - here is the tall grass. You - va - you - even over your head.

5. Repeat the proverbs.

Everything has its time. Every thing has its place. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest. Lots of water - lots of grass.

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.

The spinning duck dived and surfaced, surfaced and dived.

In the winter cold everyone is young. Delicious halva - praise to the master.

7. Repeat the riddles.

In calm weather

We are nowhere to be found.

The wind will blow -

We run on water.

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs.


Rye is earing in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.


Who is cold in winter

Wandering in the forest angry and hungry?

8. Learn a poem.

The spring air is fresh and clean.

The first leaf is turning green.

The earth is visible in the thawed patches.

Streams run around, ringing.

9. Game “Give me a word.”

The adult invites the child to suggest words that are appropriate in meaning at the end of each poem.

The dirty one always comes to the rescue... (water).

Tick-tweet, don't be shy!

I'm experienced... (sparrow).

The color is greyish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person. This is... (crow).

10. Game “Name it kindly.”

The adult invites the child to affectionately name the following objects: Vase - (vase) plum - (cream)

Water - (water) plant - (factory)

Carriage - (trailer) sofa - (sofa)

Willow - (willow) head - (little head)

11. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story, then retell it.

A forest grows near the river. There are tall spruce and pine trees in the forest. There's a hole here. Ivan and Valya are standing at the hole. Valya looked into the hole. There were fox cubs there. The guys wanted to play with the fox cubs, but didn’t have time. A fox appeared near the hole; it was time to go home.

Sound V

Articulation and sound production

See sound B. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound B, the lower lip is less tense.

Practical material on sound automation Bb

1. Repeat the syllables. Vya - vya - vya Vya - vyo - vu - vi

Vu - vu - vu Be - vu - vi - vu

Be - ve - ve Be - ve - vi - vu

Wee-wee-wee Wee-wee-wee-wee

Vyo - vyo - vyo Vyu - vya - vi - vyo

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Elm, knit, knits, dried; view, wine, wine, vit, Vitya, visible, Viking, knight, visit, business card, squeal, see, fork; century, Vienna, weight, whole, scales, spring, news, fun, willow, faith, fan, wind, evening, willow, verst, heather; springs, oars, buckets.

Sound in the middle of a word:

To impose, to get stuck, to tie, knotted, lanky; Vovik, new, newbie, I’ll see, blade of grass; canopy, hang, story, conscience, hang, curtain, curtains, lead away, trees; carpet, screwdriver.

Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words:

Listen, listen; all, all, all, all; svya, svi; jingling Hear, clearly, listen, below, penetrate; all, everyone, everything, universe, inhabit, everything, all, everywhere, everywhere; tie, tied, bundle, twist, whistle, whistle, pig, pig, pipe; tinkle; rug, village

3. Repeat the sentences.

I will see Vovik soon. In spring the trees come to life. Vovik carries a screwdriver. The wind shakes the branch. Grandma is knitting a rug. The entire village is visible below. The newcomer saw the whole class. A pipe whistles below. Vovik is new to the class. We hung the curtains. Birds have built a nest on a tree. Vitya carries buckets. The trees sway from the wind. You whistle to the whole village. Vitya ties his shoelaces.

4. Repeat the proverbs.

The proverb will never break. Every thing has its place. Live and learn.

5. Repeat the riddles.

Laughing Egorka

I started cleaning.

I started dancing around the room,

I looked around - the floor was clean.

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming.

When does this happen?

Prowls across the field,

Sings and whistles

Breaks trees

Bends to the ground.

I am a hunchbacked beast

And the guys like me.


6. Learn a poem.

The wind came from above,

Broke a tree branch.

He blew for a long time and grumbled angrily

And the trees kept shaking.

7. Game “Give me a word.”

The adult reads the poem, the child adds the missing words at the end.

Soars up without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian... (helicopter).

In front of the house on Sadovaya

We boarded a new trolleybus.

From an open window

All of Sadovaya... (visible).

8. Game “Make sentences”.

The adult names support words and invites the child to make sentences using them. Vitya - screwdriver Class - beginner

Vera - carpet Vera - knitting

Wind - trees Vitya - buckets

9. Game “One - many”.

An adult names an object in the singular, a child - in the plural. Willow - (willows) visit - (visits)

Fork - (forks) screwdriver - (screwdrivers)

Bucket - (buckets) beginner - (beginners)

Evening - (evening) blade of grass - (blades of grass)

10. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Vera and Venya have many different toys. Venya often plays with a helicopter. He picks up the helicopter and runs around the room with it. Vera loves to play with her little owlet. She feeds the little owlet and goes for walks with him. The boys love their toys.

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