A minimum iq level is considered normal. What is IQ and how is it measured? What is IQ

Last update: 06/03/2017

There's a lot of talk about IQ tests these days, but many people still don't know what those scores actually mean. What exactly is high level IQ? What about the average? How many points do you need to score to be considered a genius?

IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a score obtained on a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. Formally, it is believed that in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Binet-Simon test, but later it was revised, and the Stanford-Binet test acquired universality.
IQ tests have proven to be very popular not only among psychologists, but also among other specialists, but there is still a lot of debate about what exactly IQ tests measure and how accurate they are.
In order to adequately evaluate and interpret test results, psychometricians use standardization. This process involves conducting a test with representative sample among the population. Each participant takes the test under the same conditions as all other participants in the study group. This process allows psychometricians to establish norms or standards against which individual results can be compared.
When determining the results of a test to determine the level of intelligence development, as a rule, the function is used normal distribution- a bell-shaped curve in which most results are located near or around the average score. For example, the majority of scores (about 68%) on the WAIS III test tend to fall between 85 and 115 points (with an average of 100). The remaining results are less common, which is why the area of ​​the curve on which they are located is directed downward. Very few people (approximately 0.2%) score more than 145 (indicating a very high IQ) or less than 55 (indicating a very low IQ) on the test.
Since GPA is 100, experts can quickly evaluate individual results by comparing them to the average and determining where they fall on the normal distribution scale.

More about IQ scores

In most modern IQ tests, average result is set at 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 points - so that the scores follow a bell curve. This means that 68% of the results fall within one standard deviation from the mean (that is, between 85 and 115 points), and 95% fall within two standard deviations(between 70 and 130 points).
A score of 70 or below is considered low. In the past, this mark was considered an indicator mental retardation and intellectual disability, characterized by significant cognitive impairment. Today, however, IQ test results alone are not used to diagnose intellectual disability. Approximately 2.2% of people score below 70 points.
A score greater than 140 is considered a high IQ. Many people believe that a score of more than 160 points can indicate a person’s genius.
A high IQ is certainly closely related to academic performance, but is it related to success in life at all? Are there people truly more successful than their counterparts with lower IQs? Many experts believe that great influence Other factors may also have an effect, including.
That is, the scores are interpreted as follows.


The concept of intelligence quotient was introduced by the German scientist W. Stern in 1912. He drew attention to serious deficiencies in mental age as an indicator in the Binet scales. Stern proposed using the quotient of division as an indicator of intelligence mental age to chronological. IQ was first used in the 1916 Stanford-Binet intelligence scale.

IN current time Interest in IQ tests has increased exponentially, resulting in the emergence of a wide variety of unreasonable scales. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare the results of different tests and the IQ number itself has lost its informative value.


Each test consists of many various tasks of increasing complexity. Among them test tasks to logical and spatial thinking, as well as tasks of other types. Based on the test results, IQ is calculated. It has been noticed that the more variants of the test a subject passes, the more best results he shows. The best known test is the Eysenck test. More accurate are the tests of D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer, R. B. Cattell. There is currently no single standard for IQ tests.

The tests are divided by age group and show the development of a person corresponding to his age. That is, a 10-year-old child and a university graduate can have the same IQ, because the development of each of them corresponds to its own age group. The Eysenck test is designed for the age group of 18 years and older, and provides a maximum IQ level of 180 points.

It is important to note that most of the tests that can be found on the Internet that claim to measure IQ are developed by incompetent organizations and individuals and usually significantly inflate the results. All studies proving the connection between IQ and intelligence, general ability to problem solving, academic and professional potential and other social consequences, relate to the results of professional IQ tests, such as the Wechsler Test, etc.

What affects IQ


The role of genetics and environment in IQ prediction is considered in Plomin et al.(2001, 2003) . Until recently, heredity was mainly studied in children. Various studies have shown heritability to be between 0.4 and 0.8 in the US, meaning, depending on the study, that between slightly less than half and well over half of the difference in IQ among children observed was due to their genes. The rest depended on the child’s living conditions and measurement error. Heritability between 0.4 and 0.8 suggests that IQ is “significantly” heritable.

Search for hereditary causes of IQ

Research has begun to explore the genetic differences between people with high and low IQs. Thus, the Beijing Genomics Institute is beginning massive GWAS studies of the genomes of people with high mental abilities. . Opening genetic reasons may allow the invention of means to increase IQ. Nations that gain access to such technologies will be able to advance even further in economic, scientific and technological development.


The environment influences brain development. In particular, an unhealthy, restricted diet can reduce the brain's ability to process information. Research 25,446 people Danish National Birth Cohort led to the conclusion that eating fish during pregnancy and breastfeeding an infant increases its IQ.

Also, a study of more than 13 thousand children showed that breastfeeding can increase a child’s intelligence by 7 points.

Health and IQ

Adequate nutrition during childhood is critical for mental development; poor nutrition can reduce IQ. For example, iodine deficiency leads to a decrease in IQ by an average of 12 points. People with higher IQs generally have lower mortality rates and are less likely to suffer from disease.

Age and IQ

Although IQ itself signifies the rarity of intellectual ability in one's age group, mental ability generally peaks at age 26, followed by a slow decline.

The IQ of adults is determined to a much greater extent by genetics, compared to the environment, than the IQ of children. Some children are initially ahead of their peers in IQ, but then their IQ levels out relative to their peers.

Social consequences

Relationship to other tests and exams

There is a study that found a correlation of 0.82 between the general intelligence factor and the SAT score (the Russian equivalent of the exam - the Unified State Exam).

School performance

The American Psychological Association, in its report Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns (1995), notes that across all studies, children with high scores on IQ tests tend to learn more school material than their peers with lower scores. The correlation between IQ scores and grades is about 0.5. IQ tests are one way to select gifted children and create individual (accelerated) educational plans for them.

Labor productivity

According to Frank Schmidt and John Hunter, when hiring applicants without relevant experience, the most successful predictor of future performance is general intellectual abilities. In predicting job performance, IQ has some effectiveness for all jobs studied to date, but this effectiveness varies depending on the type of job. Although IQ is more closely related to thinking abilities rather than motor skills, scores on IQ tests predict performance in all occupations. Taking this into account, for the most skilled activities (research, management) a low IQ with more likely will be a barrier to sufficient performance, while for the least skilled activities, athletic strength (arm strength, speed, endurance and coordination) is more likely to predict performance. Mostly, predictive power IQ is associated with faster acquisition necessary knowledge and workplace skills.

The American Psychological Association, in its report "Intelligence: Known and Unknown," notes that since IQ explains only 29% of the variance in job performance, other personality characteristics, such as interpersonal skills, personality traits, etc., are likely to do the same or great importance, but at the moment there are no tools as reliable for measuring them as IQ tests.


Some studies have shown that intellectual ability and job performance are linearly related, such that higher IQ leads to higher job performance. Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve, found that IQ has a significant impact on a person's income, regardless of the family and social class in which a person grew up.

The American Psychological Association, in its report “Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns” (1995), notes that IQ scores explain about one-quarter of the differences between people in social status and one-sixth of the difference in income.

Achievements in real life

The average IQ of population groups is associated with achievements in real life:

  • PhD 125
  • People with higher education 114
  • Incomplete higher education 105-110
  • Office workers and sales workers 100-105
  • Graduated full school, skilled workers (for example, electricians) 100
  • Students who attended high school but did not graduate 95
  • Semi-skilled workers (e.g. tractor drivers, factory workers) 90-95
  • Completed school without senior classes (8 years) 90
  • Those who have not completed 8 years of school 80-85
  • Having a 50% chance of enrolling in high school 75

Average IQ of different professional groups:

  • Professional and technical workers 112
  • Managers and administrators 104
  • Office workers, sales workers, skilled workers, foremen and foremen 101
  • Semi-skilled workers (machine operators, service workers, including domestic workers; farmers) 92
  • Unskilled workers 87

Type of tasks that can be performed:

  • Adults who can master simple work skills 70
  • Adults who can harvest crops, repair furniture 60
  • Adults who can perform homework, simple carpentry 50
  • Adults who can mow lawns, do laundry 40

There are significant differences within and overlap between these categories. People with high IQs are found at all levels of education and occupational groups. Biggest differences found for individuals with low IQs who rarely graduate from universities or become professionals (IQ less than 90).

IQ and crime

The American Psychological Association, in its report “Intelligence: Known and Unknown,” notes that the correlation between IQ and crime is −0.2 ( feedback). A correlation of 0.20 means that the explained variance in crime is less than 4%. It is important to understand that the cause-and-effect relationship between IQ test scores and social consequences may be indirect. Children with poor school performance may feel alienated and, therefore, they are more likely to commit delinquency compared to children who perform well academically.

In The g Factor (Arthur Jensen, 1998), Arthur Jensen cites data showing that people with IQs between 70 and 90, regardless of race, are more likely to commit crimes than people with IQs below or above that range. with crime peaking at 80-90.

Other IQ effects

The average IQ of a country's population is related to GDP (see) and government efficiency.

Group differences


Most researchers believe that, in general, the average development of intelligence is approximately the same in men and women. At the same time, there is more variation among men: among them there are more both very smart and very stupid; i.e. among people with very high or very low intelligence more men. There is also some difference in severity between men and women various sides intelligence. Until the age of five, these differences do not exist. From the age of five, boys begin to surpass girls in the field of spatial intelligence and manipulation, and girls begin to surpass boys in the field of verbal abilities. Among men, people with high mathematical abilities are much more common. According to the American researcher K. Benbow, among especially gifted people in mathematics, there is only one woman for every 13 men.


Studies among US residents have shown a statistically significant gap between average size IQ of different racial groups.

According to The Bell Curve (1994), the average IQ of African Americans is 85, Hispanics are 89, and whites are ( European descent) - 103, Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Korean origin) - 106, Jews - 113.

This gap can be used as a justification for the so-called. “scientific racism”, but according to some studies (Race_and_intelligence#cite_note-Dickens_.26_Flynn_2006-50) it is gradually declining.

In addition, the average IQ measured by older tests has been increasing over time. As a result of the Flynn effect, the average IQ of African Americans in 1995 matches the average IQ of whites in 1945 (Race_and_intelligence#cite_note-56). Such significant changes that have occurred over several decades cannot be explained by genetic factors.

Influence social factors on IQ is confirmed by studies of orphans. In the United States, children of African descent raised by white adoptive parents have ~10% higher IQs than non-white adoptive parents. In the UK, black boarding school students have higher IQs than whites. (Race_and_intelligence#Uniform_rearing_conditions)


Differences in average IQ between countries have been found. A number of studies have found a connection between a country's average IQ and its economic development, GDP (see, for example, IQ and the wealth of nations), democracy, crime, fertility and atheism. IN developing countries Environmental factors such as poor nutrition and disease likely lower the national average IQ.

IQ and success in science

Some studies have found that dedication and originality play a higher role in achieving success. However, Dr. Eysenck provides a review of IQ measurements (Roe, 1953) of eminent scientists, one level below Nobel laureates. Their average IQ was 166, although some of them scored 177 - maximum result test. Their average spatial IQ was 137, although it might have been higher at younger ages. Their average math IQ was 154 (range 128 to 194).

Criticism of IQ

IQ tests have been repeatedly criticized by scientists. Thus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Vasiliev discovered that in Eysenck’s IQ tests, a significant part of the problems were composed incorrectly or the author’s solutions were incorrect. Here are Vasiliev’s statements on this matter:

I...decided to study the tests without haste, especially since their answers systematically did not coincide with mine in problems from my professional areas: logic and geometry. And I discovered that most of the test author’s decisions were incorrect. And in some cases, the test subject can only guess the answer - it makes no sense to rely on logic.

To this end, it can be noted that IQ test tasks assess not only the abilities of logical, deductive thinking, but also inductive thinking. The rules for performing some IQ tests warn in advance that in some tasks the answers do not follow unambiguously from the task, and you need to choose the most reasonable or simple answer. This corresponds to many real life situations, for which there is no clear answer.

If a person answered the same way as Eysenck, then he thereby only demonstrates the standardization of his thinking, a quick and predictable reaction to a simple stimulus. A slightly less flat person will think a hundred times before answering... There are a myriad of possible solutions to each similar task. The smarter you are, the more likely it is that your decision will not coincide with the author's.
The practical meaning here is only one: the one who gives the “correct” answer on the test will find it easier to fit into the average education system and communicate with people who think the same way as him. In general, Eysenck tests for ideal averageness.

Without the goal of criticizing IQ tests, the Soviet psychologist Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, however, showed in his works that the current IQ of a child says little about his prospects further education and mental development. In this regard, he introduced the concept of “zone of proximal development”.

See also

  • Marilyn vos Savant is the woman who, according to the Guinness Book of Records, has the highest IQ in the world


  1. At the same time, according to the results of some studies, Germans on average have large coefficient IQ than citizens of other countries (unavailable link)
  2. Plomin et al. (2001, 2003)
  3. R. Plomin, N. L. Pedersen, P. Lichtenstein and G. E. McClearn (05 1994). “Variability and stability in cognitive abilities are largely genetic later in life.” Behavior Genetics 24 (3): 207. DOI:10.1007/BF01067188. Retrieved 2006-08-06.
  4. Neisser et al." Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns. Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association (August 7, ). Archived from the original on June 1, 2012. Retrieved August 6, 2006.
  5. Bouchard TJ, Lykken DT, McGue M, Segal NL, Tellegen A (Oct 1990). " ". Science (journal) 250 (4978): 223–8. PMID 2218526.
  6. World Intelligence Network. IQ and genetics
  7. Gosso, M. F. (2006). "The SNAP-25 gene is associated with cognitive ability: evidence from a family-based study in two independent Dutch cohorts." Molecular Psychiatry 11 (9): 878-886. DOI:10.1038/sj.mp.4001868.
  8. Gosso MF, de Geus EJ, van Belzen MJ, Polderman TJ, Heutink P, Boomsma DI, Posthuma D. The SNAP-25 gene is associated with cognitive ability: evidence from a family-based study in two independent Dutch cohorts
  9. http://www.genomics.cn/en/index.php
  10. Information Processing: BGI visit
  11. Information Processing: Supercomputers and the mystery of IQ
  12. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 88, No. 3, 789-796, September 2008 Associations of maternal fish intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding duration with achievement of developmental milestones in early childhood: a study from the Danish National Birth Cohort Emily Oken, Marie Louise Østerdal, Matthew W Gillman, Vibeke K Knudsen, Thorhallur I Halldorsson, Marin Strøm, David C Bellinger, Mijna Hadders-Algra, Kim Fleischer Michaelsen and Sjurdur F Olsen
  13. Breastfeeding and child cognitive development: new… - PubMed result
  14. Svetlana KUZINA. “Intelligence tests are made with errors! "
  15. Vygotsky L.S. “Dynamics of mental development of a schoolchild in connection with learning.”


  • Mensa's free IQ test - Raven's Test of Fluid Intelligence. One of the highest quality free tests (Mensa) (English)
  • World Intelligence Network
  • Gabumba test center (English)
  • Free visual IQ test

People, especially adults, love to measure everything. Measure and count.

First of all, let's find out what the word "IQ" means? IQ ( intelligencequotient) , or IQ is an attempt to calculate a person’s intelligence, to quantify it in comparison with other people.

The concept of IQ first appeared in 1912. It was introduced by the German Wilhelm Stern. Currently, a huge number of IQ tests have proliferated, which to some extent neutralizes the informational value of the obtained value. Single standard There are no IQ tests, however, they all have general principle construction. As a rule, taking several tests gives a more accurate and objective result.

IQ tests were designed so that the results could be described by a normal distribution. In general, IQ describes people's mental state quite objectively. 50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% have an IQ of less than 90, and another 25% have an IQ of more than 110. Let's take a closer look at what iq scores mean.

What do iq test results mean?

For example, if the IQ is less than 70, then the subject can be classified as having mild dementia, while an IQ of more than 145 indicates genius. The average IQ value is 100. What does average IQ mean? This means that a value of 100 marks the peak of the normal distribution of test scores.

Tests usually contain about 40 tasks of increasing difficulty. To pass you will need spatial and logical thinking, ability to compare quantities, arithmetic, creativity, as with .

What affects IQ?

Do you think that IQ is given by nature once and for all? To some extent this is true, but there are a huge number of factors influencing it! This includes heredity, diet, ecology, and methods of education.

The test results, we repeat, are ambiguous. One thing is certain - IQ does not determine fate. What does the IQ test give? Just knowing your IQ score. You can be a successful person with an IQ of less than 60 and a loser with an IQ of more than 130. Or this example. Arnold Schwarzenegger's IQ is 135, Sylvester Stallone's is only 54. And who is cooler is still not clear.

Today we learned what a person’s iq is. Find out your iq score, but don’t make hasty conclusions! And don't forget, a strict teacher and gaps in knowledge can create problems for any student, regardless of IQ level. In such cases, contact , who always guard your reputation.

How to understand how great your mental abilities are? What is your brain's potential and is it difficult to find out? As it turns out, finding answers to these questions became possible thanks to the fact that humanity invented a universal coefficient relatively long ago. What is IQ? This abbreviation is familiar to everyone today, however, if you dig deeper, you will find that most people have a rather vague idea about it. It is well known how many tests there are to find out and calculate your mental abilities.

The emergence of the concept of IQ

It would seem that nothing could be simpler, but as soon as scientists took this topic seriously, many questions and, so to speak, blind spots immediately arose. Why did this happen? There are as many myths and legends on this topic as there are IQ tests. It is generally accepted that the most reliable and accurate test invented by the German scientist Hans Eysenck around the forties. Working in laboratories on his works, he tried to find out whether the size and weight of the brain affects its activity and human mental abilities.

What is IQ? Just logical thinking or something more

He developed a system where the subject must pass a test in the form of several dozen small tests over a certain period. logical problems. It is created in such a way that a person can use his logical thinking most effectively. It is generally accepted that the average or normal figure is one hundred. This is the result that is most common among most of the world's population. According to the test, for talented or highly gifted individuals it is one hundred and twenty and above.
And on the contrary, in the mentally retarded and not so capable people the coefficient ranges from fifty to ninety. It's nice to know that only three percent of the population has this IQ globe. Having understood the indicators and their meaning, you can move on to emerging questions. Not long ago it became known about a little girl whose coefficient after passing the test was one hundred and thirty-five. This caused everyone's surprise, because, according to the test results, the girl smarter than specialists in nuclear physics.

World famous test

What's the catch? Scientists have come to the conclusion that a person’s IQ level mainly depends on brain rhythms, so it is completely normal that a child’s IQ is higher than that of great scientists. And the activity human brain directly depends on the environment and the functioning of the body. Lack of sleep, overwork and stress can significantly reduce your IQ score. Initially, such tests were not available to the public, but were intended only for educational institutions, however, over time, this information appeared on the World Wide Web, and now anyone can find out their capabilities and mental potential.
Today, to take an IQ test, you just need to find it on the Internet and spend about five minutes of your time, which is not particularly difficult. Thousands of people around the world have already completed it and shared their impressions by leaving reviews. IQ tests pleased me most of subjects. As it turned out, many are several indicators higher than their employers and bosses. The subjects took different tests on the “intelligence quotient” and were pleasantly surprised that the answers did not differ, but confirmed each other.

Decoding indicators

In general, people have quite pleasant experience, of course, with the exception of those whose indicators turned out to be below average or mediocre. Some influential scientists are of the opinion that there are many other factors in the world that influence and determine intelligence. Of course, they should also be taken into account. It would be wrong to judge an individual's abilities solely by the results of an IQ test. Day after day people evaluate and, so to speak, test the world around us based on non-verbal aspects of behavior. Even after a short but meaningful conversation, a person on a subconscious level comes to certain conclusions regarding mental abilities interlocutor.
It is noteworthy that for people whose IQ is above average, their first impression of a stranger is rarely wrong. It is difficult to change the established opinion subsequently; this often requires quite convincing arguments and reasons. Long-term research by specialists has confirmed another interesting fact: among relatives, friends and other close people, the IQ level is approximately at the same level and is as similar as possible.

IQ and binary options

Level intellectual development plays an important role for those who participate in binary options. For those who have not encountered such a concept, we can say that this is a certain financial instrument with a predetermined amount of potential profit. Options are attractive because they provide the opportunity to special effort receive an amount that is two or three times greater than your own investment, and in some cases the profit can be one hundred percent.
IQ Option is a modern binary options broker. Trading on them, as is already known, can bring profit or, conversely, loss to the maximum short term. Typically, people with high rate IQ level makes it easier to trade on trading exchanges, because, according to the test, they have more developed logical thinking and other intellectual abilities that are so important in financial matters.

Conflicting data

As was already mentioned at the beginning of the article, this area of ​​science has not been fully explored. It is known that there are a number of gross shortcomings and errors in this system. After all, how else can one explain the fact that Bill Gates’s score was one hundred and sixty, and Muhammad Ali’s was only seventy-eight, which is below average. According to this scheme, the smartest person can be stupid at the same time and vice versa.

It turns out to be a rather paradoxical picture. Based on already existing facts and evidence, everyone decides for themselves whether to trust such tests or not. Of course, how accurately one can determine the level of intelligence directly depends on the test that we use. As for IQ itself, in the modern professional environment this indicator is rarely taken into account when hiring. Rather, the qualifications and professional skills of the person who is trying to get a position are taken into account. Therefore, you should not focus only on this coefficient. Indeed, such a subjective and vague concept as human mind, is quite difficult to evaluate objectively.

There's room for exploration

What is IQ? As you know, the human brain works at only one percent; if all its secrets and features are revealed at least a little over time, this may mean that the greatest mystery in the world - the work of the human mind.

And so, you passed the test and you have a specific result in points. What to do now? Now you need to decipher these IQ testing numbers. To do this, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the following information.

Sum of points up to 50:

You are a calm and balanced person. Perhaps you are on the verge of discovery. There's a lot you don't know at this stage, but you're working hard to get there. You have the potential to gain new knowledge. Although you don’t yet know how to apply it, in the future you will be able to overcome all obstacles and become an independent and active person. We recommend that you read more useful literature. It could be famous classics and unknown science fiction writers. The main thing for you is to find the field of activity you need. Finding yourself in the world is not so easy. But you have already taken the first step. Perhaps the next step will bring you closer to your dream and elevate you much.

Value of results from 50 to 65:

You active person. But at the same time, you are not in too much of a hurry to learn all the delights of the secrets. There is nothing for you that could unsettle you. You gain knowledge and could accumulate more of it, but there is one “but” that slightly hinders you. This is some reluctance to become higher than you are. But this is already passing for you, since the fact that you are now reading these lines is a confirmation of this truth.

Test results from 65 to 85 points:

You inquisitive person. And the point is not even that you want to know everything. The fact is that you constantly find yourself in the center of events. Wherever new information appears, you immediately find yourself in that place. You actively seek new and new sources of knowledge. Even during a period of financial instability, you manage to discover information that does not bring you as much moral satisfaction as financial satisfaction. Many of your friends have no idea what potential you are hiding. And you know that with little effort you can become a great person. And who knows, maybe in time they will write poems about you...

Final result from 85 to 115 points:

You're practically a genius. No, of course there are much smarter people, but you don’t have much time left before them. Some small steps and you are on top! Everything comes easy to you. From your childhood you were different high speed memorization. Your teachers praised you. And even if you didn't know about it. Then know that this was so. It’s just that sometimes you don’t notice your superiority and the unique flexibility of your mind. But you still have something to strive for. In fact, every person has something to strive for. Even the greatest minds doubted their greatness and constantly evolved. Yes it was in stages. Yes, it didn’t happen right away. But you also have plenty of time. Even if you are 95 years old, you have plenty of time to master new information and to discover new facets of the possible and the impossible. Think about it.

Value of results from 115 to 132 points:

You are practically unique. All your actions are confirmed by a clear understanding of everything happening around you. You know everything. What needs to be said where. How to talk to whom and how to attract people. You are not afraid of change. You are always active and ready to protect your interests at any time. You are no stranger to advice from other, smarter and more powerful people. You are like a sponge absorbing all the information. This helps you a lot in resolving some issues. All you need is a little effort and you are practically the god of reason. Don't stop there. You have many discoveries ahead.

(132 is the maximum score in our test!)

Descriptions of values ​​that exist on other services.

Test points from 132 to 165:

Well, what can you say to a highly developed person? Everything works out for you like in a song. By itself. You just have to wish, and the river of knowledge fills your brain. But in the avalanche of information flows, one should not forget about the simple and human. About those who are close to you. But you most likely know this yourself. You are like a magnet for the new and unknown. Like a conqueror of peaks. And every peak you conquer is another step. This is a huge plus for you. But don't stop there. You have great potential.

Sum of points received from 165 to 195:

You were born and spoke easily at 2-3 years old. You knew a lot. Perhaps this knowledge was passed on to you through hereditary lines. No one knows how knowledge is passed on to child prodigies. But you are also an ordinary impressionable person. You are even impressed by the fact that many people are standing far behind you. You don’t understand why you know, but others don’t know. You can be advised to pay attention to self-development from the other side. That is, if you know a lot in the field exact sciences, then lift the curtain of the humanities. This will help you concentrate your energy on self-development. You still have something to strive for.

Points received from 195 to 235:

Many psychologists say that your mind is like a vessel with valuable contents. We cannot say whether this is true. We know one thing: the more you discover for yourself, the more chances you will join the most smart people. Yes, your knowledge base is so high that sometimes it seems to you that there is simply nothing to strive for. But that's not true. You can experience the world from the other side. For every person this reverse side own In simple words, the less familiar you are with any topic, the more you need to study it. Never stop, no matter what.

Test result value from 235 and above:

You are simply a genius. And no wonder. That people are very often afraid of you. An excellent and flexible mind can both attract and repel. But this does not mean that you have already learned everything. You can know the whole world and not learn anything. This phrase is for you to think about. Find something you haven't studied enough. This is true, and even the fact that you are reading these lines now confirms this. Every moment discover something new or find something new in what you have studied. This can be understood by delving into what you think you have already gone through.

Read everything and it will help you understand the small intricacies of testing. After passing the test, you can leave yours.

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