South America is part. South America: A Brief History

Countries of South America: features of the continent

The countries of South America attract many tourists with their pristine nature and special flavor. From childhood, everyone knows about the wilds of the Amazon, colorful carnivals, fiery dances, and exotica. Of course, civilization has significantly changed the map of South America, and there are practically no unexplored places on it. But the legendary attitude towards the exoticism of this distant land remains, and people strive to visit there. Those wishing to visit these countries need to know at least a little about them. Wikipedia about South America provides the much-needed minimum set information.

Continent Information

The geographical position of South America can be imagined: the mainland is located mostly in the Southern Hemisphere of the globe, and only a small part of it is in the Northern Hemisphere. The location of the continent on the planet is recorded as follows: extreme points South America and their coordinates: north - Cape Gallinas (12°27'N, 71°39'W);

continental south - Cape Froward (53°54'S, 71°18'W); island south – Diego Ramirez (56°30′ S, 68°43’ W); west - Cape Parinhas (4°40' S, 81°20' W); east - Cape Cabo Branco (7°10' S, 34°47' W). South America has an area of ​​17.9 million square meters. km, and the total population is about 387.5 million people.

The history of the development of the continent is divided into 3 characteristic periods:

  • Autochthonous civilizations: the stage of formation, flourishing and complete collapse local civilizations (Indian ethnic groups, incl. the Incas).
  • Colonization (XVI-XVIII centuries): almost the entire continent had the status of Spanish and Portuguese colonies. The period of the birth of statehood.
  • Independent stage. Characterized by extremely unstable political and economic development, but the final formation of state borders.

Geological and climatic features

If you look at the extreme points of South America, you can see that the continent is at long distance stretched from north to south, which causes diversity geological forms and climatic zones. IN in general terms geological structure can be assessed as the existence of a mountainous western part and plain east. Average height mainland South America is about 580 m above sea level, but the west is dominated by mountain ranges with fairly high peaks. Almost along the entire western coast of the ocean stretches Mountain chain- Andes.

In the northern part there is the elevated Guiana Highlands, and in the eastern part there is the Brazilian Plateau. Between these two hills large territory occupies the Amazonian lowland, formed by the river of the same name. The mountain system belongs to young geological formations and is distinguished volcanic activity, as well as fairly frequent earthquakes.

A significant area in the southwest of the continent was captured by the lifeless Atacama Desert. In addition to the Amazon, lowland plains form 2 more large rivers– Orinoco (Orinoco Lowland) and Parana (La Plata Lowland).

The natural zones of South America change with distance from the equator - from the very hot equatorial zone in the north of the continent to the cold polar zone in the extreme south(in areas approaching Antarctica). The main climatic zones are equatorial belt, subequatorial zone (on both sides of the equator), tropical, subtropical and temperate zones.

The tropical and subequatorial zones cover most of South America, causing a characteristic alternation of very wet and extremely dry periods. The Amazonian lowland is dominated by an equatorial climate with constant humid heat, and closer to the south of the continent, first a subtropical and then a temperate climate appears. In flat areas, i.e. on large area In the northern part of the continent, the air warms up to 21-27°C all year round, but in the south, temperatures of 11-12°C can be observed even in summer.

Taking into account geographical location The winter season in South America is June-August, and the summer season is December-February. Seasonality clearly manifests itself only with distance from the tropics. In winter in the south of the continent, temperatures often drop to frost. The high humidity of South America should be highlighted - it is considered the wettest continent. At the same time, the Atacama Desert is one of the places where any precipitation is very rare.

Natural features of the continent

The diversity of climatic zones also leads to a diversity of natural manifestations. Peculiar business card are the Amazonian jungle, occupying huge territory. In many places of impenetrable forests no human has yet set foot. Given the area they occupy, these jungles are called “the lungs of the planet.”

The Amazon forest and other plains of the equatorial and tropical zones amaze with the abundance of flora species. The vegetation is so dense that it is almost impossible to pass. Everything grows upward, towards the sun - as a result, the height of vegetation exceeds 100 m, and tiered life occurs at different heights. Vegetation can be distributed at 11-12 levels. The most characteristic jungle plant is the ceiba. Occurs a large number of different types palm trees, melon tree and many other varieties of flora.

The most famous animals of South America live in the Amazon region. Here you can see the rarest representative of the fauna - the sloth. Selva becomes a haven for the smallest bird in the world - the hummingbird, large number amphibians (including poisonous frog). Huge anacondas are amazing, the record holder among rodents is calibara, tapirs, freshwater dolphins, jaguars. Only here there is a wild cat - the ocelot. Crocodiles live in large numbers in the Amazon itself and its tributaries. The predator, the piranha fish, has become legendary.

After the Amazonian jungle, it’s the savannahs’ turn. Only here can you find the quebracho tree with very hard wood. Small savannah forests give way to steppe. The fauna of savannahs is also capable of striking with its inhabitants. South Americans are especially proud of their armadillos. In the savannas there are anteaters, rheas (ostriches), pumas, kinkajous, and spectacled bears. Llamas and deer graze in the steppe areas. In mountainous areas you can find mountain llamas and alpacas.

Natural attractions

The natural attractions of South America can safely include entire areas that amaze with their originality and pristine nature. Unique in all respects is the southern tip of the continent - the island of Tierra del Fuego, blown by Antarctic winds and storms. The entire mountain range (Andes) with its frozen and active volcanoes and pointed tops. The highest peak is very beautiful - Aconcagua Peak (6960 m).

The continent's river system is represented by large rivers. It is in South America that there is the highest waterfall - Angel, as well as the most powerful waterfall - Iguazu. The South American lakes are very beautiful - Titicaca, Maracaibo, Patus.

Statehood on the continent

As they liberated themselves from the colonialists, states formed on the continent. TO XXI century The list of countries in South America that have independence includes 12 states. This list also includes 3 territories administered by other countries.

The list of countries is as follows:

  • Brazil. The most large state- with an area of ​​more than 8.5 million square meters. km and with a population of 192 million people. The capital is the city of Brasilia, and the most Big City- Rio de Janeiro. Official language– Portuguese. The most spectacular and tourist-attracting event is the carnival. This is where the main beauties of the Amazon, Iguazu Falls, and beautiful Atlantic beaches are located.
  • Argentina. The second largest country in terms of size and population (area - more than 2.7 million sq. km, population - about 40.7 million people). The official language is Spanish. The capital is Buenos Aires. The main tourist attractions are the Museum of the End of the World in Ushuaia (in the very south of the continent), silver mines, Patagonia with Indian exotica, and a nature reserve with waterfalls.
  • Bolivia. A state in the central part of the continent without access to the ocean. The area is almost 1.1 million square meters. km, and the population is 8.9 million people. The official capital is Sucre, but in fact its role is played by La Paz. Main attractions: Lake Titicaca, eastern slopes of the Andes, Indian national events.
  • Venezuela. The northern part of the continent with access to the Caribbean Sea. Area – slightly more than 0.9 million square meters. km, population – 26.4 million people. The capital is Caracas. Here is Angel Falls, national park Avila, the longest cable car.
  • Guyana. Located in the northeast and washed by the ocean. Area – 0.2 million square meters. km, population - 770 thousand people. The capital is Georgetown. Almost everything is covered with jungle, which attracts eco-tourists. Sights: waterfalls, National parks, savannah.
  • Colombia. Country in the northwest, with an area of ​​1.1 million square meters. km and a population of 45 million people. The capital is Bogota. It has a visa-free regime with Russia. Famous for its historical museums, beaches, national parks.
  • Paraguay. It occupies almost the center of South America, but has no access to the ocean. Territory – 0.4 million square meters. km, population – 6.4 million people. The capital is Asuncion. Monuments from the Jesuit period are well preserved.
  • Peru. Located in the west of the mainland, on the coast Pacific Ocean. Area – slightly less than 1.3 million square meters. km, and the population is 28 million people. The capital is Lima. The main monuments of the Inca state are located here - Machu Picchu, the mystical Nazca Lines, and more than 150 museums.
  • Suriname. The northeastern part of the continent, with a territory of about 160 thousand square meters. km and a population of 440 thousand people. The capital is Paramaribo. Routes to the Atabru, Kau, Uonotobo waterfalls, the Galibi Nature Reserve, and Indian settlements are open for tourists.
  • Uruguay. A country in the southeastern part of the mainland with its capital in Montevideo. Area – 176 thousand square meters. km, population – 3.5 million people. Famous for its colorful carnival. Tourists are attracted by the beautiful beaches and architectural attractions.
  • Chile. The state stretches along the Pacific coast and is limited by the high ridge of the Andes. Area – 757 thousand square meters. km, population – 16.5 million people. The capital is Santiago. The country has developed balneological treatment and ski centers. There are beautiful beaches and national parks.
  • Ecuador. A country in the northeastern part with a territory of slightly more than 280 thousand square meters. km and a population of almost 14 million people, with the capital Quito. The most attractive places– Galapagos Islands, national park, lakes, Ingapirku monuments, museums.

Besides independent states, in South America there are territories governed by other states: Guiana (an overseas territory of France); South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia(administered by Great Britain), as well as the Falkland or Malvinas Islands, which have been long disputed between Great Britain and Argentina.

South American countries are considered quite attractive for tourists different countries peace. Here you can enjoy pristine nature, historical monuments, relax on the beautiful beaches.

It is home to many countries, such as Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil. Almost each of them has access to the sea, since the size of the mainland is not too large. What kind of waters is it washed by?

Pacific Ocean

We should start listing the oceans that wash us from the Pacific. It is the oldest and largest on the planet, with an area of ​​178 million kilometers. In such a territory it would be easy to accommodate all the continents at the same time. The name is associated with a traveler who first visited the ocean in beautiful weather and was captivated by its tranquility. It has an oval shape with the widest part at the equator. It was truly widely explored only in the nineteenth century, although the first expeditions to study the coastline of South America were carried out by James Cook and Ferdinand Magellan. Now a special international organization is dealing with these issues.

Near the Tuamotu Islands the ocean is often stormy, but off the coast of South America the weather is stable, with light wind. Calm areas are characterized by periodic showers. The Pacific Ocean significantly influences life in South American countries. Many states engage in fishing in the water area, harvesting shellfish and crabs, and in some regions they grow edible algae.

Atlantic Ocean

When listing the oceans that wash South America, the second one worth mentioning is the Atlantic. It covers an area of ​​92 million square kilometers and is distinguished by the fact that it unites polar regions land. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs through the center of the ocean, along which various volcanic islands rise from the water. The most famous of them is Iceland. The deepest part is located off the coast of South America: the Puerto Rico Trench reaches a depth of 8742 meters. In the tropical part, southeast trade winds blow and there are no cyclones; off the coast of Brazil they have green color, and in other areas dark blue predominates. Where the Amazon flows into the Atlantic, the water appears cloudy, and it is also a place of low salinity, which is why corals are not found here, but other animals and plants flourish in abundance. During the Great geographical discoveries the ocean was the most important by water to South America.

Unofficial Southern Ocean

There are still many controversial topics in geography even now. The traditional answer to the question of which oceans wash South America involves two names. But there is another theory. According to it, the ring of waters separating the continent from Antarctica has the characteristics of a separate ocean. Despite the fact that the issue of borders remains complex, some scientists single out this territory. South ocean covers 86 million square kilometers, its average depth is about 3 kilometers, and the lowest point is the South Sandwich Trench. The coast of America has fairly gentle slopes, and at the bottom there are small ridges and basins. Currents and bottom sediments mainly affect Antarctica. In South America, it is difficult to detect the influence of this hypothetical ocean.

Caribbean Sea

The position of the continent greatly affects the lives of its inhabitants, industry and even climate. Studying the seas and oceans washing South America, it is not difficult to verify this. For example, the Caribbean Sea is a popular region for holiday travel and an oil-rich area. It is located in the north of South America, covering an area of ​​2 million square kilometers. It washes the shores of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. There are many coral reefs here. Coastline South America is full of all kinds of bays and bays. This territory is the only answer to the question of which seas wash South America, and is located in a tropical climate with periodic hurricanes and precipitation from 250 to 9000 millimeters. Many fish and amphibians live here, and on the banks you can find a variety of birds. Magnificent beaches ensure continued popularity Caribbean Sea. The waters surrounding South America are popular among divers. However, ordinary travelers from Brazil, the USA and Canada also like to relax here.

Warm currents

When listing the seas and oceans that wash South America, many forget about currents. Meanwhile, this can be called a serious mistake, because it is they who often determine the climate on the coast. The warmest parts of South America can be called the Atlantic regions: this ocean is warmer than the Pacific. Particularly noteworthy are the shores washed by the Guiana and Brazilian currents; they are the most comfortable and make eastern part The mainland is a more popular destination for tourism.

Cold currents

The seas and oceans surrounding South America are quite warm, but still the difference in the waters can be extremely noticeable. There are much more in the Quiet, many of which pass near the mainland. For example, near Antarctica, South America is washed by the Falkland Current and the Western Wind Current. The latter was named so back in the era of great geographical discoveries. West Coast It is also washed by the cold, which is why the climate and fauna in Peru are noticeably different from those in Brazil. At the same time, the location of the countries is quite similar. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the seas and oceans washing South America, but also currents.

South America is a region according to our classification and a continent in geographically. Located in the southern hemisphere. South America is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic in the east. In the north it borders with the Caribbean Sea, and in the south with the Strait of Magellan. The border between North and South America is the Isthmus of Panama.

The predominant part of the continent (5/6 of the area) is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The continent of South America is widest in equatorial and tropical latitudes. This continent is western part the once-existing supercontinent Gondwana.

South America is the fourth largest and fifth most populous continent on Earth. The area with islands is 18.3 million km. sq. South America also includes the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, the Chilean Islands and the Galapagos.

Nature and population

There are few lakes in South America. The exception is oxbow lakes and mountain lakes in the Andes. On the same continent is located the largest alpine lake world - Titicaca, in the north there is a large lake-lagoon Maracaibo.

Large areas of the mainland are occupied by humid equatorial and tropical forests And different types woodlands, savannas. But there are no deserts characteristic of and in South America.

In general, there are much more indigenous people - Indians - in South America than in North America. In Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, they even make up about half of the total population.

The population arriving from Europe gradually mixed with the indigenous peoples of the continent. The Spanish and Portuguese conquerors came here without families; they took Indian women as wives. That's when the mestizos began to appear. Now there are almost no “pure” representatives of the European race left; they all have admixtures of Indian or Negro blood.

South America. Climate and nature

Most significant mining education These are the Andes mountains. They stretch along the west of the continent. The nature of South America is as diverse as its length from north to south. Eat high mountains, forests, plains and deserts. The highest point is Mount Aconcagua, the mountain is 6960 m high. The largest rivers in South America:

  • Amazon,
  • Parana,
  • Paraguay
  • Orinoco.

The climate on this continent is subequatorial and tropical, in the south it is subtropical and temperate, and in the Amazon it is equatorial and constantly humid.

Countries of the continent

On modern map On the continent of South America there are 12 independent states. In terms of area and economic power, Brazil remains the undisputed leader. The second largest country by area is Argentina, which is located in the south of the mainland.

Chile occupies a narrow and long territory in this region. This is basically Mountain country, on the territory of which the Andes mountain ranges are located.

In the north of the continent there is Venezuela, as well as the small and little-known states of Guyana and Suriname.

South America is a continent located in Western Hemisphere of our Planet. It is crossed by the Equator line and divides this continent into two parts. One part (largest) – refers to Southern Hemisphere, and the second (smallest) – to the Northern Hemisphere.

The mainland ranks 4th among the continents in terms of its area - 17,840,000 km². On its territory, including adjacent islands, there are 15 states, three of which are dependent. By clicking on the link, you can see a detailed list of South American countries in a table with capitals and characteristics. The population is approximately 400 million people.

In the west, the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the north by the Caribbean Sea, which is the border between North America and South America.

Extreme points of the continent of South America

Northern point - Cape Gallinas is located in Colombia on the Caribbean Sea.

Southern (mainland) point - Cape Froward is located in Chile on the Brunswick Peninsula on the shores of the Strait of Magellan.

Southern (island) point – Diego – Ramirez – the most southern point America and Chile, which consists of a group of islands covering an area of ​​just over one square kilometer.

The western point, Cape Parinhas, is located in Peru.

The eastern point is Cape Cabo Branco, located in Brazil.

Relief of South America

The continent of South America is divided by relief into the Mountain West and the Plain East.

The Atacama Desert is located in Chile and is the driest place on our Earth. There are places in the desert where rain falls once in several decades. The air humidity is the lowest here. The only vegetation found is cacti and acacias.

The western part of the continent consists of mountain system The Andes, stretching across seven states of South America, and the eastern plains. In the North there is the Guiana Plateau, 1930 km long and 300–1000 m high.

In the east of the mainland is the Brazilian Highlands, whose area is about 4 million km2. 95% of Brazil's population lives here. Highest point This highland is a mountain - Bandeira. Its height is 2897 meters. Because of the huge natural diversity The Brazilian Highlands are divided into three parts: the Atlantic, Central and Southern Plateaus.

To the south of the Brazilian Highlands is the Laplata Lowland, on the territory of which states such as Paraguay and Uruguay are located, Northern part Argentina, South part Brazil and southeast Bolivia. The area of ​​the lowland is more than 3 million km2.

The Amazonian lowland is a lowland covering an area of ​​over 5 million km2. It is the largest lowland on our Planet.

South America climate

There are 6 climate zones in South America: North and South subequatorial belt, Equatorial, Tropical, Subtropical and Temperate zones.

The climate of South America in most of its parts is subequatorial and tropical, with clearly defined dry and wet seasons. The equatorial humid climate is characteristic only of the Amazonian lowland. In the south of the continent, a subtropical and temperate climate prevails. Temperatures in the northern plains all year round 20-28 degrees. In the Andes, temperatures decrease with altitude. Even frosts are possible. On the Brazilian plateau, temperatures in winter can drop to 10 degrees, and on the Patagonian plateau to zero degrees.

River systems of South America.

The following river systems are located on the mainland: Parana, Orinoco, Amazon, Paraguay, Uruguay.

The Amazon is the world's largest river by basin area (7,180 thousand km²), formed by merger the Ucayali and Marañon rivers. Considered one of the seven natural wonders Sveta. Brazil belongs most of swimming pool It flows mainly through the Amazonian lowland and flows into Atlantic Ocean.

The Paraná is the second longest river on this continent, flowing in the southern part of the continent. It flows through the territory of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Just like the Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Paraguay is a river that is a right tributary of the Paraná. Divides the Republic of Paraguay into Northern and Southern Paraguay, and also in its southern part is state border between Paraguay and Argentina.

Uruguay is a river originating in Brazil and formed by the confluence of the Canoas and Pelotas rivers. Is the border between Brazil and Uruguay. Her river system is the country's main source of water supply. The country's largest hydroelectric power station is also located here.

The Orinoco is a river that flows through Venezuela and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Its peculiarity is the bifurcation of the river. The Casichiare River separates from it, which flows into the Rio Negro River. This river is home to the white river dolphin or Amazonian and one of the largest - the Orinoco crocodile.

Lakes of South America

Maracaibo (translated as “Land of Mary”) is a large lake with brackish water located in Venezuela. The depth of this lake differs significantly in its southern and northern parts. The northern one is shallow, and the southern one reaches (by different sources) from 50 - 250 meters. This lake is also one of the oldest lakes.

Titicaca (titi - puma, kaka - rock) - the most big lake by reserves fresh water and the second largest city after Maracaibo. More than three hundred rivers flow into this lake. It is navigable. Archaeological research shows that the city of Wanaku is located at the bottom of the lake.

Patos is a lake located on the coast of Brazil. Its length is 280 km and its width is 70 km. It is separated from the ocean by a sand spit 8 km wide. It contains large hydroelectric power stations. Salt, fish and oil are mined here.

Flora of South America

Thanks to the warm climate and a huge number precipitation - the plant world in South America is very diverse. Each climate zone has its own flora. Large area occupy the jungle, which is located in tropical zone. Here grow: chocolate and melon trees - papaya, rubber trees, various palm trees, orchids.

South of the jungle in equatorial forests Deciduous and evergreen plants grow. Here grows a tree called quebracho, which has very durable wood. IN subtropical zone You can find vines and cacti. Further, moving south, there is a steppe zone where feather grass and various grasses grow. Beyond this zone, deserts and semi-deserts begin, where dry shrubs grow.

Fauna of South America

The fauna of the mainland is as diverse as the flora. The tropics are home to monkeys, sloths, jaguar, anteaters, parrots, hummingbirds, toucans and many other animals. The Amazon jungle is home to crocodiles, anacondas, piranhas, the rodent copybara, and river dolphins. Only here you can meet a wild cat - an ocelot, similar to a leopard. The savanna is inhabited by armadillos, peccary pigs, spectacled bears, ostriches, pumas, foxes and maned wolves. The plains area is home to: deer, llamas, and pampas cats. Only in South America can you find deer - pudú, only 30-40 cm high. Huge tortoises live on the Galapagos Islands, which belong to South America.

South America is the fourth largest continent, connected to North America Isthmus of Panama. Due to its relatively small size, most countries on the continent have access to ocean waters. The seas and oceans surrounding South America include the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Caribbean Sea in the north.

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and oldest on globe, its area is 178 million square meters. km. It occupies such an impressive territory that it could easily accommodate all the continents combined.

The endless Pacific Ocean owes its name to the great navigator Feranan Magellan, who was lucky to travel in calm and calm weather. However, this does not mean at all that the Pacific Ocean is distinguished by a gentle disposition - it, like other oceans, is often subject to strong storms and storms.

Despite the fact that the first studies of the Pacific coast of South America were undertaken several centuries ago, this issue was seriously addressed only in the 19th century, and continues to be pursued to this day.

The weather off the coast of South America is most often calm, stable, with little wind. Periodically it gives way to strong warm showers.

Rice. 1. Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean plays a large role in the economy of South American countries. Most of them have been fishing for commercial fish, obtaining crabs, shellfish, and edible types of algae for many years.

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Atlantic Ocean

If you look at the map, you can see that East Coast South America is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In area it is almost half the size of the Pacific Ocean and occupies 92 million square meters. km. His distinctive feature in that it unites the polar zones of the planet.

The Mid-Atlantic line runs through the very center of the ocean. mountain range. Its highest peaks are visible on the surface of the water: various islands of volcanic nature, among which the most famous is Iceland.

Off the coast of South America is the deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean - the famous Puerto Rico Trench, whose depth reaches 8742 m.

Rice. 2. Puerto Rico Trench

In the place where the waters of the Atlantic and the Amazon River meet, the water is characterized by low salinity and turbidity. For this reason, corals do not grow in this part of the ocean, but there are a lot of other representatives of oceanic flora and fauna here.

It is noteworthy that during the times of great geographical discoveries, the Atlantic Ocean was the most important waterway to the shores of South America.

Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean Sea is of great value for the socio-economic development of many countries in South America. Its area is 2 million square meters. km, and on it seabed There are rich oil fields.

The Caribbean coast is also of interest as one of the most luxurious resort areas in the world. Washing the shores of Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and many other countries, the Caribbean Sea is a popular destination for lovers of sea cruises. The local beaches are very picturesque and attract tourists from different corners planets.

The underwater world is incredibly rich and diverse. There are many beautiful coral reefs here, among which colorful tropical fish and amazing marine animals scurry about. Coastal zone The Caribbean Sea is very popular among divers.

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