Where is tundra soil located? Gley soils

Tundra illuvial-humus soils

Tundra illuvial-humus soils can occupy a variety of relief elements: flat peaks, slopes, plumes, intermountain depressions, coastal and piedmont plains, etc. The vegetation is represented by lichen-shrub tundras. A prerequisite for their formation is good internal drainage of the soil-forming rocks, which are usually gravelly-cartilaginous loamy or sandy loam deposits, often with an admixture volcanic ash.

The good filtration capacity of such rocks eliminates more or less prolonged waterlogging of the soil profile. This primarily determines the main genetic differences between the described soils and tundra gley soils. Tundra illuvial-humus soils do not have morphological characteristics gleyization. The phenomena of cryogenic mixing and freezing are absent or very weakly expressed. The profile has obvious signs redistribution of humus and sesquioxides according to the eluvial-illuvial type. Organogenic horizons are characterized by a higher degree of mineralization of plant residues.

On the soil surface there is usually a thin (about 2 cm) litter consisting of undecomposed organic residues. Underneath it lies a humus, peaty-humus or humus-humus horizon (A0Ai) with a thickness of about 5-15 cm. The mineral particles found in this horizon are “washed” from the surface and clarified (podzolization). This is clearly visible both in macro- and micromorphological studies.

The humus horizon is gradually replaced by a brown or brownish-brown illuvial-humus horizon. Macro- and micromorphologically it is clear that in this horizon the mineral particles are covered on the surface with thick organic-mineral (A1 - Fe-humus) films. Sometimes between the humus and illuvial-humus horizons there is a thin, often discontinuous, podzolized horizon. Below, the color gradually becomes lighter and the illuvial-humus horizon is replaced by the cartilaginous-crushed eluvium of the soil-forming rocks. Frequently, permafrost is found in this rubble layer in the form of ice crystals on the rubble. This so-called dry permafrost is not aquifer, and a perched horizon does not form above it. The upper part of the profile is often enriched with volcanic ash.

The soil reaction is acidic (Table 49); down the profile the pH values ​​increase slightly. The absorbing complex is unsaturated. The content of absorbed bases (Ca" + Mg") and absorption capacity are maximum in the humus horizon (A0Ai).

Loss on ignition in the organic horizon is about 30-40%. Down the profile, the humus content decreases very gradually. In the illuvial-humus horizon, the humus content usually exceeds 3%. The content of oxalate-soluble substances is relatively low due to the weakening biological cycle and the slowness of weathering processes in harsh climatic conditions. The maximum (about 3%) accumulation of amorphous R2O3 is observed, as a rule, in the B horizon.

Such soils have been repeatedly described in non-volcanic areas under various names: “humus mountain-tundra” (Petrov, 1952), “soddy alpine” (Karavaeva, 1958), “soddy mountain-tundra” (Rode, Sokolov, I960), “podburs” "(Targulyan, 1971), etc.

Thus, both hydromorphic (tundra gley) and mesomorphic (tundra illuvial-humus) tundra soils in the zone of weak ashfalls are not very specific. They are represented by the usual set of tundra soil types. In the tundra zone, the influence of weak ashfalls on soil formation is suppressed by the processes of solifluction and erosion and “riogurbations, which either destroy the layer of aerial ash or mix it with total mass soil material. These processes are most pronounced in hydromorphic soils. Therefore, the range of tundra gley soils extends beyond the zone of weak ashfalls. These soils are also found in the zone of moderate ashfall.

Tundra illuvial-humus volcanic destructive soils

Peculiar tundra soils are formed in the zone of moderate ashfalls in cases where volcaniclastic deposits are not destroyed by solifluction and erosion processes and the soils develop on a full or slightly shortened ash column. These soils are similar in some characteristics to tundra illuvial-humus soils, in others - to tundra gley soils, and finally, a number of characteristics distinguish them from both those and others.

The preliminary name of these soils is tundra illuvial-humus volcanic destructive (abbreviated: tundra volcanic destructive).

Tundra illuvial-humus volcanic destructive soils occupy any relief elements except steep slopes: flat tops of ridges, gentle and sloping slopes, trails of mountains in intermountain depressions, etc. On the soil surface there are developed various shapes cryogenic microrelief: mounds, spots, solifluction terraces. The underlying rocks always have good water permeability: pebbly, rocky and similar deposits. The phenomena of cryogenic heaving involve only top part volcaniclastic deposits. The lower buried profile, which lies directly on the rocky material, is not disturbed by cryogenic processes. In other words, the emergence of heaving processes became possible only after the accumulation of a sufficiently thick layer of loose fine-earth sediments (ash).

The plant soil profile is characterized by the following features. The organic horizon has a peaty-humus, or less often peaty, character. Its thickness is usually about 5-6 cm, maximum 10 cm. Beneath it is a thin humus horizon, smoothly turning into a brown-brown illuvial-humus horizon. This is followed by a rather thick dirty gray-brown thickness, which represents the core of a heaving mound and formed by material, squeezed out by cryogenic processes from under the inter-hillock depressions. This mass is heterogeneous in composition: its individual sections are similar in properties to either the humus horizon or the Bh horizon. All the material is strongly mixed and lies completely randomly, in a vortex-like pattern, which gives the horizon a marble-like appearance. This horizon is quite compacted, there is no looseness that is characteristic of aerially deposited volcanic ash. Signs of gleyization, both macro- and micromorphological, are practically absent. They are absent even during the period of maximum soil moisture, when this horizon acquires thixotropic, quicksand properties. Beneath the destructive horizon is a buried profile of illuvial-humus soil, composed of volcanic ash and overlying rocky underlying sediments. In the interhill depressions, the modern organogenic horizon lies directly on the buried profile. Less commonly, there is an illuvial-humus horizon underneath it.

The reaction of all horizons is acidic. Minimum pH values ​​are observed in the upper horizons. The entire profile is enriched in organic matter washed away and buried. The distribution of oxalate-soluble substances is eluvial-illuvial in nature, their absolute content is quite high. The latter circumstance is due to the fact that soils develop on aerial volcaniclastic deposits.

Thus, these soils are similar to illuvial-humus tundra soils by the absence of signs of gleyization and the presence of an alluvial-humus process, and to tundra gley soils by the presence of cryogenic deformations, i.e., periodic waterlogging and the acquisition of thixotropic, quicksand properties. However, it would be wrong to consider the described soils simply as transitional between tundra gley and tundra illuvial-humus. It wouldn't be enough. They are distinguished from both those and others: morphologically - the presence of a buried profile (or two), mineralogically - the absence in their composition of rocks other than volcaniclastic, chemically - the enrichment of the profile with organic matter and oxalate-soluble forms of SiO2 and R2O3. All this allows us to distinguish tundra volcanic destructive soils into an independent type. Its name is, of course, preliminary.

It is interesting to note that, unlike all other volcanic soils, volcanic destructive tundra soils are characterized by uneven horizons and dense composition. Their compaction occurs as a result of repacking of particles during cryogenic mixing.

Peat soils

The cold, excessively humid climate contributes to the widespread occurrence of peat soils on the peninsula. Not only areas experiencing additional moisture are swamped, but also autonomous, poorly drained spaces. Vast tracts of swamps exist on the western coast, where almost the entire plain is swamped, except for narrow riverine strips.

The most widespread peat soils are raised and transitional types. They are characterized by low decomposition of organic residues, an acidic reaction and a large thickness of the peat deposit (up to several meters). Lowland swamps develop in narrow strips in the slope parts of the plains, border modern alluvial fans, and are found in river floodplains, i.e., they are confined to areas with groundwater close to the surface or periodically flooded (as a rule, both periodic flooding and drainage of groundwater are observed ). Lowland peatlands are black in color and the organic matter is well mineralized. The profile contains mineral layers, often numerous. The thickness of peat is usually less than that of high peat bogs. Hydrogenous accumulation of substances brought by groundwater, layers of swamp ore, ferromanganese nodules, accumulations of vivianite, etc. are often observed in soils.

Often, a horizon of permafrost or seasonal permafrost is found in the profile of peat soils. More often, permafrost is observed in high peat bogs. In the north of the western coast, in the soils of raised bogs at the end of July, the permafrost was at a depth of 50-60 cm. On the eastern coast, the permafrost is usually seasonal. When mastered, it may change permafrost due to worsening snow retention conditions.

Volcanic sands and ashes are found in peat soils in the form of horizontal layers. The number of layers and their thickness increase as they approach the volcanoes. The role of interlayers in the processes of formation of bog soils and in the processes of their drainage has not yet been studied. Our observations show that in most of the region they do not have a fundamental effect on the genesis of bog soils. Only slightly more noted high degree decomposed organic remains directly above a layer of volcanic sand.

Obviously, the most significant influence of ashfalls affects the properties of swamp soils developed in the immediate vicinity of volcanoes.

Type of tundra gley soils

Tundra gley soils in the flat conditions of Kamchatka have a limited distribution. They are isolated in small tracts in the north of the peninsula and on the western coast in the lower reaches of the Opala and Tigil rivers. Tundra gley soils develop in the zone of weak ashfalls and much less frequently in the zone of moderate ashfalls, in conditions of difficult drainage on flattened relief elements under moss-lichen-shrub and shrub-moss tundras.

The soil profile has the following morphological structure:

T (At) - peaty, less often peaty-humus horizon 10-20 cm thick, brown, brown-brown, less often dark gray-brown, clear transition;

G - compacted gley horizon of marble-like color with well-defined bluish and dirty-brown stains, often painted with gray dripping humus, the presence of volcanic ash is noted; in a water-saturated state it acquires quicksand properties.

In the lower part of the profile, the degree of gleying may increase or decrease. A buried, dark-colored organic horizon is often observed. Often, directly below the organic horizon, there is an accumulation of frozen rubble or pebbles covered with black humus films.

The profile of tundra gley soils is characterized by sharp differentiation in the nature of the distribution of organic matter: in peaty horizons there is a loss from calcination of about 70-90%, in gley horizons there is 1-2% humus, in buried horizons the humus content increases to 10%. The soil reaction is acidic, especially in the organic horizon (pHn2o 3.6-4.0). The absorption capacity is high in the upper horizons (50-80 mEq per 100 g of soil), decreasing to 15-20 mEq per 100 g of soil down the profile.

Type of meadow-turf soil

Meadow-turf soils in combination with ocher volcanic soils are identified in the south of the Western Kamchatka soil province, in the south and in the center of the East Kamchatka soil province. According to I. A. Sokolov (1973), meadow-turf soils develop on high floodplains, the first terraces above the floodplain, on modern alluvial fans, on gentle slope trails, under conditions of periodic moistening by surface flooding. Meadow-turf soils are found under tall grass and forb meadows on soil-forming rocks represented by alluvial, alluvial-proluvial and deluvial deposits containing volcanogenic material, in zones of moderate and weak ashfalls.

The soil profile has the following morphological structure: Ad - turf 4-7 cm thick, dark gray, loose, very strong, very densely intertwined with roots;

Ai - humus horizon with a thickness of 10 to 40 cm, gray, fragile, but well-defined fine-lumpy structure, loose;

Bh (B) - if the upper horizons are composed of weakly processed volcanic sands and ashes, then under them an illuvial-humus horizon (Bb) is formed of grayish-brown, grayish-brown or brown tones, a lumpy-powdery structure or structureless, the mechanical composition can be within from sandy to loamy. If the soil profile is composed of water deposits, then the humus horizon is replaced by a transitional horizon (B) of light brown or brownish tones, weakly structured, with minor signs of gleyization in the form of a grayish tint or bluish and brown spots and rusty coatings;

Apog - buried humus horizon 5-20 cm thick, gray or dark gray, the mechanical composition can range from sand to loam, the lower boundary is flowing;

Bg (Cg) - gleyed horizon, light brownish or brownish-bluish tones, marble-like, occasionally with rusty veins and impurities, often layered.

The profile of meadow-turf soils usually contains one or two buried humus horizons. The lower horizons of the profile are characterized by a heterogeneous mechanical composition, with fluctuations from sands to heavy loams.

The upper horizons contain organic matter of a humus nature, a high degree of decomposition, the loss upon ignition is about 25-30%; The humus content in the humus horizon is high (7-9%), in the illuvial-humus horizon - at least 5%. The soil reaction is slightly acidic in the upper and lower parts of the profile (within pH 4.4-5.3), in the middle part there is an increase in acidity (рН 3.9-4.2). The absorption capacity is high.

Type of peat soils of high and transitional bogs

Soils are widespread in Kamchatka, on the heavily swampy western coast, in the northeast east coast, in the area of ​​the village. Keys.

For morphological structure Peat soils of raised and transitional bogs are characterized by a large thickness of the peat deposit (up to several meters), low decomposition of the peat, and a layered profile in which brown, dark brown, brown-brown and brown layers of peat are distinguished. The profile of peat soils may contain horizontal layers of volcanic sands and ash. The closer peat soils lie to volcanoes, the more quantity such layers and the more powerful they are. Peat soils exposed to strong influence ashfalls can be classified as peat volcanic soils of raised and transitional bogs.

In the north-west of Kamchatka, peat soils often contain a horizon of permafrost or seasonal permafrost. When the frozen horizon occurs in the first meter of the soil profile, the soils are considered as peat frozen soils of raised and transitional bogs. Peat soils of high- and transitional bogs are characterized by acid reaction throughout the profile.

Peat soil type of lowland bogs

Peat soils of lowland swamps are distributed in small tracts; they stand out in narrow stripes in the slope parts of the plains, bordering modern alluvial fans in the floodplains of rivers. They develop under conditions of ground moisture, i.e., the groundwater level close to the surface and periodic flooding by flood and slope waters.

The morphological structure of the profile of peat soils in lowland bogs is characterized by a relatively small thickness of the peat deposit compared to the peat soils of high bogs, a high degree of peat decomposition, and the predominance of black peat color. The profile contains numerous mineral layers. In the lower horizons of peat soils, hydrogenous accumulation of substances is observed in the form of layers of bog ore of dark brown-rusty tones, ferromanganese nodules, round or bean-shaped, dark brown-rusty, and accumulations of vivianite of bright blue tones.

In the profile of peat soils of lowland bogs located in areas affected by ashfalls, layers of volcanic sands and ash may be found. With a significant participation of volcanic sands and ashes in the structure of the soil profile, the soils are classified as peat volcanic lowland bogs.

    1. Exogenous geological processes

On the territory of Ust-Bolsheretsky municipal district to the emergence emergency situations has repeatedly cited this type of dangerous geological processes, as the abrasion-accumulative dynamics of the sea coastal spits on which settlements. Ust-Bolsheretsk and Oktyabrsky village are in the zone of influence of extreme natural conditions. Tendencies to move settlements to more safe places not observed. In addition, the development of the sea coast continues to be attractive in many respects, since in addition to bioproducts, the coastal zone of Kamchatka contains proven industrial reserves of various minerals, such as coal, titanomagnetite sands, and building materials. In areas of coastal settlements, there is everywhere a technogenic impact on accumulative forms. In some cases this is the construction of berthing structures, piers, overpasses, etc., in others - the removal of pebbles, sand and gravel used as building materials. A consequence of this kind economic activity is a violation of the dynamic balance in the distribution of sediment flow and the activation of frontal erosion of the spits.

Marine accumulative forms on which populated areas are located, as on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast of Kamchatka, are periodically subject to wave overflows during storms. Overflows are accompanied by flooding of streets and communications of villages, causing significant material damage, sometimes even loss of life. In addition to storm overflows, there is a direct threat of a tsunami. Protective measures carried out in villages to avoid major destruction by the elements are predominantly symbolic in nature.

Sometimes the role of protection is played by the hulls of ships that have served their time and pulled ashore, sometimes by log fences. There was an attempt to protect yourself from the waves with a capital wall made of concrete slabs (former Kirovsky village, West Coast), which after some time was completely destroyed by autumn storms. Thus, in most cases, the most in an efficient way protection here is only timely evacuation of the population.

Section "Ust-Bolsheretsky".

From the results obtained during the field survey of the spit, as well as the processing of stock materials and calculations made, it follows that the reason for the intensification of erosion of the spit relates more to the regional than the local plan, which is confirmed by a number of tectonic, hydrodynamic and geomorphological factors. In general, the site is located in an area that includes coastal land (within the range of invasive waters inland), coastal strip(conjugation of the water area and the wave zone) and shelf (up to minimum level Quaternary age regressions). The interface between the wave-tidal field and the water area at this stage is a zone of very powerful dynamic development of exogenous geological processes, the specifics of which are determined by the sharp variability of climatomorphogenesis, tectonic factors and eustatic sea level fluctuations. The complex - coastal land (Western Kamchatka Plain) - coastal zone (aquatorial strip) - shelf, represents a conjugately developing exogenous system, the originality of which is determined by the maximum concentration of energy in a narrow, linearly elongated area

Currently, all main observations are carried out mainly in the coastal zone from Cape Levashov to the confluence of the river mouth. Large in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, i.e. directly within the braid, from its root part to the distal part.

Thus, the observation area of ​​the monitoring system of the EGP “Ust-Bolsheretsky” represents an abrasion-accumulative coastal form, where a typical abrasion coast is represented by Cape Levashov, and the accumulative coast is represented by a sea spit stretched along the bed of the Bolshaya River.

The modern Late Holocene coastline is clearly defined on the abrasive shores by beaches leaning against the cliff, and on the accumulative shores by beaches with a full profile (which includes the spit at the mouth of the Bolshaya River). Generally, characteristic feature The subaquatic zone is the absence of radical planned restructuring during sea level fluctuations. All coastlines have an arcuate character and a submeridional direction, in accordance with tectonic structure West Kamchatka Lowland. In practice, this corresponds to the position of V.P. Zenkovich (1962) about the continuous leveling of the coastline with the death of coastal ledges as “abrasion” sources of flows of loose material. Alternation of adjacent flooded coastlines indicates the formation of similar coastal zones during the process of transgression.

schemes territorialplanning

  • Kamchatka Territory municipality passport (1)


    7-62 _______Karaginsky municipal district in Kamchatskyedge(Name municipality) endowed... ΅ - - 600 119 - - - clause 15 Approval schemesterritorialplanning municipal district, land use and development rules...



    Option 1. Tundra soils

    1. Conceptual characteristics of the type

    Tundra soils- these are soils formed on permafrost, predominantly loamy deposits under conditions of a very short and cold growing season (north of the July isotherm + 10°, average annual temperatures are negative: - 4-14°C with a predominance of precipitation over evaporation) under shrubs (shrubs) - lichens - moss vegetation, characterized by a gleyed profile of type 0(T)-(A)-(Bg)-G. Important role Cryogenic processes such as spot formation, heaving, and cracking play a role in the genesis of tundra gley soils.

    2. Features of genesis

    Major soil scientists, botanists, and geographers have repeatedly paid attention to the study of soils in the northern outskirts of our homeland. V.V. Dokuchaev (1899) among the main soil zones identified a special “boreal-tundra” zone, believing that there should be a special “polar” type of soil formation. N. M. Sibirtsev (1901) also classified tundra soils as one of the classes of zonal soils.
    The type of tundra gley soils was introduced into soil taxonomy by E.N. Ivanova (1956).
    Tundra gley soils are typical for the tundra landscape-geographical zone. They stretch in a strip of varying widths along the entire northern edge of Eurasia and North America. IN southern hemisphere Due to the lack of land in the corresponding latitudes, tundra gley soils are not common. In Eurasia, these soils make up 2.7% of the continent's area. IN North America their share in the soil cover is even higher - up to 4.6%. Their total area is globe about 2600 thousand km 2.
    The tundra is divided into three subzones: the southern shrub-(moss-shrub) tundra subzone, the typical moss (cotton grass-moss) tundra subzone, and the arctic tundra subzone. Unlike the southern and typical tundras, the Arctic tundras are characterized by open vegetation cover; The dominant type of vegetation distribution, as in the Arctic zone, is polygonal-mesh.
    A significant supply of dead plant residues in the tundra is due to the slow mineralization of litter, the poverty of bacterial flora, and unfavorable soil temperatures. In the dead organic matter a significant amount of energy from tundra biogeocenoses is accumulated. The biological cycle in the tundra can be characterized as inhibited, stagnant, with low capacity due to the low productivity and low ash content of tundra plants.

    3. Subtypes and their characteristics

    Tundra gley soils described in various bioclimatic provinces of the tundra zone, depending on soil formation conditions, can have quite significant differences in the structure of the profile. In the most general form, the profile of a tundra gley soil on loamy deposits consists of a litter horizon (O or OA), a humus or humus horizon (A or OA/A), a gleyed transition horizon Bg and a gley horizon G. In various subtypes of tundra gley soils the profile structure can change significantly: tundra gley humus soils have a well-defined humus-accumulative horizon several centimeters thick, tundra gley humus soils characterized by a brownish-brown smeared organic horizon with a large amount of semi-decomposed plant material, tundra gley typical soils have only a layer of litter (tundra felt) of mosses and shrubs, in tundra gley peaty soils the organic horizon can reach a thickness of 10-20 cm.
    Tundra gley soils can also differ in the nature of gleyization in the profile. In European tundras, gleying most often begins from the surface (surface-gley soils), in the Western Siberian tundras it is confined to the horizons of rock change in granulometric composition (contact gley soils), in the East Siberian tundras gleying is often supra-permafrost in nature (superpermafrost- gley soils). If the gley horizon is developed well enough, then the soil is classified as gleyed; if there are only spots of gley in the profile, it is classified as gleyed. Gleyic soils are typical for the northern subzone of tundras - arctic tundras.
    Micromorphological studies of tundra gley soils show that organic horizons are characterized by strong sandiness and an almost imperceptible content of silt fraction in thin sections; The binding cement between mineral grains is an organic substance consisting of plant residues of varying degrees of humification. The surface of mineral grains is washed from silt particles and films. Due to the fact that illuviation of silt into the underlying horizons is not observed, it can be assumed that the removal of silt particles is carried out by lateral runoff along loose organic horizons (horizontal supra-permafrost eluviation).

    4. Soil formation conditions

    Cryogenic processes in tundra gley soils affect the microstructure of the clayey substance of mineral horizons, which is characterized by a pronounced scaly structure. The formation of oriented clays of scaly form is most likely associated with prolonged freezing of the soil mass, during which the entire soil is penetrated by ice crystals and clay particles are oriented along these crystals. When slowly thawed, they maintain their orientation.
    In thin sections of gley horizons, gray color dominates. In rare pores there are zones of rusty-brown oxidation. The horizons are poorly aggregated, contain little coarse plant residues, and the pore walls and mineral grains are not washed away from clay matter. Characteristic is the accumulation of large amounts of amorphous iron compounds that permeate the oxidized areas of gley horizons. They also contain rounded concretions of iron hydroxides up to 1 mm in diameter.
    The type of tundra gley soils is characterized by a weakly differentiated profile in the distribution of silt and mineral components. There are several factors that limit profile differentiation. The most important of them are: permafrost mass and moisture exchange in the profile (mixing and constant renewal), the presence of difficult-to-permeate gley thixotropic horizons, the difficulty of lateral outflow of elements due to uneven thawing of permafrost on various elements of the nano- and microrelief.
    However, a number of processes occur in tundra gley soils, which, although weak degree, but contribute to their differentiation. These are processes of gleyization, downward migration, cryogenic pull-up of substances from mineral horizons to organogenic ones and vice versa, and, finally, lateral runoff, which intensively flows along organogenic horizons during the period of maximum thawing of the profile.

    5. Composition and main properties

    Differences in the gross composition of the genetic horizons of tundra gley soils are, as a rule, small. In the Arctic tundras, the profile is almost undifferentiated in terms of the content of silt and sesquioxides. In the subzones of typical and southern tundras with favorable conditions weak differentiation of the profile is observed (Fig. 1).
    Most researchers of tundra gley soils note the predominance of coarse silt and fine sand fractions in their granulometric composition. This is a consequence of the fact that when cryolithogenesis(transformation of various rocks under the influence of permafrost processes) fine-grained products are formed mainly due to physical weathering, chemical weathering is of subordinate importance. Aggregation of clay particles may also occur, leading to the formation of dust-sized particles.
    Due to the weakly expressed processes of clay neosynthesis in cryogenic soils, the mineralogical composition of tundra gley soils is largely inherited from the parent rocks. As a rule, hydromicas predominate among the finely dispersed minerals of the silty fraction (during soil formation on moraine and cover loams and some other soil-forming rocks). But on the Taimyr Peninsula and northwestern Alaska, for example, where soil formation occurs on marine dark-colored loams, the silty fraction of tundra gley soils is dominated by mixed-layer minerals and montmorillonite.
    The humus of tundra gley soils is characterized by the predominance of colorless mobile humic substances such as fulvic acids.

    Rice. 1. Composition and properties of typical tundra gley soil (Taimyr)

    The ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon ranges from 0.1-0.6. The humus composition is dominated by fractions associated with sesquioxides; a large proportion is made up of nonspecific substances (30-40%).
    The mobility of humus leads to the impregnation of the profile of tundra gley soils with colorless organic matter. In the presence of a permafrost aquifer, humus compounds are mechanically retained above the permafrost and accumulate in the supra-permafrost horizon of the profile.
    The reaction of tundra gley soils in different subzones ranges from acidic to slightly acidic, almost neutral. The most acidic are tundra gley soils of the southern tundra and forest-tundra. The nature of soil-forming rocks has a very significant effect on the reaction of soils. Thus, soils on marine loamy deposits (Taimyr Peninsula, for example) have a slightly acidic, almost neutral reaction. In the immediate vicinity of sea coasts, the reaction of soils is influenced by the supply of salts from the sea. For example, the pH of the organic horizon of the Arctic tundras of the Yugra Peninsula is higher than in the mineral ones, due to the brought salts. Typically, in tundra soils, organic horizons are much more acidic than mineral ones.
    The absorption capacity of tundra gley soils is small, but the degree of unsaturation with bases is high, with the exception of organic horizons. Due to the constant gleying of the profile and the absence of removal in tundra gley soils, a high content of mobile Fe (II) is observed (up to 100 mg - FeO per 100 g of soil in an extract of 0.1 N H2SO4 ) and low ORP from 200 to 500 mV.
    Tundra gley soils are characterized by high density, low porosity (especially in gley horizons), and weak aeration. The low filtration capacity of gley horizons causes intense lateral flow through organic horizons.
    In the program Soil map, prepared by the Soil Institute named after. V.V. Dokuchaev, tundra gley soils are called tundra permafrost gleyzems. In the Canadian soil classification and in the FAO/UNESCO system, these soils are classified as cryogenic gleysols. IN modern classification In the soils of the United States, tundra gley soils can be classified into various large soil groups of the orders Inseptisols, Mollisols, and Entisols.
    The main features of tundra gley soil formation, determined by the entire complex of bioclimatic conditions, are the following: low rate of destruction and change of soil-forming rocks; slow removal of weathering and soil formation products from the soil mass; poor differentiation of the profile by the distribution of sludge and mineral components; gleyization of the profile; relative slowness of decomposition and synthesis of organic substances and, as a consequence, the formation of coarse humus horizons with a significant amount of easily soluble humus compounds of fulvic nature; significant role of cryogenic processes in the formation of morphology and chemical properties soil
    In the formation of tundra gley soils, cryogenic processes, combined under common name“cryo-turbation” (frost cracking, heaving, thixotropic flow, cryogenic structuring, etc.). Cryoturbation processes in tundra gley soils determine the clearly defined microcomplexity of the soil cover (Fig. 2). The constant dynamics of microrelief, vegetation and the nature of soil formation determine the cyclical nature of all processes: the soil of each element of the microrelief represents a relatively short-term stage in the general cryogenic cycle of a given landscape. Great value have processes of water migration in soils (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 2. Soil complex of fissure-nanopolygonal dryad-moss spotted tundra:
    / - a spot devoid of vegetation; // - tundra humus gleyic soil of depression; 1 - mosses; 2 - shrubs; 3 - mountains OA; 4 - mountains AB; 5 - mountains Bgl; 6 - mountains Bg2; 7 - frozen thickness; 8 - ice lenses

    Rice. 3. Scheme of seasonal mass and moisture exchange in a cracked nanopolygonal soil complex of tundra humus gleyic soil (A) and spots (B):
    / - the soil was frozen" ( late autumn, winter); // - spring thawing; Ш - maximum thawing (end of summer); 1-shrub-moss vegetation cover; 2 - level of permafrost thawing; 3 - direction of movement of moisture and water-soluble compounds; 4 - surface runoff or horizontal supra-permafrost eluviation

    In areas of tundra gley soils traditional forms The farms are reindeer herding, fishing, and hunting. IN last decades centers of fur farming also appeared. The biological resources of the tundra and forest-tundra are quite large: a lot of fur and fish are harvested here, about 3 million domestic reindeer are grazed, and several hundred thousand wild reindeer live. Therefore, the main part of the territory is used as pasture for deer (E. E. Syroechkovsky, 1974).

    6. Agricultural use

    Intensive economic development of the North requires the development of suburban farming: dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming, and gardening. The basis for the development of livestock farming in the harsh conditions of the Far North is the feed supply. In addition to the necessary set of imported concentrates, it should include long-term cultivated and improved natural pastures, grassland crop rotations, and a green conveyor. The main source of rough, succulent and pasture feed in the North is floodplain lands ( various types alluvial soils), however, tundra gley soils, especially those confined to southern slopes and relatively light soil-forming rocks, can become a reserve of agricultural land necessary for obtaining feed. The hay yield in such meadows can reach 3-10 c/ha. Systematic feeding of meadows with mineral and organic fertilizers ensures the production of at least 20-25 c/ha of hay.
    In those areas of the North where there is a lack of natural grassland, the cultivation of perennial grasses can play an important role. Under favorable agricultural conditions, grasses in the Far North are capable of producing hay yields from 20 to 60 kg/ha. In addition to grasses, the most common forage crop at present is oats (70-150 centners of green mass/ha). Promising crops may also include barley, winter rye, some fodder root crops and tubers.


    1 . Soil field research technique

    In the field, soils are studied and identified and named according to their external, so-called morphological characteristics, which reflect the internal processes taking place in the soils, their origin (genesis) and development history.
    N. M. Sibirtsev believed that by morphological (external) characteristics it is possible to determine the soil in the same way as we determine a mineral, plant or animal. Therefore, in field conditions, it is especially important to correctly describe the soil and note all its features.
    To describe soils, study their morphological characteristics, establish boundaries between different soils, and collect samples for analysis, special pits are laid, which are called soil sections. They come in three types; full (main) cuts, half holes and digging.
    First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly inspect the area, determine the nature of the relief and vegetation for the right choice location of the soil section.
    The section must be laid in the most characteristic place of the surveyed territory. Soil sections should not be laid near roads, next to ditches, or on microrelief elements atypical for the given territory (depressions, hummocks).
    In a selected area of ​​the terrain, they dig a soil section so that three of its walls are vertical, and the fourth descends in steps (Fig. 1).

    Tundra soils

    Tundra soils are characterized by low snow cover--0--50cm, which is due to strong winds is demolished, permafrost in the soil affects its fertility. The soils are tundra-gley and peaty. The humus horizon is approximately 10 cm, with a lot of undecomposed organic residues. It has a heavy granulometric composition. Humus contains fulvic acids. The reaction of the medium is slightly acidic. Gleyization is weakly expressed.

    Insufficient evaporation and the occurrence of permafrost close to the surface cause waterlogging of tundra soils - arctic tundra in the north of the zone and gley tundra in its central and southern parts. Waterlogging entails the activation of the gley process, which is very characteristic of the tundra. The bluish or greenish color that predominates in tundra soils is associated with it. Another typical feature is their low humus content. The reason for this is not only the insufficient amount of plant material entering the soil, but also the extremely slow pace of its humification and mineralization. As a result, plant residues often accumulate on the surface in the form of a thin peaty layer. The presence of permafrost determines another feature of tundra soils - the uncertainty of soil horizons caused by repeated movement of the soil mass as a result of the processes of heaving and outpouring of soils. The intensity of permafrost phenomena increases towards the northern boundaries of the zone.

    Tundra soils are acidic, poor in bases, with negligible reserves nutrients. The groundwater located above permafrost is ultra-fresh, hydrocarbonate, with a low content of mineral salts.

    In the tundra, the nature of soil formation is determined by the widespread distribution permafrost, which serves as an aquifer, low heat content, short period with positive average monthly temperatures, atmospheric surface and supra-permafrost intrasoil waterlogging. For about 9 months, the soils are in a frozen state, and the “active” (seasonally thawing) layer (from 40...60 cm on loamy and clayey soils to 1.5...2.5 m on cartilaginous-gravelly and sandy soils ) - in conditions of lack of heat and waterlogging. Water and salt regimes are closed due to permafrost. Physical weathering dominates. Periodic thawing of soils, their freezing and drying of the surface contribute to the development of swelling processes, leading to ruptures of the turf and outpouring of liquefied swollen mineral mass through cracks in the crust. Therefore, soil horizons are unclear, mixed, curved, torn, with violations of the integrity of the soil profile.

    Transformation of organic residues due to low temperatures, waterlogging, weak biochemical activity occurs weakly. Organic matter decomposes slowly. Humic substances differ simple structure, weakly condensed.

    Surface and supra-permafrost gleying plays an important role in soil development. Surface gleying is associated with precipitation, high air humidity, and low evaporation from the soil surface.

    The type of soil in watersheds with loamy and clayey soil-forming rocks is tundra gley. Soil subtypes: arctic-tundra gley, typical tundra gley, proper tundra gley, podzolized tundra gley.

    Arcto-tundra gleyic soils occupy flat plain areas. These soils are common on loamy-clayey soil-forming rocks. Arcto-tundra gleyic soils are found in the northern part of the Yamal, Taimyr, Gydansky peninsulas and east of the mouth of the Anabar River, on the islands New Earth, Bely, Sergei Kirov, Bolshoi Begichev, Lyakhovskie, off the Asian coast of the North Arctic Ocean. They are represented mainly by alas, swampy, with lakes.

    According to the granulometric composition of the soil, it is loamy and clayey, sometimes sandy loam, sandy and gravelly, rocky. Due to the intense crushing of rocks during frost weathering, coarse dust predominates in them as the smallest limit of large fractions in the Arctic tundra. The humus horizon is significantly depleted in silt and physical clay.

    In the Arctic tundra, swamp and swampy soils are found in undrained areas, marshy saline and non-saline soils are found on coastal shallows, and silt-humus soils are found in floodplains.

    Tundra gley typical soils are formed on loamy-clayey deposits under grass-moss, moss-lichen groups. Distributed on the swampy plains of the northern part West Siberian Lowland, in the North Siberian, Yana-Indigirsk, Kolyma and Abysk lowlands, in the northeastern part of the Chukotka Peninsula. The plains are heavily swamped, with many swamps and lakes. The relief is complex: on the ridges it is fissured and polygonal with heaving mounds, and is significantly complicated by landslides and solifluction.

    On flats or in dry elevated areas, on sandy, sandy loam soil-forming rocks, tundra illuvial-humus soils (podburs) are developed, the profile of which is brown in color, without gleying. They are enriched with oxides of iron, aluminum and silica.

    In the oceanic provinces, tundra illuvial-humus podzolized soils develop on sandy, sandy loam and light loamy rocks under a lichen-moss cover with dwarf birch and wild rosemary.

    Tundra soils have unfavorable water-physical and thermal properties, low biological activity.

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