St. shchigry. Municipal indicators

On the spot modern city With 17th century there was a village called Troitskoye near a fortress on a river Shchigor. The fortress was created to protect against raids Crimean Tatars(see Muravsky Way). Stone buildings there was no one in the fortress. TO end of the XVIII century, the fortress completely lost its defensive significance and was razed. The city was administrative center Shchigrovsky district in Kursk province from 1779 to 1928

The village of Trinity received its name from the church located in it (Church of the Life-Giving Trinity), and Shchigry from the Shchigor River. In turn, the name of the river comes from folk term shchigor (plural shchigra) - “forested ridge of narrow inter-beam hillocks.”

However, already To end of the 19th century century, this term practically fell out of use, so many legends were born that “explain” the origin of the name of the river. Some of them were recorded by L. E. Markov. So, for example, according to one legend, the word shchigor comes from a Turkic curse. The Muravsky Way passed through the Shchigor River (which at that time was a stormy and deep river). When the Crimean Tatars crossed this river, they did not mince words. The most common curse word served as the name of the river. According to another legend, in the vicinity of the river lived a terrible and elusive robber, whose name was Shchigor. The river was named after this robber.

Below is the history of the city's development Shchigry.

November 7, 1775 In 2011, a decree of Catherine II was issued “Institution for the management of the provinces of the All-Russian Empire”, according to which Russia was divided into 50 provinces (300-400 thousand people each) with their division into counties (20-30 thousand people each). The borders of the former administrative territories were redrawn, because there were many more provinces and districts.

1779 Shchigrovsky district was formed from the lands of the former Kursk, Livensky and Stary Oskol districts. On this vast territory, the largest settlement was the village of Troitskoye at the fortress on the Shchigor River, which had been abolished by that time. The city of Shchigry was “built” on this site. The number of inhabitants in the newly formed Shchigra was 807 people.

1780 A coat of arms of the city was established with symbols that reflected its historical merits - a gun and a sickle, meaning that “the inhabitants are ancient warriors practicing free time in arable farming, and therefore in this coat of arms, a military weapon is combined with the tools of a careful cultivator.” Similar coats of arms, combining agricultural implements and weapons, were also established for some other district cities of the Kursk governorship (see Bogaty, Stary Oskol, Tim, Fatezh).

1785 The plan for the future city has been approved. According to this plan new city divided into 21 blocks by 8 streets, it was planned to build three temples on three squares. On the plan, the dotted line indicates a fortress on the left bank of the Shchigr, which had already been demolished, since military fortifications to protect against attacks by the Crimean Tatars had been eliminated by that time.

1786 Total number the number of inhabitants reached 1412. There were 233 houses. The buildings were all wooden. There was one Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the city. The area of ​​the city is about 150 dessiatines (approximately 1.64 km²).

1800 A city pond was built (now does not exist).

1801 The stone Holy Trinity Cathedral was built.

1802 The first one opened in Shchigry educational institution- small public school.

1819 A district school and a city parish school were opened, preparing students for the district school.

1845 The population increased to 2,734 people. City Shchigry was a city only in name and status, but in fact was a large village. Most of the buildings were wooden one-story houses under thatched roofs.

1850 On the shore of the city pond there was a community garden, which existed until the end of the 80s of the XIX century.

1865 The Shchigrovskaya Zemstvo Administration was established - executive body zemstvos. The administration was in charge current affairs on urban services (health care, education, improvement). The administration consisted of a chairman, approved by the governor, and members elected by district zemstvo assemblies. Members were elected according to property qualifications.

1874 In Shchigra, local government bodies were created: the city Duma, the city public administration, and the city mayor was elected.

1875 On July 24, the Shchigrovsky City Public Bank of Major N.K. Barkov was opened with a founding capital of 10 thousand rubles. After 25 years, the bank’s turnover amounted to 1 million rubles.

1876 Appeared in Shchigra telephone exchange. The telephone was available to wealthy residents.

1877 The first zemstvo-city “hospital for visitors” with 40 beds and an emergency room was built in Shchigra.

1878 With donations from townspeople, a stone Church of the Ascension and an almshouse for poor parishioners were built in the Old Town.

1883 City Duma member L.N. Popov built a city garden at his own expense. Three years later, in 1886, L.N. Popov transferred the garden and the Vyrdovsky pond, which belonged to him, to the city government.

1888 By 1888, the central streets and Red Square were paved, sidewalks appeared in the city, issue resolved street lighting was resolved even on the outskirts.

1892 IN Shchigry The Shchigrovsky iron foundry and mechanical plant of Shcheglov (now Geomash) was transferred from the village of Snytkino.

1894 The Kursk-Voronezh railway passed through Shchigry. A festival of the same name was organized in Shchigry railway station.

1899 A pro-gymnasium opens in Shchigry. 1905 A girls' gymnasium opens.

1908 A zemstvo library named after E. L. Markov (a writer and well-known zemstvo figure in Shchigra) was opened. Currently this building houses local history museum.

1910 A real school appears in Shchigra. The district school is being transformed into a city school.

TO 1914 year Shchigry acquired the features of a typical county town, with a telephone, telegraph, pharmacy, fire station, hippodrome and city garden. A railroad passed through the city and there was a small mechanical plant. However, the industrial importance of the city was very small.

1921 At the direction of V.I. Lenin and under the leadership of Academician I.M. Gubkin and mining engineer S.A. Bubnov laid the first well of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) 7 km from Shchigry. There is a street named after Shchigrakh. Lazarev, named after academician P.P. Lazarev, the initiator of comprehensive intelligence of the KMA.

1923 On April 7, the first core of the Kurskaya iron ore. Due to the deep occurrence of the ore, the development was moved to other places (in which the cities were created: Gubkin and Zheleznogorsk).

1927 The Shcheglov mechanical plant, nationalized after the revolution, was repurposed and in 1927 produced the first KMA-300 drilling rigs.

1930 A mine based on the Shchigrovsky phosphorite deposit and a plant for their (phosphorite) processing were put into operation.

In the period from 1930 to 1940, pedagogical and land management technical schools, a workers' school, a peasant university, a medical school, and a hospital complex were opened in Shchigra. There was a theater with 500 seats in the House of the Red Army, and summer theaters in the city and railway parks. There were 3 secondary schools.

The population of the city before the Great Patriotic War was about 8 thousand people.


On June 23, 1941, evacuation hospital EG - No. 1929 was deployed in Shchigra on the basis of the district hospital.
In July-August 1941, 283 was formed in Shchigry rifle division. Preparations began for the evacuation of the main enterprises (mechanical plant, metallurgical plant). The evacuation of production was completed in mid-November.
November 21, 1941 Shchigry were occupied Nazi troops.
During the occupation, almost all enterprises and cultural institutions created in the pre-war years were destroyed.
February 4, 1943 Shchigry were liberated by Chernyakhovsky's 60th Army.

Shchigry city was completely restored in the first post-war five-year plans. Highest point Shchigra reached its development in the mid-80s, when full power All enterprises were operating (PO Geomash, Plastpolymer plant, reinforced concrete products plant, SOM plant, brick factory and others), and the population exceeded 24 thousand people.

Since 1991 Shchigry experience the same social and economic difficulties like the whole country. Some enterprises went bankrupt and were plundered, some are not operating at full capacity. The population is decreasing every year.

Shchigry: photo from space (Google Maps)
Shigry: photos from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)
Shigry. Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction.
By hyperlink in the column distance you can get the route (information kindly provided by the AutoTransInfo website)
1 Cheremisinovo23 (23) IN
2 Tim29 (34) SE
3 Kolpna (Oryol region)40 (46) WITH
4 Zolotukhino44 (109) NW
5 Dolgoe (Oryol region)45 (110) NE
6 Manturovo47 (59) Yu
7 Solntsevo51 (89) Yu
8 Kshensky53 (54) IN
9 53 (58) Z
10 Ponyri66 (139) NW
11 66 (195) NW
12 Volovo (Lipetsk region)67 (81) IN
13 Troitsky (Belgorod region)69 (78) SE
14 Pryamitsyno71 (81) Z
15 Pristen72 (111) Yu
16 Medvenka75 (103) SW
17 76 (138) NE
18 77 (108) Z
19 77 (85) SE
20 Pokrovskoye (Oryol region)82 (198) WITH
21 Glazunovka (Oryol region)82 (210) NW
22 Kastornoye83 (91) IN
23 Potted85 (97) SE
24 86 (128) SW
25 88 (102) SE
26 91 (102) Z
27 Prokhorovka (Belgorod region)93 (149) Yu
28 Terbuny (Lipetsk region)97 (128) IN
29 Zmiyovka (Oryol region)97 (229) NW
30 Trosna (Oryol region)102 (149) NW

Brief description

The city is located between the rivers Shchigra and Lesnaya Plata, 61 km northeast of Kursk. Railway station.

Territory (sq. km): 22

Information about the city of Shchigry on the Russian Wikipedia website

Historical sketch

On the site of the modern city from the 17th century. There was a village called Troitskoye on Shchigra. The name of the Trinity village came from the church located in it, and Shchigry from the popular term shchigor “forested ridge of narrow inter-beam hillocks.”

In 1779, the village was transformed into the district town of Shchigry of the Kursk governorate (since 1796 - Kursk province). In 1779, 1.5 thousand people lived in Shchigra.

In 1856, in the district town of Shchigry, Kursk province, there were 2 churches, 388 houses, 135 shops.

At the end of the 19th century. The main occupations of the population were agriculture and pig breeding.

During the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 the city was occupied by Nazi troops on November 21, 1941. Liberated on February 5, 1943 by troops of the Voronezh Front during the Kharkov operation.

Municipal indicators

Indicator 2001
Number of births, per 1000 population7.1
Number of deaths, per 1000 population20.1
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-13
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.1463.6
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.18
Number preschool institutions, pcs.4
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people0.4
Number of daily educational institutions(to the beginning academic year), pcs.4
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people2.6
Number of doctors, people.76
Number of nursing staff, people.310
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.1
Number of hospital beds, thousand units0.3
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.3
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.0.3
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.205
Volume of work performed by type of activity "Construction" (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.24.3
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area1.1
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments10
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.2
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.0.8
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.113.6
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.5568.3
Turnover catering(in actual prices), million rubles.1.9
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.18.8
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.923.9
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.4.5
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.222.5
Investments in fixed capital (in actual prices), million rubles.44.6
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %8

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of subjects Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.


Factories: geological exploration equipment "Geomash"; "Plastpolymer", reinforced concrete products, brick. Butter and meat processing plants.

Main enterprises


JSC "Geomash"
306410, Kursk region, Shchigry, st. Red, 54
Offers: Oilfield equipment, drilling rigs

Culture, science, education

Museum of Local Lore.

Near the city there was the village of Semyonovka, the former estate of N.S. Turgenev - brother of the writer I.S. Turgenev.

In 1990, the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments compiled a list of small historical towns in Russia that require special attention and caring attitude. There are 540 cities on this list. Among them are Shchigry.
The city is located between the Shchigor and Lesnaya Plata rivers, 61 km northeast of Kursk. On the site of the modern city, the village of Troitskoye existed at the fortress on the Shchigor River since the 17th century. The fortress was created to protect against attacks by the Crimean Tatars. There were no stone buildings in the fortress. By the end of the 18th century, the fortress completely lost its defensive significance and was razed. The village of Troitskoye received its name from the church located in it (Church of the Life-Giving Trinity), and Shchigry from the Shchigor River. In turn, the name of the river comes from the term “shigor” - “a forested ridge of narrow inter-beam hillocks.”

On November 7, 1775, a decree of Catherine II was issued, according to which Russia was divided into 50 provinces, subdividing them into counties.

In 1779, Shchigrovsky district was formed from the lands of the former Kursk, Livensky and Stary Oskol districts. On this vast territory, the largest settlement was the village of Troitskoye at the fortress on the Shchigor River, which had been abolished by that time. The city of Shchigry was “built” on this site. The number of inhabitants in the newly formed Shchigra was 807 people.

In 1780, the city’s coat of arms was established with symbols that reflected its historical merits - a gun and a sickle, meaning that “the inhabitants are ancient warriors who practice arable farming in their free time, and therefore in this coat of arms, a military weapon is combined with the tools of a careful cultivator.”

In 1785 approved
A plan for the future city was drawn up. According to this plan, the new city is divided into 21 blocks with 8 streets, and the construction of three churches on three squares was envisaged. On the plan, the dotted line indicates the fortress on the left bank of the Shchigr, which by that time had already been razed.

By 1785 the number of inhabitants reached 1412 people. Houses - 233. The buildings are all wooden. There was one Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the city. There were no factories or factories in the city. The area of ​​the city was about 150 dessiatinas (approximately 1.64 km2).

In 1801, the stone Holy Trinity Cathedral was built.

In 1802, the first educational institution was opened in Shchigra - a small public school; in 1819, a district school and a city parish school were opened, preparing students for the district school.

In 1845 the population increased to 2,734 people. Most of the buildings were wooden one-story houses under thatched roofs.

By 1860, there were 371 houses in Shchigra. There were factories: 3 lard factories, 1 candle-tallow factory, 4 grain factories, 1 rope factory and 2 mead factories. Education was provided by district and parish schools. The population was 4,578 people (2,409 men and 2,169 women).

In 1865, the Shchigrovskaya Zemstvo Council was established - the executive body of the zemstvo.

In 1874, local government bodies were created in Shchigra: the city duma, the city public government, and the mayor was elected.

In 1875, on July 24, the Shchigrovsky City Public Bank of Major N.K. Barkov was opened with a founding capital of 10 thousand rubles. After 25 years, the bank’s turnover amounted to 1 million rubles.

In 1876, a telephone exchange appeared in Shchigra. In 1877, the first zemstvo-city “hospital for visitors” with 40 beds and an emergency room was built.

In 1878, with donations from townspeople, a stone Church of the Ascension and an almshouse for poor parishioners were built in the Old Town.

By 1888, the central streets and Red Square were paved, sidewalks appeared in the city, and the issue of street lighting even on the outskirts was resolved.

In 1892, the Shcheglov Iron Foundry and Mechanical Plant (now Geomash) was transferred to Shchigry from the village of Snytkino.

In 1894, the Kursk-Voronezh railway passed through Shchigry. A railway station of the same name was established in Shchigry.

In 1899 a pro-gymnasium was opened, and in 1905 a women's gymnasium was opened.

In 1908, a zemstvo library named after Evgeniy Lvovich Markov (a famous writer and a well-known zemstvo figure in Shchigra) was opened. Now this building houses a local history museum.

In 1910, a real school appeared in Shchigra. The district school is being transformed into a city school.

In the fall of 1919, a detachment of Major General A. N. Tretyakov occupied the city for a short time.

In 1921, at the direction of V.I. Lenin and under the leadership of academician I.M. Gubkin and mining engineer S.A. Bubnov laid the first well of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) 7 km from Shchigry. There is a street named after Shchigrakh. Lazarev, named after academician P.P. Lazarev, the initiator of comprehensive intelligence of the KMA.

On April 7, 1923, the first core of Kursk iron ore was lifted from a depth of 162 meters. Due to the deep occurrence of the ore, the development was moved to other places (in which the cities were created: Gubkin and Zheleznogorsk).

In 1927, the Shcheglov mechanical plant, nationalized after the revolution, was repurposed and in 1927 produced the first KMA-300 drilling rigs.

In 1930, a mine based on the Shchigrovsky phosphorite deposit and a plant for their processing were put into operation.

In the period from 1930 to 1940, pedagogical and land management technical schools, a workers' school, a peasant university, a medical school, and a hospital complex were opened in Shchigra. There was a theater with 500 seats in the House of the Red Army, and summer theaters in the city and railway parks. There were 3 secondary schools.

The population of the city before the Great Patriotic War was about 8 thousand people.

On June 23, 1941, evacuation hospital EG - No. 1929 was deployed in Shchigra on the basis of the district hospital.

The city was defended by the 6th Infantry Division. In July-August 1941, the 283rd Infantry Division was formed in Shchigra. Preparations began for the evacuation of the main enterprises (mechanical plant, metallurgical plant). The evacuation of production was completed in mid-November.

During the occupation, almost all enterprises and cultural institutions created in the pre-war years were destroyed.

On February 4, 1943, Shchigry was liberated by Chernyakhovsky's 60th Army (including the 132nd Rifle Division).

The city of Shchigry was completely restored in the first post-war five-year plans. Shchigry reached its highest point of development in the mid-1980s, when all enterprises (PO Geomash, Plastpolymer plant, reinforced concrete products plant, SOM plant, brick factory and others) were operating at full capacity, and the population exceeded 21 thousand people .

In 1801, the stone Holy Trinity Cathedral was built. And in 1802, the first educational institution was opened in Shchigry - a small public school.
By 1914, Shchigry acquired the features of a typical county town, with a telephone, telegraph, pharmacy, fire station, hippodrome and city garden. A railroad passed through the city and there was a small mechanical plant. However, the industrial importance of the city was very small.

In 1921, at the direction of V.I. Lenin and under the leadership of academician I.M. Gubkin and mining engineer S.A. Bubnov laid the first well of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) 7 km from Shchigry. In Shchigry there is a street named after. Lazarev, named after academician P.P. Lazarev, the initiator of comprehensive intelligence of the KMA.

On June 23, 1941, an evacuation hospital was established in Shchigra on the basis of the district hospital. In July-August 1941, the 283rd Infantry Division was formed in Shchigra. Preparations began for the evacuation of the main enterprises (mechanical plant, metallurgical plant). The evacuation of production was completed in mid-November. On November 21, 1941, Shchigry was occupied by Nazi troops. During the occupation, almost all enterprises and cultural institutions created in the pre-war years were destroyed. On February 4, 1943, Shchigry was liberated by Chernyakhovsky’s 60th Army. The city of Shchigry was completely restored in the first post-war five-year plans. Shchigry reached its highest point of development in the mid-1980s, when all enterprises were operating at full capacity (PO Geomash, the Plastpolymer plant, the reinforced concrete products plant, the SOM plant, the brick plant and others), and the population exceeded 21 thousand people.

The end of the 20th century brought many upheavals to the life of the city, which was due to the general socio-economic and political situation in the country. Some enterprises went bankrupt, others did not operate at full capacity.

The beginning of the 21st century was marked by the revival of the city. The growth rate of small and medium-sized businesses began to pick up, which made it possible to significantly reduce the unemployment rate. Businesses that have survived the global economic downturn are going strong.

The cultural life of the city is also undergoing transformation. During this period, several monuments were erected and a chapel was built. Various cultural, entertainment and educational events are held. Many efforts are being made to improve the city.

Shchigry has enormous human potential; many young and talented specialists live here. After all, we should not forget that Shchigry is the homeland of the Russian and Soviet biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov; famous designer of medium-range missiles Invincible Sergei Pavlovich.

Postal codes

306530, 306531, 306532

Vehicle code OKATO code


The city got its name from the Shchigor River. In turn, the name of the river comes from the folk term shchigor (plural) shchigers ) - “forested ridge of narrow inter-beam hillocks”.

Legends about the origin of the name

XVIII century

19th century

In 1801, the stone Holy Trinity Church was built.

In 1802, the first educational institution was opened in Shchigra - a small public school; in 1819, a district school and a city parish school were opened, preparing students for the district school.

In 1845 the population increased to 2,734 people. Most of the buildings were wooden one-story houses under thatched roofs.

By 1860, there were 371 houses in Shchigra. There were factories: 3 lard factories, 1 candle-tallow factory, 4 grain factories, 1 rope factory and 2 mead factories. Education was provided by district and parish schools. The population was 4,578 people (2,409 men and 2,169 women).

In 1865, the Shchigrovskaya Zemstvo Council was established - the executive body of the zemstvo.

In 1874, local government bodies were created in Shchigra: the city duma, the city public government, and the mayor was elected.

In 1875, on July 24, the Shchigrovsky City Public Bank of Major N.K. Barkov was opened with a founding capital of 10 thousand rubles. After 25 years, the bank’s turnover amounted to 1 million rubles.

In 1876, a telephone exchange appeared in Shchigra. In 1877, the first zemstvo-city “hospital for visitors” with 40 beds and an emergency room was built.

In 1878, with donations from townspeople, a stone Church of the Ascension and an almshouse for poor parishioners were built in the Old Town.

By 1888, the central streets and Red Square were paved, sidewalks appeared in the city, and the issue of street lighting even on the outskirts was resolved.

In 1892, the Shcheglov Iron Foundry and Mechanical Plant (now Geomash) was transferred to Shchigry from the village of Snytkino.

In 1894, the Kursk-Voronezh railway passed through Shchigry. A railway station of the same name was established in Shchigry.

XX century

In 1908, a zemstvo library named after Evgeniy Lvovich Markov (a famous writer and a well-known zemstvo figure in Shchigra) was opened. Now this building houses a local history museum.

In 1910, a real school appeared in Shchigra. The district school is being transformed into a city school.

By 1914, Shchigry acquired the features of a typical county town, with a telephone, telegraph, pharmacy, fire station, hippodrome and city garden. A railroad passed through the city and there was a small mechanical plant. However, the industrial importance of the city was very small.

In the fall of 1919, Major General N. A. Tretyakov’s detachment occupied the city for a short time.

On April 7, 1923, the first core of Kursk iron ore was lifted from a depth of 162 meters. Due to the deep occurrence of the ore, the development was moved to other places (in which the cities were created: Gubkin and Zheleznogorsk).

On January 14 - 21, 1942, during the Kursk-Oboyan operation (January 3 - 26, 1942), fierce battles took place east of the city, during which the 87th Guards Rifle Division of the 40th Army unsuccessfully tried to liberate the city.

During the occupation, almost all enterprises and cultural institutions created in the pre-war years were destroyed.

The city of Shchigry was completely restored in the first post-war five-year plans.

In 1962, at school No. 2, history teacher Alexandra Nikolaevna Ivitskaya created the “Search” club. Collected documents, photographs, letters, books, things and other exhibits, as well as memories of relatives, teachers and fellow villagers served as the basis for the creation of a museum of military glory, which was opened in November 1967. The museum had sections: “History of the city and district”, “Establishment Soviet power", "Years civil war", "The Great Patriotic War". Guides were prepared. The museum was visited by students from city and district schools, teachers and pioneer leaders, tourists from other regions, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. A. N. Ivitskaya was awarded the title of Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR in 1971. In 1977, based on materials collected for the museum of military glory, with the help of the regional museum of local lore, the Shchigrovsky museum of local lore was created, which operates to the present day.

Shchigry reached its highest point of development in the mid-1980s, when all enterprises (PO Geomash, Plastpolymer plant, reinforced concrete products plant, SOM plant, brick plant and others) were operating at full capacity, and the population exceeded 21 thousand people .

Since 1991, the Shchigry have experienced social and economic difficulties. Some enterprises have gone bankrupt, others are not operating at full capacity. The population is declining.


1779 1785 1845 1856 1859 1897 1913 1926 1931 1939 1959 1970
807 ↗ 1412 ↗ 2734 ↗ 3700 ↗ 4578 ↗ 6061 ↗ 7200 ↘ 4400 ↗ 7700 ↘ 7600 ↗ 11 405 ↗ 17 133
1979 1989 1992 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007
↗ 20 572 ↗ 21 187 ↗ 21 400 ↘ 21 200 ↘ 20 900 ↘ 20 600 ↘ 20 500 ↘ 19 582 ↗ 19 600 ↘ 18 900 ↘ 18 500 ↘ 17 945
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
↘ 17 900 ↘ 17 693 ↘ 17 040 ↘ 17 000 ↘ 16 664 ↘ 16 416 ↘ 16 227 ↘ 15 963 ↘ 15 678

As of January 1, 2016, the city ranked 774th out of 1,112 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.

Culture and education

There is a local history museum in Shchigry. IN high school No. 2 there is a cosmonautics museum. There are 4 libraries in the city (district, city, children's, a branch of the city library in the Aurora cultural center), three cultural centers, four high schools, medical college, Shchigrovsky branch of OBPOU "Sovetsky" socially-agrarian technical school named after V. M. Klykov", children's art school, home of pioneers and schoolchildren.


  • geological exploration equipment plant "Geomash" (oil field equipment, drilling rigs)
  • the Truboplast plant and the production of Rezipol floor coverings operating on the basis of the plant
  • reinforced concrete products plant (went bankrupt and was plundered)
  • brick factory
  • butter factory
  • meat processing plant "LLC Shchigry-myaso"
  • bakery plant
  • PJSC MTS is a cable TV operator in the city of Shchigry (successor of TVK and K LLC since 2012).
  • bakery


Railway connection

Through Shchigry There is a single-track diesel locomotive line Kursk - Kastornoye of the Oryol-Kursk branch of the Moscow Railway. There are two railway stops within the city:

  • Shchigry station - trains stop at the station long distance and local trains
  • Fertilizer station - suburban train service

Bus service

  • Kursk - Shchigry
  • Kursk - Kolpny
  • Kursk - Livny
  • Shchigry - Bryansk

City public transport

There are 3 bus routes in Shchigry:

  • MSO - Plastic Plant
  • MSO - Center - Snytkino
  • MCO - Old town- Center

Intracity transportation is carried out along the specified routes by JSC Shchigryavtotrans and private carriers (route taxis)

Notable natives and residents

Born in the city:

  • Burtseva, Taisiya Nikolaevna - Soviet opera singer, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, professor.
  • Buchinskaya, Elena Vladislavovna ( English) - Polish actress, director, playwright, daughter of writer N. A. Teffi.
  • Esipov, Valery Vyacheslavovich - Soviet and Russian football player
  • Ivanov, Ilya Ivanovich - Russian and Soviet biologist
  • Studnitsky, Ippolit Vladimirovich - Russian naval officer, polar explorer.
  • Fedulov, Alexander Mikhailovich - Deputy State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation of the third convocation.

Notable residents:


    Shchigry administrative building.jpg

    City administration building

    Lenin bust in Shchigry.jpg

    Monument to Lenin central square

    Shchigry Chapel 1.jpg

    Chapel on Victory Square

    Monument to Shchigrovites who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya

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    Monument to mass grave in the Fosrudnik area

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  1. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the union republics on January 1, 1980 / Compiled by V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M.: Publishing house “Izvestia Sovetov” people's deputies USSR", 1980. - 702 p.- P. 157.
  3. Yashchenko A. I. Toponymy Kursk region. - Kursk, 1958.
  4. Prokhorov V. A. Inscription on the map. - Voronezh: Central-Chernozemnoe book. publishing house, 1977
  5. *Larionov S. I.
  6. *
  7. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  8. Directory "Liberation of Cities: A Guide to the Liberation of Cities during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." M. L. Dudarenko, Yu. G. Perechnev, V. T. Eliseev and others. M.: Voenizdat, 1985. 598 p.
  9. Red Army website.
  10. State Archives Kursk region (GAKO). F.R-4006. Op.3. D.2393. L.48-49
  11. State Archive of the Kursk Region (GAKO). F.R-214. Op.1.D.908. L.18)
  12. Larionov S. I.. - Moscow: Ponomarev’s free printing house, 1786. - P. 156-159. - 191 p.
  13. Archival data (Shchigrovsky Museum of Local Lore)
  14. . Retrieved June 1, 2014. .
  15. . - Kursk: Provincial Statistical Committee, 1860. - 363 p.
  16. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  17. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  18. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  19. . .
  20. . .
  21. . Retrieved January 2, 2014. .
  22. . Retrieved January 31, 2014. .
  23. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
  24. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
  25. . Retrieved August 2, 2014. .
  26. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
  27. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  28. - weekly magazine “For Each Other” No. 19 (605) dated May 9, 2006


  • Richter D.I.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Shchigrovskaya newspaper “District Bulletin” No. 45-46 June 4, 2004
  • // Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. - P. 528. - 559 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85270-026-6.


Chapter Zhitnyak Igor Nikolaevich History and geography Founded XVIII century Former names until 1779 - Troitskoye village
City with 1779 Square 21 km² Center height 204 m Time zone UTC+3 Population Population ↘ 15,292 people (2018) Density 728.19 people/km² Names of residents Shchigrovtsy, Shchigrovets Digital IDs Dialing code +7 47145 Postal codes 306530, 306531, 306532 OKATO code 38 415 OKTMO code 38 715 000 001

The city has been in existence since 1779 and is included in the List of Historical Cities of Russia.


The city got its name from the Shchigor River. In turn, the name of the river comes from the folk term shchigor (plural) shchigers ) - “forested ridge of narrow inter-beam hillocks.”

Legends about the origin of the name

By the end of the 19th century the term Shchigor has practically fallen out of use, so many legends have been born that “explain” the origin of the name of the river. Some of these legends were recorded by L. E. Markov:

  • According to one legend, the word shchigor comes from a Turkic curse, which was used by the Crimean Tatars when crossing the Shchigor, which during the existence of the Muravsky Way was a stormy and deep river.
  • According to another legend, in the vicinity of the river lived a terrible and elusive robber, whose name was Shchigor; The river was named after him.


Fortress on Shchigra. Model-reconstruction of the Shchigrovsky Museum of Local Lore

Plan of the city of Shchigry (1782)

Development plan for the city of Shchigry (1785)

Fortress on the Shchigor River

On the site of the modern city, a village existed since the 17th century Trinity, which received its name from the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity located in it, at fortresses on the Shchigor River. The fortress was created to protect against attacks by the Crimean Tatars and was one of the rear fortresses in case of a breakthrough of the Belgorod line. There were no stone buildings in the fortress. By the end of the 18th century, the fortress completely lost its defensive significance and was razed.

From October 20 (Old Style) 1721 to September 1 (Old Style) 1917 as part of the Russian Empire.

XVIII century

In 1779, Shchigrovsky district was formed from the lands of the former Kursk, Livensky and Stary Oskol districts. The village of Troitskoye at the fortress on the Shchigor River received the status of a district town Shchigry. The number of inhabitants in the newly formed Shchigra was 807 people.

In 1780, the city’s coat of arms was established with symbols that reflected its historical merits - a gun and a sickle, meaning that “the inhabitants are ancient warriors who practice arable farming in their free time, and therefore in this coat of arms, a military weapon is combined with the tools of a careful cultivator.”

In 1785, a plan for the future city was approved. According to this plan, the new city was to be divided into 21 blocks with 8 streets; At the same time, the construction of three temples on three squares was envisaged. On the plan, the dotted line indicates the fortress on the left bank of the Shchigr, which by that time had already been razed.

By 1785 the number of inhabitants reached 1412 people. Houses - 233. The buildings are all wooden. There was one Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the city. There were no factories or factories in the city. The area of ​​the city was about 150 dessiatines (approximately 1.64 km²).

19th century

Holy Trinity Church

In 1801, the stone Holy Trinity Church was built.

In 1802, the first educational institution was opened in Shchigra - a small public school; in 1819, a district school and a city parish school were opened, preparing students for the district school.

In 1845 the population increased to 2,734 people. Most of the buildings were wooden one-story houses under thatched roofs.

By 1860, there were 371 houses in Shchigra. There were factories: 3 lard factories, 1 candle-tallow factory, 4 grain factories, 1 rope factory and 2 mead factories. Education was provided by district and parish schools. The population was 4,578 people (2,409 men and 2,169 women).

In 1865, the Shchigrovskaya Zemstvo Council was established - the executive body of the zemstvo.

In 1874, local government bodies were created in Shchigra: the city duma, the city public government, and the mayor was elected.

In 1875, on July 24, the Shchigrovsky City Public Bank of Major N.K. Barkov was opened with a founding capital of 10 thousand rubles. After 25 years, the bank’s turnover amounted to 1 million rubles.

In 1876, a telephone exchange appeared in Shchigra. In 1877, the first zemstvo-city “hospital for visitors” with 40 beds and an emergency room was built.

In 1878, with donations from townspeople, a stone Church of the Ascension and an almshouse for poor parishioners were built in the Old Town.

By 1888, the central streets and Red Square were paved, sidewalks appeared in the city, and the issue of street lighting even on the outskirts was resolved.

In 1892, the Shcheglov Iron Foundry and Mechanical Plant (now Geomash) was transferred to Shchigry from the village of Snytkino.

In 1894, the railway passed through Shchigry. A railway station of the same name was established in Shchigry.

In 1899 a pro-gymnasium was opened, and in 1905 a women's gymnasium was opened.

XX century

Monument to the discoverers of the KMA on the central square of the city of Shchigry

Eternal flame and monument to those killed on Victory Square

In 1908, a zemstvo library named after Evgeniy Lvovich Markov (a famous writer and a well-known zemstvo figure in Shchigra) was opened. Now this building houses a local history museum.

In 1910, a real school appeared in Shchigra. The district school is being transformed into a city school.

By 1914, Shchigry acquired the features of a typical county town, with a telephone, telegraph, pharmacy, fire station, hippodrome and city garden. A railroad passed through the city and there was a small mechanical plant. However, the industrial importance of the city was very small.

From September 1 (old style) to October 25 (old style) 1917 as part of Russian Republic. Then the Russian Civil War of 1918-1923 began.

In the fall of 1919, Major General N. A. Tretyakov’s detachment occupied the city for a short time.

In 1921, on the instructions of V.I. Lenin and under the leadership of academician I.M. Gubkin and mining engineer S.A. Bubnov laid the first well of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) 7 km from Shchigry. In Shchigry there is a street named after. Lazarev, named after academician P.P. Lazarev, the initiator of comprehensive intelligence of the KMA.

Since December 1922, as part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

On April 7, 1923, the first core of Kursk iron ore was lifted from a depth of 162 meters. Due to the deep occurrence of the ore, the development was moved to other places (in which cities were created: Zheleznogorsk).

In 1927, the Shcheglov mechanical plant, nationalized after the revolution, was repurposed and in 1927 produced the first KMA-300 drilling rigs.

In 1930, a mine based on the Shchigrovsky phosphorite deposit and a plant for their processing were put into operation.

In the period from 1930 to 1940, pedagogical and land management technical schools, a workers' school, a peasant university, a medical school, and a hospital complex were opened in Shchigra. There was a theater with 500 seats in the House of the Red Army, and summer theaters in the city and railway parks. There were 3 secondary schools.

The population of the city before the Great Patriotic War was about 8 thousand people.

On June 23, 1941, evacuation hospital EG - No. 1929 was deployed in Shchigra on the basis of the district hospital.

The city was defended by the 6th Infantry Division. In July-August 1941, the 283rd Infantry Division was formed in Shchigra. Preparations began for the evacuation of the main enterprises (mechanical plant, metallurgical plant). The evacuation of production was completed in mid-November.

On January 14 - 21, 1942, during the Kursk-Oboyan operation (January 3 - 26, 1942), fierce battles took place east of the city, during which the 87th Guards Rifle Division of the 40th Army unsuccessfully tried to liberate the city.

During the occupation, almost all enterprises and cultural institutions created in the pre-war years were destroyed.

On February 4 (February 5), 1943, Shchigry was liberated from Nazi German troops Soviet troops of the Voronezh Front during the Kharkov offensive operation 2.02.-3.03.1943:

  • 60th Army (General Chernyakhovsky) consisting of: 132nd Infantry Division (Colonel Shkrylev, Timofey Kalinovich), units of the 121st Infantry Division (Colonel Bushin, Mikhail Alekseevich).

The city of Shchigry was completely restored in the first post-war five-year plans.

In 1962, at school No. 2, history teacher Alexandra Nikolaevna Ivitskaya created the “Search” club. The collected documents, photographs, letters, books, things and other exhibits, as well as the memories of relatives, teachers and fellow villagers, served as the basis for the creation of a museum of military glory, which was opened in November 1967. The museum had sections: “History of the city and district”, “Establishment of Soviet power”, “Years of the Civil War”, “Great Patriotic War”. Guides were prepared. The museum was visited by students from city and district schools, teachers and pioneer leaders, tourists from other regions, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. A. N. Ivitskaya was awarded the title of Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR in 1971. In 1977, based on materials collected for the museum of military glory, with the help of the regional museum of local lore, the Shchigrovsky museum of local lore was created, which operates to the present day.

Shchigry reached its highest point of development in the mid-1980s, when all enterprises (PO Geomash, Plastpolymer plant, reinforced concrete products plant, SOM plant, brick factory and others) were operating at full capacity, and the population exceeded 21 thousand people .

Since 1991, the Shchigry have experienced social and economic difficulties. Some enterprises have gone bankrupt, others are not operating at full capacity. The population is declining.


1779 1785 1845 1856 1859 1897 1913 1926 1931 1939 1959 1970
807 ↗ 1412 ↗ 2734 ↗ 3700 ↗ 4578 ↗ 6061 ↗ 7200 ↘ 4400 ↗ 7700 ↘ 7639 ↗ 11 405 ↗ 17 133
1979 1989 1992 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007
↗ 20 572 ↗ 21 187 ↗ 21 400 ↘ 21 200 ↘ 20 900 ↘ 20 600 ↘ 20 500 ↘ 19 582 ↗ 19 600 ↘ 18 900 ↘ 18 500 ↘ 17 945
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
↘ 17 900 ↘ 17 693 ↘ 17 040 ↘ 17 000 ↘ 16 664 ↘ 16 416 ↘ 16 227 ↘ 15 963 ↘ 15 678 ↘ 15 540 ↘ 15 292

As of January 1, 2018, the city ranked 784th out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.

Culture and education

Shchigrovsky Museum of Local Lore


  • There is a local history museum in Shchigry.
  • There is a cosmonautics museum in secondary school No. 2.


  • "Kindergarten "Teremok"
  • "Kindergarten "Sun"
  • "Kindergarten "Rodnichok"
  • "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"
  • "Kindergarten "Smile"


  • "Average secondary school №2
  • "Secondary school No. 3
  • "Secondary school No. 4
  • "Secondary school No. 5

Vocational education

  • Shchigrovsky branch of OBPOU "Soviet Social-Agrarian College named after V.M. Klykov"
  • Shchigrovsky branch of OBPOU "Kursk Basic Medical College"

Additional education

  • Municipal government agency additional education"House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren"
  • Municipal treasury educational institution additional education "Shchigrovskaya children's art school"
  • Municipal government institution of additional education "Children and Youth sports school» Shchigry
  • Municipal government institution of the supplementary system teacher education"Municipal Methodological Center for Additional Pedagogical Education in Shchigry"


Religious organizations

  • The "Shchigrovskaya Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" operates on the territory of the city. Ruling bishop - Bishop Paisiy of Shchigrovsky and Manturovo
  • Shchigrov Orthodox Brotherhood in the name of the Holy Trinity Spiritual mentor fraternities - Metropolitan Zinovy

Orthodox churches and chapels

Churches of other denominations

  • Church of Evangelical Christians - Baptists


Operating enterprises

  • JSC Geomash (oil field equipment, drilling rigs)
  • LLC "Rezipol" (production of floor coverings)
  • Shchigrovsky brick factory (production of red brick. On the verge of bankruptcy)
  • LLC "Veronica" (repair and construction work)
  • LLC "GLOBALTRADE" (meat processing plant)
  • JSC "Shchigrovsky KHP" (bread products plant)
  • PJSC MTS provider home internet and cable TV in the city of Shchigry (successor of TVK and K LLC since 2012).
  • Shchigrovsky branch of JSC Project Fresh bread"(partially stopped functioning, does not produce bread)
  • LLC "Shchigrovskaya Feather and Down Factory"
  • Branch of OJSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Kursk in the city of Shchigry
  • JSC "Shchigryavtotrans"
  • Shchigrovsky consumer society
  • OJSC CenterTelecom Kursk branch Shchigrovsky operation area
  • LLC "Shchigrovsky Utility Networks"
  • CJSC "Tander" ( trading network Magnet)
  • LLC "Shchigrovskoye RSU" (construction of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • Federal retail chain "Pyaterochka"

Enterprises that have ceased to exist

  • Truboplast plant (buildings destroyed, equipment sold)
  • reinforced concrete products plant (went bankrupt and was plundered)
  • butter factory (in at the moment does not produce products)

Territorial bodies of federal executive authorities

  • State Administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the city of Shchigry and the Shchigry district of the Kursk region
  • Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 8 for the Kursk Region
  • Branch for the city of Shchigry and the Shchigrovsky district of the Federal Internal Affairs Committee for the Kursk region
  • Shchigrovskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office
  • OSP Shchigrovsky post office of the Federal Post Office of the Kursk region, a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"
  • FFGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" in the Kursk region in the Shchigrovsky, Cheremisinovsky and Timsky districts
  • Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Kursk Region in the Shchigrovsky, Cheremisinovsky, Sovetsky, Timsky, Kastorensky, Gorshechensky districts
  • Kursk branch of FSUE "Rostekhinventarizatsiya"
  • Branch Federal Security Service of Russia in the Kursk region in the city of Shchigry
  • Branch for the Shchigrovsky district of the Federal Public Institution "Criminal Executive Inspectorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Kursk Region"
  • OSP for the Shchigrovsky district of the Kursk region UFSSP
  • Shchigrovsky interdistrict department of the Rosreestr Office for the Kursk region
  • MO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shchigrovsky"
  • Department of the Military Commissariat of the Kursk Region for the city of Shchigry and Shchigry District

Social objects

  • Regional educational institution "Shchigrovskaya central district hospital"
  • OBUSSOKO "Shchigrovsky boarding school"
  • OBUSO "Shchigrovsky MKTSSON"
  • MBU "City House of Culture"
  • MBU Palace of Culture "Aurora"
  • MKUK "Shchigrovskaya City Library"
  • MBU "Park of Culture and Recreation of Shchigry"
  • Municipal government institution "Economic and operational unit" of Shchigry, Kursk region
  • Municipal government institution "Unified duty dispatch service" in the city of Shchigry, Kursk region
  • MUP "Rassvet"
  • Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Favorite City"


Railway station Shchigry

Bus station in Shchigry

Railway connection

A single-track diesel locomotive line passes through Shchigry - Kastornoye of the Oryol-Kursk branch of the Moscow railway. There are two railway stops within the city:

  • Shchigry station - long-distance and commuter trains stop at the station
  • Fertilizer station - suburban train service

Bus service

There is a bus station in Shchigry, which provides both suburban (intra-district) transportation and intercity bus transportation.

Constant intercity bus service is carried out along the following routes:

  • - Shigry
  • Kursk -
  • Kursk -
  • Shchigry -

City public transport

There are 3 bus routes in Shchigry:

  • MSO - Plastic Plant
  • MSO - Center - Snytkino
  • MSO - Old Town - Center

Intracity transportation is carried out along the specified routes by JSC Shchigryavtotrans and private carriers (route taxis)

Twin Cities



  1. Estimated population of the Kursk region as of January 1, 2018
  2. USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the union republics on January 1, 1980 / Comp. V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M.: Izvestia, 1980. - 702 p.- P. 157.
  3. Charter of the city of Shchigry
  4. Yashchenko A.I. Toponymy of the Kursk region. - Kursk, 1958.
  5. Prokhorov V. A. Inscription on the map. - Voronezh: Central-Chernozemnoe book. publishing house, 1977
  6. *Larionov S. I.
  7. *
  8. 283rd Rifle Division
  9. Directory "Liberation of Cities: A Guide to the Liberation of Cities during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." M. L. Dudarenko, Yu. G. Perechnev, V. T. Eliseev and others. M.: Voenizdat, 1985. 598 p.
  10. Red Army website.
  11. State Archive of the Kursk Region (GAKO). F.R-4006. Op.3. D.2393. L.48-49
  12. State Archive of the Kursk Region (GAKO). F.R-214. Op.1.D.908. L.18)
  13. Larionov S. I. Briefly collected description of the Kursk governorship from ancient and new various news about it. - Moscow: Ponomarev’s free printing house, 1786. - P. 156-159. - 191 p.
  14. Archival data (Shchigrovsky Museum of Local Lore)
  15. People's encyclopedia "My City". Shigry. Retrieved June 1, 2014. Archived June 1, 2014.
  16. Memorial book of the Kursk province for 1860. - Kursk: Provincial Statistical Committee, 1860. - 363 p.
  17. All-Union Population Census of 1939. The size of the urban population of the USSR by urban settlements and intra-city areas. Retrieved November 30, 2013. Archived November 30, 2013.
  18. All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived April 28, 2013.
  19. All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived April 28, 2013.
  20. All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived April 28, 2013.
  21. All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  22. All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements- regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more. Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  23. The permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and regions as of January 1, 2009. Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived January 2, 2014.
  24. All-Russian population census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population of the Kursk region. Retrieved January 31, 2014. Archived January 31, 2014.
  25. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012. Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived May 31, 2014.
  26. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal service state statistics Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived November 16, 2013.
  27. Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014. Retrieved August 2, 2014. Archived August 2, 2014.
  28. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015. Retrieved August 6, 2015. Archived August 6, 2015.
  29. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  30. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017 (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2017. Archived July 31, 2017.
  31. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  32. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Table “21. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2018" (RAR archive (1.0 Mb)). Federal State Statistics Service.
  33. Shchigrovites keep Gagarin’s globe - weekly “For Each Other” No. 19 (605) dated May 9, 2006
  34. Unise.Ru | Kursk | Shchigry
  35. Information on the implementation by districts of the Kursk region in 2008 of measures to strengthen sister-city ties between the Kursk region and the regions of Ukraine in the field of state-church relations, approved by the Governor of the Kursk region A. N. Mikhailov on April 6, 2006 (unavailable link)(.doc)


  • Richter D.I. Shchigry // Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Shchigrovskaya newspaper “District Bulletin” No. 45-46 June 4, 2004
  • Shchigry // Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. - M.: Bolshaya Russian encyclopedia, 1994. - P. 528. - 559 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85270-026-6.


  • Official website municipality"City of Shchigry"
  • Shigirs in the folk encyclopedia “My City”
  • Unofficial website of the city of Shchigry
  • History of the city's coat of arms
  • Shchigrovsky workshops of the Holy Trinity Brotherhood
  • Geomash plant: history of development

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