Grodno region. Regions

The authorities summed up the results of 2018 in the employment sector. General trend looks threatening to our country. Official statistical agencies have published data on the level of employment in regions and cities of Belarus, reports the resource In 2018, the number of people employed increased in only 18 cities and regions, while in 110 cities and regions the number of people employed in the economy fell. Cumulative […]

The National Statistical Committee published data on the distribution of income of Belarusians in the fourth quarter of 2018. Including by region of the country. In Grodno and the region, the number of those who have available resources (these are salaries plus other income and payments minus taxes and fees) per month is less living wage(about $100), in the fourth quarter they counted […]

Cases of rabies have been registered in Dubnitsa and Vasilevichy. The details of what happened were told to Perspective by veterinarian-epidemiologist of the Grodno district veterinary station Olga Trofimova. The scenario is almost the same. The predator ran into the yard and grappled with the dogs. They bit her to death. After receiving a signal from local residents, specialists went to populated areas and took a sample from the foxes for analysis. The results of the study confirmed rabies. For two months [...]

Andrey Bovshis from the village of Vaikuntsy has almost furnished his apartment. All that remains is to equip the kitchen and get a job. Volunteers help with the first one. According to journalist Andrei Kozel, who started the aid initiative large family, now kitchen furniture is made in Grodno. Afterwards she will be delivered to Voronovo. The man is looking for a job on his own. He told that he was ready to work at a construction site and […]

“Look there Yurka zhiu.” It seems that the naked hole has disappeared, when the hell the policemen are dying,” - the fact that a 53-year-old man fired at the house of his former partner, and then shot himself, seems to be the talk of the whole district: several small, almost uninhabited villages, lost somewhere under Induroy, not far from Grodno, tells TUT.BY. On the evening of February 22, in the village of Novodubovaya, Grodno district […]

In the Grodno region it is planned to digitize museum exhibitions and present virtual tours on them. Deputy Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Viktor Liskovich told reporters about this today at the final meeting of the Culture Department, BELTA correspondent reports. The presentation of museums in the virtual space will make it possible to advantageously present the region on the domestic and foreign tourism markets and attract new guests to the region. “Especially since we […]

In the Grodno region in 2019, the greatest demand in the labor market will be for specialists in the fields of healthcare, agriculture and construction. The head of the department announced this today at a press conference on the forecast for the labor market in the region. civil service employment of the population of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee Alexander Sobol, BELTA correspondent reports. Forecast […]

The example of a resident of the Grodno region, who hunted spotted predators during the spawning period, is indicative of how important it is to comply with the rules, writes Grodno Pravda. There are many unique natural spots in the Grodno region, but the floodplain of the small river Yazavitsa turns into a genuine oasis in April. This is where lake pike flock to spawn. Fishermen rarely appear here. It is prohibited to catch pike, but [...]

53-year-old Grodno resident Vanda Gurina is one of those who decided to change regional center to an agricultural town and move after work. With the support of the city employment service, the woman moved to the Mozheikovo LRSUP in the Lida district. Here, by the way, she was given not only a job as a milking machine operator, but also housing in an agricultural town. And such examples are no exception to the rule, [...]

Over the last month, Georgy earned less than 400 rubles. I bought groceries, paid for utilities, refueled the car and went to work further, so that in 30 days I could do the same thing. He lived according to a pattern familiar to many Belarusians for many years, but at some point he decided to stop the senseless race for survival and radically change his life. I saved some money and [...]

February 23 is celebrated in Belarus as the most men's holiday— Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. The Main Statistical Office of the Grodno Region counted the men of the region, and also collected the most interesting facts about them. According to preliminary data, at the beginning of 2019, the number of men in the Grodno region amounted to 485.1 thousand people, or 46.7% of the total number […]

Another educational visit to the Grodno region was made by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic Tomas Pyarnicki. Today, the Grodno region actively cooperates with Czech companies in various industries and ensures a trade turnover of almost $20 million. The growth rate compared to 2017 is 132%. However, both sides are working hard to […]

In Grodno they are trying to solve the problem at the expense of senior students, but in the periphery there is a real disaster. IN medical colleges They assure that they are trying to meet the need and are constantly increasing the number. Perspective tried to figure out what was causing the shortage of specialists. In particular, the Skidel hospital alone today needs 12 nurses and paramedics. According to head Alexander Derechenik, there used to be a problem [...]

Grodno region is one of six regions of Belarus. Located in the west of the country.

In the west, the Grodno region borders on Poland, in the north – on Lithuania. The region is actively developing partnerships with both Europe and Russia.

Population of the Grodno region

    1 million 47.5 thousand people live in the Grodno region.

    66.7% of the population are Belarusians

    21.52% – Poles

    8.15% – Russians

    1.4% – Ukrainians

Most of the population professes Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

There are 498 religious buildings in the region, including 248 Orthodox churches, 228 Catholic churches, 17 Protestant churches, 4 mosques and a synagogue.

There are 23 national and cultural associations operating in the Grodno region.

Towns and cities of the Grodno region

Grodno is the regional administrative center. The region includes 17 districts, 12 cities, including 6 of regional subordination, 21 urban-type settlements.

Transport connections of the Grodno region

The Grodno region has a developed road infrastructure.

International highways connecting European and CIS countries pass through the region. The main highways in the region go in the direction of Minsk, Vilnius, Baranovichi and Brest.

Grodno region has a vast railway network. International lines connect the region with Poland and Lithuania.

The Grodno region also has a developed network water transport. Navigable rivers are Neman and Shchara.

Industry of the Grodno region

The chemical industry is dominant in the Grodno region. The main production facilities are located in Grodno and Lida.

Other significant industries include:

  • mechanical engineering


    production of building materials

Agriculture of the Grodno region

The economy of the Grodno region is focused on agriculture. This area is developing dynamically and steadily. The main branch of agriculture is dairy and beef cattle breeding, and poultry farming is a significant one. The share of livestock products in the total production volume is 57.5%.

Arable farming is also an important sector of the region's economy. Main crops:


    sugar beet

Culture and media of the Grodno region

Ancient architectural ensembles play a leading role in the cultural heritage of the Grodno region.

In the Grodno region there are:

  • Philharmonic

    2 music colleges

Every year, many international, republican and regional festivals and competitions are held in Grodno and the region. The most famous of them are Republican Festival national cultures , regional arts festival "Mir Castle".

The territory of Belarus is divided into regions, districts, cities and other administrative-territorial units. The administrative-territorial division of the state is determined by law.


The city of Minsk is the capital of Belarus, the administrative, political, economic, scientific, cultural and educational center of the country.

The Belarusian capital is located on the banks of the Svisloch River.

The city is located at the intersection of major transport routes. Highways connect Minsk with largest cities Belarus: Orsha, Vitebsk, Molodechno, Brest, Slutsk, Mogilev, Gomel. The National Airport is located in Minsk - the main air harbor of the country.

Minsk is a large industrial center. Main industries: production of machinery and equipment, food, beverages and tobacco products, electrical equipment, computing, electronic and optical equipment, vehicles, construction materials, pharmaceutical products and drugs.

In total, the capital of Belarus accounts for 37.5% of Belarus' foreign trade turnover. Foreign and joint ventures were created with the participation of investors from more than 60 countries. The city is home to the free economic zone "Minsk".

The capital of Belarus is the largest scientific and educational center of the republic. Placed here National Academy Sciences of Belarus, Hi-Tech Park, the largest educational institutions in the country.

The state residence of the President of the Republic of Belarus is also located in Minsk, they work National Assembly and the Council of Ministers, National Bank of Belarus. The Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the diplomatic corps, consulates, and representative offices of international organizations in the Republic of Belarus are located in Minsk.

Minsk is one of the oldest cities in Europe. During the Great Patriotic War the city was almost completely destroyed. In this regard, almost no ancient buildings have survived in the capital of Belarus. Nevertheless, modern Minsk can be proud of its wide, bright avenues and streets, spacious squares, variety of architectural ensembles, lush green boulevards, squares and parks (on average there are about 20 square meters green spaces).

Among the main attractions of Minsk: Trinity Suburb, Upper Town, sports complex "Minsk Arena", obelisk "Minsk - Hero City", city hall, Holy Spirit cathedral, St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Archcathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Church of Saints Simeon and Helen, National Library of Belarus, National Academic Bolshoi Theater Opera and Ballet, National art museum Belarus, Central Botanical Garden, Palace of Independence, Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

There are more than 50 hotels and hotel complexes. Among them are the five-star hotels “Europe”, “Crowne Plaza Minsk” and “President Hotel”, four-star hotels “Victoria”, “Victoria-2”, “Victoria Olimp Hotel”, “Hotel “Minsk”. For tourists in the Belarusian capital, more than 40 walking and bus excursion routes have been developed with visits to historical and cultural heritage sites, museums, theaters, exhibition galleries and other objects.

Brest region

Brest region is the western gate of Belarus. It borders on the south with Ukraine, on the west with Poland. The region consists of 16 districts. Area – 32.8 thousand square kilometers.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Brest. The main cities are Baranovichi, Bereza, Drogichin, Ivanovo, Ivatsevichi, Kamenets, Kobrin, Luninets, Pinsk, Pruzhany, Stolin.

There are about 220 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises operating in the region. Leading place in the structure of the manufacturing industry is the production of food and beverages (56.6%), textile and clothing production (5.9%), the engineering complex (9.2%), furniture production (4.7%).

The region is home to the largest national manufacturers of electric stoves (PTUP Gefest-Tekhnika), gas stoves (JV Brestgazoapparat OJSC), incandescent, gas-discharge and arc lamps (Brest Electric Lamp Plant OJSC). The products of JV Santa Bremor LLC, OJSC Savushkin Product, and CJSC Holding Company Pinskdrev are in high demand in Belarus and abroad.

The region's agriculture specializes in meat and dairy farming, grain production, sugar beets, flax fiber, potatoes, and vegetables. The region fully meets its needs for livestock products, and also supplies significant volumes of products for export.

Agricultural sector Brest region includes 292 agricultural and service organizations, over 500 farms. Agricultural organizations use 1.2 million hectares of farmland, including 0.7 million hectares of arable land. Production volumes of the main types of agricultural products increase annually.

The geographical location of the region creates favorable conditions for international trade. The transit corridor Berlin – Warsaw – Brest – Minsk – Moscow runs through the Brest region; direct routes connect the region with Vilnius and Kiev. 80% of the CIS countries' land exports to Western Europe pass through the Brest region.

In 2017, goods from Brest manufacturers were sold to 102 countries, including the Russian Federation, Poland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, etc. In 1996, the Brest free economic zone was formed. Today, the Brest FEZ is developing dynamically, 74 enterprises are registered here, and over 1.2 billion euros of investments have been attracted. In total, capital from 20 countries of the world works in the SEZ. In terms of the volume of investments made, the leaders are enterprises with the participation of Russian, Polish and German capital. The enterprises employ more than 21 thousand people.

The Druzhba oil pipeline and the Torzhok – Minsk – Ivatsevichi and Kobrin – Brest – Warsaw gas pipelines pass through the region.

Since 1988, the Brest region has been a member of the cross-border association “Euroregion “Bug”, which also includes the Lublin Voivodeship of Poland and the Volyn Region of Ukraine. Organizations located on the territory of the Euroregion take an active part in the preparation and implementation of international technical assistance projects; the largest of those operating in the Brest region is the Cross-border Cooperation Program “Poland - Belarus - Ukraine”.

In Brest, on the basis of the Institution “Brest Cross-Border Information Center”, the Representative Office of the STS of the CBC Program “Poland - Belarus - Ukraine” operates.

Breastchyna is a unique corner of Belarus, where more than 2.5 thousand monuments of culture, history and architecture are located. 771 monuments included in State list historical and cultural values ​​of the Republic of Belarus. Of the 4 objects of Belarus included in the List world heritage UNESCO, two - Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Struve Arc - located in the region.

The main attractions of the region are: the memorial complex " Brest Hero Fortress", the archaeological museum "Berestye" - the only museum in Europe of a medieval East Slavic city, the Kamenets Tower, the Nemtsevich Estate, the Kossovo Palace and Park Ensemble, the Ruzhany Palace Complex of the Sapiehas and others.

The cities of the region host many international and republican festivals. Among the most significant: International Theater Festival "White Vezha", International festival classical music “January Musical Evenings”, International Folklore Festival “Motalskiya Prysmaki”, International Plein Air of Potters in the village. Gorodnaya, more than 10 military-historical and ethnographic reconstructions.

Brest region is a sports region. Facilities that meet international standards are the main training bases for national and national teams of Belarus and become the venue for sporting competitions of the highest level.

Brest region is the center of Belarusian Polesie. There are unique natural complexes here, combining forest and swamp landscapes. In the north-west of the region there is a unique natural monument, the oldest reserve in Europe - National Park"Belovezhskaya Pushcha" In 1992, by decision of UNESCO, Belovezhskaya Pushcha was included in the List of World Heritage of Humanity. In addition, there are 47 nature reserves and 89 natural monuments of republican and local significance in the region.

Guests of Brest and the region are offered 83 hotels and similar accommodation facilities, 69 sanatorium-resort, health-improving organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities.

In 2017, the first cruise ship in Belarus, Belaya Rus, was launched onto the waters of the Pripyat River.

Vitebsk region

Vitebsk region is the most northern region countries. In the north-west it borders with Latvia, in the west - with Lithuania, in the north and east - with Russian Federation. The region consists of 21 districts. The length of the borders from east to west is more than 300 kilometers, from north to south – 175 kilometers. Area – 40.1 thousand square kilometers.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Vitebsk. The main cities are Braslav, Verkhnedvinsk, Glubokoe, Gorodok, Lepel, Miory, Novolukoml, Novopolotsk, Orsha, Polotsk, Postavy.

Vitebsk region is a highly developed industrial region. The basis of the industry is the production of electricity (Lukoml State District Power Plant, Novopolotsk Thermal Power Plant), oil refining and chemical production (JSC Naftan, JSC Polotsk-Steklovolokno), food and beverage production, textile and clothing production and shoe production.

More than 23.5% of the total workforce works in the industrial sector employed population, produces 30% of gross value added. The region's products account for more than 14% of the republic's total industry.

The industrial complex of the region includes more than 170 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises.

The enterprises provide one hundred percent of the republic's volume of limestone and dolomite flour, almost the entire volume of linen fabrics, more than 95% of ethylene polymers in primary form, carpets and rugs, about 30% of electricity and more than 50% of the republic's footwear. The region's enterprises produce metalworking machines and tools, fiberglass, electrical appliances, optical cables, and water treatment equipment.

Agriculture in the Vitebsk region specializes in growing grain and fodder crops, as well as flax, rapeseed, and potatoes. Lake and fisheries are developed. The region ranks first in Belarus in terms of river network density, number and total area of ​​lakes.

An active policy of interregional cooperation is being pursued in the Vitebsk region. The Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee concluded 22 agreements with the administrations of five regions Federal districts Russian Federation (Central, Northwestern, Southern, Volga, Ural). In 2017, agreements were signed with the Republic of Bashkortostan, Stavropol Territory, and Saratov Region. 78 agreements were signed at the level of cities and districts of the region.

Foreign trade cooperation is supported by the Vitebsk region with more than 100 countries of the world, the annual trade turnover is estimated at about 4-5 billion dollars. The main partners are the Russian Federation (59.8% of total trade turnover), countries outside the CIS (33.3%), and other CIS countries (6.9%).

Export sales are based on finished petroleum products, polymer products, fiberglass, insulated wires, cables, meat and dairy products, and shoes.

In August 1999, the free economic zone “Vitebsk” was formed.

Investment cooperation is carried out with 25 countries, the largest volume of investments is attracted from the PRC, the Russian Federation, as well as the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, and Austria.

Several transport corridors pass through the region: highways Berlin – Warsaw – Orsha – Moscow, Helsinki – Vitebsk – Kyiv – Odessa. The region is conveniently connected by road and rail with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, and Vilnius.

Since 1998, the Vitebsk region has been part of the Euroregion “Lake Region”, which unites 32 districts and self-governments of the Vitebsk region, Lithuania and Latvia. Within the Euroregion, priority cross-border cooperation projects are being implemented under the Lithuania - Latvia - Belarus program in the field of supporting entrepreneurship, tourism, environmental protection, and educational programs.

There are over 2800 lakes and more than 500 rivers. Forest occupies 41% of the region's territory - about 60% of it is composed of centuries-old coniferous forests. The region has 1 nature reserve, 2 national parks, 25 national and 60 local reserves, and 248 natural monuments. The Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, located on the territory of the region, has the status of a UNESCO biosphere reserve and was awarded a European diploma for specially protected natural areas.

Vitebsk rightfully bears the title of “cultural capital” of Belarus. Every year, about 50 international, regional, city and district festivals are held in the Vitebsk region with the participation of groups from near and far abroad. Business card region is the famous International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”.

Among the main attractions of the region: the Holy Annunciation Church of the 12th century in Vitebsk, St. Sophia Cathedral of the 11th - 18th centuries and the Spaso-Euphrosyne Monastery of the 12th - 18th centuries in Polotsk, the Kuteinsky Assumption Monastery of the 17th century in Orsha, the Holy Nativity Cathedral and the Trinity Church XVII - XVIII centuries in Glubokoe, a complex of the XVIII century church and landscape and park layout in the village of Mosar, Glubokoye district, the Church of John the Baptist of the XVII century in the village of Kamai and the Church of St. Anthony of Padua of the XIX - XX centuries in Postavy.

Hunting, sports, culinary, cultural and educational tourism is developed in the Vitebsk region. In addition, more than 20 industrial enterprises organize production tours. Among them are Dvinsky Brovar LLC, the Lukomlskaya State District Power Plant branch of the Vitebskenergo Republican Unitary Enterprise, the Vitebsk Confectionery Plant Vitba, and others.

In the region there are 105 hotels and similar accommodation facilities, 109 sanatorium-resort, health-improving organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities, of which 31 are hunters’ and fishermen’s houses.

Gomel region

The Gomel region is the largest region of Belarus by territory. In the east it borders with the Russian Federation, in the south with Ukraine. The region consists of 21 districts. Territory - 40.4 thousand square kilometers.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Gomel. The main cities are Zhlobin, Kalinkovichi, Mozyr, Rechitsa, Rogachev, Svetlogorsk.

The Gomel region has significant scientific and economic potential and is one of the highly developed industrial regions. About 20% of the country's industrial production is concentrated here.

There are about 200 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in the region. Leading industries: production of petroleum products, metallurgical production and production of finished metal products, food and beverage production, chemical production, extraction of fuel and energy minerals, production of machinery and equipment, production of construction materials. Well known far beyond the borders of Belarus are combines and other harvesting equipment of JSC Gomselmash, confectionery products of JV Spartak JSC, products of JSC Mozyr Oil Refinery, JSC Belarusian Metallurgical Plant - the management company of the Belarusian Metallurgical Company holding, JSC Gomelsteklo. , JSC "Gomel" chemical plant"and others.

About 39% of products produced in the region are exported. Organizations Gomel region cooperate with foreign trade partners from 113 countries. Trade is most actively developing with the Russian Federation, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Italy, China, Kazakhstan, and Israel.

Every year the region becomes the venue for a major economic forum and international exhibition events “Spring in Gomel”, which brings together thousands of participants and guests from near and far abroad.

One of the most important sectors of the economy is agriculture: meat and dairy farming, vegetable and potato growing, and flax growing in the eastern part of the region. Agricultural land covers 1.3 million hectares. The region's farmers not only satisfy the population's needs for basic food products, provide raw materials for the processing industry (production of meat and meat products, dairy products and animal feed), but also constantly increase export supplies.

There is a developed road infrastructure. Major international highways connect European countries with the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Also, 90% of the country's railway freight and about half of passenger trains pass through the region.

In the Gomel region, they treat architectural monuments with care. Among the main attractions: the palace and park ensemble of the late 18th - second half of the 19th centuries, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Gomel, the Church of St. Michael the Archangel of the 18th century in Mozyr, the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the 19th century and the Holy Trinity Church of the early 20th century in Rechitsa , Castle Hill in Turov, etc.

Rich and varied cultural life areas. There are 26 museums, 4 theaters and 2 art galleries. International festivals and competitions gather a huge number of guests and participants: choreographic art “Sozhski Karagod”, theatrical arts“Slavic theatrical meetings”, instrumental music “Renaissance of the Guitar”, ethnocultural traditions “Call of Polesie”, young talents “The Earth Has Fallen with White Wings”, “Music of Hope”, “My Syebra is a Button Accordion”, republican festivals of folk humor “Avtyuki” in Kalinkovichi district, folk art "Beraginya" in the town. Oktyabrsky and others.

In addition, tourists are attracted by the Pripyatsky National Park, 56 nature reserves and 64 natural monuments of republican and local significance.

The tourism brand of the region is a two-day route " golden ring Gomel region".

Tourists are provided with 77 hotels and similar accommodation facilities with a one-time capacity of 4,522 beds, 43 sanatorium-resort, health-improving organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities, of which 18 are hunter’s and fisherman’s houses.

Grodno region

The Grodno region is a region rich in historical attractions. In the west it borders with Poland, in the north with Lithuania. The region consists of 17 districts. Area – 25.1 thousand square kilometers.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Grodno. The main cities are Volkovysk, Lida, Mosty, Novogrudok, Oshmyany, Slonim, Smorgon, Shchuchin.

IN industrial complex The production of food and beverages dominates (share - 46.7%), chemical production (16.2%), production of building materials (5.1%), textile and clothing production (7.2%).

The entire republican volume of production of caprolactam, cord tan for tires, almost the entire republican volume of production of milk-based dry baby food, 90.5% of nitrogen fertilizers, 98.5% of potato diggers, 73.5% of hosiery products, 68, are concentrated in the region. 2% tractor plows.

The products of the largest enterprises in the region are known far beyond the country's borders - joint-stock companies "Grodno Azot", "Belkard", "Lakokraska", "Krasnoselskstroymaterialy", " Management company holding "Lidselmash", "Glass factory "Neman" and others.

Trunk gas pipelines have been laid across the region: Yamal - Europe, Ivatsevichi - Slonim - Lida - state border Lithuania, Ivatsevichi - Slonim - Grodno.

The economy of the Grodno region is focused on agriculture. The main branches of agriculture are dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig farming, grain production, sugar beets, rapeseed, potatoes and fruit and vegetable products.

The region's agricultural sector includes 156 organizations and over 300 farms. In total, about 50 thousand people are employed in agricultural production in the region.

Agricultural organizations of the region, occupying 14.3% of agricultural land in the republic, produce 16.8% of gross agricultural output.

Today, organizations in the region carry out export-import operations with 130 countries, while products are exported to the markets of 104 countries.

The main trading partners of the region are: Russian Federation (share in trade turnover - 50.6%), Poland (8.6%), Ukraine (5.6%), Germany (5.6%), China (5.2% ), Lithuania (3.6%).

The Grodno region is part of the Neman Euroregion.

IN recent years Large-scale transformations in the energy sector are underway in the Grodno region - primarily related to the transition to renewable energy sources. The Grodno hydroelectric power station on the Neman with a capacity of 17 MW, wind power plants in the Novogrudok, Dyatlovsky, and Smorgon regions, a gas turbine plant with a capacity of 121.7 MW at the Grodno CHPP-2, solar power plant in the Shchuchinsky district.

In 2013, work began on the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in the Ostrovetsky district.

In the Grodno region there is the Mir Castle, a historical monument of the 16th century, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The region is famous for its monuments of defensive architecture: castles in Lida, Novogrudok, Krevo, Golshany, Geraneny; churches-fortresses in the village of Synkovichi (XV century) and the village of Murovanka (XVI century).

Grodno is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Belarus, whose historical center (with an area of ​​302 hectares) is a monument of urban planning. Among the main attractions of the region: Church of Saints Boris and Gleb (Kolozhskaya, XII century), Bernardine Church (XVI-XVIII centuries), Church of Saint Francis Xavier (Farny) (XVII century), Old Castle (late XI-XIX centuries).

The Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery (XVII and XIX centuries) is one of the most visited and revered monasteries in all of Belarus.

On the territory of the region there are partially located the national parks “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” and “Narochansky”, as well as 43 reserves and 220 natural monuments of republican and local significance. The Augustow Canal, a monument of hydraulic engineering architecture, passes through the Grodno region early XIX century.

More than 30 international, republican and regional festivals and competitions are held annually in Grodno and the region. The most famous of them are the Republican Festival of National Cultures, regional art festivals “Mir Castle”, “Golshany Castle”, “Novogrudok Castle”, “Augustov Canal in the Culture of Three Nations”. The International Festival of Orthodox Chants “Kolozha Blagovest” is widely known.

Guests of Grodno and the region are offered 64 hotels and similar accommodation facilities, 55 sanatorium-resort, health-improving organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities.

Minsk region

Minsk region is the first region in terms of population among the regions, which includes 22 districts. Located in the central part of the country. Area – 39.8 thousand square kilometers.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Minsk. The main cities are Borisov, Vileika, Dzerzhinsk, Zaslavl, Zhodino, Logoisk, Molodechno, Myadel, Nesvizh, Slutsk, Soligorsk.

Minsk region is largest region Belarus with highly developed industrial and agricultural potential and largely determines the features economic development republics. A significant share of the region's industry is concentrated in the cities of Soligorsk, Borisov, Zhodino, Dzerzhinsk, Slutsk, Molodechno. Leading enterprises in the region: OJSC Belaruskali - production of potash fertilizers, OJSC BelAZ - production of heavy-duty dump trucks and other quarry, road and construction equipment. The products of the joint-stock companies “Gorodeya Sugar Refinery”, “Slutsk Sugar Refinery”, “Molodechno Dairy Plant”, “Zdravushka-Milk”, “Dzerzhinsky Agricultural Plant” are in high demand.

Minsk region is the largest agricultural region in Belarus. In most areas, meat and dairy farming, poultry farming, grain production, potato growing in combination with flax growing, and in the southwest - with beet growing are developed. Agricultural enterprises near large cities additionally specialize in growing vegetables and fruits.

Foreign trade cooperation is carried out with more than 180 countries of the world. The main trading partners are the Russian Federation, China, Brazil, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, India, Türkiye.

The Minsk region is located at the intersection of the main transport routes connecting Western Europe and the East, the regions of the Black Sea coast and the Baltic countries.

The region's railway network connects Russia and Europe, the Baltic countries and southern states CIS. The country's main air harbor, Minsk National Airport, operates near the city of Smolevichi.

On the territory of the region there is the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park "Great stone". This is the largest project in the history of bilateral relations between Belarus and China, one of the key platforms of the Silk Road Economic Belt - a grandiose cooperation initiative.

The State List of Historical and Cultural Values ​​of the Republic of Belarus includes 663 immovable heritage sites located in the Minsk region. The main attractions of the region are: the Resurrection Cathedral of the 19th century in Borisov, an ancient settlement, a park and a church of the 19th century in Logoisk, a castle and the Transfiguration Church of the 16th–17th centuries in Zaslavl, a Bernardine monastery of the 17th century in the village of Budslav, Myadel region, a wooden church of the 18th century in Slutsk, the Radziwill palace and park complex of the 16th century in Nesvizh, the historical and cultural complex “Stalin Line”, the Mound of Glory, the Khatyn Memorial Complex.

Within the Minsk region there are part of the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, which has been assigned international status, the main part national park"Narochansky", as well as 74 reserves and 191 natural monuments of republican and local significance.

You can touch the country's past at the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Nesvizh", the Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in the village of Ozertso, the Museum of Belarusian folk art in Raubichi, the Dudutki museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies.

The Minsk region hosts a significant number of cultural events not only on a regional, but also on a national scale. These include the National Festival of Belarusian Song and Poetry in Molodechno, republican festivals of Belarusian chamber music in Zaslavl and “Muses of Nesvizh”, and other art festivals.

The region is home to the two largest ski centers in the republic - Logoisk and Silichi. 132 hotels and similar accommodation facilities, 155 sanatorium-resort, health-improving organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities are ready to receive guests of the region.

Mogilev region

Mogilev region is the most eastern region Belarus – borders the Russian Federation. The region consists of 21 districts. Area - 29.1 thousand square kilometers.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Mogilev. The main cities are Bobruisk, Bykhov, Gorki, Kirovsk, Klimovichi, Krichev, Mstislavl, Slavgorod, Osipovichi, Cherikov, Shklov.

The Mogilev region is the main producer in the Republic of Belarus of tires, elevators, balers, cement, fabrics made from chemical fibers, etc. The leading industries of the region are the production of food and beverages, chemical production, production of rubber and plastic products, production of building materials, production of machinery and equipment. The share of the two largest chemical enterprises - OJSC Mogilevkhimvolokno and OJSC Belshina - is about 18% of the volumes of all products produced in the region. Currently, there are over 150 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in the region. The largest industrial centers of the region are the cities of Mogilev, Bobruisk, Krichev, Kostyukovichi, Osipovichi.

The most important sector of the regional economy and the main component agro-industrial complex is agriculture. Cereals predominate in crop production (mainly wheat, triticale, barley, rye); potatoes, fodder crops. On high level there is flax growing. Livestock farming mainly involves raising cattle for milk and meat production, as well as pigs and poultry.

The Mogilev region carries out active foreign trade activities. Products bearing the brand of Mogilev producers are supplied to 92 countries around the world. In 2002, the free economic zone “Mogilev” was created.

In the city of Gorki there is the oldest agricultural university among the CIS and European countries (founded in 1840) - the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, which is an integral architectural ensemble that has evolved over more than 150 years and is a historical and cultural value of the republic.

Among the main attractions: the ensemble of the St. Nicholas Monastery of the 17th century in Mogilev, the Jesuit church with a monastery early XVII century in Mstislavl, the palace and park ensemble of the 18th century in the village of Zhilichi, Kirov region, the palace of Prince Potemkin of the 18th century in Krichev, the Bobruisk fortress of the 19th century, the Town Hall of the 18th century in Shklov.

There are 71 nature reserves and 90 natural monuments of republican and local significance in the region.

Bright events are held in the Mogilev region: the republican holiday “Kupala” (“Alexandria gathers friends”), the International Festival children's creativity“Golden Bee” in Klimovichi, folk art festival “Wreath of Friendship” in Bobruisk, regional festival of family creativity “Suzor"e talentau” in Glusk, International music festival “Golden Hit in Mogilev”, International youth theater forum “M.@rt. Contact" in Mogilev and others.

There are 49 sanatorium-resort, health-improving organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities in the region. There are 56 hotels and similar accommodation facilities available to guests of Mogilev and the Mogilev region.


Grodno (Goroden, Goradnya, Kronon, Garodnya, etc.) is one of the oldest cities in Belarus. Archaeological excavations show that the first Slavic settlements on high bank Neman appeared back in X century. First mentioned in the chronicle in 1128 The city of Grodno was the cultural, trade and production center of Black Rus'.

IN XII-XIII V. on the site of these settlements, the city that arose was located at the intersection trade routes and was originally a small fortress with a fortified trading town. It is from the words "fence", "to fence" the name of the city came from.

Before the emergence of states, the Grodno region was inhabited by tribes: Krivichi, Yatvingians, Lithuanians. Grodno was the capital of the Gorodno principality during the times of Ancient Rus' under the Rurikovichs.

IN 1241 g., during the reign of Yuri Glebovich, the city was devastated by the Tatars, and in 1284 by German knights.

IN XIII century, the Belarusian principalities began to consolidate around Novogrudok, participating in the creation of a new state - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Samogit.

Grodno became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the reign of Prince Mindaugas.

During the struggle of the Galician-Volyn princes for the lands of Upper Ponemania, Prince Daniil Galitsky in 1253 annexed Grodno to the Galicia-Volyn principality.

WITH 1270 The city and the principality, which lost their significance as a result of wars and raids, finally became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia.

IN XIII-XIV V. Grodno is waging a stubborn fight against Teutonic Order. Approximately 1300 The famous David Gorodensky, Gediminas's closest ally, became the castellan of the Grodno Castle. Under his leadership, the city heroically repelled all attacks of the crusaders.

C 1376 The city of Grodno came into the possession of Prince Vitovt, who made the city 1392 its second capital; Grodno soon became the best city in the country, after Vilna. The Grodno banner (regiment) as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania participated, under the control of Vytautas, in the Battle of Grunwald.

With the abolition in 1413 the city of the principalities, Grodno became a povet (district) city of the Troki Voivodeship. IN 1391 the city was given an incomplete grant, and in 1496 - full Magdeburg law. The city is acquiring a magistracy, and in 1540 with its coat of arms - an image of a deer with a golden cross between its antlers, jumping over a fence (“The Deer of St. Hubert”).

After the Union of Lublin 1569 which united the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland into a federal state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Grodno became the center of the Grodno Voivodeship. Sejms began to be held in the city.

Polish King Stefan Batory 1576 rebuilt the palace in the Renaissance style (architect Scoto), known as the Old Castle, in which 1586 his residence was located. Trade and crafts developed in the city. After the unification of the Orthodox and Catholic churches, the monastic orders of the Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits, Bernandines, Carmelites and Brigittes settled in Grodno. Towards the end XVIII centuries in the city there was 9 churches and 2 Uniate monastery.

1650-1740 The 1980s were a time of economic decline in the development of the city, which was a consequence of the deepening of feudal-serf relations, gentry anarchy and numerous ruinous wars.

During the war between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1654-1667 gg. city ​​in 1655-1657 was captured by Russian troops, and during Russian-Swedish war 1656-1658 gg. captured by Swedish troops. Soon a castle was built in the city as a meeting place for the Sejm and the Senate, and with 1678 every third Seimas was held in Grodno, the city received the unofficial status of the third capital of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

During Northern War (1700-1721) V 1702-1708 the city changed hands several times, was destroyed and plundered by Swedish troops, and in 1709-1710 survived the plague epidemic, which killed a significant part of the population.

In connection with military operations in the Grodno region in September 1705 Peter I came here and met in the Farny Church with the Polish king Augustus II. Great damage fires caused the city 1675, 1720, 1750 and 1782 gg. Only in the second half XVIII century, revival began. IN 1770-80 Grodno headman, Lithuanian court treasurer Antoniy Tizengauz founded a number of manufactories in the city and its environs: cloth, linen, weapons, hosiery, carriage, etc. He also opened the first theater in the city. WITH 1775 to 1781 a medical academy existed in Grodno for a year.

27 May 1793 In Grodno, in the building of the New Castle, the last Polish Sejm (the so-called “silent Sejm”) took place, which approved the second section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Grodno was one of the centers of the Tadeusz Kosciuszko uprising 1794 year.

IN 1795 As a result of the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the city became part of the Russian Empire. The abdication of the last king of Poland, Stanisław II August Poniatowski, took place in Grodno.

IN 1801 The city of Grodno became the center of the Grodno province. Joining Russia and Grodno’s inclusion in the all-Russian market contributed to further development economy and culture of the city. Manufactories continued to develop, including those employing civilian labor. IN 1803 The work on the reconstruction of the Oginsky Canal, which connected the Dnieper and Neman basins, was completed, after which the Grodno pier became one of the largest on the Neman.

During the Patriotic War 1812 Napoleon's troops entered Grodno on July 2. In general, the population (especially the Polish) welcomed the arrival French troops, considering it liberation from Russian occupation. Grodno became the center of the department of the same name of the Principality of Lithuania, proclaimed by Napoleon. A detachment of the National Guard of the Principality of 290 people and a gendarmerie of 856 people were created in the city.

Also in Grodno, recruits were being recruited for the Lithuanian-Belarusian infantry and cavalry units. According to post-war estimates by the Russian civilian governor of Grodno, about 6,400 people left the province for the army of the principality, of which 2,495 infantrymen and 1,103 cavalrymen were decreed to mobilize. Belarusian units took part in battles against Russian army in the final stages of the War of 1812, as well as in the campaigns of 1813 and 1814.

The activities of Russia’s first female officer N.A. Durova, who served in Grodno in Lithuanian Uhlan regiment. Russian troops reoccupied the city December 8.

IN XIX century in the city there was a tendency towards “Russification” and discrimination against Poles. One of the Polish churches was turned into the Orthodox St. Sophia Cathedral; the Bernardine monastery, founded in 1621 - into the Borisoglebsky monastery; Uniate convent Basilian women (founded in 1633) - in the Nativity of the Virgin Mary convent. Of all the Catholic monasteries, two were left: the Franciscan monastery and the Brigid monastery.

Rebel detachments operated in the Grodno region during the Polish national liberation uprising 1830-1831 gg. After the abolition of serfdom in 1861 Grodno developed as one of the industrial centers of Belarus.

IN 1862 Petersburg-Warsaw passed through the city railway, which contributed to the development of craft workshops, woodworking and tobacco industries.

IN 1863 The Grodno province was affected by the Polish national liberation uprising (in Belarus - under the leadership of Kastus Kalinowski).

IN 1885 The historical center of Grodno was destroyed as a result of a large fire.

During the First World War the city was captured by the Kaiser's troops (21 August 1915), V 1919 with the knowledge of the Entente, Grodno was transferred to Pilsudski's legions.

During Soviet-Polish war 1919-1921 The Red Army occupied the city in 1920, but 4 months later it was reoccupied by the Poles. Under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, Grodno included Western Belarus went to Poland.

IN 1921-1939 gg. Grodno was the center of a powiat in the Białystok Voivodeship. Right up to the end 1920s industry and infrastructure were never fully restored in the city. The population decreased from 63 thousand people. (1913) to 49 thousand (1931), with about 70 percent of the population being Jews. The Polish authorities banned teaching in the Belarusian language and closed all Belarusian schools. In September 1939 g., after the division of Poland by Germany and the USSR, Grodno, after a two-day defense, was occupied by the Red Army, and a joint Soviet-Nazi “victory parade” (as the Germans called it) took place there, which Soviet side hosted by V.I. Chuikov. Grodno became part of Byelorussian SSR. It carried out a series of arrests and mass deportations to Siberia and Kazakhstan, in last time- literally 2 days before the German attack.

Immediately after the start of the Great Patriotic War, Grodno was captured by troops Hitler's Germany (on the night of June 22-23, 1941), moreover, during the retreat of the Red Army. Having occupied the city, the Nazis established a cruel occupation regime. About 33 thousand were killed and tortured in the death camp near Foluch Soviet citizens. In various concentration camps Most of the Jewish population of the city was destroyed on Polish territory. Grodno was the center of the partisan movement and the underground anti-fascist movement; about 17 thousand partisans operated in the region. According to incomplete data for 3 years, partisans and sabotage groups destroyed more than 62 thousand Nazi soldiers and officers, 139 tanks, blew up more than 1 thousand trains with cargo and enemy personnel.

During the Vilnius and Bialystok operations July 16, 1944 the city was liberated by the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

WITH September 1944 Grodno is the center of the Grodno region of the Belarusian SSR. The city suffered greatly as a result of the war: most of the city’s attractions were preserved, but the restoration of the city hall and the Vytautas church was considered inappropriate. Fast recovery The industry destroyed by the Nazis and the active construction of infrastructure contributed to the development of the city. The city's population reached its pre-war level only in the mid-1950s. During this period, the city began to turn into a major industrial center in western Belarus; by 1988, the number of residents increased 5 times compared to 1939.

WITH 1991 city ​​within the Republic of Belarus. Today it is a unique city, rich in historical, architectural and cultural monuments, which is home to about 320 thousand people..

WITH 2003 within the framework of the program for the improvement of Belarusian cities, active work to restore the historical appearance of the city. The botanical garden, the city park “Grodno Switzerland”, and Kalozha Park have been restored.

There are 3 state universities in Grodno, 97 work preschool institutions, 40 secondary schools, including 2 lyceums, 2 gymnasiums, as well as schools with lyceum classes. There are 9 secondary specialized educational institutions.

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