Consonant voiceless hard words examples. How different are these consonant sounds?

IN primary school the basis of human spelling literacy is formed.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation. This is often associated with paired consonants.

What is a paired consonant?

All consonants are in one or another opposition to each other in their characteristic features. One of them is the contrast between sounds based on deafness and voicedness.

Some consonants, while all other features coincide, such as the place of formation and the method of pronunciation, differ only in the participation of the voice in the sound process. They are called pairs. The remaining consonants do not have a voiceless-voiced pair: l, m, x, ts, ch, shch, y.

Paired consonants

examples of words with paired consonants

tables[b]s - table[p]

draw[v]a - draw[f]

doro[g]a - doro[k]

boro[d]a - boro[t]ka

bla[zh]it - bla[sh]

frosty[z]ny - frosty[s]

Paired consonants are given here. The table also contains examples that illustrate the spelling “Verified consonants in the root of a word.”

Spelling rule for paired consonants

During pronunciation, paired sounds can be interchangeable. But this process is not reflected in writing. That is, the letters do not change, no matter what sounds we hear in their place. This is how the principle of uniformity of morphemes is implemented in the Russian language. The spelling of paired consonants is completely subject to this law.

The rule can be stated in the following paragraphs:

  • the root of the word is always written the same way, since semantics depends on this;
  • spelling needs to be checked by selecting or changing word forms;
  • You must choose as a test one the one that has either a vowel sound or a sonorant sound after the dubious consonant (р,л,м,н,й).

This can be seen in the examples from the table: spelling consonants appear either at the end of words or before other paired sounds. In test words they are located before vowels or before phonemes that are unpaired in voicing.

Application of the rule

The spelling of paired consonants needs to be practiced. You need to start by developing the ability to see the spelling pattern being studied. This will be the end of a word or a combination of consonants, in which sounds begin to influence the sound of each other - the subsequent one changes the quality of the pronunciation of the previous one.

When we know what a paired consonant is, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion about which option to choose:

  • bo[p] - beans - bean;
  • bro[t] - broda - ford;
  • bro[f"] - eyebrows - eyebrow;
  • nail[t"] - nails - nail;
  • vegetable garden [t] - vegetable gardens - vegetable garden;
  • dro [sh] - trembling - trembling;
  • stripe [s]ka - stripe - stripe;
  • ko[z"]ba - mow - mowing;
  • re[z"]ba - cut - carving;
  • goro[d"]ba - fence - gorodba;
  • kro[v"] - blood - blood;
  • str[sh] - guard - guard.

Paired consonants. Examples of differentiating words

Deafness and voicedness are able to distinguish words by meaning. For example:

  • (soup) thick - (above the river) bush;
  • (telegraph) pole - (Alexandria) pillar;
  • bark (oak) - (high) mountain;
  • (unbearable) heat - (surface) of the ball;
  • (bouquet) of roses - (boy) grew up;
  • (new) house - (thick) volume.

IN weak positions, at the end of words, for example, as in the example of “roses” and “ros”, a check is required to avoid semantic confusion. Paired consonants in Russian require careful attention.

Test on the topic studied

grass[..]ka, fish[..]ka, zu[..]ki, arbu[..], lo[..]ka, kor[..]ka, ko[..]ti.

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - groove, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, jump - jumping

6. F or W?,,,,,,,,,, lie

  • (__________);
  • (__________);
  • gr... (__________);
  • gla... (__________);
  • (____________);
  • lo...ka (____________);
  • horse (______________);
  • zu.. (_______).

Sha(p/b)ka, provo(d/t), kru(g/k), povya(s/z)ka, myo(d/t), su(d/t), sla(d/t) cue, oshi(b/p)ka, doba(v/f)ka, uka(z/s)ka.

9. Insert letters in the text:

Swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is, like a dream..., white, graceful, he has shiny eyes, black varnishes and a long, flexible neck. How beautifully he floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct errors:

  • I love reading stories.
  • How fragrant the strawberries are!
  • Carrots are sown on the beds.
  • A flexible birch tree flutters its petals in the wind.
  • The tray floated on the lake.
  • Berek is gradually approaching.
  • Storosh is not sleeping.
  • A mongrel rattles loudly in the yard.
  • Yosh rustles in the bushes.


1. What is a paired consonant? A consonant that has a pair of deafness or voicedness.

2. Complete the sentence:

To check paired consonants, you need choose a test word.

3. Highlight the words that need checking:

immer..ka, underwater... smooth, smart... horse, careful..prepare,, l, other..ny.

4. Write the sounds in square brackets:

grass[V]ka, lo[D]ka, zu[B]ki, arbu[Z], lo[D]ka, koro[B]ka, ko[G]ti.

5. Underline the test word:

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - ditch, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, bounce- jumping

6. F or W?

Boots, paths, pieces of paper, crumbs, horns, powders, lambs, spoons, toys, cups, frogs.

7. Write it down test words and insert the letters instead of dots:

  • beeps(beep);
  • checkboxes(checkbox);
  • griB (mushrooms);
  • glaZ (eyes);
  • jumping (jump);
  • boat (boat);
  • horse(horses);
  • Teeth (teeth).

8. Choose the correct option:

Hat, wire, circle, bandage, honey, court, sweet, mistake, additive, pointer.

9. Insert letters in the text:

The swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is like snow, white, graceful, he has sparkling eyes, black paws and a long flexible neck. How beautifully he floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct errors:

  • I love reading fairy tales.
  • How fragrant the strawberries are!
  • Carrots are sown in the beds.
  • A flexible birch tree flutters its petals in the wind.
  • The boat was sailing on the lake.
  • The coastline is gradually approaching.
  • The watchman is not sleeping.
  • A mongrel barks loudly in the yard.
  • The hedgehog rustles in the bushes.

Every first-grader knows that sound is a unit of speech that we pronounce and hear, and letters we read and write. In Russian they are divided into vowels and consonants. Of the 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, 21 are called consonants. They are divided according to their sonority and dullness, softness and hardness. They begin to study the classification of letters in 1st grade, but the student will have to use it before graduating from school. When studying phonetics, each student must learn to distinguish between voiceless sounds and voiced sounds. During writing, they are indicated by transcription - [b]. The table will help you distinguish and remember paired consonant sounds.

Paired consonants according to voiced-voicelessness

All consonants in the Russian language form pairs; a voiced consonant is opposed to a voiceless consonant. There are 12 paired letters in total, making 6 pairs:

Paired and unpaired consonants need to be known in order to be successful in spelling. Many spellings of the Russian language are based on the selection of cognate words according to this classification, for example:

  • soft - soft,
  • tooth-teeth.

The first pair contains the letter g, which is not clearly heard when pronounced and spelling it is difficult. The second words are test words when the spelling is pronounced clearly. Younger students often make mistakes in these works.

You may notice that not all letters of the alphabet form pairs. This happens because phonetics has rules that need to be remembered. They are based on the fact that sounds can only be voiced or only unvoiced. They are easy to remember because they are small in number. As a rule, by the end of 1st grade, students know them by heart. These include r, n, l, m, th - sonorous, always voiced, ts, ch, sh, x - always voiceless.

Paired consonants for softness and hardness

Consonants are usually divided into hard and soft. In phonetics, the softening process occurs in several situations:

  • when after a consonant there is a vowel: yu, ya, e, e, and (blizzard, buttercup);
  • or it's worth it soft sign(blizzard, drinking).

If after a consonant there is a vowel, except e, e, yu, ya, and, then it does not allow softening. For example, in the words peony, earth, after the consonant there is a vowel, which provokes the process of softening. In words such as lamp, water, there are no letters e, e, yu, i, and, therefore, when pronounced, all sounds are hard.

There are also letters that, when reproduced in speech, will always be soft or hard. These include: shch, h, j, c, w, g. Every student needs to know the classification of letters and sounds for successful learning.

A special table will help you remember paired voiced and voiceless voices. It's easy to navigate.

Such a table or a similar one can sometimes be found in the office primary classes. It has been proven that junior schoolchildren more developed visual-figurative thinking, therefore provide new information they need it in the form of illustrations or pictures, then it will be effective.

Every parent can create such a table on a first-grader’s desktop. Do not be afraid that this tip will lead to laziness of the student. On the contrary, if he often looks at the image, he will quickly remember everything he needs.

There are more consonant sounds in the Russian language, so remembering their classification is more difficult. If you list all the unvoiced and voiced ones, you will get the number 12. The letters ch, sh, y, shch, c, zh, r, n, l, m are not taken into account; they are classified as unpaired.

There are tips for children on how to quickly learn to recognize a voiced and a voiceless consonant when parsing a word. To do this, you need to press your palm to your throat and pronounce a clearly separate sound. Voiceless and voiced consonants will be pronounced differently and, accordingly, will be reflected differently in the palm of your hand. If there is vibration in the hand, it is voiced; if not, it is deaf. Many children use this hint when studying phonetics.

There is another exercise that helps to accurately determine which consonant is in front of the student. To do this, you need to cover your ears with your hands, but preferably there should be silence. Say the exciting letter and listen to it with your ears closed. If it is not heard, then it is a dull sound; if, on the contrary, it is clearly heard, it is a ringing sound.

If you try, today any parent can find many interesting, exciting and educational exercises and rules that will help the child easily master new knowledge. This will make the learning process more interesting and entertaining, which in turn will affect academic performance.

Possession orally very important for social life and individual development. Much attention in the study of native (or foreign) language is given colloquial speechcorrect pronunciation phonemes. There are many words that differ only separate sounds. Therefore, special attention is paid to the functioning of the speech organs and sound production.

Sound production

Sound formation occurs as a result of mental and speech activity person. The vocal apparatus consists of the diaphragm, larynx, epiglottis, pharynx, vocal cords, nasal and oral cavity, uvula, palate (soft and hard), alveoli, teeth, tongue, lips.

The tongue and lower lip are actively involved in sound production. Teeth, palate, upper lip remain passive.

The production of sounds (phonemes) includes:

  • respiration - breathing,
  • phonation - the use of the larynx and vocal folds to create phonemes,
  • articulation - work for sound production.

Noisy (deaf) Russian language

There are exactly 33 letters in the Russian language, and much more sounds - 42. There are 6 vowel phonemes, consisting of a pure voice. The remaining 36 sounds are consonants.

In the creation of 16 consonant phonemes, only noise is involved, resulting from the exhaled air flow overcoming certain barriers, which are interacting speech organs.

[k, ], [p, ], [s, ], [t, ], [f, ], [x, ], [h, ], [sch, ], [k], [p], [s ], [t], [f], [x], [ts], [sh] are voiceless consonant sounds.

To learn how to determine which consonant sounds are voiceless, you need to know their main features: how and in what place they are formed, how the vocal folds participate in their production, whether there is palatalization during pronunciation.

Formation of noisy consonants

In the process of producing voiceless consonant phonemes, the interaction of various organs of the speech apparatus occurs. They can close together or form a gap.

Voiceless consonant sounds are born when the exhaled person overcomes these barriers. Depending on the type of obstacles, voiceless phonemes are divided into:

  • stop plosives [k, p, t, k, p, t];
  • stop fricatives (affricates) [ts, ch, ];
  • fricatives (fricatives) [s, f, x, shch, s, f, x, w].

Depending on the places where barriers are formed, voiceless phonemes are distinguished:

  • labiolabial [p, p];
  • labiodental [f, f];
  • anterior lingual dental [s, s, t, t, ts];
  • anterior lingual palatodental [h, sch, w];
  • velar lingual velar [k, x, k, x].

Palatalization and velarization

Noisy phonemes are classified taking into account the degree of tension in the middle of the tongue. When, in the process of sound production, the anterior and middle area tongue, a palatalized consonant (soft) voiceless sound is born. Velarized (hard) phonemes are produced by raising the root of the tongue to the posterior region of the soft palate.

6 soft and 6 hard noisy voiceless phonemes form pairs, the rest do not have pairs.

Paired voiceless consonants - [k, - k], [p, - p], [s, - s], [t, - t], [f, - f], [x, - x]; [ts, ch, sh, shch, ] - voiceless unpaired consonant sounds.


The combination of all the work of the individual organs of the speech apparatus involved in the pronunciation of phonemes is called articulation.

For speech to be understandable, you must be able to clearly pronounce sounds, words, and sentences. To do this you need to train your speech apparatus, practice the pronunciation of phonemes.

Having understood how voiceless consonant sounds are formed and how to pronounce them correctly, a child or adult will master speech much faster.

Sounds [k - k, x - x, ]

Lower the end of the tongue, slightly move it away from the incisors lower jaw. Open your mouth slightly. Raise the back of the tongue so that it comes into contact with border zone raised soft and hard palate. Through a sharp exhalation, the air overcomes the barrier - [k].

Press the end of your tongue against your lower front teeth. Bring the middle and back parts of the tongue closer to the middle-back area of ​​the hard palate. Exhale - [k,].

In the production of phonemes [x - x, ], the speech organs are located similarly. Only between them there remains not a bow, but a gap.

Sounds [p - p, ]

Close your lips, leave your tongue freely, and move its tip slightly away from the lower incisors. Exhalation. A stream of air breaks through the lips - [p].

The lips are positioned the same way. Press the end of the tongue against the incisors of the lower jaw. Raise the middle of the tongue towards the hard palate. A sharp push of air overcomes the labial barrier - [n,].

Sounds [s - s, ]

Stretch your lips, almost close your teeth. Use the tip of your tongue to touch the front teeth of the lower jaw. Arch your tongue, lifting the middle back towards the palate. Its lateral edges are pressed against the upper chewing teeth. The air flow passes through a groove formed in the middle of the tongue. Bridges the gap between the alveolar arch and the anterior back of the tongue - [c].

The phoneme [s, ] is pronounced similarly. Only the middle of the tongue rises higher, and the front one bends more (the groove disappears).

Sounds [t - t, ]

Open your lips slightly. Place the end of the tongue against the incisors of the upper jaw, forming a bow. A stream of exhaled air forcefully breaks through the barrier - [t].

The position of the lips is the same. Press the tip of your tongue against the lower incisors. Touch the upper alveolar arch with the front part of the tongue, creating a bow. Under pressure air jet an obstacle is overcome - [t,].

Sounds [f - f, ]

Pull in the lower lip slightly and press the upper incisors against it. Raise the back of the tongue towards the back of the soft palate. As you exhale, air passes through a flat gap formed by the lip and teeth - [f].

Lips and teeth in the same position. Move the tip of the tongue towards the lower incisors. Raise the middle part of the tongue towards the palate. The air flow penetrates through the labial-dental gap - [f,].

Sound [ts]

Sound is produced in two stages:

  1. Stretch slightly tense lips. Press the end of the tongue against the front lower teeth. Raise the front part of the tongue, closing it with the hard palate (immediately behind the alveolar arch).
  2. The air flow enters oral cavity. Bend the tongue slightly - raise the middle part, lower the back, press the side edges to the chewing teeth. The bow turns into a gap and the air comes out - [ts].

Sound [h, ]

The formation of a phoneme consists of two phases:

  1. Slightly round and extend your lips. Press the end and front of the tongue against the hard palate and alveolar arch, creating a barrier.
  2. Push out the air: at the place of the bow between the tongue and the palate there will be a gap. At the same time, you need to raise the middle of the tongue - [h,].

Sound [sh]

Pull out slightly rounded lips. Raise the end of the tongue until a narrow passage with the palate and alveolar arch is formed (1st cleft). Having lowered the middle of the tongue, raise its back part (2nd gap). Press the edges against the chewing teeth to form a cup. Exhale smoothly - [w].

Sound [sch, ]

Pull your lips out a little and round them out. Raise the end of the tongue to the alveolar arch without pressing, so that a gap remains. Raise the tongue to the hard palate (except for the front part), and press the edges against the molars of the upper jaw. Exhale slowly. Central part the tongue goes down, creating a groove through which the air flow passes. The tongue tenses - [sch,].

IN speech stream voiceless consonant sounds are adjacent to other phonemes. If a noisy phoneme is followed by a vowel, then the lips take a position for the articulation of the latter.

Comparison of noisy voiceless and voiced phonemes

Voiced phonemes are those whose formation involves both voice and noise (the latter predominates). Some voiced ones have paired sounds from among the voiceless ones.

Paired voiceless consonants and voiced sounds: [k - g], [k, - g, ], [p - b], [p, - b, ], [t - d], [t, - d, ], [ s - z], [s, - z, ], [f - v], [f, - v, ], [w - g].

Voiced and voiceless unpaired consonants:

  • [y, l, m, n, r, l, m, n, r] - voiced (sonorant);
  • [x, h, sch, x, ts] - noisy deaf.

Lettering for noisy phonemes

The ability to write correctly is no less important than speaking. Mastery in writing associated with great difficulties, since some sounds on paper may be recorded in different letters or letter combinations.

When written, voiceless consonant sounds are expressed in similar letters if they are in strong positions.

By deafness-voicing: before a vowel, [v - v, ], other noisy ones (applicable to paired deaf people!).

By hardness-softness: before a vowel, [b, m, g, k, p, x, b, m, g, k, p, x, ] - for sounds [s, s, t, t, ], at the end words.

In other cases, to determine the correct letter (or combination of letters) for a voiceless consonant phoneme, one must use certain rules Russian language. And sometimes you just need to remember the correct spelling of words (dictionary words).

“Tell me how to teach with a child consonants hard and soft, voiced and unvoiced?” - a mother recently asked, apparently, a first-grader.

Answer: no way.

There is no need to teach your child hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless. We need to teach the child to hear them and identify them by different signs. It’s simply impossible to learn! It is necessary for the child to first understand how voiced and voiceless, hard and soft consonants are made, and after understanding comes knowledge.

How do we teach a child to distinguish consonant sounds?

Let's start with hard and soft consonants.

In Russian, not all consonants can be both hard and soft. Therefore, first it is necessary for the child to remember the consonants Zh, Sh, Ts, which are always hard, and Ch, Shch, Y, which are always soft.

Give your child this reminder, pay attention to the fact that the letters CH, Ш, И sit on the pillows because they are always soft. If the child has this reminder before his eyes, it will be easier for him to remember these letters. You can print it out and hang it above the table where your child studies. You can write it on cardboard and put it in a notebook on writing or the Russian language.

But the rest of the consonants can be either hard or soft. And neighboring letters will help determine the hardness and softness of a consonant.

An interesting option for memorizing hard and soft consonants was suggested by our reader Irina: “I figured out how to remember for my children three always hard sounds, (“Zh”, “Sh”, “C”), i.e. those that never soften.

Iron, Washer and Cement - Which will be harder? What's the secret?

There are also always three soft sounds: “Ch”, “Shch”, “Y”. Here funny tongue twister: Bangs Tickle Y-Y-Y. ("th" will play the sound of laughter)"

If after the defined consonant there is another consonant, then it is hard. For example, in the word “song” after S there is N and we mark S as a hard consonant. Despite the fact that in the Russian language there is a concept of assimilation, when sounds are likened to one another, as in this case, but in elementary school We don’t go into such jungles of phonetics.

If there is a vowel sound after a consonant, then it is very easy to determine hardness and softness. All vowel letters are commanders and they command the previous consonant what sound to be - hard or soft. The only exceptions are the 6 letters that we talked about earlier. Make this reminder to your child and let it help him distinguish between hard and soft sounds.

And, of course, we need to teach the child to hear hard and soft sounds, distinguish them by ear. There are many development exercises for this. And to everyone famous game can be modified to suit our task and give the child the task of determining hard or soft first consonant in a word.

At first, you need to select words that begin with a consonant: stump, pony, crayfish, river, bow, hatch... Then you can complicate the task and select words where the consonant is not the first sound. Since there are several consonants in a word, you need to discuss with your child which consonant you will determine - the first or the last. The child needs to identify by ear the desired consonant in a word and hear its hardness or softness. And this is already difficult task. For example: o d it came and went d Uvanchik. The first consonant is D, but in these words it denotes sounds of different softness.

Apply all these methods at once and the child will learn to identify without problems. About voiced and deaf next time.

If you have questions, write in the comments.

Many Russian consonants form pairs based on hardness and softness: –, – and others. Sounds corresponding to stress and after soft consonants in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. The letter denotes a sound, for example vowels after hard consonants and consonants before vowels: weather.

The presenter Vasilisa asked to repeat everything that the students had learned about consonants. Friends from Shishkino Les remembered a lot: There are more consonants than vowels. Consonants cannot be sung. They are pronounced with noise and voice: B, Zh, Z. Or only with noise: P, T, F. Consonants are voiced, voiceless paired unpaired.

§6. Hard and soft consonants

The thing is that you missed the previous lesson, where we studied paired consonants,” Vasilisa explained. The voiced “Zh” will be paired with the unvoiced “Sh”. For example: heat - ball. “I understand,” said Zubok. A dull sound is the same as a voiced sound, but said quietly, without a voice. It is enough to change the word so that after an incomprehensible consonant there is a vowel. However, not all consonants are paired.

Paired consonants will live in one, and unpaired consonants in the other. Paired Unpaired F - Sh M, N Z - S X, Ts K - G R, L And now let's make up a story from words that contain only unpaired consonants. Even though these consonants are paired, they are still very different. In an unstressed position, vowels are pronounced less clearly and sound for less duration (i.e., they are reduced).

How many pairs of consonants are formed according to deafness and voicedness?

Do not forget that paired voiced consonants in a weak position at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant are always voiced, and voiceless consonants in front of a voiced consonant are sometimes voiced. When letters that usually denote voiceless consonants, when voiced, denote ringing sounds, this seems so unusual that it may lead to transcription errors. In tasks related to comparing the number of letters and sounds in a word, there may be “traps” that provoke errors.

There are words that can only consist of vowels, but consonants are also necessary. In the Russian language there are many more consonants than vowels. Consonants are sounds, when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle in its path. There are two types of obstruents in the Russian language: gap and stop - these are the two main ways of forming consonants.

The stop, the second type of articulation of consonants, is formed when the speech organs close. The air flow abruptly overcomes this obstacle, the sounds are short and energetic. Let's compare the words: house and cat. Each word has 1 vowel sound and 2 consonants.

2) before them there is no voicing of paired voiceless consonants (i.e. the position before them is strong in voicelessness-voicing, as before vowels). But there are sounds that do not have a pair on the basis of hardness and softness. School textbooks say that and are unpaired in hardness and softness. How so? We hear that sound is a soft analogue of sound. When I was studying at school, I couldn’t understand why?

Paired consonant sounds in terms of voicedness and deafness

The confusion arises because school books They don’t take into account that the sound is also long, but not hard. Pairs are sounds that differ in only one attribute. A and - two. That's why they are not pairs. Firstly, children often mix sounds and letters at first. The use of a letter in transcription will create the basis for such confusion and provoke an error.

You need to understand, comprehend, and then remember that in fact, sounds and a pair of hardness and softness do not form. The conditions in which a particular sound appears are important. The beginning of a word, the end of a word, a stressed syllable, an unstressed syllable, a position before a vowel, a position before a consonant - these are all different positions.

IN unstressed syllables vowels undergo changes: they are shorter and are not pronounced as clearly as under stress. Both under stress and in unstressed position we clearly hear: , and we write the letters that are usually used to denote these sounds. Simplified. But many guys with good hearing who hear clearly that sounds are following examples different, cannot understand why the teacher and the textbook insist that these sounds are the same.

It shows clearing of vowels after soft consonants. Positional changes are observed only for paired consonants. In all cases, positional softening of consonants is possible in a weak position. Naturally, in school tradition It is not customary to describe the characteristics of sounds and what happens to them positional changes with all the details. Therefore, below is a list of positionally determined changes in consonants based on the method and place of formation.

A letter can denote the quality of the preceding sound, for example ь in the words shadow, stump, shooting. Comparison with vowel sounds. Each consonant has characteristics that distinguish it from other consonant sounds. In speech, sounds can be replaced under the influence of neighboring sounds in a word. It is important to know the strong and weak positions of consonant sounds in a word in order to spell them correctly.

Classification of consonants.

If a person pronounces consonants, he closes his mouth (at least a little), which causes noise. But consonants make different noises. Let's populate phonetic houses in the city of sounds. Let’s agree: dull sounds will live on the first floor, and voiced sounds will live on the second floor.

Sounds do not have paired soft sounds, they are always hard. But not all consonant sounds and letters form pairs. Those consonants that do not have pairs are called unpaired. Let's put unpaired consonant sounds in our houses. The sounds of the second house are also called sonorous, because they are formed with the help of the voice and almost without noise, they are very sonorous. In the first place we put those whose names contain some soft sounds, in the second those in whose names all consonant sounds are hard.

In order not to confuse hard and soft sounds when reading the transcription, scientists agreed to show the softness of the sound with an icon very similar to a comma, only they put it on top.

And then we will understand exactly what letter needs to be written. Let's find these loners together in the Russian alphabet. He didn't notice it because he was looking at the moon. And then his faithful knight entered. And scared away the fly. Well done! Either loud, or quieter, Cat - cat, year - year. We can easily distinguish them. And at the end we will write the letter correctly. Vowels without stress generally retain their sound. Letters e, e, yu, i play double role in Russian graphics. Sound is the minimum unit sounding speech. Each word has a sound shell consisting of sounds.

Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. They have different natures. According to the ratio of noise and voice, consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. The standard pronunciation is “hiccup”, i.e. inability to distinguish between E and A in an unstressed position after soft consonants. This change in vowels in a weak position is called reduction. In a word, vowels can be in stressed and unstressed syllables. In weak positions, consonants are modified: positional changes occur with them.

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