What animals live on the continents of the earth. Presentation on the topic: Animals of different continents

Presentation on the topic: Animals different continents

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Presentation on the topic: Animals of different continents

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Brown bear BROWN BEAR is a predatory mammal of the bear family. Body length 1.7–2.2 meters, weight 100–340 kg. The brown bear inhabits deciduous and coniferous forests Eurasia and North America. These are densely built animals, with an elongated facial region, small eyes and ears, a sloping back and a short tail. The fur is thick, brown, of various shades. The paws are powerful, five-fingered, the claws are strong and strongly curved. The largest brown bears, found in the Russian Far East and Alaska, can reach 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 750 kg.

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Brown bear Brown bears are active at any time of the day. In winter they fall into shallow sleep. They make dens in holes, caves or thick dead wood. The bear's winter rest is not hibernation, since it retains normal temperature body and in case of danger can immediately wake up and jump out of cover. They swim well and fish on sandbanks. Bears are good at climbing trees, destroying bee nests. They usually lead a solitary lifestyle. In addition to berries, roots, honey, insects, vertebrates, they can feed on carrion.

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Red fox FOXES Found in Eurasia, North America, Africa, brought to Australia. Foxes have a squat body, a head with an elongated sharp muzzle, large pointed ears, and eyes with vertical oval pupils. Body length up to 90 cm, tail up to 60 cm. In most cases, the back is bright red, the belly is white, sometimes black. It lives not only in forests, but also in the tundra, steppes, deserts and mountains. It settles in independently dug or abandoned holes, sometimes in hollows.

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Red fox The fox's diet consists of rodents, mainly voles, hares, young ungulates, birds, various plants, fish, reptiles, and carrion. During the hunt, he shows very complex shapes behavior (it is no coincidence that in Russian folklore it is a symbol of cunning and intelligence).

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Boar BOAR Wild boar is widespread in North Africa(almost exterminated) and in Eurasia - from Western Europe to Far East. Acclimatized in several American countries. Length 130-175 cm, weight 60-150 kg. The head is large, wedge-shaped, extended forward. The ears are long and wide, the eyes are small, and the snout has a snout. The body is covered with elastic bristles, longer and denser in winter. On the back the bristles form a ridge. Color ranges from light brown to almost black. Striped piglets.

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Wild boar Habitats are varied. Leads a herd lifestyle. Omnivorous. It feeds on rhizomes, tubers and roots of plants, fruits, nuts, berries, as well as green parts of plants, insects and small animals - mollusks, fish, rodents, insectivores, birds, etc.

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Ussuri tiger Ussuri tiger One of the most ferocious predators in Eurasia. The Ussuri tiger is one of the attractions of the Primorsky Territory. The Amur (Ussuri) tiger can be considered one of the largest and most beautiful representatives of the cat family. It stands out primarily for its large sizes(body length up to 2.4 m, and tail up to 90 cm), as well as very fluffy, soft and relatively light-colored fur. The tiger lives alone and marks the boundaries of its territory with marks on trees. The tiger warns its rivals with a roar that can be heard within a radius of 3 km.

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Amur tiger Amur tiger Body length 2–3 m, tail more than 1 m, weight 200–300 kg. Lives in the south of the Russian Far East, in Eastern China and on Korean Peninsula. Its diet is based on wild boars and deer, as well as smaller animals. Can roam up to 1,000 km. Currently, the number of Amur tigers living in natural conditions is about 400 individuals, the bulk of which are concentrated in Russia.

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Giraffe GIRAFFE Lives in the savannas of Africa, south of the Sahara. The giraffe is the tallest animal in existence. Body length 3–4 m, height at the withers up to 3.7 m, height 5-6 m, weight 550-750 kg. The giraffe has a relatively small head on a disproportionately long neck, a sloping back, long legs and tongue (up to 40–45 cm). The giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae and has small horns (sometimes 2 pairs) covered with black hair. The spotted color varies greatly. Capable of moving at speeds of up to 50 km/h, as well as jumping over obstacles and swimming well. Usually forms small herds (7-12 individuals), less often up to 50-70.

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Gorillas GORILLAS Gorillas live in western and central Africa. The largest of great apes. The body length of males reaches 180 cm, body weight 250 kg or more. The body of gorillas is massive, with a large belly; broad shoulders; the head is large, the eyes are widely spaced and deep-set; the nose is wide, the nostrils are surrounded by ridges; upper lip, short; the ears are small and pressed to the head; the face is naked, black. The gorilla's arms are long, with wide hands. The brush is used when collecting food. Legs are short. The coat is short, thick, black; adult males have a silver stripe on the back and a small beard.

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Raccoon Raccoon RACCOON Widespread in the forests of Central and North America Beast average size(body length up to 60 cm, tail up to 25 cm). The body is stocky, on short legs, with long mobile toes. The head is wide, with a short thin muzzle and large ears. The fur is thick, long, brownish-gray. The muzzle has a characteristic black mask with white trim. The tail has 5-7 wide black or white rings. It makes its homes in hollows and rock crevices. It feeds on amphibians, crayfish, fish, rodents, as well as berries, fruits, and nuts. Before eating prey, it rinses it in water (hence the name).

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Skunk Skunk An amazing animal lives in North America - the skunk. Its jet-black fur is colored with two wide white stripes leading to its bushy tail. When moving in search of food, the skunk often holds its tail vertically, which is why it is visible from afar. However, predators are in no hurry to attack him. The fact is that in defense, the skunk sprays a sharp-smelling liquid at the offender, which causes an attack of dizziness and nausea.

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Giant anteater In pampas, bushland and sparse forests South America There is an amazing animal - a giant anteater. It is distinguished by a narrow and slender body with an elongated, tube-shaped head. Long claws grow on the second and third fingers of the anteater's front paws. With their help, he destroys the strong walls of termite mounds or digs up anthills. After this, the anteater squeezes its narrow head into the crack and licks the insects, using a long tongue covered with sticky saliva.

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Anaconda B tropical forests South America is home to the largest snake - the anaconda. Her average length ranges from 5 to 6 meters, although individual casts can reach 10 and even 11 meters in length. Anaconda inhabits quiet river backwaters and small channels in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. It swims well and can stay under water for a long time. Hiding at the bottom, the anaconda hunts from behind gardens, lying in wait for small ungulates, waterfowl and young caimans. She waits out the dry season by burying herself in the bottom silt and falling into torpor.

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Koala in the ecliptic forests Eastern Australia lives the koala, or marsupial bear. Most of The koala spends time in the crown of trees, eating eucalyptus leaves. He doesn't eat anything other than them. He descends to the ground only to move from one tree to another. Europeans first learned about it in 1880, when the London Zoo bought a live animal. Because of its thick and beautiful fur, an uncontrolled hunt began for the koala. As a result, by the beginning of the twentieth century it was on the verge of extinction. The Australian government passed a law banning hunting and creating a network of nature reserves to protect it.

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Emperor Penguin The largest penguin found in Antarctica is the Emperor Penguin. It was discovered by the outstanding Russian navigator, Admiral Farad Bellingshausen during a trip to Antarctica. Huge colonies of emperor penguins are located under the protection of cliffs near the sites open sea. Interestingly, emperor penguins hatch their chicks in the midst of the harsh Antarctic winter. IN severe frosts penguins gather in close groups, preventing the chicks and each other from freezing.

In modern geological epoch There are 6 continents: Eurasia, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. (Fig. 1).

Let's get acquainted with some plants and animals of each continent.

Plants and animals of Eurasia.

This is the most big continent on Earth. Russia is located on it. But today we will meet prominent representatives of other countries, for example, China.

They grow here cultivated plant, known throughout the world, the name of which translated means: “the basis of human nutrition.” This is rice. (Fig. 2). Now they have learned to cultivate this crop in many countries of the world. The peoples of Asia deify this plant, calling it a symbol of the sun and food of the gods. Fields with this plant look quite unusual (Fig. 3). They are completely filled with water.

Rice. 2. Rice plant

Rice. 3. Rice field

Rice is not a plant that lives naturally in water. Residents of Asia discovered that rice growing in a field flooded with water yields 20 times more than in a dry field. Evidence discovered during archaeological excavations in China, they show that rice has been grown there for 8 thousand years. In a flooded field, water insulates the rice seedlings from heat and cold. Water in a flooded field appears to kill all weeds. A flooded rice field does not require artificial fertilizers. It can maintain the level of natural fertilizers for a long time if it gets a little help, for example, burning the remains of sprouts in a dry field and mixing them with soil, scattering animal excretions or food scraps. Raising fish or ducks in a flooded field also fertilizes the soil.

Field processing. The peasant harnesses the oxen to the plow and plows the land. The process of flooding a field involves mixing soil with water and turning it into homogeneous mud. When the soil is mixed, rice grains are planted in special greenhouses. This is done in order to highlight strong shoots and improve conditions for initial growth. Direct planting on the field does not give good results, since grains have difficulty germinating in a flooded field. The soft seedlings are harvested when they reach a height of about 10 cm. Bundles of rice stalks are made and taken to the flooded field for planting. They don't need to be planted in the ground, they are simply thrown into water and they take root on their own. Every kilogram of rice we buy is watered with an average of 4 thousand liters of water. The Chinese have learned great art in regulating the flow of rivers in order to water their rice fields. The water in the canals is in constant movement and does not stagnate. Rice can be grown year after year in the same field without interruption, even for 2 thousand years in a row, which is not typical for other crops.

Animals of China.

One of the animals of China is the giant panda. Lives only here. It is one of the rare, little-studied animals. (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Giant Panda

The giant panda was discovered in 1869 and captured only 68 years later. At one time it was even considered extinct. Only in 1937, the first giant panda was caught - a young female, who was named Sulin. But she did not live long in captivity and died a year later. The panda hunters now had more experience. And soon they caught another female, named Mei-Mei.

The word "panda" itself comes from the local name for this animal, which means "bamboo eater." This animal feeds only on thin bamboo shoots. The giant panda, or bamboo bear, is a mammal of the bear family with a peculiar black and white coat color, which has some characteristics of raccoons. The body length of a giant panda is about 1.5 meters. The fur is thick and very beautifully colored.

Animals of Africa.

Africa is home to the tallest animal in the world - the giraffe. Thanks to its incredibly long neck, its height reaches 6 meters. (Fig. 5). This height and very sharp vision allows him to notice moving objects at a distance of about 1 km. It is no coincidence that the giraffe turns out to be the guardian of the animals living in the neighborhood: antelope, zebra, ostrich. A giraffe feeds on tree leaves.

Rice. 5. Giraffe

Africa is the hottest continent on our planet. One of the most famous plants of this continent is the baobab. The baobab tree stores water in a trunk up to 10 m thick. Its soft wood, like a sponge, can accumulate up to 120 tons of water. In dry years, the tree loses a little weight, and after rains it becomes plump again. (Fig. 6). Each baobab flower lives only one night and withers at dawn. Feasting on the pollen and nectar of flowers, bats and lemurs pollinate them. At night, these animals mysteriously rustle the leaves on the tree. No wonder Africans believed that a spirit lives in every baobab flower.

Rice. 6. Baobab

Among the plants of this continent, the growing coniferous trees - sequoias - are especially interesting. These are giant trees: more than 100 m in height and up to 10 meters in diameter. (Fig. 7). They live for several thousand years. And the sequoia cone is the size of a large melon.

Rice. 7. Sequoia

Animals of North America.

Among the animals of North America, let's name a small animal that absolutely everyone here knows. He is not hiding from anyone. It's a skunk. (Fig. 8). With wide white stripes on an almost black body, it attracts attention from afar. Few people dare to approach him. When in danger, it emits such a disgusting smell that neither animals nor people can stand it, but quickly run away.

Rice. 8. Striped skunk

Sequoia has excellent wood that is highly valued in carpentry. It is almost not affected by fire. The redwood tree is not only adapted to survive by enduring forest fires, but also needs them. Without them, sequoias would not have survived to this day. Sequoia loves the sun. Its young trees cannot survive in the dense spruce growth at the foot of mature trees. Its seeds have difficulty germinating through a layer of fallen leaves and needles. The fire, without causing much harm to the forest giants, burns out the undergrowth and pine needles lying on the ground.

The tallest tree in the world is the Hyperion sequoia, whose height is 115.61 m.

Nature has endowed these animals with an unusual, but very effective weapon: turning around with their rear, they spray a yellow oily liquid. A dense stream flies 4-5 meters! The main substance in " chemical weapons skunk - ethyl mercaptan. A person can smell it even if he inhales only 0.000000000002 g of it!

Here on the Amazon River you can find the most amazing plant in the world: the water lily Victoria regia. The leaves of this water lily are up to 2 m in diameter. A child can sit on such a sheet. (Fig. 9). The sheet does not sink even after a 9 kg board is placed on it, on which a woman weighing 63 kg stands. It is easy to calculate that the sheet withstood a load of 72 kg.

Rice. 9. Water lily Victoria regia

The world's largest butterfly lives in South America - gray agrippa (Fig. 10).

Its wingspan is almost 30 cm. The largest beetle in the world also lives here: the titanium woodcutter. Its length is 18 cm.

Rice. 10. Gray Agrippa

Australia is the smallest and driest continent. The most famous plants of this continent are eucalyptus trees. (Fig. 11). There are also small shrubs.

Rice. 11. Eucalyptus

Rice. 12. Kangaroo

Marsupials are an ancient group of mammals that appeared on Earth more than 60 million years ago. There are about 250 species, of which 180 species live in Australia and its neighboring islands. About 50 species of kangaroos alone, both modern and extinct, are known. (Fig. 12). Australia is the kingdom of marsupial mammals. The marsupial wolf, marsupial mole, marsupial mouse, and marsupial bear are found here. Of course, the marsupial wolf is not in any way related to the wolf living in our area. All marsupials give birth to very weak and underdeveloped young, which are more similar to embryos than to young animals. The largest living marsupial is the gray kangaroo. Its length is 3 meters and its weight is 80 kg. It gives birth to a tiny baby, 3 cm long and weighing only 2 g. However, this helpless creature is able to crawl along the mother’s stomach to the opening of the pouch, find the nipple and attach to it. The baby kangaroo is weak and cannot suckle on its own. Milk is injected into him by his mother through the contraction of a special muscle - the mammary gland constrictor. A baby kangaroo, sensing danger, jumps into its mother's pouch. He does this even as he grows up and becomes an adult. It's a funny sight.

Live in Australia different types kangaroo. From dwarf ones, the size of a hare, to giant ones, three meters tall. These animals carry their young in a pouch on their stomach.

Rice. 13. Lichen

Rice. 14. Penguin

Few living creatures have adapted to the harsh conditions of this continent. Mosses and lichens are found in coastal areas. (Fig. 13). The most famous animal of Antarctica is penguins. (Fig. 14). These birds cannot fly, but they swim and dive very well. They get their food in the sea. Mainly fish.

1. Melchakov L.F., Skatnik M.N. Natural history: textbook. for 3, 5 grades. avg. school - 8th ed. - M.: Education, 1992. - 240 pp.: ill.

2. Bakhchieva O.A., Klyuchnikova N.M., Pyatunina S.K. and others. Natural history 5. - M.: Educational literature.

3. Eskov K.Yu. and others. Natural history 5 / Ed. Vakhrusheva A.A. - M.: Balass.

1. Encyclopedia Around the World ().

2. Gazetteer ().

3. Facts about the mainland of Australia ().

1. Tell how animals adapted to life in Antarctica.

2. What continent is our country located on? Which interesting plants do you know?

3. What do you know about the skunk? What weapons did nature give him?

4. * Prepare small message about unusual plants and animals of different continents.

ANIMALS OF DIFFERENT CONTINENTS State educational institution average secondary school No. 80 with in-depth study of English

Animals of different continents Animals inhabit all the continents of our planet. Some continents are home to animals that are not found anywhere else. Let's get acquainted with the animals of each continent.

Project work Formalization of the result Statement of the problem? Determine the habitat of the animal. ? Identify the similarities between animals living on the same continent

Brown bear BROWN BEAR is a predatory mammal of the bear family. Body length 1.7–2.2 meters, weight 100–340 kg. The brown bear inhabits deciduous and coniferous forests of Eurasia and North America. These are tightly built animals, with an elongated facial region, small eyes and ears, a sloping back and a short tail. The fur is thick, brown, of various shades. The paws are powerful, five-fingered, the claws are strong and strongly curved. The largest brown bears, found in the Russian Far East and Alaska, can reach 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 750 kg.

Brown bear Brown bears are active at any time of the day. In winter they fall into shallow sleep. They make dens in holes, caves or thick dead wood. A bear's winter rest is not hibernation, since it maintains normal body temperature and, in case of danger, can immediately wake up and jump out of the shelter. They swim well and fish on sandbanks. Bears are good at climbing trees, destroying bee nests. They usually lead a solitary lifestyle. In addition to berries, roots, honey, insects, vertebrates, they can feed on carrion.

Red fox FOXES Found in Eurasia, North America, Africa, introduced to Australia. Foxes have a squat body, a head with an elongated sharp muzzle, large pointed ears, eyes with vertical oval pupils. Body length up to 90 cm, tail up to 60 cm. In most cases, the back is bright red, the belly is white, sometimes black. It lives not only in forests, but also in the tundra, steppes, deserts and mountains. It settles in independently dug or abandoned holes, sometimes in hollows.

Red fox The fox's diet consists of rodents, mainly voles, hares, young ungulates, birds, various plants, fish, reptiles, and carrion. During the hunt, it displays very complex forms of behavior (it is no coincidence that in Russian folklore it is a symbol of cunning and intelligence).

Boar BOAR The wild boar is widespread in North Africa (almost exterminated) and in Eurasia - from Western Europe to the Far East. Acclimatized in several American countries. Length 130-175 cm, weight 60-150 kg. The head is large, wedge-shaped, extended forward. The ears are long and wide, the eyes are small, and the snout has a snout. The body is covered with elastic bristles, longer and denser in winter. On the back the bristles form a ridge. Color ranges from light brown to almost black. Striped piglets.

Wild boar Habitats are varied. Leads a herd lifestyle. Omnivorous. It feeds on rhizomes, tubers and roots of plants, fruits, nuts, berries, as well as green parts of plants, insects and small animals - mollusks, fish, rodents, insectivores, birds, etc.

Ussuri tiger Ussuri tiger One of the most ferocious predators in Eurasia. The Ussuri tiger is one of the attractions of the Primorsky Territory. The Amur (Ussuri) tiger can be considered one of the largest and most beautiful representatives of the cat family. It stands out, first of all, for its large size (body length up to 2.4 m, tail up to 90 cm), as well as very fluffy, soft and relatively light-colored fur. The tiger lives alone and marks the boundaries of its territory with marks on trees. The tiger warns its rivals with a roar that can be heard within a radius of 3 km.

Amur tiger Amur tiger Body length 2–3 m, tail more than 1 m, weight 200–300 kg. It lives in the south of the Russian Far East, in Eastern China and on the Korean Peninsula. Its diet is based on wild boars and deer, as well as smaller animals. Can roam up to 1,000 km. Currently, the number of Amur tigers living in natural conditions is about 400 individuals, the bulk of which are concentrated in Russia.

Giant Panda Now let's go to China. Only here can we meet a giant panda. It is one of the rarest and least studied animals.

Giraffe GIRAFFE Lives in the savannas of Africa, south of the Sahara. The giraffe is the tallest animal in existence. Body length 3–4 m, height at the withers up to 3.7 m, height 5-6 m, weight 550-750 kg. The giraffe has a relatively small head on a disproportionately long neck, a sloping back, long legs and a tongue (up to 40–45 cm). The giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae and has small horns (sometimes 2 pairs) covered with black hair. The spotted color varies greatly. Capable of moving at speeds of up to 50 km/h, as well as jumping over obstacles and swimming well. Usually forms small herds (7-12 individuals), less often up to 50-70.

Gorillas GORILLAS Gorillas live in western and central Africa. The largest of the apes. The body length of males reaches 180 cm, body weight 250 kg or more. The body of gorillas is massive, with a large belly; broad shoulders; the head is large, the eyes are widely spaced and deep-set; the nose is wide, the nostrils are surrounded by ridges; upper lip, short; the ears are small and pressed to the head; the face is naked, black. The gorilla's arms are long, with wide hands. The brush is used when collecting food. Legs are short. The coat is short, thick, black; adult males have a silver stripe on the back and a small beard.

Raccoon Raccoon RACCOON Widespread in the forests of Central and North America. Medium-sized animal (body length up to 60 cm, tail up to 25 cm). The body is stocky, on short legs, with long mobile toes. The head is wide, with a short thin muzzle and large ears. The fur is thick, long, brownish-gray. The muzzle has a characteristic black mask with white trim. The tail has 5-7 wide black or white rings. It makes its homes in hollows and rock crevices. It feeds on amphibians, crayfish, fish, rodents, as well as berries, fruits, and nuts. Before eating prey, it rinses it in water (hence the name).

Skunk Skunk An amazing animal lives in North America - the skunk. Its jet-black fur is colored with two wide white stripes leading to its bushy tail. When moving in search of food, the skunk often holds its tail vertically, which is why it is visible from afar. However, predators are in no hurry to attack him. The fact is that in defense, the skunk sprays a sharp-smelling liquid at the offender, which causes an attack of dizziness and nausea.

Giant anteater In the pampas, bushes and sparse forests of South America, an amazing animal is found - the giant anteater. It is distinguished by a narrow and slender body with an elongated, tube-shaped head. Long claws grow on the second and third fingers of the anteater's front paws. With their help, he destroys the strong walls of termite mounds or digs up anthills. After this, the anteater squeezes its narrow head into the crack and licks the insects, using a long tongue covered with sticky saliva.

Anaconda The largest snake, the anaconda, lives in the tropical forests of South America. Its average length ranges from 5 to 6 meters, although individual specimens can reach 10 and even 11 meters in length. Anaconda inhabits quiet river backwaters and small channels in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. It swims well and can stay under water for a long time. Hiding at the bottom, the anaconda hunts from behind gardens, lying in wait for small ungulates, waterfowl and young caimans. She waits out the dry season by burying herself in the bottom silt and falling into torpor.

Koala The koala, or marsupial bear, lives in the forests of Eastern Australia. The koala spends most of its time in the crown of trees, eating eucalyptus leaves. He doesn't eat anything other than them. He descends to the ground only to move from one tree to another. Europeans first learned about it in 1880, when the London Zoo bought a live animal. Because of its thick and beautiful fur, an uncontrolled hunt began for the koala. As a result, by the beginning of the twentieth century it was on the verge of extinction. The Australian government passed a law banning hunting and creating a network of nature reserves to protect it.

Kangaroo The giant gray kangaroo lives in the equalips savannas of Eastern Australia. This is the largest modern marsupial, reaching 1.5 meters in height. Fleeing from danger, the gray kangaroo makes 9-meter jumps. The kangaroo is a true symbol of Australia. It is not for nothing that he and the emu were placed on the coat of arms of this country.

Emperor Penguin The largest penguin found in Antarctica is the Emperor Penguin. It was discovered by the outstanding Russian navigator, Admiral Farad Bellingshausen during a trip to Antarctica. Huge colonies of emperor penguins are located under the protection of cliffs near areas of open sea. Interestingly, emperor penguins hatch their chicks in the midst of the harsh Antarctic winter. In severe frosts, penguins gather in close groups, preventing the chicks and each other from freezing.

“The Earth and its internal structure” - Continental. Earth's crust. Oceanic. Internal structure Earth. The thickness of the lithosphere is 50 – 200 km. Earth's crust and top layer mantle. “Lithos” - ... sphere - ... Lithosphere. Geography lessons from Cyril and Methodius, grade 6. Types of the earth's crust. Layers: Basalt Granite Sedimentary. Fill out the table. Using the slide “Structure of the Earth’s Crust” fill out the table.

“Earth shells” - 1. Earth’s crust 2. hydrosphere 3. atmosphere 4. biosphere. The hard rocky shell of the Earth, consisting of solid minerals and rocks. Outer shells of the Earth: Shells of the Earth Lithosphere. Pressure = 3.6 million atm. Ocean. Lithosphere. Iron melting temperature +1539. R Earth (polar) = 6356 km. R Earth (equatorial) = 6378 km.

“Internal structure of the Earth” - The oblateness of the Earth from the poles is explained by rotation. Radiation belts. Equatorial radius planet is R = 6,378 km. Average temperature surface of the Earth – +12°C. Map of the Earth's surface. Internal structure of giant planets. Planet Earth. Average speed orbital movement – ​​29.8 km/s. Scheme heat balance Earth.

“Our Earth” - Writers and poets. Satellites. The first cosmonauts. Reportage. Our Earth. Planet. Reasons for the uniqueness of the Earth. Astronomers. Geographers. Reasons for uniqueness. Fill out the table. The originality and uniqueness of the Earth.

“Life on different continents” - Eucalyptus trees grow in Australia. Japan. Three habitats. Rice is “Food of the Gods” in China. Eurasia. India. Australia. Giraffes live in Eurasia. China. “True or false.” The giant panda is a rare and little-studied animal in Eurasia. Africa. "Life on different continents." The elephant in India is not afraid of ants. Prepare a report about interesting animals and plants and illustrate it.

“Internal forces of the Earth” - Work in groups. Explanation of new material. Movie. Types of the earth's crust. Earth's crust. Consequences of earthquakes. How internal forces Lands influence the relief. The death of Pompeii. Generalization of the “scientists’” answers. Forms earth's surface. Geographical studies. Map largest eruptions volcanoes. Interaction of lithospheric plates.

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