What minerals were formed from ancient plants? Main minerals. Minerals

Municipal educational institution

"Usachevskaya secondary school"

Lesson notes on geography in 8th grade

« Mineral resources of Russia"


Geography and Biology teacher

Usachevo 2012

Objective of the lesson:

· Formation of ideas and knowledge about the features and main features of Russian nature.

Lesson objectives:

· Introduce students to new terms and concepts, study the composition of minerals, features of their formation and location.

· Introduce the main mineral deposits of our country.

· Develop ideas about the connections between minerals, relief and tectonic structures.

· Identify ways rational use minerals.

· Consider environmental problems related to mining.

· Continue developing the ability to work with geographical maps and compare them.

Maps: physical and tectonic maps of Russia. Collection of minerals and rocks. Tables: “Formation of ore minerals”, “Formation of oil”, “Formation of fossil coal”.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition. Checking homework.

3. Studying new material.

(Slide No. 1) Today in the lesson we will study the types of minerals, the features of their formation and location.

Let's get acquainted with the main mineral deposits of our country. We have to identify ways to rationally use minerals, as well as environmental problems associated with their extraction.

I . Minerals. Types of minerals.

-Minerals, what are they?(Slad No. 2)

Minerals are mineral formations in the earth's crust that humans use orwill be used in the national economy.

Minerals are divided into two groups - ore (metallic), nonmetallic (non-metallic), the latter group, in turn, is divided into two more groups - fuels and chemical raw materials.

-Give examples of minerals of each group, using tectonic map in the atlas.

-Let us remember, from the previously studied material, what groups are divided into rocks By origin?

(Side No. 3) Ore minerals are mainly igneous in origin, non-metallic minerals are sedimentary, and minerals of both groups of metamorphic origin are also found (ferruginous quartzites are ore, marble is non-metallic). The exception is diamonds, since they are a non-metallic mineral, but occur in igneous rocks.

http://pandia.ru/text/80/293/images/image002_79.gif" width="39" height="40"> Minerals

ore nonmetallic

http://pandia.ru/text/80/293/images/image004_54.gif" width="30" height="38"> (metal) (non-metallic)

iron ore, copper ore

chemical flammable

raw materials

salts, gypsum oil, gas,


igneous sedimentary


quartzites metamorphic marble


II . Conditions for the formation of minerals.

-Why is there such a variety of ore minerals?

This can be explained by the fact that the conditions of formation are different, the composition of the magma is different (p. 63 Fig.). From great depths, magmatic masses were intruded from the magma chamber. Magma cools slowly, gradually forming crystalline rocks and allowing the formation of minerals.

If the magma is acidic, then granite is formed from it, if it is still saturated volatile substances– those are precious stones. This is how the famous Ural gems arose. Basaltic magma is the basis for the formation of ores: copper, nickel, platinum. On great depth at a temperature of 3500 C, tungsten and molybdenum are formed from it, at medium depths - gold, lead, at shallow depths (2000 C) - mercury. It follows that the diversity of ore minerals depends on the temperature of the magma, its composition anddepths.(Write in notebook).

Consider the formation of sedimentary minerals.

Oil is of organic origin, lies at depth, in the thickness of sandy porous rocks, in elevated areas of formations. Such a deposit was formed over a long period of time geological history Earth (500 million years). We see that there was a change of periods favorable for the formation of oil, with periods in which there were no conditions for the formation of oil.

You know how coal was formed from your biology course. Ancient ferns fall into conditions limited access oxygen, excess watering. Tectonic movements lead to the subsidence of the formation, conditions change (high pressure and temperature), which leads to an increase in the amount of carbon. The deeper the formation lies, the better quality coal .(Sample demonstration coal).

III . Patterns of mineral resource distribution.

-How are mineral resources distributed?

-Which minerals to look for in the mountains and which on the plains?

The diagram we used when studying the topic will help us answer these questions: “Mountains. Plains." Let's read it and add to it.

MOUNTAINS --- FOLDING - magma --- MAGMATIC --- ? (ore) (Slide No. 4)


PLAIN - PLATFORM - cover--- SEDIMENTARY MOUNTAINS. POR.--- ? (non-metallic)

Foundation---MAGMATIC--- ? (ore)

( Slide No. 5-6 ) MOUNTAIN POR.

-How to explain presence iron ores on the platform?

-Why do ores occur in the mountains?

-Using a tectonic map, compare the Ural Mountains and the Verkhoyansk Range in quantity mineral deposits. Where is there more?

- Compare them by age, what formed first?

-Conclusion: the older the mountains, the richer they are in minerals.

-Does this mean that young mountains do not have mineral reserves?

IV . The main mineral deposits of our country.

Now we will get acquainted with the help of a map with the main mineral deposits of our country. But first we need to know what a deposit, a basin, is? Let's turn to the textbook 63 pp. (Slide No. 7)

-Working with the map.

Iron ores - Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA), Kola Peninsula, Aldan Shield, Angara deposits.

Nickel ores - Kola Peninsula, Norilsk region.

Copper ores- Ural, Transbaikalia.

Polymetallic ores (lead, zinc) - Altai, North Caucasus, Primorsky Krai.

Aluminum ores -- Northern Urals, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Arkhangelsk Region.

Apatity – Kola Peninsula. Potassium salts- Cis-Urals (Solikamskoye, Berezinskoye fields).

Table salt - Volga region (Lake Baskunchak).

Oil- Western Siberia, Volga-Ural basin, Barents shelf, island. Sakhalin.

Gas - north Western Siberia.

Coal- Pechora basin, Donetsk, Kuzbass, Tunguska (1st place in reserves, 3 billion tons), Lena basins.

Brown coal- Kansko-Achinsky basin, Moscow region.

Diamonds - Yakutia, Arkhangelsk region.

V. Student messages.

VI . Ways of rational use. Environmental problems.

Our country is rich in mineral resources. In terms of reserves of coal, oil, iron ore, gas, and apatite, we occupy one of the first places. However high degree security has disadvantages - “we don’t store what we have.” The more we extract, the less remains - “if we lose, we cry”, “in order not to have to “cry”, we need to use mineral resources sparingly. Ways to rationally use you

You will find it in the textbook at 65 pp.

(Slide No. 8). In 1920, the Ilmen Mountains were declared a mineralogical reserve, one of the first reserves created in Russia. Ilmensky Nature Reserve is located in the eastern foothills Southern Urals on the Ilmensky ridge in the Chelyabinsk region. There is no area in the world equal in scientific value to the Ilmen Mountains. Here, as in a museum, in numerous mines you can see the most valuable and beautiful precious and ornamental stones in a natural setting. Among them: sun stone, moonstone, amethyst, opal, topaz and many others. The pride of the reserve is its natural history museum, which presents this unique complex. Wide variety of animals and flora prompted the authorities to transform the reserve into a complex reserve in 1935 for the preservation and study of natural mineral wealth, flora and fauna of the Southern Urals.

(Slide No. 9-10). Exploration and extraction of mineral raw materials creates environmental problems; quarries and waste heaps (waste rock dumps) are withdrawn from agricultural use fertile lands; voids in earth's crust lead to land subsidence, which poses a threat to the population .(Slide No. 11.) Major problems associated with oil pollution not only during production, but during transportation


Repeat the types of minerals, patterns of placement, concepts (deposit, basin)/


Rakovskaya: nature of Russia. 8th grade §11; on k.k. note mineral deposits.

Additional material on the topic.

About oil and gas.

Oil is a flammable, oily natural liquid. The color of oil is very diverse. Most often it is painted in brown, dark brown and black tones. Currently, almost all industries use oil or products derived from it in one form or another. There are various theories origin of oil. The world's first theory of the origin of oil belongs to a brilliant Russian scientist. In his opinion, oil is “expelled by underground heat” from coal in the depths of the earth. Founder modern presentation about the origin of oil is the largest Russian scientist and academician. The Petroleum Institute bears the name. It was during his direct participation a thorough search for oil began. The first gas gusher occurred in 1953, and the Shaim oil gusher occurred seven years later. But this event was preceded by a long search, scientific disputes, and the feat of pioneers. West Siberian Plain- a huge lowland with an area of ​​3 million km2. The plain lies on a plate; the thickness of the sedimentary cover reaches a thickness of 6 km. This favorable conditions for the occurrence of oil, but on the surface there are hundreds of kilometers of marshy swamps in the dark coniferous undeveloped taiga. How to determine a point for a drilling rig? This can be compared to finding a needle in a haystack. I thought we had to look. He had many opponents. In 1934, a search party was sent to the Middle Ob region. Unprecedented oil reserves were discovered - Ust-Balykskoye and the oil “pearl” - the Samotlor field. The search for oil and gas was carried out in northern regions and gas fields were discovered in the tundra, in the Arctic - Yamburg, Medvezhye, Zapolyarnoye. And at Northern Arctic Circle- Urengoyskoye is a gas “pearl”. Today Russia ranks 1st in production natural gas. Large gas pipelines have been laid from the north of Western Siberia to the European part of Russia, through which gas - environmentally friendly, clean and high-calorie fuel - goes not only to European part Russia, but also to Western Europe.

Discovered oil and gas fields gave a powerful impetus to the development of Western Siberia. New cities were built here: the capital of oil workers is Surgut, the capital of gas workers is Surgut. Novy Urengoy. Western Siberia has become the main oil and gas-bearing territory of Russia.

About diamond mining V Yakutia.

The world's first diamonds were discovered in south africa. Primary deposits were found in explosion pipes near Kimberley (South Africa). Hence, all primary diamond deposits began to be called kimberlite pipes.

In Russia, primary diamond deposits were discovered in Yakutia on the river. Vilyui - “diamond river”

During the Great Patriotic War. The detachment consisted of 5 people. They had fifteen deer at their disposal. After a long search, the collector brought the good news along with pyropes and a 4-carat diamond crystal. Pyropes are companions of diamonds; they are red minerals that are called the “tears” of diamonds. If you found pyropes, you found diamonds. But the main thing was to find kimberlite - a greenish rock in which diamonds are found. Finding kimberlite meant finding a primary diamond deposit. The head of the detachment came across a fox hole, near which lay a small pile of greenish earth. It was kimberlite. They dug small ditches and pits. A diamond crystal was found in a piece of kimberlite. On a tall larch tree that stood almost in the very center of the pipe, the geologists made a large notch with an ax, and the head of the detachment carefully wrote in pencil the inscription: “Pipe of Peace.” These were the first Yakut diamonds.

An encrypted telegram flew to Moscow: “We lit the peace pipe, the tobacco is excellent.” Then others were found kimberlite pipes. The diamond mining settlement of Mirny was founded. Now it is the center of diamond mining in Yakutia.

A few decades later, diamonds were found on another ancient platform - Russian in the Arkhangelsk region.

Kimberlite pipes, when mined, turn into deep wells:, on the walls of which the diamonds lie. The equipment fills the well with exhaust gases, the work becomes dangerous, and people stop working until the gases have completely evaporated from the bottom of the tube. How are these unique, extremely hard minerals, similar in composition to soft graphite, formed? Diamond and graphite contain carbon. Diamonds are formed when magma rising from the depths clogs a channel, and the grooves tend to release the magma plug. An explosion occurs under enormous pressure and high temperature Diamonds are formed on the walls of the explosion tube.

As a rule, primary diamond deposits are associated with lava spills - traps.

Plants help geologists

Geologists have long noticed that when any ore occurs in the depths of the earth, the surface layers of the soil contain increased amount ore element. Sometimes this is only thousandths of a percent, but they are also captured by some plants. There are plants that grow only in soils enriched with a certain chemical element. For example, in Altai we plant a perennial plant

grows on soils with the presence of copper. There are also copper mosses; thanks to them, for example, three deposits of copper ore were discovered in Sweden. There are plants that prefer to settle on soils enriched with nickel, cobalt, and tin.

When searching for ore deposits, geologists also take into account one more attitude of plants towards them: some “do not want” to grow on soils with a high content of one or another chemical element, as a result, clearings stand out against the general background of the vegetation cover where these plants are not present. This is how deposits of boron and chromium are often discovered. In places where cobalt ores occur Kola Peninsula all studied plants contain 40-50 times more cobalt compared to similar plants of the same species growing in non-metallic areas.

When there is an increased content of any chemical elements in the soil, it changes frequently and appearance plants. Observations have shown that plants under the influence of copper can change the color of flowers - a bluish or blue tone appears. Nickel discolors flowers, manganese gives them a red or pink color.

Geologists must always be careful observers: modified appearance plants can tell you a lot. For example, sometimes there is a change in the shape of the flowers, leaves and stems of the plant and even some deformities. With an increased content of beryllium in the soil, young pines form panicle-shaped branches instead of usual ones. Shortening of roots and curling of leaves causes high aluminum content in the bud. Zinc promotes the development of dwarf forms and the death of leaf tips.

Literature used:

1.Ermoshkina geography: 8th grade: Book. For the teacher. - M.: Education, 1993.

2. Zhizhina development in geography 8th grade - M: Publishing house "VAKO", 2005.

3. Rakovskaya: nature of Russia. 8th grade. –M.: Education, 2010.

5.Elkin planning. Geography of Russia. Nature. - St. Petersburg.: Publishing House-Paritet, 2001.

6. Yasamanov geology - M.: Nedra, 1987.

Internet resources:

1.http://www. ilmeny. ru/

What kind of mineral resources are found mainly on the platforms of the territory of Belarus?


Oil and gas (produced)Belarusian oil and associated gas fields are located in the eastern part of the Pripyat trough. As of 2010, about 75 fields were discovered and explored, the largest of which are: Rechitsa, Ostashkovichskoe and Vishanskoe. Almost all oil deposits of the fields are confined to Devonian deposits ( pre-salt terrigenous, pre-salt carbonate, inter-salt, upper salt Devonian strata), and only 2 deposits are Upper Proterozoic. Industrial production began in 1965 and over the entire period more than 115 million tons have been produced. Now annual oil production is 1.5 million tons per year (more than 12 million tons of oil per year are needed for the needs of the republic). The maximum annual production was in 1975 - 8 million tons. Oil shale (not mined) Oil shale deposits in Belarus - Lyubanskoye and Turovskoye - are confined to the supra-salt Devonian strata of the Pripyat trough. The quality is low - high ash content. The forecast resources of oil shale in the Pripyat shale basin to a depth of 600 m are 11 billion tons, including 5.5 billion tons to a depth of 300 m. Brown coals (not mined) Deposits of brown coals in Belarus are found in sediments of various ages: in the Carboniferous, Jurassic, Paleogene and Neogene. However, it is Neogene coals that are of greatest value so far. In the western part of the Pripyat trough, 3 deposits of Neogene age have been identified: Zhitkovichskoye, Brinevskoye and Tonezhskoye. The depth of occurrence is 20-80 m, which makes it possible to mine coal using an open-pit (quarry) method. Reserves in these 3 deposits are more than 100 million tons. Peat (mined) Peat deposits in Belarus are distributed almost everywhere, the age of this mineral is Quaternary. In Belarus, about 9200 deposits containing 3 billion tons of peat. About 400 deposits are exploited, 13-15 million tons are extracted annually. Over all the years of development of peat deposits, 1.1 billion tons of peat have been extracted.

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Classification of minerals. Successful development The country's economy is impossible without the extraction and use of mineral raw materials. Until recently, it was believed that there was very little mineral resources. But now a variety of minerals have been discovered in the depths of the country. More than 5 thousand mineral deposits have been discovered, which include about 30 types of minerals. Some of them are being mined today, some have been explored in detail and can be developed in the coming years.

Mineral resources differ in terms of consumption and occurrence conditions.

According to the conditions of consumption, minerals are divided into 4 groups: combustible, metallic, non-metallic and liquid. Non-metallic (non-metallic) minerals, in turn, are divided into construction materials, industrial and chemical raw materials. Many minerals (dolomite, gypsum, chalk, marl, etc.) can be used both as chemical raw materials and as building materials.

According to the conditions of occurrence, minerals in Belarus are divided into 2 groups: those confined to the crystalline basement and the platform cover. The first group includes predominantly igneous minerals. Among them are building stone, iron ores, non-ferrous metal ores, etc. Most mineral resources of Belarus is confined to the platform cover and is predominantly of sedimentary origin.

Combustible minerals. Energy resources play an important role in the development of countries and regions. Belarus is not very rich in combustible minerals. Oil, brown coal, oil shale and peat are discovered within its boundaries.

Most of the combustible minerals are confined to the Pripyat trough. About 60 oil fields have been identified in its eastern part. Due to the complex tectonic structure of the Pripyat trough, small deposits predominate. Industrial oil production at the Rechitsa field (near the village of Kaparovka) began in 1965. Oil lies at a depth of 1600 to 4600 m. Greater depths require the construction of complex drilling rigs, which increases the cost of exploration and production.

About 50 oil fields are currently being developed. IN recent years A little less than 2 million tons of oil are produced per year, which is about 15% of the republic’s needs. Along with oil, associated natural gas is produced, which is sent to the Belarusian gas processing plant near Rechitsa.

IN southern regions There are deposits of brown coal in Belarus. The most significant of them are confined to the western part of the Pripyat trough. Seams of brown coal lie on different depths- from 1100 to 20 m. Neogene coals of the Pripyat basin are of industrial importance. The Zhitkovichi and Brinevskoe deposits have now been explored in detail. Within their boundaries, coals lie close to the surface, so open-pit mining is possible. To date, the deposits are not being developed.

Within the Pripyat trough, layers of oil shale have also been discovered. The Turovskoye and Lyubanskoye deposits have been explored.

Oil shale reserves are large, but they lie deep. Open mining is not possible. The quality of oil shale is low, so they are still considered as a reserve fuel.

Peat deposits are very widespread in Belarus. Peat bogs are found on 12% of the republic's area. Those where the thickness of the peat layer exceeds 70 cm are considered as deposits. in some cases it can reach 11 m - Orekhovsky Mokh, Pukhovichi district. Out of several thousand deposits, a little more than 100 are now being developed, from which about 5 million tons of peat are extracted annually.

The fossil fuels are associated with sediments of varying ages. Oil occurs among Devonian sediments.

Brown coal strata are associated with Carboniferous, Jurassic and Neogene strata; oil shales - with Devonian and Carboniferous deposits, peat layers are confined to the anthropogenic horizon.

Metallic minerals. Geological structure territory of Belarus is due to the low distribution of metallic minerals. In the 60s In the last century, 2 iron ore deposits were discovered: Okolovskoye in the Stolbtsovsky district and Novoselkovskoye in Karelichisky district. Iron ores are associated with crystalline basement rocks and are confined to the Belarusian anteclise. They lie at a depth of 140 to 360 m and contain 20 - 30% iron. The deposits are not currently being developed. According to geologists, their extraction will be profitable at integrated use ore

The rocks of the crystalline basement are associated with manifestations of colored and rare metals. They were discovered on the Belarusian anteclise and the Mikashevichi-Zhitkovichi ledge. But the content of copper, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, beryllium, and tungsten in the ores is less than 1-2%. That's why they are now industrial value don't have.

The occurrences of gold and bauxite ores are also unpromising today.

Non-metallic minerals. This group of minerals is the most widespread in Belarus both in terms of the number of types of mineral raw materials and their reserves. About 20 types of minerals have been identified, which are primarily raw materials for building materials and chemical industry.

Potassium salt reserves are of great importance for Belarus. In terms of reserves and production of this valuable chemical raw material, Belarus is among the top five countries in the world. Balance reserves amount to over 3 billion tons of raw potassium salts. Potassium salts are widespread in the Pripyat trough. They occur at depths from 350 to 4000 m. Now 2 large deposits have been identified: Starobinskoye and Petrikovskoye, of which the first is being developed.

Potash fertilizers are of great export importance and are exported to many countries around the world.

The deposits are also confined to the deposits of the Pripyat trough rock salt. Today, 3 deposits have been explored in detail:

Mozyrskoe, Starobinskoe and Davshchovskoe. Industrial reserves of rock salt are considered virtually unlimited (more than 20 billion tons). Currently, salt production is carried out at the Mozyr deposit by underground dissolution. In the 1990s. Mining of rock salt along with potash at the Starobinskoye deposit began using the mine method. The Davydovskoe rock salt deposit is not being developed. Having huge reserves of rock salt, Belarus imports a significant part of it from neighboring Ukraine and Russia.

Back in mid-19th V. phosphorite deposits were discovered. The most significant of them are Mstislavlskoye and Lobkovichskoye in the Mogilev region. Phosphorites occur close to the surface, but are not mined due to the low quality of the ores and difficult hydrogeological conditions.

Sapropels are found at the bottom of many lakes in Belarus. Their thickness is 3-5 m, and in Lake Svyatoy in the Sennen region it reaches 20 m. Currently, about 150 deposits have been explored that are of industrial importance. Sapropels are used as fertilizers, chemical raw materials, and medicinal mud.

Dolomites have been discovered mainly in the north-east of Belarus. Not far from Vitebsk there is the largest dolomite deposit - Rubovskoye. It is developed in an open way. Dolomites are used primarily for liming soils and producing building materials.

Minerals such as gypsum, kaolin, glass and molding sands, and amber can be considered as industrial raw materials in Belarus. Most of them are confined to Polesie.

In the south of Belarus, glass and molding sands were found among Neogene deposits. They are characterized by a high quartz content (98-100%), therefore they can be used in the glass industry. Highest value have Leninskoye and Loevskoye deposits in Gomel region. Molding sands are mined at the Chetvernya deposit in the Zhlobin region, which supplies the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant with raw materials.

Placers of amber have been found mainly in the southwest of Belarus. There are occurrences of diamonds within the Zhlobin saddle, but they have no industrial significance.

Belarus is well supplied with building materials: chalk and marl, building stone, clays, construction sands and sand-gravel mixtures.

Deposits of chalk and marl are most common in the east (Mogilev region) and west ( Grodno region) Belarus. Currently, 40 deposits of this raw material have been explored in detail, which is used for the production of lime and cement. The largest of them: Kommunarskoye (Kostyukovichsky district), Kamenkovskoye (Krichevsky), Turovskoye (Mostovsky), Kolyadichskoye (Volkovysksky).

Clays are found throughout Belarus. About 20 deposits of refractory clays have been discovered in the south of Belarus. But there are much more (more than 200) deposits of fusible clays in the republic. Almost half of them are currently being developed.

They provide raw materials to more than 120 brick factories. Largest deposits: Gaidukovskoye, Fanipolskoye (Minsk region) and Lukomskoye, Zapolye (Vitebsk region).

Construction sands and sand-gravel mixtures are associated with anthropogenic deposits. Today, about 100 sand deposits and almost 150 gravel deposits have been explored. About half of them are under development. Sands and gravel are used for the production of sand-lime bricks, concrete mortars, and in road construction.

Deposits of building and facing stones are associated with the crystalline basement rocks. There are few of them on the territory of Belarus. The Glushkovichi deposit (Ukrainian Shield) and Mikashevichi deposit (Mikashevichi-Zhitkovichi ledge) are being developed. Open way Diorites, granites and facing stones are mined.

Non-metallic minerals were formed during different geological periods. Rock and potassium salts are associated with Devonian deposits, the thickness of which in the Pripyat trough in some places exceeds 4 km. Dolomites are also confined to them. With areas of shallow sediments Cretaceous period phosphorites, chalk and marl are associated. Neogene and Paleogene deposits in the south of the country are associated with deposits of molding and glass sands and refractory clays. Deposits of fusible clays, construction sands and sand and gravel mixtures were formed mainly in the Anthropocene.

Liquid minerals. This group includes underground fresh and mineral waters. Fresh groundwater used by humans for production purposes and as drinking water. To use water for drinking purposes, it must meet a number of conditions regarding the content of various chemical elements, be transparent, palatable and odorless. Fresh groundwater that meets these standards constitutes the predicted operational reserves. Drinking groundwater in Belarus is of the best quality in Europe. Their operational reserves are about 50 million m 3 /day.

Currently about 4 million m 3 /day is produced. Unlike other mineral resources, groundwater is renewable. Belarus is one of the countries well supplied with groundwater.

The territory of Belarus is rich in a variety of mineral waters. Explored reserves mineral waters exceed 14 thousand m 3 /day.

Currently, about 60 deposits of mineral waters of different chemical compositions are exploited. Among them are hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, radon and other waters.

The most big country occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of mineral reserves.

This can be most clearly represented in numbers. More than 200 thousand deposits have now been discovered in Russia, and the total value of all minerals is about 30 trillion. dollars.

Here is Russia's share in world reserves individual species fossils:

  • Oil— 12%
  • Natural gas — 32%
  • Coal— 30 %
  • Potassium salts — 31%
  • Cobalt— 21%
  • Iron— 25%
  • Nickel— 15%.

Features of the relief of Russia

Russia occupies the largest territory in the world, and therefore has a varied and complex terrain. Among the features of the relief are:

1. The predominance of plains in the European part of the country and central regions.

2. Mountains are located mainly in the south, east and northeast (not counting Ural ridge, which crosses Russia from north to south).

3. The relief has a general slope to the north, so most rivers flow into the waters of the Arctic seas.

These characteristic features relief influence the distribution of mineral deposits. Rocks are mined in the Caucasus and Eastern Siberia, peat - in forests, bauxite and iron ores - on the plains.

Types of minerals

Minerals are minerals and rocks that are used by humans. There are several classifications of minerals, but most often they are divided by type of use.


  • Coal- sedimentary rock, occurs in layers. The most important type of fuel, used in metallurgy. The most important reserves in Russia are the Kuzbass, Pechora, and Tunguska deposits.
  • Peat formed in swamps from rotting plant remains. Contains up to 60% carbon. It is used as cheap fuel, for fertilizers and for the extraction of acetic acid.
  • Oil- black oily liquid that burns well. It lies between sedimentary rocks at different depths. It is the most important fossil fuel. In the Russian Federation, the largest deposits are the West Siberian basin, basins North Caucasus and Volga region.
  • Natural gas- Forms in rock voids. Sometimes its accumulations can amount to millions of cubic meters. This is the cheapest and most convenient fuel.
  • Oil shale- sedimentary rocks, which are a mixture of siliceous clay and residues organic matter. When shale is distilled, a resin is obtained that is similar in composition and properties to oil.


  • Rocks(marble, mica, asphalt, tuff, potassium salt, phosphorites). Have different origins and are used in almost all industrial sectors.

Thus, tuffs and marble are used in construction, micas - in the electrical and radio industries, asbestos - for thermal insulation and fireproofing, asphalt - for road surfaces.

  • Metal ores(iron, copper, nickel, non-ferrous metals) are rock accumulations containing metals. For example, aluminum is mined from bauxite, nepheline and alunite, iron is mined from iron ore, brown, red and magnetic iron ore.
  • Non-metallic ores(sand, asbestos).


  • Gems- natural stones of organic or mineral origin. Used in jewelry, medicine, chemical industry.
  • Sand, gravel, clay, chalk, salt- hard rocks used in almost all areas of industry.

Resources and deposits

About 30 types of fossils are represented on the territory of Russia. Here is a description of the main deposits and reserves of just some of them.

Oil and gas

Oil is produced mainly in the eastern and northern parts countries, as well as on the shelf seas of the Arctic and Far East. Currently, 2,152 oil fields are being actively developed. Up to 600 million tons are mined annually, and projected reserves are estimated at 50 billion tons.

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. About 650 billion cubic meters of gas are produced annually. More than 10 deposits have been explored, which are called unique, since the predicted reserves in them exceed the 1 trillion mark. cubic meters


Russia ranks third in the world in coal production. Only proven reserves will last the country for 400 years. Coal basins are concentrated mainly in the east of the country - behind Ural mountains. The largest deposits are the Tunguska (more than 2200 billion tons) and Lena basins (1647 billion tons).

Oil shale

The main deposits are concentrated in the European part of the country. The largest is the Baltic shale basin.


The main peat reserves are located in the Asian part of Russia. In total, more than 46 thousand deposits have been explored. The largest is Vasyuganskoye, where 15% of peat reserves in the Russian Federation are mined.

Iron ores

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of iron ore deposits. The largest deposits are concentrated in the European part (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Baltic Shield on the Kola Peninsula, KMA Basin).


In the Russian Federation, manganese is mined mainly of the carbonate type. To date, 14 deposits have been explored in the Urals, Siberia and Far East. Total quantity reserves - about 150 million tons. The largest deposits are Yurkinskoye, Berezovskoye, Polunochnoye.


Russia has sufficient quantity reserves of bauxite and nepheline - in the Urals and Western Siberia. But the problem is that the ores low quality, and aluminum mining appears to be costly. The most promising in this regard are the bauxite reserves of the North Ural region.

Non-ferrous metals

In terms of reserves of non-ferrous metal ores, Russia ranks 1st in the world, and the total value of explored reserves is more than 1.8 trillion. dollars. The richest ore deposits were found in Eastern Siberia and Taimyr. For example, Russia’s share in global diamond production is 25%. More is mined only in South Africa.

Non-metallic building materials

Experts note the main problems that prevent Russia from fully exploiting the potential in the field of mineral reserves - these are insufficient funding for geological surveys, problems with taxation, a lack of manufacturing enterprises and the inability to provide a sufficient sales market.

One of the most valuable sources of energy for world industry at present are solids. Humanity is unlikely to be able to do without them. Among other things, the brilliant Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev said: “You can drown with banknotes.” The scientist implied that these resources would be more useful to use for the synthesis of substances required by humans.

Modern science constantly confirms his correctness. Oddly enough, we owe much of the wealth that lies deep underground to ancient flora. It was the ancient ferns and trees that formed over time many useful resources. By the way, what minerals were formed from ancient plants? Well, let's find out!

General characteristics of fossil plant fuels

All these fuels contain huge amount carbon. They were all formed from plant remains, which were exposed to high blood pressure and high temperature. Some ancient plant fuels are well over 650 million years old. Approximately 80% of these fossils were formed during the Tertiary period. It is to these times that we owe the fact that mineral resources still provide us with everything we need.

The main feature of their formation should be considered the fact that in those days there was still little oxygen on the planet, which now very quickly oxidizes organic matter, but there was a lot of carbon and compounds based on it. Sedimentary rocks quickly preserved huge masses of substances in the thickness of the earth.

To help you better understand this issue, we have prepared a table. Minerals are far from haphazardly located in the bowels of the earth.

Location and types of resources


The structure of the cortex, its age

Main types of fossils



Shields from the Archeozoic, Proterozoic times

Lots of iron and manganese ores

Russian platform

Plates of ancient platforms, the formation of which occurred during the Paleozoic

Oil, gas, coal and other minerals of plant origin

Western Siberia


Young mountains of alpine age

Lots of polymetallic ores

Old, destroyed mountains from the Mesozoic era

Kazakh small hills

However, among some scientists there is a popular theory of the abiogenic origin of many fossil fuels, which explains their occurrence by a combination of various factors that led to the appearance of complex carbon compounds from simple inorganic substances.

This point of view also has its right to life, but most scientists are still confident that the overwhelming number of deposits have precisely biological nature occurrence. Well, what minerals were formed from ancient plants? We will tell you about this now.

Importance for industry and people

As we have already said, many of these substances are a real treasure trove for the modern chemical industry. The same coal contains many compounds that otherwise can only be obtained through complex and expensive synthesis. For example, humic acids, which are not very common in nature and are quite difficult to synthesize artificially, are obtained in large quantities from cheap and abundant brown coal.

Basically, Minerals Play will tell you all about it vital role in the formation of a normal production economy of any country.

It should be remembered that the full use of many resources of plant origin is possible only if a person knows well the nuances of their formation. First, we will look at the coals that we have already mentioned more than once, since the process of their formation is very interesting. Coals, like other main minerals of plant origin, were formed various plants in the process of their death.

Characteristics of the formation of humus coals

A long time ago, when giant dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, beautiful lush forests grew over vast areas. Conditions were ideal for their growth and development: there is a lot of organic matter in the soil, and the atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide. However, these same conditions contributed to the fact that the plants died off very rapidly. Their parts fell to the ground, where they quickly decomposed, since they were not protected in any way from the oxidizing action of the air.

The combination of all these factors led to very rapid decomposition of cellulose. Giant masses of vegetation turned into a real “cocktail” of humic substances, diluted with small amounts of impurities of resins, waxes and paraffins. However, all this mass was decomposed quite quickly by microorganisms, and therefore a particularly rapid accumulation of organic matter did not occur at that time. The main mineral reserves appeared somewhat later.

So how was coal formed directly?

Using the method described above, dry peat was formed, which current time there is enough on the surface of our planet. As a rule, no further metamorphoses occurred to it, since most often it was covered with a layer of sand and earth, reliably preserving organic matter from the effects of oxygen and microorganisms. Such a mass was extremely plastic, and therefore no further separation or mixing occurred.

Since there was very little undecomposed organic matter in the peat layer, there were no further processes of decay. Thus, the temperature in the thickness of the layers always remained at the same level.

Pressure and time...

However, over time, the layers gradually became denser due to caking. Gradually, humic acids turned into humites, resins underwent a decarboxylation process, and only waxes remained unchanged for thousands of years. This is how brown humus coals were formed. There are especially many of them in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. These are the region's most abundant mineral resources (and an important source of income, of course).

Under the influence of a whole range of factors external environment Their gradual metamorphosis occurred, as a result of which humus coals were obtained. The main role in this process belongs to high blood pressure and no less high temperature. Under these conditions, humic acids began to rapidly decompose, and resins and waxes underwent natural polymerization.

All this led to the synthesis of infusible, completely insoluble compounds. It is thanks to them that this type of coal has survived to this day. It lies at relatively shallow depths, and therefore, subject to slightly different physical and chemical properties it would inevitably be washed out. And what minerals were formed from ancient plants, in addition to the humus coal described above?

About the process of formation of mixed type coals

It should be noted that in nature the process of formation of pure humus compounds was extremely rare. Much more often a mixed process occurred. Scientists suggest that he walked in several directions at once. As a rule, all this happened at the bottom of ancient reservoirs, on the site of which mineral deposits are now located.

Humic substances were gradually brought there with rainwater and slowly, over the course of centuries, settled to the bottom. Plankton, which actively developed with such an abundance of organic matter, gradually mixed with all this mass. But everything could have been completely different.

After powerful hurricanes and heavy rains hit the land, a huge amount of humic substances and various mineral compounds found their way into water bodies. At first, it was the heavy minerals that settled at the bottom, and humic acids acted on them as powerful oxidizing agents. Gradually, this entire mass underwent polymerization. Since there was very little oxygen at the bottom of the reservoirs, the substances eventually became subject to the process of dehydration. This is how coal of mixed composition was formed.

These Russian minerals are extremely common in the eastern part of our country.

About the chemical composition of coals

In general, their composition is not particularly diverse: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. The only difference is mass fraction all these substances, since it is by their percentage that one can confidently determine not only the type of fossil vegetable fuel, but even the region of its origin and production. So that you have at least an approximate idea of ​​this issue, let’s look at the composition of the average brown humus coal.

Classification of substances that make up coals

The most typical substances that are part of any of its varieties are called carbon formers. Here is their complete list:

  • Oddly enough, squirrels. When hydrolyzing coal, scientists noticed that the resulting mixture contained a certain amount of amino acids. The presence of these substances in the thickness of fossil fuel layers is explained quite simply: these are protozoa preserved in ancient times, as well as the remains of more highly developed organisms. In any case, many mineral deposits often boast a collection worthy of a paleontological museum.
  • Of course, cellulose. This complex carbohydrate, which is the main building material of any plant life form, makes up a considerable part by weight of both coal and oil shale (we will talk about them below).
  • Waxes, which we have mentioned several times. Represent esters some carboxylic acids and aliphatic alcohols.
  • Resins. This is a very complex mixture of the same carboxylic acids, as well as saponifying and non-saponifiable substances. Under some specific conditions, they are easily decarboxylated and rapidly polymerized. They are a kind of “link” for coal, as they hold its components together during the process of primary compression.

It is the almost identical composition of all fossil fuels that indicates their plant and partly animal origin. Proponents of the abiotic appearance of the same oil cannot find sufficiently convincing arguments with which to refute these factual data. In any case, any map of minerals (organic) will show that their deposits are mainly located in ancient seas rich in organic matter.

Coal Mining Basics

The characteristics and methods of this process fully depend on the depth of the formations. If it does not exceed one hundred meters, then an open pit mining method is possible. It often happens that as the cutting depth increases, the shaft method becomes more economically feasible.

On the territory of our country, the level of the deepest mine is approximately 1200 meters. Any map of Russian mineral resources will show that most of them are in Siberia. This region is deservedly considered a real storehouse, a granary of nature.

Other important substances

It should be noted that in coal seams there are often accumulations of substances of enormous industrial value. These include some valuable geological rocks (marble, for example), huge amounts of methane, as well as rare, scattered chemical elements. For example, some types of brown coal contain a lot of germanium, without which the modern radio-electronic industry is unthinkable, since many types of semiconductors are created on its basis.

in modern industry

Long gone are the days when this type of mineral was used exclusively as fuel. As we have already noted, some rare chemical elements are extracted from it, and coal serves as a raw material for the production of many types of plastics. It has been known since World War II that synthetic gasoline can be made from it.

It was these mineral resources of Russia that largely ensured the intensive growth of industry after the revolution. They also help maintain the economy at a consistently high level.

Oil shale

This is a solid fuel fossil of plant origin from the group of solid caustobiolites. The main feature of slates that has made them so popular in recent years is the resin they contain. It is obtained by distillation. Its value lies in the fact that in its own way physical and chemical properties it is very close to oil, but at the same time the cost of its production is much lower than the oil industry.

Differential composition

The main difference between oil shale and coal is that it contains more minerals. Its organic part is kerogen. Only in slates highest quality its share reaches 70%, while in all other cases the organic content does not exceed 30%. Kerogen is the fossil remains of ancient single-celled algae.

That part of them that has not lost traces over the centuries cellular structure, is thallomoalginitis. Accordingly, completely degraded ones are called colloalginite. In addition, in shales one can often find even parts of higher plants that were on our planet in time immemorial.

These are the minerals that were formed from ancient plants. We hope that from this article you received all the information you were interested in.

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