What is more important: a medal or an order? Difference between order and medal

According to the latest official information, there are 2.5 million cities in the world. According to data for 2015, the most Big city in the world by area - Chongqing, by number of inhabitants - Shanghai, by length - Mexico City, by height - La Rinconada.

Each settlement is remarkable in its own way. Thus, one is famous for its landscapes, another for its enchanting entertainment, and the third for its history. There are also those that are known for their scale. In this article, the emphasis will be on them.

Largest city in the world by area

As mentioned earlier, this is Chongqing. It is located in China (its central part), its area reaches 82,400 square meters. km (except for the territory of the city itself, this also includes the area of ​​the territory under its jurisdiction). According to official data, Chongqing occupies an area of ​​470 km in the direction from east to west. Its width is north side to the south - 150 km (for comparison: Australia is the same size).

The largest city in the world by area is divided into districts (19 units), counties (15 units, of which 4 are autonomous). The population density, according to data for 2010, reaches 28,846,170 people, but over 80% of the inhabitants mainly live in rural areas, and there are only 6 million city residents.

History of Chongqing

This city is recognized as the oldest in China. Its history has been going on for 3 thousand years. During the Late Paleolithic period, this is where the primitive representatives lived human race. The reason for this is the location of the city at the confluence of the Jialingjiang River and the deep Yangtze River. The largest city in the world by area is surrounded by three mountains: Dabashan (from the north), Wushan (from the east), Dalushan (from the south). Due to its hilly landscape it was called mountain city(Shancheng). Chongqing rises 243 meters above sea level.

10 largest cities in the world

There are quite a lot of them on a global scale. In this regard, the article will present only the ranking of cities by area. So, tenth place belongs to London (1.57 thousand km). It is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland. This city is also recognized as the largest city in the British Isles. Its location is r. Thames (64 km from the mouth). The city extends across the flat land of the famous London Basin. The most high point above sea level (245 m) - Westerham Heights (extreme southeast).

This city is one of the largest British ports and the main industrial center. Its area is 1.56 thousand square meters. km. Year of foundation - 43 AD e. (the era of the Roman invasion of Britain under the leadership of Emperor Claudius). Presumably, by the time of the invasion there was already a very modest settlement in size, but during archaeological excavations no evidence of this was found. Although the predominant part of London's historical center has not been excavated, therefore the fact of the existence of the settlement in the above period cannot be completely denied.

Ninth, eighth and seventh place in the ranking

Ninth place belongs to Tehran (1.6 thousand sq. km). It is the capital and largest city of Iran, the first of all the impressive cities in Asia. From north to south the city stretches for 26 km, from west to east - 40 km. The height difference of the mountain line is 700 m.

As a result of excavations, it was discovered that the existence of a settlement on the territory of the city dates back to 6 thousand BC. e. The settlers headed to the slopes of Elbrus, thereby escaping the sultry heat of the existing saline deserts.

Eighth place- Bogota (1.8 thousand sq. km) is the capital of Colombia. Founded in 1538 (by the Spanish conquistador G. Jimenez de Quesado). Its name translates as " fertile land" The city is located in the basin of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera. The height above sea level is 2610 m. This is the largest city in Colombia, which combines futuristic architecture, colonial churches, various kinds museums with the fact that it is recognized as a city of tramps, drug dealers, eternal traffic jams and slums.

Seventh place- Ankara (2.52 thousand sq. km) is the capital of Turkey. Location - Atlantic Plateau (confluence of the Çubuk and Ankara rivers) at an altitude of approximately 938 m above sea level. This is one of oldest cities in Asia Minor. It is located at the crossroads of trade routes that connect Europe with Asia. This city is the second most important and potential Turkish economic center. The development of Ankara is determined by its very convenient location on transport interchange, the presence of a significant number of civil servants, students, banking, trade structures, and industrial facilities.

Sixth, fifth and fourth place in the ranking

Sixth place- Alexandria (2.7 thousand sq. km) - the main seaport, the second largest city in Egypt, which stretches 32 km along the coast Mediterranean Sea. Year of foundation - 332 BC. e. (A. Makedonsky). This is the most important financial, industrial, shopping mall Egypt.

Fifth place- Karachi (3.5 thousand sq. km) - seaport, which is located in the southern part of Pakistan. It is the largest in the country and one of the largest in the world. Karachi is the capital of Sindh. Population density is 12-18 million people.

Fourth place- Istanbul (5.3 thousand sq. km) - former capital Byzantine, Ottoman, Roman, Latin empires. He appears significant seaport, cultural, commercial, industrial center Turkey. He - the only city, located on two continents at once - Europe and Asia. This is the largest city in Europe.

Top three ratings

Third place- Buenos Aires (4 thousand sq. km) is the Argentine capital. The year of its foundation is 1580 (the shore of La Plata Bay).

Second place- Kinshasa (10 thousand sq. km) is the capital of Congo. Until 1966, it had a different name - Leopoldville.

The leader of the rating, as mentioned earlier, is Chongqing. It was talked about at the very beginning. Today these are the most big cities. The list is gradually changing and being supplemented due to the accelerated growth of a number of settlements.

The largest metropolises by area of ​​our country

For ease of perception, they are presented in the table below.

City name

Area, sq. km

Saint Petersburg





Nizhny Novgorod



According to official data, these are the largest cities in Russia. Their scale gradually changes as they develop. It would be useful to consider in more detail such Largest cities Russia (by area), like St. Petersburg (Northern capital) and Moscow.

Capital of the Russian Federation

Moscow is the largest city (by area and population density) in our country. It is the capital of Russia. Moscow is located on the river of the same name. If you look at the map, it is located in the central part of the plain, located in Eastern Europe. Moscow area - 2511 sq. km.

Federal bodies of Russian government are concentrated there. Well developed local government. Moscow is the largest financial center. The predominant part of the country's economy is controlled directly by the capital. The largest banks and offices are also concentrated in it.

As mentioned earlier, the largest city in Europe is Istanbul, but our capital is the largest tourist and cultural European center. Historical, architectural monuments, modern entertainment infrastructure will not leave anyone indifferent. In Moscow there are over a hundred theaters and sixty museums, among which the most outstanding are the Bolshoi and Maly theaters and Sovremennik. Fans of opera and ballet can enjoy wonderful productions and virtuoso performances there.

The most popular museums are: the Museum of Anthropology (antiques - a reflection of the life and traditions of the peoples of the world), the Zoological Museum, named after Pushkin.

Every capital guest, without exception, should visit the Tretyakov Gallery. The largest collection of our visual arts. In general, everything that Moscow is rich with cannot be described; it is better to see it with your own eyes.

Historical chronicles

Moscow is the historical capital of the former Grand Duchy of Moscow. Her exact age is still not known. In the second half XIII century During the reign of Prince Danil Alexandrovich (son of A. Nevsky), Moscow acquired the status of the center of an autonomous appanage principality. At that time, the city was located at a commercial junction, which gave it the opportunity to grow and develop.

In the XIV-XV centuries. Moscow has already become a major handicraft and trading city. By the end of the 15th century. it received the status of the capital of the largest Russian state.

Northern capital: historical facts, attractions

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its beauty is strict and lyrical at the same time. It is known that during the first 10 years of its existence it grew rapidly (by 1714 there were about 34.5 thousand buildings there). Magnificent palaces, cathedrals, parks, gardens, and public gardens with statues surrounded by picturesque greenery were erected. St. Petersburg is a city-museum.

This city is considered to be the capital from the time when all of Moscow moved to the banks of the Neva. Imperial Courtyard(1712). Having seized access to the Baltic, our state entered the circle of countries of the North - traditional exporters of leather, fish, iron, timber, lard, and grain. St. Petersburg has become the largest foreign trade center in Russia. At the end of the Peter the Great era, almost half of the total volume of our exports to Western European countries was exported from here.

Then such an important state enterprise as the mint was transferred from Moscow (1724). Palace manufactories arose in the vicinity of St. Petersburg.

Today, the area of ​​the city of St. Petersburg is 1439 square meters. km, population density is approximately 4.75 million people. Located northern capital at 60 degrees N. sh., which gives it the status of the world's largest metropolis located at such high latitudes. St. Petersburg extends for 35 km along the coast of the Neva Bay (Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea), touching the mouth of the Neva, about. Neva delta.

The largest cities in the Russian Federation by population density

For clarity, it is better to present the information in a table.

Population density, people

City name


Saint Petersburg

Novosibirsk city

Yekaterinburg city

Nizhny Novgorod







These are the largest cities in Russia in terms of population density as of 2015.

Finally, it is worth recalling that the article examined the largest cities in our country and Europe. A ranking of the 10 largest cities in the world by area is presented.

It began its formation back in 1994. Naturally, most of the elements remained from the USSR. However, we managed to take a lot from the reward system Russian Empire. This should have been an indication that modern Russia is the successor pre-revolutionary era. A separate presidential decree, issued on March 2, 1994, decided that the following medals and orders are considered the most significant Russian Federation:

  • Holy Apostle Andrew the Primordial;
  • “For services to the Fatherland” (presented in four degrees);
  • Friendship;
  • Honor;
  • Zhukova;
  • Courage;
  • "For military merit."

The Order of St. George became the highest military award, and an insignia was also established - the famous St. George's Cross(in the official hierarchy it stands above all medals, but below orders). Additionally, orders named after Nakhimov, Alexander Nevsky and other great commanders were introduced, but they are considered “sleeping”, since they can only be earned in the event of an open confrontation between the country and an external enemy.

Both public and departmental awards. Subsequently, special insignia were established, which occupied the highest level in the hierarchy, taking first place.

Highest awards giving the owner special status

There are only two such awards, and they belong to medals:

All these awards form separate species and are presented along with the corresponding highest rank, which makes them the most honorable among all existing ones. Naturally, to the common man you will have to try very hard to get them.

Most honorable orders

Orders can be awarded not only to military personnel, but also to civilians whose actions contribute to increasing the prosperity and glory of the state.

This order can be awarded to public, statesmen, as well as active citizens whose actions made it possible to seriously strengthen the glory, prosperity and fame of Russia. Military personnel who have received awards in the form of this order for participation in hostilities receive a slightly different option - with swords.

Also this order can be earned by the heads foreign countries for outstanding actions that were extremely useful for the Russian Federation. It is supposed to be worn on a shoulder ribbon, and it is customary to place it on the right shoulder, or on an order chain. The star of the order should be located on the left side of the chest, slightly lower than the order blocks and slightly to the left of the other orders.

The Order of St. George is considered the highest military award. It has been awarded again since its abolition in 1917. Only officers who managed to successfully carry out a series of operations that ended in the complete destruction of enemy troops and became a real example are entitled to receive it. military tactics. In total, the order has 4 degrees, the first is the highest, and they are assigned sequentially. Those who were awarded only the III and IV degrees have the right to wear only the badge itself, while orders of the II and I degrees wear it along with the star.

The Order is a general civil award that citizens of the Russian Federation can earn for special merits, which made it possible to strengthen statehood, improve the socio-economic situation in the country, and make a breakthrough in scientific field, seriously develop culture, art, as well as for particularly outstanding achievements in sports activities. In addition, the order is issued for significant assistance in improving relations with other countries, as well as for actions that made it possible to increase the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

The order has four degrees at once, and the awarding also takes place in sequential order. First comes IV degree, then III, etc. The military order is presented in a slightly different version; in particular, it contains an image of swords.

Medals of the Russian Federation

In fact, the medals are no less honorary award than orders, although they are often located lower in the hierarchy. Most of modern medals were established back in 1994, but some of them were gradually introduced throughout 1999, 2007, 2010 and 2015.

Refers to military awards. Military personnel and employees can receive it law enforcement or the Ministry of Emergency Situations for demonstrating extraordinary courage and bravery during situations that could be life-threatening.

In the original interpretation, it was a military award, according to which the medal was intended for military personnel of the Red Army and its civilian personnel, as well as partisans and underground participants who managed to achieve great success in the fight against fascist conquerors and Japanese militarists.

Subsequently, a new provision was made in 2010. Now, military personnel who have shown courage and remarkable bravery in battles in the name of defending the Fatherland can receive the honor of receiving this medal. In addition, this medal is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated excellent combat training during exercises.

Pushkin Medal

The award was established on May 9, 1999 and was intended for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners whose merits in propaganda popular culture and enlightenment was truly achieved high altitudes. The award is also given for serious contribution to the study, as well as subsequent conservation cultural heritage, the rapprochement of two different cultures.

Usually the medal is awarded to figures who have been involved in social and humanitarian activities for more than 20 years and were able to make their own significant contribution to it. The Pushkin medal should be worn on the left side of the chest, and if the recipient has other awards of the Russian Federation, then it should always be below the Nesterov medal.


This is exactly what the most famous medals and orders of the Russian Federation look like. Each of these insignia is a kind of reminder of the actions of the bearer. In addition, medals give their owner a special status and honor, since in order to earn them, it is necessary to perform a truly great feat, which will subsequently lead to such an award.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). The metal-based strips are secured with a pin, which is found on back side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform of the garment. The designated place for wearing order bars is left-hand side breasts Several order bars are worn not separately, but together on common basis placed in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On a common strip, the tapes are located in in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but general principle is as follows: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the location list. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award includes medal block, then the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Distinction in Service” is awarded to employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for conscientious service (military service) and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms. The II degree medal is awarded to employees and military personnel who have served (military service) for at least 15 years; Orders for awarding medals to employees are issued on the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, military personnel - on the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The medal is accompanied by a certificate.

The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Distinction in Service” is awarded to employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for conscientious service (military service) and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms. The III degree medal is awarded to employees and military personnel who have served (military service) for at least 10 years; Orders for awarding medals to employees are issued on the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, military personnel - on the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The medal is accompanied by a certificate.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Distinction in Service” is awarded to employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for conscientious service (military service) and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms. The 1st degree medal is awarded to employees and military personnel who have served (military service) for at least 20 years; Orders for awarding medals to employees are issued on the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, military personnel - on the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The medal is accompanied by a certificate.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

A medal is a symbol of victory and this makes it an expensive and memorable gift. By presenting a souvenir medal to a friend, you will help him remember your meeting or joint event years later

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

A medal is a symbol of victory and this makes it an expensive and memorable gift. By presenting a souvenir medal to a friend, you will help him remember your meeting or joint event years later

A medal is a symbol of victory and this makes it an expensive and memorable gift. By presenting a souvenir medal to a friend, you will help him remember your meeting or joint event years later

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

A medal is a symbol of victory and this makes it an expensive and memorable gift. By presenting a souvenir medal to a friend, you will help him remember your meeting or joint event years later

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

The presentation of orders and medals is special kind encouragement and indicates recognition of a person’s merits to the state in his field professional activity. These awards have to varying degrees significance, depending on which their owner receives certain privileges in society.


Order– an award badge of a special type, which is awarded to a person nominated for an award for exceptional services in the state and military service, political and social activities, science, art, or sports.

The order can be a state, departmental or public award.

Medal– a badge of honor for special merits in a certain field National economy, science, art and sports. Award medals are awarded as moral encouragement; souvenir - as a memorial sign in honor of an important historical or cultural event.


The tradition of awarding orders is associated with the history of medieval knightly clans, each of which was called an order, had its own heraldic sign in the form of a coat of arms and was organized in accordance with a strict knightly hierarchy. Members of the order had the right to wear Chest sign as a symbol of belonging to one of its hierarchical levels.

The modern order as a sign of distinction has lost its original meaning, but acquired a new one: it has become highest form moral encouragement of citizens, regardless of their social status.

The award medal also has its own history. In the old days, representatives of the upper class who distinguished themselves in battle and showed valor in the sovereign service were awarded a gold or silver hryvnia, which was worn on a chain in the form of a medallion. The granted hryvnia, or medal, became evidence high position owner and could be used instead of money because it represented jewelry value.

IN modern system The medal is awarded for heroism, outstanding achievements, as well as in memory of events, victories, and anniversaries.

The medal has round shape with a bas-relief image, which symbolically records the reason for the award. It connects to the block a certain sample and is attached to clothing with a special clip or a pin.

Medal of Honor. USSR

There are award, anniversary and souvenir medals. Awards include medals that are awarded for participation in hostilities, for labor achievements, heroic deeds, and sporting victories. Souvenir medals are given to honorary members of corporate organizations, participants in celebrations of any important events, members of delegations. The presentation of anniversary medals is associated with significant dates.

An order is a higher award than a medal. They are awarded for exceptional merits, while at the same time assigning certain privileges to the order bearer. Along with the order, an award certificate or order book is awarded. These are state-issued documents that give the right to wear it.

Order of Courage. Russian Federation

The new model of the order, adopted in the European award system, has one or more degrees, therefore, unlike the classic order, it can be awarded to one person several times. The awarding of most modern orders has no social restrictions.

Conclusions website

  1. An order is a higher award than a medal.
  2. The medal is awarded for special merits in a certain field of activity; The order is awarded for exceptional merits and achievements.
  3. The history of the order is connected with the emergence knightly orders, whose members were bound by a common vow and common goal. In the Middle Ages, a medal was awarded as a valuable gift, a sign of special favor and a symbol of high status.
  4. The medal has a round shape with a bas-relief on the front side. The order is traditionally made in a more complex design.
  5. An order, unlike a medal, can have several degrees.

Badge of special distinction - medal " Golden Star» Hero of the Russian Federation - a sign of special distinction. Individuals are awarded for outstanding services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of heroic deeds and for personal courage in public service.

The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is the highest state award of the Russian Federation. Outstanding state and public figures and other citizens of the Russian Federation are awarded for exceptional services that contribute to the prosperity, greatness and glory of Russia.
The badge of the order is worn around the neck on a gilded chain, the order star is worn attached to a blue ribbon worn over the shoulder. For distinguished service in combat, military personnel are awarded a medal with the image of swords. Established on July 1, 1998.

Order of St. George - highest military award Russian Federation, restored after abolition in 1917. Awarded to senior and senior officers for conducting military operations to defend the Fatherland during an attack by an external enemy, which ended in the complete defeat of the enemy, who became an example of military art, whose exploits serve as an example of valor and courage for all generations of defenders of the Fatherland and who are awarded state awards Russian Federation for distinction shown in combat operations. Has four degrees (from I to IV, the first is the highest), awarded sequentially. Persons awarded Order III and IV degrees wear only the badge; those awarded the order of the I and II degrees wear the badge and star. Established on March 2, 1994.

The Order of Merit for the Fatherland is a civilian award awarded for outstanding services to the state, labor achievements and for significant contributions to the defense of the Fatherland. Has four degrees (from I to IV, the first is the highest), awarded sequentially. Persons awarded the order of the 3rd and 4th degrees wear only a badge; those awarded the order of the 1st and 2nd degrees wear a badge and a star. For distinguished service in combat, military personnel are awarded a medal with the image of swords. Established on March 2, 1994.

The Order of Alexander Nevsky is a civil award awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation holding positions civil service, for special personal services to the Fatherland in the matter state building, many years of conscientious service and good results achieved by them in the performance of official duties, in strengthening the international authority of Russia, the country's defense capability, economic development, science, education, culture, art, health care and other merits, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation for high personal achievements in various industries economics, research, socio-cultural, educational and other social useful activity, as well as prominent foreign political and public figures, representatives of the business community of foreign countries for their services in developing multilateral cooperation with the Russian Federation and providing assistance in its socio-economic development. The statute and description were approved on September 7, 2010.

Order of Suvorov - military award, for awarding commanders of formations, their deputies, chiefs operational departments, operational departments, heads of military branches and special troops Armed Forces Russian Federation.

The Order of Ushakov is a military award for awarding officers from the command of formations and formations of the Navy.
The statute and description were approved on September 7, 2010.

Order of Zhukov - a military award for awarding persons of highest officers for services in the development and conduct of major military operations, including during the Great Patriotic War.
Established on May 9, 1994.

Order of Kutuzov - a military award for awarding commanders military units and their deputies, as well as battalion and company commanders.
The statute and description were approved on September 7, 2010.

The Order of Nakhimov is a military award for awarding officers of the Navy.
The statute and description were approved on September 7, 2010.

The Order of Courage is a civil award awarded for dedication, courage and bravery shown in saving people, protecting public order, in the fight against crime, during natural Disasters, fires, disasters and other emergencies, as well as for courageous and decisive action committed during the performance of military, civil or call of duty in conditions involving risk to life. Established on March 2, 1994.

Order of Military Merit - a military award to recognize military personnel for exemplary performance military duty, for ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation, for courage and bravery. One of the requirements for the awardees is conscientious service for at least 10 years. Established on March 2, 1994.

The Order "For Naval Merit" is a civilian award awarded for merits in the field of study, development and use of the World Ocean in the interests of the country's defense capability, ensuring its national security, socio-economic and cultural development, as well as for his great contribution to strengthening Russia’s maritime potential. Established on February 27, 2002.

The Order of Honor is a civilian award awarded for high achievements in government, production, research, socio-cultural, public and charitable activities, which made it possible to significantly improve the living conditions of people, for services in training highly qualified personnel, educating the younger generation, maintaining law and order. Established on March 2, 1994.

The Order of Friendship is a civil award awarded for a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between nations and nationalities, high achievements in the development of the economic and scientific potential of Russia, for particularly fruitful activities in bringing together and mutually enriching the cultures of nations and nationalities, strengthening peace and friendly relations between states. Established on March 2, 1994.

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