Worldwide recognition and awards for Mother Teresa. The deterioration of health and death of Mother Teresa

When Mother Teresa was dying, they were asked: she had been a saint in her life. Vona said: “Yes! For me it’s sacred!”

One will come to mind of a documentary film in which a thin little granny, with her quick, dexterous hands, was resolutely sweet and cleaned rooms, where children writhed on metal couches, and at the sight of what kind of blood was caught in the veins. One journalist, who was monitoring the troubles of Mother Teresa and the sisters of the Order of Mercy against lepers, the sick and the dying, burst out: “I wouldn’t have earned anything for a million dollars!”

“I wouldn’t earn it for a million,” said Mother Teresa, “only for free!” From love to Christ!”

In the middle of the war, Smith started a school for children who were not needed by anyone - unaccompanied smitniks, little disabled people and orphans, which laid the beginning of a system of children's sockets for the Order of Mercy. However, this asceticism was not limited to children on the streets and the organization of schools. Vona took on the mission to help the dying. The first woman, like Mother Teresa, just picked up Brooke's drenched in pomies, was covered in scabs and goosebumps, and is still alive. The whole doctor did not want to accept her, but Mother Teresa did not stand up and declared that she would not leave her misfortune until she died.

In Calcutta, hundreds of poor people are just dying in the streets, and the news about the blessed nun, where she is gathering the dying homeless people, has reached the local authorities. The municipality saw its empty temple, dedicated to the Indian goddess Kali, and at the Veletensky premises, where the sacrificial creatures were being removed, the dying poor were being cared for. There was a wine “Home for the Dying”, where the poor man doomed to death was warmed up with love and excitement, so that he could end his days happily. Destroyed by the love of Mother Teresa, benefactors from all over the world have flocked here, and there is a small song here that their pennies will rightly be spent until they need it.

They said: “You rejoice for the inheritance, and not for the reason. You shut your doors. Your work is drowning in an ocean of problems that may lead to greater gains in the sovereign level.” She did not accept such criticism and respected the fact that the Scripture was in full conformity to the letter and spirit of Scripture, as Christ said: “I was hungry and you were angry with me; I was drunk - and you gave me something to drink; when I was a stranger, and you received Me when I was naked, and you clothed Me when I was sick, and you brought Me in when I was in bondage, and you came to Me.”

And seeing in the doctor’s office after a heart attack, she wrote to her boyfriend: “What is Jesus for me?
“The word, yake is required vimoviti. Light, love, peace... Jesus is hungry, someone who needs to be pampered, frantic... homeless. Ill. Samotny! Nebazhany! Lepers! Zhbrak! Slipy! Kalika! Withdrawals!” – And what’s more amazing to say: “Jesus is a man with a hardened heart who needs help to soften it.”

Buttocks, medicine houses, leprosariums came later, and at the beginning of her life she suffered from self-esteem, and at first she had to go to bed hungry. Already in three years, 1949, to follow the great undertakings, before her there were 12 successors, chiefly the former students, and in 1950 the Order of the Missionaries of Love was recognized by Rome.

The lives of these volunteers are more complex and more complex. Her moisture is a sari, sandals and a thin mattress. This life is a miracle of patience and vibrancy, an endless training in love, which begins on the 4th morning with the prayer of Francis of Assisi:

Lord, give me strength
Comfort, and not be consoled,
Let's understand, and not accept,
To love, and not to be loved...
For sure, we are taking away,
And forgiving, there is forgiveness.

Those that began as an order of 12 individuals now have 300 thousand. specialists who work in 80 countries around the world, running children's kennels, clinics for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, and leprosariums.

In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Receiving her from the city in the name of “the unloved, the unloved and the unloved,” she was dressed in the very sari that she wore on the day of the order’s invocation. And what little money was spent on the banquet, she asked to be passed on to “my people.”

The field of their activity was the hot spots of the planet: Northern Ireland, Northern Africa, Lebanon, etc. 1982 At the end of the day, Mother Teresa of Beirut ordered the army of Israelis and Palestinian partisans to force the Striliyan, and at this time to transport 37 children locked up at the front-line hospital.

Vona called herself a sheep at the hand of God, and her thoughts and expressions can be found not only in the numerical evidence, but also in the current menu of an Indian restaurant, and also on the wall of the shelter she founded for the dying, sick on the SNID.


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Agnes Gonja Boyadzhiu (also known as Mother Teresa) was born in Macedonia in her adopted homeland and was the youngest of three children. Lazar, Agnes’s brother, having realized that in childhood the girl was a little horny-faced thing, they called her Gonja at home, which in Albanian translation means “flower bud.”

Father Agnes was the leader of the great future company, but when the girl was only 9 years old, she died under the Albanian free reign. From that time on, my homeland lived with the evil ones. That woman kept insisting: “I had a happy childhood.”

Dranafile, Agnes's mother, was confused by self-tightening and had three children. Even though she had to work hard, she found time for their grooming: she taught the children to pray, took Agnes and Agatha with her to the church, and brought the sick and needy with them.

When Agnes turned 18, she left the house and joined the missionary organization of Sister Loreto. This year I began to study at the monastery school. Vaughn loved children beyond belief, but what she really wanted to do was help the poor.

“Selfishness and the feeling that no one needs you is the most greedy type of wretchedness,” said Mother Teresa. There is a plan that the hungry can be pampered, the sick can be fed, the homeless can be settled here, and if you don’t love anyone, you will never be happy.

Order of Sisters of Mercy

At the age of 40, Teresa’s mother fell asleep in the Order of the Sisters of Mercy. Initially, this organization had only 12 members, and today it includes more than 4,500 sisters from 133 countries around the world.

The women looked after the sick, distributed food and food to the poor, and helped lepers. There was no support from the state. They took away the stench as beneficial organizations, or they walked around the houses, where they were given liquids, the terms of reference of which ended, surplus hedgehogs, old clothes.

Budinok for seriously ill people

Two years after going to sleep for the Order, Mother Teresa opened the first bed for the seriously ill. Later, similar installations began to be called hospices. Who was overcome by this idea: Mother Teresa beat up a living woman on the street, her body was covered with sores and boils. Chernytsia took the unfortunate woman to the doctor’s office, but they didn’t want to admit the woman because she had neither money nor medical insurance. Then Mother Teresa said that there was no way to go anywhere, there was no talk about the misfortune, and she got her way.

At this small victory, Teresa’s mother was very happy. When, on the way home, she noticed that there were dozens of such people lying on the streets, whom no one cared about, her heart sank in pain. Mother Teresa herself realized that it was necessary to make a special bet to talk about these people.

The first alarm for seriously ill patients is called “Nirmal Hridaya”, which in translation means “Pure Heart”. At that time, before the speech, Mother Teresa already had 26 assistants, who were worried about the harsh regime of the sisters of mercy. They slept on straw mattresses, eating only rice and vegetables, worked for 16 years a day, and also prayed in tongues for 4 years in the morning.

Child's stool« Shishu Bhavan»

In 1955, when Mother Teresa was born, she built the first shelter for abandoned children under the name “Shishu Bhavan”, which translated means “Children’s Shed”. This is what Mother Teresa said: “I became the mother of thousands of abandoned children, abandoned on the streets and dirt roads, in Smith boxes and ditches. I turned them around, beat them and taught them. and homeland in India, America , Europe. All the stinks are in my memory. They overpower me with their photographs, and when I look at them, I rejoice for my children.”

The work of Mother Teresa was recognized by the Vatican, and in 1979 the Kolkata monks received the Nobel Peace Prize. The Pope gave Mother Teresa a powerful, luxurious white Lincoln as a sign of eternity “for her universal mission of love.” She didn’t need that money from the city: she often forgot the Nobel Prize winner’s medal at the wardrobe, and ended up paying a mortgage for the car.

Commandments of Mother Teresa

Matir Teresa did not lose her popularity at all - she simply gave kindness to people, because she loved everyone dearly. The axis of some commandments was completed:

  • People can be unreasonable, illogical and selfish - and yet love them!
  • If you do good, then people will call you for their hidden special selfishness and self-love - and still show kindness!
  • If you achieve success, you may find a lot of false friends and true enemies, but still achieve success!
  • If you are honest and open-minded, then people will deceive you - but still be honest and open-minded!
  • Those who, having been destined for fate, could be destroyed in one minute - and still they will be!
  • People will demand help, otherwise they will punish you for it, but still help people!
  • If you have achieved boundless happiness, you will be sick - and still be happy!
  • People will forget the good they have done today, and still do good!
  • Share with people who steal what is in you, and of which no one will be enough - and yet share with the best!

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa is called the most influential woman in the world, and her life is the greatest event of the 20th century. The achievements of the small, fragile nun are truly amazing, and her personality is of exceptional significance for all humanity.

Blessed Mother Teresa, M.C. (Agnese (Agnes) Gonje Boyadzhiev, Alb. Anjezë Gonxha Bojaxhiu; * August 26, 1910 - † September 5, 1997) - Catholic nun, founder of charitable missions, laureate Nobel Prize world for 1979. For more than forty years she helped the poor, sick and orphans in the city of Calcutta in India.
Growing up under the leadership of Mother Teresa, the charitable missions expanded their activities to other countries. At the turn of the 70s, Mother Teresa gained international fame and recognition as a substitute for the poor and helpless. Part of her fame is due documentary film and the book Something Beautiful for God by Malcolm Muggeridge. After her death, Mother Teresa was beatified as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.

Biography of Mother Teresa

Agnes was born in Macedonia. She was the youngest in an Albanian family originally from Shkodra. The girl's father, a fighter for Albanian liberation, died when she was 8 years old. Agnes's mother raised her in the Catholic spirit; according to biographers, the girl was fascinated by stories about missionaries from childhood. At the age of 12, she decided to devote her life to religion. At the age of 18, Agnes left home to join the missionary organization Sisters of Loreto.
After a stay in Ireland, where she learned English so she could teach Indian children, Agnes traveled to India in 1929, where she became a novice at Darjeeling Monastery in the Himalayas. In 1931, she took her first vows, choosing the name Thérèse in honor of Thérèse of Lisieux, patroness of missionaries. In 1937 she took full vows as a nun. Nun Teresa taught at a convent school in East Calcutta, and although she enjoyed teaching children, she became increasingly affected by the poverty that surrounded her. With the famine of 1943 came suffering and death, and in 1946 violent clashes between Hindus and Muslims began, filling it with despair and horror.

Charitable missions of Mother Teresa

On August 10, 1946, while traveling on vacation to the Loreto Convent in Darjeeling, Nun Teresa felt what she described as a calling to a vocation: “I must leave the convent and help the poor by living their lives. It was a command. Not to submit to him would mean a betrayal of faith.” She began working among the poor in 1948, replacing the monastic robe of the Loreto monastery with a simple cotton chira with a blue border. She first founded a school in Motijgili, and soon began caring for the hungry and desperate. Very quickly her efforts became known to the Indian authorities. The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to her.
Teresa wrote in her diary that the year had been surprisingly difficult. She had no profit, so she had to buy food and materials. She was haunted by doubts, loneliness and the temptation to return to the comfort of monastic life.

Mati Teresa

On October 7, 1950, Teresa received permission from the Vatican to establish a congregation that would soon become the Missions of Charity. Their task was to care, according to her in my own words, “about the hungry, naked, homeless, crippled, blind, lepers, all those who are undesirable for society, about whom it does not care, about people who have become a burden to society and from whom everyone shies away. “It all started with a small order of 13 members in Calcutta, now there are 4,000 nuns at the head of orphanages, AIDS care facilities and charity centers around the world. They care for refugees, the blind, the helpless, the elderly, alcoholics, the poor and homeless, and help victims of floods, epidemics and famine.
In 1952, Mother Teresa opened the first end-of-life hospice in premises provided to her by the city of Calcutta. With the help of Indian authorities, she converted an abandoned Hindu temple into the Kalighat Asylum for the Dying, where the poor are given free care before death. She renamed the temple "House" pure heart(Nirmal HRIGU). People who went there received medical care and could die with dignity and observance of the rituals of their faith: the Koran was read to Muslims, water from the Ganges was brought to Hindus, and unction was given to Catholics. Mother Teresa said that for people who lived like animals, best death- to die like angels, surrounded by love and care. She soon opened a shelter for those suffering from Hansen's disease, known as leprosy, and named this shelter Shanti Nagar (city of peace). Charitable missions opened several clinics in Calcutta, providing them with medicines, bandages and food.
Charity missions were collecting more and more street children, so Mother Teresa felt the need to create a special shelter for them. In 1955, she opened Nirmala Six Bhavans - Children's home immaculate heart.
The order soon began to attract volunteers and charitable donations, so until the early 60s it opened shelters for homeless children and lepers throughout India. Mother Teresa expanded his activities throughout the world. The first shelter outside India opened in Venezuela in 1965. Then in Rome, Tanzania and Austria in 1968. In the 70s, the order's activities spread to many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America, including the USA.
Mother Teresa's activities also attracted criticism. It was noted that she was content to prevent people from dying rather than fighting the causes of poverty. Her views on suffering were criticized, noting that she believed that suffering brought people closer to Jesus. The medical press, in particular the Lancet and the British Medical Journal, reported that the level of medical care in shelters is low, in particular that reusable syringes are used there, living conditions are poor, all patients are bathed in cold water, as well as the lack of systematic diagnosis through the non-materialistic position of the founders.

Mother Teresa's International Charity

In 1982, during the siege of Beirut, Mother Teresa rescued 37 children trapped in a front-line hospital, violating a temporary ceasefire between the Israeli army and Palestinian rebels. Accompanied by Red Cross workers, she walked through a war zone to a bombed-out hospital and evacuated young patients.
When I fell Iron curtain, she expanded her activities to communist countries that had previously been hostile to the charitable mission, starting dozens of different projects there. She was stopped by criticism due to her tough stance on abortion and divorce. “No matter what they say, you need to take everything with a smile and move on.”
Mother Teresa brought aid to the hungry in Ethiopia, victims of radiation exposure in Chernobyl, victims of the earthquake in Armenia. In 1991, she returned to her homeland for the first time in many years, opening the Brotherhood of the Charity Mission in the Albanian capital of Tirana.
By 1996, 517 missions operated under her leadership in more than 100 countries.
There is criticism regarding the use of money from charitable missions. It was noted that funds intended for the poor were spent on other projects. Mother Teresa was a good person. She helped the poor, sick and disadvantaged.

The deterioration of health and death of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa suffered a heart attack in Rome in 1983 while visiting Pope John Paul II. During the second attack in 1989, she was implanted with an artificial pacemaker. In 1991, in Mexico, heart problems recurred. She offered her resignation as director of charitable missions. But a secret vote among the nuns decided she should stay. Mother Teresa agreed to continue working.
In April 1996, Mother Teresa fell and broke her collarbone. In August she suffered an attack of malaria and her heart failed again. She had heart surgery, but it became clear that she was fading away. On March 13, 1997, she left her post as head of missions, and on September 5, 7 days after her 87th birthday, she died.
Calcutta Archbishop Henry Sebastian D'Souza says that when she was first hospitalized with heart disease, he, with his consent, had priests perform an exorcism on her because he thought her illness might be the work of the devil.
At the time of Mother Teresa's death, Charity Missions had 4,000 sisters, 300 brothers and 100,000 volunteers working in 610 missions in 123 countries.

Mother Teresa's worldwide recognition and awards

India and Asia
Before burial, Mother Teresa's body lay in state at St. Thomas' Cathedral for a week. The Indian government arranged a funeral for state level, thanking her for her service to the poor people of all religions. Mother Teresa received state recognition long before her death. Back in 1962, she was awarded the high Padma Shri award. That same year, she received the Ramon Masaysay Award from the Philippine government. In 1972 she received the Jawaharlal Nehru Award, and in 1980 highest award India - Bharat Ratna.
Not everyone in India was approving of her activities. Arup Chaterjee, who was born and raised in Calcutta but lives in England, reports that she was not significant personality in Kolkata. He blames Mother Teresa for creating a negative image of him hometown. Her activities and statements irritated part of the Indian political world, as she often spoke out against the Hindu right wing. The Bgaratiya Janata Party often fought with her through the Christian untouchables, but still her representative came to the funeral. The Vishwa Hindi Parisad Party opposed the government's decision to give a state funeral, arguing that it was primarily serving the church and its community service nothing more than a incidental matter. She was also accused of better attitude to Christians and the secret baptism of people who died in her shelters. Also criticized public speaking Mother Teresa is against abortion. Recently, the Indian newspaper "Telegraph" called her a saint from the dump and called on Rome to investigate whether she really did something to improve the situation of the poor, or cared for the sick only for sentimental and moral propaganda.

The rest of the world about Mother Teresa

In the early 1970s, Mother Teresa became world famous. IN to a certain extent Her fame comes from the 1969 documentary Something Beautiful for God, directed by Malcolm Muggeridge. While filming the film, Muggeridge himself experienced a spiritual turning point, which turned him to Catholicism.
In 1971, Pope Paul VI awarded Mother Teresa the first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize. In 1976 she received the Pacem in Terris award. After her death, the procedure for Mother Teresa’s canonization began. Now she bears the title of blessed.

On Mother Teresa's birthday, we have collected quotes for you that touched the hearts of millions of people.

  • What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.
  • We don't need guns and bombs. To defeat evil, we need love and compassion. All labors of love are labors for the good of the world.
  • It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love those close to you.
  • When you judge people, you don't have time to love them.
  • To create a family, it is enough to love. And to preserve, you need to learn to endure and forgive.

  • May everyone who comes to you leave feeling better and happier.
  • The proud are always offended. A humble person never gets angry because nothing offends him. The proud seeks special love for himself. A humble person loves himself, without expecting anything in return!
  • Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. Don't demand anything. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it doesn’t need to come.
  • The most important medicine is tender love and care.
  • You don't have to do great things. You can do small ones, but with great love.
  • If you are disappointed in one person, do not punish another. All people are different. Don't lose your ability to trust, believe and love.
  • Words of encouragement and greetings may be short, but they have an endless echo.

  • Whatever you do, do it with love or don’t do it at all.
  • Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband and at your children - no matter who you smile at - it will help you to love people more.
  • The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.
  • God sends us trials so that, overcoming them, we become stronger and not despair.
  • Spread love wherever you are - especially in your own home.
  • Love is a fruit that ripens at any time and that any hand can reach.
  • I will never join the anti-war movement. Call me when there is a peace movement.
  • The greatest poverty is the poverty of the heart.

Commandments of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa never lost her popularity. Vaughn simply gave kindness to people. When she was gone, the planet was orphaned. She deprived us of her commandments:

1. So, people are inconsistent, unreasonable and selfish.

And yet, love them!

2. Because you do good, people call you in secret covetousness and selfishness.

Still, do good!

3. If success accompanies you, you make obvious and effective enemies.

Still, achieve success!

4. Good, I’ve been crushed by you, I’ll forget it tomorrow.

Still, do good!

5. We will give you generosity and openness.

And yet, be generous and open!

6. Those who have been destined for fate can be destroyed in one minute.

And still, be it!

7. People will demand help, otherwise they will start to fight you for it.

Still, help people!

8. Give the light the best you can, and you will receive a cruel blow.

And yet, let the world know the best that is in you!

Mother Teresa and Pope Ivan Pavlo II

Life - this is the ability, the victorious one.
Life - this is joy, feel it.
Life - This is beauty, marvel at it.
Life - ce nasolod, skushtuy її.
Life - tse son, solve yogo.
Life - tse viklik, zustrіn yogo.
Life - tse obov’yazok, vikonay yogo.
Life - price your belongings, price yours.
Life - tse gra, play with her.
Life - This is wealth, save it.
Life - this is love, this is joy.
Life - this is a mystery, know it.
Life - tse obіtsyanka, vikonay її.
Life - this is sorrow, this is hem.
Life - This is the anthem, go to sleep.
Life - this is a struggle, accept it.
Life - this is drama, stand with it forever.
Life - this is a good thing, enjoy it.
Life - It's a success, do it.
Life much more valuable than he who does not know it.
Life - Tse zhittya, zakhisti yogo.

Commandments of kindness

But we will be kind – don’t forget about yourself in order to think for others.
But we will be kind – remember, remember that human weakness is stronger than anger.
But we will be kind - the value of mercy for the weakness of other people and the memory that we are not worse than others, but in their situations we would have been, perhaps, even worse.
But we will be kind – don’t close your eyes to the appearance of lack of attention.
But we will be kind – let us tell people that if nothing is taken away, they will laugh so loudly that they cannot understand us, and they will underestimate our kindness.
But we will be kind - By making a gift for others in your life, you will benefit from the troubles of your neighbors every day.
But we will be kind - to muffle the pain of your sweet heart and laugh again.
But we will be kind - It’s worth it to those who will give more, the more they’ll get rid of us.
But we will be kind - it’s good for those who don’t sacrifice anything for themselves, behind the wine of joy that flows from pure confusion.
But we will be kind - It is worth knowing from great simplicity that only GOD is truly good.

Think about Mother Teresa

I asked God to spare me my pride,
And God has supported me - no.
Having said that one cannot spare one’s pride, one is inspired by it.
I asked God to grant me patience,
And God said - no.
Having said that patience is the result of trying, it is not given, but deserved.
I asked God to grant me happiness,
And God said - no.
Having said what blessing gives, and whether I will be happy or not, lie down before me.
I asked God to save me from pain,
And God said - no.
Having said that suffering turns people away from secular turbos and turns them back to New.
I asked God to let my spirit rise,
And God said - no.
Having said that the spirit is tormented by the virulence itself.
I asked God to teach me to love these people the way He loved me.
Find, the Lord said, you understand what you need to ask.
I asked for strength - and God sent me a test to seal me.
I asked for wisdom - and God sent me problems over which I needed to rack my brain.
I asked for courage - and God sent me unfortunate people who would require my help.
I asked for blessings - and God gave me courage.
I didn’t win anything that I WANTED - I won everything that I NEEDED!
God felt my prayers.


Screaming is the people of rudeness;
Deception - people spread mistrust;
Unforgiveness leads to bitterness;
A chuckle melts the ice;
Repentance - the repentance will fade away;
Forgiveness - to bring relief;
Confidence—calls out trust;
Turbota - it’s like living in a place;
If you sow the fruit, you will reap the toppings;
If you sow crops, you will reap seeds;
If you sow a character, you will reap character;
If you sow character, you will reap share.


“I will never be taken over by people, but only by one person. If I had marveled at the darkness, I would never have started my investigation.” That's what Mother Teresa said. These words are like the essence of the Gospel - pure and crystalline. She said to herself: those that I pay are just “a drop of water in the ocean of poverty.” This drop of water has great power - it changes the ocean.

How she endured suffering, seeing herself as a droplet, when in her breasts beat a heart as majestic as light! She suffered to such a death that she, a little woman, endowed with an incredible will, a woman who was burning, our fire, love until marriages, doomed to die on the streets, took such a time! “It’s okay,” she said, “if I feel like I’m having empty beginnings, an object without a place.” In such a state of affairs I feel so worthless, so poor!” It was caught infrequently and did not last long. As the faithful betrothed of Christ, she exchanged joy, although she was plunged into the greatest misfortune. Such joy flowed from her being, as the pressure grew stronger.

The first lesson is joy

This is the first lesson that this great saint has deprived us of - this lesson of joy. How is it possible to be a true Christian without the joy of Christ, which “no one... has ever found before you” (Jn 16:22)? What did Mother Teresa say? “Joy is prayer. Vaughn is both strength and love. Vona is a fishermen’s fisherman who catches souls. A heart that burns with love is a joyful heart.” Vona deeply admired the joy of the compass, which points directly to life: “We need to follow it, as we walk along a road lined with crossings.”
Compass and unknown. The Gospel is the compass of Christian life. The Gospel, and not any philosophical theory or political ideology. A Christian with a compass-Gospel cannot help but throw away the bride in order to win souls for Jesus. Christ calls us all to be fishing people, and the joy of vikors is to be used as “bait.” A dejected Christian is sure of no one.

Another lesson is truth

Another lesson from the apostle from Calcutti is that it is true. It is important to tell the truth if everyone else knows it. For example, at the end of the last century, the countries, so to speak, introduced their “culture of death”, led by Pope Ivan Paul II, into a whole low taboo. Killing unborn children is one of the taboos, absolutely, the most powerful. Mother Teresa did not want to ruin it. Zrobila tse, sokrema, under the hour of the National Prayer Service in the USA, was an honored guest. Before the President of the United States, congressmen and representatives of the elite of the country, she stated directly that such an interruption of pregnancy: it is not a manual operation, it reduces the risk of the operation, but the killing of an innocent life from the bosom of a powerful mother.
“Millions of children are being killed as they may be born. And we don’t seem to say anything... we don’t have to talk about the millions of little things that have been conceived, who are going to live the same life as you and I, life God. And we don’t seem to have anything... The extended edges are the lowest edges. They are afraid of children, they are afraid of the child who may be born, so that child will die. Because if you don’t want to kill another child, if you don’t want to kill another child, then you want to kill another child...”
Tell the truth before everyone and against everyone. Since the teachers of Christ, the Son of God, no longer dare to preach and expand the truth, then who is to earn? Mother Teresa needs to pay for the important obligation of mercy, which means preaching the truth.

Third lesson - love is active

The third, greatest lesson of Mother Teresa is the lesson of active love. Love is not only in words, not only woven with good intentions... Love is active - this word of Christ is transformed into the gold of mercy. Mother Teresa climbed to heights that few others have achieved. “If I touch the currant human body,” she said, “I know that I touch the Body of Christ, in which I receive Him from the Holy Communion under the sight of bread. From now on I take strength and courage. Chantly, I wouldn’t have bothered anyone, I wouldn’t have been reconciled, so that, while I rest in the leprous human body, I trust in Jesus.”
Thus it came to the heart of the Gospel, to the priceless core of the Good News of Jesus Christ, to the living center of the secret chamber of God the Human. Let the fire of Mother Teresa's love burn our fucking body to the bone. Please be careful that our love does not turn into mercy. “In order for love to be correct, there is no need to waste more... Remember that it is our fault to love the poor to the point of pain,” said the saint from Calcutti.
The Lord has placed an obligation on us to share our goods with the wretched, unfortunate, and wretched... Since we are not afraid of anyone, then why do we have the right to go to the temple and receive the Body of Christ?
Which world should we share? A tithe, a tenth of our profits, even if there was a stink. At the very least... The Church is guilty of striking like a hammer into the hearts of the faithful with the even old biblical tradition of tithing. And don’t forget that if we give, the Lord gives us a hundred times more. In her announcements, the stigmatist Katherine Emmerich said, like the fathers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, people who lived in abundance quickly divided their flock into three parts: they gave one to the Temple, to a friend - to the poor, and deprived themselves of the third. Their goodness did not change in front of anyone.
Now, if Mother Teresa is inspired by the eternal joy of the Lord, she can intercede for us and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to properly live these three lessons. Let no one doubt that we will inevitably sacrifice ourselves to her as to the saint who knew here on earth to exchange God’s holiness. These are the words, which he writes for us in a voluminous book: “One day I raised a man who was lying by the gutter. I thought that the end was near. When I hugged him, I smiled and said: “All my life I’ve been living on the street like a creature, otherwise I’ll die like an angel - in love.” I blessed him, singing, that now we will see God for all eternity.”
When she reached the Father's House, millions of people became orphans. She blessed us all: “Let no one come before you, deprive you of the best and the happiest!”

Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity

On Sunday, March 6, 2016, after reciting the Angel of the Lord prayer, the Pope expressed his closeness to the congregation of the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in connection with the great loss they suffered two days ago as a result of the murder of four sisters in Yemen. On March 4, terrorists believed to be local Islamists attacked a nursing home where nuns from the congregation were caring for residents of the home. Twelve more people were killed along with their sisters. The killers kidnapped an elderly priest who lived there.

“I express my closeness to the Missionaries of Charity because of the deep sorrow that befell them two days ago after the murder of four sisters in Aden, Yemen, where they were helping the elderly,” Pope Francis said. “I pray for them and for the others who died in the attack, as well as for their loved ones. These are the martyrs of our time! They do not appear on the covers of magazines, they do not become heroes of the news: they give their lives for the Church. These people are victims of the attack of those who killed them, but also victims of indifference, a globalization of indifference that does not care... May Mother Teresa escort these daughters of hers, martyrs of mercy, to heaven and intercede for peace and for sacred respect for human life.”

The Latest: Macedonia holds ceremony in St Teresa’s hometown

VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Latest on the canonization of Mother Teresa (all times local): 3:50 p.m. While top Macedonian officials attended St. Teresa’s canonization Mass at the Vatican, a modest…

“I see Christ in every person.

And since Christ is forever alone,

then for me at this particular moment

this is the one who stands in front of me"

Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

They were considered sacred even during their lifetime. It was not an easy task and it was a joyful fate to bring it to people – once again! - the good news is that God is love and that the sense of life of every mortal lies only in loving and being a god. In the 20th century, the won became not just a symbol of mercy, but at the same time, with its novices, it showed real power, which one could not help but admire. They spluttered about her, bowed their heads in front of her, and adored her.


- People can be unreasonable, illogical and selfish - and yet love them!

- If you show kindness, then people will sense your hidden special selfishness and self-love - and still show kindness!

- If you achieve success, you may find a lot of false friends and true enemies - but still achieve success!

- If you are honest and open, then people will deceive you - but still be honest and open!

- Those who were fateful, could be destroyed in one minute - and still they will be!

- People will demand help, otherwise they will punish you for it - but still help people!

- Once you have achieved boundless happiness, you will be sick - but still be happy!

- The kindness that people have done today, people will forget tomorrow - and still do goodness!

- Share with people who steal what is in you, and none of which will be enough - and yet share with the best!

I'm sorry, you yourself are convinced that everything is between you and God, and that nothing was between them and you!

Brief biographical note:

Mother Teresa (1910-1997), Catholic monk, founder of the Order of Mercy, a monk congregation that serves the poor and sick. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Prize for the World.

Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) was born on September 26, 1910 in Skopje (now Macedonia, then the Ottoman Empire) in her Albanian homeland.

At the age of 12, the girl became a monk, at 18 she joined the congregation of the Sisters of Loreta, an Irish Catholic order that carried out missionary work in India.

From the beginning she worked at a school for girls near Darjeeling, until the evening before Calcutta, and for 20 years she taught geography at the school of St. Mary, not far from Calcutta, was the director of this school.

From 36 years of age, the woman came up with the call to “deprive the monastery and serve the poor, living among them.”

In 1948, the Order of Mercy fell asleep and dedicated itself to serving the sick residents of the Calcutta net.

In the river, when its congregation was officially recognized by the church, it adopted Indian citizenship (1950).

Until the moment when Mother Teresa won the Nobel Prize, the sisters of the order were already working in rich countries.

Mother Teresa once said about her servant that it was based on her faith in Christ. “Through those whom we do not respect Christ, we cannot express our love, but we can always reach our neighbors and reach them as much as we would approach Christ if we valued him.”

In 1965, their children became acquainted with the Vatican. And in 1979, the Calcutta blueberry was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Mother Teresa died in Calcutta in 1997. Two years after her death with the inauguration of Pope John Paul II, the Vatican began the procedure for her canonization.

The Roman Catholic Church paid its greatest tribute to the deceased Mother Teresa, who pronounced her blessed.


When you feel unhappy and abandoned, try to do something loving. Say at least one word with love, just think lovingly about someone.

Open your heart and try to awaken love in it. To do this, you need to stop seeing only shortcomings and mistakes in others and yourself. We may like some people, but not others. It's easy to like people we like. But loving your neighbor does not mean admiring him.

It's hard to admire a murderer or a thief. But you can wish them well. Loving your neighbor means wishing him well. Love is an art, it requires training. Good doctors, musicians, artists, athletes practice for hours to improve their skills and abilities. It's the same with love. If we don't make an effort to love, we will be lonely and unhappy.


Suffering does not come by chance. This is not revenge or punishment. It is sent to us to warn us that we have gone astray the right way. We need suffering to save us. And there is no need to fight with your savior. By accepting suffering, a person activates hidden forces that produce enormous work within him. When we are sated, rich, satisfied with ourselves, we skim on the surface of things. And loneliness and sadness force us to turn inside ourselves to find true wealth, true strength, true support. Anyone who has done anything significant in their life has suffered a lot.


When trials arise in your life, tell yourself, “They can’t last.” This formula is very effective. The very thought that misfortunes are temporary helps to endure them. Are you in a confusing situation? You yourself contributed to this. Pushing yourself into a dead end, you were persistent. And now you have to persevere to get out difficult situation. Good, like evil, needs time to manifest itself. Whatever the trials sent to you, tell yourself that this is only a difficult moment that will soon pass, and immerse yourself in work.


When a person experiences difficulties, he focuses on his failures, worries, and sorrows. Looking down is an unfavorable activity. We must look upward - to where there is light, wisdom, beauty. This will help your soul find the means to overcome difficulties. Worries and sorrows always exist. To overcome them, you need to defend yourself. You protect yourself from the rain with an umbrella, and dress warmly in the cold. And in the fight against difficulties, you need to look upward in order to draw light and strength there.


If you are in bad mood If you are offended or upset, use the power of a smile. Even if no one sees you, try to smile to show yourself that you are above any difficulties. Think that you are invulnerable, immortal, eternal. Give yourself a smile, as you sometimes do when passing a mirror. Even if your smile is a little forced, it will still help. As soon as you smile, you will feel in a better mood. And in a good mood, it will be easier for you to solve your problems. You have no idea how much good a simple smile can do for you and the people around you. Having received another blow from life, tell yourself: “Everything could have been much worse” - and smile...



Mercy is a huge force that binds and unites people. It helps both those who need it and those who provide it. Mercy brings people closer together than blood kinship and devoted friendship. Only mercy can sincerely admire every living being simply because it is the work of the Creator. We, perhaps, need our daily bread less than we need love, mercy and forgiveness.


St. Augustine says, “Small deeds are small indeed, but to do small deeds conscientiously is a great deed.” A good deed does not necessarily mean financial assistance. Let it be just a smile. After all, a smile is a sign of peace. An outstretched hand is a symbol of love. Every person wants to love and be loved, to know that someone needs him, that someone can call him their own. And we often don’t even have enough time to look at each other. A kind smile is a great gift, but sympathy is a priceless gift. One day in London, walking down the street, I saw a well-dressed but very gloomy man. He looked so unhappy and lonely. I walked up to him and took his hand. The hand was completely cold. I shook his hand and asked how he was doing. He looked at me and said: “If only you knew how long it has been since I felt human warmth.” His eyes shone, his shoulders straightened. It turns out that a person does not need so much for joy to appear in his life. Often all it takes is the touch of someone's warm hand.

parting words

Pray together and remain in unity. For us there are no differences in nationality, skin color, religion. All people for us are children of the Lord. Humanity is our family. Everyone deserves our help, everyone is created to love and be loved. WITH material point You have everything in this world, but your heart is sad. Don't let yourself worry about what you don't have. Just go and serve people - hold their hands in yours and express love. If you follow this advice, you will shine like a beacon.

Mother Teresa

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