I left my home - story of creation. Analysis of Yesenin's poem I left my home

The work of Sergei Yesenin, uniquely bright and deep, has now firmly entered our literature and enjoys great success among numerous readers. The poet's poems are full of heartfelt warmth and sincerity, passionate love for the boundless expanses of his native fields, the “inexhaustible sadness” of which he was able to convey so emotionally and so loudly.

Sergey Yesenin
"I left home...»

I left my home
Rus' left the blue one.
Three-star birch forest above the pond
The old mother feels sadness.

Golden frog moon
Spread out on calm water.
Like apple blossom, gray hair
There was a spill in my father's beard.

I won't be back soon, not soon!
The blizzard will sing and ring for a long time.
Guards blue Rus'
Old maple on one leg.

And I know there is joy in it
To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,
Because that old maple
The head looks like me.

read by R. Kleiner

Rafael Aleksandrovich Kleiner (born June 1, 1939, village of Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian theater director, People's Artist of Russia (1995).
From 1967 to 1970 he was an actor at the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater.

Yesenin Sergei Alexandrovich (1895-1925)

Yesenin! Golden name. Murdered youth. Genius of the Russian land! None of the Poets who came into this world had such spiritual strength, enchanting, omnipotent, soul-grabbing childish openness, moral purity, deep pain-love for the Fatherland! So many tears were shed over his poems, so many human souls sympathized and empathized with every Yesenin line, that if it were counted, Yesenin’s poetry would outweigh any and much more! But this method of assessment is not available to earthlings. Although from Parnassus one could see that the people have never loved anyone so much! With Yesenin’s poems they went into battle in the Patriotic War, for his poems they went to Solovki, his poetry excited souls like no other... Only the Lord knows about this holy love of the people for their son. Yesenin’s portrait is squeezed into wall family photo frames, placed on the shrine along with icons...
And not a single Poet in Russia has ever been exterminated or banned with such frenzy and tenacity as Yesenin! And they banned, and kept silent, and belittled, and threw mud at us - and they are still doing this. It is impossible to understand why?
Time has shown: the higher Poetry is in its secret lordship, the more embittered the envious losers are, and the more imitators there are.
Another great one God's gift Yesenin - read his poems as uniquely as he created them. They sounded like that in his soul! All that remained was to say it. Everyone was shocked by his reading. Please note, great Poets have always been able to read their poems uniquely and by heart - Pushkin and Lermontov... Blok and Gumilyov... Yesenin and Klyuev... Tsvetaeva and Mandelstam... So, young gentlemen, a poet mumbling his lines on a piece of paper from the stage is not a Poet, but an amateur... A poet may not be able to do many things in his life, but not this!
The last poem“Goodbye, my friend, goodbye...” is another secret of the Poet. In the same year, 1925, there are other lines: “You don’t know that life in the world is worth living!”

Yes, in the deserted city alleys, not only stray dogs, “lesser brothers,” but also big enemies listened to Yesenin’s light gait.
We must know the real truth and not forget how childishly his golden head was thrown back... And again his last wheeze is heard:

“My dears, good ones...”

The work of Sergei Yesenin, uniquely bright and deep, has now firmly entered our literature and enjoys great success among numerous readers. The poet's poems are full of heartfelt warmth and sincerity, passionate love for the boundless expanses of his native fields, the “inexhaustible sadness” of which he was able to convey so emotionally and so loudly.

Sergey Yesenin
"I left my home..."

I left my home
Rus' left the blue one.
Three-star birch forest above the pond
The old mother feels sadness.

Golden frog moon
Spread out on the calm water.
Like apple blossom, gray hair
There was a spill in my father's beard.

I won't be back soon, not soon!
The blizzard will sing and ring for a long time.
Guards blue Rus'
Old maple on one leg.

And I know there is joy in it
To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,
Because that old maple
The head looks like me.

The most significant works of Yesenin, which brought him fame as one of best poets, created in the 1920s. Like everyone great poet Yesenin is not a thoughtless singer of his feelings and experiences, but a poet and philosopher. Like all poetry, his lyrics are philosophical. Philosophical lyrics- these are poems in which the poet talks about eternal problems human existence, conducts a poetic dialogue with man, nature, earth, and the Universe. An example of the complete interpenetration of nature and man is the poem “Green Hairstyle” (1918). One develops in two planes: the birch tree - the girl. The reader will never know who this poem is about - a birch tree or a girl. Because the person here is likened to a tree - the beauty of the Russian forest, and she is like a person. The birch tree in Russian poetry is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and youth; she is bright and chaste. The poetry of nature and the mythology of the ancient Slavs permeate such poems of 1918 as “Silver Road...”, “Songs, songs, what are you shouting about?”, “I left my home...”, “Golden leaves swirled...” etc.
Yesenin's poetry of the last, most tragic years (1922 - 1925) is marked by a desire for a harmonious worldview. Most often, in the lyrics one can feel a deep understanding of oneself and the Universe (“I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry...”, “The golden grove dissuaded...”, “Now we are leaving little by little...”, etc.)
The poem of values ​​in Yesenin’s poetry is one and indivisible; everything in it is interconnected, everything forms a single picture of the “beloved homeland” in all the variety of its shades. This is the highest ideal of the poet.
The poem “Anna Snegina” (1915) became in many ways the final work, in which the poet’s personal fate was interpreted with the fate of the people.

Having passed away at the age of 30, Yesenin left us a wonderful poetic legacy, and as long as the earth lives, Yesenin the poet is destined to live with us and “sing with all his being in the poet the sixth part of the earth with the short name “Rus”.

Sergei Yesenin’s poem “I Left My Home” was written in 1918. His idea arose during a period when the poet was separated from his family and his small homeland. You are invited brief analysis“I left my home” according to plan. It will be useful when studying the work in a literature lesson in 8th grade.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the poem was created in 1918, when the poet left the village in which he was born and raised, it reflected the consequences of the move: sadness for the past, the poet’s experiences.

Subject- the verse reflects a theme that runs through Yesenin’s lyrics - love for the small Motherland, longing for it.

Composition- linear, four successive parts can be distinguished: memories of mother, father, sadness that the separation will not end soon and a comparison of the poet himself with the maple tree, which “guards blue Rus'”, so beloved by Yesenin.

Genre- the work belongs to the genre of lyric poem.

Poetic size- the work consists of four stanzas, which are quatrains written in anapest (three-syllable meter with emphasis on last syllable), exact and inaccurate, masculine rhyme is used, the method of rhyming is cross ABAB.

Metaphors- “the birch tree above the pond is warm... sadness”, “The moon spread out like a golden frog...”, “father’s gray hair ran through his beard”.

Personifications“sing for a long time and the blizzard rings”, “An old maple tree on one leg guards blue Rus'”.

Epithets“blue Rus'”, “Golden frog”, “on still waters.”

Comparison- “Like an apple blossom, gray hair.”

History of creation

The poem was written by a young poet in 1918, when he left his native village, leaving behind everything that was dear to him. Longing for the small Motherland resulted in the lines: “I left my native home, I left blue Rus'.” This work well reflects the general picture of all the pre-revolutionary lyrics of Yesenin, who loves home country, worries about her fate, misses her native place. The poem was published at the height of the poet’s fame, because just four years ago it was unknown to the general public.


The theme of the poem “I Left My Home” is homeland, longing for places familiar from childhood, attachment to home and family. The poet remembers the area in which he lived, vividly describes it: “Birch forest with three stars above the pond”, “The moon is like a golden frog”. This description clearly paints us images of beautiful “blue” Rus' with its amazingly beautiful nature, the house abandoned by the poet, parents grieving over their son and visibly aging: “The old mother’s sadness warms her,” “...the gray hair of the father has flowed through his beard.” The poet’s homeland is a birch forest, a yellow moon reflected in the water, an apple blossom, and a maple tree that “guards blue Rus'.”


It is impossible to single out any plot and its development in the work, but the poet is consistent in his description. So, in the first stanza he tells the reader that he said goodbye to his home and remembers his mother. In the second stanza, Yesenin talks about his father. In the third part, he worries that he will not see his family again soon, since the blizzard will still “sing and ring” for a long time. The poem ends with a description of the image of a maple tree, which lyrical hero appears to be the guardian of Rus', the home of the poet. Yesenin associates himself with this with him: “that old maple tree’s head looks like me.” The author does not return to what has already been mentioned, so the composition can be called linear.


“I left my home” represents lyric poem. The verse consists of four stanzas of four lines each (quatrain). The poet uses different types rhymes: exact (house - pond, water - beard), inaccurate (Rus - sadness, in it - maple), masculine - the emphasis always falls on the last syllable: house, Rus', pond, sadness, moon, water and so on. The rhyme is cross, the first and third, second and fourth lines rhyme.

Means of expression

The poem is written using various artistic means, thanks to which the reader imagines a colorful picture described by the poet.

Yesenin uses a lot metaphors: “the birch tree above the pond is warm... sadness”, “The moon has spread out like a golden frog...”, “gray hair has flowed through my father’s beard.” In addition, there are also personifications: “the blizzard will sing and ring for a long time”, “The old maple on one leg is guarding blue Rus'”, comparison: “Like an apple blossom, gray hair.”

Diverse epithets, used by the author: “blue Rus'”, “Golden frog”, “on still water”.

The method that is characteristic of Yesenin as a poet seems interesting. He associates himself with nature. IN in this case- with a tree: “...that old maple tree’s head looks like me.” This technique not only reflects the poet’s attachment and inseparability from nature, the Russian land, and homeland, but also paints us an image of the poet himself. At the same time, he seems old, has experienced a lot, it is difficult to imagine that this poem was written by a 23-year-old man.

After receiving his diploma, Sergei Yesenin refuses the opportunity to become a teacher in his native rural school and decides to leave for Moscow in search of a new life. Only now, the author was completely unaware that he was seeing his native land for the last time.

Over time, everything will change dramatically. Moscow life and work at the newspaper did not give him the opportunity to visit his parents, who remained in the village. After the revolution, the situation changed dramatically and the layout of life in the village changed quite a lot. Therefore, in 1918, the author created the poetic work “I left my birthplace...”. It is thoroughly saturated with sadness and sadness that tore Yesenin’s soul apart.

In the lines of the poem, Yesenin writes about how quickly you can lose your childhood dream, how easily your country makes you an outcast. In the first lines, the author writes about how he left his favorite places in his homeland, how he left “blue” Rus'. In fact, the poet lived in Russia all this time. These lines tell the reader that the author will no longer see his former native land. Everything around him had changed so much that even Yesenin’s parents, in his opinion, looked completely different.

He still managed to visit the village where he was born and studied. His father turned gray from old age, and his mother was sad even when they met, because bad thoughts the fate of her son could not leave her mind. Such a visit finally destroyed all the author’s childhood dreams of the bright and beautiful land in which he lived. Now he clearly understood that he would not return here soon.

About five years have passed since Yesenin stopped by Konstantinovo again. Not only places have changed, but also people. There was no place for the famous and talented poet. Events after the revolution radically changed the life of his native village. The author could not even imagine that the revolution would sweep through his homeland, his native land, in such large-scale steps.

In the poem we are introduced to the image of an old maple tree. Sergei Yesenin compares himself with this plant. After all, he, like the tree itself, stands on defense old Russia. She was filled with sincerity, humanity, she had accumulated centuries-old traditions and customs that collapsed in an instant. Now the country is filled with anger, all around civil war. It is so painful for Yesenin to watch all the events taking place. After all, the old people, kind and conscientious, will no longer exist.

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