Establishing the boundaries of populated areas. Boundaries of settlements

Lands of a city, town, rural settlement, which separates them from other categories of land

Dictionary of business terms. 2001.

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The economic efficiency of changes made to land use is justified primarily by calculations of transport costs for transporting seeds, fuels and lubricants, products, etc. We will compile a calculation table economic efficiency exchange of land plots (Table 5).

Table 5. Calculation of the economic efficiency of land exchange

Conclusion: calculations showed that the cost of transportation under the project is 132.3 rubles per 1 hectare of agricultural land.

1.4 Setting the line rural areas and transfer of land to local administration

The settlement line is the outer boundary of settlements that separates them from other categories.

The establishment of the boundaries of rural settlements is carried out with the aim of transferring lands to the jurisdiction of rural administrations to exercise their powers to regulate land relations within the competence defined by land legislation Russian Federation, legislative acts subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The composition of the lands of rural settlements includes:

Residential zone, where residential buildings with garden plots, cultural and social amenities and others are located public buildings and buildings (stadiums), land public use(parks, boulevards, squares, squares, streets, driveways, cattle runs), green spaces, intra-village reservoirs, public courtyards, areas for stopping passenger vehicles, etc.

Citizens' lands (vegetable gardens) adjacent to a residential zone or located in close proximity to it and conveniently connected to it;

A production zone where livestock buildings, agricultural processing enterprises, brick factories and other enterprises, regardless of departmental purpose, are located, machine and tractor yards, garages, mechanical repair shops, various warehouses, the public utility sector (artesian wells and water towers, boiler houses, power plants, etc.) - as well as structures of railway, water and air transport;

A sanitary protection zone that provides the necessary sanitary, hygienic, fire and other protective gaps between residential and industrial areas;

Agricultural and other lands that in the future may be occupied for development, to expand the area of ​​household lands, to perform sanitary and protective functions in accordance with the planning organization of the territory of a settlement, or allocated for ownership (use) government organizations and enterprises, cooperatives and individual citizens for conducting personal auxiliary, individual or collective gardening, vegetable gardening, as well as for other agricultural and other purposes provided for by land legislation;

Reserve territories necessary for the expansion of rural settlements for the next 5 or more years in accordance with the planning and development project or land management project.

All lands included within the boundaries of a rural settlement are transferred to the jurisdiction of the rural administration.

Enabling land plots into the composition of the lands of rural settlements and their transfer to the jurisdiction of administrations does not entail the termination of property rights and land ownership of household lands of citizens. These lands, while remaining in the ownership, possession or use of citizens, are subject to withdrawal from the lands of the agricultural enterprise or another landowner to which they belonged. Agricultural lands included in the lands of a rural settlement used by the farm are taken from it as needed.

Without confiscation from previous land users, land located on the territory of the populated area is transferred to the jurisdiction of the rural administration. land plots for outside use.

The boundaries of a rural settlement are established on the basis of on-farm land management projects, planning and development, calculations to justify reserve areas, land inventory materials and other design, technical, architectural, construction and accounting documentation.

In the process of preparatory work, all materials on the locality are studied: the population, the number of households, the number of personal livestock, the size of household plots and the area of ​​available household lands, the percentage of their growth established by the local administration for the future. Extraneous land uses located within the boundaries of a populated area, their area, and terms of use of land plots are identified.

Are ending preparatory work development of design assignments.

Design assignment:

1. Design object - Bezymyannaya settlement, Krasny Partizan settlement on the territory of the Bezymyanskoye JSC farm, Engelsky district, Saratov region.

2. Design task: To establish the boundaries of the settlements of Bezymyannaya and Krasny Partizan, to determine the composition and area of ​​land transferred to the jurisdiction of the Bezymyansk Municipal Formation.

3. Composition of lands of the agricultural enterprise JSC Bezymyanskoye, hectares:

total land – 3724.5

including arable land – 2616

pastures – 499

total agricultural land – 3115

personal lands – 177.8

4. Size of rural settlements

Name of the locality

Number of yards

Number of inhabitants

Number of livestock for personal use

Infield size

plot, ha

Prospective growth, %


Bezymyannaya village

p. Red Partizan

In the absence of the line s.n.p. a project for its establishment is being drawn up, which includes the creatures and reserve territories necessary for their development in the future (residential, industrial, sanitary protection zones, agricultural and other lands).

Trait s.n.p. is established on the basis of an on-farm and territorial land management project, projects for the redistribution of land according to forms of ownership and management, projects and schemes for the architectural and planning structure of the village.

Change of feature n.p. occurs due to lands That farm is located on the territory of the cat.

When drawing up a project, preparatory work is carried out, which includes collecting, studying, analyzing and processing the current state of this S.N.P.

Based on the preparatory work, a project is drawn up to establish the line of the S.N.P., which includes the following solution. questions:

    Determination of areas required for the development of individual housing construction, vegetable gardening, horticulture, haymaking and grazing

    Clarification and placement of all owners of the lease.

    Design, use of land. lands located outside the boundaries of the settlement, but under the jurisdiction of the village administration

    Drawing up an explication of lands both within the boundaries of the settlement and the entire territory of the rural administration

    Determination of areas withdrawn from previous salaries

    Determination of locations of reserve territories

When establishing the line s.n.p. it is necessary to comply with the requirements of adjacent landscapes, create environmentally sustainable territories and ensure the effective use and protection of lands, both within the boundaries of rural settlements, as well as in the surrounding areas.

As a result of the completion of work for each S.N.P. and the rural administration as a whole, land management is being formed, which includes:

* Location diagram of the village on the territory of the village administration

* Projects for establishing the boundaries of lands transferred to the jurisdiction of rural administrations

* Draft line establishing the line of S.N.P.

* Design explication of land within the established boundaries of land transferred to the jurisdiction of the rural administration

* Explication of lands within the established boundaries of those withdrawn from the lands of agricultural and other enterprises

* List of outside salaries located within the boundaries of the village.

* Explication of the lands remaining at the disposal of those farms and departments from which the land was transferred

* Explanatory note

* Documents for the preparation and approval of project proposals for establishing the boundary line of the settlement.

At the final stage of design to establish the line, the boundaries and lines of the village are transferred. and lands of the rural administration to the area with the installation of boundary signs at turning points.

31. Drawing up a project for the land and economic structure of a settlement, general provisions

The procedure for designing the land and economic structure of a populated area.

All lands within the boundaries of the NP are divided into land plots that are built up and are subject to development, but are temporarily not built up (areas of forested park areas, recreation areas, etc.).

Rights to land plots are certified by land users in the NP based on the priority of protecting human life and health, its comprehensive development, and ensuring favorable environmental conditions for its life activities. Use of land plots in four NPs administered by both representative and executive administrative bodies.

Federal Law No. 131 “On general principles self-government organizations." The competencies of representative bodies of local self-government include:

    establishment order of use, control over the use and protection of land plots, etc. natural resources and natural objects.

Alienation of land and registration of ownership rights to land plots

Registration of rights to land plots

Providing land for rent

2. the procedure for collecting land taxes and the procedure for providing benefits for them.

3. establishment of fines and other types of administrative liability for violation of land legislation on issues within their jurisdiction

4. approval, upon submission of the heads of the administrator, of the list and description of the boundaries of land plots located on the territory of the NP and under their jurisdiction

5. approval of the list and description of the boundaries of land plots on the territory of the NP that cannot be transferred into ownership or lease.

The NP administration is responsible for:

1. management and disposal of land resources of the NP

2. determination of rental rates and other land payments

3. collection of land payments and collection of fines for violation of the law

4. calculation ... and the volume of losses for the use of land plots withdrawn from NP circulation

5. land clearance and reclamation

6. zoning of NP territories

7. Compilation and maintenance of the real estate cadastre in the NP

8. drawing up town planning plans for the development of the NP, development in accordance with town planning plans for the development of a detailed planning project, development schemes taking into account the opinion of the population, plans for the land management of settlements

9. control over the use and protection of lands in accordance with the law.

Establishing order and control over the use of land and protection of NP lands is possible if materials on this issue are developed. One of the main such materials is the general plan for the development of the territory of the NP, which is the basis for the development of:

    on NP lands occupied by development and planning and development projects intended for this purpose

    on the lands of the NP located on development lands, on those subject to development and temporarily on undeveloped plans and detailed projects for the land management structure of their territory, therefore the land management structure of the NP is a socio-economic, economic and administrative-legal process and a system of measures for organizing the use and protection of lands, creating favorable environmental conditions for the life of the population, regulation of land use and land relations in the NP for the detailed organization of enterprises and farms, cultivation of landscapes of the NP territories.

Land legislation identifies such a concept as border of populated areas. The term is defined in . The line according to which one is divided with another or with other categories of land is called the settlement boundary.

Such a line cannot intersect with municipalities, or go beyond the boundaries of a certain city or village. Also, the boundary of the settlement cannot intersect with a site owned by private individuals and organizations.

The boundaries are determined during the formation of the territory and are subsequently recorded on the map plan and in the cadastral passport of the plot. Description of the boundaries of settlements is mandatory procedure when registering a land mass as the territory of a city or village.

When registering boundaries, it is very important to use only current information about the arrays registered in, excluding those that have been cancelled. All completed papers are processed mandatory registration procedure, and approval as part of the general plan of a village or city. After completing the documentation, the available information is transferred to the established funds.

Establishing and changing the boundaries of settlements


As a result, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The boundaries of a settlement are understood as a line that separates it from another or from a land mass belonging to a different category.
  2. The area limits are recorded on a special plan map, described, and then transferred to Rosreestr for registration.
  3. Boundaries are established only after coordination and approval of the general education plan.
  4. The powers of owners and temporary managers of land plots, when the latter are included in the boundaries of settlements, are retained in full.

The most popular questions and answers to them along the boundaries of settlements

Question: Hello, my name is Konstantin Andreevich. My plot was located outside our village, however, recently work was carried out to delimit common territory settlements, and it turned out that my array was included in the complex settlement lands. I contacted the education administration with a question about whether I now have authority over the land or whether there have been any changes regarding ownership. I also wanted to know whether I was entitled to compensation or not. The municipality did not give me any clear answer and now I am in doubt about building a country house on my site.

Tell me how to find out information about right to use the site and the amount of compensation for its seizure? Can they even take my land away?

Answer: Dear Konstantin Andreevich, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, because according to Art. 84 Land Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of defining or changing the boundaries of a city, village, or other populated area, the procedure for use for citizens and organizations temporarily managing plots does not change, and for land owners, their rights do not terminate.

In other words, you remain the full owner of the territory, regardless of whether it is included in settlement land complex or not. As for the question of where to get information regarding the boundaries and other characteristics of the plot, you should contact Rosreestr. Ownership of real estate is established in this organization, and accordingly, data can be obtained there by submitting official application.

Land of settlements- This is a territory that belongs to populated areas. It represents land plots whose purpose is the construction of city buildings, development of settlements and other municipal facilities.

Territorial settlements have their typical specific signs. These areas are located directly inside settlements or within their boundaries. They are necessary to serve villages, small towns and cities.

The border of settlement lands is considered to be the border line of cities and villages, which separates them from other categories of sites. This feature can be changed according to changes in development plans for a particular locality.

Important! The line covers both buildings located on the border lines of a populated area, as well as vacant territories that are further oriented toward serving people, or that are owned by private individuals.

The line cannot be drawn through a separate plot. It can only be located along its border. In addition, one piece of land cannot be classified into several categories at once. Border with outside determined total area territory of the settlement.

The organization of land within a city or other settlement is carried out by the local administration, taking into account the approved construction planning and design.

Division of settlement lands

The Land Code of the Russian Federation provides for the division of settlement lands into specific zones, which include the following territories:

  • provided for the consumer needs of society;
  • industrial purposes;
  • for the construction of residential properties;
  • agricultural purposes;
  • located under the buildings of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • special objects.

For all of the above zones, the town planning regulations are explained differently. The rules apply to all processes that relate to the development of a separate territory.

The legislation calls on every land owner to comply with the basics of planning and development of settlements, as well as construction procedures. The types of buildings under construction must fully correspond to a specific zone. But it is also important to take into account that different territories can be intertwined with each other.

This has an impact on the types of permitted exploitation. Therefore, immediately before using the land, it is necessary to carefully study the settlement scheme and familiarize yourself with the approved norms and rules.

Plots located in settlement territories are divided into several types according to the following features:

  1. If possible, carry out privatization. Many areas of this group may become privately owned. However, some plots are prohibited from being privatized. These include city park areas, ponds, rivers, road surfaces, etc.
  2. According to the type of permitted use. The interweaving of different sections among themselves leads to mixed rules their use. However, priority remains with the more significant object. For example, the zone is included in the general urban planning plan, that is, it refers to the boundaries of the territories general use. In this case, such a plot will most likely be seized by the state, so it makes no sense to start constructing buildings on it.
  3. By purpose. This means that the distribution can only affect those territories that are provided to individuals. These include plots for individual housing construction, construction of summer cottages, gardens, etc.

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Composition of settlement lands

The territories included in the settlement lands have a completely different purpose compared to other categories.

Today settlement lands are divided into residential, social, commercial and other zones. Housing includes plots that are designated for the construction of multi-apartment buildings based on individual projects, as well as for the construction of cottages and summer houses.

IN social areas Included are sites where government building or non-profit sector developments are located.

The commercial sector includes a territory for industrial purposes, as well as public catering, trade, transport interchange and other areas related to supporting the activities of individual entrepreneurs.

Other types of zoning include land plots:

  • necessary for the use of communications and traffic;
  • natural character under protection;
  • historical and cultural purposes;
  • related to the forest fund;
  • with reservoirs, rivers and other water resources;
  • agricultural purposes;
  • public places;
  • reserves necessary for the development of settlements and personal subsidiary plots;
  • special purpose

All these types of lands are, one way or another, united with each other. They are necessary for the development of each settlement. However, their differences lie in the methods of operation.

The purpose of settlement lands is a certain territorially fixed platform for the distribution within it of housing, production workshops, office buildings, social cultural centers, and structures that are intended for the consumer needs of the population.

The significance and economic benefit of settlement areas is determined by completely different indicators, in contrast to territories of other categories. The assessment of these sites directly depends on their location, terrain, the presence or absence of any buildings or communications on them, as well as the state of the ecological environment.

Types of permitted exploitation of settlement lands

The main type of permitted operation of settlements is the possibility of erecting buildings. This could be the construction of cottages, houses, and businesses by private individuals.

It is quite possible to organize the construction of a house on every plot located within the boundaries of the settlement, even if it was classified as agricultural.

However, it is important to take into account the settlement construction project. As a rule, permitted types of operation include:

  • commercial buildings;
  • agricultural use;
  • construction of farms;
  • subsidiary plots for personal use;
  • cultivation and production of agricultural products;
  • housing construction by individual plan;
  • construction of cottages, gardens;
  • dacha farming.

However, despite the enormous possibilities for exploiting settlement plots, it is prohibited to apply them to any plot within the boundaries of the settlement.

As mentioned earlier, the type of permitted operation must fully meet all the requirements of the site according to the division of the territory into zones.

In this case, preference is often given to priority. However similar situations must be reviewed by federal authorities.

In the case when an allotment located within the boundaries of a populated area is given for operation or sold to individuals, the method of its use must be specified.

Owners of settlement lands must obtain approval from the local administration for any actions with the site to ensure compliance with the project.

It is the drawn up layout that is the main urban planning document that defines all the conditions for the division of zones and development of the territory, improvement of infrastructure, compliance sanitary requirements, environmental standards, ensuring the preservation of historical and cultural values.

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