I love my city translation into English. How can you tell a good story about your city in English? Text translation - My hometown

Essay about hometown English. There is a translation of the text into Russian. Take this text as a model when writing your own story about your city.


I was born in Donetsk and it is my native town. It was founded in 1869 and it was called Uzovka. First it was a small mining settlement but in the upper part of the River Kalmius it had rich stores of coal, and very quickly it grew into a huge mining and industrial centre.

I should say that Donetsk is rich in coal and iron ore. People soon discovered it and in 1866 there appeared first iron workshops. In 1869 John Uze, the London manager, arrived and settled on the banks of the River Kalmius. He was invited by the government, his aim was to develop the rich deposits. John Uze was a good specialist, he built a blacksmith’s workshop, which grew into the future Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1899 there was built a plant producing mining equipment. Today we know it as Donetsk Machine Building Plant.

In 1924 this settlement became a city and was named Stalino. In 1932 it became the capital of Donbass. During World War II the most part of the city was destroyed.

In 1961 the city was called Donetsk. As it was the city with rich deposits its population grew up.

Today we know Donetsk as an administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural center There are many industrial enterprises, construction associations and different organizations. Its scientific achievements are known all over Ukraine and even abroad. The educational establishments are famous for the excellent quality of education. Everybody knows Donetsk Medical University, or Donetsk National Technical University. Today there are many other colleges, institutes, universities, where study students not only from Ukraine but also from foreign states. There are line theaters in the city. There is also the Philarmony, a circus, a planetarium, a great number of Palaces of Culture, many museums, libraries, clubs and cinemas.

The main street of Donetsk is Artyoma Street. The streets are long and beautiful. They are always in motion, sometimes even happen traffic jams.

I would like to tell you that I like my town. I know every corner of it. Wherever I go I am always glad to come back to my native town. For me there is no other place in the world where I can feel like home.

QUESTIONS - Questions to the text

  1. When was Donetsk founded?
  2. What was its first name?
  3. What was Donetsk rich in?
  4. Who developed the city’s rich deposits?
  5. When was the city named Stalino?
  6. What is there in Donetsk today?
  7. Is it a cultural city? Why do you think so?

VOCABULARY - Dictionary for the text

  • settlement - settlement
  • workshop - workshop
  • blacksmith's workshop - forge
  • to destroy - destroy
  • enterprise - enterprise
  • achievement - achievement
  • a traffic jam - traffic jam (on the road)

Text translation - My hometown

I was born in Donetsk and this is my hometown. It was founded in 1869 and was called Yuzovka. At first it was a small mining settlement, but in the upper part of the Kalmius River there were rich coal deposits, and so the settlement quickly grew into a large coal and industrial center.

It must be said that Donetsk is rich in coal and iron ore. People soon discovered this, and in 1866 the first metallurgical workshops appeared. In 1869, London manager John Hughes came and settled on the banks of the Kalmius River. He was invited by the government, his task was to develop the deposits. Yuz was good specialist, he built a forge, which grew into the future Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1899, a plant producing mining equipment was built. Today we know it as the Donetsk Machine-Building Plant.

In 1924, this settlement became a city and was named Stalino. In 1932, the city became the capital of Donbass. During World War II, most of the city was destroyed.

In 1961 the city was named Donetsk. Since it was a city with rich resources, its population grew rapidly.

Today we know Donetsk as an administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural center. There are many industrial enterprises, design associations and different organizations. His scientific achievements are known throughout Ukraine and even abroad. The educational institutions are renowned for their excellent teaching quality. Everyone knows Donetsk medical university and Donetsk National Technical University. Today there are many other colleges, institutes, and universities in the city, where not only students from Ukraine, but also from foreign countries study. There are three theaters in Donetsk, there is also a philharmonic society, a planetarium, huge amount Palaces of culture, many museums, libraries, clubs and cinemas.

The main street of Donetsk is street named after. Artem. The streets are long and beautiful. They are always on the move, sometimes there are even traffic jams.

I would like to say that I like my city. I know every corner of it. Wherever I go, I always happily return to my hometown. For me, there is no other place on earth where I would feel at home.

I live in St. Petersburg. It is my hometown, the place where I was born. St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful and amazing cities in the world.

It was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. One can only imagine how rich its history is. For a long time St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia. Nowadays it is the second largest city in Russia and the third largest city in Europe, with the population of more than 5 million people (2015).

St. Petersburg is an important economic, scientific and cultural center of the country. A lot of enterprises and international companies are located here. Tourism also plays a great role in the economic development of the city. St. Petersburg is not only beloved by Russian citizens, it is the place which foreigners will never forget.

St. Petersburg is a major transport hub. The city has an extensive network of public transport with buses, trams and underground. St. Petersburg is served by Pulkovo International Airport which is located on the outskirts of the city. Apart from that there there are some seaports.

Everyone knows that St. Petersburg is usually referred to as the cultural capital of Russia. It is the city of great monuments, historical museums and other sites which belong to the World Heritage. Among them there is the Hermitage, the Mariinsky Theatre, Kazan Cathedral, the Peterhof Grand Palace, Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, the Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood and many others.

The city is the place where a lot of festivals and celebrations are held. It is a unique city with its own ingenious atmosphere.

I live in St. Petersburg. This is my hometown, the place where I was born. St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful and delightful cities in the world.

It was founded in 1703 by Peter I. One can only imagine how rich its history is. For a long time, St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia. Today, it is the second largest city in Russia and the third largest in Europe with a population of over 5 million people (2015).

St. Petersburg is an important economic, scientific and cultural center of the country. Many industrial enterprises and international companies are located here. Tourism also plays a role important role V economic development cities. St. Petersburg is loved not only by Russians, it is a city that no foreign guest will forget.

St. Petersburg is an important transport hub. The city has an extensive network public transport with buses, trams and metro. St. Petersburg is served International airport Pulkovo, located on the outskirts of the city. In addition, there are several ports.

Everyone knows that St. Petersburg is usually called the cultural capital of Russia. This is a city of great monuments, historical museums and other attractions that are part of the world heritage. Among them are the Hermitage, Mariinsky Theater, Kazan Cathedral, Peterhof, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and others.

The city is hosting large number festivals and other celebrations. This is a unique city with its own unique atmosphere.

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Today we will learn how tell about your city in English. This topic may not seem very important, but it is not. In any language, you must, first of all, be able to introduce yourself to others, create a mini-story about your occupation, home and location. The latter is often associated with the city where the speaker has the pleasure of living.

What do you need to know to talk about the city in English?







fire station

fire department

pet shop

pet store






butcher shop











shoe shop

shoe store



clothes shop

clothing store

hardware store

computer store










petrol station

gas station



car park





grocery store





police station

police station






An example of how to talk about a city in English

Let's look at a small example of how you can tell about the city in English.


I live in Moscow and it is an exciting city. This place is full of energy and quite motivating for achieving any goals. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living here. Let's start with the positive points. There are a lot of sights and you may admire them every weekend. The city impresses by its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are a lot of shop centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms, etc. In other words, you have all you might need for a quality life here. However, such life is not cheap. As any other mega polis, Moscow offers a variety of opportunities for development but you need to be active to get at least one of them.

Traffic jams at rush hour is a big problem. Very often people spend more than 1-2 hours to get to work and back home. This also affects the environment. But what to do? We need to choose between a calm place with ideal nature and a busy fast-developing city. I seem to choose the second one and have never regretted.


I live in Moscow and it is an impressive city. This place is filled with energy and it motivates you to achieve any goals. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to living here. Let's start with positive points. There are many attractions and you can admire them every weekend. The city impresses with its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are many shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms and so on. In other words, you have everything you need to live a quality life here. However, such a life is not cheap. Like many other megacities, Moscow offers a variety of development opportunities, but you need to be active to get at least one of them. Back

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    In the process of getting to know each other, one way or another, there comes a moment when the interlocutors, having finished with pleasantries, talk about what worries them.

    The British are then concerned about a person’s origins, namely, where he is from, what country he is from, and even from what city. Therefore, before traveling abroad, it would be a good idea to remember the basic phrases that will help you write a description of the city in English. right moment. If this topic is necessary only for writing an essay, it doesn’t matter. The logic for constructing the description remains the same in both cases.

    • A beautiful introduction is half the success

    In the case of school essay The more beautiful and flowery the introduction is, the higher the chances of success. To do this, you can use both and quotes from famous writers about the house. The most famous - “An Englishman’s home is his castle”. You can use others, for example: “There’s no place like home”, “East or West – home is best”. In live communication this is all unnecessary. You can and should start with the most banal introductory words “Well”, “And so...” and so on. Considering that beautiful turns of phrase are highly valued by the British, one can say something sublime, for example, “Ever since I was a child I’ve thought that my town is the best place on Earth. It is the birthplace of many famous people and is a true cultural center of our region”– “Since childhood, I thought that my city was the most best place on the ground. Many famous people were born here, and our city is a real cultural center.”

    • Description: simple and tasteful

    As with any storytelling, we start by voicing our own opinions. It's obvious that you love your city, but it's worth saying. The more personal assessment in the story, the better. Personal assessment will give your judgment more weight in the eyes of the interlocutor. A description of a city in English is a kind of presentation, so be sure to mention famous people who lived or worked in your city. Don't remember any? It’s okay, limit yourself to a general phrase about the many poets who created and continue to create in the city. For example:

    “I like my town and I think it’s quite natural. In my opinion, everyone loves his place just because it gave him the best hours in life – hours with his family. I am not an exception as you see. My town is not very big, but a lot of famous people lived and worked there. Among them there are local poets and actors” – “I love my city and I think it’s natural. It seems to me that everyone loves their home first of all because they spent their time there best watch– hours with family. As you can see, I am no exception. My city is small, but many people lived and worked in it famous people. Among them are many local actors and poets.”

    • Don't go overboard with details!

    When describing the city, do not overdo it with embellishment. It will be enough to say about the size of the city, about its characteristic features and attractions. In some cases, it is possible and necessary to point out that the city is quite old, with its own history and traditions.

    “My town is not very special but it has its own traditions and a long history. It was built 200 years ago and is named after ……. We have many flowers and fountains in the center of the town. The streets are wide and clean. You can see a lot of shops there. There’s also an old house where……lived and worked” – “My city is the most ordinary, but has its own long history and traditions. It was built 200 years ago and named after...... The city center has many trees and fountains, its streets are wide and clean. There are also many shops in the city. Among the attractions we can highlight the old house, where... lived and worked."

    Thus, by connecting all the parts together, you will receive a coherent description of the city in English, into which you only need to substitute your data.

    Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

    Today we will learn how tell about your city in English. This topic may not seem very important, but it is not. In any language, you must, first of all, be able to introduce yourself to others, create a mini-story about your occupation, home and location. The latter is often associated with the city where the speaker has the pleasure of living.

    What do you need to know to talk about the city in English?







    fire station

    fire department

    pet shop

    pet store






    butcher shop











    shoe shop

    shoe store



    clothes shop

    clothing store

    hardware store

    computer store










    petrol station

    gas station



    car park





    grocery store





    police station

    police station






    An example of how to talk about a city in English

    Let's look at a small example of how you can tell about the city in English.


    I live in Moscow and it is an exciting city. This place is full of energy and quite motivating for achieving any goals. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living here. Let's start with the positive points. There are a lot of sights and you may admire them every weekend. The city impresses by its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are a lot of shop centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms, etc. In other words, you have all you might need for a quality life here. However, such life is not cheap. As any other mega polis, Moscow offers a variety of opportunities for development but you need to be active to get at least one of them.

    Traffic jams at rush hour is a big problem. Very often people spend more than 1-2 hours to get to work and back home. This also affects the environment. But what to do? We need to choose between a calm place with ideal nature and a busy fast-developing city. I seem to choose the second one and have never regretted.


    I live in Moscow and it is an impressive city. This place is filled with energy and it motivates you to achieve any goals. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to living here. Let's start with the positives. There are many attractions and you can admire them every weekend. The city impresses with its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are many shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms and so on. In other words, you have everything you need to live a quality life here. However, such a life is not cheap. Like many other megacities, Moscow offers a variety of development opportunities, but you need to be active to get at least one of them. Back

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