What is the name of the badge? What is a badge and why is it needed?

It is customary to wear badges at official events, in shops, cafes, hotels and offices. It's kind of like a temporary pass. The size of the badge depends on the status, level of the event and the situation.

The absence of a badge indicates that the person is not an employee of the company organizing the event or an invited guest.

What is a badge and why is it needed?

A badge is a small plastic card attached to clothing. It is not known for certain who the author of the idea is. It is only clear that the access badge:

  • greatly facilitates the work of security services. When guests and participants of an event do not have “identification marks,” the guards are forced to check and question everyone: who he is, why he came here, and so on;
  • frees employees and guests of the institution, gathered under one roof, from the need to remember each other’s names and positions.

IN Lately badges on laces with fastenings have come into fashion - they do not spoil the appearance and prevent premature damage to the person involved’s clothes.

Purpose and size of the badge. Standard, digital and other types of badges

A standard badge can be vertical or horizontal.

The dimensions of the badge (the standard carrier of identification attributes can be of two sizes - 90x130 millimeters and 67x108 millimeters) strictly correspond to the situation: passes bigger size are usually necessary during exhibitions or other public events.

Small identification marks, such as a pass or ID card, are used in educational institutions, conference rooms and at some events. Small badges are required to be worn by office employees and store workers.

Inner size a vertical badge - a carrier of information about an office employee - 60x86 millimeters, and an external one - 67x108 millimeters. Also, this attribute is ideal, for example, for a pass, the size of which is 54x86 millimeters.

Standard badges intended for carrying a plastic card have slightly different dimensions: their outer part is 94x79 millimeters, and the inner part is 86x60 millimeters.

Today, so-called smart badges - digital storage media - are also widely used. The size of the badge makes it look like a regular pendant.

If we talk about the opportunities that open up for digital badge holders, we cannot help but dwell on marketing issues.

Many trading companies use this electronic gadget for targeted marketing: an electronic badge allows you to quickly find potential partners and clients among the guests invited to a presentation or exhibition.

Continuing the conversation about vinyl badges, it is worth mentioning those that are designed to store official documents and passes, indispensable during exhibitions, seminars and conferences. The internal size of the badge is 90x135 millimeters, and the external size is 98x154 millimeters. These badges are made from thick, transparent vinyl. At the top of each badge there are round holes where a ribbon, chain or cord is attached.

For the same purposes, denser and more capacious media are used, such as, for example, a badge for documents in A6 format (90x140 millimeters). The inside size of such a badge is 105x150 millimeters, and the outside size is 113x173 millimeters.

Horizontal badge sizes

A standard horizontal badge, the outer size of which is 120x100 millimeters, has a size of 110x78 on the inside. A horizontal badge of this size (as well as a vertical one) can be seen on participants in public exhibitions - representatives of organizations providing various services.

It should also be noted that if the external size of the badge is 67x108 millimeters, then it internal quantities must be at least 60x86 millimeters.

How should a badge be designed?

There are no specific standards that must be met when issuing a badge. The only condition is that the badges of representatives of one company must be in the same style.

The identification document, in addition to the photograph of its owner, must indicate the surname and first name of the person involved, as well as the name of the company that he represents.

To create a badge yourself, just use the business card creation program offered by AMS Software.

Use the "Business Card Creation Wizard" and get a set ready-made templates, which can be edited to your liking by anyone, as long as he is satisfied with the size of the badge - 54x86 millimeters.

badge - pronounced "badge") - an element of uniform, ammunition, in the form of a badge, sticker, card, intended to provide information about its wearer. The badge contains data (text, graphics, etc.) that allows the person wearing it to be identified. Previously called tag.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ How to create and print a badge in Word?

    ✪ Photoshop Lesson: How to create a flat modern badge. Flat Badge Onetwostudy

    ✪ How to make a badge in InDesign



The main use of badges is to identify people who do not know each other, but, due to circumstances, must communicate. For example, conferences are always accompanied by the issuance of badges to participants. Employees of enterprises and cultural institutions who communicate with customers (salespeople, waiters, cashiers) can also wear badges.

When developing badges, their design should primarily focus on readability and recognition. Besides, great attention is given to the style of badges, because appearance badges can be used to judge the level and status of the event in which they are used.

For each category of event participants, a design with its own distinctive elements is usually developed. This allows you to distinguish different categories of people at a glance, for example: participant, coach, press, technical staff, organizer, expert, etc.

Types of badges

  • cards with text
  • stickers
  • badges (badges)

Currently, the most common, due to their low cost and ease of use, are cards with text - paper or plastic rectangles with information printed on them. They usually contain the first and last name of the person being identified and the institution they represent. Sometimes such a badge contains some Additional information(position, logo). Sometimes includes a photograph of the wearer.

Cards with text are usually inserted into a pocket or holder that has fastenings (clip, ribbon, pin, cord) that allow you to secure the badge to clothing or the wearer’s neck.

Badges of employees of organizations are sometimes combined with a pass, which in turn can be electronic. This badge/pass is worn on a cord around the neck so that it can be easily applied to

Badge - universal remedy personal identification of a person. A small card with a name, surname and position or other status, which is attached to clothing in a visible place, from the first minutes of meeting helps to establish communication between people and indicate their status in an organization or at an event.

History of the Badge: From Badge of Honor to Nameplate

Translated from English, badge is an icon, a token, and the phrase badge of honor is used to mean badge of honor, award, distinction. It is believed that badges, in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing them, appeared in 1869, when John Wisley Highet invented celluloid. This proto-badge was attached with a chain to a metal ring that was put on a button. The well-known sheriff's star, familiar to us from Westerns, is essentially nothing more than a real badge.

During World War II, badges were used in the United States as a propaganda tool. They wrote incendiary slogans like “We will win!” and so on. Even then, the production of plastic pockets with a pin was much cheaper than the production of the same number of metal badges.

A little later, already in the 50s of the twentieth century, badges began to appear in offices: on the suits of employees and staff. One of the varieties of badges became the classic police badges of American cops, and later the badges of modern policemen in all countries of the world.

Almost one hundred and fifty years later, a badge is a common accessory for a person who works with people. Managers and waiters, security guards and reporters, conference participants and schoolchildren use badges. The invention is useful, whatever one may say. It is much more convenient and pleasant to contact to a stranger at the first meeting, immediately by name, and not “young man” or “lady-daddy!”

The badge, in addition to its identification function, also plays the role of a pass. In many large organizations, a badge simultaneously works both as a pass and as an electronic key for entering certain premises: banks and reputable organizations are very fond of such badges - where security comes first.

On the chest or on the neck?

All modern badges can be divided into two classes: those that are attached to clothing, and those that are hung around the neck.

A favorite product of organizers of all kinds of forums, conferences and other parties where people come to a short time. Such badge pockets are inexpensive and the entire process of making them boils down to printing inserts and placing them in ready-made transparent plastic envelopes.

Sometimes they do it even simpler: the printed edition is laminated with a thick film, holes are punched for the lace, the lace is attached - done! Such badges are also called: in fact, they are paper laminated on both sides, but in terms of their properties, they are real hard plastic.

Badges at events have differentiation: differences in design or color, so that at first glance you can distinguish a security guard from an organizer, a guest from a representative of the press, and a speaker from an ordinary participant. Many badge manufacturers already produce empty pockets with different color stripes. Very comfortably.

Some people who often take part in conferences, seminars and business forums even collect badges, and such collections sometimes reach several hundred exhibits.

Organizations also do not ignore this type of badge, using them as passes and keys in their own security and control systems.

The second type of badges are those that are attached to clothing. Basically, such badges are worn by those who, in their work, encounter clients or visitors: service personnel, front office employees, security, police.

There are many more options here, even in the materials of manufacture: badges can be made of metal, metallized plastic, wood, or can be in the form of a pocket on a pin or on a clip. Pseudo-plastic badges can also be attached to clothing: for this purpose, back side a pin or magnetic lock is glued.

There are certain standards in the design of plastic badges. They are made solid, with windows for first and last names, or completely transparent in order to insert a paper insert.

They love front offices. Savings banks, bank branches, cafes and restaurants order several dozen identical badges, with an original corporate design, and prepare personal data themselves. You can print strips with names on a printer in any office.

By the way, about personal design. Badges can be not only rectangular or square; current technologies make it possible to make them, even in the shape of a fish or an elephant. A laser cutter doesn't care what to cut or what to engrave.

From what, from what...?

In the manufacture of badges, classic materials are most often used: metal, several types of plastic and paper.

Roads are more likely not even badges, but breast plates, tokens or badges. A state traffic inspector's badge with a personal number, for example, which he must show you when he stops your car - a classic metal badge. In addition to the police and other law enforcement agencies with badges, metal badges can be found among the staff of expensive restaurants and five-star hotels. In such establishments, expensive show-offs are the first priority.

The most common type. Two-layer metallized plastic - material for badges with engraving. For gold, silver, noble bronze or simply different colors: The number of options is very huge. There are badges with engraving and a transparent pocket: the company logo is engraved, for example, and your full name in the window.

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Badge is a diminutive form of the word badge. Is borrowed from in English(badge – tag, mark).

Why do you need a badge?

Most often this is said and written badge or badge, a diminutive, but the Russian language help service offers the option “badge” as the closest to the original English pronunciation. This borrowed word is correctly written in Russian as “Badzh”, “badzh”, that is, through the vowel letter “e”. At least that's what this one says famous encyclopedia like Wikipedia. And the question still remains open: is it worth inserting the letter “y” into the word? We didn't study this word at school. The word came to us not so long ago, from English, and it is written in native language so: badge, which means “badge”.

If there are a lot of people around, badges will help you find exactly the person you need. Any person who sees the badge will immediately understand why you came here and what tasks you are performing. None unpleasant surprises, everyone can learn about each other minimum required information. Badges are also relevant in cases where there is a presentation of your company, its products or activities.

Badges are a popular type of printed product. So easy to make any adjustments. The product can be attached to an employee’s suit using a clip or pin. There are many varieties of such badges; if you wish, you can always order a special designer version that will satisfy your needs.

Badge, badge, badge, badge

This word comes from the English badge, and it can be translated as tag. But in our society they try to use foreign words, but in my own way. This is how the badge or badge appeared. Well, the essence of this product is really simple - it’s a tag with the written name, surname, and, in some cases, the person’s position. According to the rules of the Russian language, it is more correct to pronounce “badzh” rather than “badzhik” or “badzh”.

Most often, this device is called a badge or badge, although the Russian language help service says that its correct name is “Badge.” A badge is basically a small card the size of a business card and serves to identify a person. In addition, the badge can be worn by manager-consultants in stores or offices.

The badge is yours identification mark and the rule of good manners. So, what is a badge (badge, badge)? Badge (English: A badge contains data (text, graphics, etc.) that allows you to identify the person who wears it. Most often, this device is called a badge or badge. Low prices badges and badge ribbons are valid only when ordering through the online store. You can buy the presented badges at retail from our partners.

Sometimes such a badge contains some additional information (position, logo). Cards with text are usually inserted into a pocket or holder that has fastenings (clip, ribbon, pin, cord) that allow you to secure the badge to clothing or the wearer’s neck. Badges of employees of organizations are sometimes combined with a pass, which in turn can be electronic. A striking example badge - police badge or sheriff's badge.

I would like to clarify the situation with the word “badge” or “badge”. In the Help you categorically cite “badge.” Question No. 257129 Which is correct: badges or badges? Or is it still correct to write “badge” and(!) “badge”? Correct writing: badge (name card).

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